HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 1985 The Saratogan . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .� • t. ,.n
�The 26-Acre estion p� 2 � Clty ot Saratog• Bulk Rate
i � , 13777 Fraltvale Ave. 'U.S. Postage
__ _ _ � 8aratoga� CA 95070 pA1D
!� Saratoga, CA-
l�Iew City 1�'I�a�er Speal� P• Li • Rermit 136 •
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trjFOg� City C�overnment News lYovember 1985
� and subm[tted,.the Council will begin
�� ���� deliberating which of the transpo�tatlon
_ alternatives represents the Citys prefened
alternat�ve.At meetings schedWed for December
4,January 7 and Januaay 15,the City Council will
be considering,among others,issues such as;
`�j/ r Y . • where interchan es should be located;
o s s
• what�e configuratlon of the�eeway
� IA�th funding for the Route 85 expansion made ougMt to be(i.e.number of lanes);
ROI�� �! �l�l���� available by tHe passage last november of • ��er or not the freeway should be
� � Measure�,the process has begun to determine depressed bel�i►�ound level;
OLight Rail'IYansit(LR'1") the speciftc features of the type of roadway to be • �at provIsions�fiould be made for light
"T ' " built In September and Oct,ober,the Saratoga �ail or bus traa�si�and high occupancy
e so� _ _--- - -- Gi4�r�e�r,�k a�a�!the�3i�'or.a;�Q��r�r�eat��f dehicle lane�:a�a� --
. � '[Yansporta#ton(Caltrans)held�a serles of - • ��re tr�it s�tions and parlcing lots
� ' .,,,, I informaiional meetings and pubHc hearings. miSht be located.
O ��e�. ��. During tlne next months,the Councal wlll conduct
� more public hearings as they seek to gather BY���Y 22.the City Council must submit
8� � Z"' ' , community input on this issue. its preferred altemative to the Route 85 Policy
Advisory Board.The Advisory Board,composed
' ��� � The Council's current obJedive is to complete
of Caltrans ofRcdals and elected officials from
z '"" �RT their review of the Draft Ernlronmental Impact 10�S�ernmen�s affected by the Route 85
O11-Lane Pt'eeway wlth LRT and�ligh Statement(DEIS)which Caltrans completed in �Sion,wI11 then meet to select one of the
3 Occupancy Vehide(HO�L�ne late September.The DEIS examiries in detail the highrv�ay altematives.The prefened alternatIve
ie� 30� e� � � � various transportation alternatives proposed for. must then be approved unanimously by the .
the Route 85 comldor and their as.�ocfated cities on the Pplicy Advisory Board.
� m environmental impacts.Copies of the DEIS are �
L�n�� MOV LRT. �.� f10V 2 Lancs � , HLulland a both li�a�atoga�liJrarle.$. a�Ci� � . .
O �Lane FYeeway wIth Bus and tiOV �
7Yansituray a , ., Caltr�tns An�wers Questlons �
���. ��
� .' T••"'�""•Y The Route 85 public review process requires �"I�i� ��� �
��^•• � d ° •^.° Caltrans to aresrver any quesl3ons or concerns
O6-Lane fireeway with Bus and tIC�V raised by Saratoga ofticiais or residents in o
�Yansitway . , response to the DEI�findings.Earlier this year � �� � ��� �a ��er�'�� ::
°6' 6' - the City Council retained a transportati�n and �
� 21ane erivironmental study firm to help prepare a � � �,�
� Trendtwey . . .
�.�.� e�5. � a�.p.� summary of Route 85-related issues that are �.� �,�� � °F
O6 &Lane PYeeway . important to the Ci4y. Plory�he Councdl is looking � ,
to Saratoga residents�help cornplete the list of �
4e� questlons and concems,whicli must be put into � �� �
� writing and formally delfirered to Caltrar�s by the 1�*����'��.�► "�� d
end of fIovember. +�aun�t��� � ��,t� �� ��
4 L�m� 4 L�na� � � .�', ' .r...,X� � . . .
O] S-Lane FYeeway with LRT Thursday,november 7 at 8:00 P.M.is the last ' � ' ��. � � � P
. rtuni Sac�a residents wlll have to � �� � �� �.� � � � � �
oPPo tY � � �
'0 48� � speak in reac;tion to the D�IS findings.I-flowever,
_ � ��_ � residents may present their qu�ons and '�►
a l'�ee� LHT'— L�n�� �n�i���1�{1le WU��1�1WllB9ll�.�LLl��lile �, � .� ��� � �. . -
Coundl may use that input when�eey finalize the �
O 'IYanspox�mafiion Systems M�nagement City/s queslions to Ca:tran�on Piovember 20. � p ���,��
(no build) � � � � � ��
Si�iflcsnt Issues
O9 no Build ' C�tY Cc>t,gtc�l �t 13°77'7
Once the list of questions has been completed
A�nt�.Sarato�,CA 95070.
