HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-1961 City Council Minutes SARAT0CA CITY COUNCIL ~ ' '-S~Y OF MINUTES TIME: Wednesday, September 20, 1961 - .7:30 P.~M. PLACE: Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Ssratoga, California 'TYPE: Regular 14eetin~ I ORCANIZATION Mayor Brazil called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M. A. ROLL .CALL Present: Brazil, Glennon. lJmn_~will, }lar~msn Abseut: Drake B. MINUTES Councilmau Rar_~,~n moved, secouded by Co,~ilmau Glenuou to approve the miuutes of the September 6 meetiu~ as. mailed aud waive. the readiu~ thereof. Matiou carried C. PiT. F~iward Crecelius of Pierce Road, Saratoga, iutroduced SaratoBa's ArBeutiua first foreiSu exchauBe student uuder rdme Americaam Fiela Service Exeh-n-e Student Scholarship proStem, Diego O. Giordeno-Echegoyen. The youu~ studcut read a lettar of =feetlugs to the Mayor of Sarat0~a from TeedoTe Brenzini, MayoT of Mar dal Piata, ArBeutiua and expressed best wishes for the progress aud frieudship of the ~wo cormtries. Mayor Brazil, on behalf of the City Of SararoSa, welcomed with pleasure, youu~ Diego O. Giordeno-~chegoyeu aud thsuked him for his massage. IX BIDS AND CON~BACTS A. City Administrator explaiued the terms of the agreement with Mark Storm DrainaBe ~hom~s & Company for an assessment district ior storm drainaBe ASsessment District facilities in the Argonaut area and after study by the City Attorney. No. I who discussed the matter of the enSineers fees. Couuctl_,n~- Glennon moved, seconded by Councilman Hartman to authorize the Na~or execute the agreement as presented~ ~Motien carried ,_,-_8uimously. III ORDINANCES AND FORMAL RESOLUTIONS A. ORDINANCE NS-5 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Ord. City Administrator reported that substantial ChanSes have been made NS-5 Subdiv. to the ordinance in acco=d with Joint study sessions held by the Ord. Pienniu~ Committee of the Council and the Subdivision Committee of the PI"",~"S Co~;..J_ssion. On this basis, the Mayor directed, with no objection. that the ordinance be considered re-introduced and it will be up for debate end ac~,ion at the next reSulor moetiuS~ .~-., ,,- Hr. 1~. L. Splitstone of George Nolte's Inc, c~nded the Council, Plannin~ C-..,...tssion and Staff for their careful consideration of suggestions relative to this important ordinance and stated tha~ the engineers and builders whom he represents would like to submit to the Council a comparison study of in-tract drainage fees based on actual costs under the existing ordinance and under the proposed ordinance. l~r. Splitstone was advised that ~he Plann~n~ Corm~ttee would review such a study if it i8 received adequately in advance of the next regular meeting; otherwise the ordinance will be acted upon at the next meeting as it now stands. IV SUBDIVISION ~D SITE APPROVALS Ao ~TRACT 2804 - WOLCOT WAY TE. Counsilmnn Lan~ill moved, seconded by Geuncilm~n Hartsnan ton ccept 2804 the lm~.rovements in Tract 2804 for construction only. Notion carried unanimously, V PUBLIC HEARING - 8: 15 P. H. Public Hearing opened at 8:15 P. H. and Clerk read the notice of appeal Appeal- UP-30 from the Pl~n~tUg C,~,,,:,iesion decision in grantin~ a conditional use permit Our Lady to Our Lady of Fattm~ Villa. Re read a letter ~rom t4r. John Schatz, of Fatima representtn~ the appellants, asking a t~o week delay in the hearing; and a letter from lit. Joseph Bonatimes representing Our Lady of Fatima Villa, a~ree~ to the t~o week continuation of the hearing. On this basis, and there being no objection, the Nayor directed the ma~ter continued for Public Hearing at the next regular meeting of October 4, 1961. Recess and Reconvened. VI UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. SARATOGA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR ADULT CROSSING GUARD ON .I .: Crossing SARATOGA AVENUE. Guard - Saratoga Clerk reported that this matter was presented to the council on June Union School and had been referred to the Chie~ of Police who recon~nended that the Dist. Council deny the request until such time that the number of children crossing at this point becomes ~reat anoueh to Justify an adult guard, and further, that the Council eucournge the school district to use student patrols. ADHINISTRATIVE NATT~R$ A. ~AYOR The Hayor announced that the League of California Cities will meet of Calif. at Lou~s Village in San Jose on Septembe~ 21s at which time his Cities m~g. tem as president of the peninsula section will expire and ins~alla~ tion of new officers will be held, B. FINANCE (1) Councilman Glennon moved, seconded by Councilman Lan~ill to approve the hills listed in the amount of $14,691.~+ and authorize that warrants be drawn in pa~nent. Hation carried unanimous 1 y, 1960-61 (2) The City ~dministrator submitted the 1960-61 audit report as Audit prepared by Peat, Natwick and Hitchell,~? C. C~ITTESS (1) Councilmen Glen~nn reported that the Pl~nnin~ C~!..,,~ttee had studied a request from a group in the North,~estern area~ present- Annexation ly in unincorporated County, for annexation to the City of Request - Saratoga° He stated that~ as this area is amon~ those reco..