HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter 1997 The Saratogan �irvrF� ���'1
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City C.�overnmen� Nea,us
Saratoga to Receive Traffic Mitigation Grant •
Last month,the Santa Clara Valley The Saratoga K 121�ip Reductaon � �
` 9�' 1�aneportation Authority(SCVTA) Program w�71 be the Sret
� . aPProved a list of alternatave p�lotprogram in 3anta Clara �
� traneportation prnjecte throughout County.The$162,000 grant-
.. :,.
the County t�at would receive which ie planned to start funding
� '� '` funding under the Bay Area Air in November for the firet year of
Quality Management Dietrict- this two year project-will allow �
�Yaneportataon F4�nd for Clean Air. for the development of three
Included in this liet was a pilot ALTRANS etat�'membere.who
�,� ;
�� `�� � pmjeCt eII�tled�e°$aratog�R-12 wili in turn.provide a host of
������ \ � � 1�ip Reductian Program". educational�outreach and epecaal �
� ,
`��:�,� �*� `" projecta to the approsimately
' �'� `` " � � � �' The original grant application wae 10�200 etudente(and their
.. ; ,. ���\ �� ,,�
�ti�`\i������;y,�; �� � developed thmugh the ALTRANS parente)of the eleven schoole in
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Aseociation nearly two years ago, 1Yaneportation 3erviae Centere
sa�,s�,p.a...,d,rm�xa oo..�,m,� on behalf of the Gtity and the local w�1 be established at t�eee echoole
rn�o,a,x�e sa� echools.Currently,ALTRANS where the etudents can reoeive
provides a wide variety of trip transit,car pool�cycling,
reductaon eervioes to the 108,000 pereonalized trip planning
C�/ IV�@��f'!�I��ledure> etudents and employeee of eeven information and eerviaes.
' oollege campuses-including West ALTRAN3 will aleo present
Ciiy Coare�; - Valley College-where the program information to Parent-Teacher
�rst& third Wed:,7;3d p.at is located. Aeeociation(PTA)meetange in
order to aeoertain eite-specific
Parks and Recreatinn Corrir�useeon; �n8 the lest two yeare, - eolufaons that will work at each
Itirst B�onday,7:30 p.m. ALTRANS eervices have beea able facility.
� to reduoe 2,849 single oocupant
Youth Cone�nission:. � vehiclee from our local roadway.e, _. The Saratoga IC-121�ip Rsduction
FSrst Monday,7;Oa p,rti. `''� which fise�diTectly mitagated_#atfi� •����:w�l'intrQduce a
oongestion,oonaerved over 319;000 votuntaiy cat pool data baee.
Public Safety Cor,�m#aawns gallone of fuel,reduoed 62 vehicle bicycle buddy program,facilitate
Second Moaday,6 30 p:m
oolliaiona and eliarinated walldng gi+oupe and inoentive
,. appro�mately 28.2 tone of sir ��nued on pgge 22.
Rerita�,►e�rese�vaiio�Commiasron,- P�llutants. �
�ret @Vednesdap,8 3(k a.m -
� Sinoe October of 1994, • '
Plan.asng Co�nr,uasio�c.� �p�entativee fmm our local ������on�.....�ia
3econd�fourth Wed.,?30 p,ia. �hoola,the Gtity and ALTRANS
. have partacipated in numemus . e�,i crenc�m_..__..........._.�e ie
Libr�ry Commieaion: alternative traneportation meetange 9�a�xeWe..._......_....._....._......_.pe�e zo
, Fourth Wedneeday,7:30 p�.; eharing tra�c mitigation eolutione �c�a�....r..__..__....�..�zi
to the ever-increaaing tra�c
F4�sronce Advisory Conemette�e:
oongeation problems near our local vo�ansear s■e+am�...._.. pa�e sz
As aeeded campuses. cxc�u�s�aoo o�...._...Pa�sa
New Phone N�b�fa�City Ha0.....Page 24
�ify Receives First Public Art on loan Warner Hutton
In late September.the Gtity of Saratoga reoeived ite first-ever eculpture House Teen Center ,
on loan from an area artia�`We hope t}ris eculpture;remarka GSty �e g�����,��al hae j
Maneger Harry Peaoock.tie th*firet of many pieoes of art in public ��nded to your i+equeate and #
plaoee for the Gtity of Saratoga. The sculpture wae done by artast Inez �pened the Warner Hutton
