HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 267 W~N ; gS: smf 6-~ ,65 ~IC
RESOLVED, b~, the City Council of the Ci. tZ;l' of Saratoga,
]sllfornis ~ that
WHEREAS~ on. the 5th day of Februar~ 1~64~ said
adopted its Resolution of I~tention No. 1TY to ac.q. uire and constr:,.:~ct
publi. c :Improvements in ss. id Ci. ty~ and ref'erre~:~ the propc~se,fi
tions and :LE. provements to the Engineer of Work of said Cit'y., he
beln[~ the officer having charge and control of the a. cq~..~isition
and cor~strt:~.ctj.on of improvements in and fo, r said ,:[:',itF .o::Y tl:':,e
de scribed in ss id Resolut ion of Intent ion a :~:'z,Q: b,:? in ~]~; a c orepet e~':m t
person appointed bF said Council for that purposej
'WHEP~AS .~. s a ~.d Counc :I1 the rebF dire c t e d. s a ::~d Eng.~.ne e r o :~ ';.,.'lc, rk.
to make anti file with the City Clerk of said City rr~ reidoft
'wrfi t iI]g i t:':~ a C C orda nce w ith ~. ~:":, d puts ~$ ntt ,::::, tt'me D..'I~..:~.~'n :~ c :i pa 1 Zm pro ';.~' e -
me n t .~ c t o f 191 ~;
WHE~EAS, said report was duly ins. de and fi.].ed ~,~.,i. th tt~e C:Zty
,C I e rk o f $ a id C it y, whe re upon s a i.d C 1 e rk. p re s e :~:'::m t e ':J :::~.t t ~:::, the
Co,.mcil for considerat~..o~":~;
'~,"~:I][~EiR]]]AS ~ $ 8 :i. d 'C o t:l.l] c j.. 1 the re '.Jpo ~ d~.:l ] y ,:::~., ~:::::.:m::~ fi; ~. d e ]20 d s. ~;~s :] d r e ]:~::, q;:: r t;
.a '~":~d ea ,oh ~,;,: s,: ':, :ft. ,e v~'m rF psrt the re of and fo um~'~ '~;t'~,.;~:, i::', 'fit c. ,::::, :,:~, f::; ~, :i :~",:e ,::::if, a ]. 1.
the ~:'t':m~ tt.er;s. ar:d tt"fm :~.~l~i;s ,cj.~sm !led for bF the j? :'Jov fi ;?; ::i. o:1::, ~sf~::. o :['
:Ln<i:]..,.::~d.:::h']~:i]['; (13 'nua.,ps, and. des,::~',riLDtiom:"'~$ ,:::ff ];~I"~.,:::~:s~s; a]::'~.dl ,'~:a',~s~el~:,e:~:':::;t',:sss; '[:;.:::::~
,~.:.~6t,'.';lr,.~..'iZ"~.:~F.:~d..j (;j:?) p]..8i"~S ~:.::~'.~,d SpSj~Oif~_O.,~"~tV]..Ot'~S Of' '~;,:,",~:.:~ ~)'~,";,Z "' ,:::' ~:::~ "'] ']""']""~ ......~J:::::"':::::'~ ....
( 3 ) e s t ::k,a t e o :? ,::~ .,:::, s t :s, ( 4 ) d :ha r;~;;:. r~ssm. ~:~ o f ~:;,~ ~. ::as:, t r ':~. :::: ",:; :, .~s m n ,, :~,. ,( 5 ) ~:s~' ~:::~ ;~;, ::as:'.. ~sss. e ?. :s::
mnn~:'~er requ:~.re.d by ss::td Act j.
