HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-28-1996 Library Commission Minutes SARATOGA LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING Saratoga O~nm~ty Ausust 28,1~6 7-3{} pm [ C~an to Ord~ The meeting was called to order by Marcia Manzo, ~,'br~:Commis~on C~air, at 7:30 p~. 11. Roll ~11:. Ommisslmmihusmt: ~, Fcecato, Grantha~ Manzo, McLaughlin, Towse ~oeenlgtwm~ Sessler Dolly Barnes, l~,ne M Jacobs, Sarah Lombardo ]II. Report on Posting of the ~sion A~nd~ Persuant to Govenvn~ Code 549M2, the agenda was properly posted on August 23, 1996. IV. Minutes of tuly 24. 199~. Commissioner Manzo pointed out that in Section V, Old Business it states that the chair "had notes of the detailed changes and edits to this document" The Chair wanted to clarify, for the ~ that the recommended changes she had were general and not specific Commissioner Towse made a motion to approve the minutes wtth the itsted correcti~ Commi-qsioner Ceppos seconded the motion and the motion was passed with a unanimous vote. .. V. Old Busines~ . NeeddemmMne Dor~ hines pro~ded the C.e~n~a~ the third draft of the 5arato~ Community I2'brary Bu~e Plan 1996 Update (aJca. "County Report") There was discussion amon& ~onets regarding how much of the Needs Assessment would be provided to the public since the document is lengthly and would most hl~ely not be ~ in its entirety: The general understanding of the gn~p is that the preamble would be used for general information regarding the Needs Assessment. Individuals who requested more information would be provided with the "County Report" in addition to the preamble. If members of the public still requested further details, the entire assessment package, including the original needs assessment, would be on file at the library for all to access. SARATOGA LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING Saratosa ~ ]~r=y AuSust 2S, lW6 ?-30 pm. AclfenM~'l= L Callto Order:. The m~-ting was called to order by Marcia Manzo, Library:Commission Chair, at 7:30 " p,,'n. II. Roll Call: Oommleo~uwJh!~t: Ceppos, Foscato, Grantham, Manzo, McLaughlin, Towse C, onmdssi~ Sessler Dolly Barnes, Irene M Jacobs, Sarah Ix3mbardo lII. Reoort on Postinl~ of the ~sion A~anda: Persuint to Go~ Code 549542, the agenda was properly posted on August 23, 1996. IV. Minutes of [ulv 24. 1 Commissioner Manzo pointed out that in Section V, Old Business it states that the chair "had notes of the detailed changes and edits to this document" The Chair wanted to clarify, for the recon:l, that the reconvnended changes she had were general and not specific. Commissioner Towse made a motion to approve the minutes with the fisted ~on. Commissioner' Ceppm s~onded the motion and the motion was passed · with a unanimous vote. .. v. ,Old., ~~; · Nee,Uammme~ Doay earnes pm~ed the ~on/~h the th~ draft of the Saratoga Community. [Jtraty. Buildin~ Ran 1996 Urnlate (a~L 'County Report") There was discussion amons ~onars rearcling how much of the Needs Assesanent would be provided to the public since the document is lengthly and would most lE, ely not be reaU in its entity. lite ~ undastanding of the group is that the preamble would be used for general infonnauon regarding the Needs Asses.~nmt. Individuab who mquest~ rnom i~onrn~on would be provided with the "County Report" in addition to the preamble. If nmmbem of the public still requested further details, the entire assessment package, including the original needs assessment, would be on ~ at the library for all to access. ~oners Towse and Manzo vokmteered to review the thtrd edition of the dcx:ument and and make any~ editing changes, The edited copy of the Ran Update would be provided to the entire ~ at the resular September meeting for final approval The discussion turned to the subject of the title for the preamble that will be part of the the needs assessment packa&eL Omuni~oner Sessler had, at an earlier meetin& propos~ "The Year 2010- Where Are We Going and Where Will We Sit When We Get There.?'