Iau of Cupertano and ie called`Koi Knmb. The sculpture can be found in House for oommunity teena.The
the oourtyard of City Hall.The eculpture ie made of Western Red Cedar. ��Q�hae funded the Houee for
a wood that ie egported from here to Japan for uae in t�►e oonstructaon of �e first eis monthe and hae
templee and other eigniScant religioue buildinge.It took the artiat over challenged the 3aratoga Youth
eight months to make the sculpture and over$1,000 in specialized toole ��esion to raise funde for the
for the work.Ma.Liu explained what the eculpture represente.Ftirst.the �nd eis monthe.To date,tbe �
gravel in which it is placed representa water and the waves of the gravel Saratoga Youth Commission has
� are wavee created by t�e water ooming through the teeth of the komb. raieed over$6.400.00 of i�s goal
The komb and the water represent femininity.Another depiction of the
� � pieoe ie if you were able to take a`elioe"horizontally out of a pond you ��ee�oII h�aee�ived aYlarg�e
would eee the koi in varioue reflectiona,that ie.what you do eee se third ��on of tLis amount from
� dimenaional ie part of the fieh,but the part that ie not 3-D ie from a
reflection from s tree or other obstruction causing the light to hit and �mmunity donations and has
cauee a different reflection in the water. �1eo raieed funds through varioua
fundraieing et�'orts includiug:
itetne sold at the De Anza Colleg�e
� Liu eelected the oourtyard ae a good home for the sc�ilpture because of ���.��p8��s��at the
the maple treee,the orientsl touch to the area and the ground oover in �8��Farmer's Market,and
t�e area appearing to look like a oontinuation of the pond from the gravel
bed that the eculpture ie in:`It looks like t�e whole oourtyard ie a water pi'O��&Om the aale of eodae at
� pond,'said Lia the 3aratoga Parade.Preeent]y,
the Youth Commiaaion ia
She egplained that there wae much spiritual inspiration in the pieoe in organizing a Golf Tournament
that ehe wished for the entire pieoe to be natural and not to include any t°beneSt the Wamer Hutton
materiale like steel or iron.This required eome technical aseistanoe from House.
� a oolleague,Moto Ohtake.and an instructor,Mike Cooper,at De Anza �e Warner Hutton Houee is a
College who both helped with the technical aonetruction of the piece. Liu
egplained,4 ueed wood dowele because metal would have been too Teen Center available to Middle
induetrial.I did the pieoe to eoothe people's minde.People are moving too �hoolere(6,?8'c 8th grade)after
fast in thie high tech area and I want them to slow down and take a look �bO°1 unti16:30 p.m.At the
Warner Fiutton House,teene
at my pieae and feel peaoeful.° e�joy a variety of actavitaee
The pieoe is on loan to the Gtity through September 1997,and,eaye Liu'e ��uding:Study Center.big
volunteer agent Marguerite�scher,"It would be wonderful if a publio- �ep televiaion,Nintendo
spirited pereon would purchaee tlus for the GSty to keep the piece around �ea�pool table,ping-pong table
permanently." se well es crafte and organized
outdoor gamea.T6ia program ie
free to parlacipante(esoeption:ioe
' cream on Wednesdaye and pizza
� '� �;a ,, �' on F!idaye are offered to teene for
_ �� �. .. ; ,�; �,� a emall fce).Currently,we are
t� a, � �
� � � � .� looking to add a tutoring program
'�..�.-,�,� � m.
�;�.� �
�h� � ` ` "` ' ` � to our Study Center ae well ae a
"�� : a
�M� ��y� � volunteer who will aeeiet the
�� A Ya2
' �V �8I18 Wl�AltB�G C!'8�8.�888@
�� �� � �
� call the Warner Hutton Houee at
=� �' ��: � f ���g ����^E "a' (408�68-12?2 for additional
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Art work called Roi Komb diaplayed at City Ha11.
