HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 23 IESOLUTIOI~ NO. J ~ A RESOLU'=~IO~q GIVIt~G NOTICE OF itqTEIqTIOIq I'O CALL A ~SS~ECIAL ELEC'I~iOi'( iN CERTAIN II~]HABI'i~ED TEREITO~Y IN t'H]E CI~iFY OF SAE~:~TOGA .~%~D A!' :,,jHICH ;S.,~'.~ID EL'ECTI0~q THE]IE WILL BE SUB[E!TT'EE~ THE Q~STIOI(' 0F Aiq'D(EXA'I'iO]q TO =I't3E Ci'U~Y OF $.A.~ATOGA ~O l'~ ~ECTOES RESIDING iR' SaID 'l~Uj~IRi;2ORr, Ai~jD A~0 GIVIlq(} NOTIC]E OF ~HE D~Y, HO~ ~ND ]PLACE WHEN A~D PEI:tSOI.~ 0Wt'qlNG RE2~L Pi]iOPER'~Y WI"ZHIN '~'.E ;~ERHITORY MAY THE CITY COE~'CIL OF THE CITY OF SARATeZ]A AI'~D SHiOW CAUSE WHY SAID TERiB:ITOBY SHOULD N0"Z iBE S!NEXED. Resolved by t[he City Council of the City of Saratoga, s.s follows: SECTION 1: Whereas, the City Council of the City of SaratoEa has heretofore on June 3, t957 recelve~ a oetlDion signed by not less than one-fourth of the qualified. electors residin.[[ territory heroinafter describee, as sho~n by the Cc, unty registration of voter.a', and which said. petition contains a description of the new territory proposed to be annexed and asklnE that said territory be annexed to the City of Saratoga, and Whereas, on May 2, 1957, there van filed with said. City Council a Notice of intention to Circulate said Petition by the proponents thereof, accompanied by an af'fidavit of of said notice and the statement requ. lree by Section 35112 oF the Government Code and on May 9, 1957, the City Council acknowledged receipt of the Notice and approved the circulation of the petition mentioned in Section 1 hereof, no~.~, therefore, Ths City Council hereby gives notice that inteni~s to call a special election in said ter~Ibory at '~.~bich election the City Council intends to submit 'bhe question of annexation of said territory to the City of Saratogfa to the electors residln.[ff within said inhabited territory, anti that said election will b~!? beta. in all res- oects in accordance with the applicable orovlsions of the C;overnment Code and the Elections Code of the State of California, and -1'- SECII~ION 2: Whereas, the description of saic] territory has been sff~Dmittec] to the Cosnty ]3c~undary Comm~ssio~ of the County ~L~nta Clara with respect to. the definlteness and certainty of said description, a~d ~:~ke same has been .~pprove.~] by said ]~oundary Commission, Now, th. erefore, Wednesday, July ~, 19~7, st hour of o . .:,:00 o'clock ~.J'.~.i of that day in th.e re,~'ular ~.e.e'b!~q=..::=~=l ]".,12ace of the City Council of the City of ;~Sa. rstog'a, lm th~ E;'ir,~mau's Hal~ Crak fi, t a in the City of ~Sarato~:,.a, County of ;~S~nta Cl~ra, .(~E!tnte of O=:=~li'~,- r e t , =:=:, ~ or~cia., ~re he.~eby fixed a.s the day, b.our and pls:~ce when ,~rmd 'where ovanor of real property within said territory ma~y aU:>Ce'=~r before tl~'n~e City Council a'nd show cause ~.,,~hy said territory sh.o,3!d 'not be SECTIOI,$ 3~. The said territory proposed be be annexeft Is hereby designated by the name of ;Saratoga Ann,sxatlc~n 1957-2 ~nd said. name Is hereby designated as an appropriate name thereof by yahlob it may be referred to upon the ballots to be use=] 'E~t the spooled election ira'benS.,ec]. to 'co called for such .annexation. That ~ specific de:script!on of the bcund~rles of the territory proposed to be annexed ls ?.s follows. That certain territory In the County of Santa Cl?ra, Stat,a of California, ~escribe~=] as follows: BEGI]~r.:[i. QIlqG at a point on the 'Southerly llne of Prospect ]:~ioad (4,0 feet wide), sai~'9 point beinC~ t~00.00 feet ;"../esterly measured alono'j sai,r~ line of Prospect [[aosd from the bastefly lim:s of :'j. arsto~$.-;Sun~yva!e F~oad. as it nov~ exists (40 feet wide), said point beir~g ;also a corner in the Northerly bounda~ of the cri.[[inal City limits line of the City of Saratoga; thence fo!lowinC. the orlgin.z~l City ll~:~s:its lime of the City of :[Saratoga s.s follc~:~s: ;Southerly, ~.~i'th nn.~ 400.00 feet Westerly from the saidWesterly line of Sar~to~:;Us- :]H;unnyvate ][={cad to the i'ntersection thereof with t~he center lime of Cala- t on bazas C:reek; thence in $ genera. 1 S~ou. thwesterty {girec i upstream the center line of Cs, lsbazas Creek to the intersection thereof ~,~.:'ith the Northerly line of Wardell Road (40 feet ~ide); thence H~:asterly alon,?~ ss. ld Northerly line: of Wardell ]~[oad to the intersection thereof v~ith tlne Westerly llne of ;:3aratopja-Sunnyvale ]~oad (4,0 feet wide); thence -2- 1.~ortherly along said Westerly EllHe of Sarato!!;a-;!Bumt~.yvale (Road to the intersection with the said iS. outh.erly line of Prospect ti:oad (~[0 feet ~.,ide), said point being 400..00 feet :East,!:.~rly measure8 along said lime of ~:'rospect Yoad from the point of beginning!T; thence leavinisi;~ the ori- ginal City limits lise of the City of Saratoga and r,~nin.r.f Westerly alon,..':T~ the said Southerly line of Prospect ~oad I~0 feet ~.,ide) to the poi.~t of beginning. SRCTION ~: ~rhe City Clerk shall cause a copy of this Resolution to be published at least once a week for the two ~eeks prior to the date of the hearing heroin, in a nev.~spaper of general clrc~lation published in the City of $aratogfa, ttnere 'be!tq,~ no paper of i~eneral circulation published in the terri'tory proposed to be annexed. 'The City Clerk shall also post a copy of the Z!~esoiutiom not less than ten (10) days before the hearinil, in at least three public places ~elthin the territory proposed to be am;sexed. Passed and a. dopted by the City Cob~ncil of the City of :~Sarato![~Za. this 7th ._ flay of ~une .__, !957, by the follo~ing vote: