HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 34 RESOLUTIOk NO. 94 A EESOLUTION DECLARIBG CANVASS OF EE'2URNS .~fi~(D tIESliLT OF AI,Z!ND[A'rI()N ELEC'TIOIq I-~LD IN ".SARATOGA ANNE(ATIOI;~ 1957-2" 0N T~E T'~EqTH DAY OF 'SEPTEF[E:.ER, 1957. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sarstotii~'a duly called an~ ordered held in the Sa..rato~!ia Annexation 1957-2 a.~s electi<:m on the 10th day of September, 1957, pursuant to the annexation law 1913 as amended for the purpose of submitting to the quail:fled votens and electors thereof the following proposition to-wit: PROFOSITiON: Shall Saratoga Annexation 1957-2 be annexed to the City of Saratoga? ~.VHE~EAS, t~ notice of election ca!lin~; nnfi or:~erln~:.~; sai~ election ~as duly published s.s req.uired by la~ as appears from the ss::~fi~avit of ~;he printer an~ p~bllsher of th.e Los Gatos Times-Observer o~ file im the office of the 'City Clerk of Said City of Sara. toga and, t,.~HE~iEA;B, it appears ~ha.t ssld etectio~m ~;s.s duly he].'~ In ac. cor.- dance ~mith 1.a~.~ ¥1'bh sa~d call and notice on the tenth day of September, 1957, as aforesaid and that the polls for said election :~,~ere kept open dur~n$: the t:kme required by law and that said election ~,~as held a:~n~ conducted a'r~d the votes thereat received and canvassed, e~:rmfi tlne returns thereof ascertained, determined, and declared, all as prcvided by the laws of the State of California and, ¥HEREAS, on this day, to-wit Wed~esd.sy, the 18th da.y of SeDbember, 1957, a.t the ho~r of 7:30 o'cl. ock P.M. the City Council of t~he City of :i~Saratoga met at it's ~s~$1 place of meeting an~] has cs. mvassed the ret,.~rms of .said election as required by law and the result of said ca'mva. ss is found to be as hereinafter stated. and set forth; IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, DETERMItqED ,IBD DECL,a. RiZiD by the City of Saratoga Council as follows: I. That the proposition voted upon at said election was as follows: ~0POSITION: Shall Saratoga An:nexstiom 195Y-2 be annexed to the City. of Sarsto~'(s.? -1- 2. That, 'by the notioe of election calling said electiota ~as provided that for the purpose of sai~] election, said ~'~ratoga Annexation 1957-2, should constitute, be adopted and. designated as one voting precinct sn.fi that the number of votes cast in said election in favor of or against s~ld propos ition was as follo~.~s, to-~it: Number of Votes Number of Votes Cast in favor of Cast against Said Said Proposition 39 4 One blank ballot 3. That the total n~mber of votes cs.s'b at said election 44, and that the majority of sai~. votes cast v~ere in~ favor of said proposition and 'that ss. id proposition carried. That th,e .City Clerk of the City of Saratoga. be ~-,,:nd is T,'::nereby instructed to en"b,er this resolution im the minutes of this City Council as a statement of the result of said election. 4. That a description of said territory de, s i~::nated as Sara. to~%'a Annexation 1957-2 is as follo~s: :9EGINI'[Ili!G at a :po!v. ct on the Southerly line of Prospect Road (40 feet ~ide), s-'.ai~::] point being 400.00 feet Westerly measured along sai8 line of Prospect Road from the Westerly line of Sa. ratoga-Sumnyvale Road as it now exists (40 feet ~id.e), sai~ poimt belni]:.:~: also corner in the Nort?:lerly boundary of 'the origiveal City lime of the City of Saratoga; thence following the City lim~'~s line of the City of Saratoga as follo~.~s: erty, parallel with and 400.00 feet Westerly from the s~-i~id Westerly line of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road to the i~ut~s~rsectio:n thereof with tihe center line of Cs~labs;zas Cre,~k; ~t~uenr. ce in a !!Z'emers. 1 South~ester!y d. irection upstream a].on!g the ce~ter ]~ine of Calaba. zas Creek to the intersection thereof ~lth the erly line of Ward. ell t~]oa.d {40 feet ¥ide); thence Easterly along said Northerly lime of ~.jardell Iioa8 to tb.,a im. tersection -2- 'thereof ~.~ith the l~esterty line of Sarato{~a-Sunnyvale (40 feet ~,~ide); thence Northerly alon[~C said ~,~esterl. y llne of Saratoga-gunn.:yvale ]':load to the intersection m~'i'bh the said ;Southerly line of Prospect Road (~0 feet wide), sai~i 'poi'nt being: 400.00 feet ~sterly measurably alq::n.[~ said line of Prospect Road from the point of begi~nlng; thence 1.eavi~ the original City limits line of the City of S.ara. toga and runni'ng %..Yesterly along the said. So~bherly line of Prospect Road (~0 feet ~l,fie) t;o the point of PA;SSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of September , 19 57 , by the City Council of the City of Saratoga by the foilo~.~:in~: ~'ote: AYES: Brazil, Langwill, Rosasco lq OE S: I;~ o n e ABSENT: Jepsen, i',lilliams l(a.yor of Sa ~boga ,..0 z::yT,'