1. Common name: None
2. Historic name: Fabretti House
3. Street or rural address: 14669 Big Basin Way
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070 County: Santa Clara
4. Parcel number: 503 -25 -016
5. Present Owner: J. & A. Fitzsimmons Address: 13480 Saratoga Ave.
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070
Ownership is: Public: Private: X
6. Present Use: Residence /commercial Original Use: Residence /commercial
7a. Architectural style: Pioneer Cottage
7b. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or
structure and describe any major alterations from its original
This early Saratoga Pioneer cottage has a creek rock wall, topped by a
redwood picket fence, along the street frontage. The house front is
entirely obscured by a trellis covered by primrose jasmine. Over the
years the structure has been added to in stages at the rear. The house
is one -story and is constructed of redwood with wide horizontal beveled
board siding. The sash are wood and double hung.
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8. Construction date:
Factual: 1881
Architect: Unknown
Builder: Unknown
Approx. prop. size
Frontage: 99'
Depth: 324.28'
approx. acreage
Date(s) of enclosed
photograph(s): 1988
13. Condition: Excellent: Good: Fair: X Deteriorated:
No longer in existence:
14. Alterations: Rear additions.
15. Surroundings: (Check more than one if necessary)
Open land: Scattered buildings: Densely built -up: X
Residential: X Industrial: Commercial: X Other:
16. Threats to site: None known: X Private development: Zoning:
Vandalism: Public Works project: Other:
17. Is the structure: On its original site? X Moved? Unknown?
18. Related features: Rental cottages at rear
19. Briefly state historical and /or architectural importance (include dates,
events, and persons associated with the site).
This property was sold in 1869 from Hannah McCarty to Thomas Jones who,
in turn sold it to Isaac Thompson. Mr. Thompson lost the property
through foreclosure to the San Jose Savings Bank; they sold it to
Antonio Fabretti in 1881. When Fabretti died in 1890, his wife Maria,
and three children inherited the property. The family was well known
in Saratoga for a number of years. Son (or grandson) Joseph became a
successful stock broker in San Jose and built a home in Saratoga on
Saratoga Avenue. The location of this structure strongly supports
conjecture that it was a watering stop for stock as they hauled the
lumber wagons up and down Big Basin Way. It is an excellent example of
a pioneer cottage, and adds to the historic ambiance of the Saratoga
20. Main theme of the historic resource:
(If more than one is checked, number
in order of importance.)
Architecture: X Arts /Leisure:
Economic /Industrial:
Exploration /Settlement:
Government: Military:
Religion: Social /Ed.:
21. Sources (List books, documents,
surveys, personal interviews and
their dates).
Notes from B. Voester, 1986;
Santa Clara County Heritage Resource
Inventory, 1975 and 1979.
22. Date form prepared: 4/88
By (name): SHPC
Organization: City of Saratoga
Address: 13777 Fruitvale Ave.
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070
Phone: 867 -3438
Locational sketch map (draw and label site and
surrounding streets, roads, and prominent landmarks):