HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 1986 The SaratoganI
Yolunteer Saratc��ga P. l `"�'�`�`�
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� Department of 7Yansportation. All inter-
- , e � change design will be.subject to the ap- .
` �0�� �� ����0 �O�rd Rroval, through the freeway agreement
� / process, of each local individual
�,- � jurisdiction. _
��� � � � �� ���� 8• That the Policy Advisory Board establish a
� ���m � ��j process for consideration by a local juris-
P � � - - diction to develop mutually acceptable
� � • transportation and land use policies be-� .
for- Preferre� �� �$i��� tween all cities presently on the PAB and
o , the County along the Route 85 corridor in
� ' order to coordinate development with ex-
ONith one exception, the City of Saratoga's po- transit options in the corridor. isting or future transportation facilities.
si�ions on t�ie R9�te 85 corXido_r��r+�u�hel�,a�,.,_�; . 4, �Ilhere,a�pro�riat�M�onsistently�plied_ _ _ The_PAB's adopted�ecomrreendation agrees
the August 6, 1986, Policy Advisory�oard � mifigafion measures, to include noise at- ��t�ail the pain#s;�save one; unanieaioa,�sly : " o -
(PAB) meeting. The following items were -.-• tenuation, landscaping, and profile adopted by the Saratoga City Council in Janu-
adopted as the Policy Advisory Board's Preferred � depression. ary 1986. The one exception was the provision
f Alternative Recommendation for�referral to for the 46-foot wide median;�aratoga had rec-
CALTRAIYS: 5. Development of a bicycle plan for the ommended a 22-foot median in order to f�old
f - . length of the corridoz and consideration of down the cost of depressing the freeway.
C 1. Route 85 will be six lanes, with two of pedestrian crossings.
� those lanes designated as commuter This decision is viewed as a considerable vic-
6. A ban on medium and heavy trucks (not to tor for Sarato a because it inco orates the
lanes for peak period operation. Y 9 rP
. : include passenger buses or recreational commitment to depression and environmental
� 2. A 46-foot median will be preserved for fu-. vehicles) similar to that in effect on Route mitigations and the scaled down size oF 6 rather
i ture mass transportation only. Preserva- 580 in Oakland. than 8 lanes which Saratoga has been negotiat-
: tion to be guaranteed by the appropriate �, That questions regarding the number and ing for at the PAB. All cities intend.to begin
� intergovernmental agreement. • location of intenchanges be deferred for work immediately on implementing the com-
i 3. Design of al�interchanges, bridge struc- resolution during the course of negotia- mitment to"no trucks"by contacting our local
tures, and grading to accommodate future tions between local jurisdictions and the legislators on this issue.
�e � �� �� � � � � � � �� g �� � Yolunteer Sarato a Awarded
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x �� ��3 � � s�� � � � for Outstandin Ser�ce
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� �� „ ' ��' Program Offers Unique Community Involvement Opportunities
�� � ���� :.
� � ��ar ����
� k��� � Leading tours through tlakone Gardens, ceived special recognition, Volunteer Saratoga
' ' �;; �a� , `����= teaching CPR classes and running the Cit�s has been in operation for four years. Its purpose
�� °� � - Emergency Preparedness Program are just a few is to encourage the effective use of human re-
��; ���. .
.<° �,�- ��� ��; . ���' of the unusual tasks accomplished by Saratoga sources wi�hin the community while providing
, , �� �; ���
��Y � e ��� volunteers year round. Recently these accom- meaningful volunteer experiences.
� ;�R���� �, �. ��'s plishments helped to distinguish Volunteer Sar- Although the program is fairly young, it has
�� �=-=�q � � atoga as a unique community organization and
�� y��� received support throughout the community.
������ �",' win the award for Outstanding Public Program �a �e r ram avera es over 50 volunteers
����x�� ���� offered by the American Society for Public per month donating a t tal of over 5,000 hours
� �, �
: �� A d m i n i s t r a t i o n (A.S.P.A.). The award is given to
���� � � � ���: p e r y e a r. G u i d e d b y C a r r i e C h o y D e a n e, C o o r d i-
�°������� ����� communi u that have demonstrated out-
����,���'������x� �b�,���������X���¢��fi�� ������," �� ������_ ty�� � nato� Wolunteer Saratoga services a wide vari-
������ �������#����,���,���������������,������,��� ������ standing performance serving their community. ety of local community and civic organizations.
