HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22-1997 Library Commission Minutes Saratoga Library Commission Meeting Saratoga Community Library January 22, 1997 7:30 p.m. Action Minutes I ................................................Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. II ......................................Roll Call Commissioners Present: Foscato, Grantham, Manzo~ Mchaugh]in~ Sosslot, Towse Commissioner Absent: Ceppos Others Present: Dolly Barnes, Janice 'Yee~ Irene J~cobs * At this time city staff representative irene Jacobs asked that the Commission consider addin9 art agenda 'item to the Hew I~usiness sect.ion of the agenda. Code section 54954.2(b){2) at. lows agenda items to be added, with a two.-.thirds vote, if action needs to be taken on an issue that arose after the agend{:] h,nd been poste{t. Ja. cobs informed the Library Ccmmissi. o'~l that the City Council had requested that all city comm[.ssions review the c'Jty budget and share with tt~e Council their opinions regarding prioritizing city-wide programs. Commissioner McLaughlin made a motion to approve the addition of the City Budget as an item to the Agenda under New 6usiness. Commissioner Towse seconded the motion and the motion carried. { 6/0 ) Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda was properly posted on January 17, 1997. Commissioner Towse made a motion to 'approve the minutes of the December tSth meeting. Commissioner McLaughlin seconded the motion and the motion carried. (6/0) V ........................................Old Business a. L.i:h~i:4ryL..Vi.s.l~.$:The Library Commission decided on two different dates to visit new or remodeled libraries. llhe Commission wi]I visit Redwood City Community Library and Henlo P~'~rk' s Community Library on Wednesday, February 5th. Commissioners wishing to carpcol should meet in the lJ. brary's parking lot at 3:15 p.m. in order to participate {n the scheduled library tour that will begin at 4:00 p.m. The tour of Menlo Park's Library will start at 5:30 p,m. - 1 - The Library Com~:~ission will also be visiting the Pleasanton and Danville Community Libraries on Saturday, March ].st. Conimissioners McLaughl:i.n and Sessler volunteered to take p[Ictures of the Clayton, Vac~iville and ~enicia libpatios when they visit the area. New Business a. :.L.:[.~K.O_z.i~.,....~,~.~!%~.i~:.@__n.__..PJiQ~_~_~- The Commi ss i on d i sc"ussed at length the process that the Commission should recommend to the City Council for the proposed expansion of the library. Marcia Manzo, Chair of the Library Commission, prepared hand. outs for' the Commission which spelled out a process that she felt could hel[~ the Comm[.ssion get started. The m~in a. re~s of discussion revolved around the following issues as part of the expansion process: 1. Focus Groups: The Chair provided commissioners with a list of possible focus group participants and ~sked i:2]e commission to "massage" the material bed'tore the February Library Commission Meeting in order to m. akc f :~.nal decisions at that time. It was proposed t'hat focus groups be scheduled evet'y couple of weeks :md that they be facilitated by library commissioners. Doily Barnes told the commission that if they liked, the libr~:iry staff would be happy to f aci 1 itate focus groups i f the commission decided that they would not be able to participate in all discussions. Oomm:iss.ioner McLaughlin proposed that there be a home page on the library expansion run by the advocacy group~ ont~e selected. Commissioner Towse volJnteered to look further into this matter. Janice Yee shared that the County had success w.ith focus groups when they had been kept informal. The main focus of the meetings focused on two specific ~.rea~,,' the actual structure and design of the building ~ind secondlye. the needs and services that needed to be p~:ovided by the library. Discussions also revolved around. what community groups should be invited to participate and in what capacity. 2. Polling: Commissioner Mclaughlin shared that he had recently p~irticipated in the poll conducted by the school district. :It took some twenty mi. nutes to participate in the pol:l and Commissioner McLaughlin said that he hoped that there was some way the public could be spared of this during the process of trying to expan:[ the L.[bra:y since he felt that 'it could possible ~'turn off~ voters. There was further discussion regardincl' thi~:, issue and specific dialogue relating to the sour'co of funds neede~t to poll the Saratoga Community on the lit>rary exp~ins].on. It was suggested that perhaps the funding should come - 2 - from the city since it had been the council that requested that a poll be taken. 3. Request for Proposal (RFP): Commissioner Manze distributed a copy of the RFP that had been use{] by the last expansion committee~ Discussion revolved around the RFP whether .it should be distributed eithel:' before or after the focus groups are formed. Janice Yea from the County recommended th~!~t once an architect was selec,ted to complete the i. nitkal drawi. ngs that his/her: services be retained for the remainder ell ttle project, She explained "that the process tends to ruN_ much more smoothly when the services oil one architect are used ~:ather than incorporating the 'talents oP. two or more. Doily Barnes and Janice '~ee volunteered to revise the RFP and then forward on the revised version to ci. ty s Laff. and the Library Commission for final approval. Ms. Yea also provided Commissioners with the County~s version of a proposed timeline of the library ex[~ans[on for Saratoga.. Commissioners shared comments, one of which was from Commissioner Towse who poir}ted out that the proposed ti.meline should not be linear since the majority of the activities will be overlapping. Com:missioner Manzo asked the commission to review the material provided by county staff and to come prepared to discuss the issue at the February meeting. 