� . . ._
. . . . . . . . , .
� Six disiinct potentlal development proposals
. , � waere�examined by the consultant�: .single-family
. � resideniial,.multl-family residential,o$Ice,hotel,
� �athletic fadlity,and mlxed-use residential/re�l.
In each case.�e consultant9 examined several
characberlstics of each potentlal development�
� - including: �
• potentIal ha8ic impacts;
� ° � � • the effed of�e proposed Route 85 `
� ��� expansion; .
� . � the impact on a�jacent neighborhoods;
• public transit use potential; �
. � �e amount of revenue�e development
would generate;and
- • the cost to�e City in terms of increased
� � demand for different types of
�' � government servlces. .
A copy of the consultanCs report is available for �
p�.iblic review in the Saratoga City Ofl�ces.
Ot6er Development Ideas Sought
�� � � � While only six alternat�ives were studied in the
� �� � � � ��r��' �� � `� Sinal analys
`� ori is,the Council now wants input
from Sarat,oga residents and possible developers
regarding these and other feasible alternatives.
� � . ' Addit3onal suggest3ons recefired since the
: consWtanYs report include a retlrement
community and a prlvate high school.
Pt.iture development of tfie Paul Masson parcel
� -.- is likely to require a change in the current zoning
� and general plan.Consequently,the Planning
Closing its doora The winery tours at Pau!Masson are gone forever,but the future of the 26- Commission wlll be the revlewing body which will
acre parcel has yet to be determined. � gather input,review alternatives,and tfien send
its reoommendalions to the City Coundl. The
�Councll wfll conduct its own public hearings and -
_ r : . • choose one or more pre�err�ed alternatives,for.., .: .
�� � whicll the required dratt environmental impact
a��On �O � statementwill be prepared.
� � � � � One such hearing took place last week and
other scheduled dates are listed below Some
• • • . i locatlons and t3mes may.change,so please
chec�c wlth�e City Hall if you are interested in
e � � cre ues lon at�nd�g. . � ;
. ;
In early 1986,Paul Masson V'ineyards will Over the next several months,the Council and
cease all operations at their 26-acre site on the Saratoga Planning Commission wlll conduct
Saratoga Avenue near Cox,which is used for the a series of public hearings desi�ed to gather
cpmpanys administrative,bottlir�g and community and developers'input as to what I
warehousing operatlons. uses would serve Saratoga best i
Because the properiy is so si�ificant in size Economic and'11ra�c Impacts Studied
- and location,the Saratoga Cdty Council
rec,o�izes the impact that any new business or In order to help be�n the process by giving
residenfiial development may have on the City.in the community and city offidals something to
terms of eoonomic,traftic and quality of life react to,the City hired Environmental Sc,�ence
issues.Consequently,the Council intends to Associates Inc to conduct research and analysis
plan well in advanCe for possible new uses of the of the economic and traHic impacts that might
� site. • result from various potential developments.
� Robert A. Stankus
Mayor '
The 8aratagan is published b�r the City of Martha Clevenger �
Saratoga to inform residents about important Councflmembers
City Council and Government issues. Please Linda Callon .
direct your comments and questions to the Virginia Laden Fanelli .
Saratoga City Council, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, �oyce Hlava
Saratoga, CA �5070. _ David Mayles �
. �
. � � E�
._� , . �. � . . ;. . . ,. : , . . " " .., ; �
- - ., . . regarding cettain issues. And because dty use whatever iMuenoe w�e can to steer
Cl�� C�e government is smaller and less bureaucrabic, legislat�on that affects Saratoga's interests."
changes in poflq and organizatlon oome about
j'�Ot ���C, easier and quicker." � Peaoock believes that one way Saratoga can
� positively intluence state law is through the citys #
�� �,e "On the otfier hand,"he coniinues,"Saratoga's parbicipatlon ir►the League of Califomia Cit3es.
