HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-11-1963 Planning Commission MinutesTime: 7:00 P. M., Monday, February I1, 1963 Place: Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California Type: Regular Neetin~ ROUTINE ORGANIZATION The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Johnson at 7:00 P. A, ROLL CALL Present: Comniestoners Cowley, Crisps Glenn, Johnson and Kellum, Absent: C,...;...tesioner Webster° (Co~nissioner Webster arrived at approxi- nmtely 7'-30 P, B. I~INVEES Comissioner Cries moved, seconded by Cor~nissioner Cowley, that the reading of the minutes of the mee*.tng of January 28, 1963, be waived and that the minutes be approved as prepared and submitted to the Connlssionl motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARIbiS SUBDIVISIONS AI~ BEING SITES A. SDR-384 - Fenton Eo Stlvey, Norton Road - Building Site Approval - I Lot - Continued from January 14t 1963 Co~unisstoner Crisp advised that the required data had not been submitted and suresled tha~ this matter be continued until the next regular meeting. On the basis of this suggestion, Vice-Chairman Johnson directed SDR-384, Fenton Eo Stlvey, continued until the meeting on February 25s 1963. Bo ..S.D.R-404 - Nick 14i14. evich, Saratoga-.Sunnyvale Road - Building Site Approval - I Lot The applicant was not present. Co~lsstoner Cries moved, seconded by Conntsstoner Cowley, that the ten- tative map for SDR-404 (Exhibit 'A", filed Jsrd,nry 29, 1963), Nick l~tlJevich, I lot on Saratoga-Sunn~vale Road, be approved subject to the conditions contained in the Bulldtn~ Site Cuuuuittee Report of Febnmry 1963; motion carried unanimously. ~anntn~ C~ission Minutes - Yebnmry 11, 1963 - Conttn,~ III, C, SDR-405 - Arthur Bo Corey, E1 Camino Crande- Building Site Approval - 2 Lo~S Nro Hamsher was presen~ to represent the apptt~ant and expressed satis- faction with the proposed conditions of approval, There was a motion by Ca~utssioner Crisp, seconded by Conniesioner Co~leys that the tentative mop for SDR-405 (Exhibit '~", filed February l, 1963) be approved subject ~o the conditions contained in the Build ix~ Site Com- mittee Report of February 11, 1963; mofion carried unav~nuslyo Connnissioner Crisp called Mr, Kamsherss attention to the fact that the narro~ corrtdor~ould prohibit further development of the five (5) acre parcel, Hr. B~mnher advised that the applicant was aware of this but had no desire to further subdivide the parcel, IV, D~SIGNREVIE~4 A, A-97 - Ann Parker Valk~ Big Basin ~ay - Design Approval - Shop for Acces- sories end In~erior Design Set'vices - Continued from January 1963 The Secretary read a Staff Report pertainin~ to this matter and presented a notarized statements signed by Louise Thompsoua grenttn~ Mrs° Valk per- mission to use four (4) extstin~parktna spaces on her properfly (Plu~d Horse) in conjunction vlth her proponed shop, The applicant yes present to discuss this matter further wtfh the Cos. lesion, The possibility of providin~ parking space in front of the proposed shop was discussed. The applicant stated that she ~ould prefer to provide parkir~ elsewhere since she felt the proposed court was important aesthe- ticly to both her business and other businesses in Saratoga. She inquired about the possibility of co~nunify parking and ~as advised that this wet- ter was under study, Commissioner Col~ley questioned the legality of the notarized statement and moved that iC be submitted to the City Attorney for review and an opinion as co the validity of fhe document, Con~issioner Glenn seconded the m orion vhich carried unanimously, The Chairman directed this matter (A-97) continued until the meeting on Feb,-uary 25, 1963, ~P.l~annin~ Cou~i..s. sion Ninutee- ~.ebruary .11v 1963 - Continued 1V, Bo ..A..~98 - Thelr~- Duri~hello, Prospect Avenue - Design Approval - Beauty Salon Con.tinned from January 28~ 1963 Cammissioner Glenn advised that the applicant had not submitted the addi- tional exhibits requested by the C~uissions so suggested that this tar be continued until the next regular meetir~l, On the basis of the foregoing, Vice-Chaix~nnn Johnson directed A-98, Thelma Durighellos continued until the meeting on February 25s 1963, V, ~ BUSINESS 4-R Pro~ects - City Co!m. cil Request for Plannin~ C~n,~ission Reco~xe.