HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-22-1962 Planning Commission Minutes ..S~Y OF ~INUTES Cl.TY. OF SARATOGA ~U~INC C~ISSION Time= 7:00 P. M., ~onday, October 22, 1962 Place: Fruitvale Schooll Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California T'~A~e: Regular l~eetin~ I. ROUTINE ORGANIZATIOn_ The meeting was called to order by Chairman gebs~er at 7:00 P. N, A. ROLL CALL Present: Comassionere Anderson, Cowlayw Crisp, Glenn, Johnson, Kellum and Webster. Absent: None. Bo !~aU~ES C.-.--~ssioner Glenn movedz seconded by C~,~,lssioner Crisp, that the resdin~ of the minutes of the meeting of October 8z 1962, be waived and that the minutes be approved as prepared end submitted to the Co~ission; motion carried una~-~usly. .P..~ZLIC HEARINGS Chairman 14ebster declared public hearings open for ~he evenin~ at 7=03 P. 1~ C-.~. - John Rndri~ues, Pierce Road - Request for Change of Zoning from R-1-40z000 to P--1-40,000 P-D, K-1-40,O00 to K-I-20,000 and R-1-12~500 to It-1-20~000 - Continued fro.re. October 8a 1962 . The Secretary briefly reviewed this application, then read a comnun~ca- tion from Livingston and Slayhey, Inc. regarding this matter. Comm~ssioner Anderson s~a=ed tha~ the Subdivision Connnittee had met with the subdivider with regard to th~s proposed subdivision and thnt a revised tentative map, incorporating the suggestions made by Livingston and Slaynay, Inc., had been submitted. He further advised, however, that the City En~i- near had been unable to condition the revised map in t!_,.~ for this meeting. The Secretary ~han read two petitions opposing the use of Verde Vista Lane in connection with this subdivision (both petitions signed by the residents of Verde V~sta Lane). The Secretary advised that these petitions per- rained more to the Bates propert7 than the subject applications and he felt Chat this mettcr could he worked out with ME. Bates. He then read the developeras rebuttal ~o testimony given by the residents of Surrey Lane with regard to the subject application, F~annin~ ,C~mission l~JinuCes -. October' 22~ 1~62 - Continued I.Io C-~8 - Rodri~ues There was no one present who vished to cu;..,~ent with reSard to this watter~ C¢~m4esio~? Crisp n~ved, seconded by C,.~..!~tesioner Kellums that the public hearlaB in connection with C-48, John RodrlSuess be continued until the ~ea~t reSular metinS (November 13, 1962),- since no action wuld be taken on the ~en~ative map prior ~o ~Jaac time; motion carried ,,~4fmusly nr~d Chairm~n t~ebster so directed, The Chairman declared public hear4n~s closed £or ~he evening' at 7:53 P. subject ~o C-48 beinS continund until the next regular moecin~o III. SUBDIVISIONS A~D BUILD,I~G SITES A, SD-3~6 - John Rodri~ues~ Pierce Road - Subdivision - 64 Lots - tentinned from October 8~ 1962 , C..~.~.lesioner Anderson edvisnd that it was the reconnnendation of ~he Sub~ division CcnmnitCee that ~his matter be continued until the next reSular meetinS, since there had been insuf£icient time ~o prepare the On the basis o~ ~his recofm~enclatione Chainnan ~ebster diretied SD-376 con- tinned until the meetin~ on November 13, 1962, I~O~EItT CRONEKIZLEK ~?as present nnd reques~ed ~hat the Secretary read ~he letter he had £iled ~ith reSard to this application, After this lind been read by the Secretary, l~ro Cropmn4~ler briefly reviewed with ~he C--...~esion his conversation with Hro l~dri~ues concerninS this Chairman ~/ebster directed that ~his letter be ~-_~ered into ~he record and requested that ~he Seezetary read this leJ;ter ~hen the public hearin~ . opened on C-48 a~ ~he meetinS on ~lovmnher 13~ 1962, Be SDR-J?? - B° Frank Gillette, Norton Road - BuildinS Site Approval - I Lot - · Continued from October 8~ 1962 Co......tssioner Anderson s~ated that he had been advised by the Sta£~ Dro Gillette had decided aSainst tryinS Co build on this Since a requeet for withdrawal bad no~ been filed, Ccm~iesioner Anderson ~oved~ seconded by Cv~.