HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 390 RESOLUTION NO. 390
The City Council of the City of Saratoga does hereby resolve as follows:
Section 1: Purseant to Chapter 2 of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Street
and Highways Code of the State of California, and pursuant
to Resolution No. 389 thereto passed and adopted by the City Council of
the City of Saratoga on the 15th day of November, 1967, hearing was held
on this Council's proposal to vacate and abandon the hereinafter desoribed
portion of the hereinafter described public street, which hearing was held
on the 6th day of December, 1967, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock, P. M. of
said day, at the Council Chambers of the City Council, 13777 Fruitvale
Avenue, Saratoga, Calfornia, and the City Council makes the following
findiugs~ conclusions and order as hereinafter set forth.
Section 2: The City Council finds, from the evidence submitted that the
hereinafter described portion of the hereinafter described
street is unnecessary for present or prospective street purposes, and
the City Council further finds that at least ten (10) days prior to the
aforesaid hearing said portion of said street was duly and regularly
posted with not less than three (3) copies of notices of said street
vacation and of said hearing which notices were not pomted more than
300 feet apart.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council makes the following order:
Section 3: The City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby orders and
declares that the following described portion of Allendale be
and the same is hereby vacated and abandoned:
Said portion of said street as is more particularly described
on the attached Exhibit "A".
The above and foregoing resolution was duly and regularly introduced
and passed by the City Council of the City of Saratoga at a regular meeting
held on the 6th day ~ December, 1967, by the following vote:
AYES: Glennonj Tyler, Robbins
ABSENT: Burry, Hartman
10 / 16/6 7
Portion of Allendale Avenue to be
ZBMGINNI. NG at the most easterly terminus of thaz certain
meat and right. of way for ~ publ:~c street described a:s Parcel. 1
in the convey.~nce from George W. Day Co~st'ructton Campany, 'Ir~c.
~ co. rporat~on, to the City of Saratoga, a municipal corporations,
da~ed September 22, ~1965 and recorded October ~, 1965 in Book
7128 of :Official Records at Page 32, Santa Clara County Record,~
s~ld point of beginning also he:fag a point in. the origfna. 1
Northwe:st l~ne of Al~.endale Avenue , 40 feet w~.de; thence al on.g
the original Northwest and North lines of Allendale Avenue,
North 58" 14' 15" East, 3.71 feet and North B9~ 53' 2f:)'~ :East,
3.711 feet to the most westerly terminus of Parcel 2 as described
in said conveyance from George W. Day Construction Company I'nc.l
~hen.ce along the northerly line of sai.d Parcel 2, easte'z'ly from.
a tangent which bears North g4"' 46' 1.6" 'East, along. the arc of
a curve to the right of Radius 288.95 feet, through a central
angle of 15~ 07' 04" an arc. length of 76.2Z~ feet; thence
North 89' 253' 28" East, 43.33 feet to a point of cusp; the ace
westerly from a tangent which bears South 89~ 53' 23" West,
a. lo~g t. he arc of a curve to the left. of Radius 5;,3C). feet,
through a central angle of I7e 33' 46" an arc length of t,62.46
feet to a point in the 'northwesterly line of said Parcel
said p.oint being a point of cusp; thence easterly from a
tangent which bears North 86~ 01' 28" East, along the arc of
curve to the right of' Radius 288.95 feet, through a central
angle of 7~ 19' 51" an arc length of 36.97 feet to the Point
of Beginnfng.
Prepared by the firm of
PROOF OF PUb,X. ATiO.N T,;s ~ce is for the C:ounty Cierl:'s Filing S~'.mp
(2015.5 C.C.P.)
County of Santa Clara
I am a citizen of the United States and a resi-
dent of the County aforesaid; I a m over the age
Proof of Publicallen of
of eighteen years, and not a party to or inter-
ested in the above-entitled matter. I am the ~ii~ ~{~;
publisher o f the Saratoga N e w s, ~ newspaper ~ecl~ ~ilol ~e C~ of $$~ [s[ James R,
a~ 'dN~ her~y resolve ~ f~llowS: CITYC~RK
of genera[ circulation, pr inted and published ~,i: P~s~at~Pm3dDl- E~BIT
~ VlS~ 9 d th s ~e~ ~ Ht~w~$ DESigN
COde d'the ~a~ ~ Calfone, ~ ~n of Alle~ale Avenue
weeMy in ~e City of Saratoga, Co~W of Santa C.tt~'Cmiidt~m:Ci~dSan~p ~Aba~o~d
he~lms iis~ionWord~ BEG~NG at~e most
~. v~at~ a n ~ abamdonment d tat t · r m i n u s of
t~t certain euement
Clara, and which newspaper has been adjudged ~d~"mi~[ri~idw~d and Hght~';~ay for ap~lic s~t
Al~e A~ wh~h lies a~aee~ ~scr~ed as ~rcel i In ~e con~y-
an~ from George
W. Day Cons~uc-
a new spaper of ~ene r alc i r c u 1 a t i o n b y t h e uou Compa~, Inc. a ~r~r ation,
eo, for the holidays. Amon{
Superior Court of the CouW of Santa Clara, __ ~6td~ d Decera- 19g
lS6~, at ~ ho~ d 8:~0 o'et~ ~{ and Dave M~n; who
P, M, of s s i d day, ~ te C o u a o 11 ~ Ph i ~ta Kappa at
State of Cal iforni a, under ~e date of Nov. ~m~rs ~the Cl~ ~il, 137~ ..
26, 1957, Case Number 105852; that ~e notice, ~rso~ in~r-
~'thepr~sed li~ L~VE ~ SARA~A?
~ent able set tt' iS te 8ua~a News.
of which the annexed is a prin~d copy (set in fo~.
~ a~ and ioregohg resOtuti~ we~ ~O S~aWga News is ~e
type not smaller~an nonpareil), has been waS~ly~arlytntrodac~d crt notices of~e CiWofS
'and p~sed ~ ~e CIW C0~cil d the 'W. law decrees ~at toy mu
Ci~ d Ss~a~p ~ a re~lar meetl~ te
p~ltshed in each regular and entire iss~ of ~ld~he. lS~dayefNovember, sa~ .
sald newsyper and no~ ~ any supplement ~]e~, . ~ -:~..... .; ;~.= .~:,,~:~;,=:..:; ....... ;:,..; ........
thereof on the following dates, to-wit:
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury
that the foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at .~~... f ................
: .............. /' ., ,"""'
"' /j,2""" 7 _ ",,--'