���r�`�n�y�, &�x t a�.'y�.. ��ff�.�, �'� ����,.�'��
:,�;�,. � . While this is the first year Saratoga has re- continued on page 3
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Sara a Bud e is �n- �
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' Saratoga� 1986-1987 fiscal year budget is in budgetary needs of each department, attemp � � ��
place and according to the City Managei's bud- to identify all of the direct� indirect and orrer- ��= �� ' -
get overvie� it is in"excellent cor�dition,"meet- head costs associated with each activity or ser � '�� � ' '�.;, (�
ing not only the tinancial objectives set forth for vice. This allows the City to determine, for � , ,�, ,"=,�.;'�i'� '':,, �.
the coming y+ea� but also reflecting the commu- example, whether fees, charges, permits, licen- � ''��" . •,
ni riorities and concems. ses, etc., are n the full cost for a certain � '���•�
I �P PaY� S �a :> • � �
' The ma,�or difference in this years budget ��ce, or whether that service is being subsi- V :- -
from revious 1s is a m or revision of the dized by the general taxpayer. - �
, P � �i � �==5.�== �,
bud 'et format which has been takin lace l�
8 9 P In order to orient the City staff and interested � �.��1-__ �
'� since December. Previously, the budget was de- members of the community with the new bud- C'� ��
termined based on each City department�s get format, a Budget Primer has been prepared. �.I �
Ii n�eds. Iioweve� because di�'erent departments In addition, the front portion of the budget con- �
� �w�ere often involved in various government activ- tains a detailed budget message and series of �1 E�
�, ities, it was difficult to accurately determine the budget summary pages. This section provides ��C�
actual cost of performing a particular activity or an o�rview of the Cit�s financial condition, 19�6-�9 � � ,
i providing a specific service. how rev�enues and expenses are to be utilized in
� This year the City has adopted a cost center the coming yea� and what the expectat'ron for
� approach, which instead of identifying the income and expense will be for the succeeding
ti rs as � .
��r",, ���` ���� s'��r������v���c������ ��� � �`'�«,� ���` �� ` �
� ��� ��� �� ��y���9������'���� � �� �� T otal 1986-1987 budget, not including
�, , "� � �� � ��������� A Y , � 2 ��'� � � capital improvement proojects, totals -
� ,' � � : .��: k � ����� � � �5,657,427. While the bud et rovides for con-
� rt � �� �� 3,�' �� � � .e. k � � � ���� � �����'��, � g P
� $v ���� ���� � �� �,� � : tinuing the current levet of ongoing services to
� : �� .;:� ` � � � . �� ,�,�
- y , ��� � ���� � :��� ,�;��, k the community for the next fiscal yea� it also
� ��� � �� � ���, � � s� addresses some new ob,jectives set by the City '
� 3 , �I ��I�I pa,6 5i r
y+ � � �� � � � ���'? � Council at its Policy Development Confe�+ence
� ��. ..� �'� � � � � � �
f '� V ����' � � a �� � � :� � � � � � �` earlier this year.
� `�� g. a ���'���'�� , 3 �� �� �.* •�_ ;,,w,�,���� '_�z
�� � � � �� ,� �� �� One of the main financial objectives for this
f �s �.� �, g � �� ��� � �� ��
, �� I � �� � � �� ���.. ���� � yeaYs budget was to retain at least a six month
� $ `��« li.S � � p� �, � �
� ��� �� ��� aay "� � �� _ operating reserve in the general fu�d. �n addi-
I -��,,�� �� � � b� � : tion, a number of operating service obJectives
� � ra�� � �.; - �� � ,;� � and capital project objectives were also set. In
I „ �a�� � s ;� order to determine what progress is being
� � �,�� ° a.
� �� � h M,� �� � made to achieve these objectives, a monitoring
�� ��b � � ��, ����'�� project has been established to track budget
� �� � ��. ����� �`���� � �
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; � � � � � � ��� progress and report to the City Council
� � s � �
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• �' t ;��, 'c �� a� � � �;� .� Y
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, ��, 4 ���. ��� #§ a. � ��,�� � . ���� �� � _ �i II� 3 � �, � M or ca ital im rovement ro ects lanned
E � � �. �1 P P P .1 P
I � �w� � �� � `��� �Asl����liiu �� ���� for the coming year include:
�' �� � �� �!@ i � ���
` � � �? � _� y��� `�: � ' � x ��������'ii � � . � �� ,
� � � , � s��, ��� �$� .� ��� ���� �� � ���; — median landscaping along portions of Sar-
������'� �;� � : Z.� ,.�� � ���' � �.���:�������; ������= atoga-Sunnyvale Road. This is the first in a
- � � �' � � �����,����� �����= series of such projects to implement the
_� � ��� � �� �������,- City's median beautification plan.