-,issioner Glenn~ that SD~L-377~ S° Frank 1 lot on Norton Roed~ be denied; motion carried un-ntmously, C, SDI{-381 - Robert 14organs June Way - Buildin~ Site Approval - 3 Lo~..s. Ct,~mlssioner Andersen advised tha~ the Buildix~ Site Cu..-..~ttee was not ready to make a recon~nendation ~ith reSard to this spplication, since the conditions of approval had not been cv~Fletedo He snSteeted, thare£ore, tbe~ this miCter be continued until the neact regular meetint° Plannin~ C~lssion Ninu.~es - October 22~ 1962 - Contin..ue4 II1, C, SD.R-381 - Norman On the basis of this su~gestiou, Chai~mn ~/ebster directed SDR-381s Robert HotSan, continued until the meeting on November 13, 1962. IV, DESIG~ REVIEW A, A-92 - Brown & Kauff~n--~ Inco, Prides Crossing - Final Approval - Hoes, in Second Unit of Subdivision - Continued from October 8t 1962 After reviewing the exhibits in connection with this application, there was a motion by Co.'.~..lssioner Glenn, seconded by Connnissioner Johnsons that A-92, Brown & gauffn~nn, Inc., be approved for general lay-out aS shown on Exhibit "A-I", dated October 22, 1962, except for lots 71 and 75, which are in direct line of Christie Lane and l~iller Aveuue~ respectively; motion carried una~4r~usly and the Chairman directed that the Secretary advise the developer that it would be necessary for him to submit revised layouts for lots 71 and 75° Chairman Webster comu~nted that he felt the subdivider had been very cooperative ax~ had put forth every effort to carry out the wishes of the C~...~...fsston, go .A-.93 - Argonaut Shopping Center, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Design Approval - Sign for LeasinR of Second Unit CHARLES GUI~N of the Gunn-14iller Company was present to represent the applicant. Conrn~ esioner Glenn advised that this sign, as sho~n on the sketch sub- mitted, was apprex~r~tely 40 square feet and could not be allowed since it did cot conform r,o the ordinance. He advised that a ter. porary identi- fication sign of 24 square feet, plus a "for lease" sign of 6 square feet, was the n~ximum allowable under the ord9nn~ceo Ck.~.;...~ssioner Anderson stated that it was felt that Buildqn.= Site Approval would be required for the second unit, so suggested that 14r° Gunn advise 14_r. Lodato o~ this and suggest that he contact the Planning Director re- garding same. Cuueuissioner Glenn recounended that this matter be continued until the next regular meeting to allow the applicant adequate time to revise the sign° On the basis of this suggestion, Chnirmnn Webster directed A-93, Azgoneut Shopping Center, sour!nixed until the meeting on November 13, 1962o -3- Pl.m~..~,~ Commfssion Hfnut~a - Octobe~ ~2t..196~ - qon~irmed IV, C. A.-94 - St. Andreds Episcopai Church, Saratoga Avenue - Final Design .A~proval ~ Church Bu~ldin~ i ,, ~IARREN ~, archi~ec~, ~s pres~n~ ~o r~rese~ ~he ~pli~nC, sented a perfectlye of the p~posed building, ~e Building Diz~Cor for the Church vas present and, In answer Co a question f~ the Co--~ss~n, stated CMC the l~s~pi~ s~ on the plans su~iCC~ ~uld be c~leC~ by Che t~e the build~ ~as finish~. ~ere was a moCion by Ct.......tss~ner Glem, se~M~ by C~t ssio~r John~n, ~C fiml design approval be granted ~9~, St, ar~s Episcopal C~rchs for the church buildi~ as sh~ on E~ibic "~1" (consisc~ 4 sheets plus 1 ~eeC o~ color specification) ~ ~ibiC '~" (~lor~ ~chiCeccural reMeri~); ~Cion ca=ri~ -~vt~usly. V, ~ BUS~SS ~. ~ BUSI~SS A, City Council ~lutton ~o~ 13~ - Stating Poll~ of City o~ Sara~o~ re Creek ~ere ~s a ~n ~ ~issioner C~ley, se~ed ~ C~lssio~r ~t the ~la~g Ce~ssion ~ress its approv~ o~ proposed ~solucion ~. 135 to ~he City Co~cil~ ~ion carried u~ously. B, SD-312 - K. C,, Inc,~ ~tvale Avenue - S~ivtsion - 7 Lots - C~ss~r ~e~son Mvised t~t the Su~ivision C,-..