HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 93-042
WHEREAS, the City has adopted Ordinance No. 71.-----122_._ setting forth conditions
underwhicb a Franchise Agreemeot may be renewed; and
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 71._J1:L__ provides that any franchise granted under this
Ordinance may be renewed at the application of the Grantee in accordance with Section 4-25.200
of the Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, no franchise or franchise renewal granted pursuant to the provisions of the
Ordinance shall become effective unless and until the Grantee has executed a Franchise Renewal
Agreement and a resolutioo accepting such Franchise Agreement on the part of the Grantor; and
WHEREAS, a copy of the proposed Franchise Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit
"A It and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that it would be in the best interest~
of the City and the subscribers to the cable television service that the proposed renewal of the
ftanchise be approved.
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Saratoga as
1. The proposed renewal of the cable television franchise by Brenmor
Cable Partners LP (dba Sooth Bay Cablevision) is hereby
2. The form and content of the CATV Franchise Renewal Agreement
attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved and the Mayor
and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said
Agreement on beba.1f of the City.
Passed and adopted at a regular meetïng of the City Council of the City of Saratoga
held on the 15th day of September, 1993, by the following vote:
AYES: Counc n member 5 Anderson, Rurger and Mon i a
NOES: Council member Kohler
ABSENT: Mayor Tucker
fL¡ () ~
,~ c.:.
, .
PP:a.lft'!llTtII'R ~1._J!lfK"". ·....'·1·
~~t, ..de and 4ID'tend iDto 'th1a .~ clay of
, 11'3, ad !:MrtVIMID 'the Ci'ty of .sarat09&, a duly
au or zed calU:::r. muûcipa1 cw,1I""1_tioD and Bralraor Cable
Part:nen L.P., . california Liai:ted Par1:nerah1p doing bu81D_s as
Sout:.b Bay cabln-i.iCDf C "Soutb Bar").
.L . ~ I ·...Ã,T Jill
.. A. Sou'th Bay baa operated aDd cont.1Duei 1..0 operate a cable
c01ll1lWticatioDII 1IYII't- in the C1 'ty pt.1Z'INaD1: to . franchise awarded
t.o Hearst cablevl..1on uad ...igned 'to Br8mIor Cable Partners, L. P.
on December 21, 1981, which ....1gJllNlnt was accepted by South Bay.
B. Prior 'to a~ptiO~_bY the City of this Agreement, on the
/!*f'It day of re.,,..,,,., 1'13, 'the City council adopted
Ordinance Ho. , l- ,~ 7 , 4IDti1:led "City of Saratoc¡a Cable
Communications Ordinance" ("Ordinance") which ahall govern this
Agreement. ,"
c. Sou'th Bay haa requested 'that: iu franchise be renewed.
D. The City Council haa deteraiDed'that 'the public interest
would be served by . renewal of 'the franchi.e to South Bay.
Ar:R'....W'1QIT -
NOW THEREFORE, the City and South Bay do hereby agre. as
follows: -
1. G,..Jllnt of' P'r-JIInchi se. '!'he City hereby grants to South Bay
a nonexclusive franchi.. to provide 'the s.rvic_ of a cable
communications system in 'that portion ot 'the City designated in
Section 3 below as 'the "Franchise Terri tory," as required by the
provisions of 'the ordinance end this Pranchi.e Agreement. This
Agreement and 'the OJ:'dinence are the sole d.ocuments embodying the
agreement pursuant to which South Bay shall provide services of a
cable cOD1Dunications .ystem to the residents of the City, and may
sometimes be collectively reterred to as 'the "Franchise Documents. II
The Franchi.. DoCUJlents shall be anc:t consti tute the terms of the
Franchi.. granted. to Sou'th Bay.
2. n-'fniti"ft, JII'nd Tnterpret~tion. All capitalized terms
not c:tetined. in 'thi. Pranchi.. Agre-m: shall bave 'the meaning
ascribed to 1:b_ in the ordinance. Par purpose. at contract
interpretation, the City and South Bay agree that they are joint
authors of bo'th this Av...~'-t.1 nt and the OJ:'dinance.
