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10-24-2023 Heritage Preservation Commission Agenda Packet
Page 1 of 2 HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING October 24, 2023 8:30 AM SPECIAL MEETING Public Participation Information In accordance with Saratoga City Council’s Remote Public Participation Policy, members of the public may participate in this meeting in person at the location listed below or via remote attendance using the Zoom information below. 1. Attending the meeting in person at the City Hall Linda Callon Conference Room, located at 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga CA 95070; OR 2. Accessing the meeting through Zoom • Using the Zoom website https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88925928804 App (Webinar ID 889 2592 8804) and using the tool to raise their hand in the Zoom platform when directed by the Chair to speak on an agenda item; OR • Calling 1.669.900.6833 or 1.408.638.0968 and pressing *9 to raise their hand to speak on an agenda item when directed by the Chair. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Governor’s Executive Order, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting due to a disability, please contact the City Clerk at bavrit@saratoga.ca.us or calling 408.868.1216 as soon as possible before the meeting. The City will use its best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call- Sharon Boyce-Bender, Zhen Li, Margarete Minar, and Priya Shastri 3. Oral Communications on Non-Agenized Items Any member of the public may address the Commission about any matter not on the agenda for this meeting for up to three minutes. Commissioners may not comment on the matter but may choose to place the topic on a future agenda. 4. New Business a. Saratoga Retirement Community (SRC) 5. Commission Items 6. Staff Comments 7. Adjournment Any recommendation made by the Heritage Preservation Commission may be appealed to Page 2 of 2 the Planning Commission within ten (10) days of the date of the decision. The appeal shall be taken by filing with the Secretary of the Heritage Preservation Commission a written notice and filing fee within ten (10) days of the date of the decision. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a disabled person and you need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 868-1216 or bavrit@saratoga.ca.us Requests must be made as early as possible and at least one full business day before the start of the meeting. In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, copies of the staff report, and other materials provided to the Heritage Preservation Commission by City staff in connection with this agenda are available at the office of the Community Development Department Director at 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California 95070. Any materials distributed by staff after the posting of the agenda are made available for public review at the office of the Director at the time, they are distributed to the Heritage Preservation Commission. CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF AGENDA I, Nicole Johnson, Senior Planner, for the City of Saratoga, declare that the foregoing agenda for the meeting of the Heritage Preservation Commission was posted and available for public review on October 19, 2023 at the City of Saratoga, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070 and on the City’s website at www.saratoga.ca.us Page 1 of 4 MEMORANDUM MEETING DATE: October 24, 2023 TO: Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) FROM: Cynthia Richardson, Project Planner SUBJECT: 14500 Fruitvale Avenue Consider the addition of a meeting room to the Manor Building and the construction of Building B located in front of the Manor Building. APPLICATION: PDR19-0023/ARB19-0039/GEO19-0013/ZOA19-0004/ENV19-0005 Property Location: 14500 Fruitvale Avenue Property APN: 397-12-012 & 397-12-019 & 397-40-006 Property Owner/Applicant: Ankrom Moisan Architects for Odd Fellows of California Background: The Odd Fellows Home of California is a two-story stucco Mission Revival styled building that is part of the Saratoga Retirement Community campus. The Odd Fellows Home, often referred to as the Manor, was designed by San Francisco architect Ralph Warren Hart and was completed in 1912. The building is listed on the City of Saratoga’s Historic Resources Inventory as #27. The Saratoga Retirement Community includes the historic Odd Fellows Manor as well as other buildings that include independent living apartments, cottages, assisted living building, a fitness center, and a health care building. The applicants request includes a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to add the Planned Combined District (PC) Overlay Zoning Designation to the project site’s existing Residential R-1-40,000 (R-1-40) Zoning Designation. Thus, the proposed project will require City Council approval. After HPC review, the proposed project will be reviewed by the Planning Commission, which will make a recommendation to the City Council. Project Description: The Saratoga Retirement Community is proposing to amend their Master Plan. As part of the project, the applicant is seeking approval of a new meeting room which would 3 Page 2 of 4 be added to the west side of the existing Manor building. In addition, Building B is proposed in the open landscaped area in front of the Manor. See map below. Meeting Room The Manor building retains integrity of location, design, workmanship, feeling, and association. The building has not been moved from its original location and retains many of its original design elements and character