. At the July meetin& Ccann'dsstoner Sessier suBgested that lPerhaps the . title be dumged ta reffect a morenointone. ~oners were instructed to consider another name for ~ dQO~;n~arnd to share their ideas at the next meetin& Commissioners present at the Ausust meeting disagreed with Commis~on~ Sessler and felt that the title he had orlsJnally proposed would catch people's attention and therefore simply shortened the pm~sed.title so that it will now read as,"Saratoga Lfbrary in the Year 2011~ Where We Sit When We Get There?" Vl New BUSine~ Since the June regular meetin& copies of the architectural plans that had been proposed for the library ~ by several different architectural firms in 1992, were circulated among the Commts~oners. Copies of the designs that had been submttted by the ttn~ firms Weske, Spencer and Rtpley were distributed to the Commission and the specific knprovements recommended by each architect were reviewed and discussect The group was reminded by the Library Chatr, Commissioner !vianzo, that during the lunch meeting held in June between the ~on and the Mayor, Harry Peacock, who was also present, had told the ~ that there was really no need to form another expansion comm~. The h'brary Commission could simply choose to adopt the recommendations of the ~ commtttee that had been formed in 1992. After reviewing the archRectural plans, Commissioner Ceppos made a motion to request that further architel designs for the library expansion be reviewed since much time had elapsed since the desisns had been subn'dtted and that the Commission is not prepreed to endorse the recommendations of the expansion committee formed in 1992. Comn,aBionerPoscato seconded the motion and the motion canied. The chair suggested that ~ Council Member Burger, who is the JPA Cotmdl ~,p~;entative for the Ia~ra~ be invited to attend the September regular meetin& The Commission would take this time to share with Counol Member Burset what the Commission is ~ doing and planrdng m addition to requesting Ms. Burgers expan onin recent opinion resardin8 tho~Member' light of JPA developments and from her pers~ as a Commissioner Towse made a motion to invite Council Member Burger and to table item # B3 Educating the Public and item #B. S R~rmation of an Expansion Committee since these issues would be better discussed once the Con--on had more information as a result of the meeting with Ann Marie Burger. Commmissioner Foscato seconded the moron and the motion carreed w~th a mlanimous vote. VII. Reoorts: a. Susan Puller, Cmm~~ Ms. Fuller was unable toattended the meeting but, she provided the ComnlissiOn with some nlater[als, rega~.' g Proposition 218 via~ ~ . '. Dolby, Barnes~ '. .. b. DoDy~C~~ M[ Barnes reported that the new computer terminals had amved at the ~. c Ir~acobs, Ot~~. Jacobs revisited an issues that had previously been discussed order to clarify some questions that had arisen during the Jul~ meeting Ms. Jacobs reported that she had spoken with a representative of the citys Planning Department staff in order to verify that the future proposed plans for the Library expansion would not be subject to Measure G City planning staff had clarified that under the current conditions, the Ubrary EXpansion would not be subject to Measure G requirements. Ms. Jacobs also requested some clarification re~arding a meeting that had been scheduled with the City Manager and County Llt)rary staff members regardin§ library expansion issues and questioned why there had not been any notification to the Library Commission prior to the meetings. Since Susan Fuller was not able to attend, Doily Barnes addressed the issue and explained that meeUngs had been scheduled with City Manager's throughout the Cmm~ to discuss h~)rary expansion issues and that the meeting with Saratoga staff was simply one of those scheduled meetings. cL MarciaManm, Otair-Commissioner lVianzo shared with her fellow commissioners that she had been asked to represent the Library Commission and present certificates to school ctuldren who had participated in a reading program through the h'bray. e. C/t y) ml ,. ,'m,l r Um,,,,x-Commissioner Fo to, ,o,t that the Friends of the Library had ~ven the library $4%800 for Sunday hours (2 year period), $1J000 for the Chidren~ l~ent and $11~00 for periodicals, books and CD ROms among other tings. f. Sa!lyTowse, I,m'bmry~issioner Towse reported that on the first Riday in October (4th), the FoundaUon would be hosting an educaUonal event in order to inform invited parties of the Library Foundation and how the Foundation planned to assist with the ~ E~an,vlon once the idea had been a]~rov~ by the c~,. VIII. Oral and Written Co~,~t~atiom: None There was a motion made !