-18- -
CITY OF-SARATOGA SAFETY. � . : �nlmal.CQnfirol
The City of 8aratoga ie eeelring applicants for a new �' The Humane 3ociety of'-
SafetyGrant Program.The purpose of the program � Santa Clera Valleq began
ie to help Saratoga'e qualifying fiomeownere con�ec.� . �' Providing all animal
health and safety deficienciee in their homes. oontrol eervicee to t�e
, � . West Valley Gtitaee of
Borne out of the Saratoga Houstng Aasietance 3aratoga.Campbell,
and Rehabilitation Program(SHARP)�the �� : Cupertano,Monte 3ereno
� $afety Grant Program will award up to$10,000 for , and the Town of Los Gatoe
repairs to houeeholds that fit inoome eligibility on October 1,1996.The
guidelines. - prngram incdudea servioea for field,shelterWeterinary
� , and lioensing.Humane Socaety Seld o�oera will •
The program targete potentially uneafe oonditione foDow-up on oomplainte aa well as capture.dangeroua._
with an eye on prevention.Components of the eicW�jured,and etray animale.�eld eervioee aleo •.�
pmgram include• pmvide for the pick up of dead animals off GSty .
�� etreeta.and private pmperty with permisaion of the •
O Health and safety improvemente auch ae owner.Rseident8 may drop off and adopt animale at
oonoealing,expoeed wirea or junctions,installing �e Humane Society Shelter located at 2630 Lafayette
etair%porch railinge,and grounding electrical Street in Santa Clara.The Humane 3ociety will
eysteme; - ^ • . � provide lioensing through South Bay Animal � •
. Lioeneing to all of the Weat Valley Citiee with tbe
O Home eecurity improvements such as deadbolta e8oeption of Cupertino:Queations regarding field or
on egterior door+B,motion eeneor�ontrolled sfieltering servioea ehould be referred to the Humane
egterior lighting,and window locks; Socaety animal diepatch at(408)727-6b29.and •
� fioensing questions to South Bay Animal Liaensing
O RsmovaVprevention of fire hazarde by inatalling 8t�'�08�27-9881•
emoke alarme/6re estinguiehere�oorrecting '
�aa�,������e��►�°�fi�'u'ee�a City`Code Relating to Emergency �
• oombuetibles,removing dangerous oombustiblee.
�a�e�n�r��aes48nt fi�p��a: Nuisance Abatement Procedure
O Minimum,non�ngineered earthquake retrofitting An1e'nded .
eucb ae faetening mudsills to foundatione.. The G`ity of Saratoga hae an ordinanoe pertaining to
inetalling ehear panele to prevent lateral � nuisanoes.The previoue Gtity Code Section&20 defines
� _ movement at walls.etrapping gae fistures,and nuieanoe ae: 'Any enc�roachment upon,or obetruc�aon
replacing rigid gae oonnectore with flexible types; in or to,any public sidewalk,street.alley.lane�ooutt,
f � park�trail or eaeement,or other public place..'
O Improving disabled aooees by installing grab bars, �e amended Sectaon 5-20 broadene the definiiaon
wheelchair rampe,aaoeaeible door openings,hand
_ held shower heade,etc. - , of nuieanoe to immediate eurroundings which _.
. . : _oonatitutes an.immediate�threat to:t�e public.•The
Made poseible by Federal Community. �. +� new�Gtity.Code Section 3=20 i+eada.`..�Tt►ie..includes, -
Development Block Grant(CDBG)funde,tlie but ie not lim�ted to any encroachment upon or
Safety Grant Program ie deeigned for t�ose ��t�on in or to,any public sidewalk,etreet,alley,
residenta who need and want to make repaire to their pl�OO�'p�'trail or eaaement,or other public
homes�but may not want to oommit to loans through
. SHARP�a fiill service houeing rehabilitation Therefore,with the change in the definition of
program offering no or very low intereat loans(with emergency nuieanoe�the Gtity Manager may now .
