HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-12-1963 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL S~{ARY OF TI~: Wednesday, June 12, 1963 7:30 P, PLACE: Fruitvale School, F~uitvale Avenue~ Sarato~a,,California TYPE: Special Hooting I ORGANIZATION ~MyOr Glennon called the meetin~ to order at 7:35 A. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Brazil, ~iennO~, Drake, ?,artman, Ritchie Absent: Merle B. Mayor announced'that this ~peCial meetin- Was called for the ~ur~ose of Special reaching a d~ciiion r~gardtn~he :Parks and ~ecreation bona ~e~ra~ and Meeting to review the p~oposed 1963-6~ budget. No C. ~layor Glennon announced that tHe'Saiato~a Union school Distric~ has Smoking' requested those ~resent to.pie~se re,rain from smokin~ in the caretoting. Ix p oposED pAR s .E R A*ioN A. Council discussed whethe~ ~r n6t the ~ar~s and p~thways pro~ra~ should be. · placed on the ballot as one issue or broken down into a ~erie~.~ofn~aS6res Parks ~ and Councilman Hartman moved, seconded by Councilman Bra~ii, to consider Recreation the several phases of the program individually rather than as one issue. Bond Motion carried unanimously. Issue ~!r. Richard Bennett, Brookwood Lane, stated that Saratoga residents have advocated a minimum service city, with minimum taxes and'mini~u~ facili- ties and that he did not feel the Council should consider this bond issue until the ~eneral public has been informed of the proposals. Hayor Glennon advised that the Parks and Recreation Committee recommendations are in conformance with the General Plan and with the citizens co~mittee report, both o~ which were drafted after nublic hearings for discussion of these recommendations. }!e stated that the City Council will have to decide whether or not these recommendations should be ~laced on the ballot and the final decision' will then be up to the electorate. B. PROPOSED ~ASURE ON PA~I!'!AYS PROGRAm! Path- Plannin~ Director Stanley ~'!alker sumarized, in order of recommended ways priority, the proposed pathways program. ~og~am 'liss Joyce Leland, Thelma Avenue, questioned the need for pathways and suggested that it would be better to allocate the money for repair existing streets. She reported that Thelma Avenue is in narticular need of.repair, ~iss Leland was advised that the Street Department will investigate her complaint. Councilman Hartman moved, seconded by Councilman Drake, that the acquisi- tion and improvement of proposed'pathways be placed on the ballot asa single issue. Motion carried unanimously. C. PROPOSED PARK LAND ACQUISITION Park Councilman Drake moved, seconded by Councilman Ritchie, that the acquisition Land o~ the four proposed park sites be placed on the ballot as a single ~easure. .Acquisi- Motion carried unanimously. ~fayor reported that the Citizens Committee tion has investigated the proposal from the ~'~estho~e Presbyterian Church that the E1 ~uito School park si~e be exchanged for the property which the Church presently occupies, and has re~orted tb~t the exchange would be desirable for both parties. D. PROPOSED PARK LAND DEVELOPMENT Park Council agreed that the development of ~ark land should not be nlaced on Land the ballot at this time. but should be deferred until after the ~ark land Develop- acquisition measure. has been decided. Councilman ~itchie moved, seconded merit by Councilman Brazil, that the proposed park program, be presented for .acquisition of park land only and not as a'~easure for development of park lands. ~{otion carried unanimously. -1- Eo PROPOSED St~I~IING POOL Councilman Ritehie moved, seconded by Councilman Brazil, to place the proposed swimming pool on the ballot as a separate measure. Swimming carried unanimously. ~r. Charles Robbins reported tha~ instructors and Pool recreation directors agree that an olympic sized ~ooI would be required adequately serve the needs of the community..l Council discussed the recom- mendations for design, the cost estimates, ~nd the status of neqot. iations with the High School for construction of a pool on the high school site as a joint project. ~{ayor Glennon su~qested that it might be well not to specify location of the proposed s~immin~ pool and Councilman Drake stated that he felt the cooperation evidenced on the part of the ~Yi~h School would warrant draftin, the measure as a joint venture. Councilman Drake moVed, SeConded by ~puncilman Hartman, that the ballot. indicate a sin~ie pr6gram.0f do0~eratiOn with the I-~i~h 'School, as a'joint venture, for c0nstructi6n of a swimmin~ ,ool of at least offieial olympic length on the high school site, in accordance with the School District's recently stated.decision that the high school will contribute $100,.000. and:~hat the Ci~y'spro~ram r~p~esent the excess above that. ~{otion carried UhanimodSlya Recess: 9:10 P~ Reconvened: 9:55 P~ ~. F. PROPOSED CENTRAL PARK BUILDINGS Central Council aereed that ~he nro, bsed Centrai ~a~k bhil~in~ should not be Park presented on the ballot,'in accordance wi~h th~ earl{er decision to