[~ ::i.]::'lle ,I:~ t; ]:':l ,~!i~: t ::!.t S, he:, r;..:ll .d. $. t a ]1~ (t .'..!t $ the l:,cj.:::l ort f i::::::r. ;!E!:,~ 2.. ]..~e~:!~, ~:~'1::3, s e C:I ;.le ~::":~t
,c .e e ,d :t :~n ti5iS. s ur:Cler said Act, ~,,;~herel..n.pc~n $~tJ.C~[. OO1....~.t:],:::~ :~.].. ;, ]~::il.~.l"E~,....~151.:il:':lt;
Ju:me, ]-9(~5, ~!~.~ f::~:ne hot..:n.p of 8:00 o~clock f;.~,.,i., c,f r!!l!~,.E~::~.(5~
s 'I t i ,::)ns 8 nd :improvement s ,, and (~ire c t :hnli~i':i: th(!ii~ C it y C.1 e :q:']:~,:::: of
City to, ~i.v,e not:ice of sfi:id he~r:ing; a.s req~..~:Lrec~. ~.:::,2,.;,, iH!!ih~::...(~
WHEREAS, :it appe a rs that not 5.. ces c,f sa :i d he,.z r:::k~ ~iiii;
~nd ref4;u].a rly pos. ted, :ms :ile.ct and publ :.shed i:~:::k the t ::L~:te,,
:z~Tmer re~::~.::J.red by ss.:I...d Act, as evidenced l:::>y tk.e
file ~,~it:h sa.::5..d. C~.ty Clerk, whereupon said hear::.ng was duly
re~!~;t~larly h.e=].d at t~'ie ts..:rr:'~e and place statec~ ::i:r::':~ :.i!r~.~]:.(~. :R':hOtiCe. j
WHEREAS, O persons interested,. {:::,]:::~,::~.c:,..'t;:Z.:,:~.~Z]~; t.':::~
s::]...t:]..ons .'i~:nd :T. mp~o. vements, o~ ~o ehe extent of the
tr::'.ct, c,r to the proposed s~ s sea sn:':uel:% o~ d ]..s~ .~'.[[;k',~!~::'~., <>r tO
a~:nd desc~:i.pti. ons, o~ ~o ~he ~ra~es ae wh:~.oh s~i.d work
dc:,ne, or ~o the E:nginee~s egeimaee or the ,,:::.:oats s~nd e~penses
~:he~eof, filed wr:l..eten. proloses with ~be C:i~y Cleft.: c,f
.ae op be.:igop{i~ the ei:me set r'or h. eara. n~,:, s~nd~. s.X.].. persol'~.$ :].rlte~est, ecl]:
def~..pinl~; to be heard were g:iven an o. ppo~euDit'.5,;' 'to be
men~s were fully heard and considered by said C,o~.~.k':~c::il,
a:13d $~-J.d Cou..~':3cJ. t has 8eq~.l:]..pc.(] jul-~.sd:j..cBiol'"; to ol:'d~zl~ sa~f.d ;~7~f::,,,::::'.~.,..:~:].s::::..
~:l..oI~s 8. nd. ::Improvements ~n.d the co~nri.~m~ti. on of r:t,~:l.d.
assess:me:hi to pa~ ehe costs and expenses thereof.
NOZ~I, THEREFORE, sa~.d. Council does h. ere]:,V FIR'Vjb DETI!~R~.t'I.N];j
OIFZDER, as follows:
!. That the owners ef one-half of the area to ~e assess.ed
for the cos~: of the project did not, at or prior to the ti.~'~e
for sai. d hearin[[ file wrJ.tten protests s.ga z~.ns, t the sa~.d rproposed
acquisitions and imprevememts as a whole., or s~ai..nst the
dl. stri. ct or the e~tent thereof to be assessed ::~or i;he costs. and
e~penses of said acqu~..sitions and. improvements as ~:~ whole, or
to the En.glneer's esi';ima~e of said costs am~:~ ezipenses~ or a.~y:a:~.ns"~::'.
the maps .and d. escriptlons~ or afiyainst the d~.a~j:rsm or a~n. ses~,m,e. mt
'to pay for the costs and expenses thereof.
