HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-08-1964 Planning Commission Minutes SI~K~RY OF NI.NUTES CITY OF SARA~GA PLANNING C(R~IISSION TII~E: Monday, June 8, 1964, 1:30 P. N. PLACEI Saratoga High School, Herriman Avenue, Saratoga, California TYPE: Knsular lteetin~ ..R. OUTINE ORGANIZATION The meeting was called to order by Chal~nan Norton at 7:30 P. A. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cowley, Crisp~ Glenn~ Kellum, McFall, Morton~ and O'Rorke. Absent= None. B. NINUII~S Comtssioner Glenn moved, seconded by Co~isstoner NcFa11, that the readin~ of the minutes of Nay 25, 1964 be vaived and that the minutes be approved as submitted to the Co.,..',,ission; motion carried unanimously. ,PUBLIC. HEARIllS SUBDIVISION. S..AND BUILDING SITES A. .SDR-493 - A. Katold Bray, Vickery Lane - BuildinS Site Approval - 1 Lot - Con.tinned from Nay 25, 1,964 Commissioner Crisp advised 1) the City Attorney needed additional time to submit a rulinS relative to this lot 2) the applicant vas ill and unable to attend but had called and verbally granted an extension of time and vould file ~ritten pet~nission at a later date so 3) in vie~ of the foregoing, it vas recommended that this mat- ter be continued until the next regular meetinS. Chairman Norton so directed. B. .5D- 495 - HardsiS Construction Company, Hontatvo Lane - Subdivision Approval - .8 Lots -.Con..t. inue.d .from Nay 25~ 1964 The applicant vas present and expressed satis£sction with the pro- posed conditions o£ approval. Cozmnissioner Crisp moved. seconded by Comissioner NcFall, that tha Subdivision Committee Report o£ June 8, 1964 relative to Nar~eig Construction Company. be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit "A", filed Nay 15, 1964) be approvad subject to the condi- tions outlined in the Subdivision Committee Report; motion carried una~ir~nusly, C. SD.R-497 - NoJet Company, Inc., ~utto Road - Building Site Approval 3 Lo.ta Commissioner Crisp advised tha~ a con~untcation had been received £rom the State Division o£ Highrays and that vhile the £uture free- ray vould a££ect the subject property, the Commission had no choice at present but to condition this application. He £urther advised, however, that the Health Department had resulted that these sites be connected to sanitary sever so recomended that the subject appli- cation be continued £or further consideration. On the basis o£ the £oregoing~ Chairman Norton directed that SDR-497~ NoJet Company, Inc., be continued nntil the meeting on June 22, 1964. Planni~Commtssion Minutes ~ June S, 1964 - Continued III. D. ~D- 498 - MacKay & Somps, Inc., Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Subdivision Approval - 25 Lots . Co~issioner Crisp advised that the Subdivision Comnittee had met with the applicant and his engineer and were in ~reement on the design of this subdivision, He further advised, however, that the Committee would not be prepared to submit the proposed conditions of approval until the next regular meeting. On the basis of the foregoin~, Chairnmn Norton directed SD-498 con- tinued until the meeting on June 22, 1964. E. SD- 499 - NaclCay & Somps, Inc., Saratoga Avenue - Subdivision Appro- val - 15 Lots Cou~iGsioner Crisp advised that there were further problems to be worked out in connection with this subdivision, so suggested that this application be continued until the meetin~ on June 22, 1964. thaiman Norton so directed. F. ~DR-500 - J~rn~s R. Johnson, Sobey Road - Buildin~ Site Approval - 1 Lot Comissioner Crisp explained that the requested site development plan had been submitted but was unsatisfactory, so suggested that this application be continued to allow adequate time for a revision of this plan. On the basis of this suggestion, Chairman Norton directed SDR-500 continued until the meetin~ on June 22, 1964. G. SD- 501 - L. A. D. Development Company, Sobey Road - Subdivision Approval - 9 Lots Comissioner Crisp advised 1) the Health Department had required sanitary sewers for this subdivision 2) the requested