1. Common name: Wurtsbaugh Building
2. Historic name: Hanchette House
3. Street or rural address: 14524 Oak Street
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070
4. Parcel number: 517 -10 -004
5. Present owner: Dina Hirschfeld
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070
Ownership is: Public:
6. Present use: Apartments
7a. Architectural type: Shingle
County: Santa Clara
Address: 14524 Oak Street
Private: X
Original use: Single - family dwelling
7b. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or
structure and describe any major alterations from its. original
This is a 2 -1/2 story wood - shingled residence with a steeply pitched
center gable roof. The structure has had numerous alterations, most of
which occurred 45 years ago when it was converted from a residence to
apartments. There is an exterior wooden stairway on the southwest side
of the building which extends from the ground to a second floor landing,
from which another stairway extends to the third floor, the original
attic. There are two gabled additions to either side of the redwood
shingle. The windows on the second floor are double sash and the front
of the house is completely covered with vines. There are several large
trees on the property.
S. Construction date
Estimated: 1900
(PHOTO) 9. Architect: Unknown
10. Builder: Schneller
11. Approx. prop. size (ft):
Approx. acreage: 1.0
Page 2
12. Date(s) of enclosed photo -
13. Condition: Excellent: Good: X Fair:
No longer in existence:
14. Alterations: Substantial alterations to second floor and attic
15. Surroundings: (check more than one if necessary)
Open land: Scattered buildings: Densely built -up: X
Residential: X Industrial: Commercial: Other:
16. Threats to site: None known: X Private development:
Zoning: Vandalism: Public Works project: Other:
17. Is the structure: On its original site? X Moved? Unknown?
18. Related features: Two -car garage to rear
19. Briefly state historical and /or architectural importance (include dates,
events, and persons associated with the site).
The original owner of this building was Mr. Schneller (or Scheller) who
built it circa 1900. The Hanchette family lived in the house for many
years. It was acquired by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurtsbaugh in the 1940's
and coverted to apartment use. The present owner is a daughter of the
20. Main theme of the historic resource:
(If more than one is checked, number
in order of importance).
Architecture: Arts /Leisure:
Economic /Industrial:
Exploration /Settlement: X
Government: Military:
Religion: Social /Ed:
21. Sources (List books, documents,
surveys, personal interviews and
their dates): Interviews with Mrs.
Wurtsbaugh, 1984 and present owner,
22. Date form prepared: 4/89
By (name): R. Cameron
Organization: HPC
Address: 13777 Fruitvale Avenue
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070
Phone: 867 -3438
Location Shatch Map
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