HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-26-1962 Planning Commission Minutes SUNMARY OF MINUTES CITY OF SARATOGA PLAN~I~G CQ~ISSION Time: 7:00 F~ M., Wednesday, Decembe~ 26, 1962 Place: Fruit-vale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California Type: Regular Meeting Io ROUTINE ORGANIZATION The meetix~ was called to order by Vice-Chairman Anderson at 7:04 P, Ao' ROLL CALL Present: Cu~issioners Andereon, Co~ley~ Crisp, Clenn, Johnson and Kellum. Absent: C~lssioner Webster. B, }IINU~ES Commissioner Glenn n~ved, seconded by C~issioner Johnson, that the readin~ of the minutes of the meetin~ of December 10s 1962, be waived and that the utnutes be approved subJec~ to the follovln~ corrections: 1) Pa2e 4. 11 (B). ~ara~reph 3s line 2 --- Insert the ~ord "epplication" after '~equestnd chan~e 2) Pa~e 6. II (D). paragraph 2 --- Add the followin~ at the end of the paragraph: "Chairman Webster retired from the meetin~ at this poin[." 3) Page 7, II {I)). paragraph 3w line 2 Change ~hai~man Webster" to ~ice-ehait~nan Anderson". 4) Pa~e 7w II (D). paragraph ~ -.-- Cb_-_nge this parngraph to reed as follows: "Chairman Webster rejoined the meeting, resumed the Chair~ and declared public hearings closed for the evening at 9:49 Po M°" Planntn~ Coc~ntssion Minutes - December 26~ 1962 - Continued The Chairmen declared public hearings open £or the evening at 7:10 A, C-51 - Dr, Thomas E, Parker, Fourth Street n Cba~ge of ~ni~ R-~-~000-X ~o C-C - ~ontinued ~m Decoder 10~ 1962 ~e continu~ public he~i~ on C-51 opened at 7:11 P, N, ~e S~re~ary briefly revt~ this ~licatton, and C~iss~oner CrSsp read a report from the Cener~ Plan Co~i~tee per~aint~ to 2his ELLIS JACOBS, archi~ec~ for ~he applica~ was present ~o discuss this appli~ion with ~he Co~ission. ~re ~as ~ one else presen~ ~ho ~ished to ~en~ ~h regard ~o ~his m~ers so ~Mssio~r Johnsonora, secoMed by Co~ssioner Crisps tha~ ~he public heari~ on C-51 be closed, Ho~u ~rried ~n~ously aM Vice-CMim~erson declared ~he hear~ clos~ a~ 7:1~ ~ere was a ~tion ~ Co~issioner Crib, seco~ by Co~issioner Joh~n,. t~ ~he r~or~ ~na re~endation of ~he General Plan Co~l~ee~ as pre- viously r~d ~o the ~mission, be approv~ ~ ~op~ed by ~he Pla~ing C=isslon as ~eir reco~e~a~lon ~o ~he City Council a~ ~raus~t~ed accordi~ly, Roll call vote: Ayes: Co~tss~rs ~derson, Cowley, Crib, Glenn, Jo~n ~d Kelly, ~es: None, Absent: Cu~issio~r ~ebster, ~iou ~rried u~n~ously, S, ~-~3 - Tom Sc~a Pierce Road - Use Pemi~ - ~e public h~ri~ ca ~-~3 open~ aC 7:1~ F, ~, ~e Secreca~ advis~ tM~ notices o~ heari~ had been mil~ aM ~ ~iC~en c~ica~io~ Md been received, A Sta~ ~eport per~aint~ ~o this matter ~as read by the SecteraS, ~e applican~ ~s presenc to discuss ~his ~t~er further wt~h ~he sion, and advised tha~ he did no~ plan to use ~he ~is~i~ ba~ ~or ~e horse, bu~uld build a n~ stable in ~liance ~i~h ~he ordi~ce, B~ SC~, 13850 Pierce Road, spoke in ~avor of ~his applia~ion, ~ere ~as no o~ else presen~ who ~8hed to c~en~ wi~h reSard ~o ~his m~ter, so C~issioner Johnson~v~, se~nd~ by C=iss~ner ~11~ ~ha~ the public h~ri~ on ~-~3 be closed; mot~n carried ~ Vt~ CMir- ~n ~erson decl~ed ~he h~ri~ closed a~ 7:39 F, ~, C~sstoner Gl~n~ved, secoMed by C~Mssiouer Johnson, tha~ ~3~ Tom Scot~, Pierce R~d, application for a Use Pemtt ~o~ a horse, be appr~ed ~ject ~o ~he ~oll~i~ 1) C~pliance ~Ch all require~n~s o~ Zoni~ ~din~ce Plennia~ Conunission Hinutes - December 26~ 1962 - Continued ILl, B, 2) The City of Saratoga Plarmin~ Conmission shall retain continuing Juris- diction over the Use Permit herein granted and expressly reserves the right to, from time to time, modify~ deEere or nmke additions ~o any or a11 of the conditions thereof or to terminate or extend the Use Permit, either on its o%mmotion or on the application of the applicant, in order to preserve a substantial right of the applicant or to preserve the health, safety, morals, convenience or welfare of persons reeldin8 or ~orkin~ in surroundtn~ areas, or to preserve existing or prospec- tive values of property and improvements, or to prevent a public nuisance. Roll cell vote: Ayes: Connissioners Anderson~ Cowley~ Crisp, elerm~ John- son and Kellum. Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner Webster. Motion car- ried unanimously, C. UP-~A - saint A~drews Parish, Saratoga Avenue - Use Permit - Automobile Parkin~ and General Church Use The public hearin~ on UP-44 was opened at 7:41 P.M. The Secretary advised that notices of heariug had been mailed and no written communic4tione had been received. He briefly reviewed this application and read a Staff Re- po~t pertainix~ to same. GE~GE H. ElmERSON appeared on behalf of the applicant and advised that the church would soon need space for over-flowparkin~ and, in the ~future, it ~as posdible that a portion of ~his property might be used for a residence for a caretaker or other church personnel. ViceaChgirman Anderson advised Mr. Emerson that it would be necessary to meet all parkin~ requirements of Ordinance NS-3 if this area was. to ~e .used for parking. He further advised that the Use Pe~mitwould expire at the end of one (1) y~? if the use ~or x~hich it was granted was not developeds so su~ested that perhaps the church might like to let the property remain in orchard until it was needed for a specific uses then apply fo[ a Use ~r. Emerson advised that the church could not afford to buy the property unless they were sure a Use Permit could he ohtained for chuTchuse. He further explained that this was the reason for filing the application be- fore the property was actually purchased. When Cmissiocar Crisp advised that the Use Per~n~t could be extended for one (1) year, Mr. Emerson atated that he felt the church would need to use at least a portion of this pro- perry within that time. Fa~RSHALL B. PEASE, 19~08 Crestbrook Drive, stated that he felt ingress and egress from Cresthrook Drive would he undesirable. FRANK WATKINS, 19~22 Crestbrook Drive, questioned the use of the property in front of the present building and ~as advised that the church building would he erected in this area within two (2) yea~s. Mr. X4atkins stated that he, too, felt that ingress and egreas from Cresthrook Drive would he unaesirahle. Plannin~Connniesion Hinutes - December 26, 1962 - Cont.inued C, Mr, Emerson stated that Saratoga Avenue was the logical place for ingress and egress, not CrestbrookDrive. C~-..~.issioner Glenn moved, seconded by Cv.-.-~esioner Crisp, that the public hearir~ on UP-44be closed; motion carried ,m-n~USly and Vice-Chairm-n Anderson declared the hearin~ closed at 8:10 Po R, There ~ras a motion by Co~nisbioner Glenn, seconded by Camnissione= Kellum, that ~P-44, Use Permit for St, Andtaws Parish, be approved for general church use subject to the followin~ conditions: 1) Buildin~ Site Approval. 2) Design Review Approval. 3) The City of Sarato~aPlaunin~Cv~assion shall retain cont{m'!n~ juris- diction over the Use Permit herein ~rented a~t expressly reserves the right to, from time to time, modif7, delete or meke ndditions to any or all of the conditions thereof or to terminate or extend the Use Permit, either on its o~m motion or on the application of the applicant, in order to preserve a substantial right of the applicant or to preserve the health, safety, morals, convenience or welfare of persons residin~ or wrkin~ in surroundin~ areas, or to presexwe existin~ or prospec- tive values of property and ~.=ovements,.or to prevent a public nuisance, Roll call vote: Ayes: Co~m~ssinners Anderson, Coylay, Crisp, Clenn~ John- son and Kellum, Noes= None· Absent: C~-..