the same inoome guidelines ae the Safety Grant ' ���8�1Y a���Y tYPe of emergency nuisanoe
pro��), and ie no longer reetrictsd to those nuisanoee in t�e
� public way.The amended Section also allowe the GSty
To request an application for either program�please to oomplete a nuisance case within S monthe which
contact George W6ite or Pete Gonda: will include declaration of the nuieanoe,provide due
CALL(408)868-1200 prooess,perform abatement work,and oost
City of Saratoga rataficataon..Previoue prooedurea had taken.fi�om
13777 Fruitvale Ave. � 6 to 9 monthe to oomplete due to additional hearings
Saratoga,CA 98070 and staff 1ame. � � "
The new Gtity Code relating to Nuieanoe Abatement
Prooedure Section S-lb and Seclaon 3-20 are in effect
imme�ately. _
-19- '
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� � The Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council is a nonprofit oorporation established in 1979.Ite
mie�on is to promote and 000rdinate actavitiee that contribute to the well-being of older pereons in
��► the 3aratoga area,through the Board of Directors and limited staff.
The�ty of 3aratoga oontributes some furida to the CounciPs operating budget;local churches and community
organizations support programs and fund rai�ng efforts af the two operations:a multipurpoee 3enior Center end
Sarataga Adult Care Center.
Nearly 1000 area re�dents join SASCC with membership dues of$12 per pereon or$20 per household.They receive
the monthly newsletter a0utlook'and its advance calendar of activities.
� The 3enior Center welcomes all area seniors to daily activitaes between 9 a.m.and 5 p.m.in a wing af the Community
Center.Bridge,carde and games are played on Mondays ead Thursdaye from 10 a.m.to 2:00 p.m.
� � �
� Do you know a variety of services are Enhance Your life
offered by appointment'T... including: �+�'you want to enhance life�join one of the fitneee
• Blood preseure checks,legal assistance P�'�e B�'ed to a variety of exerciee levela:low
• Health insurance and financial counseling impact aerobics,stretch-yoga,or tap,line,and ballroom
� • Couneeling for older Asian and other ethnic populatione ���•
• 3ocial worker oonaultations or home-help and counsel- y���methin new in classes in l�c nti
ing about health related concerna of the aging �8 � ��e mattere and li readi from �
• Support groupa meet regularly to help persona cope ��ers to advanced. p �
• with loss of loved ones�strese of care giving,and life �
style changes neceasitated by widowhood. A new
grandparent eupport group will begin in January. '~�����mah jong�billiards,off-site golf and the
• 55 Alive Driver Refreaher course on January 13 and 16. needlework network.
lun h ns
c eo
:�:t. .
Don't miee the bargain Wednesday Soup`n'Salad ''.:`:.:.�`rn�D�a�on+c�al��f#�e sl�ov�►,
. »: :;::;::.: :.:<.:::::, :;:,::.;. . <:::;>:...;.>;:<::::<::;>:::<:;::>::>:<`:>::::>:
luncheone followed by health�conaumer educat�on and ;:�>.. . :. ........g^�-�,+px;:�1f;���:���'
just good entertainment!The Men's Luncheon on the laet !C;'eintsr}���3:l�Ustkd�l�Aven
�,U ue4 8�a...:
Frida of the nth rovides ot
an her o rtuni o
sociabili and informative ro ams. ............_....................._._.............................................................................
h' P �'
A DAY AT THE CENTER and the atternoon programs are variable.
Many people ask us"�VWhat do you do in They may be a craft program(good for eye-
the Center all day?"So here is a brief hand 000rdination 8�small muscle coor�na-
SARATOGA description of a�Day in the Saratoga Adult bon)OR a music pragram(two daye weekly
A D U L T Care Center." these are led by West Valley instructora)OR
DaYCARE ����p�e begin arriving at 9 a.m. �me ldnd of word game,cross-word puzzle
�'°�"'�"� (We program from 10 am.-3 p.m.but due or taivia(g o o d for mental etimulation).
D''°""G""' to schedule conetraints some people arrive We aleo interaperse entertainment�
P���0� earlier.F�om 10 to 10:30 a.m.,we socialize, current events,reminiecing and special
ISKSSA/4nJ�!•Asc have coffee,tea or juice and sometimes a holiday parties.
�"ma�G�070 special mut5n,etc.that eomeone hae Although we cannot rehabilitate
���-�� brought in for the group. P��P���"�'e try to keep them functioning
OU�HOUfS Between 10:30 a.m.and noon,we have at their highest level as long as pos�ble.
