HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 472 RESOLUTION NO. 472 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA URGING THE COUNTY ~O~RD OF SUPERVISORS TO ENACT PROPOSED LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCES WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY. WHEREAS, the public convenience, necessity and general welfare require that the orderly development, subdivision and use of land in Santa Clara County be equitably regulated, and WHEREAS, the cities of Santa Clara County have a special interest in the orderly development of the unincorporated territory of the County within their respective spheres of influence as determined by the County Local Agencies Formation Commission, and W}{EREAS, present County regulatory ordinances are in urgent need of up-dating, clarification, strengthening and complete revision in order to be effective in promoting orderly development and preventing the continuing recurrence of serious mistakes which, once made, are difficult if not impossible to correct in future years. and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors, County Planning Commission and County Staff have had under consideration for approx- imately three years the comprehensive revision, coordination and up- dating of county land development ordinances and decisive action is now urgent, and WHEREAS, a draft of a comprehensive and integrated set of ordinances has been prepared by the county staff pursuant to numerous public hearings, other communications, and directives of the Board of Supervisors, said draft having been given wide distribution and presented to the Board in October 1968 dnder the title "Land Development Regulations", and WHEREAS, said draft constitutes a great improvement over existing ordinances and should be enacted now, subject to strengthening amendments, as necessary, after a testing period of one year, and WHEREAS, further delay will accomplish nothing except to aggravate and perpetuate the problems which are continuously re- ocurring from lack of peroper regulations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby urges the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara to: 1. Close the public hearing on the aforesaid Land Development ordinances at the meeting of said Board on March 18th, 1969, and then enact the ordinances forthwith: PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Saratoga this 6th day of March, 1969, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Robbins Sanders, Smith, Tyler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMAN DWyer ATTEST: C~]~] MAYOR ( .......... CITY CLERK [0°~, G.Y. 15.% Underground 2.00/day -7 h~'. day - Ind. Fund .15/}Lr. - !/V-.~d~ fr~.ltaSl~ ra~e. P~ster - 6.20 + 3.1~5/~y St, t~e (~-70 - 6.8C T-I/~t~;~ahn., H. -2T4:30 P.M. - S:0GA. M, IRON: W~S: Appre~e: 3yr. -77~, 81~, ~%, 89%, 93%, 2 ~. - 77%,?83%; 89%, ~%. ~RBLE SETTERS HELP~S - DELETED - N~ USED ON C~Y PRO- JECTS PL~B~S: 7.55 (5-70-S.~1;5-71-8.66) H,W.-.42, ,46, .51 Pension -.55, .65, .75, V., H.~-.72 Try.-.08 - ~nFrmn. +20%; Frmn. +1~ (~s~ +V., H.) Apprentice-S yr., St. 45%, add5% ea. 6 too. 36 Hr. Wk, TEAMSTERS: Eft. 6-70. ~mp: ~r 4-5675; 4-6-5.77, 6-8-5.97; 8- 12-6.21; 12-18-6.25; 18-24~.355; 24-35-6.41; 35-50~.56; 50-65-6.7!;65- 80~.86; 80-95-7.01; Triple H~. Add 1. O0; Atom. Nitrate-6.25; Comb. alum p. Trlr. 6. 