defining features. The Manor Building’s 2004 alterations – including two-story additions added to the rear of the building with newly designed patio areas, a south wing addition, and a raised walkway and staircases – have diminished the building’s integrity of materials. Despite the Building B Meeting Room Manor Building D Applicant’s Alternative 4 Page 3 of 4 alterations, the primary façade remains largely intact and consistent to its 1912 construction, therefore it retains integrity of design and workmanship. Direct impacts to the Manor Building would include the addition of the new Meeting Room. The Meeting Room would connect to the Manor Building via a narrow hyphen that would serve as an enclosed, interior lobby between the buildings. The connection occurs at the existing doorway and would remove or alter stucco, siding and windows on the Manor’s side elevation. The new addition was analyzed in the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) against the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, and it was concluded that the meeting room addition could meet the standards if mitigation was imposed. The DEIR is provided here via this link, https://www.saratoga.ca.us/461/Proposed-Saratoga-Retirement-Community-P. The proposed mitigation for the addition is attached (Attachment 1). Building B Although changes to the landscaping, driveway and slope have been made in front of the Manor over time, the formality of the building has been preserved through its position atop a slight rise from Odd Fellows Drive, access via a curvilinear driveway, and the sloped landscape area below. With the proposed construction of Building B, the project would destroy character-defining features of the Manor Building’s setting including the curvilinear driveway the sloped landscaped area at the front of the building, the setback of the building from Odd Fellows Drive, and would also diminish the “slight rise of the Manor Building atop the site from Odd Fellows Drive Thus, the DEIR concluded that the location of Building B would destroy character defining features of the setting of the Manor Building (an historic resource) and would cause a significant unavoidable impact on the environment. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires environmental impact reports to also analyze a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed project. The DEIR considers three alternatives to the proposed project. Alternative 1, Resident’s Alternative, was based on a submittal by current residents of the campus that would replace the applicant’s proposed Skilled Nursing Facility with independent living units and the existing Health Center would be demolished and replaced with a new building that would accommodate 52 independent living units, a new meeting room and an underground parking garage. Under Alternative 1, Building B would not be constructed. Alternative 2, Reduced Density Alternative, would be identical to the proposed Project except that Building B and the associated improvements to the north of the Manor Building would not be constructed. And, Alternative 3, Applicant’s Alternative, eliminates Building B from the plan and shows a new Building D in the location of the north-west employee parking lot (Attachment 3) Building D would have 11 Independent Living Units and an underground parking garage for 32 spaces. 5 Page 4 of 4 Recommendation: It is recommended that HPC review the elements of the proposed project related to Manor as follows: 1) Determine that the proposed Meeting Room addition to the Manor is in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior Standards and that it will not have an impact on the historic character of the Manor if the DEIR Mitigation is imposed on the project. 2) Review proposed Building B. The HPC should discuss the Meeting Room addition and Building B and review against the below criteria and make a recommendation. Code 13-20.070 Criteria. The Community Development Director, on the recommendation of the Heritage Preservation Commission, or the Planning Commission or City Council on appeal, shall authorize issuance of a permit, or a conditional permit, if and only if, it is determined that: (a) The proposed work is consistent with the purposes and objectives of this Chapter. (b) The proposed work does not adversely affect the character of the designated historic landmark, heritage lane or historic district. (c) In the case of construction of a new building, structure or other improvement upon or within a designated historic landmark, heritage lane or historic district, the exterior of such improvements will not adversely affect and will be compatible with the external appearance of the existing landmark, lane or district. HPC’s recommendation will be included in the Planning Commission hearing packet and provided to the City Council when it considers its approval of the proposed project. Attachments: 1. DRAFT EIR Mitigation pertaining to the Manor Building Meeting room 2. Pertinent Project Plans 3. Applicant’s Alternative Plans 6 Draft Environmental Impact Report Saratoga Retirement Community Meeting Room Addition to Manor Mitigation Measures MM-CUL-1: Adverse Change to Historical Resources MM-CUL-1a: Historical Resource Protection Plan Prior to construction, the Project proponent shall prepare a Historical Resource Protection Plan, under the oversight of an architectural historian and/or historian meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards (36 CFR Part 61). The Historical Resource Protection Plan shall be implemented throughout the duration of construction activities, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following