Program hours• two programs,one of which ie an ezercise That's why we have many pragrams that
10 am.to 3 p.m. class(exercise is beat before lunch).Three �m at mental stimulation and also the
out of five days,we have a West Valley exercise programe,to keep the body wor�ng.
Office houre: exercise instructor who�ves a formal chair- We call our people"partiapante'°
9 a.m.to 5 p.m. exercise class.The other two days we play �use they are stil�participating in the
For information: volleyball or paddle ball.We aleo bowl.For community and the world.Our people are
call 868-1262 those participants attending five days not clients or patients.
weekly,we vary the exerciee class.We eerve A snack is eerved in the afternoon,and
Spa�hefti Dinner lunch and,with cleanup,an hour goes by. of oouree,we celebrate everyone's birthday,
January 30,1897 After lunch,many people may go out on the uaually with a big cake.Moat people leave
I��nd R.siser patio to get eome sunshine and air.Between �und 3 p.m.but eome stay later because of
Two Seatings: 1 p.m.and 3 p.m.,we have two more the familyjs echedule.For our participanta,
b p.m.&6:45 p.m. programs.The one program in the morning five hours of active time is plenty.We work
closely with familiea on scheduling.
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Hakone Gardene,at 21000 Big Basin Way juet above the Saratoga Village,ie one of the treasurea of
Saratoga.Now a city park and operated by the private Hakone Foundation,it wae begun in 1916 by �
Mrs.Ieabel Sfane.Impreeeed by�ji-Hakone National Park on a trip to Japan,ehe retained a Japanese
at�+c�itect to deeign t�e Upper House and a Japanese gardener to deaign the gardens.T6e Gtity of Saratoga
purchased Hakone Gardene in 1966.
Included are the original Upper Houee,the Lower Houee added in 1922 and the Cultural Egchange Center
oompleted in 1991 and four different gardene:the Hill and Pond Garden,t�e Tea Garden,.the Zen Garden,
and Rizuna-En the Bamboo Garden.There ie also a Gitt Shop reoently enlarged.
The Cultural Egchange Center ie an authentic reproduction of a 18th Century Ryoto tea merchant's ho� �
and ehop.Originally essembled in Japan,it was shipped and reaeeembled by Japaneee carpentere on the
Hakone site.T6is building pmvides epace for cultural programe,art clasees,demonetratione�eshibita and
a tea mueeum.Eeery firet Thursday of the month at 1,2 and 8pm there is a free demonstration of the
Japaneee tea ceremony in the 9-tatami tea room.
Art and Cultural Programs
Throughout tlie year the Hakone Foundation eponsora museum tripe�offera lectures and
demonstratione by both local artiste and those fi^om Japan,sponeore a variety of art deasee
euch ae wateroolor�pastel,paper maldng,drawing and calligraphy,ae well se epecial
offerings of Ikebana,Haiku,Sumi painting,Bamboo crafte and Japaneee oeramics.
For information and an art program brochure,call Gei'ry at(408)867-2634.If you
are interested in teaching or starting an arte group.call Luanne(408)867-0159.
• • �
Weddings, I;eceptions and Businese Meetinge
Hakone ie a popular venue for weddinge�oR'ering eeveral garden and building locatione
for aeremonies and receptions.Private partiea,meetinge and bueiness eeminare can aleo
be arranged.For rental informataon and availability call the Hakone Foundation Offce
� • �
Membership and Volunteers
Memberehip in t�e Hakone Foundation ie$2b per year and entitlee members to attend
special events�reoeive the Hakone Viewe newsletter and announaements of all cultural
evente and art programs,fiee parldng,and a 104b disoount in the Gift Shop and on rentals.
Volunteera are alwaye nceded!Volunteers work in the gatden or offce,in the Gift Shop,
ae Garden docent guides,and on varioua special program oommitteee•For memberahip
inforonation or to volunteer call t�e Hakone Foundation Otfice (4U8Y741-4994.
