HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-21-2005 City Council minutes~LINIL DIR~TI~N ~'~ STAFF ~ ~, ~ - des andin to ~it~~en Ray's comments tty Manager Anderson agreed that the branches ~ g . area roblern. ~~ty Manager Anderson palmed vut that ~ghway 9 ~s a state h~gh~vay and tae are res ans~ble far its ma~ntenance~ pity Manager Andersen noted that ~1 y p staff contacts the State but eventually they clean up the branches themselves. In re arils to the igh~vy ~ Safety Improvement Fro j ect, ity~ Manager Anderson stated that the fit of Monte Serena was still the lead agency. but the Town of Las Batas would Y . be in charge of the pray ect engineering. . ~MUNIATI~NS FR~1VI B~AItD AND ~1VIII~NS Nave . ~~IJNIL DIRTi~N T~ S~'AFF None ANN~I,~NEIVIEN~'S . tlmember waltonsmith Hated that an ,lanuary ~8, ~aa~ fra~n ate -1 prrz the west aunt Salle glean water Program would be sponsoring a ~-waste recycling event at 411VIiles y ~.. Avenue, Los Batas. FR~M~NIAL XTENIS ~ Ai 11~ENDA'I`I~N ~ HN~RrN~ ~~NNI~ STONE ~ ~UTOYN LIBI~A.RY' OIVI~IISSX~N~R STAFF C~MIVI~NDATI~N: Present commendation. a or I~l1ne read the eomendat~on and presented 1t to Bonnie Stone. Y SFEIAL PRESENTATIONS None NEN'~ ~ALNDA~t ~., - - ~A. ITS ~UNIL 14IINUT~SIS~~IAL ~E~IN - N~vI~'IBI~ ~, ~~~ STAFF RE~OIVIIVIENDATI~N: Approve minutes STRE~TI~IN MOVES T~ APPR~vE NIINU~'~S FR~NY N~vEMDER ~3 ~OOa - SPECIAL MEETING. l1~OTYON PASSED -0. 2 ~B. ITS ~DUN~IL MINUTESI~LQD SESSION - NOVEMBER ~, X405 STAFF RE~MMENDATI~N: . ~ .. Approve rni~utes ~ ~'~ STE~TIINCx ~I~VD T~ APPROVE MINUTES FROM NEB ~3~ X04 - I~~ED SESSION NIEETIN. IVIOTION PAS~I] -~~ Z. CITY' '~UNIL INUTESISPEIAL MEETING -~ DECEMBER G, 245 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: App~vve ~n~nutes ~ ~ . STREIT~KIl~ iVI~VED T~ APPR~'~E MINUTES FRAM DEEM~BER ~, X445. ~TI~N PAS SFD -~. ~D. REOEUTION ONFIRMIN ~~CJNIIJ AI~ENY AND ADH~ APPOINT~VIENTS STAFF REI~~MMENDATI~N: Adopt resa~tion. RESOLUTION: ~-477 F , 1Vla~ror line requested that item. 2D ~~ removed from the oner~t calendar: iVlayar line requested that following change: replace King with Dine an the hmher of omrnerce. TRITIAL1T~NSITI~ MOVED T~ ADAPT RESOLUTION 'ONFIRMIN~ AOENVIAD~IO ASSIGNMENTS A AMENDED. MOTION PASSED 5-~. 2, REVIEW OF I~E~I~ REGISTER STAFF RE~OMMENDATrON: Approve register. Vice Mayor I~ao requested that item ~E be rerrroved from the ansent calendar, Referring to page 4 of the check register, Vice l~or I~ao asked for an ex laraation of the charges from Malden gay Oonstruction, p Administrative services Director Braucht explained that Golden Bey onstructian ~A~IKINC MOVED T~ APPROVE DES REGISTER. MOTION FASED 5-~, 3 ~F. App~~V,, ~F ~OOG ITS UNCI~ N~E~TIN ALNDAI~ TA~'F RE~O~VININDATI~N: ~ prase calendar. ~ounci~me~nher ~Valtonsrnith requested that item ~~" be rerno~ed ~ran~ the consent calendar, ouncxlmember altonsmith Hated that some of the cam~n~ssxons are fra~en until C July ~~a. 1VIa or dine re ueste~ that all ~oir~t rnee5ings, except the ones scheduled with the i i a 1 Tannin arnruission be cancelled and the status of the co~n~ss~ons ~n11 be discussed at the pity council retreat. ALT~NIV~ITHI~A ~VI~D T~ AP~R~'~E ~~~G A.LNDAR, ~ A~ND~D, 1VX~TI~N ~~.~ ~~~ ~ Ra, ~. I~AI~ A~EENI~NT STAFF II~OIVINIENDATI~N: Approve agreement and authari~e its tanager to execute the same. STR~ITI~ ~~ED T~ APPR~~E AR~~~NT AND. AUTI~D~E CITY ANAFR TO ~~iITE TIE SAIVIE. iVi~TI~N FASS~ 5-a, ~I~. A~P~IAT~~N ~G-~0~: RENINIi IN ~~NJUNT~~N ITI~ A p~QF~SED ~I~T SINE AIIJUTENT ~ 1342 ~R~1IT~ALE A'~ENL ~VI~OD NIIDDLF SH~~I~ ,1395 AND 14~~U S~IAD~~V OAKS D ~ A~ ~ ~I~ND AD~NI~ AND AD~~TI~N ~TA.F~ 1~1V~~NDATIN: grant the Second Reading and adopt the ~rdinanc~ approving the ,rezoning of ~ action of ra ert located at 1 ~~ZS ~ruitvale .Avenue as R~ 1-~~,a~a ~ ~ p Y ~RDINANE: X39 STR~ITII~IN ~VFD TO RANT T~F ~~ND RA~DIN~ ~ ~~' T~~ ~~DINAN~ APP~~'V~N THE ~E~~NXNIi OF A ADS P~TI~N ~F F~I~PERT'Y L~ATED AT 1345 ~'R~JITVAI~F ANIJ~ A R-1-2~ ~UU. NC~T~N PASSED ~a. ~I. NY~T~~ VF~IICI~F ~ 1I~i~~UTI~N PI~~HIBITINI~ PAN AT ST, ~~ARLFS STREET STAFF II~'~N~MENDATII~N; Adopt resolution. r R~SQLIJTI~N: 1VI~-~39 STREXTII~.IN ~~ED T~ AD~~T IVIV RS~IJ[~TI~N PR~R~BITIN FAR~IN+ AT ST. 