HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 93-043 RESOLUTION NO. 93-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA APPROVING A CATV FRANCHISE TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH BRENMOR CABLE PARTNERS AND HERNANDEZ COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WHEREAS, the City has adopted Ordinance No. 71-J21setting fOrth conditions under which a CATV franchise transfer agreement may be made; and WHEREAS, the proposed transfer by Brenmor Cable Partners, L.P. consisting of Intermedia Partners and Intermedia Partners of Carolina and Hernandez Communication, Inc. will be made pursuant to the terms and conditions of the CATV Franchise Transfer Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto 1Lfi; Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council find~ and determines that it would be in the be~1 interest~ of the City and the subscribers to the cable television service that the proposed transfer among the partners of the franchise be af'proved. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Saratoga as follows: 1. The proposed transfer of the cable television ti"anchise by BrenmOf Cable Partners and Hernandez Communications, Inc. is hereby approved. 2. The form and content of the CATV Franchise Transfer Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City. Pa.~sed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Saratoga held on the 15th day ofSeptelllber, 1993, by the following vote: A YES: Councilmembers Anderson, Burger and Mania Councilmember Kohler NOES: ABSENT: Mayor Tucker /AAO _J'!JJJd~c=-- A TrEST: Ii Q ~_ -~-Cïri--ciF~ .,I'I'RAliISI'BR EXHIBIT "A" CAn nAIICIIID DDBI'D AAIIR....~ This A9RBIMBIft', which beccaaes effective upon execution by the parties, is ..da...aDd entend into this day of , 1993, by and between" the cm 01' 8I.II.I.!OØA, . aunicipal corporation of tbe State of California (CI!'!), and ...... CABLB PAR'lIIBItS, L.P., (GRAIft'BB) a California liaited partnership consisting of III'fBRMBDIA PARftBRS, its qeneral partner (IP), and 1o....!u.clØDIA PAR'Tft.I5KS OF CAltOLIlIA; . California limited partnersh;a.p (IP-Caroli&la), its limited partner, collectively r.ferred to as the GRAJrrD AND ..,.....ø.z _ COJIIIUIIICAIfIOBS, IlIC., a Colorado Corporation (HCI). VI!'DR~ Pursuant to -- the provisions of Article 4-25· of the Saratoga Municipal Code and Ordinance. Ro. 38.79 and 71.36 and Resolution No. 2251, CIn and GRAIft'BB do hereby agr.. that IP shall be substituted i~ the place and atead of EI as the 'general partner of , GRAMTBB and tbat IP-Carolina sballbe substituted in the place and stead of IP as the limited partner of GRAIft'BB for the purposes of operating, constructing, installing and aaaintainin9 a cable communications system· (B~IJ;¡,.I5K) within CIn, with the following additional term. and conditioDS: 1. "ssianment. HCI doeå hereby fully transfer and assign. all of its ri9h~s, title and interest under said franchise to IP, thereby retainin~ and re.erviDg no rights, title and interests against the CIn. 2. Waiver and DischarGe hv RCI. HCI does bereby waive and relinquish any and all clai.., demands, actions or causes of action it may have against CI!T arising out of or in any-way connected with said franchise agre.ent or any other matter. RCI represents that there is presently no suit, action, administrative proceeding, arbitration, or other proceeding pending with respect to the System or francbise. It i-a expressly understood that this Agreement constitutes a waiver and discharge of all claims arising out of the relationship between CI!T and HCI. It is expressly agreed that all rights under -Section, 1542 of the California Civil Code are expressly waived. 3 . AsS~llI\Pt; on bv GRAMT'RR. GIAIft'D does hereby expressly and unreservedlY agree to assume and fully perform all of the duties and obligations required of GRAft.. under said _ft:~_ncbise agreement, as herein modified. ". Wa.:r'rant; es hy GP-'J(1''Rl'l. GUJII'fD does hereby warrant and promise that it possesses superior experience, character, . and background including' , but not limited to, financial, legal and technical abilities and resources required to operate, construct, install, and maintain the System in the CIn. GUJII'fD further 1 warrants that it is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing und.r the laws of California, and has the pawer and authori ty to ent.r into this Agor....nt and to carry out the transactions coptemplate4 bereby. 