measures: A. A pre-construction survey on the Manor Building shall be conducted by an architectural historian who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards. The Pre-construction survey shall establish a baseline of existing conditions of exterior of the Manor Building with written descriptions, photographs, and sketches of all cracks, spalling, or similar damage. B. A vibration management and continuous monitoring plan shall be developed and adopted to protect the Manor Building against damage caused by vibration during project construction. The vibration management and monitoring plan related to the Manor Building shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to issuance of any grading or building permits. The vibration management and monitoring plan shall be at the direction of the qualified structural engineer and shall constitute a blended approach, using both optical survey targets and crack monitors. Use of optical survey targets and crack monitors during construction shall measure whether construction vibration is approaching levels where damage to the historical resource may be possible. The vibration management and monitoring plan shall include site visits every six months by an architectural historian who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards, during the duration of construction to survey and record any changes to the exterior of the Manor Building. Construction methods shall be reevaluated if measurements and levels of vibration are found to exceed the levels established in the vibration management and monitoring plan and/or if damage to the historical resource may be possible. C. Pre-construction fencing shall be installed at construction zones around the perimeter of the Manor Building to prevent damage to the building from physical impact of construction equipment and/or vehicles. Such fencing shall be maintained throughout the duration of the construction periods for Building B and the Meeting Room, but shall allow for pedestrian access to and from the Manor Building by residents and others. If it is necessary to temporarily remove the fencing for logistical reasons, the physical and temporal extent of removal shall be minimized to the extent necessary for the task, and the unfenced area shall be monitored by a spotter until the fencing is replaced. 7 D. A post-construction survey on the Manor Building shall be conducted by an architectural historian who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards. The post-construction survey shall report any changes that occurred to the exterior of the Manor Building during construction with written descriptions, photographs, and of all pre-construction survey areas that expanded during construction and/or any new cracks, spalling, or similar damage that occurred during construction. If the post-construction survey report documents any damage as a result of Project construction, the architectural historian shall make recommendations for the method of repair for such damage to pre-construction condition, in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. The Project Applicant shall implement the recommended repairs under the oversight of the architectural historian at the Project Applicant’s expense. MM-CUL-1b: Archival Documentation (HABS/HALS) A. The Manor Building and its associated character-defining features on the Project site shall be documented in accordance with the guidelines established for the Historic American Building Survey/Historic American Landscape Survey (HABS/HALS) program. At a minimum, archival documentation shall include: i. Large-format photographs. ii. Written narrative following HABS/HALS short format outline. iii. Sketch plan of the Manor Building site, including spatial relationship to Odd Fellows Drive. B. An architectural historian and/or historian meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards (36 CFR Part 61) shall oversee the preparation of the archival documentation. The Level III HABS-equivalent documentation shall cover the Manor Building, along with associated features, spaces, and landscaping. C. Archival-quality prints of the documentation shall be submitted to the City of Saratoga for archival and educational purposes. Additional print copies shall be made available to other local research institutions including the Saratoga Public Library. MM-CUL-1c: Interpretive Program A. The Manor Building and its associated features on the Project site shall be commemorated in an interpretive program, the details of which shall be determined in consultation with the City of Saratoga. The interpretive program may include, but shall not be limited to: i. Exhibit, website, pamphlet or similar. ii. Historical displays. 8 PROJECT NUMBERDATE SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building A\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building A_sashaf.rvt6/14/2019 2:05:20 PM963117 SCHEMATIC DESIGNSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSIONPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.14.2019 TITLE SHEET 00 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 1CS - SARATOGA RETIREMENT COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT LIVING & CAMPUS EXPANSION ODD FELLOWS HOME OF CALIFORNIA TSSARATOGA CCRC - INDEPENDENT LIVING &CAMPUS EXPANSIONPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES-14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 95070DATE 03.30.2020 1 of 146 PLANNING SUBMITTTAL ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 04.05.2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 9 PROJECT NUMBERDATE SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building A\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building A_sashaf.rvt6/14/2019 2:05:20 PM963117 SCHEMATIC DESIGNSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSIONPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.14.2019 TITLE SHEET 00 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 2CS - EXISTING CAMPUS FLAVOR SARATOGA CCRC - INDEPENDENT LIVING &CAMPUS EXPANSIONPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES-14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 95070DATE 03.30.2020 4 of 146 EXISTING CAMPUS FLAVOR & EXISTING MASTER PLAN ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTTAL CS-0.2 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 10 PROJECT NUMBERDATE SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building A\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building A_sashaf.rvt6/14/2019 2:05:20 PM963117 SCHEMATIC DESIGNSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSIONPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.14.2019 TITLE SHEET 00 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 3CS - PROPOSED MASTER PLAN BUILDING B 10 new IL units with 10 garage parking spaces. 56 additional garage spaces and 14 main entry spaces provided. 22 Existing on-grade spaces and 12 main entry spaces removed. BUILDING A 33 New IL Units pro- vided with 34 Garage parking spaces. NEW MEETING ROOM New 3300 SF Auditorium provided with 16 Garage park- ing spaces below. 3 Parallel parking spaces removed. BUILDING C 30 New IL Units provided with 30 Garage parking spaces. 50 additional New Garage spaces provided for AL Building. 50 exist- ing on grade parking spaces for the AL are removed. EXISTING MANOR BUILDING Dining Program captures Bar. Bar moves to Existing Audi- torium. NEW FITNESS SPACE 1,000 SF Ankrom Moisan Architects, PRS, and IOOF Saratoga Retirement Community Independent Living Expansion 5 PROPOSED MASTER PLAN BUILDING B 10 new IL units with 10 garage parking spaces. 56 additional garage spaces and 14 main entry spaces provided. 22 Existing on-grade spaces and 12 main entry spaces removed. BUILDING A 33 New IL Units pro- vided with 34 Garage parking spaces. NEW MEETING ROOM New 3300 SF Auditorium provided with 16 Garage park- ing spaces below. 3 Parallel parking spaces removed. BUILDING C 30 New IL Units provided with 30 Garage parking spaces. 50 additional New Garage spaces provided for AL Building. 50 exist- ing on grade parking spaces for the AL are removed. EXISTING MANOR BUILDING Dining Program captures Bar. Bar moves to Existing Audi- torium. NEW FITNESS SPACE 1,000 SF Ankrom Moisan Architects, PRS, and IOOF Saratoga Retirement Community Independent Living Expansion 5 Existing Site Plan Conceptual Master Plan SARATOGA CCRC - INDEPENDENT LIVING &CAMPUS EXPANSIONPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES-14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 95070IL APARTMENT 1H E A L T H C A R E ASSISTED LIVING WEST COTTAGES FITNESS CENTER FITNESS CENTER ADDITION MEETING ROOM MANOR BLDG B BLDG C BL DG AODD FELLOWS DRIVE COLFAX LANEW COTTAGES LANEPAVILLION CIRCLE McLAREN LANEMcLAREN LANEBUILDING B 10 new IL units with 10 garage parking spaces, 54 traditional garage spaces and 12 main entry spaces provided. 22 existing on-grade spaces and 12 main entry spaces removed. BUILDING C 20 new IL units provided with 30 garage parking spaces. 47 additional new garage spaces provided for AL Building. 50 existing on-grade parking spaces for the AL are removed NEW MEETING ROOM New 3300 SF Auditorium provided with 16 garage parking spaces below. 3 parking spaces removed. NEW FITNESS SPACE 1,000 SF BUILDING A 22 new IL units provided with 31 garage parking spaces and 3 main entry spaces provided. 3 parallel parking spaces removed. . BUILDING B 10 new IL units with 10 garage parking spaces, 54 additional garage spaces and 12 main entry spaces provided. 22 existing on-grade space and 12 main entry spaces removed. DATE 03.30.2020 20 new IL units provided with 20 garage parking spaces. 57 additional new garage spaces provided for AL Building. 50 existing on-grade parking spaces for the AL are removed. Note: See CS-0.5 General Site Development Plan for overall view. PLANNING SUBMITTTAL CS-0.3 PLANNING SUBMITTTAL EXISTING SITE PLAN & CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-000401.22.2021 5 of 146 20 new IL units provided with 20 garage parking spaces. 57 additional new garage spaces provided for AL Building. 50 existing on-grade parking spaces for the AL are removed. Note: See CS-0.5 General Site Development Plan for overall view. WAY T COURT 19271 SAN MARCOS ROAD 19227 SAN MARCOS ROAD 14505 CHESTER AVENUE ODD FELLOWS DRIVE W COTTAGES LANECOLFAX LANEMcLAREN LANEMcLAREN LANEPAVILLI O N C I R C L E NEW FITNESS SPACE 1,000 SF FITNESS CENTER BUILDING A 22 NEW IL UNITS PROVIDED WITH 31 PARKING SPACES AND 3 MAIN ENTRY SPACES PROVIDED. 3 PARALLEL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED NEW MEETING ROOM NEW 3,300 SF AUDITORIUM PROVIDED WITH 16 GARAGE PARKING SPACES BELOW. 3 PARKING SPACES REMOVED WEST COTTAGES BUILDING B 10 NEW IL UNITS WITH 10 GARAGE PARKING SPACES, 54 ADDITIONAL GARAGE SPACES AND 12 MAIN ENTRY SPACES PROVIDED. 22 EXISTING ON-GRADE SPACES AND 12 MAIN ENTRY SPACES REMOVED. BUILDING C 20 NEW IL UNITS WITH 30 GARAGE PARKING SPACES, 47 ADDITIONAL NEW GARAGE SPACES PROVIDED FOR AL BUILDING. 