HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-1996 Library Commission Minutes Saratoga Library Commission MeetiE~g City It~.111; Administrative Offices November 20, 1996 7:30 p.m. Action Minutes I {fait to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. I I Rol 1 Cal 1 Coml~issioners Present: Foscato, Grantham, Mamzo, McLaughlifl, Sess] er, Towse Commissioner Absent: Ceppos Others Present: Nancy Howe, Susan Fullel:, Ir:ene Jacobs, :[ ~:t:. !.~: .e p_,e..~:..~...~s:k .2.:e ~..~.i..n g.._0. g_.q.%m.eis. sl~'}n.._ag.e nkd.{~ Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda was properly posted on November ].5, 1996. A notice was posted on N©vembe[' 19, 96 when it was discovered th~nt the location of the meeting needed to be ch~:~.nged due to lack of availability of the Comm. unity Room at the library. Commissioner Towse made e motion to 'approve 'the minutes of u. he October 23 meeting with minor changes. T]:]ey are as folJ. ows: On page 1, Commissioner McLaughlln's name w~s misspelZled.~ On page iive, the Foundation Report reads that the Porters were unable to attend the function when they were indeed present. Commissioner Sosslot seconded the motion and the motion carried. (6/0) a, ?~!..l.iZOjj.....R~p.c.~gl.~: Susan Fuller ~repo~rted theft she had contacted, Brian "Gothy", the individu;~.t who had coordinated Measure A. The estimates tinat he gave Susan rega[?ding the probable costs involved with polling Saratoga would be ~'-L~3 follows: Considering Saratoga's size, some 400 people would be considered a valid sample~ A ten minute interview with ea,:h of the 400 would cost approximately $9~800 and a ].5 ;minute interview would cost close to $!1,000. Therefore, between $9.-- 11 ttlousand would cover the cost <}f the question selection, the actual calls to Saratogans, random select[on etc~ Susan explained that this was the estimate received by just one person but these figures were useful to have an idea of the costs involved in polling Saratoga. S~lly Towse reported that she had spoken with "Martin DuffinTM from the Good Government Group to get an idea of the i~mount of money they had spent when they had polled the community. They shared that they sent out 3,00 questionnaires in the mail and received a good response, some 10%. Part of the co~t involved with their efforts focused on their need to purchase the voter name list for: the City of Saratoga which Sally reported ~as not inexpensive. b Visit Remodeled Libraries: Commissioner Towse made a motion to table the selection of dates for library visits until the December meeting. The motion was seconded and the motion passed. {6/0) [At this time Commissioner McLaughlin made a motion to discuss New Business items fi. rst and then return to Item C of Old Business; Proposal to the city Council. Com.mTLssioner Sosslat seconded the motion and the motion carried, (6/0)] c. }!L9~9`~?~l.[["..~.t`~..~th`~.~3."~Z-.C.qu}:~.i~!~Z`.~[.ei.n.t.~!.4~e~Zj~.~"g: Susan Puller' reported that the JPA had considered the buildinq policy at their last meeting and the item had passed. This means that;. JPA calculates that it will be Able to give Saratoga some $300,000 for the proposed expansion of the [~ibrary. Susan Fuller suggested that this money could be usecl for the initial drawings needed for the expansion. The initial draw{rigs are expected to cost between $50,000 and $75,000. Fuller reported that according to the JPA's building policy, the City oF Saratoga would need to apply for a Phase I application which was really more like a letter of intent. After it was submitted, the JPA would then consider Sat::atoga's application. Marcia Manzo said that she was concerned that with so many new libraries being proposed throughout the County that the JPA would not seriously consider Saratoga's pr~posal. Susan Fuller reported that she did think that this woL]ld be a real concern. She did suggest that the April JPA meeting would be a good time to request funding. She explained that January's meeting would not be a good time because Morgan Hill will bL: requesting approval of their library needs at this time. Chair Manzo passed out to Commissioners a draft proposal addressed to the Council from the Commission. The letter states that it is the Library Commission~s recemmendati©n that the Council place a bond Measure on the ballot in 1998 in order to fund the library expansion. The chair requested that comments be shared. Commission Grantham made a motion to accept the letter as written. There was no second to the motion and the following discussion resulted. Commissioner McLaughlin said that he did m}t feel comfortable that the letter stated that the Library Commission "accepted the findings of the 1991 Expansion Comf~ittee." He further explained that g~ing along with Cynthia Ripley's~ plans was a new element that he had thought that the Commission had not agreed to do. tie did not feel