-.x tree had r~ie~ this appli~tion ~re~ully ~ g~ tMC ~ c~es were ne~ed in the ~itions, ~ere ~as a ~tion by C~tssioner Jo~n~ se~ed by Co~iss~ner Gle~ tMt SD-312 be ~teMed until October 9, 1963; ~tion ~ried u~usly. ~I, ~CA~ONS 1. ~e Secre~ read a letter ~r~ ~on ~. CrYall req~sti~ ~eral h~s be a~ed to the list o~ Co~iCioMl Uses in all zo~ d~stric~s. ~ssio~ GI~ ~gested t~t this m~ter be re~e~ed to the ~ral P~n C~ttee for s~. Pla~n~ Ce..'..,.lssien ~inute~ - October 22~ 1962 -~Continued VII. A. 1w Chairman Webster referred this matter to the General Plan Cubittee for review s~ith the request that they submit a report and recouunen- datiou by the last meeting in November. 2. ~he Seeretaz-y read a momorandem from the City Administrator advisin8 that the City Council had authorized the Planning C~.ission to retain Livin~ston and Blayney, lnc. for various pl~n~in~ matters ~hen they felt it ~s necessary. Chairman Webster requested that the Secretary secure a copy of the City Council ninutes covering this meetin~ for the benefit of the Comissiono Be ORAL NEE~r_.I~G ADJOURIqF~ A~ 8:55 Respectfully submitted, Saratoga Planein~ Co~ission v S.ffi~ARY OF MINUTES CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING CG,"~/ISSION Time: 7:00 P. M., Monday, October 22, 1962 Place: Fruitvale Schools Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CaZifornia T]~e: Regular Meettug .R. OOT~. ORGANIZATION The meeting was called =o order by Chairman Webster at 7:00 P. M. A, ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Anderson, Cowlay, Crisp, Glenn, Johnson, Kellum and Webster, Ab sent t None o Cm,m~ssioner Glenn moved, seconded by C~u~issioner Crisp, that the readin8 of the minutes of the meetin8 of October 8~ 1962, be waived and that the minutes be spproved as prepared and submitted to the Co,~ission; motion .PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Webster declared public haarix~s open for the evenin8 at 7:03 P. M. C-48 - John RodriSues, Pierce Road - Request for Chan~e of Zonin~ from R-i-40,000 to R-I-40,000 P-D, R-1-40,000 to R-1-20,000 and R-l-12v500 to R-1-2Ot000 - Continued from October 8t 1962 The Secretary briefly reviewed this application, then read a con~unica- tion from Liv~n_~ston and Slaynays Inc. reSardin~ this matter. C~.~.assioner Anderson stated that the Subdivision C~Ittee had mat with the subdivider with regard to this proposed subdivision and that a revised tentative map, incorporatin8 the su~esCione rode by Livinaston and Blnyney, Inc.,. had been submitted° He further advised~ hovevet, that the City Engi- neer had been unable to co~dition the revised ~_-_p in time for this maetina. The Secretary then read two petitions opposin~ the use of Verde Vista Lane in connection with this subdivision (both petitions siSned by the residents of Verde Vista Lane)o The Secretary advised that these petitions per- rained more to the Bates property than the subject application, and he felt that this matter could be worked out ~ntth lit, Bates. He then read the developerss rebuttal to test~e__nny given by the residents of Surrey Lane with regard to the subject application. Pl~nniu~ C~mmissiou Minutes - October 22t 1962 - Continued ~ - Rodri~ues t~ere yes no one present who wished to comment vith regard to this matter, so Co-~esiouer Crisp movedJ seconded by Commissioner Kellumj that the public henrieS in connection with C-~8~ John Rodrl~ues~ be continued until the next regular meetin~ (l~ov~her 13, 1962), since bo action would be taken on ~he ~en~ative a~p prior ~o that tt~ae; motion carried ,mnnimnusly and Chairman Webster so directed, ~ C!mirman declared public hearings closed £or the eveninS at 7:5~ Po ld, s subject ~o C-~8 bein~ conti~m3~l until the next regular meetinS, S.~DM SION8/~D BUILD.I~G. 811'88 Ao 8D-3~8 ~ Johh Rodrigues, Pierce Road - Subdivision - 64 Lots ~ Continued £r.om O~tober 8~, 1962. C....