HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 54 RESOLUTION #54 ...... A RESOLUTION!::"::R:ELATIVE TO WORKMEN' $ COMPENBAT I ON BENEFITS FOR' 'REGIBTERE:D VOLUNTEER "DISASTER SERVICE '~DRKERS" WHEREAS, Sect]on 1599.1 of the Military and Veterans Code (Chapter 104, Statutes 19116 FIrst Extraordinary Session) provides: "The California State Disaster Council shall establish by rule and regulation various classes of disaster service workers and the scope of the duttes of each class. The California State Disaster Council shall also adopt rules and regulations prescribinp the manner tn which .disaster service workers of each class are to be registered. All such rules and regulations shall be designed to facilitate the paying of workmen's compensation." and WHEREAS, The California State Disaster Council has adopted rules and regulations establishing classes of disaster service workers, the scope of duties of each class and the manner of registration of such volunteer workers; and WHEREAS, Section 1599.2 of the Military and Veterans Code (Chapter 10~., Statutes 1946 First Extraordinary Session) provfdes: "'Any disaster council which both agrees to follow the rules and regulations established by the California State Disaster Council pursuant to the provisions of Section 1~99.1 of this code and substantially complies with such rules and regulations shall be certified. by the California State DIsaster Council. Upon mc~ktnq such certification, and not before, the disaster council becomes an accPedj. ted disaster' council." and WHEREAS, The CIty of Saratoga has registered and will hereafter register volunteer disaster service workers; and WHEREAS, The CIty of :Saratoga desires to become an "accredited disaster Council" organization in order that injured disaster service workers registered with it may benefit by the provisions of the Labor Code; NOW, THEREFORE The City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby a~ree to follow the rules and regulations established by the California State Disaster Council under date of April 4, 19h-6, as amended, pursuant to the provisions of Sectton 1599.1 of the M]litmry and Veterans Code (Chapter 10[~, Statutes 19~[6 Ftrst Extraordinary Session). -1- The City Clerk is hereby instructed to send two certified copies hereof to the Californla State ~Disaster Council (California Disaster Office). The above and foregoinG resolution was duly and regularly intro- duced and passed by the Council of the City of Saratoga at a reeular meeting held the. ist day of O_ctober, 195_~_, by the following vote: AYES: Brazil, 3epsen, Langwill, Rosasco NOES: None ABSENT: G1 e nnon ATTEST: WH BR EA S.~ '~.den~' ~b;o~i~.y' o~ ~%1o~ 1~9%,~ of: the Cal~'ormta :Disaster:' ~O't (~.lit~ ~ V~$,~r~ [',o~)~ %he C~li~orni. a Stste Di.a~ater Council directed to e~t~bli,~h by ~le ~ ~da~ion various classes of dieasber serv-- ice ~orkers a~ %he seep c,f d'~%iea of each class~ and to pr~,scnbe the h which disaster eer~ '~:~kers of' each cl~s$ are to b~>~ registered; and WHER HA S, T~ Cali.~,~tta State Disaster Co~c~. di.d~, ,o~ April j~ adopt $~h rules and re,~ul~ti.