4. Expansion Committee: Commissioner 'iowse recommended to the group that Elaine Dauber be invited to speak to the Library Commission regarding the best way to proceed with the library expansion. Ms. Dauber is the current Mayor of Los Altos Hills and she served as a member of the Library Commission during the expansion of that city~s building. It was recommended that she attend the March meeting since the RFP process will be discussed a %he February meeting. expansion to the Libr~ry, the Commission discussed the need to schedule additional meeting dates in order to {ocus on all the different issues required 0£' the expansion. Commissioner McLaughlin made a motion to meet the second Wednesday of each month at !5:00 p.m. as ttle Expansion Committee starting March 12th. Commissioner Sessler seconded the motion and the motion carried. {6/0) c ......................................................... Commissioner Terms: There was a short explanation given by the chair explaining that there had been a motion made and approved by the City Council that changed the terms of both - 3 - the Library Commission and the Planning Commission. i[Bq 1!,}96 the City Council firs't c©nsi. dered changing Planning Cemmissi. on terms so thi:lt they would not expire immedi. ateL. y before a city Council eAuetlon. It was decided that in order to make this change happen the terms c}fl' the Library Commission would be switched with those o{} the Pienixing Commiss].on. The terms of all incumbent Planning Commissioners would L:e extended by six months and Library Commi. ssioners would be appointed to 3 1/2-year terms. Therefore, when the recruitment for Library Commi. ssioners commences next.. month, the three people appointed or reappointed to those seats would serv,n until the year 2000. City sta{{f representative Jacobs explained to the Commission that at the last Town Hall Budget Meeting, the City Counci. 1 requested that each of the Commissions meet to discuss the City budget. All_ Commissions were asked te com'Ltlent on ti'iose speci.lic aL'eas of Nle budget that had an impact c>n the issues that related to the purpose of that particular Cobsmission and secondly, they were asked to provide input as. to how the overall budget should be prioritized. There was unanimous a~reeL~lent from the entire Commission theft they were not abie to respond the Council's request in such a short pc. tied of time. The Commission shared that they would prioritized tho~e very few elements of the city budq~et that tel{ired te the library but theft the Comml'[ssio:n would not be able to respond to the latter request earlier than Mal:ch ou April. v.l 1;..Li~:p~.~;.t. s ~1t.{~KLilc.~__l!.e.¢Lk.E.'eh?.l.~t~?.___~!.p..¥_e.*.~.~.~.]t.a:.t.i, lvi~ ,Jani. ce Yee reported that there w,{,~s a JPA meeting tomorrow, January 23rd at 2:00 p.'m. i_n the Quinlan Center in Cupertino a:nd that Saratoga's request for funding was on the agenda. She els<) reported on d~etopments regarding the Count}"s intomet education programs and how they were progressing. ~}.~!~..[.~...(~..a....~.~e~s.~....Gg.}.~.u.J~ki..t.~..,,.~.[.~b.:~.a~EX;~...nA Ms. ~arnes expl ained thd'~ the lJ..brary was now able to provide storytime in Ma:ndar[n by exchanging librarians from Cuperti~to with our own librarians :~:.or ~his purpose. She also announced that the l}est. Sellers Book Program would become available to patrons starting next week. ..~2a. ~F.C.3.4.._M.¢~.~ Z..e,....6.b'_a_._i.¥._. p.& _.~h.¢.._ b,i..~E.:.a.~.._ ~p..N~.i ;s~ i.en. Harcia Ftanzo reported that she had received a call from En~ie Kraule who 'is the Fire Chie[: of the Control Fire I)istrict. He had calklee] regarding his concern that the library~s sprinkler system was not equipped with a mechanism tinat allowed for the - 4 - F'ire Station to be automati,.cally notified should t,,.he system be activated. ChJ_ef} Kraule .is also a member of %Pie Saratoga Rotary Club and he 'volunteered to send the Commission a.n gl'ant application i.n order for library to submit a request t~or a digital communicator that would cost some $2,000. jiA~e.!~.q.~":..~.~.i~.qe..b~.~i.~...~-~.~.~.~.~..~.%..%1~.!.~.R..~.~i.~.~.~..k.~`~: Staf f roerobe r ~Ja cobs gave the Commission an update on issues relating to 'the city's budget and she invited them %0 attend 'the upcomi. Rg T{~wtl i.llall Budget Meetings that had been scheduled. .~t~..%.h~...i;3.~.~.~%p..~.`.~[!..~.[.~J~..e.....e.{~....ih.e."~b~]..~.b~4~[~.. .it was ~'epot'ted that Mary Jean l'ir~n~ manager ol' {:he Book-Go-Round, had shared with members of the Libi:'ary Commission that the F'uiends of the Libral:y had done some brainstorming arid they would like %o have 20,000 square feet designated to %he Book-Go-Round in the newly expanded library. it was also repoFted that on March 3rd Joanne gaco~}s who is a member of the Friends of the Library 'gill be g'lvi. ng ,:i presentation on ~'Cyber-Libraries; Smut and Censorship." None ViII and Written Communications Commissione[:' G~'antham made a motion to ad'iourn the meeting and Commissioner Foscato seconded the moti.en. tlhe moti. on carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. (6/0) - 5 -