site develop- ment plan had not been submitted 3) the applicant planned to apply for a Variance relative to lot dimensions so 4) it was ths recom- mendation of the Subdivision Co~ttee that this matter be continued until the next regular meeting. ChairmR- Norton so directed. H. ~DR-502 - E. Ponchione, gelnut Avenue - Butldin~ Site Approval - 1 The applicant was present and expressed satisfaction with the pro- posed conditions of approval. Connnissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Comnaisstoner ~cFall, that the Buildin~ Site Co--,{ttee Report of June 8, 1964 relative to SDR-502 be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit 'A', filed l~ay 29~ 1964) be appreved subject to ~he conditions de~ailed in the Buildin~ Site Committee Report; motion carried unanimously. IV, DESIGN REVIE~ A. ~-151.- Saratoga Fire District, Oak Street - Final Design Review - Addi~.ion to Firemanes Hall The Staff Report relative to this application was reviewed by the Commission. Commissioner Cowley advised 1) the Design Review Committee had reviewed this application and had n~ objections to the proposed addition 2) as explained in the S~aff Report, no additional parkin~ was required since the proposal was for less than 10Z expansion and -2- Plannin~ Commission Minutes - June 8t 1964 - Continu~ IV. A. A-151 - Saratoga Fire District 3) it was the recommendation of ~le Committee and the Staff that this application be approved. Commissio~er Cowleymovod that the Staff Report of June 8, 1964 relative to A-151, Saratoga Fire D~stricts be approved and that final design approval be granted in accordance with Exhihibits "A", '~", and "C'. Commissioner Glenn seconded the motion which carried unanimously. B. .A-.141 - Clau~e T. Lindsays Cox Avenue - Fine1 Design Review - Subdi- vision Homes - Unit I of Tract 3742 Co~nissioner Cowley explained that at a recent meeting with the applicant the Cov~n~ttee had learned that the developer planned to allow buyers to choose the floor plans and elevations to be built on their respective lots, and observed that this might possibly create problems. He further e~plained, however, that the applicant had agreed to limit the buyers to a choice that would comply ~rlth Saratoga~s design standards. He advised that the developer would proceed with construction of five model homes and ~ould submit 12 floor plans and 36 elevations for review at the next meeting. On the basis of the foregoing, Commissioner Cowley recomendnd that this matter be continued until the meeting on June 22, 1964. Chairman Norton so directed. C. SS-38 - Ktrkorian Construction Company, Kirlunont Drive - Finel Design Review - Subdivision Sign for Kirkmont Subdivision After discussion Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Commissioner Glenn, that final design approval be granted SS-38, Kirkorian Con- st=uction Company, for the sign as shown on Exhibit 'A~ subject to deletion of the reference to "dark brown stain" and an indication that the redwood will be left natural; motion carried unan~mouslyo V, CITY COUNCIL REPORT Co~issioner Cowley gave a brief report on action taken at the City Coun- cil meetin~ on June 3, 1964. Item8 of particular interest to the Plan- ning Con~nission included: 1) Ordinance NS-5.8~ relative to hillside development, was introduced. 2) Ordinance 38.3, pertaining to grading and excavation, was deferred for further study and coordination with proposals by Santa Clara County. 3) The Council reversed the decision of the Counuission and ~ran=ed the requested variance in connection with V-241, John H. Michelmore, subject to compliance with Building Department requirements. 4) The appeal of the Saratoga Lutheran Church in connection with ~P-65 was continued since Church representatives advised that they are looking for av~ther site. 5) Pit. isbell~s appeal relative to Planning Commission action on V-243 was continued for further study with regard to the possibility of relocatin~ the proposed addition. 