HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 32-O RESOLUTION NO. 32-0
WHEREAS, heretofore the City Council of the City of Saratoga has fixed by resolution
the amount of revenue from property taxes necessary to support its departments for the
current year and to pay the bonded or other indebtedness of the City or any portion or
district of the same and;
WHEREASs heretofore the City Council has set the amount of revenue from special
assessments of the SCL District 1, the Azule Lighting District, the Quito Lighting
District, the Fredericksburg Drive Park Maintenance District, the Manor Drive Park
Maintenance District and the Greenbrier Park Maintenance District necessary to pay
the costs and expenses of said districts for the said fiscal year and levied said
amount against said respective districts.
NOW, THEREFORE~ the City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby resolves as follows:
SECTION 1: The general property tax rate for the City of Saratoga for the fiscal
year 1972-73 shall be and is hereby fixed at the sum of 20¢ on each
$100.00 of assessed valuation on all property assessed for purposes of taxation within
the City of Saratoga,
SECTION 2: The special assessment tax rate for all the lands exclusive of
improvements, Within "SCL District 1" for the fiscal year 1972-73
shall be and is hereby fixed at the sum of 14¢ on each $100.00 of assessed valuation
on all lands, exclusive of improvements, within the boundaries of said district, and
the same is hereby declared to be and is levied upon all lands within said district.
SECTION 3: The special assessment tax rate for all the lands, exclusive of
improvements, within "Azule Lighting District" for the fiscal year
1972-73 shall be and is hereby fixed at the sum of 32¢ on each $100.00 of assessed
valuation of all lands, exclusive of improvements, within the boundaries of said dis-
trict, and the same is hereby declared to be and is levied upon all lands within said
SECTION 4: The special assessment tax rate for all the lands, exclusive of
improvements within "Quito Lighting District" for the fiscal year
1972-73 shall be and is hereby fixed at the sum of 22¢ on each $100.00 of assessed
valuation of lands, exclusive of improvements, within the boundaries of said district,
and the same is hereby declared to be and is levied upon all lands within said district.
SECTION 5: The special assessment tax rate for all the lands and improvements,
within Fredericksburg Drive Park Maintenance District for the fiscal
year 1972-73 shall be and is hereby fixed at the sum of 1¢ on each $100.00 assessed
valuation on all lands and improvements, within the boundaries of said district, and
the same is hereby declared to be and is levied upon all lands within said district.
SECTION 6: The special assessment tax rate for all the lands and improvements,
within the Greenbrier Park Maintenance District for the fiscal year
1972-73 shall be and is hereby fixed at the sum of 6¢ on each $100.00 assessed valu-
ation on all lands and improvements, within the boundaries of said district, and the
same is hereby declared to be and is levied upon all lands within said district.
SECTION 7: The special assessment tax rate for all the lands and improvements,
within Manor Drive Park Maintenance District for the fiscal year
1972-73 shall be and is hereby fixed at the sum of 8¢ on each $100.00 assessed valuation
on all lands and improvements, within the boundaries of said district, and the same is
hereby declared to be and is levied upon all lards within said district.
SECTION '8: The City Clerk is hereby directed to immediately transmit to the
Santa Clara County Auditor a certified copy of this resolution.
The above and foregoing resolution was duly and regularly introduced and passed
by the City Council of the City of Saratoga at its regular meeting held on the 16th day
of August, 1972, by the following vote:
AYES: ~"'81J~]"rmerl 9mlth, Dwye~'; Brid~es, Otrl'don and Kra~
/ bOF This space is for the Couniy CJerks Filincj Stamp
County of Santa Clara
I am a citizen of the United States and aresi-
dent of the County aforesaid; I a m over the age
Proa{ of Publice~ion o{
of eighteen years, and n o t a party to or inter- ~..~.~7 _.
ested in the above-entitled matter. I am the
publisher of the Saratoga New s, a newspaper k~GA~oTic~' ' .... $1O0.0Oofassessedvalastio~6flande,
'~':'R~BOISU~!ON'NO. 32-~" ' e~xclusiveof improvements,
th, bomuinrtes ~ said ~strlet, a~
of gone ra l c irc ulat ien, p r i n t e d and p ubl i shed me sine 18 ~ebF ~Clared t~ be a~
~EREAS, heretofore ~e Ci~ is lwhd ~a Mi 1~$ within said
weekly in ~e City of Saratoga, Co~ of Santa Couneit~f t~Ci~of h~t~s ~riet.
