HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 93-018
USOLU'l'ION NO. 93-018
RESOLVED, by the City council of the ci ty of saratoga,
California, as follows:
1. This council did, pursuant to the provisions of the
Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Part 2, Division 15 of the
streets and Highway. Code of the stat.e of California, conduct
proceedings for t.he f~raat.ion of the city of Saratoga Landscaping
and Lighting Distric't LLA-l and for the levy and collection of
..sess.ents for fisoal year 1980 - 1981, and did, on June 18, 1980,
pursuant to proceedings duly had, adopt its Resolution No. 950-0,
A- Resolution OVerruling Protests and Ordering the Formation of an
Asse...ent District and the I-.preY.Mnt. and COnf iraing the Diagram
and As.e.s..nts,
2. The Publio interest, convenience and necessity require,
and it is the intention of said Council to undertake proceedings
for the levy and collection ot assessmenta upon the seyeral lots or
parcels of land in said District, for the construction or
installation of improv...nts, including the aaintenance or
servicing, or both, thereof, for the fiscal year 1993 - 1994.
3. The improv81I8nts t.o be constructed. or installed, including
the, maintenance or servicing, or both, thereof, arè 1Iore
particularly described in Exhibit itA- heret.o attached and by
reference incorporated herein.
4. The costs and expense. of said iaprove..nts, including the
aaintenance and servicing, or both, thereof, ara to be made
chargeable upon .a1d Distriot, the exterior boundaries of which
District are the co_posite and con8olida~ed area as aore
particularly shown on a :map thereof on file in the office of the
Clerk of the Cit.y of Sarat.oga to wb.icb reference i8 hereby made for
further particular.. said up indicates by a boundary line the
extent of the territory included. in ..i4 District and. of any zone
thereof and shall govern for all aetail. as to the extent. of the
asBe....nt district.
5. The Engineer of said City be, and is hereby, directed to
prepare and file wlt.h said Clerk a report, in writil19, referring to
the ...eas.ent di.trict by its distincti ye designation, specifying
the fiscal year to which the report applies, and, with respect to
that year, presentinq the following:
a) plans and specificat.ions of the existine¡ improvements
and for proposed new improv...nt.s, if any, to be ...de
within the asseSSDent district or within any zone
b) an estiaate of the costs of said proposed n.w i..prove-
.ents, if any, to be made, the costs of maintenance or
.erv1cinq, or both, th.reof, and of any .xisting im-
proveønts, t.oge1:her with the incidental expenses in
connection therewith:
C) diagru showine¡ the exterior boundaries of the assess-
..nt. dist.rict and of any zon.. within said district
and the line. and dimensions of each lot. or parcel of
land wi thin the district. as such lot or parcel of land
is shown on the Count.y Asse8so~'.·"p for the fiscal
year to which the report applies, each of which lots
or parcels of land ahall be identified by a distinc-
tive naber or letter on .aid diaqru: and
d) a propo.ed a.......nt of the total aaount of the esti-
mated coats and expenses of the proposed new i_prave-
menu, including the _intenanee or .ervicine¡, or
both, thereot, and of any exiatinq iaprovemanta upon
th. sev.ral lots or parcels of land in said c!is'trict
in proportion to the e.'timated benefits to be receiv-
ed by .u.ch lou or parcels of land, respect.ively, from
..id iaprov_nt.s, includinq 'the ..int.enance or ser-
vicin9, or both, thereof, and at the expenses iaciden-
'tal thereto.
6. The Office of the Enqineer ot said city be, and is bereby,
de.ignateð as the office to answer inquiries regarding any prot.est
proceedings to be bad berein, and _y be contacted during regular
office hour. a~ the City Hall, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Sarataqa,
California 95070 or by callinq (408) 861-3438.
* * * * * * * *
Passed and adopted by the city council of the City of
SaratOCJa, California, at. a ..et.ing thereof beld on the 19th day
of May , 1993, by the followinc) vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Burger, Kohler, and Mayor Anderson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Council members 'futRer and Moni a
/;) /}
Cj,t4J{;t 511---
city -Cl~
Exhibit A
The construction or installation, including the maintenance
or servicing, or both, thereof, of landscaping, including
trees, shrubs, grass or other ornamental vegetation,
statuary, fountains and other ornamental structures and
facilities, and pUblic lighting facilities for the lighting
of any pUblic places, including ornamental standards,
luminaires, poles, supports, tunnels, manholes, vaults,
conduits, pipes, wires, conductors, guys, stubs, platforms,
braces, transformers, insulators, ·contacts, switches,
capacitors, meters, communication circuits, appliances,
attachments and appurtenances, including the cost of repair,
removal or replacement of all or any part thereof; providing
for the life, growth, health and beauty of landscaping,
including cultivation, irrigation, trimming, spraying,
fertilizing and treating for disease or injury; the removal
of trimmings, rubbish, debris and other solid waste; electric
current or energy, gas or other illwninating agent for any
public lighting facilities or for the lighting or operation
of' any other improvements; and the operation of any fountains
or the maintenance of any other improvements.