'I~ARI~E STIET, 1VI~Ti~N PASSED ~-V. warren Heil noted that he was a member afthe ~t Heritage Preservation commission. When the Commission did the anginal inventory fey designated it as an archard~ Mx. Heid stated that the orchard is part of the City's heritage and it r~ needs to be preserved. Deferring to the City' Open space lenient in the General Plan, Councilme~nber 'a~tansmith pointed out that Hakone Gardens ar~d the Heritage orchard are listed as specialty parks. Councilen~ber a~tonsmith asked Mr. Heil iftlae color ofthe letter were against the redwood would be enough contrast. . Mr. Heil responded that if the redwood is Hat sealed it would eventually turn ~~ Councilmember i.ng asked ifthe proposed placement ofthe~ sign would be a distra~ctian to drivers, Ms. Anderson stated that she didn't .think it would be a safety hazard. Councxl~nen~ber Streit stated that he was Hat i~ fear of the proposal xf it didn't include "Central Park". Cauncilme~nber Streit also Hated that he chd't agree with the ro osed wording "Saratoga Heritage Orchard - A Glimpse Of The Past pp -Preserved For The >~uture". Cauncih~ember Streit stated that sarrieday the use of the Heritage Orchard would change. Councilember Streit suggested that the e~is~ng sign be refurbished. Councilmember altonsmith stated tht.she disagreed with auncilnaeher Streit. Councilmember waltonsmith stated that the orchard is a Heritage Orchard and a specialty park. Cauncilen~ber altansn~ith stated that if the use changes the sign can be taken dawn. Cauncilember waltonsn~.ith noted that the orchard needs tts awn sign saying Heritage Orchard -~ central Park. Mayor dine Hated that he is ~ favor of identifying it as the orchard but would suggest the words be reversed saying Central Park -Heritage Orchard. Vice Mayor Kao agreed with Mayan dine to rephrase the wording an the signs. Councilmen~ber ding stated that the orchard needy to ~be used Hat dust looked at. Cauncilmember ~.ing suggested identifying everything, the library, the park and the orchard, in one sign Mayor Kline noted that the Council already a~raved the sign for the library. Cauncilmeir~ber Streit stated the sign should read "Central park" an the top and "Heritage Orchard" an the underneath. Councilen~ber~ Streit stated that staff should bang back the design. I~~NEITREIT NCOVED TO ST~PP~RT Two SIN THAT ~U~D READ "SARAT~I~A E~TRAL PARS" ~N THE TAP ~~' THE SY~ AND "HERITAI~E ~RHARD" UNDERNEATH [JIG THE ~~ SIZE SIGN A1~D SAME SSE LET~ERINIi. MOTION PASS~~ 5-~. 6 TR~~TII~AO NI~VED T~ D~RET STAFF T~ ~R~N ~A A D~~~N AT A FUT~JRF 1VIFFTIN ANA ~~T STAFF T~ L~ AT SLR ~PT~~N FAR Tk~F LETTERING. ~rIDTI~N PAID 5-a. ~. E ~F 1~Iw~LL~A I~~UE STAFF ~ED1V~ENDAT~~N: Adopt resaluttani RE~L~JT~~N: ~-~81 ~phn Livingston, ~omrnunity Develcp~nent Director, presented staffxepart, Director Livingstone explained the location of the 11~cilliarns House and noted that it has been vacant for several yeaxs pending. its restoration. The Heritage atian emission ~ is currentl war.ng on having the house placed preserv ~ ~ an the national Register of Historic P~aee. 'I'he its also received a I a~,00a grant to restore the building by the Santa Clara aunty pars Department. Director Livingstone sited that staff is recon~end~g that the ounci~ adapt the attached resolution allowing the arataga Historic Foundation the use of the 1Vlcwilliams House as a museum. ouncilernber Streit asked who would be responsible far the maintenance. w.,' Director Liven stone res onded that the Foundation would be responsible for p the dad to dad maintenance and the long terrn.ma~ntenat~ce ~ the pity s respor~sibility~ ouncilmen~ber Streit asked ifthere have been discussion with the Foundation in regards to a sinking fund far maintenance. 