~--~uded in the General Plan for considerSinn of possible annexation~ it was the opinion of the Plannin~ Co,.-..~ttee that ~he council as a whole should conduct a study session exclusively to determine the city's policy re~ardin~ annexations and then the Plannin~ C~.....xttee could make their recomm~udation on this specific request on the basis of such policy. ~ith the consensus of the council, the Hayor directed that such a study session be arranged. ~ D. DEPAR~F~lqT HEADS AND OFFICERS (1) After report and recommendation of the Director of Fublic ~orks H~Tfm~n Councilman Clennon moved, seconded by Couneilmnn Her~m~n to Avenue R/~ authorize the Hayor to execute agreements with Charles F. and VirSinia B. HacL~.an and wi~h Geraldin~ L. Lester for right of way acquisition for Herrlinen Avenue impro~ement. Hotion carried ~n~imously. (2) Cot~il discussed with the City Attorney an a~reement for right of entry si~ned by Donald H, Stellin~ and Councilman Gleanon moved,. seconded by Conncl~m~n HaEtm~n ~hat the mayor be authorized Council discusse~the matter at length and the £o~cein8 persons spoke: (1) ttro Dan Ungarro, superintendent o~ Saratoga Union School District, urged the council to grant the request on the basis that Saratoga Avenue is hazardous not only to these seventh and eighth grade students vho are nov crossing it, but to the many children who are now riding their bicycles d~wn Fruitvale Avenue. He also stated that in providing an adult guard, the council ~ould be consistent with their action in providing adult guards for other school districts. In answer to a query from t4ro Page Abbott as to why the district does not provide a school bus £or these children, F_v. Ungarro replied that this would cost $18,000.00 and the school uanoot af£ord it, and that the school tax is presently $1.75, the legal (2) Hr. l~alter Clark, requested that the 35 mile per hour sign posted Just prior to the school be changed to read 25 miles per hour, in- asmuch as the plac~nt of this sign seesin to encourage motorists to speed up oven though it is in a school zone. (3) 14re. ~Yalter Clark cited the danBarons situation Caused by bicyclists on Fruitvale Avenue. (4)~rs. Haurice Tucker advocated that the council either provide a paid adult crossing guard or a signal light. (5) r4r. gd Crecelius presented a petition to the clerk, signed by ten Crossing persons, representing parents of six Children who attend Fruitvale Guard - Saratoga School, requesting an adult crossing guard. School (6) Nazy Knowlee cited statistics o~ a personal tra££ic survey which Dtst. che had made on Saratoga Avenue and on Quito Road and stated that the traf£1c was heavier on Saratoga Avenue. (7)Dr. David HCKell supported the request o£ the School District for an adult crossing guard on Saratoga Avenue. Council discussed the matter at length and, stressing that Saratoga was incorporated as a minimum service city and that taxpayers of the entire city should not be responsible £or the costs of services to separate districts, concurred that tt's policy is to consider provision of school crossing guards only in cases involving a major arterial street where the atudents are all under grade six. Councilman ~nn_o~lll moved, seconded by Councilman Hartman to adopt .the recommendation of the Chief o£ Police, thereby denying the request for a crossing guard on Saratoga Avenue at the Sacred Heart crossing. Notion cartlad unanimously. to execute a standard right of entry agreement that meets wi~h Agre~ut- the City Attorney*s approval, and further that the Nayor be Stelltn~ (Herrlinen authorized to ~x~:~z into an a~raements as approvad by the City Ave.) Attorney, for the acquisition of the Stellin~ right of way in the mount of $1,300.00; either or both of the a~re~nts to include provision re dust, ~otion carried unanimously. E. CIT~ ADHINISTRATOR (1) Councilman Lan~ill moved,. Seconded by Councilman Gleanon to authorize a transfer of funds in the amount of $1,500o00 ~ransfer of fro~ Account No. 160-116-21 (General Fand-Non-Departmontal-Services) Fends to the Services account (116) and capital outlay account (40) of City Clerk"s department, to be used for Civil Defense expenses.. Of the total $1,500°00, $710o00 was authorized for purchase of clerical equipment and furniture. ~otion carried vnnnimously. (2) Councilman Cleanon moved, seconded by Councilman Hartm~n to S~eeper authorize the expenditure of $500.00 for rental of a s~eeper Rental for one month. Hotion carried unanimously. ~he Director of .: ~ublic Works advised that although the sweeper is prt~rily for preparin~ streets to be seal coated, the use of it for a month ~rlll allo~ other necessary clean-up work in the City. Coancilman Gleanon moved, seconded by Councilman Hertrain to adJ.ourn the meetinto Hotion carried unanimously 10:40 Pc 1~. Respectfully submitted, /- G~KDON H. H~, CI~-~C~