{esioner Webster· Notion e~- . tied Vice-Chair~an Anderson declared public hearings closed for the eveniu~ at 8:16 .SUBDIVISIONS AND ~UTf~I~ S~TES A, SDR-381 - Robert Nor~an~ June ~ay - Buildix~ Site Approval - 3 Lots - Con- tinued from December 10a 1962 . . C~..--~ssionerCrisp advised that the additional information requested in connection with this application had not been submitted, so reco~ended that this matter be continued until the next regular meeting, On the hasis of this resounnendation, Vice-ChaimnanAederson directed SDR-381 continued until the meeting on J;muax7 14, 1963, Plannin~Co~nission Minutes - Deckher. 26~ 1962 - Continu~d I11. B. SDR-384 - Fenton Eo Silvey, Norton Road - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot - Continued from December. 10~ 1962 Co.~,,,,issioner Crisp advised that the required en~ineering data had not been submitted. The Secretary reed a letter from the applicant ~rantin~ a 60 day extension in connection with this applicationo On the basis of this extensions the Chairman directed SDR-384 continued nntil the meeting on January 14s 1963. to give the applicant additional time to prepare the required engineering data= C, SD-385 - Cocciardi Co~poration, Pierce Road - Subdivision - 8 Lots.- Con- tinned from December lOt 1962 Couunissioner Crisp advised that the Subdivision Co~ittee had met with representatives of the appli~ant and there were still problens to be ~orked out. The Secretary read a letter from the applicant ~:anting a 45 day exten~ion in connection vlth this application~ On the basis o~ the ~oregoin~t Vice-Chairman Anderson directed '~D-385 con- tinued until the meetinE on January 14, 1963. Do SDR-391 - Charles V. Cordon. Jr., Woodbank Way 1 Lot The applicant ~as not present. C~u~issioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Johnsons that the ten- tative map for SDR-391 (,Exhibit "A"s filed Dec~x. her 13, 1962). Charles V° Cordon, be approved subject to the conditions contained in the Bulldin~ Site Co..uittee Report dated December 24, 1962; motion carried ux}animously. E. SDR-392 - James J. Asher~ Kittrid~e Road - Buildin~ Site Approv91 - 1 Lot The applicant was not present. Commissioner Crisp moveds seconded by Connnissioner Cewley, that the tnnta- tire m..n for SDR-392 (Exhibit "A"s filed December 13s 1962)s James Jo Asher, be approved subject to the conditions contained in the BuildinS Site Committee Report of Decamber 24, 1962; motion carried unanimously. F. 5DR-393 - Ceorge E. Somps, SararoSa Hills Road - Buildin8 Site Approval - 2 Lots CoEmissioner Crisp advised that the Buildin~ Site Coaittee Report had been prepared, but the applicant had requested that this matter be con- tinued since he would be unable to be presents Therefore, he suggested that this application be continued nntil the next regular meetinS. On the basis of the foregoing, Vice-Chairman Anderson directed SDR-393 continued until the meetinS on January 14. 1963o Plannin~ Comnissio,~ Minutes - December 26z 1962 -, Continued Commissioner Cowlay suggested tha~ steps be taken to prevent the Cu~ission's being subjected to such lengthy agendas when no action could be taken on many items because the applicant had not supplied the required information, He questioned the possibility of omitting these items from the ngenda until the applicant had complied with all requirements. Vice-Chairman Anderson stated that there was merit in C,...-..lssioner Cowley's statenant and requested that the Secretary confer vlth Chairman Webster to determine whether anything could be donee G, SDR-39..4 - El~o.n P., WunsChi Sobe~ Ep.a~ ~ B.ulldin~ Si.te Approval - 2. Lo~s The applicant was present, expressed satisfaction with the proposed con- ditions of approval and appreciation of the preciseness of the repor=. C~u~issioner Crisp moved, seconded by C~.