HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-12-2002 Adjourned City Council MinutesMIlViJTES SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED MEETING JOINT SESSION SARATOGA AREA SENIOR COORDINATING COUNCIL PARKS AND RECREATION MARCH 12, 2002 The City Council of the City of Sazatoga met in open session in the Administrative Conference Room at 6:10 p.m. to interview applicants for the Public Safety Commission and Heritage Preservation Commission. The City Council of the City of Saratoga met in a scheduled Adjourned Council Meeting on March 12, 2002 at the Adult Care Center, 19655 Allendale Avenue. Mayor Streit called the Adiourned Citv Council meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Stan Bogosian John Mehaffey Ann Waltonsmith, Vice Mayor Evan Baker, Mayor Nick Streit ABSENT: None ALSO Dave Anderson, City Manager PRESENT: Cathleen Boyer, City Clerk John Cherbone, Director of Public Works Tom Sullivan, Community Development Director Cary Bloomquist, Administrative Analyst REPORT OF CITY CLERK ON POSTING OF AGENDA FOR MARCH 27, 2001. Cathleen Boyer, City Clerk, reported that pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, the agenda for the meeting of Mazch 12, 2002 was properly posted on Mazch 8, 2002. COMMUNICATIONS FROM PUBLIC No one spoke at tonight's meeting. JOINT MEETING WITH SARATOGA AREA SENIOR COORDINATING COUNCIL Mayor Streit welcomed Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council. 1. Sean O'Leary, Executive Director, thanked the City Council for the opportunity to meet with them and introduced Kazen Lorenz, Administrative Director/Adult Day Caze Center and the SASCC Boazd members. Director O'Leary took the opportunity to thank City Manager Dave Anderson, Recreation Director Joan Pisani, and Councihnember Waltonsmith for taking him under their wing and helping him in the first few months of his employment. Director O'Leary stated that tonight he would be presenting SASSC Annual Report, which would include the past, present, and future of SASCC and the organization finances. Director O'Leary noted that in May 2002 he was hired as the Executive Director of SASCC. On June 2002 the new Executive Board was installed and appointed Jo Trimble as President. Director O'Leary noted that SASCC has held seven fundraising events such as: • Auction • High Tea • Chinese Luncheon • Adult Day Caze Center's Fashion Show Director O'Leary noted that SASCC today offers programs that bring people together such as • Socialization -weekly lunches, coffee social, high tea, needle work, Monday night Football • Education -memoir writing, art history, acrylic painting, financial planning, managing life changes, computer training, driving safety class, money matters • Entertainment -matinees, cazd games • Health -aerobics, blood pressure, podiatry, yoga, square dancing, line dancing, golf Kazen Lorenz, Administrative Director/Adult Day Caze Center, noted that this past Januazy the Adult Day Caze Center celebrated their 14a` anniversary. Director Lorenz noted that when the program first started in January 1988 the Center was only open two days a week. In 1994 the Center had to expand the program to five days a week and had 15-20 participants. Councilmember Bogosian asked there is more people wanting to participate in the program then there is space available Director Lorenz responded that there is only a waiting list for Friday. Vice Mayor Baker asked how the Center determines who gets accepted into the program. Director Lorenz stated it is a first come first serve basis. Vice Mayor Baker asked if there was a preference for Sazatoga residents. City Council Minutes 2 Mazch 1$ 2002 Director Lorenz responded no there was no preference for residents; it would not be fair. Councilmember Waltonsmith asked if other cities have programs similar to the Adult Day Care Center. Director Lorenz responded that most cities do not have a senior services. Director Lorenz stated the Cupertino and Los Gatos have senior programs. Director Lorenz she and Director O'Leary would be appeazing before the Campbell City Council requesting funding since Campbell residents participate in the Center's programs. Director O'Leary stated the following future objectives for SASCC: • Implement new programs and services • Keep pace and remain innovative • Create interest and expand membership • Localized advertising • Public relations with community groups Director O'Leary noted that their net assets are approximately $1,219,000 with $725,000 of restricted endowment and an annual budget of $351,000. Director O'Leary noted that the $725,000 cannot be used for operations. Director O'Leary noted that this money has been invested. In conclusion Director O'Leary stated that their program is innovated, proactive, a catalyst for community involvement and socialization though meaningful activities, boundless opportunities for individual experience and growth. The City Council thanked Director O'Leary and Directory Lorenz for their presentation. Mayor Streit adjourned the Joint City Council meeting with SASCC and requested afive-minute break at 8:00 p.m. Mayor Streit requested that the Council move to Item 3. Consensus of the City Council to move to Item 3. NEW ITEMS 3. RESOLUTION REQUESTING A STUDY AND REPORT ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO ESTABLISH MIXED-USE OVERLAY ZONE STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution. TITLE OF RESOLUTION: 02-015 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL REQUESTING A STUDY AND REPORT ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO ESTABLISH AMIXED-USE OVERLAY ZONE City Council Minutes 3 Mazch 12, 2002 Tom Sullivan, Community Development Director, presented staff report. Director Sullivan explained that the City's draft Housing Element contains several programs; one of the programs amends the Zoning Code to implement aMixed-use Overlay Zone. Director Sullivan explained that on April 19, 2000, the City Council adopted an Interim Ordinance that was in place until the voters decided the fate of the moratorium on a ballot measure regazding multi-family development in the commercial zones. The voters adopted Measure G on November 7, 2000. The Measure will expire on Mazch 15, 2002. Director Sullivan explained that the proposed resolution would direct staff and the Planning Commission when reviewing development proposals. Once the draft Housing Element is adopted, it would provide additional policy direction. It is expected that the Planning Commission will report back to the City Council prior to the end of June, however, the proposed resolution sets a date of July 3, 2002 for them to report back. BOGOSIAN/BAKER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION REQUESTING A STUDY AND REPORT ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO ESTABLISH MIXED USE OVERLAY ZONE. MOTION PASSES 5-0. 4. LETTER OF SUPPORT -AB2863 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to sing letter of support. Tom Sullivan, Community Development Director, presented staff report. Director Sullivan explained that Longville has introduced AB 2863 at the request of the League and CSAC. The introduced version of the legislation declares legislative intent regarding the development and adoption of local housing elements. In addition, the bill establishes a definition of "residential unit" and "substantial compliance" under law, and contains additional intent language that acknowledges some of the difficulties local governments face in promoting development of additional housing. BAKER/WALTONSMITH MOVED TO AUTHORIZE MAYOR TO SIGN LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR AB2863. MOTION PASSED 5-0. City Council Minutes Ll March 12, 2002 ADJOURNMENT TO JOINT MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Mayor Streit commenced the Joint Meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission at 8:05 p.m. 3. Cary Bloomquist, Administrative Analyst/ Staff liaison, introduced the following Parks and Recreation Commissioners: Elaine Clabeaux, Chair Logan Deimler Angela Frazier Nick Seroff Greg Gates Norbert Fronczak Due to a prior commitment, Analyst Bloomquist noted that Sandra Dodge was unable to attend tonight's meeting Elaine Clabeaux, Chair/Pazks and Recreation Commission, noted that tonight she would be speaking on behalf of the Saratoga Parks and Recreation Commission. Chair Clabeaux took a moment to thank Vice Mayor Baker for serving as their Council liaison and Cary Bloomquist for serving as their staff liaison. Chair Clabeaux stated that she would be providing the Council with an overview of the Commission's past, present and future projects. Chair Clabeaux explained the Commission's accomplishments in the last 12 months, projects in the works and projects for the future: Trail Maintenance -Upper Pazker Ranch repair/rerouting in progress. Mt. Eden and Teerlink Way trail repairs scheduled. Current new trail activities: Steve Haynes