-Jesioner Anderson advised tbet it w~s ~he re~.,.~.endation of ~he Sub- division C~,ittee tbet this matter be continued until the next re~uls~ meetinS~ since there had been inau~icient time to prepare the conditions, On the basis o~ this reco~,needa~ion, Chairman Webster directed SD-376 con- tinued until the meetin~ on Novaabet 13~ 1962, gOBER~ CRONENII!T.F~ ~ts present --~ requested that the Secretary read ~he letter he had filed vith re~erd ~o this application, After this lette~ had been read by the Secretary, l~ro Cronemiller briefly reviewred ~-lth the C--.....tssiou his sonversatinn with Hro Rodri~ues concerninS this matter, Chairman 1~ebster directed that ~his letter be -~ered into the record aed requested that the Secretary re~d ~his letter ~/nen the public hearin~ was opened on C-/48 at ~he meetinS on ~iov~her 13, 1962, S° SDR-377 - ~, Prank Gillette, Norton Road - Suildin~ Site Approval - I Lot - Continual ~rom 0c~ober 8t 19~2 C~..~..~ssioner Anderson s~a~ed that ha had been advised by the S~s~ ~ha~ Dro Gillette had decided aSainst tryinS to build on this lot, Since ~ reques~ ~or ~lthdra~al had no~ been filed, Cv,,,~ssioner Anderson ~oveds seconded by C~..-~.iesioear Glenn~ ~hat SD1~-377, S, l~rank Gillette~ 1 lot on l~or~on Roads ha denied; motion carried unanimously, C, SDR-381 - Robert Normans June Way - Buildin~ Si~e Approval - 3 Lots C~umissioner Anderson advised that the Buildin~ Si~ Com~t~ee yes not ready to make a recommendation vith re~ard to this application~ since the conditions of approval had not been c~le=ed° He su~ested~ therefore, that ~his matter be con=inued until the next regular meeting° Pl. annin~ Commission Minutes - October 22s 1962 - Continue~ llI, C, SDR-381 - NorRan On the basis of this suggestion, Chai~n l~ebster directed SDR-381s Robert ltorgan, continued until the meeting on November 13s 1962, DES. IGN REVIE~ A, A-92 ~ Brown & Kauffmann, Inco, Prides Crossin~ - Final Approval - Homes in Second Unit of Subdivision - Continued from October 8t 1962 After revievin~ the exhibits in connection with this applications there was a motion by Co.'.-..issioner Glenn, seconded by Commissioner Johnsons that A-92s Brown & Kauffmann, Inc,, be approved for general lay-out as shown on Exhibit "A-I', dated October 22s 1962, except for lots 71 aug 75, ~hich are in direct line of Christia Lane and l~iller Avenue, respectively; motion carried unan~r~usly and the Chairman directed that the Secretary advise the developer that it wuld be necessary for him to submit revised layouts for lots 71 and Chairman l~ebster con~nented that he felt the subdivider had been very cooperative and had put forth every effort to ~_~_t-ry out the wishes of the C,~uuaisston, Be A-93 - AZgOneUt Shopping Center, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Design Approval - Sign for LeasinR of Second Unit CHARLES GUNN of the Gunn-liiller Company vas present to represent the applicant° Commissioner Glenn advised that this sign, as shorn on the sketch sub- mitted, was approx~mntely ~0 square feet and could not be allowed since it did net conform to the ordinance, He advised that a temporary identi- fication sign of 2~ square feet, plus a "for lease" sign of 6 square feats was the maximum allowable under the ordi~anceo C~.