Volunteer Sarato a �'�"��°�`�°'��� �
_ 9 Saratoga to_ -
°°�°'n'�A s�°� Receive Traffic
A Youth 3porte Coach Volunteer!Inatruct youth in baaic fundamentale
of basketball,euperviaing them during practicee and gamee.You�� Mitigation Grant
wort with Program Coordinatore reaeiving training in basic first aid. programe and enoourage traneit i
ooaclrin8 techniquee and philoeophy.No egperience required-
knowledge of baeketball helpful.Gamee on Saturdaye�January-early ��'I°additaon.the K-12 ,
March with practioe in Deoember one hour'1-2'timee ��ePo��on Management
a-week(flearible).T6ie is an egperienae that w7�laet a lifetime. `��a�on,oompriaed of worldng
groupa from each echool and city
Hinder Club Aesistant � etaff membera,will reeesi+ch
� Itu�a-dub-dub we need help in Rinder G7ub!F.qjoy helping ae an clean air shuttle bua grante and
aeeistant to our Kinder Club inetructor in eettang up activitiea and eel"�'loee�bi�9cle storage facilitiee
� � , helping preechool age children.The focue is on ideae and activitiea that 8°d a transit pre-paid fare
nurture the creative,oognitive,social,emotional and phyeical growth etructure that would enable
� of the child.Help ie needed on 1�eaday and/or T6ureday mornings,eo etudente to ride SCVTA buaes by
call and join the"Club"...the Knder G7ub. , , ehowing a univereal tranait card.
Snapshot Sharpie Needed Comprehensive activitiee and
Our recreat3on department eeeke a PHOTOGRAPHEB to provide our ��Pliehmenti�will be provided
� Community Centsr Activitiee guide with photographe that will �the i+esidents,echoole.the City
enoourage intereat in various programs.3hould own a 3b MM camera of 3aratoga and the Santa Clara
and wide angle lens and be experienced in talong candid/action black Va11ey 1�aneportataon Authority
` and wlrite photographe of varioue claseee and pmgrame in progreas at �i'O�h q��rly reports.
various eitee in Saratoga.F'lexible:morninge�afternoone,evenings. Notification of these meetinge, '
along with detailed proc�eee �
Contact Darlene Tenes at The G'�ty of Saratoga Volunteer O�ae evaluation reporte will be
(408)86&12b2 available at all times.
• , � Some of the beneSts of thie pilot
Alternate Routes _ pro���n��ae: '
If there wae an earthquake today�and the route you usually take home ✓ ��es traffic oongeetion
was.blocked due to debrie or barricades�would you know how to get home � g��e the risk of vehicle/
via a different route?Thie may sound eurprieing but many Saratogane do ��atrian oollieions �
not know alternate mutee around the city.T6e 3heri8'e Office�and
Community Service pfficere are in agreement that�when etreete are shut ✓ Reduoee regional air,water
down due to trat�c accidents or natural dieseters,many citizene are and noiee pollution '
oonfuaed as to how to divert around the saene. d �neen,es non-renewable �
In preparation for�a detour�know other routes through the city other energy.reaouroee �
than the main arterial streete euch as Big Basin Way,Saratoga Avenue,
Quito Road�Prospect Road,Saiatoga-Loa Gatos Road and Saratoga- ✓ ��e oommuting coste
Sunnyvale Road..Try�@'erent eide strcete and eee if you can find more ✓ Builds aommunity
than one way home.Remember,by taking a few minutes today eearching involvement
for alternate routee,it may save you houre of fruetration etuck in traffic � �
jame and detoure.And also,don't forget to uee the City�s traffic advieory � �monetratee that Saratogana
channel,Radio AM 1610(See related article on back pag�e). care about tratfic miNgation
Public participation ie
City Code Relating to Personal Poperty and - en��a��;B���hVe . ;
Materlals Amended � - p''°t pro��►.�'1''',��»�°,� ;
active participation in thie '
The City of Saratoga hae amended City Code Section 16-12.160 negarding alternative transportaHon
etorage of personal property and materiale.In the previoue ordinanoe�the P�e.we can achieve a
definition of storage did not have defined parametere of what oonstituted dYn�c Traneportation Demand
"unencloeed etorage"In the amended section�"unencloaed etorage`ie , Manag�ement Program that can
deSned ae anot oompletely enclosed..:by a permanent solid fenoe or wall." be�e jewel of all F{-12 echools.
