HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 92-036 """".",,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"""",,,,,,,,""'''''.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''.'''''''.'''''''''' '''''.'''''''"''''.''. _ RESOLUTION NO. 92-036 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA CONCERNING LOCAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY WHEREAS, since 1985 there has existed in Santa Clara County the Santa Clara County Traffic Authority, authorized and organized under Division 13 of the PUblic utilities Code. The Traffic Authority levies a 1/2 of 1% retail transactions and use tax, which tax will terminate as of April 1, 1995, pursuant to Public utilities Code section 140251. The Traffic Authority has never been authorized to levy a property tax, and WHEREAS, the Traffic Authority will terminate on April 1, 1997, pursuant to Public utilities Code section 140006, and WHEREAS, the Traffic Authority serves an integral role in financing highway capital improvements within the county to serve State, regional, intercounty and intra county transportation needs. The scheduled termination of the Traffic Authority and of the sales tax which the Traffic Authority levies will eliminate an important means for fulfilling such needs, and WHEREAS, because the termination of the Traffic Authority's sales tax will eliminate an assured, continuing source of revenue, Santa Clara County henceforth will not be eligible for otherwise available state and Federal funding for transportation projects, which funding is contingent upon assured sources of matching local funds. By way of example of the significant losses in State and Federal revenue which will be incurred if there are no matching local funds, the County will become ineligible in fiscal year 1992-93 for an estimated $232 million in available matching Federal funds, and $116 million in matching State funds, which are to be allocated during that fiscal year. Such losses will continue to be incurred within the County if there is not a substitute for the Traffic Authority's sales tax, and WHEREAS, the loss of local, State and Federal revenues would result in significant adverse economic and environmental impacts since transportation facilities and services to meet existing and future needs will not be able to be provided, and WHEREAS, to avoid such adverse consequences, a coalition of county civic, business, labor and environmental organizations drafted and submitted the proposal for this Resolution to the County and other affected local jurisdictions as a means of providing a mechanism to fund specific transportation facilities and services within the County upon the expiration of the existing sales tax and to continue local eligibility for state and Federal funds, and WHEREAS, pursuant to California Public utilities Code section 180050, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors may create a transportation authority to carry out the provisions of Division 2 19 (commencing with Section 180000) of the Public utilities Code (the "Authority"), and WHEREAS, the citizens coalition also proposed and developed the County Transportation Improvement and Expenditure Plan appended hereto ("Expenditure Plan") in consultation with local, county and regional transportation agencies. The Expenditure Plan identifies transportation projects to serve local, county and regional transportation needs. The Expenditure Plan has been