~tssioner Johnson, that the ten- tatire map for SDR-394 (Exhibit "A"s filed December 14, 1962), Elton P, Wunsch, be approved subject to the conditions contained in the Buildiu~ Site Co~lnittee RApport of December 24, 19621 motion carried ,,-~_nimously, H. SDR-395 - James H, Laflin, Allendale Avenue - Buildin~ Site Approval - 1 Lot Commissioner Crisp explained that there was a question as to whether this was a legal loto The Secretary stated that the City Attorney had advised that the lot was illegal, since it was a one-quarter acre lot in an R-I-40,000 Zoning Dis- ~riut and had not been subdivided as such until 1960. The applicant was present, toeether with his Real Estate A~ent, Mr. Riley, to discuss this matter further with the Commission. Co~nissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Clenn, that in view of the City Attorn~y's opinions SDK-395 be disapproved; motion carried ,m-nimously. X, SDR~396 - 14too K. BToI~xI~, Pierce Road - Buildin~ Site Approyal - I Lot Camnissioner Crisp advised that the applicant had not submitted the site development plan requested by the City Engineer~ so recorm-ended that this totter be continued tmtil the next regular meetinge On the basis of this reconmnendation, Vice-Chainnan Anderson directed SDR-396 continued until the meeting on January 14, 1963. RECESS 8:45 - RECONVENE 8:51 Planntn~ Co....~.~ssion llinutes - December 26p 1962 - Continued 1~, DESIGN RE~/L~.I A, A-95 - Robert C, ~Zalters~ Oak Street - Final A~chitecttwal Appr0val Apartments - Cont~ ~mm Dec~er 10~ 1962 a~ch~tectu~al app:oval be 8~anted A-95~ Ro~t C, ~alte~s, ~o: ~ve (5) ~art~t units as sh~m in the architectural p~s, E~ibits 'A' t~ou~ '~'~ ~ich incl~e labscape plans a~ architectural r~eri~; wtion ca:ri~ u~usly, B, A-96 - Blue Hills Shoppi~ C~ter, Sara~oSa-Su~ale Road - Dee~ val - S~ - Cgnthued fr~ December 10~ 1962 . . ~e Secreta~ a~is~ t~t the Cl~ Atto~y ~ sta~ed t~t he co~ ~t the Shopping C~te~ ~s a11~ to have ~ ~dent~t~on sign ~ sq~re feet~ ~ ea~ use in the cent,; ~s a11~ to ~ve the ~ E~thet s~ated ~t he wuld su~t ~h~s ~n ;i~ng at an early date, ~e applican~ ~s pres~t a~ ~s advis~ ~at ~e sign c~y. ~d su~itt~ s~lci~t ~o~tion r~arding the ~bject s~n, It ~as s~- gest~s there,ores ~t the applicant req~st t~t the s~n co~a~ co~ tact the Pla~ D~ector ~or details, ~e CMi~n dir~t~ A-96 ~ntin~ ~til tM mee~ on Ja~ l~s 1963, C, A-97 - Sterli~ L~er C~anys Saratoga-~s ~tos Road - Desert Appeal - S~n- Contin~ed from Dece~er 10~ 1962 .. ~e Secreta~ a~ised that ~he ~isting sig~ at Sterl~ Lm~r ~y to~led 37-1/2 sq~e fee~ ~d t~C these ~ti~ s~ns ~e in gdition ~o the 42 sq~re ~oot s~n c~er~ by the ~bj~t application, ~tssione= GX~ ~ved, seconded by Co~issio~r Johnsons t~t A-97s Sterli~ L~ ~any~ appliution for desi~ approval of sign, be disapproved sl~e it did ~t ~e~ ~e requirehis of O~i~nce NS-3; motion carried V, ~ BUS~SS A, ~plica~ion F~I~.~ ~e Secre~ ~ that the City Co~cil Md pass~ a resolution cMngin~ the ~ili~ ~ees for various appli~tio~, ~s~ on a co~arative stay o~ other cities h the area, V. Be Joint Study Session (City Council and Planning Cv~.lsston) RE Hillside Developments C~issioner Glenn~ Planning Courtlesion representative at the City Council Fleetin~ on Dece2ber 19~ 1962, advised that the City Council desired to hold the Joint Study Session re~arding hillside developments at' 7:30 P. Wednesday, January 30, 1963. Co P.lannin~ Commission Study Se~si.o.n_ The Secretary called to the attention of the C~..-~{esion the preliminary Study Session scheduled for January 7, 1963~ and advised that a notice had been published. C~issioner Johnson advised that he ~ould be unable to attend the meeting, and slyreed to submit his c..i~.