HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 33 [I~SOIX]'TI ON
The C]~t..~y Councl'l..of r, he City of 3ar'atoga hereby resoUf.'ves as
Attached her,~to reeDec'tively as Exhibits 'A" .':~nd "B" ere f'oroms
o f e ;Subd I v i s i,o n !mp ro"v eraant agP · eraant sr]d f~ i ~hfu 1. perf o
c oreplot 1 on bend.
Said do.c~me. Dt.s are hereby adopted by the City
the standa~ f.orm. s ccEt.al'ning sta'~da~. terms tc be used
t~ a. pDroval of ell fl'oal subdlvis:[on maps and the ~'~cce~t~mD,3e or
rejection of streets end easements thereon shown ~3n~ off~rea for
d ed ~ ,c a t 1. ,o n ·
Insolaf as said [~rovement $~ree'men'5 may re~nL~ire m,c,:r:~ than ~s
required un~ier the provisions of th..e :Subdlv!slon Act of t~e, 7]:t.:.~t.e of"
the co~s lderatl on for the same s~ 1, 1, i.r~ ;af:~,:~
C a :i ~ f o rn i ~, ..
ccnsider;a.t:[c:,r:ls, 1Dc].ud.e the a~reemer, t. o'f the C~ty ~o ~cc,ep'~ ;~.'j:k'l.. r,e~,,Jec::t.e,::'.]
offers of dedication at a future date.
The above and foregoing Resolution was duly' r~.~...m~ r, egul~rty
~.'~atroduced an~] 'oassed by the City Count :~.1 ,of t. he C 1 ~ o:f ::Sa ratch~:~ ,:::,r~
the ........~.~ ......... day c,f ..... ~t.~..~L ........ ,. 1957 by the
AYES: Brazil, Langwill, Rosasco, WillJams
NOE[~',: None
A3~.ENT: JeDs en
P. O. Box 337
Saratoga California
Bon~. No.
l~ov,m, ut ~
~n~o:.h~ City ~f""' ~.~at~a:,"state ;== ~s=su~ty a:~ held and f~ly bound
of aliforula, In the sum of
~lla~ ($ ) la. ful money of the
the '~ymnt 'of ~hiCh "til" ~d t~l..y t.o ~ ~.e,
bl.~ ~rmelvea, our hel~, executor, successor~ a~d assI~$, Jointly
: a~ seveNlly, flnly by these
~ CO~X~0~ of the fo~goi~ obligation ls such ~ha~,
W~: said p~ncX~.l will ~rfo~ all necessa:~ l~rov'emen~s
~n acco~anoe with the a~prov~ Improvement Plans and S~c~flcationa
pN~d '~ ~ ....... -=:=: :-~ :=:== - -=- ...._ Civil Engineer on ftle In
~he Sa~ Cla~ CounSy Office.
W~S: shall be completed within one year C~m
=.:=~:::_. ............................., 19~ ......·
W~S: ~id i~vementn shall also be maintained by pT~lpa. 1
f.o~ a perX~ of at least one year after c~ple~ion of const~ctio~, and
before aocepCance of sa~ by the City of Sactoga. ~Xs bo~ sh~ll b.e
in full fore and effect ~hrough the period of maintenance. The
te~nce ~rl~ shall continue until such t~me ~hat all deficiencies of
connt~otion are corrected ~o ~he s.attafactton of the County Engineer's
N~. ~~0~, If the na~d P~ncX~l s~ll well and truly do and
perfom all the covenants and oblXgat~ons aa ae~ forth a~ve. on ice
part to ~ done and peffor~d at the t~ a~ in ~ runner epeclf~ed
b.o~ .hA1 effect.
WI~SS 0~ ~.S THIS ............. . ~y of ............... . , 19 ,
P. O. Box 337
~RF,~~ madis and .snt~re.d into this. ........................................ I~.~
:~'~!~' , by ~d bedsen ~e CITY OF ~ Mun:icl~al
.~ ~e State of Califomla, herei.nafter called "Cit:y" and
............... _ ................... , 8uMi~der and
.place of b~inese is ..........................................................................................................
WHERE .AS, S u. bd ivi d $ r. i s ea~ g a.g e d i n s u bdi 'v idi ng t b a t c e r t a. :i. n
'tr~:'*~ of land kn~ ~.~ a.s situated
of Sarato.gas. County of Santa Clara~ St.a~ of Califor'nia~
~RE~, a :final map of Tract has 'been
filed '~rlth the City Clet of the City of Saratoga for pr'esentat!.e:s
to 'the C~ncil for lt's aporoval~ which map is hereby' referred 't.o and.