6) C-68, Mason Enterprises, Inc., application for change of zoning in the Wardell Road vicinity, was denied. -3- Planntn~ Corr~4esion Minutes - June 8, 19.64 - Continu. ed VI. NEW BUSINESS Improvement Requirements for Planned Counur~ity Developments The Secretary advised 1) the City Attorney had suggested that the sub- Ject hnprovement requirements be incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance 2) this would require additional time but the proposed improvement requirements could be used as a guide during the interim if approved by the Planning Comnission. The Secretary then presented a drawing (done by George l~artin) representing a model Platreed Connnunity Development, using Claude T. Lindsay~s property as an ex~mp. le. Chairman Norton requested that the entire Commission review the proposed improvement requirements together with Mr. Martin*s model developments and authorized the Design Review Co-~ tree to function as a Comictee in this review if they so desired. He then directed this umtter con- tinned until the meeting on June 22, 1964. VII, OLD BUSINESS A. Design S.~andards Co~waissioner Cowley advised that the proposed design standards had been submitted to the Comission, the Planning Co~nittee of the City Council, and the City Attorney for review. The Secretary stated 1) the Planning ComiCtee had expressed approval of the proposed standards and 2) the City A~torney had recomendad that these standards be made a part of the Ordinance in lieu of being adopted by resolution. After discussion, Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Co-~-~ssinner 01enn, that the proposed design standards be appreved by the Com- mission as a statement of policy subject to 'C-2' being modified to read as follows: ~f fentin8 frontiug the street between houses is part of the subdivision, it shall be staggered.' l~otion carried unsnir, ously. Chai~nan Norton then directed that the Secretary set public hnarin~s for both the Design Standards and I~provemenC Requiremen~s for Plan- ned Courtunity Developments as soon as they are ready. B. St. Charles S~reet The Secretary advised that the City Council had approvad the Planning Comission recommendation relative to St. Charles Street and had referred the matter back to the Commiss~on merely as a matter of information for use ~n the conditioning of future sites along this street. J01{N IRWIN of St. Charles Street stated char he would prefer that the one-way traffic move up the hill because of the angle at which his driveway enters St. Charles -~tree=. He further stated that he felt it would be hazardous for emergency vehicles to come down the hill and try to turn into any of the properties along the street. Chainnan Norton acknowledged the Countills approval of the Comis- sion~s recomendation relative to St. Charles Street and requested that the Secretary make a note of 14r. Inqin~s coment with rega=d to the direction of traffic flow. The Chairman acknowlndged the presence of Councilmen Tyler and Nesdames 0wen and French of the Oood ~overment Group and expressed the Comicslongs appr~cia- tion for their attendance. -4- Plann!n~ Co~dission Minutes - June 2, 1964 - Co____ntinue__d VIII. C01efONICATIONS A. WRI'r£~N 1. SDR-397 - John.P. Maltbyt Woodbank Way - Request for .Explanatio. n ~he Secre~a~ read a co~ication ~rom 1~. ~l~by which rais~ a ques~n as ~o ~hy ~. ~rdon, vhose buildi~ si~e on Woodb~ ~ay was appr~ a= approxim~ely the s~ ~e as his, was not required ~o ~rove ~oodba~ ~ay as he ~r. ~altby) was. ~te= discussion, C~i~ No=ton refe=red this ~tter Co the Buildt~ Si~e C~i~ee and Staff for r~tew and a re,re. then directed the totter continued ~til ~e meetin~ on June 1964. ~acific Tellhone Co~any ~e Secretary advis~ ~ha~ ~e Pacific Telephone ~any arra~i~ ~ tour of ~heir facili~ies for ~e Council ~D~ Af~e~ discussion of this ~er, ~he CMimn reques~ ~ha~ the Co~issioners Mvise the Sec~eca~ whether or not ~hey ~uld be able ~o acted. B. CMi~an Norton declared ~he ~e~ing adjou~ed aC 8:40 P. M. Respectfully submitted, "" "' ,'//'..,,'}',.;; Stanley M. Walker, Secretary