HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-18-2007 City Council Minutes~~~ LJ 1 AR~4'1~~~A CITY '~~1NIL ~~~~~ ~ ~# ~~V ! ~'he City Caur~cil conducted interviews at x:00 p.rn. far vacancle on the Flann~ng Com.~r~isisa ~ the Traffic afet~ Carnmissio~ i~ the Adrnir~istrative C~nferenc~ Racm+ ~'he City Council held a Joi.r~t rr~eeting at x.15 p.m. with the Saratoga youth Commisslan in the Adrnit~strati~e Car~ference Raatn. RILL I;ALL PENT; Councilrrrcrrrber Jill Hunker, Chucl~ Page, dice ll~a~or Ann waltonsmith l~a~or Aileen Sao, A~~N~': Councilrner~ber Cathleen zng ALA Dave Arldersar~, Cxt~ l~.n.aer PRE~NT: Richard ~`aylor~ City Attorney Cathleen layer, City 1erk Nary p'urey, Administrative services Director John ~i~ingstone, Ca~n~.a~~nity Develaprrlent Director Jahn Cherbone, P~blxc works f~irectar Michael Ta~rlor, interim Recreation Director RLP~RT IMF CITY ~LERI~ ~~ P~TIN~ ~F A~ENI~A FAR APRIL ~ ~, ~~~7 Cathleen Boyer, City Clerk, reported that pursuant to Government Code section 554., the agenda far the mcctir~g of Apri11S, ~~~7, was prapcrly pasted ~t~ April 1 ~, ~~07. ORAL ~1VI;N~IJICATI1~ The fallowing people complained about the property located at ~~~~ Glasgow Drive and requested that the City Council help them get this property cleaned up. Guth Cobu.r~. Dr. Dav1d ~ ench Twin Laughlin lVlarilyn l~islte Diane Drewl~e reported that fit. Archangel ~riicl~ae~'s church bas a restaurant permit and a liquor license, :s. Drewk stated that na other church in aratoa~ hay either of these types of licenses. IVIs, Drewke noted that there is nothing on their use permit that allows theme to ha~re either t~rpe of license, ls, r~rewke requested that the City take action. Bob B air concurred. wit1~ NYs ~ Dxewl~e `s comments and aided that e City should take care afpermit issue first before the building puns gv to the Planning Commission. ~~nny Wong noted that he lived nest to the Cl~.~rch and stated that h~ end his #'aily had to move to a different location because ofthe continued problems at the Church.1V[r, wong stated that there is constant noise, trash problems and constant catering trucks. Citizen Ray provided the Council with an update on the Highway ~ Pedestrian safety Project, on~n~~NrATrN ~~~ o~n~~~oN P~BLI Tami M~ltiel Hated th~~ shy represented the ara~taga ~auth arnrnissian. s. a~t~el nate~ that psiar to the regular meeting; the ~auth commission rnet with the qty o~ncil. ~. :~.1t1~~ h1~h~lht~C~ the ~~~~-~~~~ youth on~miss1on ~.On1p~XShnl~n~ end upcon~~ng Xn ~ventsi ANNIJNEIVIENT agar I~ao ~nvlted residents to Celebrate `{Earth ~a}~'} ~y participating rn Apple ornputer's free e~ectrouic recycli:n event an aturday, April ~1a ~~07, for more infarrr~~~~o~, ge ~~ w~v.~~r~.t~~a~c~..u CEREIVIgNIA~L ITENX I A. CI~IMED~TI~I~ H~NI~N~ THE LEAGUE F V~TEI~ EAR P~N~~~~ wET ALLEY ~TXE `STATE ~F THE ~TY~' EVENT TA~'~' ~E~ENDAT~N; Present ~omrnerrd~~zon, ~yor I~ao acl~r7owledge~ the co~n~aendatian. ~EC~AL PREEI~TAT~~~ ~A. PREENTATII~N - I~PHIA' DREAM TAE. .~tE~1VI~VIENDATII~N, Iriforati~nal only. Chris Cuc~hiara thanl~ed the Council for al~awing him to spear at tonight's ~neetin. Ir. C~echiara presented an overview of ~aphla's Dream. N~~ C'ALENDA~~ 3A. ~IE~I~ RE~I~TER ~'~~. APL , 20U7 T~..~.~ EENDATXN: Ae~ep~ ehe~~ ~~t~:r wAL~'~~~VIIT~IIPAE 1VI~~EI~ TO AEPT HE EITEI~ FRS A~I~II~ , 2D~7. ~TION PAID 4-~-~ wIT`H I~IN ABEI~T. ~. TEA~JI~EH' REPORT ~~ THE NTH ENDED ~EBI~iTARY X007 STAFF RE'~ENDAT~~N~ Accept repast. wALT~~MITHf~ACxE IVI~VEl~ T~ T~EAURE1~ REPI~T F~1~ MONTH ENDED FEBRUARY Z~07. ~TI~N 4-~-~ wYfi~ IN ABET. ~ A~PR~YAL DF CII~TR~,CT ~,R IiARIN I~FFICER TA~FF REI~~VIEND~iTII~N: ~.~pr4~~ ~~n~~~~t end ~.