HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 529 RESOLUTION NO. 529
The City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby resolves
as follows:
Section .!_: Reference is hereby made to Section 3-19
of the Saratoga City Code, which provides
amongst other things that this Council shall, from time to
time, establish by resolution the schedule of fees to be paid
by applicants for plumbing permits, and for heating and comfort
cooling permits.
Attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and
incorporated herein by reference is a schedule of fees that
is hereby established and adopted as the fee schedule for the
issuance of plumbing permits.
Attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B" and
incorporated herein by reference is a schedule of fees which
is hereby established and adopted as the fee schedule for
heating and comfort cooling installation and permits.
These schedules of fees shall be effective
ironedlately, and shall remain in full :force and effect until
changed by subsequent resolution of the City Council.
The above and foregoing resolution was regularly introduced
and 'passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Saratoga held on the 1st day' of Apri~ ............ , 1970, by
the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Tyler, Dwyer, Robbins, Smith, Sanders
NOES: None
For issuing eaC'.'~ r:.ermit ..................... ' ............
in c~clclit~o~
For ec~c!~ ]>]u.mbing fi):ture or tr~p o~' sod of fixtures o~ o~.e :.
proleclion t}~erc.~or) .................................. ]'.50
For each. builc{ing sewer and e~ch trodlet par~: sewer.. S.OO
RQinwc~Ie:' sys[erz~s - per clr~in ........................... 200
'For each cesspool .................... : ............ ¢ .... 5.00
For e~ch privo~e sewage disposal sysiem ............... ]O.OO
For each we:let hecder ~ncTor vent ......................
For each cj~s pip~z~c3 system:. o[ one (l) to five (5) outlets... 1
For e~ch g~s p[pfng sys[em of six ($} c~r more, per ou[iet..
For each inc:]us¢r[a! w~stc pre-trecfmer~t interceptor.
eluding its tr~? c~nd ver:L e~:cepfir.~ ;:tichen type g~e~se
interceptors funclioning ~s fi>:(ure trellis ............... 1.OO
For insl~l]qlion, ~hera[ion or repoir of ~.zcter pipincj
or water tre~t~n.g equipmeM ..........................
' For ;epoir or ~lterct!on c[ drcin=ge c-r verA piping ...... 1.S9
For e~ch ]~wn sprinkler sys[era on cny o~:e meter includ-
ing bc~c~[!ov? protection devices tkerefor ............ ~.00
For v~cuum bre~:ers cr bc:c'.cf!ow ~re'.ecHve devices on
lan~<s. v~ts. e~c. or for installation on unpro~ecte3
ing ~xtures including necesscry water piping--one (1)
Io {ire (5) .................................... : ....... 200
Over five (5), each ...................... : ....... : .......
For each S~.~in~ming Pool Pri~ate ............... 5.00
For each SwLn~ing Pool Public ................ !0. O0
cjCHEDULF, OF t']'.il,'-iiT Fi:ES
2. }'or the in~|c,l!c~k, rt or ~rJpk~comen~. 6.~ e,clch tiecili:lg c~pl~Z'.'c~n,::e.. 2.00
8. F6r ecic:':'t cHr o:~.:],z.t of c~ duc~ cti~' sys!e:n venHlcfiio:L
~r co:nfez t coolh~.cj .....................................................................25
4. For file ir, s[c~]lation of eoch combus[:.c.n procktc~s vent c,:'i]7.
other th.'.m c~ fi~epkme ..............................................................].0O
5. ['or the insta;!etic.,n e,rct vep. H]:fiion duct \viFaou'.. }!o.9'J or ]r~
combit',c~lion wi~h a hosct and sere-Dr: the fol]o\';fnq fee
a. Dwelling ki',ch-z,:~ or b~qlhroo:n indej;e:~c!ont venting aye-
|eros each. ~lsltIIlalion ...................................................... 2.00
b. Commerc:kfl, inclu s-'.~i~!, inslihHiz,na! kitchen hoc~:l cmcl vent-
jng system tire'lit)' ~ys',ems .............................................. .5.lBO
~ c. 'Co~mnerck~], jnclush'ia!, L~s!itt,q.ional :.:itcben hz~od and ven:-
ing syslems per insIal!aHo::
Forced Air (Macho:tic:oH) ec:cE ur..dsr 4,090 CFM ............
Fr~rced Air (]:,.'.echan, iza]) over 4,030 'C:FM ...................... lO.O0
· cl. Indus[rkx] venIi!stionat sys~.ems lo cD:np!y v.,iH~ occupancy
' 4 {withaul con*do:'~ co:~ling or treatment)
-. ,, Forced Air Mecbanicc.~l---enc]: Fov,'er tm~! .................. 4.00
'Gravity aye!era---each fi~s.',c~llzH.nn ................................. 9.00
6. For the insl<.dlc. tion o[ cjas piping ~yslem o[ one [1)1o hive.
. '(S} outlets ................................................................................
For 'six (6) or more'---per ou!!at .................................................
7. For each appliance. smoke stac!:, me~cl firep!czce or equip-
ment governed by fixis code, but no~ elsesod c~s c~ spec,.'D:
heating opl:,1knme
a. Brock ccnsh'ncHon unc!er [iftec, n (15~ fee.t in total h~:ighl .... 3.00
b. Stone.l: consh'uclion in excess of Ii'.;|een (15) feet ir~ hei~hl
' t. ['or ~he instal!a~lon of each compressor o[ twenb' (20)
, power or less end eoch obsorpHon unit having an inpu~
capdcfty of 5CO,OOO BTU or less ............................................
- 2. For lhe installation o[ each compressor over twenty (20) hcrs~
1Dower Grid under filly (80) horse porter and ecach absorp!ic-n
'lmR hovinq an input capac':ty of 5CO.0Ol and under
BTU or tess ............................................................................~,50
3. For the installation of each compressor of fifty (50) horse.
pov~er or over and each absorption un!t having an input
capacity of 1,090,00l anal over ................................................ 15
4. Each expansion coil or chilled water coil ...............................
: 5. ELach seNra,*e cooling kn'.:er ..................... : .......................j-- ~.OO
6..Evaporajlve coolers ............................................................... 2.00
~OTE:Special inspection or inves',iga~ion to de'.er:n[ne code
compliance. Per hour or freeman D~ereo[ .......................