HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-12-1960 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING tOM}fiSSION TIME: bvfindeys 'December 12, 1960 - 7;00 P.M. PLACE: Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenues Saratogas California TYPE: Regular Y.~etir~ I ROUTINE ORGANIZATION Meeting was called to order by Chairman Higgins at 7:00 P.M. A, ROLL CALL Present: Anderson, Bennetts Glenns Biggins Absent: Crisp, Pardens Webster B, MINUTES Motion by Co..;...lssioner Glenn to approve minutes of meeting of November 28s 1960s and ecee~t as distributed; seconded by Co-wnissioner Bennett; motion carried. II PUBLIC HEARINGS A. V-182 - Peck L. Metrick Chaiman Hidins declared public hearing o~ened at 7:02 P.~l. Secretary reported that a letter had been received from F~r. Bonecina, V-182 the applicant's attorney, requesting ~hat a further continuance be - Mex~-lck granted in this met2er~ but, in =he meant~-~ the application had been resubmitted as a request for Building Site Approval; Mr. F~rrick appeared before the Coi~...~]ssion and requested that his application for vatisles, V-182, be ~ithdrawn. Chairman H~gins directed that the Secretary withdrew the application for variance, V-182. Public Uearin~s closed at 7:05 III C(I~ll-f~E REPORTS A. SUBDIVISIONS AND BUILDING SITES 1. S__~.-239 - getbare C.~ldwell - B~ Bssin We7 & ~th Street Secretary reported th,t Mrs, Caldwell had met with hims a Flood Control District re~resents~ives and the City EnSineer and a SDR-239 suitable conc].usion had been reached. She is no~ in the process Caldwell of redesign~n~ her map and will submit a ne~ one ~s soon as possible, C~mirma.,~ N~ggins ordered SDR-239 continued until the Plenning Commission meeting cn December 27, 1960. -1- A. SUBDIVISIONS AND BUILDING SITES (C~.n~_o) ~. Mer~iak resubmitted his eppllca~.on w~!cl~ or!~;.~nal].y asked for a v~ria~ ~; zequest~r~ bull. dins site approval. sioner Anderson re~ended disapprwal of tkis applicatio~ because SDR-244 l~'~i~ the proposed lot would be illegal and In viola~ion oE S~ction 4.4 of ~dinmxce 3A-8. ~1o read fr~ ~ oFinion ~rom the City Attorney suboCantiat!ng his statement. X~. Gilber= spoke in behalf of.'~he appllcen= as bin enSinenr. Mr. Metrick was present ~d appealed the ~ission on tlxe basis that this lot size had been set before ~[~e ordinate w;~s in effec~. ~airman HiEglns advised ~. F~rrick to hav~ his a~toi'ne)- co~er with ~ho Ci~y Attorney fox' a legal deterSnation on the application since ~he ~ssion was bound by the ordinance in ~his totter. 3. SDR-24F - CeoEge ~im~da- 11~ 9u Ser?~tog~ Avcn,~e, B~ju21j Road Secretary read a letter fr~ ~. Shimada's attorney rnquesti~ SDR-24F that the application be wi~hdra~ since the expenses i~volved Sh~ada the origi~l pl&ls were In excess of w[~a~ applicant had planned. ~tlon by Co~issioncr Gle~ ~hat SDR-247 be wlthdram from the 8Eenda; seconded by Cc~A[ssion&r Andel'son; ~tiou carried. 4. S~R-249 ~pbev~_~.,rthold~ Jr. - Portinn of Lot 126, ~J~ct SD~2~}9 Secretary rep,~r~:ed he zaceivsd a zaqueBt by telephone that tlxis ~zr~:[xcld applica~ion be :o~inued. ~aiman Higglas ~r~dere,] SDR-2f~9 tin%~d until ~ha n~Ext m~et{~ on Da~em~3r~r 27~ 1960. C~d~sioner Anderson read the Su'~cl!,~ision Co~.~e,]'s zec~eudins approval cf this application. ~.bi~ion by C~Issiouer ~lver ~,]ersen ui%at SDR-250 be appr~;ed subjcc~ to the cevcn (';) condi- tions and one (1) s~x[~gestion coup&lined in ~he report mnrked ~.ibit "X" au.d ini~ialled by tExe C}.x~lu~n of the S~xbd].vls~.on '- Cc~mf.ztee; seconded b2' ~mf.ssione~ Benne~; motioz~ cazz~.ed. B. ~C=tITZCT~L AND Si~ C~4ss~oz~T Bc~nnett zepo=ted that the plans as recubmitted had A-~37 bcan eNminc,~ and It was noted tbae there was very little change. Lu-Kay, Inc~ ~'. Jones $]3peered be~,3re the Co~.'.ssion in k!s behRlf. After con- sidetable discussion as to the .......... 1 design of the rear B. ARCHITECTUE4J. AND SITE CONTROL (Cent.) 1. A-37 - Lu-.Ray Plumbing, Inc. (Con~inued) portion of the building and suggestions from the Commission as to landscaping and £enctna of the property~ applicant was directed by Chairmnn Htggins to contact the City Offices as to specific ste~s he is required to take in regard to submtasion of tentative and final plans and specifications, A-37 was continued until the next meeting of the Planning Co,~lssion. 