HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-08-1959 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNINGOOM~ISSION TIME~ June 8~ 1959 - 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Fruitvale School; Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, Calif. TYPE: Regular Meeting I ROUTINE ORC~LNIZATION A- ROLL CALL PreSent~ Anderson, Bennett, Crisp, Tiffany, Webster Absent: H/ggins, Pa~etta " B. MINUTF~ CommiSsioner Bennett moved for .approval of the minutes as written' and distributed. Commissioner Tiffany seconded. Carried unanimously. 11 C~I TTEE REPORTS A. ARCHITECTURAL & SITE CONTROL PERIlITS V-lb~6 1 · V-11~6 - 'Heath and Co-, Cont. Heath & Co. Chairman Webster directed that this matter be continued to the next regu'lar meetinG· 2. A-2 - H. D. James A-2 H.D.james CommisSioner Bennett moved for approval of the Architectural & Site Control ~ermlt for a storage'.addition at the Quito nursery according to ~xhlbit "A" dated 6/~/~9- Commissioner Tlffany seconded- Carried unanimously. Commissioner Pasetta arrived at 7:07 P.M. 3. A-I - ElectriCal Products Corp. A-I Mr. Heskett representing Electrical Products spoke in favor,>of Electrical Prod. the sign- Corp. Commissioner Bennett moved that the application for Architectural and Site Control Permit be approved for the sign as shown on Exhibit "A" in the file except for the following: 1) "PET~ to be in the same lettering as "PATIO". 2) ~an to be Installed under eaves rath&r tha~ on top. Commissioner Ttffany seconded'. Carried unanimously. -1- B. SUBDIVISION SIGNS 1. SS-15 - 3ames Barnett 55-15 CommissiOner B~nnett moved for approval of the Subdivision j.Barnett Advertising Sign subject to compliance with the terms of Ord. 3-A-IO and that the work shall be done in a professional manner. Commissioner Tiffany seconded. Carried unanimously. C. SUBDIVISIONS & BUILDING SITE APPROVALS SDR-12X 1. 'SDR-i I - A'. Con . " A.Mirassou Chairman Webster directed that this matterbbe continued to the next regu'far meeting, 2. SD-122 - George Day SD-122 G.Day M~. George Day requested a continuance to the June 22, 1959 meeting. This request was given unanimousi~pproval by the Planning Commissioners. 3. SDR-123 - Lucy McCoy SDR-123 L.McCoy The Secretary read the recommendation of the County Technical Committee at their meetin9 of May 29, 1959- Mr- Ricksun, Irish Homes, spoke in favor of the site. Commissioner Pasett~ moved that approval of SDR-123 be denied without prejudice to filing a new map. Commissioner Anderson seconded. The following roll call vote was [ecorded: Ayes: Anderson, Crisp, Pasetta, Tiffany, Webster Noes~ Bennett. 4. SDR-i24 - L. H. Garrett SDR-124 L.H. Garrett The Secretary read the conditions set by the County Technical Committee'on May 29, 1959. The Secretary ~sked permission to re-word conditions of the County to better fit the City procedure on Building Site Ap- provals, i.e. "Flood Control fee of $150.00 per lot to be paid prior to issuance of a butldtn9 permit" should be changed to "Storm Waters Fee of $150.00 per lot", "Record of survey to be submitted to t~e County Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit" should read "Record of Survey". The Planning Commis- sioners gave approval for all future conditions such as above to be chanOed. Commissioner Anderson moved for approval of the tentative map subject to the following conditions: 1) Improve access road to 18 feet of oii and screenings on 4 inch base rock from Foothill to dPiveway- 2) Storm Waters Fee of $150.00 per lot. 35 Record'of Survey. Commissioner Bennett seconded. Carried unanimously. III PUBLIC HEARIN6S A. VARIANCES 1. V-150 - F- Luksettch, Cont. - 7:~0 P-M. V-150 F.Lukse- The Secretary stated that a sacend map had been filed which had rich the approval of the Health Dept- Commissioner Pase. tta moved for granting two variances In lot depth as showil on Exhibit "A" dated June a, 1959. Commissioner Anderson seconded.' Carrled'&nanimously. B. OSE PERMITS UP-'I 1. UP-I - Mrs- 6- W. Stinnett - 8:00 P.M. Stinnett The Secretary read the applica~ton"for a use permit for a nursery scho01 at the corner of Thelma