HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-25-1962 Planning Commission Minutes ~Y OF CITY OF ~ARATCGA T~m~: 7:00 P.iMe Monday, June 259 1962 Place~ Yruitva Schools FrUitvale Avenue, Saratogas California T~pe: Regular Meettn~ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Webster at 7:04 P. ~. A. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Anderson, Cowleys Crisp~ Glenn and Webster~ Absent: Comm~ssioner Johnson. B, MI~JTE8 There was a motion by Commissioner Andersons seconded by Com- missioner Glenn, that the readin~ of the minutes of the meetin~ of June lls 1962s be waived and that the minutes be approved as prepared and submitted to the Comm~ssion~ motion carried unanimously, PUBLIC HEARINGS The Chairm~ declared public hearings open for the evening at ~:07 A, UP-3~ - Palo Alto Development Corporations Saratoga Avenue - Request for Use Pel-mit for Private Reureational Club for use of residents of Arroyo de Saratoga Subdivision 9.~f Sarato~aAvenRe - Continued from June 11~ 1962 C~lss~oner Anderson read a Subdivision Committee Report with regard to this application. LOUIS BERGNA, 19491 Scotland Drive, who stated that he was also speaki~ for STEVE VAUDAGNA, 19501 Scotland Drives questioned the poesibil~ty of relocatin~ this club. He said he was not opposed to the club~ buts because of the noise factor, felt the club should be located well within the subdivision. VINCENT TEDESCO, representin~ the Hanover Corporations concur- red with ~r. Bergna. He further stated that he did not feel tHat the restrictions proposed in the Subdivision Committee Re- port were adequate. Pl~nn!n~ Con.mission Minutes - June 25~ 1962 T Continued I1, A. UP-~7 - ~qlo Alto Development Co=po.ra~ion CLARKE BECK and W!LLIANDRISCOLL, representing the ~pplicant; advised that while the p:operty in question did not lend itself well to residential uses it would be excellent for the'proposed club. They further advised that to relocate the club within ~he subdivision a~ [~.{s time would be extremely expensive and ~ould necessitate the revision of both the tentative and final' subdivisionmapso Fo; ;.boos reasonss they felt that the appli- cant would either abandon the club= or planminimum facilitiess if relocatlon ~as required. They also stated that they did not feel the noise ~ould be a problems since the club would be more tban three hundred (300) feat a~ay from anyone outside the sub- division and there woul4 be houses and a street within this distance to absorb the noise. There was no one else present who wished t6 comment vlth regard to this application. Con~nissioner Crisp suggested that this mattar be cont{nued for a period of t~o (2) weeks and that the applicant be requested to make a study of other possible locations during this time, There was a motion by Connnissioner Glenns seconded by Cor~atS- sioner Crisp~ that this public hearing be deferred for t~o weeks for further study. Ayes: Connissionars Cooleys Crisps Glenn and Webster° ~oecl CoEmissioner Anderson. Absent. Connis- sioner Joh~aon° }lotion carried. Chairman Uebster requested that the applicant make an extensive and detailea analysis of other possible locations for the club (~ithin the subdivision)s and submit their findings in writing at the meeting on July 9, 1962. The Chairman then directed the public hearing on UP.,37 con~inued nutit the meeting on July 9, 1962, at approx':~ncely 7:00 o~clock P. ~. RECESS FRO~ 8128 P, Mo TO 8140 P, M, B. V-21,_,_~6 - St, Andtaws Parishs Saratoga Avenue - Request for Variance in ,connection with heiCht of To~er Structure The public heating on V-216 was opened at 8:40 P, M, The Secre- tary advised that notices of hearing had been mailed and there were no written connunieations on file. He also read a Staff Re- port pertaining to this application, WARREN HEID~ nrchitect~ ~as present =o give fur=her details re- garding this request for a Variance. He displayed a scale model of the chhrchs shoving the proposed tower structure, Planning Connnisston Minutes - June 25t 1~62 ~ Continued II, B, V-21~ - St. Andreds Parish VINCENT TEDESCO~ representing the Hanover Corporation, opposed this variance