2, A-39 - Paul ~iaason, Inco - Double faced sian- ExistiP~ building on Sarato~aAvanue A-39 Notion by Co~ission~r Bennett disapprovir~ A-391 seconded by P~sson C~......tssioner Glean; motion carried, 3, A-~O - Kttchell dba Argonaut Bottle Shop - Argonaut Shappin~ Notion by C~,issioner Glenn that A-~0 be approved as designed and A-~0 Nltchcll submitted; seconded by Commissioner Anderson; motion carried. ~. A-~I - S. S, Williams - SlSn - Argonaut Shoppine Cont_e.._r Notion by Co.~....tasioner Glenn that the single sign, facing Highway No, 9, be approved as dasig~ed according to Plan A submitted, seconded by Co.~issioner Anderson; motion carried. IV PETITIONS A}~D GRIEVANCES A. I~RITTEN 1, V-7~ - S.G. Herilande__z -.___Laurel Hotor Court Secretary read a letter £remNr, Hernandez regarding the removal of Unit ~9 ta the Laurel ~bto~ Courts one o£ the ccudi~icn~ in V-7~ Her~mr~ez the granting of approval o~ his variance, Chairman Riggins dir- ected that this be t~rned over teethe Variance Comittee for a report to the Commission at the next meeting. Y~. Hernandez appeared be£ore the Comn!ssion and was advised that this action on the matter would a~cmaClcally extend the time limit, due to expire on D~ac~,er 15~ 1960. B.OK~L PETITIONS None Councilman lieaneth K. Hartman represented the City Council at this Chairman Htggins declared the me~ing adjourned a~ 8:22 P.~. Respect~ully submitted, : ., --, Sec~e~a~y~ Plannine Conr.:iasion -3- CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNINC~ CO~NISSION TINE: November 28. 1960. 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California TYPE: Regular l~eetin~ I ROUTINE ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL ~leetin~ was called to order at 7:00 P.M. with the appoint~nent of Co,,.,;;tssioner Glenn as Chairman pro Present: Anderson. Crisp, Glenn, Bermett Absent: l~ebster. Htggins. Perden B. MINUTES Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Bennett, that the minutes of the meetin; of November 14, 1960, be approved as distributed; mot. ion carried, Co~missioners Webster and Hidgins arrived at 7:03 P.I4. and Chairman ~/ebster assumed the chair, II PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman ~;ebster declared the Public Hearin;s opened at 7:04 p.m. · A. VARL~NCE 1, V-182 - Peck L, Herrick - Variance from 20,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft. on Herrick D~lve. Sccretary read a letter from I~, B~nacina, attorney for V~182 ~lr. Herrick askinS for a continuance until the next meeting. Chairm-n ~;ebster ordered the Public Hoarin~ continued until the meetinS of December 12, 1960. Public Hearings closed at 7:08 III C0.~IITTEE REPORTS A. SUBDIVISIONS AND BUILDING SITES 1. SDR-139 - Barbara Caldwell - 1 lot - Big Basin IJay R-4-H Chairman Anderson reported' this application continued from meetinS of November 14, 1960, with no action to be taken at this SDR-139 time, Chairman Webster ordered the matter continued until December 12, 1960 and instructed the Secretary to co=municate with Mrs. Caldwell, tellin; her of the continuance and request- in; her to notify the Gymmission before the next meetinS of her proareas with the Flood Control District end her plans for proceedin; with the application. III C(R~l'x-r~-~- REPORTS (COntinued) 2. SDR-246 - Inez Tucci - 1 lot - Belnap Road. Chairman Anderson reported that eight (8) conditions had been set on this bnlldin~ site approval and copies distributed to the Com- missioners, Nr, DePrla appeared representin8 Mrs° Tucci; Mr, Held SDR-246 also appeared statin~ he had prepared the drawinto ~otion by Comissioner Anderson that SDR-246 be approved subject to the eight (8) conditions in the Subdivision Committee report marked Exhibit "X" with the addition o£ a correction to Condition addin~ the words "on Belnap Road" at the end of the sentence; seconded by Commissioner Crisp; motion carried° 3. SDR-247 - COorSe Sbtmnda- 1 lot - Saratoga Avenue Chaizman Anderson stated that twelve (12) conditions had been set on this application for buildinG site approval and copies distri- SDR-247 buted to the Co-m~ssion. Mr. Sb~m-da and his attorney, Hr. Nakashfina, were presen'. and protested COnditions ~3 and #6. Chairman ~/ebstar ordered this matter continu~d until the meetin~ of December 12, 1960 to allow a meetin~ between the applican:~ his attorney and the Subd~.viston C~lt:ee. A meetin~ vas set for Monday, December 5th at 2:30 P.M. at the City Offices. 