In other worde,the enclosed atorage area for property and materiale
neede to be constructed or inetalled�not haphazardly covered over.For For more information on this
instanoe,a tarp doea not oonstitute an encloaed storage, exciting project,pleaee call the
ALTRANS Oiganization at
The amended G�ty Code relating to storage of pereonal property and (408YJ41-2684 or Irene Jaoobe at
materiale ie in effect immediately. � � City Hall at(408�68-121b.
. -22- ,
' on F�;aBy,september Zo,189s,t�e cyty ot , % .
3aratoga unveiled ita Compreeeed Natural Gas l •� ��� �- �
(CNG)fu�eling etation located at the Gtit�a " "
Corporation Yard in oo�junction with PG&E'3 �'-- � �`� ���� �
Cupertino CNG fueling station opening.The City ��;
of Saraboga's oelebration began with four � '' ¢
>�: ' r C
� speakere who represented eome of the local _ i �
agenciee that made the CNG fueling etation a �` - ! + .�
I _ :` ` :, ,
reality in Satatoga.3peakers included Paul �' �I,,� �, . '�
Jaoobs,Mayor of 3aratoga,Karin Dowdy.Weet _ �` � +'�`
V a Il e y 1 1 T s s i o n C o ll e g e D i s t r i c t 1�u e t e e,G i ll i a n ';�' �+� � ,��+,� �;
� Moran.rePresentin8 the Bay Area Air Quality _ _ � � � �: � , '�
Management B�►@A�.and Clara Chun, �'""�'i ��
representing South Bay Clean GStiee Coatitaon - . � I
(SBCCG7.Atter the epeechee and oeremonial
ribbon cutting.over 76 individuale eqjoyed lunch •
wh�7e admiring vintag�e caYs and CNG vehidee.
In addition,tbere wae a CNG epecialist who ����y�Claro Chun,GiJlian Monan and May�nr Pl�ul
anewered inquiries. Jacoba waveiled the City of Sarot�c'a CNG jueliri,g 3totion.
. •
A000rding to California Energy Commieaion and PG&E reporte�of all the liquid or gaseoua fwels aommercaally
available.CNG is the cleaneet and most eoonomical when oompared to gaeoline.Overall,uaing CNG reduoee
carbon mono�de by b0 peroent or more and reduoes reactive organic emissione by roughly b0 peroent and
nitrogen o�dee by 3S percent-pollutants which aontribute to the formation of ground level ozone,or smog. �
With CNG uee,particulate emieeione are virtually eliminated.Aao�rding to a PG&E report,CNG ooate
mughly 30 bo 40 peroent less per mile to use than traditional gaeoline.Moreover�vehicle performanoe with
CNG ie eimilar to that of gas-powered vehidea.
I�n�ng for 3aratoga'e new CNG satellite theling station hea been provided by the Air Dietrict'e `
1�aneportataon F�nd for Clean Air(TFCA).The F�nd ie g�enerated by a eurcharge on negional vehicle
regietration feee and provides ruughly$18 million yearly for Bay Area projects aimed at reducing suto-related
air pollution.SYnoe t�e TFCA pmgram began in 1992,a total of$b8 million hae been awarded to over 600
clean-air projecte thioughout the Bay Area.Rou�ly 14 peroent of t�eae funde have gone toward CNG
demonstrataon projecbe,and close bo half of theee have been spearheaded by Santa G7ara County agenciee.
This ie of particular importance se the South Bay typically eeee eome of the higheet air pollubon levela in
the Bay Area
Since motor vehiclea are now t�e�Fl eouroe of air pollutaon in the Bay Area.pmjecte euch ae the new CNG
fueling etation in Saratoga will promote the uee of clean fuel vehiclea and help suetain the Bay Area'e air
quality within Federal and State etandards.