~ Cemmml. oner Cepix~ to adjourn the meeting, C, omrn/~oner Fosca~ seconded the motion and the mot/on was passed ,- unanimously. 'I~ meetins was adji~ned at 9..30 p.m. Re~fuUx sut~t~ ~. · Irene M Jacobs Administrative Analyst 5 r f. News EWS BRIEFS eenagers will be ablePlans to expand the library work at the polls t,meh'1 Gov. PeteWilsonhassignedabillIt sta emate over tax issue ewingceunties to hire 16- and 17- or-old studenls to work at Ihe ,[Is (m Etection Day I'h~ bi:i accomplishes two goals: ?~ ~,.~.~, ~, ~h~,.~ ~ Cio'~bookkeepers <rived in l he democratic process needmore room d provides counties with an sJitional pool of Electron Day rll workers. B; SARAH Lo~,l BARDO Courtlies lhroughout the state ed more then 100J331.1 poll work- A ~s if the bookmark had fallen tot each stalew~de clccm)n. /-.1[ trod their book. membersof F,:} ,aork at the, polls. sludenls .L ..lk Lhecnff"sLibrary. Commission ~st be citizens of the Urnled art: tinding dilficult]y in picking up ties and seniors '.,,ilh a mmimum phins to expand the Saratoga Cora- l gradc-pmnt averag;:. munity Library where lhey le:ft off. Before they can proceed. com- ,anpson trial lawyer mlssionersmustupdatelheirreports ~ ~"'"'~: 7 (i ,speak in Saratoga -orcfi¢c, anevenmorecrowded and busierlibrats."theymuststresslolhe ~T' ~ 111~.,~ ~anlaC'laralYnivcrsttylawpr{~- City Ct~nc:l and the public ~he iscr (3cra'.d 1. rclmen cne,)f the urgeno ol the libfurr's need for J 5, impsc. n trim lav,,.crs and morcroom:andthevmustdoital[ "" [ ther~: the b,~ok L.t',~ ~rt~ t}' .r lh; ~[h the utility-users lax looming on rat ZOv Pe.,¥;/,r () ff 5trnp~r>tr~ the No~cmhcrbalitl[ [I discuss the bc,,*k arqd .t pJ;:r~ hc Irene .lacl>bs. city stair member ol: ?;used ~)n the lilt: ,~ Wi}liam l,r the. [.ihrary Commx,.smn. said nmn.,.:sBLx'aahct,:cFricnJs[:~ thecommlssloncandoLittieuntit : SarLil.:~? labrat5'. after tht: declion. ]hC rll,dctlClt~.O[J¢I2 t£~ :.he pu. bhc. "'I'kcv are m)! going to dc any- 5.:pt Tal?prrt mlhccmnmun~- thing until theuliitty-userstaxpa~s- 5~o:n ~d Ihc Saratogal. bra~y csd' Jacobs said "Because if it ~5,~ S ara;~;:, ..:k '~ c d(msn' [ pass. there's not going to be a lot [o ,.,,o r k with. and the public's ousesevacuated after concern will be on other tssues." orkers crack gas pipe rh~ :d:a [oranexpandedtibrary pt,.t,,g,;,v,,~, m,tx.,s ..... is am a ne,~' one. In 1991. ~he com- Fw,:) h. tmses were evacuatedalter mission se! the ball rolling for Community L~rarian Dolly Barnes stands =,arch vt,er her r/omrHn at the 3'#r/w<grz l,ihrar¥. nsLruction workers digging expansion and 'the plans go! lar ........................................................................................................................... ............................................................... derground on Saratoga Road enoughthattheCilyCouncii:hose "They'vebroughtinoffidalsand "Seatingmthetibrarylsm;'ery backtotheoldp]ans. azchitccmral ,eked open a gas p~pehne on an architect for the projecl. But, kindofthrownoutideas,"shesaid. shorl supply," the report states. drawingsandarchilzct irom ]992. ~g. 2,:). spewing out tumo; and abruptly. the expansion and 'the "Nothingisconcrete;they'vej=sl "While more than 1.t}00 people or begin all over again wi~h new :atinganundergroundgasleak. bondmeasureproposedlelundit putfeelersoulf visi'~tlLelibrar?