'rector Liven stone res added that he hasn't discussed a sinking fund with D~ g p the Fouddatxad. ouncilrrxerriher Streit asked if there was a sunset clause in the proposed lease agreement. ected b oudcil Director Liven stone stated that it could be added to the If dxr ~ g lease areed~ent Nlayar aline stated that the resa~ution a~laws the use of the 1'cwilliarns House a.s a museum but would the lease agreement cane back to auncil with specific details. Director Lzvir~gstade responded that staff could bring back the lease agreed~en# 4 for review. Vice ll~a or Igo stated that in the agreement with the .aunt, it states that Y space cannot be used as afce space. 7 Director Ilivingstone stated that ~e looked at a plans and this is na intent of an office space is listed. ouncilmen~ber Streit stated that the lease must have a sunset clause, a sir~lti~g fund far rr~aintenance, and the lease must have a ~e~ined purpose, pity Attorney Taylor suggested that the following be added tv the resolution aver the following sentence. "The pity of Saratoga pity council supports the Saratoga Historic ~`aundations request to use the historic 1Vlcwillian~s douse as ~ Museum. e 'icy Cou~ci~ a~a~rovs t~~ rqus~ o ~h~ ~'o~a~ior~ ~o use the c ~i~Iias Flouse as a ~Vl~seum su~jec~ ~o Cif 'or~~il reviews ar~d ap~rova~ of base ar~mer~~, wALTONSIVIIT~II~A01Vi0ED TO A~~~T R~I~I~UTIO~' A.~L~w~N THE AI~AT~A HITS FO~JNDATI~N T~ USE _ __ ... THE w~,LIANI H~U A A iVIUS~UNI ~NLUD~N A.BvENI~NTI~~~ PR~vI~. OTIO SASSED -a. 5. T~E~ ~~UNTN~ AND LIHTxNIi PR~JET STAFF" RE~1VIlVI~NDATI~N: Accept report and direct staff accordingly. Cathleen Bayer, pity lerl~, presented staff report. pity clerk Bayer explained that in ~~al the ,pity imple.ented a decorative tree lighting program in the village, ~ Enterprises were contracted to install li is an 9S village trees located along Big Basin way far a total cost of ~ 1,~a~. In 20~, due to budget constraints tree lights have not been repaired or replaced. . City lerl~ Bayer stated that most species of trees located in the xllage should be pru~aed about every three years. It has beep approximately years since the last pruning was performed. Saratoga Tree Service has submitted a proposal of $~,1 ~~ to prune and remove tree lights frarn trees along Big Basin way. pity clerk Boyer noted that K Enterprises have submitted two aptiaa~s for installation of new fights aver the trees have been pruned. The first option. is to wrap the tree trunks with lights, The ~estin~~ted price for lnstallat~an and the purchase of the lights is a 3,7a, ~ The second option ~is to install the lights on the limbs of the trees. The estimated pace for ~nstaXltlon and lights for this opt~an 1S ~ 5, ~ a. pity clerk Boyer explained that Zone ~7 of the L~andscping ar~d~ I~~ighting . District has funded the cast of providing electricity for the decorative tree li is along Big Basin way, bra Street, 4~' street, and ~Iighway 9 Big Basin to Oak Street}. ' er Hated that Burin the next Midget cycle staff will determine 1ty clerk Boy g the o eratin far costs of rrxaintaining tree Ixghts throughout the year. Funds for 1' ~ ~ r . a tree runin and the purchase of tree l~ght~ng are, available in the apit~ ~ g ~ , Ian roverne~t Plan Project ~- ~~llae Free Pr~n~ng and L~ght~ng. A discussion took place in regards to the various options lighting the trees: tr~u~k onl tank and ar~ially up the branches, both the trunk and the canopy, and up . ~~ ~ li tin which could only be done when the sidewalks are redone} . i council directed sta~'to contact the lighting contractor and look at the . . various o Lions and come up with something d~~`erent, Also, staff was directed ~ . to GoI1SU~t wlth the ne~v lty Arboi~st on a bes# Way to prune the Fees In ~e Village. ~, ~~~~' INiA~IN ~It~P~SAI~ T~F~" RE~N~IVIEN~ATI~N: Accept report and adopt budget resolution. Cathleen Boyer, pity clerk, presen#ed staff report. i clerk Boyer explained that in 19~~ the pity of artaga ix~plernented ' .. ro am converting documents from paper to digital images a~ad purchased ~ . Laser Fiche, a retrieval system. . ~i clerk Boyer stated that for the past eve years the pity has been successfully ~rorking with ~ Imaging uric. B~S is a full sece company offering document scanning and indexing ,services. ~ ~ ~ ~ l pity clerk Bayer stated that recently staff has been given direction to undertake the Public works Department records that date back to the 1 ~~~'s. E rr~et Vvitl] ity staff earlier this week and submitted a proposal. The estimates were prepared in a very limited time frame, but they are roughly within ~5°I~ of the total cash. fit clerk Boyer stated that EIS surveyed all documents in the Public forks y , D artment and subrr~itted an estimated proposal in the gaunt of ~ 12,7?