2. Th. at the district beneflted by sai~fi ae.q'~:::~i. slt;Zon~,
in"~provements, and to be a. sses, sed to pay i;he cos~::;s, a.~d ez;:penses.
~:;here o:~, and the exte r !or bo u:nda ri.e s the re o f a re m~::::.. re p a r~::; ::i ,::~ ~:,]. a r].. ~.;,
de scribed. ::ha sa i.~:~ Resol Cmt fic:,.n of Intemt i. on:'~ stud. ma. de a p~ rt ]:;':mer,s~ o::ff
b;~' referemce thereto. That all p,a..blic street;s a:nd ]::~::%.~Uj'.ht,~E~.F[..~ ';~.a~::~..'~s]":~-
i.:n .ss.i.d assessmemt di. stric,:~t; in use in the ]':~er::Yoz~::::0.az'~c:",e of a p ,~ ~ 'b ]. :[ ,',:::'.
fu~"m~,:::~.t~..o:n ~s such s. ha!l be omitted from sa~.d ,d:::~.,~:a,'l;r!.c'i:; ,z~,.md
lev~,~' and co].]..ection of the speci. sl ts.:~:es t;~::::. be h,s~?rea:ffi;er
~', :]:'.':]. d (:~ O ].. ]. e ~::', 'I::~ e d. t o ~::~ o. v e r ~; h(]: c o s t $ .~ :~,:'::,c] ~ yj .[]. ~. D, s {Ha ;s ~:::::,. f ~.T~ ~::s~ :~. ([',. ~ ~::~ (].
3. ~'t::~.at; the plans and. specif:i..ca'f:z::l,::~.~:D~s~~, ::~',::::,r ~::;:[";:,~s~ p, Doposed.
~,~'~ ~... ,':.'.~1' :. ~:~ a l.d 'work sha .I 1 be .'..'.::l oz:'~e ~:s~ s ~.:'.~:.~z ]. 1 e d f ~:" r ~'~z s a ::. ~,.uf;~. ff~,z~:.~ ~.::z,. ,..: '~] ~...~ t:; ! ,':"~
of intent i. om.
~. ~']:'~,~t the E~:~g~.ne~z~r's est;fi. mate cf ~:;h.a ~.Z,~]~'~.1z. ned. .az~d
cost:s anti e::,~:'pe.::nses of s.a~.cTM. acq.~:fi.s:i. tions an~::] fi.~:a~rc::',.v'et:':,em::~,'t;s:~ amc:~]] :::::~,:f
the :i..no .'l demt;$ ]. e~:pens. es in oonne ct ion thez"e',..~ ::]. t]:~., ,;::'~o]:::~tz~'l. :~.]:'l('E~,::[l[ ::~:]::":1
re]por~;, ]:::>e , and :it i..s here]::,~., f i. nallB,,' $ dopted a :od, a p[>roved a
Enginser's total and deta~..].ed earl. mate of the i::~osts ,.'.!~md
of said acqui:si.t~.ons and :[.mprovements,
5, That the maps al~d descr.ipt:l..ons o:i~[' the ].atmds ~es~t~:::.~.
to be ;acquired, as co. ntaimec~ in sa::l..c~ report., be, a:~:~d the same
hereby, finally approved and confirmed,
6, That the public interest and conven,!.ence require.~
said Cou~.~:~c::[]. does he. reb~.;~ order the acquisitions anc:] imprc:.vemen~s.
to be mac:~e as described iI"~, and :in accordanc;e ',,..~:[i;~:~ s.a~.d
of I:ntention on file i.n the office o:f i:he C~.tZ,;' C!e~k of sa:~.d
reference to which is hereb:.~,, made for a ]'!~'tore/'~art:i, ct.,~],ar
of' said acqnisJ..i;ic~ns and improvements, anti also for further
lars. pursuant to the provisions. of said ~h.:m:tc:Zpal tmprc:,vememf.
of 1913,
7, That the diagra:m showlng~ the assessmenff5 di. st;rict referred.