~thorl~c the 1t~ Manager ~o execute contracts, A~T~N~MITHI~~ MCI) T~ AI]T~;R1~E CITY 1VIAI~I~~ T~ EXECUTE CNTI~ACT~ ~YIT~I LII~I~A ~~~TTE A~ZI BRAII ~FI~YNIx ~'~R HEARING OFFICER ERYICE. M~TX~N PAED 4-~-1 KITH ~ BENT. ~~, ~I;REEIENT FAR PRFEX~NAL CLT~T SERVICES TA~'~' RE~M~VIENDATI~~: ,Autl~ari~e the pity Manager to execute an ..dependent CQntractar Agreement between the its of axatoga and LEA Associates, Ine~ far prafes~ion~ eansultant ~~rVlc~S. o~ncilrnen~ber Hunter requested that this item be removed from the consent calendar. Counci~n~ernber hunter noted that she mould Hat support this contract because she does not support the purposed improvements at Sevin Moran Park and ~auld ~il~e to be consistent v~ith her Voting. PA~IU~ALT~NSMITH 1VI~VEI~ T~ A~UTHRI~E THE ZT~ ANAE1~ T~ EXECUTE A I~~]EPENDE~T CI~NTRAC'TOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIDE CITY ~F ARAT~A A~,I~ _.~SA~ A~CIATE, INC, .,., ~ ~,- FI~R ~~'ESINAL CNSIJLTANT ER'~C~~, M~TI~N ~A~ED -~ - KITH HUNTER ~~P~IN~ ANA I~.INCr .RENT. ~UBL~C HE~RIN 4~ PR~POED NIA~TER FEE ~CHEIII~LE UPDATE FAR FIC'AL YEAR ~TA~'F RECI~MENIIATII~~: Conduct public hearing and adopt the Proposed 1Vlaster Fee Schcdu~e for EY ~~o~~a~. RE~IILUTII~N: ~7~4~I Mary ~'urc}r, Ad~n~nlstratlve Ser~~ces ~1~'eCtor, presented staff report, Couneiln~en~ber Hinter Hated the she r~auld riot be supporting this item because she does Hat support the increase in Planning ~rnrriission appeal fees. Mayor I~ao opened the publlc h~~rln~ ~nC~ lnvlted publlC comments. Seeing ar~one, Mayor Sao closed the public hearing. PA-E~ALT1~IT~I Nr~~D ~'~ ADAPT ~F~LUTI~I~ ADI~PTIN PAED 3-1~1 ITI~ PIUNTER ~PP~IN AI~I ~ A~I~T, ~I1I~ BL~I~~ lone ~~ BIJI~~ ~. ;F~'~A ~F ~I~TAB~,E ~I~ILI~I U~I~TLY L~C'ATEI] AT TIDE ~~IVIMUI~ITY ~NTEI~ TA~"~" I~1VIEl~DATI~I~: eeomn~end auncil appra~e a budget arnendrnent in the mount of X67?~71 and ~ppraVe ~'e~alufil0n ~Uth~r1~111g 1ty Manager t0 enter intD ~ contract for the purchase of portable buildings currently used far recreat~an programs located at the orri~nuntty tenter. REI~LiJTII~~I: ~7~~~Z Michael Taylor, Interim recreation Director, presented staff report. PA~IwALT~1~ITH 11~I~~D T~ APPRV ~ ~CID~T ANIE~iD1VI~~T l~ '~'~.~ ~~~~' ~~' G~,~7I AI~II APPR~~E ~E~I~UTI~N A~JT~I~I~~II~ ~'ITY NIANAER T~ ~'~~;~ ~NT~ A ~NTI~T ~~~ '~.~~ ~~~~~ ~' .P~~'A~~~ B~JYLDIN~ i~RR~NTL~ USED ~~R RE~R~~TI~I~ PR~RAIVi~ LATI] .~T T COMMUNITY ~E~TEIa ~TI~ PAID 4-~-I ITS ~ A~~iT. .D~Q ANY AINMEI~T IP~I~T 1Viayor Iao had na reportable infarmatian. ~1ce Mayor waltansrnith reported the fellowing inforrnation~ ~A.R - ~~nplemented a new program called "potl~ht in arafiaga" ~ ~ look~r~g far a new ~~ecuti~re Director ~uneilrnetnber gage reported the following ir~f~rmation: west ~al~ey o~~d waste ,~ai~t Powers Association ~- noted that there are ~ few angaing .prablen~s with the hard to er~~cc areas ~illae AdHo~ - recently net with City staff ouncilmernber Hunker reported the following inforrr~ation~ ~zstar~c ~"oundation ~ n~~ving forward with education program at the 1V~cwillia~ns Meuse, Next ~~ting ~~ ,pr~l I ~~ to discuss .~th~r landscape change t~ the existing design. 4 ~T~ UIL ITEMS QUncilmemher Page r~o~ed that tie hamper of ~mmerce' ~ contract expires in June ~~0?. ~aur~ca lr~em~er Page suggested that the ~;ayor create a pity ~uncil Adho~ to discuss the Issues concerning e contract. 1Vla~or I~ao appointed ouneilmerrlber Page anal ouncilmer~~~r ~ur~ter ~o the h~nber ~~hoe Committee, ~TNE~ ~~onc ~iT~ ~VI~N~E~' ~~T None A~]~DT~RNNIE~T There icing no further business Mayor I~1ine adjourned the regular m~~t,~~~ ~t ;~~ p,, pect.~ubmi~,fed, C~thlee~ B'bye , CMC Ci~v C~ rk 5