Ave., and High~v-ay #9. Mr. Joseph Kel.ley, attorney for Mrs. Stinnett, sp~ke in favor of t~e use permit. Mrs. E. Angen, 20468 Thelma Ave., a~ked about fencing and off- street parking. Chairman-Webster referred the matter to the Subdivision Commit- tee for investigation and a report on suggested regulations at the next regular meeting. The Public Hearing.was continued to June Zz, 1959- c. CHANGE OF-ZONINe 1. C-21 -"Alpha Land Co. - 8:30 C-21 Alpha Lane The Secretary read'the preposed change of zoning from RI:B2 to Co. -3- l~:B4 for 9½ acres at the southeast corner of Saratoga Ave-, and McFarland Ave. Mr. Griffin, Alpha Land Co., spoke in favor of the re- zoning, No one else in the audience spoke for or against the appli- cation. Commissioner Pasetta moved that the application be referred to the Subdivision Committee, this committee to meet with the Planning Consultant. The Planning Consultant is then to ~rite up a report for the next regular meeting or as soon there- after as possible. Commissioner Crisp seconded. Carried · ' ' unanimously. Chairman Webster ordered the Public Hearing continued to the next regular meeting. D. AI~E~NT TO ORD. 3-A-8 - Coverage Restriction - 8:h5 P.M.' Ord.3-A-8 · The Secretary read t~e proposed amendment.changing the coverage CoveraQe Resttic- restrictions in the required year yard. tion Mr- Riekena, Irish Homes, spoke in favor of the amendment. PC-15 Commissioner Crisp moved for approval of the proposed amendment and that it be recommended to the City Council. Commissioner Anderson seconded, Carried unanimously, Chairman Webster declared the Public Hearings closed at IV OLD BUSINESS ~, SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE .: Subdiv- The'SeCretary stated that notices have been sent out to 18 sub- Ord- dividers and utilities regarding the prpposed ordinance. Chairman Webster directed that the deadline for comments on the proposed Ordinance be set at Tuesday, June 16th and the Secretary was ordered to notify those who had not returned their recommen- dations to the City Office. The Subdivision Committee will report at the next regular meeting on the ordinance. B. PRIVATE NON-PROFIT RECREATION AREA DEFINITION Private . - .. Non-Profit Chairman Webster directed that the Secretary write a l~tter to the Rec,Area .. Assistant City Attorney asking for the definition no later than June 15, 1959, the definition to be studied by the Subdivision Committee for a report back at the next regular meeting. The Secretary stated that papers of incorporation had been filed for the C-eorge Day Recreation Area as required in their use permit. Commissioner Crisp.brought up ~he idea of private recreational areas being mandatory in the larger subdivisions. C. CUPERTINO SCHOOL DISTRICT Cuper- The Secretary read a letter from Harry A. Nethery, Assistant tino School Superintendent for Business Services dated'june 3, 1959 in answer Dist- to the letter sent by the Planning Commission to the school district regarding the proposed scheol site at Titus Ave. and Prospect Rd. Chairman Webster directed that copies of Mr. Nethery's letter and the Plannl'n9 Commission letter be distributed to each Planning and Planning Consultant, Conu~issloner~ reports and comments to be ready at the next regular meeting. Mr. Shelley Willlama, Real Estate man, spoke in favor of the pro- poaed site and Mr. Nethery.' V PETITIONS AND 6RXEVANCES A. WRITTEN' B. ORAL SDR-71 The City Administrator read a letter from the County En9ineer condi- tions regarding'the fulfillment of tie conditions set by the Planning Commission on SDR-71. Commissioner Bennett moved that a recommendation be sent to the .CouHcll that ~he bond be forfeited and that the road be widened to 18' as required. Commissioner Tiffany seconded. The following roll call vote was recorded: A~ves: Anderson, Bennett, Tiffany Noes~ .Crisp, Pasetta, Webster -5- Chairman Webster directed that the letter be transmitted to the Council. Chairman Webster adjourned the meeting at 9=35 P. M. 14 present, 2 Press City Officials'present: CityAdministrator, Assistant to City Administrator, Dlrecto~ of Public Works.