to and described in said Resolution of int;enti. on, and .also the
bo~mdaries a. n6 dimensions of the respective subdivi. s:ions. :'~f ].and
~ithin sa::[d district as ~;he sa:me existed at t~'ze ti:nue of 'the pass-
age of said Resolution of Intention~ each. o:~ ,.~hZch s~.~bd.:N.v'.is-~ons
having bee:n ~[~iven a separate numt~er upoD: sa:[d dia~E]~Zrs~:~, as contafi::ned
i~ sa.::T..d report, be, and it is hereby, f:inaH..!F apprcved and
ed as. the d~..a[~:rsm of the properties to be assessed to pa~/the
and expenses of said acqu:[.s~.tions and i:mproveme~r:ats.
8. That the assessment of the tots]. amo~nx:~t of the costs a::':,.:::~].
ezpenses of the proposed acqu:~.sitions and improvememts ~...~poz::, the
several subdivision~ of land in said district in proport:i. on to ~::;]::':,e
estimated bel:'.,efits to be received by said s.u~:divis:Z.,::::~l:':~s., resL:,e,:::'.-
t:~.ve]..Zt~ fz'.o~:i, said acquZs!tioDs and improve:men'ts, and o::ff ~:;he
[.nci. dental thereto, contai:nec] 'j..n said report, be., ~".~sa":n~] ~:::Pme s.si:'~e
~ere'by, f:h':ml]..y approved and confirmed as the .as.s~e,,:~sm~:::n:::~t; to pay
bhe costs and e:cpense.$ of sa. id acquis::[t.ions .a~nd
f~..na!ly adopted and approved as s ~,~he]..e,
10, That the C',I'~;F ~;',!erk shall forth. v,l:i.t:h. del..i. ver to "~:;he
d:L.~s~grs. tn t~':~ere'~:;o a. tt.;s ched and [l::L.~t,de ~ :.)~:~'][':'lZ "~::;]"h(~]:Y~:,t:::f':']]:'~
~::;;,::::,, ;s~::~"[:s'T::.~H~,~::~.]::3~ed E~:;:::~2~ [)if "'~::;.]:'3~e c:.~.;s~'~:::;~? 'Ts]"t~re.":~'~ ;~:l:"::,~::i~l~ '~[:];]l",,.,;~s:'~::; :~3;;E~:]],:~. ~::~]:j:::,,::~]:,:~'~"~t:;,,~.:lo,,
~.~'::~ .st s u. :N. '~; ;~m~ 'b,]:. e l::::,,o,o k t ,o be ]:.,a e.p i:::. ::~H:.:' o r t~!a l:; ~:n, ~.s[':'j~j:: .::::~. s e .., .$ :m::::,l.. apl:::,.,~:~ '.:":, :::~ l:;. :].-:s
e '.::" ~ .....
t o h :i. s .c e r "'~:; ::L :~ i ,,:::~ ;~s~ t e ,o :~ if:; h e d s. t e ,:::",,, f ~s,. ~3~ ,::::~ t2. ::s~::'~.~s~:s, ~:::~. c:, :~..::::~, ::~. :n
I"e ,::::', 0 r~:~.;r~. "1:; ::i. ,C:, :t':! ;:~ ]::~ ;~z ].. 1 ]:::),e a ]~:::~ d :': i} ]'] ~:s. Is 'S i:s '~. ~m '~:$ ,9 "~s :~:Le ;!:~ s ;~:s ,::~ ;~, :~ F::~,e :l"':~'::$ ::1:'~::::::
1].., ":fi::~.~,:i':. s.a::~..d Su:[::3, er::~...nten.:::~].en'~:::; c:,f ;:::~tl"~,::::~:~.ts:, ,,::~]ii:~,,:::~,:~t3, '~:::;]h.e~
~::::;,.1~[" S ~H:~ ~.~:J ,'.::~] :::~..;~j~]:~;i~:l~::~::l 8 ~](~. 8 ;S ;~ e~ ~.~::l:'~e l~:,t;:; ~ ~}::':~].. ]... i1:~::~,?~ ::~[ ].. t:::; ,c:, ~:~ .~s c.:]:"~ '::: '~..(l"'~e]''~
,::::::, ::[~T" :[~'.e;;E~ ]
][], I~.,',:I:, 'o e t"t:s 'J.~;;; '~,,~ 1:~.. 't; ]:::L ::~. ::t:z t ~:':~ e a: ~H~ $ e s ;s ~:~,~ i:T, t ,:::1 ~ s 't::; I~ ~. c', '~s e: '~::; "~ ~ ....]...