~$., designed to establ:U~h ~d. facilitate ~e,.~$ w~reb~~ work~n'm e ~neation shall be made ~vai. lable .for the ~>~c tecti~ and ben~m~Mt of ~.A..~c~d disester se~ce workers3 WH ER EA S~ ~tie neoe.~e,~r'.y add desirable that such rule.~r~ and be re~d fro~. ti~ to ti~"~ for t~ pt~r:Zpose of ~o~iTo:~?~:[n~ t;,o th~ CS'ta:bc cf Cali:Zc~ii Cifll I).e~e~,~ ~t~4. Dia~et, e:t· P!.sp, ar~d recor~ff~e~datj, c~$ o2 the N~ T~LOP~z 'Tt'~t:; CALI~E~"OR~t~, $'I'A~, D'ZiiS~ COU;~CIi.,~ ]~V virtue <~f such ~'utho~ity veete.,d tA itp be~ibZ eete:bl:isbee and ia~aes r-ujl.~s and reg~tati,t:ms DEFINITIONS ~th. ~e~ di.e~ete~ c.o~nell f~u" t~'~ ~po~e ~ en~agi.n~ iH dieaster sen ice J~eu~t ~ t'~a Oatifcr~.i~ Disaster Act end the Civil Defense Act of 1.9~O ~'tho',~t p,a~' or ~r consideration.. ~Dis~ster sol'fie8 ~,ork~r~ incl'~es v'o.l. ur~teer c. iv'~.l defense worker.? $:~ pu'bl::ic e~pl.o~eee and also includes an7 tu~registered :~rson pressed 'into se~ce d?in.g a state of disaste, r or $ state of .extreme e~ergeng bZ e. ~re~,.r~ ha~ng sutho~l'by' to cozenand the a:Ld of citizens In the executio,~ o~ his duties.- , . . '~r~s~ster eer~ wor~r~ d.~s not include ~ ~ale registered as active fire flght~ ~er c~f ~y r.e~.~ly ,o~ganised volunteer de~rt~eat~ ha~..r..g o.~::'fici~ recognitio~z a~d f~l or partial supporl; of the co~ty'~ ci.t~'~ t~ or ~strict in which suc.',~ fire department 18 located,.~ (S~c, .:3211..~9~, I.abor Code) 2, ' ~Ms.~ete~ ser'~.ee~ ~ans 8].i activities sutho:Lt.zed bp and carried o37 ~rs~nt to the Cmli. forni~ Dis8ste~ Act and the Sivi. 1 Defense Act of 19~0~ inc'l~ing tre~in:ing n,e,cessa~ or proper t.o e~gage in such act:L- ~[tiee.' (See. 3~i.1~93, ~bor Code) "i~'~.ning ~ecessa~r or proof to engage jz~. such ect:iviti. es'~ i.s herebj interpreted and is <J.ef'i~.ed ~$ autho~':i. zsd and su.pervi::~ed 'txraining ca~ tied on h the ~nne~' ~d by such. a ~rson as a ].c~cr~l disaster cotmoil ~all prestos .~ o~ such aCtiViti,~ n;~:' .~ct:ione by e~.~::::h 'pe:r'scn,,~ (i;ec~ 3Eii~93a, ,t~ "'Di,~'r cornoilu :~s a pu~l.ic agency whj;.,[~h i;~ {~.;,.p,:'~ered 't.,v i ~ ~ dt~et t~ a,o t ivit ie s of dd. $ a ~. t e r s,$::v.~ :i. ,:;:,~ '~orkors wli. t~fi.n ~he ~1 of t~ ¢ol~t~" oF cJ.t~"~ o:r any p~rt "Lk.e~r,~c;~f~ and i.s thus;, %t~ty of t~ S~ in aid of the ca~V:k~g out of tt:~, general govelsr/.- m~al. ~tions ~ policy of the State~ and includ~:s a local disas tom c ~ il · lt~blie~ d ~ .or~n~me ~ n', ,~l~.~p ~1e includes civil defense co~c~.l s ~d civil and ~saater co~ci[~s al authorized b~' Section l'~OZ,5 of the Milil:.~y and Ve~r~s C~e,~ .(See, 3211~9.~ Labor Co,de) h.~. .Ae~e~.t.~ ~.8leteT ,Cet~ne'tl: "Any diseste::p co~.mc:il which3 both a~ees te fo].l~ the ml, e ~nd r.e,gu]..att. cns estabti. sb~!~d by the CalLi'ornia S~te Disaster Co~cil pursuant to the ~,sio~$ ,~,f' Sectior~ 3-599,, 1 of this cede ~d subet,,~ntielly co~lies with su.c::h rules ad regh~ta- tione shall be certif:led by the Califorz~..a Stat. e Dj. aaste r Council~,. Upon ~ng t~ eertificatl.~, ~md not befo~ the disaster council hcoms an e. ccre~ted d::fs.aster courteft,~'' (Sac '[~99 >~ Military and 'Veterans C ode ) .~ction 32~i.i..,91. o:f th~ jX~r Code pr'c~d.es~ , ~Accre:L~j. ted disaster e~il~ ~an, a ~aat**~ cornoil which Is certifj. eCl. "By the Califo~ .... ~ia S~ ~sae~r Co~cil as conforming wi'th tbs rule.s and regula ti~$ oetablie~d by t~ Cal:ifomia State Disaster Co~n. ci]. p~:'suant to t.h$ F~isi~$ of A~lcle 10~7~ C~pter 1~. Di'~{isi. on 7 of the t~' aM Veter~$ ~e, A disaster cormell remacL:ns accredited only w~le the cegi~ca~ of the Califomi. a State B. saa'i:~sr' {;o~cil is in affect a~ is not n'm~d, ~ B. CLASSES AND DUTE.S OF DISAS.T~ SERVICf] WOIi',;Vd~RS The v~o~ el.asses ~ ~.easter service workers ~d 't, hs ti;ensral du"td e:~, of '~he: members of e~h ~ass ~h~l incDlde but shal.1 not b.e~ li~ted to the folt~ n~ est~blishe.d 'by t~se roles and reg'ula'~si. ons~ or here~ter eetab~d by or~r of t~ C,~.fomia State Disaster Ccmneil.: 1 St~f, Perform e:xecuti've, administrative~ t.echnical.~ and clerical ~&ons for t~ civil defense ~.d ~saster organci:~:,a't::Lon~ :in.eluding pla~.ng~ ~ga~zl~, ~ coor~n~.ting all phm~os of the civil defense ~d ~sas~r ~m; information to ~.d .education ,:ff '~h.a public; c~,men.'t~ intetewingm ~aining~ and ~.rect.ion .of .rj. vj..sas'ter se~:i. ce workers; record keephgy and such ether duties as ruG' be required., 2, Convictions:, O~Tate and :mLnt. ain various comrm..mieations sy'stema.; ~ ~dl. radio faci~ties, and ~rform mi~s s~,nger service~ to assist all mit. l eft' the civil. defens~ and elieaster c~rganizs.ti.or:~, 3.~:':: IS;Slat in p~ovldin~ fo~i, ot. othlng~ Y~ddtng~ · .:.. ~ m aid~ reKistratioa o~ ho~ieS~ to promote re~itin~ fa~l~.~ authoritative li~ts o~ de~d ~d ~aeing pers~s~ ~nd ct~r ph~e~t...,o{ e~r~encF welfare eelcos, such ~s the f~tions o~ ~~B ~le ~ ~.ni.~nR to the rellRio~e ~.d spiritual needs of ~reon~ ~rfe~Ing fr.~ the e~fecte or disas~r. i~ee~ A~si~ in e~r~n~ re~torati~ of f~cillties for u.tili- por~tt~ ~nd other vital community' serviees~ remove ~ble and ~eb~s~ sho~ ~ or destr~ ~rtial!y de~lishsd or unsafe walls end b~l~e; re~ir roads end restore r~ ~r~mgs; remove e.ntrmpd and i~ed ~rsons ~om damged bil~ngs and struc't~res~ ~ ~re~ As auxiliary fi.~mn or f~est f~e fighter~ assi~ ~ fi~ht~g f~eee ~r fire proreckon agencies to fight fires., rest. c~ ~rs.~s, and e~vs [pro~y~ control forest oz field fires or fi~ ~s~r'd~ instrue. residents in fire prevention and defense ~th~e~ ~~ ~ detec~ng fires, and precau~ons to be observed in reduc-- ~ fire 6. Gremd Obsener Cot ~$ Assist the ~.li'ta'~ forces in the visuej. ion of si~r~t; classii~y~ filter, and plot airtrOt de~cted~ ~rate grcmd observation posts and filter oen .... ters ~er t~ operational direction of the Department Force~ 7, L~w Eaforcemento Ae auxiliaries or reserves~ assist law enforcement 8r~e~$ ~::a'gencies ~ pro~ct life ~nd property; maintain hw and order; ~rfom patrol duties; perform traf~c control duties~ guard b~ld~gs, ~d~a, factories, and other facilities~ isolate and re p~, me~l~od ~~e. 8. Medical ~ ~alth. ~ ca$uslty sta~ons~ establish and operate health field mite; assist in hospitals~ o',At~ ~tient clinics, a~. ot~r m~cal and pubic health installations; main~in or restore en~romntal s~itati~ assist in ~eserving t~ saEety of food, milk, and water and preventing the spread off ~seue; identi~ a~ mas'~e the presence and x~ni~.