50 EXISITNG ON-GRADE PARKING SPACES FOR THE AL ARE REMOVED. HEALT H C A REIL APARTMENT 1ASSISTED LIVING BLDG CBLDG B MANOR BLDG APLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 11 PROJECT NUMBERDATE SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building A\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building A_sashaf.rvt6/14/2019 2:05:20 PM963117 SCHEMATIC DESIGNSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSIONPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.14.2019 TITLE SHEET 00 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 4CS - Building B Front Entry PERSPECTIVE VIEWS OF PROPOSED BUILDINGS IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE ORIGINAL MANOR BUILDING Building B and Manor Approach at Ground Level Building B and Manor Approach View From Above Meeting Room Rendering SARATOGA CCRC - INDEPENDENT LIVING &CAMPUS EXPANSIONPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES-14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 95070DATE 03.30.2020 6 of 146 DESIGN IMAGES ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTTAL CS-0.4 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 12 UP A3.12-b 2 A3.11-b 4 A3.11-b 1 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.13 A3.12-b3 2' - 0" 5' - 0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"6'-0" x 7'-0"6'-0" x 7'-0"6'-0" x 7'-0" 6'-0" x 7'-0" 6'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0"6'-0" x 7'-0"6'-0" x 7'-0"3'-0" x 7'-0"2092 SF 2-BED+1639 SF 2-BED 1639 SF 2-BED 1639 SF 2-BED 2184 SF 2-BED+ 217 SF LOBBY 429.25 23' - 0"23' - 0"24' - 0"23' - 0"19' - 0"4' - 0" GOLF CART PARKING GOLF CART PARKING4' - 6"4' - 0"30' - 0" SETBACK1 A4.01 3 A4.01 STEPS EXISTING ACCESSIBLE RAMP TO MANOR MAIN ENTRY24' - 4 1/8"5' - 0"47' - 0 1/2"5' - 0"26' - 11 3/4"60' - 0" RIGHT OF WAY55' - 0" RIGHT OF WAYODD FELLOWS DRIVE30'-0" SET BACK RIGHT OF WAY KEY PLAN PROJECT BLDG CBLDG B B L DG A MEETING ROOM FITNESS MANOR ASSISTED LIVING / MC HEALTH CAREINDEPENDENTLIVING INDEPENDENT LIVING PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER NORTH C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_joet.rvt1/28/2021 6:17:48 PM963117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - BUILDING BPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN A2.01-bA2.01-b3/32" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING B - LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN 0 4 8 16 32 GENERAL NOTES -FLOOR PLANS 1.REFER TO CIVIL STORMWATER TREATMENT PLAN FOR ACTUAL PLANTER BOX LOCATIONS. LOCATION WILL VARY BY LEVEL IN ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AS CUT PLANE CHANGES. REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 116 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 13 UP UP 11 STANDARD PARKING STALLS 7 COMPACT PARKING STALLS A3.12-b 2 A3.11-b 4 A3.11-b 1 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.146' - 0"A3.12-b3 296 SF STORAGE 18 PARKING STALLS TOTAL 21' - 0"19' - 0"28' - 6"28' - 6" 330 SF STORAGE 328 SF GENERATOR 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0" 9'-0" x 7'-0"6'-0" x 7'-0"6'-0" x 7'-0"9'-0" x 7'-0"6'-0" x 7'-0"1639 SF 2-BED 1639 SF 2-BED 1639 SF 2-BED 2017 SF 2-BED+ 2184 SF 2-BED+ 1244 SF CORRIDOR 2.0%4.0%416'-8 7/8" 416'-6 1/8"4' - 4"4' - 4"24' - 11"22' - 8"6' - 0"1 A4.01 3 A4.01 STEPS 30' - 0" SETBACK9.5% ODD FELLOWS DRIVE 60' - 0" RIGHT OF WAY55' - 0" RIGHT OF WAYFLOOR AREA = 67% 16,495.22 SQ FTEL = 425' - 9"EXCLUDED FLOOR AREA 30'-0" SETBACK RIGHT OF WAY COMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTKEY PLAN PROJECT BLDG CBLDG B B L DG A MEETING ROOM FITNESS MANOR ASSISTED LIVING / MC HEALTH CAREINDEPENDENTLIVING INDEPENDENT LIVING PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER NORTH C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_joet.rvt1/28/2021 6:17:53 PM963117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - BUILDING BPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 LEVEL P1 FLOOR PLAN A2.P1-bA2.P1-b1BUILDING B - LEVEL P1 FLOOR PLAN 0 4 8 16 32 GENERAL NOTES -FLOOR PLANS 1.REFER TO CIVIL STORMWATER TREATMENT PLAN FOR ACTUAL PLANTER BOX LOCATIONS. LOCATION WILL VARY BY LEVEL IN ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AS CUT PLANE CHANGES. REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 118 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 14 UP UP A3.12-b 2 A3.11-b 4 A3.11-b 1 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 A3.12-b3 20' - 0"37 STANDARD PARKING STALLS 9 COMPACT PARKING STALLS 46 PARKING STALLS TOTAL38' - 0"38' - 0"24' - 9 7/8"24' - 11 7/8"ODD FELLOWS DRIVE 5' - 0"DNDN9.5%9.5% 407'-1 5/8"407'-1 5/8"2.0%18' - 9" STEPS 1 A4.01 3 A4.0130' - 0" SETBACK60' - 0" RIGHT OF WAY55' - 0" RIGHT OF WAYE L = 4 1 4 ' -9 "BASEMENT AREA < 20%BASEMENT AREA > 80% (NO FLOOR AREA)30'-0" SETBACK RIGHT OF WAY COMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTCOMPACTKEY PLAN PROJECT BLDG CBLDG B B L DG A MEETING ROOM FITNESS MANOR ASSISTED LIVING / MC HEALTH CAREINDEPENDENTLIVING INDEPENDENT LIVING PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER NORTH C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_joet.rvt1/28/2021 6:17:55 PM963117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - BUILDING BPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 LEVEL P2 FLOOR PLAN A2.P2-bA2.P2-b3/32" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING B - P2 FLOOR PLAN 0 4 8 16 32 GENERAL NOTES -FLOOR PLANS 1.REFER TO CIVIL STORMWATER TREATMENT PLAN FOR ACTUAL PLANTER BOX LOCATIONS. LOCATION WILL VARY BY LEVEL IN ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AS CUT PLANE CHANGES. REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 119 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 15 LEVEL 1 429' -3" ROOF 440' -3" LEVEL P1 418' -3" LEVEL P2 407' -9" PROPOSED