HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19-1973 Youth Commission minutesSARATCuA YCt'T~~ CCt~i~"ISSIO'~
1': 1.1u U 1 ~~J
TIi~iE: ''Wo~.•e~^ber 7_~ i.~73 - 3:30 •P.~.
PI,ACT: Crisp l"emorial Conference Roo,:, Saratoga City Offices, 13777
Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California G3070
TYFE: Regular P•~eeting
PRESEr~T: Commissioners Belanger, Gordon, fiilse::~~•ath, i~;cLeod,
Smith, :Weiss and '~'ri~-ht
ABSENT: Commissioners Baker, Fischer, Hammack and Saitlta
The ~`ini~tes of the P~~ovember 5, 173 meeting were acpro~;ed as
T ~' T I~Twt'TIl r1
~I. O~D B~T~~ ~~,a~
The item ?aas continued to the newt meetin~•.
Nomir.atior~s for Chart~erson ?vere closed. Commissioner Weiss
was elecr,ed the new Chairr,or.-:an.
Ghairman Gordon declined 'nis nomination for Vice-Chairman, end
nominations ~>>e.re r.e-c~oened. Co~~ims_ssioners Fischer and tr'r~~:'t_t
were nominated along with Commissioner Smith, who was nomiriatrd
at the 1.a.st meeting.
C. DISC[iSSO't OT m0i'ICS FCR Si-iynir'F' S VISIT
Chairman Gordon reported that i"r. Atwood, Public Relations an
for. the Santa. •Clara County Sheriff's De.~artment is Willi F. tc come
and talk to tine Commission. rie asked that the Commission ~i ve i1iIr,
- SO;;ie 1dP,aS abOiit w~'LC.t tlit'y are iT;i;f?'F?Sted In SO t'[1at Lle Cc'ln be
prepared. TYie COi:1m1SS:LOn Ca`l'.^:Ot as~C "cbOlit ST`eC1f1C 1nC1<18nCeS
because of the court ~roceed.ings involved. The follow~_n~; are some
areas of Commission interest:
1. Tiie Z11Sto";~ t''iC"!:LnCI file I;ati i7;P,r Street Ga^g ar.~d Sa.~'at0~'a
High School students, and ?-.oJ t~~is has affected the
. SheT~ff' c1)e_^v c:~_ :;I'i.c=~; r~1-i~:.;~(l S ;+Ilti1 StUdeni,S ~
2. The confiscation of ~ti~ea:~ons, such as what i~appened earlier
t'r:is year at the Fe^rle Centre;
.ta ~__-'':"1_.l. ~'~~ .. _ .. ~_ ~Li_,eS ~O..cr~.. ~ _.L CO":i: '-•-
_ .C ~' Sa"~~tOc.c~ l.i ~'e.ic:. ~__ ~T:.~ ..
4. The sj,tuation which had developed at the Saratoga Theater
(Discussed under. V.B.).
(~ ~ A (rl /~ tT TTrT'~ T /T ~R rt ~h TT TT T
.~tintilvGA 1C~;1I: .,OTir:Ia~:IO.~ - P~IITYJT~.S - i~C'Tr.r°T~BR ?.a, ? ~^> - cor.ti nuej
Chaim: an Gordan wi_li contact the Cocl:missioners later ir: the creek
to get any furt~:~er questions they inay have- gathered frori friends.
for T•~r. Atwood.
The Commission ~lisci~ssed whether or note they ur= rit to call an
P_XeCUt;lve SPSSIV'_'i for 'i"'t:e nieetln~° ';i:itfl i~ . At"v;00d. Ri'i7is m1.~.;''tlt
make a more relaxed ?tTOCSphpre in that it caauld rre=reni= reo~~ie
.from colr•i_r.~ for the purpose of an.ta~Tanizing the Sheriff's De~,t.,
but it aaoizlc3 also exclude those people tr~_~ly .concerned about
the situation. An alternati~%? Tfrould be for the Chairll~an to Si_^:pl~° no
recognize t~~ose spectators who seem to be only cencerried. with
antagonizin,_,. The Corn„~i.ssi on voted on whether or• not the~,° ~~._r~ted
th1S meeting, ~o be ctn P_,XeC1aZ1Ve SeSSiO?'. CU;;'.;:;1SS1Gnr'' i~CZ;eCC:t
vote;i in f~"a_~ of having an exec~~tive session, ar.d Commissioliers
Belanger. , GorcZon, Sr,i th, ~leiss, and ~dright were opposed.