b~ said reference incorporated herein; and
~~, ~er .and SuMl. vider has requested approval of said final
Mp pr,tor to the c ~p. le"ti on of i. mpr ~emen 'ts of all stre ~:~ts ~
or p,'ubl:ic wa~e ~d ~er fact. ll ties whl ch are a ~mI" t of ~z,,~r a ?l.:~..rt,sn
to t he .ab~ e -men tl ~ed ~ t~.bdJ. v:Is i on ~ i. nc lud in g ~ b u 't wi t: }"~ou t 12~...:'si t i
the foregoi:nE ~ the necessary paving ~ catch 'ba.sins~ pipes .~ cu]v~:::~rts
st.otto dra].ns~ s~nitary sewers ~ where r. eq'uired~ street trees and
street :~:ign~ where requlred~ and including a water system and fire
hydrate mcceptab]:..e to the San Jo~e Water Works m~d the City of
8a. ratog.a~ a]i in ~cc:crd~ce with. ~.d as required by' the p.]~..ans
~ pec ifi catl <~ns fc, r all of s aid im [::~r ovamen ts in or :~ p ~::.~ z't.~::,n ~-m t. t o
St~b.dlvis i on .~ 'wh, lch plans and spec ill carl one were pre pared by . ....................................
.. ......................~ Cfivi]. EnF~neer, ~..d ar~ now on fi ie in t:.'~:,.
,:Dr the C ]. erk of s aid C i ty an~..,." or the C :i. ty Eng in e~ r ~ :e~ off :[ .:.2: e ,::~:f"' ~s::;
C i t y, and
....................... , 19.57, a4opt a Resolutl. on approvl, ng maid. f:XLn=al
re~e~tt, nl; the ~lealoa't:lon.$ tb.eretn offe?.e~ which ~3ectlon dl.d nob
a~. d~el ~'t, h~ever, revoke ~he offers of d~.loatlon therein
,c~tain~ and ~.quXr~ aea co~l~to~ preo~en~ ~o the f'u~re
ac.oepta~e of sald offers of ded~ca~lo~ ~hat ~he Su~lwlder
the state .a~,.~.~ ea.aemeuta thereon sho~ In ~c.o~ wi~'h. the
n.f ~Xna~ce No. ~ a.e amemd~ of the cf ~toga a.~d In accord
'wlt'h the l~rove~nts plans and sp~lflc;atio:ns on file ~s
refe~ to, a~ requiring as a co~ition prec~.amt to the re]..eaBe o:f'
said. fill ~p for ~oo~ation t~t t~ su~ivlder agr. e~ In '~ritlmg
to so tqrowe sal~ et~ets a~ easementi,
~, ~~E, In oon.stde~tion of the abov~ a.~ .in c. on~Idera-..
ti.o~ of ~he C~ty accepti~ all of said dedications ~fter the her..,s~ln ....
after ag~ed to cove~ntB on ~he ~rt of t~ ~n. er ~nd. Subdivider
have been oo~lied with, it is hereby ag~ed as fo].lows:
I, Su~iw:~der and ~ner shall construct all .of the
~nts and do all of the work he~na~ve and hereinafter ment~.on~d~
all i~ ac.oo~.an. ce with a~ ~o the extent and as provid. sd In the
above mentioned plans a~d. specifications on file in the ~tf~ce .of
:saXd City, ~cr the c~stmction of sald improvements In, for
appurte~nt to aal.d su~lvlslon,. and all in comp. lianee wl~b;
No. ~ as amend~ and the laws of the State of California, a~ shall
co~lete ~ sa~e within one year from da~e hereof and shall. ~ain .....
t,ain the saae for a perl~ of at least one year after the
of the sa~.
2. 5u~lvl.der shall, b~fo~ the release .of said fins.]. map by
City and as co~ition prec. ed~t to recordatiom thereof, fii~ish
the City and file with the City Clerk a good a~ s,~f'flcien'b bond
In form to be app~v~d by the City Attorney, securing ~he
per'founts by Subdivider of all ~or'k and the construct;ion
tmprov'eme~ts herein l'n th~s ~reement mentioned wi ~;hln the tim~
{ptOlf%.el, ,at se~'~rl~ $:he fa.~thful pe~.for,ance by Su~dl~lder
ef the ,~a~~e of ,aid ~ve~n~, for a period of at '!oa{t
oN year after co~l. etXou eF ~'~ ,aN, a~ for such. additional
per~ of' ~a:e as ~y be n~essa~ ~n o~er that Su~lvl~er
ly og~ ~ correc~ all deficiencies of construction $o the
,a$~,facti~ of t~ Cl~y ~lneer of the CX'~y of ~ratoga, the
a~unt of ~ld bond to be In t~ sa of $ .