355; Transit Mix -Agitator: Under 6-5. 825; 6-8-5.925; 8-10~. 025; 1~!2-6,~5; 12-14-6.225; 14-16-6.355; B corn Use add. , 125; W a t e r & Je~i~: U~er 25 00-5. ~ 85; 2500-4000-5. S~; 4 000-5000-5.935 5000-7000~.085; DW 10, eW.~.41; Vacum Trucks: '~r 3500-5,885; 3500-5500-5.935; 5500-7500-6. ~5; Nip~r ,' Conc. Dump Truck a Mach. - 5.675; ~iss~ Truc k-5.87; He llcopter-6.71; R. T. Muck-5,945; R.T. Jumbo-5. 985; L~t(jit~y, fork)-5.8~; W~h, A frame-598.5; Oiler-5.75; R~Wmen: T~.21; Truck-6.345; Truck H1F.-5.~5; SU Flat R~k: 2 A xle-5.77; 3 Axle-5.87; Hvy. DuW Transp~t-Hi ~d-5.99; ~oseneck I~ ~d~.22~ Dbl. G~neck-6.27; Tillermnn~,27; BoWman-Hal. 6.115; B~man o~ Oiler-5.765; Fuel a~n~nt-5.84; Tilt Bed Trailer or F~t Bed Pull T r a i 1 e r add. 125 able t~ ~ nit r a t e.; Steam cleani~- 5.675; RT Tractor-5.S7; Wi~h ~uck w hoist-5.925; Hy~o 1~; M~lle-5,985; Hy~o 1~ e~. -6.34; ~raddle carr~r-6. 015; b~. ~ee~r- 6.21; ~lf l~dl~ ffuck-6.31; B~, ~!ot car, Pickup dr ire r s, He1~rs, "Hook Ten&rs, Team ~ivers, Warehouse men-5,675~Wrhsc. man-5.80; Dls~tc~r-6.~ Add-~V-. 355; Den~al-.10; V~sal-, i~5; scription Dr~s-. ~5; ~ rotted-. 01; Pm~sion-.40; VH-, 65; l"rn~n,: ~ more Add .40; 7-9 add .25; Shift Work: Ea. shift S ~. ~yfor 7 h~. work; 0T-T-I/2 except ZT Sun. & H. CARPET L~O AND SOFT TILE: J-6.39; 8-70-6.59; 2-71-6.89; ~-71- 7.19; 2-72-7.49; ~wers and ~opmen .64 less each ~r~od: V-J-.45 F.; .55 afar; ~S-.25 less: H-.24: ~es Checkoff-.07 ded~t from waF rate: Ap~e~ice: 6 6too. ~ri~ - 1-5~ J; ~,3-5% ~rea~; 4,5,6 hc~ase: App. V, t~ yr. i shop - .22, ,24, .27, . 31, . 36, .39,; 2nd yr. ~ Fr 3-.33 ~en .38, .~, .48: GMZ~RS: 6.~7-l/2; 7-70-7.30-1/2, 7~7t-8,22-1/2: Frmn. add 10%; Eft. 7-70; .25 over scale for 4 hr. or more on sus~n~d contrivance out- si~ bldg.: Appre~e ea. 6 too. or 1000 hr. ~-60%V, 2 ~hrU S add 5% ~r ~riod: H.W.,-.25%: P-.25: Ben. F~d-.50; 7-70-.55, 7-71-.65; tt-.19; 7-70-.21; 7-71-24.: h~sWy F~d-, PM~S: 6.11; + 2.00 ~r~y all w~k ~h~d pla~er g~: H.W,, P., V., D., Dues, App. Fund pd. from 30 ~ys after 60 days AppeaSe RADIO& T. V. ENGRS: 7. ~ H,W. 30/too. ROOF ER S: J, K-6.00; 8-70-6.70; 8-71-7.40: Frmn. 2K, Bi~umastic, Emmelers, C~I Tar, PReh, and ~st~ Workers - +.504 S~ Frmn. - +.251 Extras 9~: H.W.-.235: P-.315: V.-.65: D~s Checkoff-.10 de~: ~. ~om ti~ leavi~ shop ~o time ~t~ned to shop: O.T.-T1/2 f~st 2 Hr.; aH ~er 2T. SHEET METAL: 6.701 7-70-~,20;-7-71-7.70: H.W.-.38: P.-.40; 7- 70-.45~.~7~~ V~-1~: H.W. & P, W be paid d~ vacation: ~rmn., ~n Frmn. + .50: 3HFT-Sw ing 7-1/2 hr. wk. for 8 ~. ~y +10~;G.Y, 7 hr. wk. for 8 hr.. ~y + 15%. 36 Hr. Wk.: ~, ~rch.~, !970 OF EI~B~llOt~ This sp~c~ 'For the County Cle,_, FifincJ Stemp (20 ~ s.5 c.c.p.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara I am a citizen of the United States and a resi- dent of the County aforesaid; I a m over the age Proof of Public,~fion of of eighteen years, and not a party to or inter- ~ ,7/ ,,7/-/ e ste d in the above-entitled matter. I am the publisher o f the Saratoga N e w s, .a newspaper Paste Clipping . o{ NotiCe of general circulation, pr anted and published LmAL SOTICE n~so~uTros No. 4vH : RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 471 TO REFLECT weekay in the City of Saratoga, County of Santa ' ' , "'- Clara, and which newspaper has been adjudged := '?; .... (labor Code S~tlous 177~, 