GRADE 21'-8" FROM NORTH ELEVATION EXISTING GRADE WHITE VINYL WINDOW FRAME STEEL BRACKETTILE ROOFBLACK RAILINGSTUCCO WALL 32' - 6"7' - 4"10' - 6"11' - 0"11' - 0"29' - 9 5/8"LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 413.25' HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 427.1' AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 420.175'HEIGHT FROM AVG (NATURAL) GRADE27' - 4 7/8"447'-7" LEVEL 1 429' -3" ROOF 440' -3" LEVEL P1 418' -3" 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.121.13 1.14 LEVEL P2 407' -9" EXISTING GRADE 33' -2" FROM WEST ELEVATION PROPOSED GRADE EMERGENCY GENERATOR EXHAUST LOUVER EMERGENCY GENERATOR INTAKE LOUVER 11' - 0"11' - 0"10' - 6"32' - 6"BLACK RAILING STEEL BRACKET WHITE VINYL WINDOW FRAME TILE ROOF MANOR OUTLINE EAVE HEIGHT 455.70' LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 413.25' HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 427.1' AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 420.175'7' - 3 5/8"KEY PLAN 4 1 TRUE BUILDING B PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_joet.rvt12/18/2020 1:44:06 PM963117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - BUILDING BPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A3.11-bA3.11-b 3/32" = 1'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"4 WEST ELEVATION 0 4 8 16 32 0 4 8 16 32 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 120 of 1467'-4"447' - 7"ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 16 LEVEL 1 429' -3" ROOF 440' -3" LEVEL P1 418' -3"PROPOSED GRADE 19' -2" FROM SOUTH ELEVATION EXISTING GRADE 11' - 0"11' - 0"WHITE VINYL WINDOW FRAME STEEL BRACKET TILE ROOF PLANTERSTUCCO WALL CANOPYSTEEL RAILING 7' - 4"22' - 0"LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 413.25' HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 427.1' AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 420.175'HEIGHT FROM AVG (NATURAL) GRADE27' - 4 7/8"447'-7" LEVEL 1 429' -3" ROOF 440' -3" LEVEL P1 418' -3" 1.91.10 1.13 LEVEL P2 407' -9" EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED GRADE 27' FROM EAST ELEVATION STUCCO WALLSTEEL BRACKET BLACK RAILING WHITE VINYL WINDOW FRAME CANOPY 11' - 0"11' - 0"10' - 6"7' - 4"32' - 6"LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 413.25' HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 427.1' AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 420.175'HEIGHT FROM AVG (NATURAL) GRADE27' - 4 7/8"447'-7" KEY PLAN 2 3 TRUE BUILDING B PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building B_joet.rvt12/18/2020 1:45:14 PM963117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - BUILDING BPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A3.12-bA3.12-b 3/32" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"3 EAST ELEVATION 0 4 8 16 32 0 4 8 16 32 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 121 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 17 FECDN6230 SF PARKING 161 SF STAIR D105 A3.12-m 1 A3.12-m 2WEST COTTAGES LANEEXISTING MANOR BUILDING PLANTER BOX, TYP. 2 A4.02 2 A4.02 KEY PLAN PROJECT BLDG CBLDG B B L DG A MEETING ROOM FITNESS MANOR ASSISTED LIVING / MC HEALTH CAREINDEPENDENTLIVING INDEPENDENT LIVING PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER NORTH C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Auditorium_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Auditorium_joet.rvt12/18/2020 4:53:43 PM363117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - MEETING RMPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 PARKING LEVEL A2.00-mA2.00-m1/8" = 1'-0"1 MEETING ROOM - PARKING LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 0 321684 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 138 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 18 $AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK $AUDIT_BAD_BLOCK$AUDIT_BAD_BLOCKFECUPSTAIR 69 SF ELEV 3259 SF MEETING ROOM 1017 SF BREAKOUT 107 SF A/V 107 SF STORAGE 703 SF LOBBY A3.12-m 1 A3.12-m 2 10' - 6"78' - 8"18'-" X 10'-0"7'-6" X 11'-0"7'-6" X 11'-0"7'-6" X 11'-0"7'-6" X 11'-0" 7'-6" X 11'-0" 7'-6" X 11'-0"7'-6" X 11'-0" 7'-6" X 11'-0" EXISTING MANORWEST COTTAGES LANEA3.12-m 3 PLANTER BOX, TYP. DECK RAMP DOWN2 A4.02 2 A4.02 EXISTING MANOR BUILDING15' - 0 1/2"8' - 8 3/4"31' - 8"8' - 8 3/4"8' - 0"24' - 5 1/2"7' - 7 1/2"PLANTER BOX KEY PLAN PROJECT BLDG CBLDG B B L DG A MEETING ROOM FITNESS MANOR ASSISTED LIVING / MC HEALTH CAREINDEPENDENTLIVING INDEPENDENT LIVING PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER NORTH C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Auditorium_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Auditorium_joet.rvt12/18/2020 4:53:45 PM363117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - MEETING RMPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN A2.01-mA2.01-m1/8" = 1'-0"1 MEETING ROOM - LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN 0 321684 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 139 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 19 2 A4.02 2 A4.02 KEY PLAN PROJECT BLDG CBLDG B B L DG A MEETING ROOM FITNESS MANOR ASSISTED LIVING / MC HEALTH CAREINDEPENDENTLIVING INDEPENDENT LIVING PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER NORTH C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Auditorium_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Auditorium_joet.rvt12/18/2020 4:53:46 PM363117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - MEETING RMPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 ROOF PLAN A2.02-mA2.02-m1/8" = 1'-0"1 MEETING ROOM - ROOF PLAN 0 321684 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 