Trail realignment completed. Master Trail Map Project: o Goal: list of parcels by number with matching owner name, property address etc. and update of property database to include Trail Flag o Progress: property list generated (262 pazcels) forwarded to City Staff o Next: review title easements, which is costly, determine from City how information is to be entered/maintained/coordinated • UPRR Trail: o Desire to set up UPRR corridor as open space to preserve from development o Investigate use of PG&E right-of--way for trail easement o Identify pazcels adjacent/neaz UPRR corridor o Address neighboring homeowners concerns • Current Action Items: o The problem of illegal bicyclist use of Upper Parker Ranch Trail -possible solution is to work with local advocacy group to repair damaged trail and neighbor relations. Determine approach to lessen future misuse City Council Minutes rj Mazch 12, 2002 o New community representatives to Trail Subcommittee to replace Teri Baron. The PRC would like to recruit a hiker, bicyclist and an equestrian. The PRC would like to submit a request to the Council to honor Teri Bazon with a commendation form the City. Potential Future Projects: o Promote Sazatoga's trails. The PRC would like to sponsor a "Trail Day". o Investigate new Quito Rd/San Tomas Creek trail in conjunction with Santa Clara Valley Water District Chair Clabeaux explained the progress of the following Task Forces: EI Ouito Task Force • Survey generated by homeowners is to be sent to all homeowners -Commission did not approve this survey. • A Community Park Survey is being completed by the PRC that will provide feedback to the City from all citizens and their desires for community parks. • A pazking study is in the planning stage. Azule Park Task Force • The Task Force has met several times with MPA Design. A 25-50% drawing will be ready for the PRC meeting on April 1, 2002. • The PRC will review the design, make any recommendations, and approve the drawings for a public meeting to be held later in April. • A presentation of the completed park plan will be presented to the Council. Construction is scheduled to begin late June or early July with a goal of completion by the end of the year. Skateboard Task Force • Five locations were determined thus faz to meet the criteria of restrooms, space, and availability. These aze Congress Springs Park, the lower hazdtop azea at Redwood Middle School neaz the Corp Yazd, and the three surrounding pazking azeas at City Hall. Overview of recommendations: o Park would be staffed for the first year o Equipment would be rotated for the first year o No fee o Age cut off: (under 10 years old with adult supervision) o Safety (all required to weaz helmet, knee and elbow pads) o Identif cation (method still being researched) o Hours of operation: • Summer Mon-Sat 11 am-6 pm ^ School yeazs Hours Sat llam-Spm, Sunday 12 noon-Spm ^ Scholl Holidays and Special Events 90 hours Chair Clabeaux noted that it was recommended by one of the Youth Commissioners that an exit survey is given to the users to help in the analysis of the park. Chair Clabeaux noted that a demo of the skate park would be set up in Civic Center pazking lot on April 2, 2002. City Council Minutes 6 Mazch 12, 2002 Creek Cleanup Chair Clabeaux explained that each year the Commission sponsors two creek cleanups. The first one this yeaz will beheld on May 18, 2002 at gam. The staging azea will be in the pazking lot between the Recreation Center and the Corp Yard. The Youth Commission has expressed interest in joining the PRC in this endeavor. Chair Clabeaux noted that this project is open to the public. Community Center/Gymnasium Chair Clabeaux noted that the Commissioners have attended City Council meetings and are eager to see this project go forward. Park Improvements A safety audit of the pazks has been completed. All items identified as needing immediate attention have been corrected or completed. The commission presented a list for capitol improvements to the Council and was pleased to see them approved. Park Patrol Chair Clabeaux noted that this is a brand new endeavor for the Commission and is in the beginning stages. City Fees Research Project On Mazch 11, 2002 the Recreation Department presented an in depth report on rentals and fee for city facilities to the PRC. The PRC will continue to gather data that will help the Commission to better understand the many facets of this subject. The PRC has scheduled aretreat/study session