Adopt'A-Park Program provide monetary assistsnoe for park maintenanoe
The Saratoga Adopt A-Park Program wae designed to or enhanoement.
improve pride in the Cit�e landecsped areae and �e entire oommunity is eligible to partacapate in
parks by enoouraging the oommuiuty to beoo� t,he Adopt-A-Park program.Anyone intereated in
involved in the care of Saratoga'e parks system.The p����ng in t�e program can pick up an
volunteer-oriented program allowe an organiaataon application from the Park Maintenance Oflice and
or individual to take pride in the fact t�at they eubmit it to the Cit�e Volunteer Coordinator.A time
are providing a valuable eervioe bo the city by �1 then be planned to meet with a representative
maintaining Saratoga's livability and besuty for both ���e Park Maintenance Division,to develop an
ite citizene and ite visitore. adopHon plan for the group or individual.The
There are eeveral ways that one can adopt a park. aSreement to adopt a park leata for one year and
You can provide a phyeical presenoe to watch for �e period can be egtended by mutual ooneent.
vandaliem and maintenanoe problema,reportang any �e pdopt-A-Park Program ie a fun way to get
such probleme to the Gtity.You can assist with �volved and pmvide a needed serviae to neighbors
general park dean-up�litter oolleclaon,paintang� �d fellow residents.Call Gtity Hall at(408)868-1200
planting,weeding and general care of landecaping. �d aak for an application todayl
If you are unable to�nate your time you can
-23- `
1610 AM Radio �
� � Want to know where road oonetruction is
happening in Saratoga before you g�et
G�ty of Saratoga canght in the trat�c jam?1tiu►e to 1610
18777�uitvale Aven.ue AM,the Cit}�s public information radio
3aratoga Sb070 etataon.The eta�on ie broadcast fi+om the
City'e corporation yard and hae a signal
City Otboee 408/868-1200 rang�e of 2.6 milee.
City FAX No 868-1280 Rscreation FAX No 868-1279 g�des road aonditaona,emergency
Building Dept 868-1201 information,oommunity events.fire safety
E-Mail SARATOGA�STATENET.COM � �pe�eheri�e reporte and suggestions for
� Emergency earthquake preparedneas can be heard 24
houre a day.Theae reporte are prereaorded
8aratoga Ftire District 408✓867-9001 9-1-1 by Public Servioee Assistsnt Paula Reeve
• I Central FSre Dietrict 378-4010 ` ' and are updated regularly.
Sheriffs Dept.Westeide Station 867-9716 ` '
� County Communications 299-2607
Saratoga Community Library 867-6126
San Joee Water Co. 2�s-�soo z�s-�sn HOIidC�y HOuI'S C�t Clty HC�II
Weet Valley Sanitation Dietrict 378-2407 299-250? �e holidaye are upon ua,eo note on your
� Santa Clara Valley Water District 26b-2600 299-2507 �endar when City Hall will be cloeed.
Green Valley Disposal 364-2100 City Hall will be cloeed:
TCI Cablevision 727-3900
Vector Control 299-20b0 Chriatmas
� Tueeday.Deoember 24� 1996
Wedneaday�Deoember 2b,1996
New Phone Number for City Hall
Saratoga City Hall hae new phone numbere. The new main New Yeare
` number ie(408�68-1200.The Community Development Tu��Y+��mber 81,1996
Departanent(Btrilding Inspection Og'iae)ie now(408�68-1201. Wednesday,January 1� 1997
The Recreation Department(Community Center)is now
(408�68-1248.The Senior Center is now(408�68-1267.
In additinn,our new main fax number is(408�68-1280.
Ple�se jot down these numbere for future references. � _
PubllccNcn Infflm�CiiOA: . � �
If yote huue t�n�questions uborct the newaletter,onntnct lrene dacoba..
�t 868-i213 T7�e.Scu+atogan.will be pr�bliahed twiae a yea�:The nert �
ia8rre tuitl be rnailed Aprtt 199?. ,. **�� *� �,�
, : .
/�(.. -----------------------------------�
� Have a question,suggeation or ooncern?A oomplaint about a Gtity department or employee?Send City �
� Hall your ooaunente.We weloome your input and will respond to your requeats. �
� �
� �
� �
� �
� � I
� � �
� Send or faz yonr oommeate to: � i
� ame � City Managet's Ot'fioe �
I City of$aratoga I '
� 13777 F�uitvale Avenue
I y ne 3aratoga,CA 9b070 � �i
I E-Mail:3ARATOGA03TATENET.COM or FAX:408188&1280 I
I I waild like a teply: Far City StaB'we:
L ❑By phone ❑By ma�7 -Q No teply neoe�sary ..._——————— I �II
_2� ————————————J