3. ~ SuM~i. vl~er ~es hereby expr.es,l~ ~ree to !~nX. fy
a.~ hol~ ~ess ~he Cl~y and ~n their calcify as such, i~s
officers, ~a~,, ooals,i.~$ and l~s e~loyees, F~m
a~ a~d all loss or ~a~, an~ f~a any and all liability for any
an~ all loss or da.~ge, a~ fro, any ~d all s~Alts, ao~lons~. or
nlals, f~l~ or ~ht by any a~ all persons or person because
of or ~s~l~l~. f~oa ~ ~oi~ by SuMSrider of any and all ~hln~s
~qul~ of SuMivtder b~ ~l, ~a~ct, or because of o~ a. rlsl~
or result!~ from ~e '~all~re or oml,slo~ by Su~lvlder to do a~
a~. all ~hIMs neoessa~ ~ a~ required by Chfs con$~c~ or by
la~ or arlel~ or f~m the negl~g~t do~ by Su~ivlde~,
hie agents, e~loyeee o'r e~bcont~cto~s of any and all thins
required to be done by this contact, or ar~sl~ or ~esultlng
from any ~ngero. ue or defective c~dltion arising or resulting
from any of the above said acts or omissions of Su~lvider, his
agents, e~lo~ees or eubcont~.otors of a~ and all things ~eq~red
to be done by this ceutract~ or a~isX~ or resulting from any
dangerous or defective condition arial~ or resuL~bing from a~
of the above ea~d acts or omissions of S'ubdlvi~der, ~ls agents or
~, That Subdivider before the release o.f' said
map by City and as a c.c~diticm precedent to 'the recordation
f'~a~'nish to '~he City ~d file with ~e City Clerk: certificates o~
policies o'f ~bllc liability and pro:peTty d~.age in~u.~'~ce in
fo~ satisfactory to ~he City' Atto~ey pr.~iding ~.~blic liab~...l:lty'
for each ~rs~ and Three H~m~ed Th~a~d Dollars
for e~h acciden'b or ~currence, ~d property dmge coverage
Fifty Th~sm~d Dollars ($50,O~.OO]. whe~by the City ef Saratoes
and in =heir capac~.ty as. smh~ its C~.incil~.n~ offal. cars,
co~lsalo.~ ed. its..~.plo~ea will be insured.~ Indemlfi.~]
held ba~less fr~ ~.? and all claim. of any kind or natu~
or resulting fr~ the constmcti~ of said improvements or
wo~ of suMividing wl%hin or outside the said subdlv"}slon
.~ resulting from or c~cem~ng the or failing %o
by said $'ubdiv~.der of all things req~.~red to be de. no in the abo'.~'e~..
mentioned agreement ~een said Sub.~vider ~"~d. the C!t~, of'
said insurance .covering completed improvemen. t for .one ~'e~r
c~ple%Im Md ~ceptance.
5'. Upon,. Subdirtier completing 'in accord ~th '~hls. agreere.ant
all of the im~oveme'~.ts to be ma~.e =~d done by s~d Subdx~.',~]der
as herei~b~'e set f~. ~d as shown ~. the pl.~s .m~n.d specifics
ti~s ~ file as herein.above refe~'ed to, ~d uDon ~ubdlwLde~
~o~rl~ m~.ntalned the sam for a peric~ of at leas'~
year after the c ompletion of said. lmrarovement. s as hereins. bov,e
s ~ci fied ~ and u pen the zSuMivi der .c oreplying w~. th al '.] c ,c'.~z~v.,~na~.~
~'~d c end i t ions on ~cz'~is or i to.. ~r% t o '~ d one ~. d F.~erf' o rnaed i~"'~ acc
w~th the within agreement, then ~d in that event Cl%y agrees to
rescind its reJ~ti~m of the o:ffe~$ of ded~cati~m c,~m'talne,~,. on
t~e afor'esaid final. m~E]~. ~d at that time acce?t aH.l of s~,~.~.nnnf~
of ded~cati~.
6, Should the Subd..~.vider and Owner. herelush,ore ='e. fer'r,F~d to
not b.e 'the same '~.rso.n~ firm o2 corporatl~.~ ~r~snn this
shall ~ly ~ effective upo.n both t'he SnMi~'id.e~ and the
se~ra't.ely e.x~utinE the s~e.~ ~nd whe~ve~' t~e...~ubd:lvl<]er is
~.~ s~e ~.}'~11 include ~ner ~d whe'c~ever the tern ~ner Is
the sa~ shall i.~lude SuMJ. vider,
7, Th~.s .agree~nt shall be binding upon 'the hei~s,
~$~esentative~ ~4..as. el. gun ~ Su~l'~Ider and and ti~'~e
,of ~.e es s eric ,s here of ~ save ~ d e~ e[~ t 'that t he C i 'iF C ~nc. :~ ]..
Cl..~ of Saratoga ey~ ~t need :not~ ext,md ~y time or times :for
the doi~ or of any ~"ts as required. under the ter~.
of this aEree~nt by 'Resoluti~, i.f in 'the opi~ion of the City
C~cil.~. ~y such de~y ~x ~th~;~.t fault on t~ ~mrt of' the
~..vlder md ~er.,
IN WIT~F~ ~J~, the parties ]hereto have :set their
t~ day ~d year first able written.
C I '~' OF S ~l A.T 0 O A .~ a M u.n ! c i ]~:; a
C i ty C 1 e t
C i "t.y Art orney BX.