on the basis that one (1) variance hsd already been granted tn ~o~aection with Sto Andrews Church and he felt that ano~he~ ~ould be bad policy. REV. ROY S%IAS[OReER stated that the church did not .wish to take advantage of the Planning Conunission, but since cities do not zone for churches, Use Permits and Variances are necessary. There was no one else present who wished to cement with ~egard to thisumtter. Connissioner Glenn moved~ seconded by Connissioner.Crisp. that the public heariu~ on V-216 be closed; motion carried and the Chairman directed the publlc hearing closed at 9:05 P. M. There was a motionbyComissioner Glemn, seconded by Comis- sioner Cowle7~ that V-216~ St~ Androws Pa=lsh~ request for variance in connection with height of tower structure, be granted as sho~m on Exhibit '~", since it had been found that conditions 1 through 5, specified in Section 17.6 of Ordinance NS-3, exist; motion carrind ttr~n~umously. C. V-217 - H. Jack Stone, Canyon View Drive - Request for Variance in connectt__on %~th Side Yard Setback Requirenents The public hearing on V-217 ~as opened a= 9:07 P. M. The Secre- tary advis~.d that notices of hearing had been mailed and there were no x.Titten co~muntcation on file. Ha also read e Staff Re- port pertaining to this request for a Variance° The Variance ComiCtee advised that they had visited the site ands because of the terrain, they felt the Variance was Justified. There was no one else present who wished to co~nent with regard to this matter. There was a motion by Comnissioner Crisp, seconded by Comnis- sioner Glenn, that the public hearing in connection with V-217 be closnd; motion carried and the Chairman directed the public hearing closed at 9:11 P. M. Conmissioser Crisp moved, seconded by Conmissioner Glean, that V-217, H. Jack Stones request that 13 foot side yard setback be allowed in lieu of the required 20 foot side yard setback, be granted because of a definite physical hardship involved in lo- cating the house in any manner other than that proposed by the applicant; motion carried unau~r~nusly. Plannin~ CoEmisslon Minutes - June 25t 1962 - Continued ChairmanWebster declared public heartnSe closed for the evening at 9:14 P, M,~ subject to D~-37 being continued tmtil the meetin~ on July 9, 1962, ~UBDI'VISIONS ~ BUILDXI~G SII~.S A, SDR-360 - Luceal ~es~morel~, Souza ~ne - Building Site Approv~l 2 Lot~ Jack ~yess a=to=~ys ~as present to represen~ =he applican~s a~ ~ressed satisfaction~=h the propos~ ~itions of app~val, ~ere ~as a motion by Comiss~ner ~e=sons seco~ed by Comis- sioner Crisps that the ~entatSve ~ for ~R-360 (~ibit ~'s fil~ Ju~ 11~ 1962)s Luceal ~esmorel~s 2 lo~s on Souza La~s be a~roved subJec~ ~o ~he conditions ~n~ined in the Site Co~tttee~rt of J~e 25s 1962~ wt~n~ied u~-t~usly. ~e applican~ ns advised (1) tM= the ~ist~ Use Pe~t ~uld ~ve to be mod$fied if the ~ller site ~as to be used for any- thing other ~han Nu=si~ Home pu~oees a~ (2) it ~ould be neces- sa~ for Design R~i~on the ~ (2) lots to be consist~t, B, SDR-~I - C~rleS~ridon, gardell ~ad - Build$~ Site ~proval Don ~, ~isers real=ors ns present to r~resen~ the applicant ~ds wh~he ques~ned co~i=ion~2of the pr~osed of approvals =he Comission referr~ h~ ~ the Ci~ E~l~er, ~ere ~as a w~ionbyComiesioner aer~ns sew~ by Co~is- s$oner Crisps =Mt the ten~ive~p for ~-361 (~ibit filed J~e 13s 1962)s Chatlee ~idons be app=ov~ s~Ject to the co~$=to~ contained in ~he Bu~dlng Site Comittee Report dared June 25s 1962; mot~n carri~ Chainn ~ebst~ reCesSed that the Secreta~ e~mit a =~ort to the Co~dssbn at ~e e~of A~st~h rega~ to ~y problue creat~ by the ~eneral Co~l=io~' of Building St~e Approval, A, ~ - Palo ~to D~elopmen~ ~orations Saratoga Avenue - ~ec~ral ~p~val - Private ~cr~=b~l Club for ~wyo de Saratoga Subdivision off Saratoga Ave~e - Conti~ed f~ Ju~ 11~ 1962 Chai~n gebster direct~ this marie= continued ~til the meeti~ on July 9~ 1962s si~e the Use Pemi~ appleton ~s ~n~ued until t~ meeti~, Plannin~ Connnission Minutes - June 25~ 1962 - Continued 1V. B. A-81 - Luceal Westmorelandr Souza Lane - Architectural Approval - Nursin~ ~ome Jack aayes, attorney, was present to represent