submitted to the County and other requisite local entities for consideration and adoption pursuant to California Public utilities Code section 180206, which requires that the Expenditure Plan be approved by the Board of Supervisors and the city councils representing both a majority of the cities in the County and a majority of the population residing in the incorporated areas of the County, and adopted by the Authority, before being presented to the electors, and WHEREAS, the Expenditure Plan provides for specified transportation facilities and services to be funded, in part, by a retail transaction and use tax of one-half (1/2) of one percent (1%). This tax will take effect only when the existing retail transaction and use tax of the same amount now imposed by the Traffic Authority terminates. Also, the tax will take effect only if approved by a majority of the voters voting on the tax proposal, and WHEREAS, as a consequence of the Supreme Court decision in Rider v. County of San Dieao,_l Cal.4th 1, a question exists as to the authority of local transportation authorities formed pursuant to Division 19 of the Public Utilities Code to levy retail transactions and use taxes approved by only a majority of voters. The Rider decision held that local public entities formed after 1978 which lack the authority to levy property taxes might or might not constitute special districts for purposes of California Constitution Article XIIIA, section 4, depending upon the factual circumstances of the case, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the residents of Santa Clara County and of other counties in the region that the transportation projects addressed in the Expenditure Plan be implemented, and that there be continuity in the available sources of funding for such projects in order to prevent the irretrievable loss of available Federal and state matching funds. The intent of the resolution is to establish an authority to carry on the work of the Traffic Authority after its termination and to undertake other transportation projects, and in recognition of the constraint which Rider v. County of San Diego has placed on the ability of local governmental entities to levy taxes for specific purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saratoga that the city of Saratoga approves the Creation of Local Transportation Authority, Composition of the Authority, Term of 3 Office of the Members, Powers and Duties of the Authority, Termination of the Authority, and the Expenditure Plan, according to the outline attached as Exhibit A. The above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Saratoga City Council at a meeting held on the 3rd day of June, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Clevenger and Stutzman NOES: Councilmenœr Mania, ~1ayor Kohler ABSENT: None .~~ ~~yor ~ ATTEST: ~ Deputy c!,~ city Cl{fK EXHIBIT A S!C:~ION 1. CREATION OF LOCAL 'rRlNSiORTA1'ION AUTHCRI!'Y. 1.1 The=~ is heraby c:aatad the Santa Cla:a Count7 Local 'I':an:spor:.A1:.ion AU1:.h.crit:¡ ('·Au~h.c:ri-:7") pursuant to 'Public Utilities Code secticn 180050. SECTION 2. COKPCSI'I':CN or TEE Aut.rSORIn 2.1 ~h. Au~hor~ty shall ~:nsi.~ of fivR (;) vo~inq members as follows: c ~ 2.1.1 Cne member of ~~e Santa Clara County Board of Saperv !.:;su.c',S appoi:~:t:ed. by th.'1-: 1::o~d. 2.1.2 'rYe members rapresentL'1q th.e Ci t-¡ of San Jose ccnsisting of t~e mayor t.hereof and a member of tne San Jose Cit'] Council appul.l1t.ed by t.."'