on May 17, 2002. AYSO Fees The PRC has deliberated and has a recommendation for the Council that will be presented at the meeting of March 20, 2002. Heritage Orchard The PRC would like to request that the Heritage Orchard be included in their list of facilities. The PRC would like to be involved with any and all issues concerning the Orchard. The PRC would like to invite a Heritage Preservation Commissioner to attend the PRC meetings and would be willing to send a PRC Commissioner to the Heritage meetings. Chair Clabeaux commented on the City owned park on the corner of Pollazd and Quito Road. Chair Clabeaux noted that a landscape architect would be attending the next PRC meeting with some ideas on native landscaping designs for possible future development of this pazk. Chair Clabeaux noted that she and the rest of the Commissioners were available for questions. Councilmember Bogosian commended Chair Clabeaux on her presentation. Councilmember Bogosian stated that all neighbors impacted by the proposed UPR Trail be a part of the process from the beginning. City Council Minutes '] Mazch 12, 2002 Vice Mayor Baker noted that the UPR Trail project is extremely expensive and Saratoga would bear the most costs. Vice Mayor Baker noted that the PRC and the Trails Subcommittee should be cautious that the process does not get out of hand. In regards to the UPR Trail Project, Councilmember Waltonsmith noted that the Commission should proceed slowly, with continued Council support. Councilmember Waltonsmith noted that she supports presenting a commendation to Teri Baron. Councilmember Waltonsmith noted that she supports having the various Commissions come up with different ways to promote the City such as the PRC's suggestion of "Trail Day". Albert Chang, 19937 Scotland Drive, noted that he would like to comment on the survey that was conducted at Redwood School in regazds to the proposed mobile skate pazk. Mr. Chang noted that 900 students were surveyed at Redwood School. Mr. Chang stated the results as follows: • 690 students -skate park is a good idea • 393 students -would use the skate park 522 students -supported no fee • 15 students willing to pay $25 season • 118 students willing to pay $50 a year • 179 students would make a donation Councilmember Waltonsmith asked if there were discussions on the Task Force in regards to special hours of operations for people who paid a fee. Mr. Chang noted that the Task Force did not discuss that possibility, but he would bring Councilmember Waltonsmith's suggestion back to the Task Force. Vice Mayor Baker expressed his concern that there was no minimum age cut off. Director Pisani noted that children under ten years old must have a pazent present Director Pisani noted that City Attorney Taylor stated this feeling is that if a person is under 13 yeazs or younger they must have a parent present. Andy Miller, 18820 Aspesi Drive, noted that he supports a skate park in Saratoga. In regazds to the age limit cut off, Mr. Miller stated that most kids do not start skating until they are about eight. Vice Mayor Baker commended the Skate Park Task Force and requested that the pazk be up and running by the beginning of summer. Vice Mayor Baker requested that a full summer calendaz of locations of the pazk be posted on the City's website and the various schools. Consensus of the City Council to support Vice Mayor Baker's request. City Council Minutes 8 Much 12, 2002 Mayor Streit thanked the Pazks and Recreation Commission for attending tonight's meeting. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Councilmember Waltonsmith announced that the Taiko Drum Group, that has used Hakone Gardens for the past ten yeazs to practice, has been asked to leave. Councilmember Waltonsmith stated that they are in need of storage space for their equipment. Councilmember Waltonsmith asked if any citizen or community group had a space for the Group to use for storage please contact the City. Councilmember Bogosian noted that on March 28, 2002 the League of Women Voters would be sponsoring a community forum at West Valley College asking the question "How can West Valley College serve the Community". Councilmember Bogosian encouraged the citizens of Saratoga to attend. OTHER None CITY MANAGER'S REPORT None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Mayor declazed the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. specttull sub~ted, leen o r, MC City Clerk City Council Minutes 9 Mazch 12, 2002