¢achday thereat',.: comm~ttccsandanothera rchilcct ~'ork on the stretch o! road wereabandonedin1993after¢oun- Some of those teeless include only6l adultseats, 31 elementary interview process. tweenHerrimanandHJ.ghway9 tybudgetcutsleftthelibraryscram- whe~e the money will come ffom to and14preschoolseats." "1 don't want to close off any :tdosedonesideoftheroad~ay bling to mainlain its services. pay for library expansion. Accord- Aecordingtothereport. r{mttraf- oplions," Commissioner Ka~cn thepastfewweeks. Thegasleak, "Thefunding.'Eromtbestatewent ingtoJacobs, oneoflhefirstques- ficinthe18.{X)O-square-lootlibra~y Ccppos said. Ceppos, wh~o was a wevzr.forcedthecilylocloselhe bye-bye all of a sudden, and Ithe tionstheeommissionaskedwasif hasincreasedfrom277,660people memberofthecxpansmnco mmib Ld completely for an hour. Library Commission's] main focus Ihey could rely on any city funds. between 1990 and I991 to 350,338 tee in 1992, said Ihe commission .uckily. the gas leak was rein- hadlobeonkeepingthelibraryopen, Theanswerwasnegalive. people between1995 and i996 shouldexptoreasmanyop tioasas :[vminor. andcnlythetwohous- letaloneexpandingit,"Jacobssaid. "Therearen'tanycityfundstobe Barnessaidshe hasno room for il can right now instead ol gomg d(recfiv in lronl of the gas line New, the commission is read)' to had," she said. more books, and the bookshelves back Io plan5 and decisions made re affected. said Sgt. Van Lieden try again. With the 1994 passage of Jacobs said that le [t the commis- are too high as it is now. years ago. ;heSaramgaFireDepartment. Measure A, the initiative that sionconsideringabondmeasm'eand Commissioner David McLaugh- Jacobs said the commission qf it had been a gas main. we addedaparcellaxof$33ayearper garneringenoughpublicsupportto lin said Ihe needs assessment ncedstolindoutilmcmbe rswillbc o]dhaverespondedaioldiffer- household to communities being passil. Andlhat, Jacobssaid, iswhy reportshowslhatthelibrarysitua- allowcd by lhc City Council to bc :l),,"saMVanLeiden."But, luck- served by Santa Clara Counly thecommissionislreadingsosoftly. tionhasgoneffombadtoworse. involvcdinchoosingana rch51ect. that,,,,asn'tthecase." libraries, the library was able to "Thelastcommissionputalotof "We grossly undereslimaled or in deciding whcther an cxpan- [hetiredepanmentwasnotified relurntonormaloperation. workintolheexpansionproj:ct," how desperately we need a new sion committee will need to bc theleakbyconstructionwork- "Wewereabletoopenmoreand .Yacobssaid,"and[thecurrentcom- library now, let alone live years [ormed, andwhatkindofsupporl ~who smelled a strong odor in buy more books and materials," mission] doesn't want it to fail ago," he said. "Are we willing to tbecilywilloffcr. : air at about l p.m. Saratoga said Doll',' Barnes, communily because should il fail, they know throw away a book each time we At Wcdncsday's meeting, the eengineerTom,'.Mleysaidlhat Librarian supervisor. "With the Jt'Ubeawhilebef°retheycanpre' getanewone?" commission decided to table any ~enginecompaniessecuredthe return oflibrary services. thecom- sentitagain." Inadditlontespaceforbocks.the discussienso[furlhera ctionun~il :neincaseofaiirc,whitePG&E mission could say, 'OK, theprob- Thecommissionhasjumpedone report calls for technological theygotmoreinformatio n. rkers quickly repaired the one- led hasn't gotten any better, it's majorhurdlelowardrecommending advances in the library to keep the Jacobs predicted thecommissmn hpipe. gotten worse, so we need to do anexpansionplantothecity:Com- pubhcuplodate,roomforquiets'mdy would probably make a recom- kfter an hcur of repair, PG&E somethingaboutit.'" rak~ionersrecentlyoompletedwork areas and greup study areas, better mendorion '/or expansx)n to the tiers secured the gas leak,and For the past few months, the onupdatingtheirneedsassessment lighlingandadrive-upb,:x)kdrop. City Council before November. tfightersreturnedtotheirstation commissionhasbeenholdmginlof reportffomOclober1991. With tee needs assessment Should all go as planned, a bend ilesb. uriff's deputies reopened marionat meetings with city old- The zeport contams some star- reportcompleled, thecommission measure:ouldgobeforct hepublic ~q uarter-mile stretch o£ road. cials, according to Jacobs. tlingslatistics. now has to decide if it wants to go as early as November 1998. SEPTEMBER 4. 19~6 SARATOGA NEWS 7