g' ��� § � � improvements.to Congress Springs Park. •
� s���`� ��R —
� � � �� � � �k�m.y Restrooms, snack shack, playing court and �
���� ���`���°�� ��� r � � � ���� ���� aved arkin anea will be constructed at
�I ri,
, - ���,'�.,�� �'�, 4 g�� " � m,�nw ��^�.ffi ���x, ,�,r.�-�• I, P P S . .
' � `�;����������� � ��� � g���.��a ��� r � `;�� �g . � this heavily-used park.
��.���.�t`��'���,.��`.���, .,, ��'��° .�.. .. .��_ .,M.. .,�%� _�.�^`�� ,�.E� ���� � � ,
_ — Senior Center additions. The Senior Center
Finance Director Patricia Shriver spent days crunching the numbers to produce the w���-be expanded to provide a dietary
summaries in this year's Saratoga budget report. ' kitchen, an adult day ca�e facility, and `
I�rger general purpose rooms..
� � ` — Saratoga Village parking. Coordinated
� , ,, � ��s��.��a public parking areas will tie established in
� /��� �� the Saratoga Village area.,
� � '��wjn► — Pav�ement Management Program:This pro=. ,
SARATO(iA CITY COUIyCIL ��for implementation,of the Cit�s
lrfayor planned pavemer►t maintea�ar�ce pmgram.
'iLe 9aratogan is publishe.d by the City of Joyce Iilav� A maintenar�ce effort will also be started
� $aratoga to'infornt xesidea�tt9 about importent Counclimembers , on the City�curbs, gutt�ers and sidewalks. .
i -Cdt� Coundl and gclv�emment issuea Please Karen.Anderson . In addition, during the upcoming:year the .
, =direct y�nw.corr�m� to tl�e 9arabo,g�a Gt�y MaFtha Clevenger �� City will begin development of a long-range cap-
� :Cound1.13777 F�uilvale Av�ctue,9aratc�,CA : David MoXles > . ital improv�eme�ts.plan cov�ering the next sew �
� ��95070. . _ Donaid Aeterson eral.years.Copies.of the 1986-1987 budget are
, . � ' on file and available for�eview at the 3aratoga
�`�` , " - • City Hall:and the.�arat Librar�. . .. ,. �
I � . .. . �.._ � � . � v . . . . a .... ♦ a . . n ,•��. . . . � t - . . . . . . .,.. - . .'a�". . . , e.� ... , . . ♦ v � . 1♦ . . . . . i� ' . ` . . , . . . , . .s . . .�
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continued from a e 1 ���ffi���� ��� ���� � ��� �� '
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Saratoga volunteers are responsible for sup- ����� ��� � �� � �� � �
���:������� � � ���.,�� ��� ����` a� I
porting numerous vital community Pr�ngrams. ��� � �������:;° ����� �`� °
� �;�
� Some of the ro ects com leted v+nlunteers ��� ����� ��������� ��� ���� `
P .� P bY ������ -� ��� �� ���� �� � ��
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include: � ���� �� ��� �� �. �
�������'�i.�s� ,, � a:. �,. �;�����a�s. �a�dr��'�a��-,,,. �
1) The Emergency Preparedness Program , � � �� �� t
��;� ��, � � ����- ����
�which is staffed com letel b volunteers. � ��� �� �� � ������ � `
� �*a,���m �� ���' w� ��F �^��e� -
P Y Y �.������ �K ����� ��,��R.` ���������,��� , ' .
The volunteer staff play�ed an integral role � ...��"�. ��� �� �� ���y ���� ��
�� �� � �� �,���� � �� �����. , .
in the development of Saratoga's Emer- ������-�� ���� ����� � ������`� "
� ���� ���� � ,
�����. � � � �� �� � -
gency�Preparedness Plan which has been �������� ��� � �� �� � � � ` � �
adopted by the City CounciF. These volun- ���� `��� �� �� �
teers have donated hundr�eds of hours �� " � ��� �
� � �.< � � �
w�nrking with the Sheriff`s Office, public �������
��� ����������
safety and public schools to come up with � ������ �� � �
������T ��� ,
«� ������q �� � ��
a plan for the City. They hav+e�lso com- �.������ � � � .