~. ... although there axe still a few issues that may affect averall pricing such as: actual uality and quantity of documents to be scanned transportation costs, q back prep, x-large images, and document destruction. . Staff is recaminending that aur~cil adopt the attached budget resolution a zo riatin 0 ~0~, frorri the Unallocated Fund Balance, far the first phase pP P g of the prod ect. Also, City clerk Bayer stated that staff ~s recommending that council direct staff to priariti~e the Public works Department documents to be scanned documents and return to council at a liter date with a phased scanning .~ proj e~# aver the next two years. 9 In regards to the proj ect, Vice Mayer .ao asked if the Cit should solicit far Y other bids. rty Manager Anderson explained that for construction pro j ect aver certain limits there are strict bidding requirements. Far services .the rules are sv~newhat different because greater flexibility is required. For large 'abs like J t.s we would probably get more than one quote, hi imaging, a have tried several different companies over the last five years that he has been with the City. Many would scan documents and not reassemble there re uirin us to q ~ spend time doing that. Scan quality and error rates vary and the manual indexing of documents gadding descriptive text} has either been missing or wrong in some cases ECS is one ofthe few companies~r~hose quality. carit~ol has been very gaol, They are the VAIN far the Laserfiche software product we use far electronic document retrieval and are ana.ong the best in the industry. City Manager Anderson explained have been a City Clerk in two different Cities and have used the product for over ~~ years. ECS has the~best track record in Northern California, A discussion to place in regards to the merit of the project and City Attorney Taytar advised the Council to ga forward on the proposed prof eet. Consensus of the City Council to direct staff to collect trva other proposals and return to Council at a later date. ADH~ A~~ A.Z~~NT ~P~RT Mayor Nartnan Kline reported the following information: Valle--'~ranspo~on Authority PAC -noted that he was running for Vice Chair, Community Bus program in Las Gatos has been very sucoessfu~ and. was looking forward to a similar program in Saratoga. Vice Mayor Aileen Sao has na reportable information. Councilrnember Nick Streit reported the fallowing information; R~cyc~ing, waste eduction Co~rimission of SAC - Santa Clara Count Valle 'ater Commission -plant process conversion in the year ~~1~. west Valle Solid waste faint Powers Association ~- received proposals for the west Valley solid waste collection contract. The current provider, waste ~Vlanagement did eat respond to the proposal properly, they were eliminated. west Valley Sanitation District - Town of Los Gatos conversion is going smooth. District hasn't received any complaints. , Councilrnernber Aran waltons~nith had no reportable inforrnatian. auncilrnernber Cathleen ding reported the fallowing information; Hakone Foundatlon Larson -~ attended the recent premiere of "~Illemoirs of a geisha" Sall out event and a very good rr~ovie 1~ ICY ~UNIL IT~1VI ` at an a ends item be p~aeed on a ~iture ~eetin aunci~e~er Ong requested th g . ' et~l~~~~n pinking fur~d~ on qty and bu~ldln~. eoneern~ng OUriellmen~ber Streit canCt~rred. ~T~R None CITY A~' R~~~RT Nane ADJ~~JRNNY~N'~ ~ . ere bein na further ~usines~ ~Ia~yar Kline ad~aurned tie meeting 8:~4 p~rn. Th g e~pectfull~ submitted, ath~ee~. layer, 1V~ pity clerk 11