~Aation The Secretary read a co~auunication from the City Council requesting a recom- mendation with re~ard to this matter, He also advised that four (4) com- munications had been received protestin~ the 4-H project that had been es~ab- lished on Sobey Road (Strame=z property) in violation of the ordinance. He further advised that has as Zonin~ Administrator~ had directed that the three 0) bull salves be removed from the subject property. H, R, HARVEY, Sobey Roads liRS, FRANK SI4ALLs Sobey Road, ~. CHARLES Sobey Road, and H, l.I, PAULSONs Sobey Roads spoke in protest of the three calves being maintained on the Strametz property on Sobey Road, NILES STANDISHs Sobey l~ad, ROBERT 14ALKERs Vessin~ Road, and }~IS, WN, CHRIS- ~.A/~SEN, Sobey Roads spoke in support of 4-H projects and an amendment to the ordinance tha~ would alloy same in Saratoga, ARTHUR STRAI4ETZ and his son, RUSSELLs were present alst stated that verbal permission to establish the 4-H project had been granted by the Saratoga Planning Department, They also submitted a petition with approximately 150 signatures of residents of Saratoga supportin~ an amendment to the ordi~ance ~qhich would allow 4-H projects in Saratoga on a site containinS 40,000 square feet or more° Planning Department personnel s~ated tha~ permission to establish this proJec~ had not been granted by the Planning Depart-mont but instead 1) Rue- sell Strametz had been advised that such projects were not allo~qed under the existin~ ordinance but since hie was not the first such request the Planniu~ Department would brix~ the matter to the attention of the City Attorney and the City Council 2) Rossell Stramatz requested permission for one (1) calfs not three (3) 3) Hr, Arthur Stramatz was advised prior to the time the salves were moved onto the Strametz property that the matter had been brought to the attention of the City Council and was under study but that no decision ~as expected for s~/eral weeks, It was the consensus of ~he Co~nission that this mtter should be referred to a C~u..~.lttee for study before a recommendation was made to the Council, Vice-Chairman Johnson re~erred this utter to the Subdivision Committee for study and a reports then directed the matter of 4-H Projects continued until the meeting on February 25s 1963o Plannin~Cou~!ssion Minutes - February ll, 1963 V. ~-H Pro~ects The Zoning Administrator was directed to take action to insure the immediate re,oval of the three (3) calves from the Stramets property. At the request of Vice-Chairman Johnson, Counnissioner Webster, who arrived duriu~ the discussion on 4-H Projects, assumed the Chair. Vl. 9LD BUSINESS Am Ridin~ Academ~ - .L-~.ort from Plannin~ Director The Secretary briefly reviewed this matter and advised tint 1) he had artended the Santa Clara County Planning Co~miesion Meeting 2) Kenoyer had stated that she wanted to establish a Pony Club on the sub- Ject property and 3) the Santa Clara County Planning Coz~nission had ruled that it would be necessary for her to apply for a Use Permit. After discussions Chairman Webster referred this matter to the Subdivision Connnittee for review and a report at the ne~t meeting, and directed that the Secretary attend the Santa Clara County Planni~ ComaissionDLeetix~ ~han this item~peared on the a~enda to request that final action be de- ferred until the Bazatoga Planning Co~;nission f~nished its stndy. then directed this matter continued until the meetin~ on February 1963, B. BDR-397 - John Po l~altby, ~oodbank~ay - Request for Reconsideration of Conditions The Secretary read a letter from the applicant requesti~ reconsideration of Conditions If, Co and IIo B. Dir, Dhltby was present and, after discussion, e~ressed satisfactions~th ~ndition I~. Co After hearirWin. Dialtby's r~nnTks with regard to Co~ition I~. Eo, Com- ndssioner Cowley stated that ~ felt the applicant had a point in feelin~ that such a statement in a deed would be dero~atoryo He further stated that he felt the Planning Connission's objective could be accomplished vithout this statement ~ recoumended that the matter be referred back to the Bubdivision Comuittee for review and a reco~mendation. After further discussion, Chairman Webster referred this matter to the Subdivision Con~nittee for review a~ a report and reconmendation at the next meeting. 1~ then directed BDRo397 contint~ until the maeti~ on February 25, 1963o Plar~i.n~ Courtlesion Minutes - February 11, 1963 - Continu.ea VII, CeI6JNICATIONS A, SDR-316 - Shelley [4illt~mn Associates, Palominu Way - Request for ~he Secretary read a letter requestir~ an extension in connection srl_th 5DR-316. After discussion, Comissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, that an extension of one (1) year from Febnlary 13, 1963s be granted in connection xrit:h SDR..316; motion cartlea unenimously. Do ORAL Chairman Webster extended a welcome to Cotmctlman Hartran and Mrs° Ruth Owen, Good Governmpnt Gt-oup Representatives and thanked them for their presence at the meetlt~, 14EETXI~IG AD~Ob1NED AT 9:01 I~. M. 1~spectfully submitted, , I ~-~" ' ' ' - ~L/.~. - ~ '-/' '---. Stanley M. Walke~, Secretary Baratoffa Dlant~ng Commission v -5-