-..tesioner Anderson stated that it was felt that Buildix~ Site Approval would be required' Ior the second unit, so suggested that 14to Cunn advise Nr, Ledato of this and suggest that he contact the Planning Director re- gardin~ same, C~-,,lssioner Glenn reconnended that this matter be continued until the next regular meeting to allow the applicant adequate time to revise the sign° On the basis of this suggestion, Chairman l~ebster directed A-93s Argonaut Shoppin~ Center, continued until the meeting on November 13, 1962° Plann~ Co~nission Minutes - October 22t 1962 - Centinu~l IVo C. A-94 - St. Andrevs Episcopal Church, 5eratoga Avenue - Final Design Approval - Church Buildin~ , WARREN HELD, architect~ was present to represent the applicants and pre- sented a perspective o£ the proposed buildin~o ~he Building Directo~ for the Church was present ands in answer to a question ft~n the C~,~sston, stated that the landscapin~ sho~n on the plans submitted ~ould be completed by the time the building was finished° · here vas a motion byCon~nissioner Glenn, seconded by Conunissioner Johnson, that final design epproval be granted A-94, St. Andrevs Episcopal Church, for the church building as sho~n on Exhibit "A-I" (consisting 4 sheets plus I ~eet of color specifications) and Exhibit '~" (colo:ed architectt~al rendering); motion carried ur~nt~?_usly. V. 1~4 BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS A, Cit~ Council Resolution No. 135 - Stating Policy of City of Saratoga re Creek Chsnnels There was a motionbyC~issioner Co~ley~ seconded by Cen~uissioner that the Planning Co~Assion e~press its approval of proposed Resolution No. 135 to the City Couneil~ motion carried unanimously. B, 8D-312 - Ko C., hc.~ Fruitvale Avenue - Subdivision - 7 Lots - Request for Extension C~.~lssioner Anderson advised that the Subdivis~on C ........ wttee hed reviewed this application carefully and f~ma that so chanCes were needed in the cond~tionso There was a motion by C~issioner Johnsons seconded by Cou~issioner Gleen~ that SD-312 be extended until October 9, 1963] motion carried unanimously. VII. Ca~I~rICAT/ONS A. ~ITTEN 1. The Secretary read a letter from ~on funeral homes be added to the list of Cond~tional Uses in all zonin~ districts. Cou~issioner Gla-- su~ested that this matter be referred to the ~eneral Plan C~4ttee for study. Plann. in~ Commission Hinu:es - Oe~oher 22, 1962 - Continued VII. A. l. Chairman Webster referred this matter to the General Plan Comntttee for review with the request that they submit a report and recomnen- daeion by the last meeting in November. 2. The Secretary read a ~orandem from the City Administrator advising that the City Council had authorized the P3nnning C~......{esion to retain Livin~ston and Blayney, lnc. for various plRnni~ matters when they felt it was necessary. Chairman Webster requested that the Secretary secure a copy of the City Council -~{-utes covering this meeting for the benefit of the Connnission, Bo OBAL MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:55 Respectfully submitted. Saratoga Planetn~ Co~m~ssinn v CITY OF SARATOGA pLANNING Ca~IISSION A~F-NDA 7:00 P, H,, 1'4onday, October 22, 1962 Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratogas Californ~ z...R.OUTxNE ORCnNZZATION A. ROLL CAT.X. B. HINUTES .PUBLIC HEARINC~. C-48 - .John Rodriffiuest Pierce Road - Request for CbanSe of Zonin8 from K-1-40,0CO to R-I-~O,OOO P-D, K-1-40,O00 to R-1-20,O00 and R-1-12,500 Co R-I-20,000 - Continued from October 8~ 1962 llIo SUBDIVISIONS AI~ BUTLnlNG SITES A. SD- 376 - John Rodr.i~uee= Pierce Road. - Subdivision - 64 Lots - Continued from October 8, 1962 Bo SDR-377 - B. Frank Gillette~ Norton Road - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot - Continued from October 8, 1962 Co SDR-381 - Robert l~or~anI June Way - BuildinS Site Approval - 3 Lots IV, DESIGN REVIE~ A. A-92 - Brovn & Kauffmanns Inc?~ Prides Cro'ssin~ - Final Approval - Homes in Second Unit of Subdivision - Continued from October 8, 1962 B, A-93 - Argonaut Shoppin~ Center~ Sarato~a-Sunnyvale Road - Design Approval - SiSn for LeasinS of Second Unit A-9.~ - St. Andreds Episcopal Church, Saratoga Avenue - Final DesiSn Approval - Church BuildinS V, NEW BUSINESS VI. OLD BUSINESS City Council Resolution -'Stating Policy of City of Saratoga re Creek Channels VII, .CO~vf0NICATIONS Ao ~EiITTEN B. ORAL