. council. "2.1.3 ~AO members representinq the other cities in the county appointed pursuant to section 2.2. 2.2 The mtmt.bers rvp.r....s.nt.i.tJ.c¡ 'the o1:he: c.L~iG= i:1 't.he coun1:7 shall b. appointed in the fallowing manner: 2 .2.1 The c1 ties lhall be d.i v1ded into ~¡fQ zones 1 the ncrt:J1 zone anc1 the 80Uth ..uu.. 2.2.2 The north zone lhall include the Cities of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, 1lilpitu, Kountain View, Palo Alto, Santa Clara,·, and. Sunnyvale. 2.2.3 Tho .ou~~ zona .ball includA the Cities of Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy, Loa Gatos, Kent.. Sereno, Morgan Hill, anct Saratoga. 2.2.4 The mayors f%om the citie~ in·.8ch zone, by majority vate, Ihall appoint one Jnayor or council member from their respective aoneto serve on the Authority. 2.3 ~he:e shall also b~ five nonvotinq members of the Authority I 'each of "holl shall have all t~. ri.ghts of a voting- member except the right to vote, as folloW8: 2.3.1 One member appoin~.d by the Santa Clara County Transit District which is organized. under Part 12 ot Division 10 of the Public Utiliti.. Code. 2.3.2 On. member a[Jpninted by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission which is organized under Title 7. 1 of the Government Cod.e. \ 2.3.3 One member appnin~ed by the Peninsula Rail Joint Powers Boa~ which is orqanized under Division 16 of the Public Utilities Code. 2.3.4 On. _.V",)o.9,.. appoint:ed by t.h,. ConC¡Qstion Kenagement Agency designated under Chaptar 2.6 of Division 1 of Title' of the GoVernllent Cod.e. , 2.3.5 one member appoin~ad b:r the Department of .'1'raJUlportation. :2 .4 An alte~t. may be designated for each voting mab~J: of t:h. Au-tboJ:!.t.y. The "yor of San .10.. may d..iQnate an elected offi~ial of San Jos. to serve a. his er her alternate. In the case of åny other wting' member, the appointing local c¡overnment{s} may designate an alternate elected official to the :oqular appoint.ed membe:. The al~erna~.'. .lected official te:m of office shall be U. 8..e as that of 'the røc¡ular m4ilDl.Þer. When theregulu member 1.8 Dot present at the m..tine¡ of the Authority! t.h. altezmat.. ..y ac't a. 'the 2:89Ula: _lII1>9r and. .hall have all the right., privileges, and responsibilities of the regular member. 2 . 5 I f any voting' 1IItJDber c..... to be an elected official, t.hat. ð...!"'~-::" shall e.... to be a _tnbtJr of th~ Au't.'hn-ri.-t.y. 2 , . .. SECTION 3. TDK OF OP'!'IC'I 3. 1 Except as provided in section 3.2 and except for the mayor of Saø .:roa. who shall be a raubt": .0 lone¡ aa occupying the office of mayor, the voting member. of the Authority ahall serve for a term of two years. 3.2 A.t tha first: meeting nf t.h... Authority, t.hree of the votinq members shall ~e selected by lot to serve terma consistinq of .t1?-e remaining mon.tha of the Cu=1:ent calendar year, if any, plus two !'Qa%'a, and the rømainlnCJ 'two vo'tinq aembe:rs shall be selected ~y lot to serve a term consisting of the remaining' months of the current calendar year, if any, plus three years. Thereafter, .ppoin~n~. fo: all -..hers shall bø fo? two year ~arma, beq1zuût1g' on January 1. SEC"rIOtI .. 1'O'tIDS AND DtJ'lIU 4..1 The Authority shall adopt rul.. for its proceedinqs _conaiatent with the l.w of t.he State. 4.2 A 1II&jority of the voting ItfIIIIbers of the Authority .hall oona1:J.