comfortable rubber stampin~[~ the proposal ef the i991 Expansion Committee because he was unsure of all that the Expansion Committee had done. Susan Fuller suggested that in order to receive initial ~pproval from the JPA there was no need to 'indicate who the architect was. She recommended that the Co~unission focu,a o:n receiving initial approval to proceed from the JPA ~nd the Council arfd then later concentrate on who would produce the drawings. The entire Commission agreed that a proposal needed to be directed to the Council but there was further discussion regarding its content. Commissioner Towse proposed rev'isinq the fourth p~ragraph and Commissioner Seeslet recommended to change the first sentence. Marcia Manzo asked everyone to review the letter in further detail and then to forw~nrd the revisions on to her. VI ...................................................New Business a ~~ffects of the Election: There was general dkscussion about the results of the election and how the new Council would view the proposal to expand the library. There war!~ further discussion specifically regarding Measure 218 and the effects that it might have regarding Measure A. Susan Fuller reported that it had been discussed at the County level and that they felt fairly confident that they would not encounter difficulties ~s a result of me,-nsure 218 since Measure A received a two-thirds vote. Susan Fuller t'urther reported that as a result of Measure 218 they may have to look at a direct tax in the future. Also~ she felt that the only element of Measure A theft could possible be challenged would be the two-thirds percent increase that is built into the Measure. b. !A¥.0.~!.~A%.t..M'.e..~.e.~..i..!l.g....R_e.~.~..~_ti: commissioner McLaughtin~ who was the only Library Commissioner who was able to attend the Brown Act Meeting on October 16th, gave a very thorough suml~ary of the .items shared at the workshop. After Commiss.i oner McLaughlin had completed his report Irene Jacobs passed out a summary sheet of notes on the Brown Act. c. .C.@m .m. ,.Ult.~.t~(... ,_...RO__Q.m... ,.~ .,RB..1..es. _...ar!...d.,_~..._l~ e g u 1 a~ii .o l~:s: Commissioner' McLaugh].in made a motion to table this discussion until the February Meeting. Commissioner Seeslet seconded the Motion and the motion passed. (6/0) The Commission realized that their next regularly scheduled meeting for December fell on Christmas Day so Commissioner Towse made a motion to move the regularly scheduled Library Commission Meeting to Wednesday, December 18 at 7:00 p.m. at the Book-Go-Round or on Wednesday, Decembel~ 4 at 7:00 p.m. a L the Book-Go-Round if it was not possible on December 18th. Comm:[ssioner Foscato seconded the motion and the moti©n carried. <6/0) Susan Fuller reported on the County Libr~ry's progress on the Worldwide Web access. There had recently been a min(~r's access challenge to the Web. Therefore, the County took a proactive approach to the situation and with the help from the Mercury News and various members and groups from the community, will sponsor workshops which will assist parents and their children on how to make use of the Internet. The group has also discussed broadening the issues to focus on ways that they can make parents aware of how the Intomet can ass:i st them and their families. Fuller reported that the Mercury News is considering hosting a symposium in the editorial section of their paper on this issue. ~9! ! y _~ r ne_s, _E_om_m_~nit_~_ kt_L?r_ami~ a n: No report irene Jacobs update the Commission to the status of Measure L (Utility User's Tax). She reported that absentee ballots were still being counted and the final results would not be certain until the end of the month. Irene said that she w©uld provide further information at the December meetir~g. Marcia ~anzo passed out invitations to a Holiday Party at her house. She allso asked that Commissioner McLaughlin report or~ the status of "Frequently Asked Questions" list. Commissioner McLaughlin passed out to his fellow Co~missioner',~; a list of the most frequently asked questions that could possibly be asked about the Library Expansion. He asked the Commission to review the questions and offer him further input. Commissioner Foscato reported that the Friends of the Library was hosting its after Thanksgiving book sale. They were also having a potluck on December 2nd. s...a.!.!~.....T.o,.w.s .e..,.~...b. iib ~.?_.a_r. y_.._ti_o~ .a.d..a~.~l.9.n Sally Towse reported that the Foundation had postponed ~ny further activity until January. v: ::: :.._O. ua_!...:.n.,.~...w.:.....i.:..t....t. ,e..:...gQ.:. ;.m. ::..n. ,..i..c.::,g o..,n.,.s.'. :HI: X. .~..d_,j...o::4 .r .n .m..e_.n .t.. Commissioner Noscato made a motion to adjourn the meeting an,l Commissio:ner Grantham seconded the too=ion. The motio:n carr::[ed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. (6/0) Prepal?ed By: i' ~e"~-6fbl ..........