140 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 20 PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Auditorium_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Auditorium_joet.rvt12/18/2020 3:34:37 PM363117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - MEETING RMPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A3.11-mA3.11-m BLACK RAILING WHITE VINYL WINDOW FRAME STUCCO WALLS TILE ROOF EAVE HEIGHT 455.70' ROOF 452' -6" LEVEL 1 434' -2" LEVEL 1 434' -2" ROOF 452' -6" LEVEL 1 434' -2" ROOF 452' -6" HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 431.5' AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 424.75' LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 418' HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 431.5' AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 424.75' LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 418' HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 431.5' AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 424.75' LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 418'AVG (NATURAL) GRADE40' 3 5/8" HEIGHT ABOVEAVG (NATURAL) GRADE40' - 3 5/8" HEIGHT ABOVEAVG (NATURAL) GRADE40' - 3 5/8" HEIGHT ABOVE0 16842 0 16842 0 16842 OUTLINE OF MANOR BUILDING MEETING ROOM REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 465' -0 5/8" 465' -0 5/8" 465' -0 5/8" 141 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 21 ENTRY PLAZA ODD FELLOWS DRIVE BUILDING B EXISTING MANOR BUILDING 145' - 3" 119' - 3" 113' - 1" COLFAX LANE T O E N T R Y P L A Z A BUILDING C BUILDING B 86' - 2" ODD FELLOWS DRIVE BUILDING C 54' - 11" EXISTING ASSISTED LIVING ENTRY PLAZA ODD FELLOWS DRIVE BUILDING B EXISTING MANOR BUILDING145' - 3" 119' - 3" 113' - 1" BUILDING A KEY PLAN PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 T 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 T 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 T 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Site\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Site_joet.rvt8/28/2020 1:37:09 PM963117.8 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA RETIREMENT COMMUNITYPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALESARATOGA, CALIFORNIA06.01.2020 SITE SECTIONS A4.01A4.01 1/16" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING B TO MANOR LOOKING EAST 1/16" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING B TO BUILDING C LOOKING SOUTH 1/16" = 1'-0"4 BUILDING C TO ASSISTED LIVING LOOKING EAST 1 1 4 4 2 2 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 1" = 20'-0"3 BUILDING B TO MANOR TO BUILDING A 3 3 143 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 22 EXISTING COTTAGE W COTTAGES LANE MEETING ROOM 27' - 0" EXISTING MANOR BUILDING PAVILLION CIRCLE MEETING ROOM EXISTING POOL BUILDING FITNESS BUILDING 11' - 6" KEY PLAN PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 T 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 T 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 T 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Site\963117.18-17-PRS Saratoga ILF-Site_joet.rvt5/28/2020 10:31:08 AM963117.8 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA RETIREMENT COMMUNITYPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALESARATOGA, CALIFORNIA06.01.2020 SITE SECTIONS A4.02A4.02 1/16" = 1'-0"2 MEETING ROOM TO MANOR LOOKING SOUTH 1/16" = 1'-0"1 MEETING ROOM LOOKING EAST 1/16" = 1'-0"3 FITNESS CENTER TO POOL BUILDING LOOK SOUTH 3 3 1 1 2 2 REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 144 of 146ZONE CHANGE, CAMPUS EXPANSION AND NEW MASTER PLAN.APPLICATION NO: PDR19-0012, ARB19-0039, GEO19-0013, ZOA-0004PLANNING SUBMITTAL: 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 23 24 0 3201608040 ENTRY PLAZA OPEN SPACE 14622 GRANITE WAY 19303 CHABLIS COURT 19271 SAN MARCOS ROAD 19227 SAN MARCOS ROAD 14505 CHESTER AVENUE PROPOSED 15 PARKING SPACES 2/A0.03 2/A0.03 22 EXISTING PARKING SPACEScc 29' - 0" 21' - 0" ASSISTED LIVING H E A L T H C A R EIL APARTMENT 1BL DG AFITNESS MANOR COLFAX LANEW COTTAGES LANEODD FELLOWS DRIVE BLDG C PROPOSED BUILDING D PROPOSED LOCATION FOR NEW COTTAGE - 2,200 SF SINGLE STORY (INCLUDING GARAGE) ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPE BUFFERING BUILDING D 1 NEW IL UNITS WITH 32 GARAGE PARKING SPACES. 22 EXISTING SURFACE PARKING STALLS REMOVED AND 15 NEW ANGLED PARKING STALLS ADDED. 0 3201608040 OPEN SPACE 19271 SAN MARCOS ROAD 19227 SAN MARCOS ROAD 14505 CHESTER AVENUE ASSISTED LIVING H E A L T H C A R EIL APARTMENT 1BL DG AMANOR BLDG C BUILDING B 10 NEW IL UNITS WITH 10 GARAGE PARKING SPACES, 54 ADDITIONAL GARAGE SPACES AND 12 MAIN ENTRY SPACES PROVIDED. 22 EXISTING ON-GRADE SPACES AND 12 MAIN ENTRY SPACES REMOVED. BUILDING C 20 NEW IL UNITS WITH 30 GARAGE PARKING SPACES, 47 ADDITIONAL NEW GARAGE SPACES PROVIDED FOR AL BUILDING. 50 EXISTING ON-GRADE PARKING SPACES FOR THE AL ARE REMOVED. BLDG B WEST COTTAGES COLFAX LANEW COTTAGES LANEODD FELLOWS DRIVE NEW MEETING ROOM NEW 3,300 SF AUDITORIUM PROVIDED WITH 16 GARAGE PARKING SPACES BELOW. 3 PARKING SPACES REMOVED BUILDING A 22 NEW IL UNITS PROVIDED WITH 31 PARKING SPACES AND 3 MAIN ENTRY SPACES PROVIDED. 