3 · PrJllnchi.e Teri.i tory. 'Ï'be -Franchise Terri tory" tor the
Franchise is that area which i. wi 'thin 'the incorporated area of the
City and any tuture ann~ations.
The City acknowledges that South Bay has
already imlta11ed and eDUViaed dilt'tr1bu1:1on cable throuqhout most
of the Pranchi.. 'left'it.ory. 8out:h Bay agrees to complet. th.
bacJcbu11't CØftllt:rQatioD t:bJ:'an~~ 'tile :rranchise '!erri tory as
required by pnviowa .~ vit:b.1D aix (6) months trom the
Effective Date of t:h1a :rr..h4.. ~.
"5. SUhIIcrih4l1'" ..,,~.
(a) W:I:tbJ.D au 1IODt:hs aft:c t:b.e effective date of this
Franchis., and CD aD 1Ulftaa1 ba818 'thuaat1:er, South Bay agree. to
conduct a survey of 11:8 SUbscr1baz1l ~9 their preferences faT .
additional video ca))le J:I.1wv,¡. - -i"9 aDd 'the SUbscriber.' willingness
to pay the cart ofJlaViD9 II1ICh addit1cmal cable programming
available. The survey IIball be in tara aDd nttstance reasonably
satisfactory to the City. Soutb Bay &ball provide the City with
thre. (3) copi.. of t:be ·ruul'tll ot t:he survey.
6. T(VV""~". tltVJtD.
Ca) South Bay vi11 acti~t.e and _intain at least thirty-
seven (37) channel. of cable jI...~,¡.--~-·-t~ t:hrouqh the end of 1994.
As used in this ~, -cable t'''''v,¡..:~-'f",- shall.ean all video
proqrUIIDine¡ availüle on the cable Syata, includine¡ without
limitation the 1:ranai.sion and re1:ranai.sion of: local :broadcast
siqnal., distant broadcast si9ftals, praiua .atellite siqnal., non-
premiUJD .atellite .19ft&la, pay-per-viev, PEG p.L~",UDline¡, locally
oriqinated progrA'llrlqing and alpbamDHric Qr character-generated
information channels. " .-. - - .-
(b ) Within ei9htean (18) months of the Effective Date of thi.
Franchise, South Bay shall complete construction of an upgrade õf
the Cable System ('--üw",;;.de-) a. briefly outlined in South Bay' .--
system tJpqraðe Proposal dated April 24, 1992, attached bereto
marked Exhibit A and incorporated berein by reference, and subject
to final review by tbe city. Tbe eighteen (18) .onth period for
completion. of the U...,.tUde in a fom acceptable to th~ City are
submitte4 to the City for its z:evlew and until the City notifies
south Bay by certified mailing of either it. approval or
disapproval of auch plana for the Upgrade.
(c) South Bay llhall aa.ert. co.pletion of the Upgrade by
filing a written Notice of Coapletion with the City Clerk, atatine¡
therein the total nUJDber of dwell1ne¡ unit., business establishments
and other build,ine¡8 for which service i. available wi thin the
Franchi.e Territory, channel capacity and other functional and
technol09ical featuru of the cable syat:_ aa identified in the
Franchis. DoC1.'lJD8D1:a. '!'be Notice of completion ahall certify to the
City that all requi~t. of the Franchi.e Doctœent. with respect
to the tJpqrad. have :been satisfied, but such Notice shall not be
binding upon the City.
7. %Am. '!'he -rant of the Franchi.e c¡ranted herein shall be
fift.en (15) year. from the Effective Date of the Franchi.e, .a·
that. term i. defined .in sect1cm 4.2 of t:he ordinance.
8. rl'l'llllll:I1I1H:y tCC8." ""-"".'..
