HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-04-1961 City Council Minutes S~RAI~3GA CITY COUNCIL TIt. m: Wednesday, January 4, 196i - 7:30 P. P~CE: Fr~vaie School, F~i~ala ~ve~ue~ Sa~a~oga~ Cal~f, ~: Regular I OR~I~TI~ A. RO~ ~L ~es~t: Brazil, Glc~on, Dr~:c~ ~lls ilartm~ ' Aboent: None B. ~IU~S Courtellen Lan~ill roved, seconded'by ~cilm~ Hartm~ to appr~e =he ~nu~es of the ~c~ber 21, 1960 mee=~.~ as rolled ~d wa-~e the t'aadlng.- C~ried ~usly. II ~LUTIONS ~ O~laCES A. ~SOLUTION 87 - Requesting Santa Clara ~unty Board of Super- Visors to pro-~$de funds for r:~hts of ~ay for ~lden1~ of State Sign Routs 9, ~yor Brazil reported that on J~ 3s 1961, on the basis of ~cil action on April 15, 1959, endorct~ ~he wident~ of Res, Hig~zay ~9s ~hd ~ the consent of ~a C0~cil~n~ he had, Req~sti~ on behalf of the Council~ supported a proposal before the S~ta Co~ty to provide Clara ~ty ~d of S.ape~'isors ~l~at the ~t3' provide f~ds funds R/W for for rights-~ way acquisition for ~deni~ bf State S~n Rou~e 9. ~,~9 He reported fur~he~ thag the Board hM agreed to pro?lde the funds for =tght~;-of-way ~a Chat n.~ ~t:~on ~as C~en a= tha~ t~ regarding Co~=y repa~nt of f~as ft'om the cities involved. Co~cil~ Gle~on obJec=ed ~o ay p~oposad widening beyond ~o l~es wi~h ~ed shoulders ~ s,~-~tzed ~d ~he re~ons for ~. S~ess:t~ ~athetic ~d cost results of ~de~ ~e;,ond ~o l~ess COunCilmnn Gle~on stated ~at he opposed the pr~osal of the Board of Supersors ~d ashd for Council reacti~ ~o his d~s at ~is t~u ~ he had ~ra~ed to be ~cuscd from the mee~i~ deer ~lucion of this ~enda ~ter d~se~,ssion of ~he views presen=ed by Co~cil~ el~on, Co~cil~ ~e ~ved, seconded by ~c~lm~ La~ll adop~ Re=olu=~on 87~ as read and ~d~f~ed. Passed ~d adopted by =he follow~ vows: A~S: B~il, Drakes L~ill~ NOES: Gle~on ~SE~: None. Marietta eoo~T.~_ch of 20~69 Thelma Avenue, ga~.,.~ogas pr~_oen_'~.ad a petition collected in 1959~ stat!~ widen~ H~ay ~9 an~ siSued only bJ- reElstared voters of SaratcEa. ~e Clerk rec&ived the pe~Ition. ~flm~n Glen~u left the ~eCln~ at rh~s B. ~SOLUTION 3~30 Res. 36-~30 Co~cli~- ~11 m~ed~ seconded by Cou~=!ln ~-~ to ~ive adop= Resolu=ion No. 3~30, accept]~ dedication of Par~t ~ive, ~t 1789~ as re~oM~ded by the Director of Public Wozks. C~ried ~ously. C. MSOL~ION 36~-31 ~s. ~ the rec~,.~enda~ion of the D~rect~ of hblic Wor~, Cou~iln 36-B-31 St=eats in ~ ~ved, seconded by ~uuc~lm~- Har~ to adopt Resolution ~. 2100 No. 36-~31: ~cept~ dedication of s~reets in Tract 2100 ~d releasins the ~rove~nt bond. III P~LIC ~INGS None O~ BUS~SS A. ~yor Brazil reported that the fTe~ay had not been executed as authozlzcd at ~he la8~ meetinE because later discuss~.~ with the City Attor~y had indicated that the Fre~ay ~re~t aEreemnt in the fo~ presented by the State does not adequately define ~he ele~}atio~ ad%,oca=ed by the co~cil. ~tez discussion~ ~Cilm~ H~ m~ed~ s~onaed by Co~ilnn ~i11 to autbrize the execu~ion cf the ~reemt subject to sat~sf~to~ negotiations by the City Ad~nis~ra~ for clarification of the Szadi~ts at each of =he four proposed s~eet crossi~s accozd~ce ~th the counc~! 's underst~dh~. C~ed V ~j BUSI~S3 None A. No rapes B. FI~CE (I) ~unc~lmn ~e m~ed to approve the dis~8~nts dated Finale J~u~y 4, 1961 in the ~unt of $2s780.88 ~d authorize thai paint. S~onded by Co~clln wusly. fore ~on'2k of Dec~2ber~ a~epted~ Council~n P&~e repc-f~ed %:hat~ on ~c~-n,h<-~r 27s 1960~ he had ~nd;~.c%~ed Ko the C~iission tha'~ A.&S Control he favored the fo~aa~:i~ of = join= study group for the purpose study of recc~aendi~ s~ basis control. Pln~ Co~ss~.oner Be~e~ uTged ~hat such a study group be org&lized and spo~ cf t~e need for technical advice on archi=e~zu~a! ~d si~e control matters. ~e Council conc'a~ea that the ~yor be d~Tec?ed tc ~a~r~n Webster of ~he Plaz~n~r~ C~!ssfon D.CITY ATTOEY No reporu~ E.DIE~CTOR OF PUBLIC No repoT=s F.81~ ~MXNIS~TOR (1) ~e Clay Aam4~stratoz ~uo~naed aha~ the zon!~ ordin~e ~nina (2) ~=er ~iscusstun and revi~ of Sara~ S~a~:y D:tstrl=~, C~uu~i].~ L~ill ~ed, seconded by Dist. Co~cil?z M~.r'~n ~ a';x~horlze ~he MaT.~: '~o execute ~he Agze~n= for tramfar agreement ~.;i~h S~ltation ~stzic~ ~4s as read by the Clerk, of ~itle to Sani. to ~r~sf~z title of ~he S~atoZa Sanitary Dls~. ~4 S~i=ation Dis~ri~:t ~4. ~=ion carried ~aulmously. PETITI01{S ~D GRImaCES A.~I~ C0~ICATIONS None B. 0~ C~I~TIONS ~e ~yor Mowraced ~at the ~ter Ci=y Council will meet =o~rr~ eveni~ at the Capri in ~rS~ Hill a= h30 P. M. CouncilMn Ha=t~ moved~ seceded by Co~il~ ~ill for ad3o~n.~n=. C~ried ~m~mnusly Respectfully submitted, -3- Gordon h. llowe,'~Ci"~y C~erk'