��,. ���
' pleted an earthquake preparedness ���� "'� �9�
� �_�, m �� �
brochure. ��. �:'
� ������ ._ �--: ,
' 2) 1�olunteers have set up a docent training ` � �
, '' � ;
�� Program through De Anza College to train ��.- . � c
docents for tlakone Gardens.The 1�lun- � ����� � �� �
_ s . _ . ���� � ��_
' teer Program schedules group tours of the ; ��� �`.����� , ,
� � � � ��.. �. �� � � _ :; .�
� Gardens and has a list of trained person- Carrie Choy Deane is Volunteer Saratoga's enthusiastic new coordinator.The volunteer office
nel to lead the tours. is located in the Saratoga Community Center.
3) During this past year there was an in- —
creased recruitment of Boy Scouts and Ea- n�and exciting changes. Deane brings to the Deane always looks to match a person's skills
' gle Scouts. Some of the projects �
; complet�d Lzy_themw�re.installation_oE.a� _ Part-time position extensive experience as pro- and interests with an equival�t job in the com-
authentic bamboo fence at Iiakone Gar- 9�m coordin��r for a nurtit�er of local and munity.'"When someon��calt�to voluht�ri�sk�` -
dens, three new picnic tables, new stage ��unity organizations. She initiated the them to come by so 1 can rr�eet them. That
� . railings, volleyball court and horseshoe Plus 60 Jobs program at De Anza College, a gives me an opportunity to get to kn�r the in-
pit at Wildwood. ���p designed to offer seniors an opportu- dividual, why they are interested in volunteering
nity to gain valuable rvork experience and earn and what it means to them,"she explains. Then
� 4) Volunteers have taught CPR classes to extra ma�ey. While working for the Julia and she matches the individual with a job that will
City employees and senior citizens. Iiyland Convalescent tlospitals as activity coor- best suit that person's interests.
5) V�lunteer Sarat a continues the collec- dinato� Deane was responsible for an increase
a8 After completing these initial plans, Deane
tion of food and toys for needy families at �� ���t activity and enthusiasm by encour- ��ntends to move her efforts out into the commu-
Christmas. aging residents to participate in individual and
group events. nity and encourage more residents to volunteer.
' Saratogans might not realize the wide scope tier overriding goal for the program is; "to al-
� of talent right in their backyard.A Saratoga vol- _ [n addition to encouraging volunteer partici- ways expand and grow with quality,"and looks
unteer wrote a computer program for the Com- pation, Deane plans to initially"reorganize and forward to bringing new ideas and impr+ove-
! munity Center and has been a great help st�engthen the program from within:'Specifi- ments to the community. _
� assistin the staff with com uter �rks:Man ���y she intends to develop job descriptions for �
S P �� Y If y�ou would like to rr�eet with Carrie Chay
i of the one time Jobs in various City depart- various volunteer jobs in ferms of what is avail- peane and Fnd out what opportunities�blun-
' ments ane filled by volunteers. able in the community. teer Saratoga has to offe� drop by the Commu-
'� Many Saratoga volunteers are professionals Acting much like an employment counselo�C nity Center or call 867-3438.
bringing their knowledge and expertise as tech-
� nical writers, computer operators, engineers � after which it was closed on Sundays until
� and news editors to the City. Other individuals
+ bring their skills to the community providing school resumed in September.
; needed services like car�ng for city property, EX��� 5���� H��� ���� '��ry�a����
performing clerical duties or assisting in recrea- y from many Saratogans have prompted the Sara-
� tional programs. toga Library Commission to ext,end the Sunday
j 4blunteer Saratoga�is open to anyone inter- , �ours Added ��ule. This yeay Sunday library hours will�
� ested in lending a hand. Deane is always look- begin September 1�, and run thrnugh June 1�,
ing for wlunteers,.not necessarily in any 1987. Sur�day hours a�e funded by the City of
E � particular area but with the desire to help. at Libra ��toga, with four additional Sundays b�ng _
, � funded through a cor�tribution from the Clty of
� l�w lblunteer Coordinator _ � Monte Sereno.
This Xear Other community librarjes hare found tl�at li-
Carrie Choy Deane, Volunteer Saratoga's�- �
� brary usage on Sundays ir�eases o�time.