~ut.e . quoZ"\am fa: thAt t:rariaaction of bu.ine.., and all official act. of the Authority shall require the affirmative vote of:.. II&jor1 ty of vo't1nc¡ 1Ø8IIbers, unJ.... o'therw1.. provi~<1 by ( - 1&1' . 'rhe Authori t.y may t::ansac,: business even though non,~votìn9 m~r. may be aC.ent OJ:' not appoin1:~. 4.3 '1'he acts af the Authority shall be expressed by motion, r..olution, or ordinance. 4.4 All JlUMtings of t:1'wt Authorit.y ahall be conducted pursuant to Chapter 9 (cODmIeacinc; with Section 54950) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code. 3 4'.5 'The Authority shaU dn 411 of the following: 4.5.'1 Determine the use of the r.venues in c:cnfOJ:manC8 with the adopted Expenditure Plan. 4.5.2 Adopt an annual budgAt. 4.5.3 Fix the compenaation of its officers and .mploy.... 4.5.4 Adopt an ..d~in{Atr.ativQ code, by ordinance, which prescribes the powers and duties' of the Authority"s efficers, 'the method of appointment of the Authority'¡ employees, and method., proeedur.., and 8yatR1IItc of operation an~ manaqement of the Authority. 4 .5. 5 Prepare and adopt an annual report by January 1 of aacb y.ar on the progro.. in completing O~ administering the projects and servic.. identified in the Ixpenditure Plan. 4 . 5. & Cause an independent poat&udi t of the financial ~z:u..c~ions and reeord. of·1:'h. Authnrit:y tn b8 made at: 1...1:, annuai1r by . certified public accountant I to ensure that . . eXpenditures by the Authority are necessary and reasonable in èA::7iD9 ·OU~ the Au~bori~'. ~.pon8ibil~~i.. ander t~;~ ...olut.iem, and 11\ eonfc:mance to the Expenditure Plan. 4.6 The Au.thority may <10 any and all things permitted by Div1.~on 19 of t~ Public U~iliti.. Code, or nQQQsaary to car:y . ( ou:t: t:h. purpo... of t.h.e Authority. 4.7 Notice of the time and place of the public hearinq for ~ .dDpt~on of ~h. annual budg.t shall b. published pursuant to Sec'tion 6061 of the Government Code, and shall be published not \ later than the 15th day prior to t.he date of the heu-inq. 4 - 4.8 Th. propo.~ annual budqet shall be av.ilabl~ f.~r. pu1)lic inspection at 1....t lS days prior to the hearing. 4.9 ·'Ehe Allthority IhAll consult wit.h, and coordinate its actions to ..cur. funding for the projects sp4~ift~ {n thA ExPenditure Pl:an, with t.he cities in the county, the·Santa Clara Count.y Beard of Supervisor., the Santa Clara Còunty T:&NI it District, the Peninsula Joint 'Pnv..rSl Soard, the MetrOpolitan Transportation COl'IILisaion, the Congestion Management. Agency, and. the Depax-..:nent of Transportation, for the purpose of integz'atinq t.he p:.coj4lCta with the transportation imprcvemAnt pl anA aTld operations of other transportation aqenci.. impac:t.inq.the county. t .10 The Authority may IIÙ. contracts and enter into .t.ipulat.~oft8 of any nature what:soever, either in eonnêction with .., n~lit domain procHd.1nt¡1l or otherwi.e, inc ludin~, but not limit.ed· to·, con:tracta and. atipulat10na to indtlDl:n.ify and held harml....,· ~o .-ploy laboz, and t.o do all act:. n8C!...~ and con.veniel1t. for t1w full exercise of the powers granted in this division. . '.11 Tho Au..t:,ho~i..ty may hue an i.nå4ape~l\~ .'taff of its own Or 1I&Y contract "i t.h any c1epl.%'tMnt. or agency of the Un1 t,ed - . St.at..., with any public aqenë:yr inc:ludin9, 'but not. limited to, the ( Department of Transportation, any county, city, or district, or with any pa:aon o~ a priva~& 9nti~y upon any tp.rm~ ~nd c~nditin~R (. t:hat the au'thority fincia in it.s best interest fer t.he proc::urement of engineering, project man.aq.ent, and contract management .