In .ref.erence to the letter CoI~I-~i_ssioner Hammack :•rrote to the
Saratag,a. T;e:~rs r~gardin~ police-youth relatieris, Co~:r,iss gorier ~dei_ss
felt that i;; is unfair to criticize him for prAsenting his
;~ ~...~II opinion thi tray.
~~k1~'~' The Secreta :;; ci.aTrified. that trere. is nothing ca-^ong ~.,:ith a.
Commissior.e~,~ rneser':i.ti~ hi:~ opinion z~ubl;_cly as long as he ^oes
SO as an 1n;?-' ~ ~.i.'_~c 1,'^Ot aS a 101;~tC1 COI;:"!1SS1GT~er. llle CC:i;"1SS1.0?'1
can nubl~_sh iiormational article or the way they voted at a
meeting abo._~ c :issues. .
•~g in ref~~:~~en^e to Cam^ii ssi or.e~ ~~a,:,aaek's article, ~ir. Tolr:
Clark rrientior_ed t~:at the girl involved __. t'rle citation =oY•
littering h~-d kicked the off icer c•~Tnan she th~•ew dc~•rn :,er c ; ~a, ~t;t~.
IIi • T!~`;•~r TTJSI*J .~._tiJ
IV. .^,{~li ~i`°I ~ .>. TE ATV D S',' ,°;I'l' RF,FC^'"S
A. STATE'S RrPCnT BY CC"I~SICnER i+iSCriER Giti' zAiu~ BY SARA"'vGA rziGi
Corrimi ssione_~ Fischer tho~,ght this- pare Iriig'nt be a good substitute
for t'r,e Feo;le Centre. Sile was not abbe to attend the ~ieetin~ ,
so them c`ras no direct discussion abo~.:t it. `~
°lith r_ e~-ard to the r eorle Centre, Cho irlrian Gordon reported. tila'~
he and Co~:im~ sjioners %~~.Ti:'i1aC a:,d i`'IiiSF'r?rath tiiad 8tten~~ed i~ °~:;1"?i~_-,
of tine Feo_r,~~ G~::tre Board of Di"ector:=. C~-:_ ir~:an Go-~don ~~ ~'p~'-
~" ~' t ~ ':; ._ ~ ' ~ e i .
tc ~ e'" a :.hey.- could asked .for tale l.,os Gatos-Sarato~~a ~-:i~^:~~~~chool
Di_strict's ~ndorse~:enT of Lh~ r,T~~'~ct si.r_ce it does no" see;: ',..~~.
criii receive sny ,~,oney. ~?e adciedvthat ent'r: spa ;;; ?-, -~~ G,.~-
u s for t_~e p._ ~. ~~
see~,:s to ha;;e ~;.:'oppea. of since they were denie~.i fznancl.al rs~,_i <,`,-
fi'am ttle•,~`C'. L~:a, "?:L8'__.'1_Lt. L•_..
~'c r~c~i Sc t, S t~r1~N R~_ ~~-~ ~~ f'~
The ~ c~ ~a ad t;ra-~ A1uzi:i-ralsinc for the Centr.e~~~ f=~ ;~- _- _
folloc:-up to-,~.eir »ecor.^:er_~~iat:i~:r. to t_-~o.City Co~~nc~, ~>, ..~ _.,~
Of t}'~e _,_ Cu . ^. t . ..° :•ril .. _1 ..,*° f~ ._'';L.'?~' .._fO_. _.:a ~ __Oi? ~ E'~ ..- ~~' - ,.
~ hr~ n m n t nrTm r rn*.^~- w T,r7mT,'r! ~ T.-rtTT; l'it`"~ ~.~ ~ 1`~7~ - cOnt~ nl;ed
,:,-,r~tia_0«t~ Tai: s.~ C0.:• SS70"1 _ •iI. i r _ .