~e~re~i~on~eamo~tofm- SE~5: T~speci~assees-
ve~ fm pv~e~y ~ee~cesssW m ent t~ ~ fsr ~l the La~$
Clara, and which newspa~r has been adju~ed ~ supp. or~ i~'depa~e~s for ~ l~r~e~m, Within
~en~.yeara~ ~pay~e b~o= bu~g Drive Pa~ ~iae~nce
~ber i~e~ss of'~ City or a~ Crl~ for the fiec~ year t9?i
a newspaper of general circulation by the p~nor di~tctd~e~me a~; ~an~is~re~at~e smof
~, h~r~tolor e t~ Ci~ !~ on ~ch $10O. O0as~ss~Va!~tion
Co~cil ~$ set ~$ am~o[ reven~ on all 1~ aM l~ments, with-
Superior Court of the Co~ty of Santa Clara, f~m~ee~a~essments d~e SCL laths~ari~$~fni~stfl~t,a~
~s~rict !, t~ A zule Lighti~ Dis- ~ sameis hge~deela~ to
State of C a I i f o r a i a, u n d e r the date of Nov. Fred. r~k.~ ~n Park ~t~
~e Blst~et, t~ ~rDrive Pa~ SECTION 6; The special a sse s
26, 1957 Case Number 105852; ~at ~e notice, M~, ~sffi~t'~ I$ G~n- ment ~ n~t~aa th~:'la~s
of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in of satd dt~ior t~s~d fiscal
year and ~v~d slid ~t agii~t
sal~ m;~five districts. $100.0O a s s ~ e s ~:~ val~on
type not smaller ~an nonpareil), has been N~,THEREFO~,t~Ci~Co~- labenSlavements, wi~a the
oil. ~t t~ Ct~ o[ ~ra~ga he~ re- bo~aft~s of s a ~ d district.
~lves 8s iO~WS~ same is ~e~ d~lired ~e be ~d 18
p~lished in each regular and entire issue of ~cTm,D The g~ralp~e~ ~e~oe~l~$~'satddts-
~ ~ ~r the Cl~ of S~atoga br t~.
t~fiSe~year I~Z-T3 s~llbe~ ~CT~: T~asmess-
said newspaper and not ~ any supplement is her~ ~ed as the sm of 2~on
ea~ ~OO, ~of sssem~d vd~on om improvemere, wi~n ~mr D'r iv e
all pr~ as seasod for pu; ~ee ~ Pa~ Ma~m D i s t r i
thereof on the following dates, to-wit: ~ationw~ ci~ cf~$, fiscal y~mrl~2*~ shin5
he~y ~ at ~ Sm 0f '~ ~ ~ch
8ECTI~s .~ speci~ asses $
~stfict Ie for t~ fieeft yea r'lW~- bo~fi~ of said: ~s~i~, and the
T5 s~li. ~ an4 is here~' ~d at ~ sam Is ~ declared
m be
all i~ the year 19 ...... m ~t4~ on e~h 2OO. 0O of asses- levied ;on all t~
width ~d d~-
~ himtics on ~ ~s, ~cluatve ta~.
I certify (or declare) undo r penal~ of ~ju~ efi~ls, within~bo~ar- ~T~S..Qa The Cit~ Clerk
lea cf said ~rict, and ~e same is he're~f~i~c~d'~ {mmedlatG ly
be~e~ ~lared ~ ~ and Is le~ ~ansmit ~ the Sam C~m c'.~uaty
~at the foregoing is true and correct, ~ all' lab ~tl said ~s~ct. Aamr ~ ce~lft~ copy
S~CTI5N3: Th~ special assess-
~:~ /~" , ......... The a~ve a~ fOr~ol~
Dated at ~' ~ ~ ra~ ~r an t~ lands, ex-
, -
"~ .L:~ Dts~t*' for' the tim- a~ pa$$~ ~ the C~ C,cu~fi of