street :nu~r'~t::::,er or (::::,isher de~s~me!~:].'?~:::~.o:~ ,:::1:~:[~[~ J;;he [::,i:"::~L::.~e]t:'t::;?
su:~Yf:]c::L,e:ni:::; i::;c::, ensls, le t,l"Le O~,,,~]2er tO ::~.,[~].e:[]i::;::~.:]['~.:~ ~:'S:]:":t~:~ ".~:~[~tT:l':~e.,. i:}'].e ~:'~'1,::::~,',.].:~"~:::
ofTM the s. sses.,s. ment~ the t:~.m.e ~r~d place o:f I:~:hZ.~'ff:le:t::"li:;
ef:feci:; c~:ff f.a-f.]..ulre to PaF' wi.t;:;f~:~..:m ssuch t::.:~.n"~.,, and. a
the :['a ,::~i; i;:h,z~:i; bonds ~:3.1].. l::)e :iZ.s. sued o:1":: i:;?~e u:n[:)r~ :~.d.
p~..:~r',ss uant to th:e improve:merit ]~::~on ~ Act of ] '~9].. '.~; ~. i:;he
of ~,~hich bonds ~;hall :mature noi:; i::o e;,,~<'~;~ed ::f:ourteen
frcm the s. ecx::~nd d~:%:, of .J't~lF' nes~,~t succ~e~e:,d::[.~"~; ten (1(:,) ~:,::rc~"'~thi~ss;. fr:,'~
their date,
12, Th. at said Superinlsendent c:~::f Streets ~'ff'ma ].. :[ ;s~ss~].s::~..":!vc.
~wgti.ce by publishing a copy off a. ]~,lc, t~ce to Z'a'y
three success ive insert i. ons ::[r~ the Sa. rato~:j~a N'ew~T~
pu.t:~]. :i. she d fi'~ sa :l..d C:Zty that sa i.d a sse, s s, meni:~ '~'~ ~. ]::::,,e e.~"., r scot ":~ ~ ,:1
J..rl. h~.s offi. ce, and. that all sums assessed thereon are due
pa~,able immediately, and that the pa. yme~at of sE~i.d ~,~ma i.s to be
ma.d~te thirty (30) da~,'s after the date of recorc~in~ff~; ,~a::N.d
~.,~hi. ch date shall. be stated in ~a:i..d rDtic. e, ~,:nd o:C the :ffac't
bo:nds will t:::,e. issued upon unpa:id assessments as. above prc, v:~.ded.
I h. ereb~;r certif~,r that the :f'oregolr~!E i.s a :~ull., tru,L:-,,
,aorrect cop7 of Resolu. tion duff pa. sse~ and adc, p~;ed hi;' the
Co'~.mcil of the Ci..~y of Saratoga, Ca].ifornia, a'[; a r~ee~j.n~!,~ 't:hereof
held on the 24th daN of J~ne ~ 19~.5_ _., l::::,y the follo'~,,~j..nr~
vote of %he members thereof:
A~S.~ a:nd :in fs.w::>r ~hereof', Cou. nci]~rne. n: Glennon, ~ler~ Burry
NOES, Councilmen:
A~ENT, Councilmen: Drake, Hardman
Ci.t,y oJ