HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-11-1962 Planning Commission Minutes .S..L~..XAI~.Y'OF FLINUTES OF., SARATOGA PLANNING COI~IS.S. ION T~o: 7~00 P. M&, Nonday, June 11, 1962 Place: Fruitvale School, F=uitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California Type: Regular Neettn~ The meetin~ was called to order by ChairmanWebSter at 7:02 P, M. A, ROLL CALL Present: Cor~nissioners Anderson, Cowley, Crisp, Glenn, Johnson and Webster. Absent: None. B. MIIqUTES There was a ~otion by Comissioner Glenn, seconded by Comissioner Johnson, that the reading of the minutes of the ~eetin~ of May 28, 1962, be waived and that the minutes be approved as prepared and submitted to the Connissionl motion carried unavt~nusly. IIo PUBLIC ttFARINCS ~he Chair~nn declared Public Hearings open for the evening at 7:0~ P. A° b~-~7 - Palo Alto Development Co~poration, Saratoga Avenee - Request for Use Pemit ~or Private Recreational Club for use of sidemrs of Arroyo de Saratoga Subdivision off SararoSa Avenue The Public Hearin~ on DT-37 was opened at 7:06 P. M. The Secretary advised that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and one (1) wittea connunica~ionopposin~ this Use Permit, si~ned by gillian Baskin of Scotland Drive, had been received. After reading this co~4munication~ the Secretary read a Staff Report pertaining to this ma~ter. CLARKE BECK, architect, and~rttlIAMDRISCOLL~ere present to repre- sent the applicant and Save further details with re~ard to the pro- posed recreations1 club. They advised that the plans included a clubhouses swinnning pool, wadin~ pool, tennis courts, putting green, shuffle board and adequate parkiu~ facilitieso They further advised that membership in the club would be optional to each buyer at the time his home was purchaseds and limited to homeowners in =his subdivision. Plannin~ CoEnnis~ion'Ninutee -,June ~1v 1962 - Continued II. A, UP-37 - ~alo Alto Deve~qpnent Corpor~tipn I~RSo WXLLIA~ BASKIN~ Scotland Drive, stated that she was not opposed to the clubs but felt that it was too close to their property, She questioned the possibility of r,locating the club x~lthtn the subdivi- sion so that only n,abets of the club would be affected by the noise, WlLLIAI~ BA~KINI Scotland Drives stated that he~ too, thought the club was an excellent idea, but felt that it should be located well within the subdivision, It ~as the consensus of khe Co~isston that this~atter should be given further consideration, Therefore, Chairman Yebster referred thls ap- plica~ion to the Subdivision Co~{ttee for further study and a report at the me~tin~ on July 9s 1962. He then directed UP-37 continued un- til the meeting on July 9~ 1962. B. UP-38 - Saint Andrews Episcopnl Church, Saratoga Avenue - Request for ~se Pe~zEL~ for.Portable Classteen for Educ. ational Use The Public Hearing on lIP-38 was opened at 7:55 P. ~. The Secretary ed- vised that Notices of Hearin~ had been mailed and there we=a no ~rritten co~nunications on file. He read a letter from Revo Roy W. Strasburger explaining the need for this Use Permit~ together with a Staff Report pertainiu~ to this matter. REV. STRASBURGER was present and explained that this portable building ~ould contain t~o (2) classrooms and would be used on a temporary basis, since they planned to replace it ~rlth a penuanent building as soon as possible, ~RED RICIL4aDS, architects ~ave further details re- ~ardin= this portable buildiu~. There was no one else present who wished to coaxgent with regard to th~s epplicatton~ so Chateau- Webster declared the Public Hearixl~ closed on UP-38 at 8:25 P. M. There ~as a motion by Coznissioner Anderson~ seconded by Commissioner Johnson, that LIP-38s St. Andrews Episcepal Church~ application for a portable classroom buildings be granted subject to Design Review ap- preyall motion carried unaui~nusly. The question arose as to whether the erection of this teuporary, porta- ble classroom buildin~ on the church property m~ght be construed by the City to require compliance with Condition ~1 of the Building Site Ap- proval. There ~as a motion by Chairman Webster, seconded by C~mm~s- sioner Crisps that the followin~ statement be adopted and transmitted to the City Countill Plannin~ Coranission Hinutes - June 11~ 1962 - Continued Bo I~-3~ - S.ain~ AndredS Episcopal Church '~t the tt~e the Saint Andrews Episcopal Church building Site approval was condi~ioned and granted, the Planning Cv~lssion did not intend that a building of this nature (stn~le~ portable classroon building) be the occasion for requiring the inprovement of Saratoga Roll call vote~ Ayes: Comtssioners A~erson, Co~ley~ C~isps Johnson~ and ~eb~te=. Noes: ~ne, ~sent~ None, ~misstoner Glemabstatned. Hotion carried and Secreta~was directed to transmit this s~atemen~ to the City Council, Chaiman ~ebstet declar~ Public Hearts closed for the evening at 8:40 P, N** subject to UPS37 be~n5 continued ~il ~he mee~n~ on July 9, 1962. SUBDIVISIONS ~ BUI~INC SI~S DESI~ ~VIE~ A. A-Z9 - Brows ~u[~anns Inc.