HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 22 11 Youth Commission MinutesCity of Saratoga
Youth Commission
DATE: Tuesday, November 22, 2011
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Warner Hutton House
13777 Fruitvale Avenue
Saratoga, CA 95070
Call to Order 7:08 PM
Roll Call: Chang (late), Chien, Fariba, Finch, Khare, R. Pandya, Smit h, Sreedhara, Tang, Zaidi.
Report on Posting of the Agenda: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, this
meet ing was properly posted on November 17, 2011.
Accept Agenda Items: No addit ional items may be added pursuant to Government Code Section
Oral & Written Communication: Any member of the public may address the Commissio n
about any matter not on the agenda for this meeting for up three minutes. Commissioners
may not comment on the matter, but may choose to place the topic on a future agenda.
I. New Business
a. Update on Status of Youth Commission
i. open spot
ii. filled by January
b. SHS Key Club
i. looking for youth project/vo lunteer opportunit ies to get invo lved in the
communit y
1. cit y cleaning
2. WOW
3. Steve Wozniak
4. Other ideas?
i. local broadcasting station
1. want to broadcast meet ings
2. will train teenager to work with cameras
3. post on Facebook
II. Old Business
i. Sweatshirt Status
1. Sweatshirts are here!
ii. Past Events
1. 49er Lecture @ Lynbrook (Pandya)
a. huge success
i. 200 people
2. Grand Reopening …Joe’s Trail
a. good turnout
i. 50 people
ii. Cit y Council members
3. Coffeehouse @ Library (Chien, Zaidi)
a. good turnout
i. 140 people
ii. different acts (guitar, magician, jokes)
iii. Coffee House article with photos
1. draft written
2. change intro mention that teens have a
place to go
iii. Informational Pamphlet (Pandya, Tang, Finch)
1. Update
a. About us (Somya)
b. Goals (Ruchi Done)
c. Past (Kait lin)
2. Also add?:
a. How to Apply? Interested in being a commissio ner?
b. Meet ing dates & times (2 nd Tuesday of every mo nth)
3. Ready by the next meet ing?
a. include more in contact us
b. print out by next meeting wit h corrections
iv. WOW update (Fariba, Finch, Zaidi)
1. Revise email to new Saratoga Elementary Principal (Ms. Ales)
a. email sent
2. Suggest meet ing date before next YC meet ing?
a. meet before Christ mas break after school
v. YAC Attack (Everyone)
1. Saturday, March 3,2012 in Santa Clara
2. Tshirt Contest
3. Lead a workshop –agree on a topic
a. Teen Issues Debate
i. Co llege Affirmative Action
1. racial preference, sports,
2. Supreme Court case, UCs top
9%, etc.
ii. Freedom o f Speech: Where is the line drawn?
1. Silence the Slur
2. Monta Vista suicidal issues
3. Huckleberry Finn
4. Facebook: badmouthing teachers
5. Phone confiscat ion
ii. Occupy mo vement?
iii. Oil Co mpanies
vi. Project Cornerstone (Finch, Smit h, Chang, Sreedhara)
a. Next step—set up appoint ment with Redwood Principal (Green).
i. meet by Christ mas break
b. Create an Email
i. email drafted
1. include a few ideas
ii. Propose ideas
1. Youth Bill o f Rights
2. Create a way to engage students (how?)
a. An event ?
b. Communit y Service?
c. Bring a Cit y Council member?
d. Create a homeroom communit y service
competit ion
e. Other ideas?
vi. TFBA
1. Teen Friendly Business Award Update
a. Kia’s proposal
i. Kickoff the competit ion between two businesses
1. Coffee Grinds (Jane) 20% discount
2. Yolatea (Anu) 10% off yogurt/crepes fro m
46 pm
i. go to places and decide next meet ing
ii. Once pamphlet is created, go back out to the
“Maybe” businesses.
i. Rose Market (Kait lin)
ii. Blue Rock Shoot (Kait lin)
iii. Big Basin Café (Kia)
iv. Prolific Oven (Kia)
v. Jake’s Pizza
vi. QCup (Mercedes)
vii.Saratoga Bagels (Somya)
viii. Florentine’s (Sierra)
III. Facebook
a. Event Updates
b. Friend Update (148)
IV. Upcoming Event
i. Cyber Bullying Workshop (12/6 in MV)
ii. JT. Council Meeting – Wednesday May 2, 2012 @ 5:30 p.m.
iii. Rotary Art Show – 1 st Sunday in May
V. Agenda Items for the December meeting?
a. Date change for next meeting to accommodate those who are unable to
attend due to finals week. Voted to change date to December 6, 211
VI. Adjournment 9:01 PM
Minutes completed by Sarah Tang, Secretary.