~1ce.: hov~z, the ~u~hority ahall rely, tn ~hA .~.nt 5 .po..1bl., on existinq State, r99ional and. local transportation plannin9 and programminq data and local experti.e, rather than , on duplioatiVA etaffin9, planning, ~ prcq.rammin; efforts, 4.12 Contracts for the purchase of services, supplies, equipment, and materials in esce.. of ten theusand dollars ($10,000) .hall be awarded t.o th... lowe.t. responsible bidder after competi ti ve bidding, except in an emerg8ncy declared by the Authority or by an executive committee to which the Authority has deleqa'tAd rftspnn.l'i.bility t.o make that declaration. 4.13 If, after rejectinq bids received, the Authority i " determines and declares that, in ita opin.i.on, the services, .uppli.., equi~n~, or materials may be purÇhased at a lower price on the open market, the authority may proceed to purchase these .ervic.s, supplies, equipment, or materials in the open market: vithou't further oba4rvaneA of t.he provisions re9ard.inq contracts, bids, or a<iverti...nts, . SBC'rIOB 5. ftJQIID.TIOlI or A:U'J:J!ORIfi. 5.1 The Au~hority shall ~.rminat. as of November 4, 1992 if a .retal1 transactions anQ us. tax measure submitted for voter approval at tb8 election to be held on RovemCer 3, 1992, should fAil ~o :cae1ve a ..jo:i~y vo~. of ~h. .lec~n~ voting ~hereon. 5.2 The ~thorlt.y ,ball"clo.. It:. affairs ancI be terminated on t.he later da'te of (a) t'VO year. af'ter the Authority .(- i8 no longer authorized to levy a r9tail tran8ac~ions and use tax approved by ~ho ve~.:a, or (b) within 180 days attA~ the c.ompletion of the capital projects li.~ecl in the !zpendituZ'9 Plan, .s such plan may be amended from time to time, and upon reti.rement of 0.11 tbe bond.8 &v;t.hcris4td 'to be i..ued by t.hflt J.ut.na1:'i tý. SECTIOH 5. APP'IOVAL 01' IDDDI~ PLAN. . 6.1 The Ixpenditu.Jlan 1. henby approved pursuant to Pub11c atil.1t.1.. Coc:!a sect:ion t80206{b). 6 (~ (' 'tHE $~A ~COUN.'I"l TiW~e . -ONG PltIIf ~ ~$ If ra c~ iWA! (EXPENDITURE PLAN) ,.o,esc M'D 'DEVlt.O»1D BY 'l'D crnZZH8 COAI.l"r'ION I'oa '.t'JtAf1'tC UI.XU The expenditure plan coaaiats of three tran-portation elements: ra11 transit, express bU. t~anait, and hi;hway.. The 8pec1lic project. have been ..1.c~.4 for theit ability 1to alleviate traf!ic conq..tion. improve air quality, and &~tr&ct req1onal, state and federal fund. ~c maximize the bu.y1n9 power of local 4011&r.. Each p~oj.ct in the plan 1. henefic1al on Lt. own merit., but i. fur~h.r enh&nCe4 .s & ~ortion ot ~h. ove~.ll .y.~em ot tranait and tra,nsport:a.t1cn improvement.. tc keep Santa Clara County t:esi4ent" and. workforc:e, mov:1.nq. !he apec1fic projects are a. follow.: I:W& 'rUIJ1:t:" -!.IPN1 , 1. -:rASMAN J",IGH'r RAIL EXTJ.NSION c..cr1ptiQn~ W111 Extend the current li;h~ ra11 wystem 12 mil.. from K11pitas tQ Mountain View, parallel to H1qnway 237. Ce.t: *306 million for cap1tal, cpera~1on and ma1ntenance. 2. RIXONT - SOU'tK lAY C:OUIOOR Des~~lptlcn: Will build a new rail extenl10n in Santa C1.UI. Co\U\t.y to CObneet. with IAaT in All.D\ec1& County. Coat; $99 million toe ~'p1tal, oþera~1en Aft4 ma1ntenan¢e. 3. CALTJtAIN CO"ItN.,·..d:1:.A RAIt (DOW!frOWN SAN JOSE NOJ'1'H) Deacr1pt1on: Inar.... Cal-T~ain rail ..rv1ce by 6S percent, fram 60 to 100 trains per daY, frem downtown San Jo.. ta Ian rtanc1aco. This !.nclu4.. atation 1mprovøilntl and .1.atr1!1ca~1oft of the 11n.. COlt: '14~ m111ion fot capital, operation and ma1nte~.. 