C:.~r,n~s~~oVtR 3r~.a,vGEP_
^~" ^-~ ~ ^'^ repo rted that the Yot,.tYi Conference was very ~:ucr~
a disan~cointient, anti gnat nobody seen;ed to 'Kno~•~ that it was be:in~.
held. Fie metonly San Jose Youth Commission members and a fe~•r
sneakers when he ~:N:r. rie su~:gested that the Commission :~ i~ht think
about some suggestions to help with future conferences.
r*n7r+~TIn ,?,TOT.,.
COt•,i-i iv ~.ti1.._ ..~
P°r. Tom Clark lives at the cor.rer of Third Street and Rid; Lasin
Yday. he attended the meeting to see if t:he Youth Co:r:~iissi.on
could help in solving t'ne problem which has developed at the
Saratoga Theater across the street from his anartr.-~ent. E.Ter~
Friday and Saturday night Junior high Schoo]_ and high Sc?~,oo1
students have been gathering there and creating quite a dis`urc;ance.
The Sheriff's Dena.rtment has not been able to do anything except
cite students for curfew violations after 10:00 1'.I~i.
T'r~e Secretary told h:ir. that this s'nould be brought up witr~ tiie
Staff for investigation first. The City has 'peen iook:~^~ into
settin` uc program: that "ii ght roteres t these students and ke?T,
teem out of ti:~is area, and this i s one type of information ".~ey
need to j~~~stify sperding the money.' They have beer. specific alp-;
~~r-interested. in solving the problem at JildcJOOd Park, but t•1~- s
would also ~.e consi;:~ered a part of that problem.
Commissioner '~leiss t~~o~?ght a large part of the problc--.~: is t'a~
there is nc t~ni ng to ci.o i n the central par_ t of Saratoga.. Th=
theater is ~.he only se,?z•ce of entertainment availac)le to cT':~~on
under 21 ~~ears old.
Com:,~i ssi one~~s L~leiss and 61rie•ht are going- to investigate th_s
problem. Ci~a~r~.,ar.; Gordon s~,zgF°est they talk to the Chember of
Co~merc e .
T.~e Coi~;~?=SS_on established their "_~et12'ly SChedtlle for the SeCO~~~
rn,i fou_rti"_~ _~~onda.y afternoons of e•~~ery month.
The COT^:isti _.Or d1SCT2SSed "t'_~P. nOSSiblli ty Of arpoi ntin~* t!^io '-sera
-- --. _ i
Co:":P..~ sS10nC .., t0 ~~r.e CC)?"'".1SS10?''_. Tti?°^7eC=`'~'tc'"'y S~~tioF'~i;E:i~ ----
O £' O~ til~'ti° ^p fro^1 T.''''i?'_'OOk i~l`""- SC^001 ~nGe i^_aI_f +_. L: F' _..
n - ,_ ~ ._ ., _ ._ S
body there _~A Sa ~to~-r res~den--s. .~~_so,~Conmi.,__oner Be ~ -~-
needs i0 be r•e-a_~.-oo~ nz~ a to me .,om~::~_ss~.on.
Chairman Go_~c~on as Led that %~_iscussion of high school li a.iscrs ,e
adgendize~~? . ~.r thA ^ext _~Aeti-v.
~_'F: .~~, ~'_"'~''-- - _~~..~n~i7~~e~.a ~'.,-`. ,. ~. ~f.'t_ •G~ Y`1 ~.~~ , .~llt, ~r_,~p. n, ~ -, ,_ .
_ - ~ r, __ _ n . m<r~
~~n v ~V` -~: _
ADJOURT•+r~;Ei ~ T
''_C±•~ ,~'~'_'``; ri0 ..':i~_'ti:' _'' buS~_?'iF:sS ~'~i.0' P. V':.E,' `.~Q •1~i15J1U!!, i,'iC •..
:•;aj adjo~~rned a~ , .l s'.i~:.
1r:. y;~ctfuli;, SubmittE.:l,