(a) South Bay 1Iba11 __ avail.mle up to three (3) upstream
and downsUu'P cbaJmal. em i't8 ...lc cable Service (as defined
below) far public, e4üca'tioraal aDd VOVU'DJl8fttal use. The upstream
portion of the PU:s1: Acca8. ctuumel shall originate at City Ball
and ahall be operable DOt later t:b.aI1 .ix (6) months aft.er the
Fffective Date of the Franchi.e. South Bay also aqr_s ;1:0 ~e
available to the City vi'thout cb.arge a cbaracter-q~erator Which,
wben connected. to 'the up~ portion of the First Access Channel,
will allow the City to broadcallt text or a 80 called "crawl
message" from City Ball. Additionally, South Bay agrees to provide
to the City at DO cbarge, at the City'. request, any closed
captioning or other ec¡uipaent which' i. or become. required by
Federal or state law, (including but not limited to the Americans
Disabilities Act) in order to provide live broadcasting of any Cit.y
meetings. "Basic cable service" as UHd in this Aqreement sball
mean that single service tier as defined 'in the cable Television
Consumer Protection and ccrmpetition Act of 1992 and as supplement.ed
by the "C-Span" and "eal-Span" Servlc.. where allowable under
Federal Law.
(b) When the cable syst_ has a 78 vldeo channel capacit.y and
the First Acc..s Channel is 80t Fully utilized (a. defined below)
for sixty (60) cOl'lllecutive c!a'1I*, then South Bay- ahall make
available a second dOWJUltrelUl cbannel (the "Second Acce.s Channel")
on its Basic Cable Service for public, educational and governmental
use. The Second Ace..s Channel shall be made available within
thirty (30) days of the First Acce.. CÞannel being Fully utilized.-
If, at any time c02IIJDencing two (2) years after activation of the
Second Access Channel, the pirst Acces. Channel and the' Second
Access Channel are not 40t Fully Utilized on a combination basis
during any twelve (12) month period, then. the Second Access Channel
sball revert-to South Bay'. .ole use until suCh time.s the First·
Access Chann~l again became. Fully utilized.
(c) When the Second Access Channel is 80t Fully Utilized Cas
defined below) for .ixty (60) conaecutive days, then South Bay
shall make available a third downstre.. channel (the "Third Acce..
Channel") on it. Basic Cable Service for public, educational and
governmental u.e. ':be Third Acce.. Channel .hall be made available
within thirty (30) days of the Second Acce.. Channel being Fully
utilized. If, a1: any time cOlal8nc1Dg two (2) year. after
activat.ion of the Third Acce.. ·Channel, the Second Acce.. Channel
and the Third Acce.. Cbannel are not 40t Fully Utilized on a
combination ba.i. during any twelve (12) month period, the Third
Access Channel shall revert to South Bay'. sole use until .ucb time
as the Secand Acce.s Channel again become. Fully Utilized.
(d) For the pUrpo.e of this Franchise Agreement, "Fully
- ..'
Utilized- aba11 JIeaD t:hat (1) 'the SUbacr1bera, 'the C1ty and local
educational iJWt1t:ut:101U1 bave ~ov1dll4 live, 'taped or character
genarat.e4 jA.c",......ing for 'I:b.e 1I'tat.ed pa:'Caftt:ag_ of ~ between the
hours of 7:00 p.a. and 11:00 p.a. C·8tatad BouzwW) and (1i) no
mora t:.han one hour per day' of t:he prc;gr-....11'19 between 'th... hours
consill'ts of cbaract.ez'-9l1Duat:.a4 prw".t......ing. 1Iben detenaininq the
percentage of at.lli..1:ion em a CØllb1Ded basia, t::be total hours of
progr--1ng OD each t'IItt..,."el during 'the stated Hours shall be
divided·by 'the total hour8 of 't1Jle available for proc;ramming on
each channel duri ~ the 1I'ta'te4 bc:n.Jr8. .