, thusiastic coordinato� started rwrking for the While Cupertino and Los Altos libraries haue
I City as a volunteer and quickly found.Volunteer � y• �ry�
; shown rl �nc�eases in li the in-
Saratoga to be a very special program."1�blun-
, teers in Saratoga are especially dev�ted and ��students studying for finel exams crease in monthly gate oour�t flgu�s at the Sar-
� care abait what's happening in their c�mmu- s���°9�°f the te�m PaPers Wi�� be able atoga Library has bee»substaMGal.
nity, which make.s it�a w�onderful place�o work," t°use the Saratoga Community Library for a � tbr information conceming iegular branch li-
�����: few more Sundays nesct June. P�eviously, the li- brary hours and servlces aontact fhe Saratoga
� Altt�ough Deane Just began her duties as co- brary has started its sutnmer hours on May 17. Community Librery at 867-6126.
. -mdinator in Ma�r,she 1s a,lready_planning marry � -
i�' -. �, . .. � . _ ;.. . . . . . .
� . .
f . � �,
� � o
� lYew F`aces in the Planning Department
• � ' � The Saratoga City Planning Department has �
, four new planners. Lisa Welge, Bob Calkins and
l�Ie� Pro ects an� i �O le �anet Marbin join the City staff,as assistant plar�- 1
- p ners and Valerie Young as associate planner. The
i � � � addition of the planners was a result of vacancies ,
� �� ��annin De art�ne�� created by a recent depa pmental reorganizatiogn.
I � � With their combined ex erience, the Plannin
� _ Department intends to expand its services with
� changes like the upcoming addition of eight-
The Saratoga Planning Department has been and existing vegetation delineated by the hour counter service. Currently service is avail- �
i moving ahead with plans for several new proj- recently completed land use survey. able from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Counter ser-
ects including the development of the Saratoga The four land use options are as follows: vice provides planning and zoning information :
Village Plan and Cox Property. The Department to Saratoga residents and developers.
is also pleased to announce the appointment of 1) Commercial use—entire property. �ratoga's planners are also responsible for �
several new staff members and the upcoming 2) Combination—commercial 8t multiple designing and maintaining the Cit}�s short-
addition of new services soon to be available to family residential use. range and long-range plans, checking to ensure
� the general public. 3) Multiple family residential use. that plans meet city zoning ordinances and reg-
Saratoga V'illage Plan , . ulations such as height limits and setback re-
, 4) Single famity use. quirements.As part of their long range duties,
� Preliminary review of the Saratoga Village The final selection of an option will be based on the planners will be looking twenty years to the I
� Plan has been completed, and the City of Sara- Which is the most desirable land use for the city, future, updating the city general plan elements
' toga is now in khe process of preparing a com- should the city decide to sell the property in the and making sure the plans fulfill future city
prehensive design for the Vllage Plan. This future. needs and comply with state planning laws.
� plan will be aimed at relieving circulation and _
arkin roblems; ex loitin the Eommercial � ` ��'�� �������- �-
� potent aL and protectng the visual, historical, ,� ����������' ,
�� �
��� � ��'� �
and environmental assets. �� �������������� '�
���� ���a.� y _� > ,. �
In February the City contracted with MacKay ,=� �' � ��� � �
, �«.e
8t Somps of Fairfield to prepare a prelim�nary. � ��� ����� � �
review and lannin ro osals for the Villa e.� �; ��;� � 4���������,��� ���°���� ' �,� � ,
P S P P S �} _ ����������� ���������� ���� �������`�_
T�e Village Plan has been studied by several ` � �� g ���������������������,��; �" �� � ������ �,
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tive had been selected. MacKay 8t Somps. ��� �' ��� `� ���������������� �� ������������������.���'
�� .� ��, � � � � ��� o �
reviewed these past plans, evaluafing each ���- � �� �� �s .�� � ��������� ���
� � �- y�"°� �� �
in terms of how practical each would be to � �°, ��� � �����.�� ,� R �g������� ��
.� m ���� �` �� � � ��������� � � ���������.
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apply today. � �� �� ���� ��������� . �� ���� ,�� ��
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'The final physical design of the V�Ilage Plan � � � . � � �� ����, � �, � � �� ��,
�" o� � �� � - av � `��y,� � p.
� prepared by MacKay 8e Somps will consist of a ' ��F� � H�l�����'�������������������s, ,����� ���„� ������ �� �������"�;
land use plan and proposed pedestrian and ve- ���� �� � � ����� �� ��������� � � � ,� �� ����� �,�.