5. fJev..T'ah~).;tv. If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agre_nt or the applicationtbereof to any per son or circumstan~.s is, to ·any .xtent, iIIvalid or unenforceab.1e, the reaaaining terms, covenants, condition...., and provisions of this Agr.em.nt, or the application of .uch ten, covenant, condition, or provision to persons or circuastanc.. othe::- than those to which it is b.ld invalid or unenforceabl., sball not b. affected thereby, and e,.cb t.rm, cov.nant, conditiOD, and provision of this Agreement shall be valid _and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. 6 . ChanCle; n :Rnab.'; ftcr J·.w. Th. parties agr.. tbat if during the term of this Agr....nt, any change. in any state or f.deral case or statutory law ~zpand th. ct!'!" s pow.r to r.9\11at. GRAJI'lBB und.r said franchis. agr..ment, th. partie. sball in good faith negotiate regarding am.ndments to th. franchi.. agr....nt as authoriz.d by any such law. 7. Transfer of Own.~sbiÐ or Control. In addition to the change of ownership provisions s.t forth in S.ction 4-2S.080(ß} of the City's Municipal Cod.: A. The GRARTBB shall promptly notify the CITY of any change in, or transf.r of, ot acquisition by any other party of, control of the GRAII'I'BB. The word "control", as us.d in this section, is not limited to major stockhold.rs but includes actual working control. A rebuttable presumption that a transfer of control has occurr.d shall arise upon the acquisition or transfer by any person or group of persons of ten percent of the ownership interest of the GRAHTBB. EVery chang8, transfer of, or acquisition of control of the GRAJl'fBB shall lDak. the franchise subject to cancellation unless and until the CI!Y shall bav. con.ented thereto, which consent will not . be unreasonably wi thh.ld. For the purpose of deteI'lllining whether it shall consent to such chang8, in transfer of, or acquisi tion of control, th. CIft' aay inquire. into the qualifications of the prospective transferee party, and the GRAIft'D shall assist th. CITY in any sucb inquiry. B. In seeking the ct~t. cons.nt to any change in, transfer of, or acquisition by any other party or control of GRARTBB, the GRARTBI shall have the r.sponsibility: (1) To show to' the satisfaction of the ctn whether the propos.d purchas.r, transf.r.e, or assign.e (the: "proposed transferee" ). which in the case of a corporation, shall include all officers, directors, and all p.rsons baving a legal or .quitable interest of tw.nty-five perc.nt or more of its voting stock. And, in the case of a partnership shall include all general partners and 2 any liaited partners holding twenty-five percent or aore of the Partnership intere.~: . - (a) baa ever been convicted or held liable for acts invol ving moral turpitude, - (b) has ever bad a judgment in an ar tiOD for fraud, deceit or aisrepresentation entered against it, her, him or them by any court of cOIIpetent jurisd.iction; .-.- (c) bas pending any l89aï claim, lawsuit or ad.ministrative proèeed.ÍDg arising out of or involving a cable system. (2) 70 establish, to the satisfaction of the CI!Y, the financial solvency of tbe propos.d tranaferee by submitting such reasonable finaD~ial data for th. proposed transfere. as the CITY may request. (3) fo establish to the satisfaction of the CI!Y that the financial and technical capability of the proposed transferee is sucb as sball enable it to .aintain and operate the cable system for the re..inin9 term of ,the franchise under tbe existing franchise terms. c. Th."CI!T agree. that any financial institution baving a pledge of the franchi.e ~r its a.sets for the advancement of money for the construction and/or operation of the franchise sball have the right ~o notify the CI!Y that it or its designee, satisfactory to the CI~, will take control and operate the cable television system, in the event of a GRAIft'BB default in i1=-- financial obligations. Purtber, said financial institution shall also submit a plan for such operation tbat will insure continued service and compliànce with all franchi.e requirements during the term the financial institution exerci.e. control over the system. The financïal institution shall not exercise control over th~ system for a period exceeding one year unless extended by the CITY at its discretion and during said period of time it shall have the right to peti tiOD the CIn to transfer franchi.e to another GBAlft'BB. If the CIft finds that such transfer after considering the legal, financial, character, tecbnical and other public interest qualities of the applicant are satisfactory, the CIty will consent to an assignment of the franchise, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. D. The consent or approval of the CIft· tõ-tbis or to any other transfer of the GRAftD sball not consti tute a .'Wai ver or release of the rigbts of the CIn in and to the streets, and any transfer shall, by ita teras, be expressly subordinate to the terms and conditions of this franchise. 