9. Provo( ~.i~. "'., P'lP.t: -0:''''''''''''''. All a aeans ' of sati.fying
certain PEG ~ of t:be City, and not 1n lieu of the
Franchi.e F_ payable t:o 'the City UDder 1:11e Ordinance and this
Franchi.e Agre...t, GraDt.ee IIhall, v:l.1:hin 1:en (10) days of the
Effective Date of t:h:1.. Fr-1'IcÞ1s. pay: '
(a) Up to Eleven Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($11,200. 00)
to the City for distribution ~ equal shares to the public schools
located in the franchi.e area for their" various communications
facilities and equi~t needs,
(b) Pay 'l'hirty 'thouaand Dollars ($30,000.00) to the city for
distribution to IBAR or for other City comaunications facilities
and equipment needa. .
... _.,.:......,:;,tt.... _.
,~.~(~) ··.:~"25,000.OO both on or trdore April 30, 199'8 '4'nd April 30,
2003,' respectively, for di.tribution to tœAR and/or for other City
communications faci11 ti.s and .quipaent ne.da J and
..."t' -..... ..:~ I[' !'" ,.
...·(cif.-¡.A total of -Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) to th.--
Ci tÿ;· pàyable at the rate of Pi ve Thousand Dollars C $5,000. 00) per
year commencing- on the Effective Date of this Franchise and, on the
next two succeediru¡ anniversary date. thereof to support and
maintain the broadcast facilities in the City'. Communi~y Tbeatre,
the equipping of wbich was perforaed by Grantee under-its previous
franchise agre~t.
10. n,1 SCO"l'1t fo,- 9.n~ 0'- C." t i zens . South Bay shall
voluntarily make available to Qualified Subscribers, as described
below, a fifteen 'percent (15') discount on the fee for Basic Cable
Service to the initial outlet for such services. The discount
shall be available to persona South Bay determines meet the
following criteria ("Qualified Subscrtberft): Any .ubscriber who
(1) sixty (60) years of age or older: and
(2) who is personally r..ponsible for the payment of the
cable c:b.u9. and is cU.rect.ly billed by South Bay for
cabl. .ervice. J and
(3) qua1ifi.. for ex.-ption fraa the City-. utility user'.
Tax. only one (1) 1lUc:b reai4tmtial exellption 1lha11 be
allowed 'to BDY 8Ueb þUIIOD.
The discoun't ..11 be proapect.ive only and. for each elic¡ib1e
subscriber IIhall ~ce 't 1:be l:teg1Jm1ng of the next ·bi11iD9 cycle
after .9Z'e~t is nãched. J:Mrt:veen 't.be City and South Bay as to who
is eligible for the di.count.
South .Bay shall notify. Jlubscriber8 of þe availability. of the
discount at least once a year.
11. A~-n"'totY lJiJ1Pr. South Bay aball provide standby power
qenerating capacl~ 'to npport the entire operating portion of the
cable sys1:81l in. connect:ion with the ujIV.&....cI. referenced in Section
6 herein. SUch st.aDclby power 9enera'ting capacity shall' be subject
to final revi.w by the city a. specified in Section 6(b) herein.
12. A",Ho ~.1"V"c.. South Bay agrees 'to provide service
consisting of the ret:ransmisslon of net l..s than twenty-five (25)
FM radio stations or other subll1:i'tut'.e audio-only services (.uch· as
cable radio) available on the cable System. Subject to applicable
federal law, the Grantee ..y ..ke an additional charge for both
such .ervices.
13. R-ote r"'n~""'" -n" p.,..n~-' COntra' T ""ck. South Bay
agrees to make rll1DO'te-cont:rol ~91ce.-available upon-the payment
of any reasonable f.e 'to those subscribers who require a converter
to receive cable reception on their remote-controlled cable
television equipment to be able to change channels by remoté-
control. South Bay further avree. 'to make available, at no chal'ge, -
a parental c;ontrol d.vice, whether in the form of a separate unit
or incorporated int.o a descrambler or other piece of equipment. used
to provide cable t.elevision service, which is made operational by
a key or a code, and whiCh enables the subscriber t.o p~event the
viewing of' any pay channel offering adult. programminq.- .