~ Prospect Avers - ~chitectural Appzoval Subdiv~sion ~2s (Pride% erosgins) ~ere ~as a mtion ~ Comtsstoner 3ohnson~ second~ by Comisstoner Gle~, tM~ A-79s Bzo~ ~ ~u~ Inc,~ application ~or architec- tural approval of suMi~sion h~es in co~c[ion wi~h Pride~s Czosst~ be approved as ~m~ on E~ibte '~" a~ the acco~yt~ keyed eleva- tions, subject to c~liance ~th all applicable o=dtnces o~ the City o~ Saratoaal wtion ~rried u~n~usly. B. A-80 - Palo ato D~elopmen~ Co=poration~ Saratoga Avenue - Architect~al ~proval - P=lva~e Recreation1 Club ~or ~royo de Saratoaa Sub- division off Saratoga Avenue C~i~n ~ebster directed ~hismtter contt~ed until the meetinS on July 9~ 1962, since the Use Pe~t application in wnect~n~th this pr~osed club had been ~n~tnuad until that date. The Chairman granted a request from CLARKE BECK, architect, to reopen the Public Heartr~ in connection ~rlth UP-37 to hear additional remarks from Nr. Beck and accept a letter from NRo AND NRS. I~ILLIAI~ BASKIN. 14r. Beck advised that he and lqilliom Driscolls applicantss representa- tive, had visited the site of the proposed club vlth 14r. and Nrso Baskin ir~mediately followring the public hearir~ in connection ~qith the Use Per- mit. He submitted a letter signed by both Nr. and l~rs. Baskin ~qith- drax~in~ their obJectiones stating that the club x~ould not be as close to their property as they had thought previously, Plannir4~ Comission Ninutes- June 11~ 1962 - Continued IV~ B, A-B0 - F~lo Alto ~eve~opment,Cor~oration On the basis of this information, Chairvan Webster directed UP-37 con- tinued until the meetin~ on June 25, 1962, and requested that the Sub- division Committee present their report at that meetin~ instead of the meetin8 on July 9~ 1962. The Chairman then nullified the previous action i~ connection with A-80 and directed this matter continued until themestin8 on June 25, 1962. Chairman Webster welcomed Councilman Fred Ritchte to the meeting. RECESS FROMg~IO P. H. TO 9:20 P. He V. NEW BUSINESS VI. OLD BUSIN~.SS VII, C0~fJNICATIONS A. ~ITTEN 1. SDR-266 - Hazel L. Jepsen, Live Oak Lane - BuildiuE Site Approval - i Lot -.Request for Extension The Secretary read a letter from Robert E. DouElas requestin~ t|mt SDR-266 be extended for an adequate period of time to allow him to request final buildin~ site approval at the City Council meeting on June 20, 1962o Mr. Dou81as was present and stated that he was not advised of the time element at the time he puzchased the property from Mrs. Jepsen. He further advised that he vao reaay to comply. with the last of the cox~itions, so could proceed imedfately with fine1 buildin~ site approval. The question involved was whether or not it was appropriate to ex- tend a buildin~ s~te approval after its ex~iration date. The policy of the Corm{salon has been to deny it unless the extension was re- requested before the expiration date. CoEmissioner Crisp pointed out that to the best of his knowledge they had never had a case simi- lar to this. In this instances the original application was made by the seller, who did mot advise the buyer of the time limit. In pre- vious cases, the person who asked for the extension was the sane per- son who applied for the buildin~ site approval. For the reasons aforesa~d, it was the consensus of the Comn~ss~on that in this case they would not be settinO a precedent. Plannin~ Comission Minutes - Juno 11z 1962 - Continued VIIi A, h SDR-266 - Kazel ~. 3epsom There was a motion by Commissioner Crisp~ seconded by CeEni~sioner Johnsons that SDR-266s. Hazel L~.Jepsens be extended for a period of four (4) months from the expiration date (Narch 13, 1962); motion carried unanimously, 2. UP-~ - Saratoga Cooperative Nursery School~ Williams AvenUe - Re- que.t fo.r. Recopsideration of Conditions The Secretary read a letter from Mrs. Joan LaFrances,President of the Saratoga Cooperative Nursery Schools =equestiu~ that condition ~2 of UP-35 be thanned to allow a six (6) foot hiSh solid board red- wood fence on the Willtams Avenue side instead of a cyclone type wire fence. =here was no one present to represent the applicant. It was the consensus of the Co~nission thats for safety purposes~ the child=on should not be completely enclosed by a solid board fence since it is difficult to auarantee adul~ supervision at all times. There was a motion by Comissioner ~lenn~ seconded by Com- missioner Johnsons that this request be denied~ notion carried unanimously. 3. SDR-194 - Saratoga Post Offices Saratoga Avenue - Request for Extension The Secretary read a letter from=ames T. ~4ards Real Estate Officer for the Post Office DepartmenC~ requesting an extension in connec- tion with SDR-194~ which expired May 9~ 1962. There was a motion by Commissioner Anderson~ seconded by Comissioner Glenns that this request be denied; notion carrind un~o~mnusly. CHA/RFANI4EBSTER DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:55 P. N. Respectfully submitreds ./ Stanley N, ~alker, Secretary Saratoga P1a~in~ C~ission v