the applicant° Conmissfoner Gl~numoved, seconded by Connnissioner Cowley, A-81, Luceal Wes~oreland, Nursing Hems, be ,ranted prelimina~y design approval as sho~mon Exhibits "A-I" and 'j", filed Jane 19, 1962s subject to final desiSn approval in compliance with all requirements of Ordi~ance MS-3; motion carried un~lvim-usly. It was called to ~he attention of the applicant that the location of the building would have to be chanaed to meet the yard re- quirements, and that the architect should be prepared to explain the fence alKt plantin~ arrangement. C. ~82 L SararoSa Properties, SaratoSa-Suanyvale Road - Architec- tural Approval -.Subdivision Si4~q~, . Mr, KreiSer was present to represent the applicantr and was vised by the Co~miesion that the plans were incomplete. Chairman Webster directed this matter continued anti1 the meeting on July 9, 1962~ to five the applicant an opportunity to submit the balance of the needed information. D. A-83 - Creative Workshop of Los Altos, Oak Street -- Architectural Approval of Use of Firemaq's .Hall f~r Workshop .. There ~as a motion by Ca~nissioner Glenn, seconded by Cowleye that A-83, application for use of Fir~.~n's Hall for Creative Workshop, be approvnd subject to the following conditions: 1, Temporary Use on Tuesdaysr Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 A. until 3:00 P. Mo, from July 5, 1962, throuEh August 30, 1962. 2. ~he Plarming Co~mission retain8 continuinS Jurisdiction over the temporary use herein Eranted and expressly reserves the riEht tot from time to timer modify, delete or make additions to any or all of the conditions thereof or to terminate or extend the user either on its o~rnmotiou or on the application of the applicants in order to preserve a substantial right of the applicants or to preserve the health, safety, morals, con- venience or welfare of persons residing or working in sur- roundins areas, or to preserve existing or prospective values of properly and improv~n~nts, or to prevent a public nuisance. Motion carried Plannin~ Comnission Ninutos - Juno 25~ 1962 - Continued IV, E. A-.8~ - St, Andrays Episcopal Church~ Saratoga Avenue - Archi- .tectural Approval - Portable Classroom Buildin~ , , There ~;as a motion by Comnissioner Glenn, seconded by Cu~uls- sioner CovZeys that preliminary design approval be given A-8~s Portable Classroom Building for St. Andreds Episcopal Churchs subject to final approval based on all require~ents o£ Ordi- nance NS-3; ~otion carried unanimously. V. .N..~ BUSINESS Chairman Webster ~elcomed Councllnmn Hart~n to the meeting. rio .OLD BUSINESS VII...C. OI,~IUNICATIONE Ao 'I4B. ITTEN h SpR-307 - l~no C. A. Carlsons Pike Road - Request for Re- co.nSidera=ion of Condi. tions ~he Secretary read ~ letter requesting re~onstderation of condition ~3 o£ SDR-307s and advised that th~ City Adminis- trator had asked £or a reco~endation from the Plannin~ C~miesiono Chairman l;ebster directed this matter to the attention of the Subdivision Conmaittee for review and a report a~ the meeting on July 9, 1962. 2. UP-35 - Ssrato~a Cooperative Nursery Schools 14illiams Road -' Request for Reconsiderat..~n of Conditions The Secretary read a letter from Mrs. Joan LaFrances Presi- dent of the Saratoga Cooperative Nursery Schools requesttn~ reconsideration of the Cozanissionss decision (in connec~ion vith condition ~2 of UP-35) at the meeting on June 11s 1962. lira. Donald ~orn and Hrs. Euntce S~ark ~ere present to ~ive iurthar details ~;ith regard to this request. ~here ~ras a motion by Connissioner Andersons seconded by Com- missioner Glenn, that the request to chan~e condition ~2 of UP-35 be denied; motion carried unan4-nuslyo ~lennin~ Comicsion Rinu..~es ~ June 25~ 1962 ,- Continued VII, Ao 3o UP,-33 - George RattV, Wildwood Park The Secretary read a letter from Dr, Charles L, Johnson in connection ~th the '~ildwood Pazk Fencing Project", The Chairman directed this letter filed for record, Chairman Webster welcomed two members of the Saratoga Herchantss Associa~ion to ~he mee~ir~, MEETING ADJOURI~'D AT 10:55 Respectfully submitreds Stanley ~,W~ker~ Secretary Saratoga Planning Con~ission v