14 . Test" na 01' ~he Svst.em. The Ci t.y may, at. any time, make
arrangements to test, analyze and evaluate the performance ot the
Cable System. South Bay shall reimburse the City for the
reasonable costs ot 8udb testing and analysis only:
(a) atter Grant.ee has been notified by the City of a
technical deficiency and bas been given sixty (60) days to cure
such; and,
(b) the Grantee fails t.o either completely cure the technical
deficiency or submit. a reasonable plan for curinq such.
15. Attornev·... Feelll. If one party to this Agreement sball
insti tute any court action against 'the other party to this
Agreement to enforce, or ~oncerning, any t.erm or provision of the
Franchi.. Doc:u:aaD'bI, t:b. prevailing par1:y 111 aucb action shall be
entitled 'to Z'8COVC' all of i'ta aoll'ta of lit:1ption includin;, but
not liait:tad 1:0, na.canabl. a1:1:oZ'Dey·. f_.
16. . app,..,...'h'~ T.aV. !tJJ.a ~ IIhall be construed
according 'to aDd 9Ø'1~ 'UI'IISc" Cal1fomia x..w.
17. _""'.+".-rn", R4.",,... By 4IDt:ering int:o this Franchi..
Agr.emant aDd a~iDg t:he pzoaft"""'.e 1m4C' the Ordinance, neither
the C1 ty . nor South Bay :baa _1".s fIllY .1".at. or federal
constitutional righ'tll it _y now ba". or hereafter acquire.
18. 1I"'t 41!"!.~. Any DO'tice required to be g'iven by the
Franchi.. DoCUlMmU .:ball be presamad gi"tm upon personal elelivery
or thre. (3) clay. afur depollit: 1D t:h. UDi1:8d stat.. ..il, postage
prepaid, properly adclnullI8d .. followa: '
city Manager
ci ty of saratoqa
13777 pruitval. Avenue
TO Sotml BAY:
BOU'tb Bay Cablevision
2700 scott Boulevard
suta Clara, CA 95050
InterNeelia PartDen
235 MoDt9am8rY s~..t, suit. 435 .
San Francisco, CA .4104
Either party ..y change it.s aeldress for the provision of notice by
qi vinq the other party notice under the provisions of this
paraqraph. -
19 . A~.eJlt.nt 'A.i n'-'i n~. '!'hi. Franchis. Agreement sball be
binding on the succe..ors, transfer.., a.signs and tru.te.s of the
partie. her.to. . .
20. ÀuthO,..i:r.ed PJ1rDose. '!'be cable System herein ·'franchised
shall be used and operated solely and exclusively for the purpose
expressly authorized by Ordinance of the City of Saratoga and no
other purpose wbatsoev&r.
PASSED AND ADOP1'£D by the ci toy Council of the City of Saratoga
at a requ.lar _eting of said Council held on the 15th day of
September , 1'.21., by the following vote of said Council:
AYES; Counc; 1I1ellbers Anderson. Burger and Moni a
NOES: Council.mber Kohler
ABSEN'1': Mayor Tucker
. .
%Jl IrL:'--SS II.IœRBor 'tbia I'ruch1ø ~ baa been execuud
.. ot t:be åy aDd 7UI' tint above 1Ir1t:1:eD ~ t:be City of Saratoga
P1U'llUara't to Jtuolut:.iQa of i'ta C1t:y ~,.t1.
C'.tft OF SUUoca.
a Califcrnia
. T
L. é'.-~._
· Cal.tfomia Corporation
.. ... ........
~ ;¡~ tD ,"RozzcUc.. ./
/' (!EO, ~ O~'~S