� residential character means a low tax base and an Durirtg his 12�+ear term as dty manager for
increased dependence�upon the dtlzens to pay - Rolling Mills Estates in Southern Califomia,
i ����" for many of�e servlces offered" .Peaooc]c also served for four years on the .
execulive commitCee of the Leagues's city
� � � ,� � � - . If a need is expressed by the cltizens,city manager departrnent
' �; ,� � a � �� � governmenYs flrst task is to determine,through ,' -
� � ��:��� '� �� ���� �� public hearings and fact finding,whether or not "The League is the pdmary arm of advocacy
� ��� �Er � ��� ,������, fulfilling that need is iri the common good.Once for small citles;'Peacock explains,'�vhich has
, �$�� '� �`������������ � that determinatlon is made,the c3ty manager proven very effedive in making sure.that state
�� � � t � �� E�� � ; � � and staff can go about examinirig the proposal's • laws don t infringe on lqral lawmaking power.
s � � � �� �:` � � �� �' economic viability. . Because the League is reasonable and does its.
;� � �y�� �
,,� � r
°���; ;H �,e�F���,, � � . homework before arguing its posit�on,it is a
"The real challenge arises when the citys believable and valuable organization."
r�;` limited financ�al resources prevent an act�ial �
� � public need�om being satisfted.In that case;' While Peacock is only be�nning to familiarize
Peacocic eacplains,"the public's w[llingness to himself with Saratoga's political history,his
fund a project often determines that projecYs experlence in small city govemment enables '
� _ , fate." , him to draw some general conclusions. - .
• �
An In er� I�I
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F�fteen�re,ars�i�eit�+rr�ari�gec�ent•have�en-_.- �. . . While this le�slative process takes les�ime in ��I�s importan�fo� people�� - -
Saratoga's new c3ty manager,,tlarry Peaaocic, a smaller c3ty,it 6�equently takes more time than
plenty of tlme to become familiar wlth the rigors many Saratogans can understand. #.
of local government Does tt�at mean that tfie job � under,S�d �Cl l, due
has gotten ar�r easier?not a chance. "[n this age of instant communication and �
informatlon;'Peacocic theodzes,..people are process �S �0� C� '
"Citles are not static;'Peacocic insists,"they bombarded with oonceptlons of what is possible
are dynamic. Phren when residents want to keep and often expect instant soluiions to complex ��l��id
a city�e way it is,there are external factors— problems.IYs important for people to
new state laws or changes tn surrounding understand that due process is not a Polaroid ,
communities—to which a city must respond." picture—it takes time.-• picture '"""'
Responding to the needs of Saratog�a's "IYs also important for people to reco�ize lt t�ke�
residents,carrying out policies established by that in many cases Saratoga's hands are tied by
the City Councal,and complying with local,state court nilings and state and federal laws;' • �� �
and federal regulations are general descriptions Peacock notes,"and our only optlon is to try to �e.
of the city manageYs responsibilitles.While many � �';,
- people might assume that the city manager . . ��
'Th� re�l chal�eng� �se� � � �.�;
w[elds a tremendous amount of power in ` �
� ..
determining what happens in Saratoga,Peacock �.y. � o e � �*� _''
suggests the opposite is more accurate. ��n �i ie �j�� �l��t� y
t �'
� ?
"While I am charged wi�the day-to-day �jI1f�IZCl� Y��SOL�C�� � � �i
operation of city govemmen�,"he explains,"I . � ,
probably spend only 1096 of my time�iving
orders and 9096 of my time making sure theyre �re�e�t an
carried out"
actt,�al pt�lic ���`-f�
� _.
"In a dty like Saratoga,"he continues,"the � "Most Saratogans;'he suggests,"basicalty
role of the dty council is to set broad policy.My �e�� fr�� want Saratoga to remain the way it is.Mowever,
responsibility is to make sure the council has ~ �
the informatlon they need to set that policy,and . there also seems to be a strong desire to acquire
��1�� and preserve open spaces and historic buildings,
�en make sure that the policies they set are �
to increase police protection,and to continue
carr(ed out wlthin the confines of the budget and � „ ������;�� c.ity beautlfication projects."
controlling state and federal laws." $G��Sfied. � ��� ����y, .