17~a, RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saratoga, State-of Bin, that: a newspaper of general circulation by the 'W~R~.AStbls. Council, bynesolutlonNo."4?l, determinedthe prevail- liar late of per diem wages as of March 6, !969, in the locality known as the CIt~ .of iratoga f~ all public works projects as the same are defined Superior Court of the Cou_fity of Santa Clara~ lngeetl0al l~0of tbe Labo~Code of the Stete of Califcwnin, for each craft, "' elassifi~tion~ and type of workman needed fe ~ performance of ccr~tracts fO~ such pLt~lie works, sad is de stfous of setting forth such determination, State of C a I i f o r n i a, u n d e r the date of Nov. ~NERg~S this Council has duly reviewed s~,ld scale and finds the same t0be eoffect itl ~ll pafticatar s except forthe. revisions set forth in Exhibit 26, 1957, Case Niltuber 105852; that the notice, A atf~dledher~to whlch ~evlsio~ls do cause said scale robe correct ~all NCIW~ THEREInORE, 1T ]~ HEREBY FOUND, DETERMINED AND OR- Of which the annexed is a printed copy (s e t in DELVED AS FOLLOWS: lluit Section (1) of Resolution No. 471 is amenOsd to read as follows: {1) ~tmt the ~vage s~ale established by ReSolution No. 471 stone with the type not smaller than nonpareil), has been revisi.ona as setforth on gxhibtt"A"sttachedheretoand incorporated heraiR by ~efefence, is hereby determined, established and adopted as the published in each regular and entire issue of FreValling rate of per diem wages wtthintheClty ltmi~s oftbe Cityof Snr- tioga for all public work contracts of this city hereafter b~d or let to con- tract, until such time as this council ascertains and determines that there said newspaper and DOt in any suppleinept hashaenamjehange inlany prevattlngrate ofper dtem wages insaid lo- catty, The above and ~ore. going resolution was duly adopted at a regular meet- thereof on the following dates, to-wit: ~og d me C~y Council held on~he lath day d March, 1970, by the folk~~ ing vote :. AYES: Councilmen Tyler. Robbins, Smith, Sanders, ,~,"'~"::P~.L.~!c..~2.....fL .....<~':~ .5 NbES: None ABSENT: Dwyer all in the year 19..P'..~.:).... /s/samact L. ~vler · . . MAYOB ATTEST: '/s/~, R. Ruff I certify (or declare) un d e r penal. ty of perjury CITY CLERK EXHIBIT "l" that the foregoing is true and correct. ASBESTOR WORKERS - DELETED - NOT USED OS CITY PROJECTS ~O]LERMAKERS: Black smiths - Blacksmiths $6.80 +'.30 H.W., i.'''m ..... :'r.-- Perleion, . 02 Trng...40 Vac. Add .25 Asst. Frmn,; .50 Frmn.; .75 Gen. · App~er, tioe: 6 me. 45%: Add 5% per 6 me. thru 8th period: Add 10% for Ca]floral.a, this.~f'~day Z??o....~z..~t ..... '7.t~, 9u, v, riod..Macage: 1O~/mi. over 10 mi. Rd. trip: Portion of increase ./" (. may be fringe benefit. ...... /;:~ ....~ii ,..~....i!!..., iL .......~e~. Fr,~,. -9.mDee. 70Add.7S, .SS, .94: " Pe,~sien-l%; lad. Fund-. [kS: Deduct V-8%, H-4%. taft dirt.: Swing--+15%; Signature Gra.syafd-+20%:,T1/2 compressed air; g a s masks, 60-90' above ground (line work ac~elied). 2T-over 90' above grd. (line work accepted). 36 heur week. ELEVATOlt CONSTRUCTC!IS- DELETED- NOT USED IN CITY PRO- JECTS .PENGE W(31]KERS (WOOD FENCE): J-5,20: 9-70-5.45: 3-71-5.70: 9-71- PR(:}(:)F (:M: ~ 6 .l~: f~mn, -A. da 9.~: ~ .w , -2s¢ less: prohaUonary-Stert ~. 16 (3 -71-3. ~-0) Add!2!5~,~eaj3 ]me. to F,W,~ate~]~ter [ yr. Add: PenSion-.15, H.W.-22.85/