4, SDR-248 - LuRay Companys Inc. - 1 lot - CS Zone near Seagull ~ay Chaiman Anderson read the eleven (11) conditions set on this application and ree~nded app_~oval subject to these condit.~.ons. SDR-2[~8 fir. Robert L. Jones appeared to represent the ap.Dlican~. Motion by Cov-aissioner Crisp thats subjeat to Conditions ~1 through as sta~'ed on the Subdivision Com~ittee report, marked E~hibit. SDR-248 be approved; seconded by C4~assioner Andersen; motion carried, B. ARC~IITECTURAL & SITE COh'TROL 1, A-37 - LuRay Companys Inc. - Pltunbin~ Shop in CS Zone near SeaSull ~ay Co~miss~.oner llia~-~_~s reported that the design as presented was not A-37 satislam. tory and ~r. Jones and the Cou~nissioners discussed the drawinSs, Chairman ~ebster ordered the action on A-37 continued until the next meetin~ on December 12, 1960 to enable the applicant to meet wi~h the A & S Committee and study the proposed plans, -2- B. ARCHITECTURAL & SITE CONTROL (Continued) 2. A-38 - Saratoga Country Club - Pro Shop on Club Grounds on Prospect Rd. Co.-,,,tssioner Higgins moved; seconded by Co-~ssioner Bennett, to A-38 approve application A-38, accordin~ to the drawings in the files, motion carried. 3. V-118 - Valley First National Bank - Sign Hodification Commissioner Hlggins reported he had examined the site and the sign proposed would nat be satisfactory. Mro Hauck appeared to represent V-118 the applicant. After discussion of alternatives of the sign design, a motion was made by Co~nmtSsiOnar Higgins that approval be given the application of V-f18 to add ~the word 'VALLET' to the existin~ "FIRST NATIONAL BANK" sign provided the word "VALLEY" be on the same level as the existin~ words "FIRST NATIONAL BANK"; seconded by C~..-..tssioner Bennett; motion carried; approval given subject to condition stated, IV PETITIONS & GRIEVANCES A. WRITTEN 1. V-181 - Douglas Hines - 2 lo~.s - Sobey Road Secretary read a letter from Mr. Hines requestin~ that his applica- tion be reopened since he had not been present at the public hearin~ V-181 and had not notified the Commission. Mr. Hines appeared before the Commission to discuss the conditions set on his application. Chatrm~- }:ebster stated the matter cannot be reopened and advised Mr. Hines that he can file another application for a variance if he so wishes, but in the meantimes he should explore every alter- native in this matter as there have been no chan~es since the original disapprcval. If the situation can be corrected for a small sum of money, this would not be considered sufficient hardship to ~rant a va:'i'ance. 2. SD-243 - Robert K!rl,~ood -Bella Vista & HorseShoe Drive -cccretary read a letter from Hr, KZrk-~ood~ cop~.es of which had been dist.~ibuted to the Coznnission~ in which I~x, Kirkwood protested SD-243 Conditions #4s ~7 and ~8 of his application. After lengthy discus- sion concerning the poli~y of the City in requiring concrete curbs and gutters in subdivisions, Cha~,rman Webster appointed a connittee consis=-'ng of Commissioners Anderson and Higgins to ~et with the IV PETITIONS & GRIEVANCES (Coutinuad) 2. 5D-243 - Robert l~trk~ood (Con~_.) Plannin~ Committee o£ the C~ty ~u~il to discuss the matter o~ street w~dth and curbs, particularly i~ofar as =elates to acre zoni~ ~d the proposed new subdivision. 3. C~unication - ~a~e Liv~ston - CS Zo~ Retail Sales ~al~an ~ebs~ar read a letter ~=om L~enca Livi~ston, Plan~ ~nsult~C fo~ the City of S~ato~a, cla~i~yi~ the subject o~ fatal s~es in CS zo~ in reply to a letter ~o~a~ded to him fr~ ~s. ~rion Huttli~or. Chai~ ~ebste~ ~nst~ue~ed ~he Secretary to m~ up a schedule for the attenda~e of C~ssione~s at C~ty Council =eet~n~s in inve=se~ alpha- betical orde=~ nott~yi~ each Co~tss~oner vhen he is to a~tend a meet~, o~ ~ u~ble to attend at that t~ to secure a substitute, ~I~ ~BS~ DEC~D ~ETING ~JO~I~D AT 9:~ P.M. RESP~ULLY SU~I~D, SEC~T~Y, P~IN[ COI~SSION :ms