4. CAL'r'U.IN COHMU'1"lR nIL (t)OWN'tOWN SAN JOSE SOU't'B) D.scr1ptlon: Increa.e planne¢ frequency of ..rvice, !~om 8 t.o 16 txa1na per <Say, on the Cal..'t:r.,1n rail line frcm downtown Ian Jos. to Morgan 1111 and Gilroy. Co.~= '37 million fo~ c&pi~.l, operation and m&1n~.n&~ce. 2 (-- S" VASONA LIGH"r 1tU~ UDNSION ~..cx1ption: IXtan4 the current liqht rail line 6 miles, fr~ downtown San Jos., throuqh Camp~ll, to Loa G&tol. Cost: *165 milliQn for capital, op.~ation And maintenance. 6. CAJl~L - DoWN'rOWN EVDGUEN IAIL Ir.rINSION D.script.ion: Thil wow.c! connect to t.h. 'ralmC t.i-;ht I.&il extension at. Bcst.etter 'lead In M11p1.~U\North l.an Jo.., an4 exten4 rail 14 mil.. through lalt san Jo.e and EverGreen, anå then on. to d.owntown san Joa.. Cast: '238 million for capital, cperat10n and maintenance. 7. S"rI:VDS CUB RAIL J..'X'fDt5ION De.cription; this 9 mile ral1 line would run from downtown San Jose, throt19h Santa Clara, tQ C::up.rt.1no, on 0: neat It.vena Creek Soulevard. . COltl '260 million for capital. Qperat10n and maintenance. 8. SUNNYVALE · CU'ER~INO RAIL !Xr!NSION Desc:iptiQn: This . mile line wou14 connect. with the 'rallm&n light rail line near Highway 237 and Lockheed, proaee4 t~ou9h 1)cwntcwn SUMyvale a114 on to Cupertinc. Coat: .140 million for cap1tal, cperat10n and maintenance. 9. AUW)!JI U»GIADE - DOUBLZ ~1tt\CI'. tMllct':i.pt1on: ni8 \1111 doubletz:ack the 1 mil. Almaden. b~.nch of the eX1at1nq Gua4alu~. light rail line. Co.~: '1 million for capital construction. !!ðH I!li m.un IWIIl!l 1. tllUPD BUDSS" COMM1.1TD :aUS SUVICI Ðe.~r1pt1onl ~h1. will add 30 new bua.. aDd .ev.~al aew raut... t.o th.e "au,.: Ixpt:...I, bUll .ystem. The.. bu... 90 c11:r:.ctly f1:OII.\ nei..ghborhCloð,. t.hJ:-ou;hout t.h. County t.o major: employm.n~ centers 4u~1n9 commut.e hou:a, and are time c:cmpet.it:1ve with the autœoÞ11e. Mew rout.. to be .erved shall include the followift9 major employment are.l: ¡ 1. Stanford Jark (lal0 Alto): Which include. Syntex',IAlza, He"lett Pack.ard, I'IM, Va.r1an, Watkina Johnson, Xerox, and others. 2. Moffett (Sunnyvale1t Whlçh 1ncl~d.a IlL, Mar~1n 3 ,..--. 3. 4. S. Marietta, Lockheed, and otherl, Ql'eat Ame:ica (S&n1:.& Cla.ra); Which includ.. Intel, Syncp~ics, Advaac.4 M1cto Davie.., Siemens, Northern r:elecClft a.n4 ot.1\e:l:8. VallcQ\t>e An.... (Cupertino) I Which 1nclud.ea Hewlett 'ackal'è1, Apple, '.ran4em, M....ur.x I.A4 ethers. Snoreline (Nt. Viewh Whicb incl.. Silicon Graphics, Alz.a, Sua IUcre.yet.ama, Hewlett ".ckarl! and others. Ceat: *54 million for capital, operation and maintenance. 2. TRANSIT anVIcE FOR 'DISABLED SINtOU AND 'rUMIX-r 1)UIHDDrr De.cr1pt1Qn: 'rh.is .."1c:. will 'PJ:'ovJ.c!e trans! t fer disabled &n4 handieappe4 citizens, .. called for in the "~rica.na w1"th Ðiaa.bilit.i.. Act.." Coat: $217 ml11ion 8IGHWAY ,r.'CMDT 1. K'lASU'RK ). U'lWtCDIINTS D.scription: Enhancement. to t.he ttM..sure AM syst.em'. atrategic plan, 1. Improve the 1nterch&n9. at H1¡nway 237\880 in M11p1ta.. Cost: $76.9 million for capital conatruct1cn. 2. Impfov. the interchange at Hi;hway 85\lO¡ in lit. View. Coat; $23.5 .il11øn tor cap1tal conltructicn. 3. .uJ.ld. interchanc¡.. on Hiqhway 237 at. Mad. and. M14d.lef.i.eld 'Roaå 1:n. Sunnyvale aQd Mt. View. Coat; *14.9 millicft fer capital =oA8~ruc~1on. 4. Improve the 1ra-terchang. at Highway 15\87 in So. IU JOII·.. coats $13 million for capital conatruct1cn. 5. Imp~ov. the lnterchang8 at Hiqhw.y 85\101 in 10. 6.