� �� ����� � �� r . � �'���
hicle circulation. MacKa 8t Som s'review will ` � �� �� ������^����`�� ; ��N � � �� �� �
Y P � � � ;: �� ��� � � s
also include a ro osed im lementation lan, � � � � � � � ��� ��
P P P P � ��� � ���:`�� ��s���������� � ��, ����������
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identi �n ossible financial resour�es which - � � �, � ��� ����' �� � �� � ��-�
. fY� S P _,� , �A� ��� ����� ��i� �e � � � �
- WUUId IllakC th6 Vl�la 6 P�BII a T�2a11 �� � s ��� �����������" �`` � � � �� ��,�� �
. � � "3 '4 �,4� ����a���s ����� � '�a �� ���� � � �r
Cox Property Update � �� ���� �� .�`�`�� _ �� �� � � � '���
- ��. � �� � ���.
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With the recent completion of the Cox Avenue � � . ., , ���� � � �� ������ � �� •
land survey, the City of Saratoga is prepared to � � � ���� � ��� ����� � � ���� ������ �
study land use options for the property, located A ' ���-��������"�������� ������ "�� ��a
'...>�� k.. �, )`..y e ':k.� ���� �.^g� %'� _5'�y.
... 4o..r. ���'������'� � �'� ����:.... �:,� ���� ��� •���
On the COrner Of CoX AVenUe and Saratoga/SUr�- � ."°�� ������� ���s � � �� ���������
nyvale Road. The City will determine which land �`. _ �, � �, � 2 g � ��- � x ��
USC Opt10Il WI�� bPSt SUIt.5'diatOga. � m �,�� ��'� � �� � s� ��s� �,s' ' ��� �
�k���€� � - � ���$ $s.: ������:���� ����� �.� �� .
�UI'I�flt��7 CtIC CI�I IS Ifl �le p[OC6SS Of COII- � `' � ��¢� � �� � � � ��� � �� � �������� '�������
tracting with Civil Consulting Group (C2G) of � ��u� � �� � � � �� �� ��� � � �� � �
Scotts Valley, which will draft complete descrip- � -� -���� "��. ���.�. �,,-�� ���.��$� _ ..� �_, .�
tions of the four land use and financial options, Extended counter service will soon be offered by the Planning Department to provide
taking into consideration the survey boundaries Saratoga residents and developers with planning and zoning information. �
� � . ;` �- � � �ti��' ;' � � s\��_-`Jr., � �J :� '�'�
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. . .. . . . A` � ,. .. ,. � . . „ . _
A major portion of this y�eaYs pavement main- While the project is still underway, initial pro- While this is the fourth year the City has had
tenance activities are complete and Saratoga's jections indicate that by acting as general cori- the computer program, during the first two
maintenance officials have begun the process of tractor and project coordinatoS the City saved y�ears there was not adequate funding to imple-
anatyzing the effectiveness of their efforts. over 10%of what it would have paid if the proj- ment the entire program as specified by the
" While the program is an ongoing one, new ad- ect.was contracted out. In addition to saving computer analysis. Since then, howeve� an ac- .
ministrative procedures and a special comput- money the Maintenance_Department was better celerated maintenance effort has allowed the
erized planning system have contributed to able to minimize the impact of street repair City to"catch-up"and get back on the recom- �
both the e.fficiency and effectiveness of this work on the lives of Saratog� residents. � mended street maintenance schedule. {
� year's maintenance process. new Computer Program , Pavement maintenance is a continuing con-
. This year the Maintenance Department as- Pavement maintenance efforts were also im- cern in Saratoga and in most other cities. The
sumed a nesw role in directing Saratoga�s street pmved�this year through the use of a special- • Program currently in use in Saratoga utilizes
maintenance program. In previous years, the ized computer program designed to guide the the most up to date methods to achieve the op-
City turned the organization and management � p�anning and implementation of general street timum in pavement life, appearance, utility and
of the program over to an outside contractor. maintenance. This program uses data collected economy.-Without a regular program of pave-
tlow�eve� this season the City acted as general �m in-depth surveys of all paved surfaces to �nt maintenance, Saratoga streets would ulti-
contracto� overseeing all pavement mainte- determine which streets require treatment and mately require more extensive repair rr�rork at �
nance activities. � significantly higher costs than are required by a
. - what type�of treatment shouid be used. . ,
regular maintenance prbgram.
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