HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 92 USOLUTION NO. 92 UsownON or IR'DN'.rION TO APPROVI CON'l'RACT PROVIDING rœ .aTlCftAUOII I1f STA'fB BHPJ'.O'DB'S UTIB.DŒNT SYSTEM WDlAS, the State ImpIO)'8eø' latirement Law pemits the participa.. tioD of Public Alencl.s 111 the State Imployees' Retirement 878t_. 1IIk:ÚII tluW: tuDployeeø 1M:-irC,U of said System, _d sets forth the pJ'oo..... by wbiob participat:l.on ., be accomplished; ad WØRR~S" one step in said procedure 18 the adoption by the Governing Body of the Publk Aaency of a re.olut1on giving notice of :LnC.aCion to app&'OVe a contract for auch participation between satd Goven1Da lody øacJ the Retirement Byata Joaod of Ac:hú"fatratioD, wbich resolutioD shall coatu. a ....., of the major prov1eioos of the proposed ,1_; aDd WBlUAS, attached. 18 a 8UCIII'DU'Y of the major provis1oœ of the pl"oposed plan.. NaI, 1.'JUtItØOII,1B IT USOLVID, the.t the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY 0l1lABA'lOGA lives, aac:I :Lt doe, hereby give DOtice of 1nt.ention to approve a contract between said CIty COUNCIL and the Board of AI f,,1straf:1.on of the State 1mp-10,...' letir...nt System, providing fen: participat.ion of said CITY or SARATOGA in sa!d Retire- anC Syst_. a sUDllU'Y of _j01:' prov1.øioaa of the proposed plan ed a copy of said aontract be1Dg attached be.retò, marked "Exhibits A and au r8.p.oU:".1" and by this reference made a part hereof. '1be above and fOZ'ego1ng resolution was duly and regularly introducad aD4 pas.ed this folløwi:aa vote: 15th \:, day of Karch \ .. ,1961, by the ADS: Brazil, Gle-nnort, Drake, Langwi11" Hartman NOIS: None AB8.BNT: 1i{one ~4~~~~;P ~~(-~~ ArTIST: ~./I~- CITY CLIIU(