-:7. Coet: '13 million for capital cOnJiruction. .. W1d.en Highway 85 between lU.;hway 237 &1\4 101 111 Nt. View. Coats $3.3 m11110n for capital cOMt.z:u.ct1on. 7. Build a pa:t1&1 1nterch.n;. at 11q~ay 237 and Lafayette 't~..~ in Santa Clara. Cost; *2.5 million fo~ capital conltruct1on. 4 (- 8. Engineering Costs an4 Rightwof-Way reimbursement to local jur1.d.ict1ons. co.~: '41,5 million. 2. SIGNAt SYNclØ.ONIZA1'ION De.cr1pt1on: Synchronization and co~t1nucu, monitoring of the t~.ff1c 81,..11 on all eiih~ of tha County', Major expre..way., ulini v14eo surveillance from a t:affic ope~at1onl control center: Foothill, Central, L&W%'n~., SU 'raul, Montaque, capitol, AlrA&4en, and Or'9on, This allows lignal t~Dg to be adjusted to m1nlmize con9..tion 4ur1nq peak t:affio houri. . Cc.t: '13 million tor capital, o~.ratloft and maintenance. 3. K1:GH'W.J."i 81 (GU1I.I)M,tJiJ: JUltWÞt:t) ~.Ieription; UPiradinq Route 87, the Guadalupe Parkway, from & Burfac. atr.et to a !reeway, between downtown San Jo'. and Hiqhway 101, by remcvin~ 4 Itopliqhta an4 ~u!ldin9 a new aceesl road to the san Jos. International A1:rport: . Celt: $26 million for capital construction. 4. H:tGHW~Y 101 (BERNAL IlOi\D TO cocmwœ ROAD) Deleriptio~: cu~rently, Hiihway 101 haa 4 lane. of traffic, each way, from the San Mateo count! line until South San Jo.. at lemal Road, neu IBM.. . ;ht mil.. south, at Coch::ane aoad :i.n Morgan Hill, Hit¡Jhway 101 becON. 3 lan.. ..oh way. In b41tw..n Bernal 1.01.4 and Cochrane, however, Highway 101 1. two lan.. each way. Thi. will add on. lane of traffic, each way, over the 8 m11e It.retch. co.t: .15 m¡111on for capital construction. Pl.ase note: Coati sited for all projects are bas.4 on 1992 dollars. Amounts 11.t~ a~e tbe local lbaxe n.c...&ry to levera;e re91onal, Itate aDd, fe4el'al t:\JJ148. Coat e.t1mat::.. adjusted !or inflation tor actual conat.ruetlon ý..r dollars over the life of the program, have been reviewe4 to en-ute that p~oject c.~ltal, op.~.tion an4 maiutecaDCe eoata are accw:ate. 5»ec1al 8IIphal1a has ~e.L'\ placR cn 4evelcp:L1\9 & pro~.c~ li.~ which would be çomplet.ly built durin; ~ l1f. o~ the progJ:'a.m 'With pr:ojec:te4 local, 1:8q1onal, s'tat. &Bd fe4eral revenue. Several .tep. have be.n taken tc ensure project delivery. 'the.. .1:..p8 lnolude. 1. A eOD...v..t.iv. ..timate of sale. tax revenu.e. "Mea8uz. A-' ..__,__,__,__'_.'_.'_.'M.,_.,_.,_rnl~.'_.'_.'_.'_.'_.'__,__.__ 5 estimated an annu&~ 1ncreas. in sales tax revenue of 8 percent. This p:t'09ram is built. on .. conaervat1ve e.timate of 4.7 percent, which 1. in-l1.ne with curren.t and projected revenue ;rowth. 2. To .n~. project delivery, the dolla% f1;u:es fQ~ cap1~al eonst~ct1on are based on a cona.rv.tiv.'..timate of project co.ts. 3. The progr:am' a intent i. t.o bui14 on a '·Pay AI 'You Go" ba118. Ðebt ..:.-viee on bends can 4tacreu. purchasing power by .. much a. 25 percent. The7:efore, it il the Itkted. intent of tbis pro;1:.. to only bond for projeeta ... nee4ec1 to lUXim.1.ae at.ate and. feüeral c!cllùl, a.s thay become available. 4. lach proj.ct has been .el.~t.d, in þart, on its abl1ity to lucce..fully compete for Itat, an4 federal matchino funds t.o 1W..X1m1ze the buy:Ln; powe~ of local 4cUars. ~he anticipateã Amount of 8t&'t.e and federal mateh.1ng fun4s 1:>u11t in'to the Expenditure i'J.an.h... been kept at . cQnservative level, to eaaur. the project liåt will be d.elivered d.\1r:inq t1'J.e li~. cf the prc9%'am. fila:explan.myc