~nts in ~citix~ prior to that time. D. The Secretary advised that Brown & Kauffmenn, Ix~c. bed installed the islaad in the cul-de-sac turn-around (Initial Court) in Prides Crossin~ thinkin~ the design for same had been approved at the Mine time as the model homes, He ~urther advised that an application for an encroachment pet~nit would be submitted to assure the City that the island would be removed when use the model homes ~ms completed, VI, OLD BUSIlqESS Asqessment District - Saratoga and Cox Avenues .- Dr~ Abrams The Secretary briefly reviewed this matter, callir~ to attention that at the meetin~ on December 10, 1962, it had been referred to the General Plan Cobnit- tee £or study. C~,htssioner Crisp read the repor~ of the General Plan Con~nittee pertainin~ to this proposed assessment district. A~ter discussion, Conunissioner Glenn moved, seconded by Commissioner Cooley, that the report of the General Plan Committee be approved and adopted as the report and recomendation of the Plannin~ Co;nnission to be transmitted to the City Council. Roll call vote: Ayes; Co~nnissioners Anderson, Cooley, Crisp, Glenn, Johnson and Kellumo Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner ~4ebster, VIIo CCit~NI.C. ATIONS Ao ~1ITTEN 1, .S.D.K.-32~9 - Paul S. Blend. Pierce Road ..- Request £or Extension The Secretary read a letter £rom Paul S. Blend requestix~ an extension in connection ~ith SDR-329, Plannil~ C~.-,,!ssion Iiinutes - Decemb.er 26~ 1962 - Continued VII, A, 1, Mr, Blend was present and advised that he was requesting an extension ~referably one year) sintea because of the Rodri~ues Subdivisions there was a strox~ possibiXiL7 of havin~ sanitary sewers in an other- wise difficult septic tank area. C~n~missioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kelltnn. that an extension of one (1) year be Eranted in connection with SDR-329; motion carried unan~-k~usly, 2, .S.D.R-293 - Deu~las Hiness Sobey Road - Request for Extension The Secretary read a letter from Douglas Hines requestin~ an extension in connection with 8DR-293. It was observed by the Connnission that no rexsons were giv~ in the comnunication for requestin~ the extension, and Mr. Hines Was not pre- sent to discuss this matter with the Cc~mission. C~-,-,.issioner Johnson moved, seconded by C~n~cLsstoner Kellum', that an extension of thirty (30) days from January 8, 1963. be granted in con- nection with SDR-293, to allow the applicant time to state rensoue for the requested extension; motion carried unanimously, and the Secretary was directed ~o contact lit. Hines and advise him that the Comission had requested a statement of reasons, Be ORAL Dr, Abr-mn approached the C0~snission and stated (with ragaid to his pro- posed Assessment District) ~hat he knev lt[tle about land developments so perhaps had approached this Assessment District in the wron~ way, He stated that he had contacted the City Council and City Attornel~Z in the prelimin-ry sta~es of formin~ this district, since he strongly felt' that any district formed should be formed in cooperation with City Officials, He advised that the attorneys ~ho had written this proposal wer~ reco~nized as specialists in this field, yet evidently the proposal was no~ clear since several items were never intended as they had been interpreted by the C~..-.~lssion~ He stated ~hat he would appreciate a chance to] clarify these matters at the Commissionss conveniences Vice-Chait~nan Anderson ndvieed that the City Council would make the deci- sion regardin~ this Assesemant District. He explained that the Council had only asked for an opinion from the Plannin~ MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:48 Po No Respectfully anl~ltted, Stanley M~alker, Secretary Saratoga PlanninS C~,~.~.~lssion v