3 B. In no event shall a transfer of ownership or control be approved without the succe..or in iDtere.t becOllÍDg a signatory to the ~ranchise .agre"JDt_and any ..endment. thereon imposed as a condition of such transfer. Purtberaore, the City Council may require increase. in a faithful perfo~nce bond· in the form prescribed by the City Attorney. F. In no event sball· any coat :tÇÞ _the GRAIft'BB tlssociated with a transfer of ownersbip or control be passed on to the subscribers as an increase in rate.. 8. ., COlQllun; tv Acce.. t.~ evi II; On. GRAIft'BB recognizes tha t Saratoga'. Commun1ty Acce.s Cbannel baa bistorically existed on Cable Channel- 6; an4, in ligbt of this fact, GRAftD bereby agrees that Saratoga'. Coaaunity Acc.ss Channel will re.ain on Cable Channel 6 throughout the duration of GRAIft'BB'. franchise. 9. 'ranch;.~ F.e. . A. GRMDI contractually.gr... to pay to the CITY during the life of the cabl. televi.ion franchi.e, . aua equal to £i ve percent of the lIDDual total gro.. r....enu.. for Saratoga. t'otal gross revenues ..1ID. all UIOUDta which are received, directly or indirectly, by the GRAIft'BB frœ or in connection with th-e operation of it. Càble Syst_ in the City. 'otal gross revenues shall include, but not b. li.ited to, revenues from the distribution of any basic, premium o~ pay-par-view service over the Cable System to any subscriber; installatioD, reconnectioD and similar fees; fees paid for channels designated for comaercial use; converter rentals or sales; studio· and other facility or equipment rentals, other than those associated with the operation of the Sys~em;· advertising revenues (based on. the percentage of Subscribers in the Franchise Territory); revenue c:ler.ived froa the sale of products.· advertised or promoted on the Syatø, to the extent such revenue represents payment, in whole or in part, for the use of a .channel on the SYl!lte. . Out of such payinent, an' UIOUDt equal to three percent of said gross revenues shall be retained by the City, and an aIIOUDt 'equal to two percent of said gr088 revenue. sball be utilized by the City excl\·~sively for funding and support of the conummity access channel jointly operated by the City and the We8t Valley/His8ion Community College District, or by any non-profit corporation, association or other organization established by the City and said Community Colleve District of such purposes. Such payme~-shall be made by the GRAIft'BB annually or as may otherwise Di--provided in. the GRAIft'BB's franchi.e, and such payment by the GRAIft'BB to the City sball be in lieu of any occupation tax, license tax or similar levy. 4 B. The GJtA.ftBB shall file with CIn within sixty days after the ezpiration of any fiscal year during which such franchise is in force, a financial state.ent prepared by a certified public accountant showing in detail the total gross revenues, as defined herein, of ŒRAB!BI during the preceding fiscal year and shall pay the franchise fee to CI!Y within fifteen da]_ from date of filing such statement. C. CIn shall bave the right to inspect GlUUft'BB' s records showing the gross revenues from which his franchise payments are computed and· the right of audit and recomputation of any and all amounts paid under this Agreement. No acceptance of any payment shall be construed as a release or as an accord and satisfaction of any claim CIn may have for further or additional sums· payable under this Agreement or for the perfoI1ftaDce of any other obl1.gation hereunder. D. In the event of any holding over after expiration or other termination of any franchise granted or transferred without the consent of crn: , the GlUUft'BB shall pay to CIn reasonable co_pensation and damag.s, of not less than one hundred percent of GRAJrrO's total gross profits during such period. 10. Financial Statements. In addition to the financial statement referenced in Section 9. Franchise ree, paragraph B, the GRARTEI shall file with CIn annually audited financial statements for lntermedia Partners, 1Dcluding such statements for Brenmor Cable Partners, L.P., South Bay Cablevision and for South Bay Cablevisions'operatioDs in the CIn or SARA~ françhise area. CITY or S~!OGA, a California Municipal Corporation By: Mayor BRDMOR CABLB PA'RDBltS By: IR!BRMBDIA PAR!IœIS, the General Partner By: DavidG. Rozzelle, General Partner HBlUIAlI'DBZ COtOI1J1IICA!'IOKS, IBC., a Colorado Corpoi-et:¡on By: Ray J. HernAft".z, President jm:f:\misc\cabletv.trf .5