Sara s small size and residential character
� �� '� '"Itirning those dreams into reality;'Peacocic
present�govemment wIth a mixed bag of � �� �:� �% F concludes,"require.�a sotution other than
�` �,, increasing the tax base throu increased
� � Sh
� .
challenges and bene.�ts. _ "�` business and indusirial development It requires
' � .,� long-range planning and a creative approach to
"In a city of Saratoga's size;'Peacock explains, �, ��� - obtaining revenues from other sources in a way
"iYs easier to gauge the public sentIment : , .,� that wilt pre�serve,the Eharacter of Saratoga"
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Recent tragedies like the earthquake in Meadco would be prepared to report to the Emergency of emergency procedures.As part of a
and this summe►'s fires in the Los(�atos Operating Center.While each volunteer has a coordinated effort between the Council and local
mountains remind us of the importance of pre-assi�►ed area of supervIsion,ultimate schools,volunteers have visited classrooms and
emergency preparedness.If an earthquake or responsibility for emergency operaiing provlded students,teac2iers and parents wIth
� any other m�or disaster str[kes,woWd you be procedures resides wlth the city manager. emergency preparedness information.
prepared?WoWd you know what to do or where
to go for help?While few families take the t3me. Through a previously established The Council hopes that through educafion
�, to_prepare themselves for potentlal disasters,a communicat3ons system,Council members families wlll leam to incorporate preparedness
�-oup of local volunteers is dedicated to making could Eontact the appropdate county,state or steps in their own homes.The best way to
sure that Saratoga is property prepared and federal organizatlons in order to report the minimize the trauma of a disaster is to be
� ' equipped should any sudden emergency arise. status of the emergency and to coordinate any prepared.For example,ari earlfiquake can be an
necessary relief efforts. emot3onally traumatic experlence,especially for
The Emergency Preparedness Couneil . young children.Mowever,the effects can be
A m�jor element of the Emergency Operattng minimized by having regular family disc�ssions
The Saratoga Emergency Preparedness Pro�gam is the Emergency Operating Center, and planning each family membeYs.role in the
Counc3l was established in 1984 and since then which in the event of an emergency would serve event of an earthquake or other emergency.
has been working to achieve sevexal planning as the citys communication base.The 5enior
, objectives.The Council recently completed an Center in the Sarat,oga Community Center Volunteers are s1311 needed to conl3nue the
Emergency Operatiing Plan which specifies the building has been desi�ated as the Emergency operation of the Emergency Preparedness
actions that would be taken in the event of a - Operat�ng Center and a back-up wiring system Pro�am.If you can spare some extra iime to
local disaster. has been installed in the Center to accomodate help run the o�ce,publicize preparedn�ss
an emergency power supply. � informalion or aid in coordinating the pro�ram,
For example,if an earthquake struck the city, please contaet.Stan Carnekie or Chrisii Moyer
Emergency Preparedness Emergency Preparedness T6roug6 at 867-3�38.
Council members ���/���; F,�uestlon ���/���-
/� � �
��������h�al�e or� While proper planning and equipment 1 �pO�t Te e ���/���
!� • ���' �le,d�k � acquisitlon are important tasks for the / Make P60►ie�y �/,
D��g et v►ndet � doo�y' � Emergency Preparedness Council,a hf nu a �jst of �
� ►f youi Ye�naO�tov►rse►f�n a Ss iding�bJ��' � Pfiority has also been placed on � � to keeers.A9►'ee�non addr�� and � �
�1� bed,otfor faUing-,�aows. a � Promoting public awareness / YO(1R pry0�D�L►lY T M�pF D e►nbers�ete �
: �tc�►away from w►n an o���ea ck o � ' I �5re Y�R EMER�}Ejy��ER, USE 1 �
��rs move wet�aes'b�d��. � , �ePt �
, 2.If you Ye ou �ees,P° t cA
from buildin9s� �eY ob�e� Poliee
- blocJt�ls ana° ana Sr�y in �Pt
ile stAP neaY Emergen ' I
in an autOicnobpvoid stoPP�n9 �J'Me�cal: ;
3 �f you Ye ng st,oPs• aeY overp�� �'Ysie�an: ,
» un1a�tY►e sh�'rli�►��°n°tun ,
��,sanaP°w� et unaec a d�Co:
nse buildin9 a otuse the INa . �
�,If y°U re�n ae s��ng StoPs.D�ts ter CO:
desk u�i►til th ���,Llse�1e s� ,
tor to� le,�Y any
el�va► - der a� Avoid na�eand
f ovi re in a sto oT giri a a����,ia��.D t �d�lly'e���S�urnber of�
g.l y ob�ect, �n8� ovur �° ndition; �ail �n ou
S�tdy un anyth � �se Y �d rePort] �ide
stoPPinB aet�e � Ch
not dash fot .
�retull�l• -
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