3 PARALLEL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED. FITNESS CENTER NEW FITNESS SPACE 1,000 SF PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 T 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 T 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 T 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga-Site_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Site_scotts.rvt9/18/2023 10:46:38 AM963117.8 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA RETIREMENT COMMUNITYPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALESARATOGA, CALIFORNIA04.05.2022 ALTERNATE SITE PLAN A0.02A0.02 1" = 80'-0"1 GENERAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - ALTERNATE REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 1" = 80'-0"2 GENERAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - ORIGINAL MASTER PLAN BUILDING D 11 NEW IL UNITS WITH 32 GARAGE PARKING SPACES. 22 EXISTING SURFACE PARKING STALLS REMOVED AND 15 NEW ANGLED PARKING STALLS ADDED. 25 0 3201608040 ENTRY PLAZA OPEN SPACE 14622 GRANITE WAY 19303 CHABLIS COURT 19271 SAN MARCOS ROAD 19227 SAN MARCOS ROAD 14505 CHESTER AVENUE PROPOSED 15 PARKING SPACES 2/A0.03 2/A0.03 22 EXISTING PARKING SPACEScc 29' - 0" 21' - 0" PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY RELOCATION EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY LOCATION TO BE ADJUSTEDPROPOSE D ROW55' - 0"EXISTING ROW60' - 0"FACE OF WALL4' - 7"ASSISTED LIVING H E A L T H C A R EIL APARTMENT 1BL DG AFITNESS MANOR COLFAX LANEW COTTAGES LANEODD FELLOWS DRIVE BLDG C PROPOSED BUILDING DPROPOSED LOCATION FOR NEW COTTAGE - 2,200 SF SINGLE STORY (INCLUDING GARAGE) ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPE BUFFERING BUILDING D 1 NEW IL UNITS WITH 32 GARAGE PARKING SPACES. 22 EXISTING SURFACE PARKING STALLS REMOVED AND 15 NEW ANGLED PARKING STALLS ADDED. PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 T 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 T 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 T 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga-Site_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Site_scotts.rvt9/18/2023 10:46:43 AM963117.8 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA RETIREMENT COMMUNITYPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALESARATOGA, CALIFORNIA04.05.2022 ENLARGED SITE PLAN A0.03A0.03 1" = 50'-0"1 GENERAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - ALTERNATE REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE BUILDING D 11 NEW IL UNITS WITH 32 GARAGE PARKING SPACES. 22 EXISTING SURFACE PARKING STALLS REMOVED AND 15 NEW ANGLED PARKING STALLS ADDED. 26 LEVEL 1 421' -0" ROOF 432' -0" LEVEL P1 410' -0"11' - 0"11' - 0"22' - 0"STUCCO WALL BLACK RAILING WHITE VINYL WINDOW FRAME TILE ROOFSTEEL BRACKET ROOF CANOPY OVER DECK BELOW HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 420'-4" LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 410'-0" AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 415'-2" DECORATIVE OPENING VENT LEVEL 1 421' -0" ROOF 432' -0" LEVEL P1 410' -0"11' - 0"11' - 0"22' - 0"TILE ROOF STEEL BRACKETSTUCCO WALLWHITE VINYL WINDOW FRAMEBLACK RAILING ROOF CANOPY OVER DECK BELOW STOREFRONT HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 420'-4" LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 410'-0" AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 415'-2" EXISTING COTTAGE 11' - 6"LEVEL 1 421' -0" ROOF 432' -0" LEVEL P1 410' -0" TILE ROOFSTEEL BRACKET STUCCO WALLWHITE VINYL WINDOW FRAMEBLACK RAILING ROOF CANOPY OVER DECK BELOW DECORATIVE OPENING VENT HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 420'-4" LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 410'-0" AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 415'-2" KEY PLAN 3 2 1 BUILDING D PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building D Alt\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Building D Alt_scotts.rvt9/18/2023 10:39:55 AM963117 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA CCRC - IL EXPANSION - BUILDING DPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALE AVESARATOGA, CA 9507006.01.2020 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A3.11-aA3.11-a 3/32" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING D - NORTH ELEVATION - FROM ODD FELLOWS DRIVE 0 4 8 16 32 0 4 8 16 32 3/32" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING D - EAST ELEVATION - FROM WEST COTTAGE LANE 0 4 8 16 32 3/32" = 1'-0"3 BUILDING D - WEST ELEVATION REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE LEVEL 1 421' -0" ROOF 432' -0" LEVEL P1 410' -0" TILE ROOFSTEEL BRACKET STUCCO WALLWHITE VINYL WINDOW FRAMEBLACK RAILING ROOF CANOPY OVER DECK BELOW DECORATIVE OPENING VENT HIGHEST ELEVATION POINT 420'-4" LOWEST ELEVATION POINT 410'-0" AVERAGE ELEVATION POINT 415'-2" 27 ODD FELLOWS DRIVE EXISTING MANOR BUILDING 20' - 6"18' - 0"6' - 0"6' - 0"33' - 6"32' - 2" ENTRY PLAZAMANOR CIRCLELANDSCAPING ADDED PARKING STALLS 3.5% SLOPE 3' - 0"9' - 0"3' - 9"3 4 .9 % 410'-9"17' - 5"428'-1 3/4" BUILDING D W COTTAGES LANE KEY PLAN PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER © ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS, INC. 38 NORTHWEST DAVIS, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97209 T 503.245.7100 1505 5TH AVE, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WA 98101 T 206.576.1600 1014 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 T 415.252.7063 DATE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBERSHEET NUMBER C:\_Revit Projects\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga-Site_Central\963117.18-20-PRS Saratoga ILF-Site_scotts.rvt9/18/2023 1:23:24 PM963117.8 PLANNING SUBMITTALSARATOGA RETIREMENT COMMUNITYPACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES14500 FRUITVALESARATOGA, CALIFORNIA04.05.2022 PARKING SITE SECTIONS A0.04A0.04 1/8" = 1'-0"2 SECTION THROUGH ADDED PARKING TO MANOR LOOKING EAST - ANGLED PARKING 2 2 1 1 1/16" = 1'-0"1 ALTERNATE BUILDING D NORTH ELEVATION REVISION DATE REASON FOR ISSUE 28