~e the effects of c~cal, bf.o~eal, or ra~ol~ical agents in affected areas. 9. Nei: Le~r ~-Warden. AsSet all ci~:]. defen~ ~d disaster ., ghborho~, or area assignment; s~ey area con~tions; .disaemina~ ~omti~ sects data desirable for disaster pre~ess plaEg; repo~ hcidents; ~d ~nerally slat officials and i~i~duale h t~ Feteorion of life and property ~ 10. ~diol~cal Safer. Gather and e"al~te radiological data; perform area s~vey, ~rso.mel ~d eq~nt monitoring~ perform ].aboratory analyseS; Fo~d~ tec~ical semce for recover- and d:econtaminatic. n crews. ll. B~;' Resc~ entrappod persons and render emergency first-aid. ENC LO S~I~.E P~f}E 12, ~, A,s~ist in p~:~n~nt~ wa.rehousi~g~ ~n.d ~.~le{~e of e< 9m~nt.~ a~d ~rial.a for all ~its ~ the civil defense and a~er ~g~i. sation, 13, Trd~c C~r.ol, Reg~Z~ate and control ~raf~c to ~xpodi%e i.~s '1~. ~' AsSist in mobilization and utilization of public and on reso~ces req~red for the screen% of persons~ missals, and eq~.~ent for all ~its of the ci~,l defense and as~r orga~zation. 15. Utilities. AssiMt u~ility personnel in the repair of water, ~ telephone:. telegraph, steam, sewer~ an,d other utility facilities d~ged by di~ster. ,~DITIO~ C~S~S ~"~dditional classes $~ll be those classes prescribed '~" (].3 the ~sas~r Co~cil or (2> the local disa~ter ~cil with the approval the $~ Disaster C~cil. Each disaster service worker in a~ ~lass shall~ without regard to fo~l desig~tion or assi~nmnt, be c~sidersd to be acting within sco~ ~ disaster ser~ce d~ies wMle he is acting ~der authorization of a d~y constitu~d superior in either assistin~ any branch of the l~al ~saster co~cil prepare or ~rf'o~g any ac~, cont~but~g to the pro~c~ ~ l~e or EIS~TION 1. A ~rson sha~ be deemed to be registered if ~here is on file with the local disaster co~cil, ~of its ~its~ o~ in a~ other E,lace ~pro~ ~ the l~al diaas~r co~cil, ~ Foli6~g a. na~ ~' ~gistran't; b ~ ad~e s $; ~. da~ enro~ed; d. class of ~sas~r se~oe to which he is assigned; and e. loyalty oath. 2. All registration records shall 5e available for inspection by any~ officer or emile o~ ~ S~te Com~nsation ~[nsurance ~nd. or t~ C~or~a Disaster. Office. T~ personnel officer or ot~mr individual designated by the Local ~saster co~cil s~ll be responsible fop ks~ping the rsgis~ra'ticn c~rent~ a~ for the ~.c~acy and s~'ekeeping of such recol~ds. ~. T~ CaVorts State Disaster Co~cii ~y prescribe such registration req~rements as it my from time to time deem neces~a~. Local disaster councils may l'equire each person re~Mi, st~red ~o satis- factorily complq.te a copse of training or instruc't, ion. E ,~ C~,3RT IFI CA TION Prior '~o ce.r tification of a disast~el'~ co~.cil as '~sccz'edi .t,,ed~ 'the fornJ. a State Disas%e.r Council shall be furnishe,~ c~:.:~z'~;ified copies ordinance which w!j.l p.ermit it to determine whet, her such cou~;,y or cit, y has provided for 'bhe following: 1. Local disaster c~cil; 2, Chaim.n or direc~z, ori and Disaster or'ga~.zatlon. F~, Tt]~ FJUhTIONS SHA~ ~COI~ EF'~%]~CTI~ IE~D.'[ATELY~