limit Bld~s. the park pro,ram issue to the acquisition of ~ark lands, G. PROPOSED CITY LIBRARY Councilman Drake moved, seconded by Councilman Hartman to place the City proposal for a new library buildin~ on the ballot. r~otion carried Library unanimously. Council discussed cost estimates for the proposed library and a~reed that the cost of the building would have to be specified tO the electorate but that it could not be determined accurately until the question of location has been resolved. Plannlng Director Stanley ~'Falker suggested that any decision re~ardinq location of the library be deferred until adequate notice has been ~iven Library that this phase of the library program will be considered. Council Location a~reed that the decision re~ardin~ location of the library be deferred until the next re~ular meetjoe and that specific notice be ~iven to ~.tr. Fartier, ~4rs. Ryder and ~Jr. Charles Earley, that this item Will be considered at that time. H. BOND ELECTION Council discussed the desirability of holdin~ an election as soon as Bond possible after the summer vacation season, City Administrator tenorted Election ~hat the Registrar of Voters has offered the full assistance and coooera~ Date tion of the Registrar's facilities but has suggested that their Sta~ will be in a better position to serve the City after October !~ 196S. C~mci~ also discussed the possibility of comblain, the election ~ith other scheduled elections and a~reed that, although it miqh~ be economically desirable, they felt the slight savin~s realized would not justify the risk of confusin~ the issues. Councilman Brazil moved, seconded by Councilman Ritchie~ that ~he bond election date be set for Tuesday, September 17, 1965. '~otion carried unanimously. III BUDGET - 1963-64 FISCAL YEAR City Administrator p~esented an analysis of operatin~ costs as a percentage i965- of operating revenue for prior years, showin~ an average actual exD. enditu~e 1964 of approximately 65% of operatin~ revenue available. ~udget Council reviewed the proposed 1965-64 budqet and individual couBcil~en sub- mitted their recommendations re~ardin~ .those! items which were assigned to them for investigation. -2- PLANNI~EPA~.~NT* ~Oun~il~an~'Hartman ~eported that the Plannln~ Department has requested a salary increase for ~frs. Vo~es and a full time Typist-Clerk to Plannin~ i, lrs~ V~eS: for Counter and telephone work, !~e~tated t~ the ~fnna~e- Secretary ment!Co~niftee created ~ ~. for SeCretary a new salary range o~ $~ ,' to Salary 6f Planning and he recommended that Mrs, Vo~es*s salarybe established at Step 3 o~ this range ($41~,00 per ~onth)~ Councilman Hartnan alSO ~ecommended that the $~540, proposed for a Clerk-Typist re~ain in the 1963-64 budget but that the position be filled on a part fine basis until~ Clerk* .it may be detennined~ by the Council~ that a full-time Clerk-Typist is Typist required, Council approved these reco~endations and also authorized that $2~000, be budgeted for Plannin~ Consultant services, B, CIVIL DBFSNSH - 202 Civil CouncilmanBrazil stated.~ha~ the City has no facilities for e.~.er~ncy Defense service durin~ natural, disasters such as earthquakes and flOOds'and that Capital considerab~le damage oCcurred~uring the.~inter stor~s which mi_~ht have Outlay been preVented'ha~ ~ome type d~ e~er~e~cy eqhi~ent been ~ailable~ tie recom~ended~ arid c0~ncil appro~ed, purchase OF the ~ollowin~ ite~s~ (1) A co~unication sySt~ ~hfch cap 8~erate on an emergency networ]:, (2) A ~enerator ~or e~er~ency power supply at City ~]all and a ~obile. ~enerator ~ith at least two flood lights for on-site emergency use, (3) A bullclam . ,. (4) A la~e' truck~l. with a power winch (to be included in the Street Department budqet), C, BUILDDIG REGOLATIO~S ~.190 ...... ~. . Buildin~ -COuncilman Drake ~eportedthat he had inves~i~ate~ the Buildin, DeV~rt- Deg~o months request fo~ a~other automobile and that he ~el~ that the reqde~ Auto, was not econOmi~ali~ justified at this time~ ~ut.~t might be well to, budget the ite~ in case ~e CoUhcil ~hohld~ afte~ ~uture sfUdies~ d~Cide to authorize the purchase; Council aqreed fo lea~e th~ item in the budget but specify that the automobile not be DutchnEed without ~Urther direction by the Council, D, ~NGIN~ERI~G -r,~INTE~IA~CE OF STREETS - ~02 Councilman Ritchie reported that several caoital outlay items which End, were budgeted for 1962-63 and not purchased are included in the 1963o6~ Capital budget, Outlay Councilman Ritchie questioned the request ~or a-Contoura vrinter~ on t~e basis that it might not satisfy the needs of the other departments, Councii a~reed that the duplicatin~ equipment which the City presently has is inadequate and that the Contoura ~rinter be eliminated and a co~yin~ · machine of a type that will effectively serve all departments be budgeted ~i~ in accordance with the City Administrator's analysis of the equi~,ent needed for duplicatin~ or copyin~ purposes. Transit Council reduced the $1,000. budgeted For a transit to $750. ~. BNGIb~RINC-~.~INT~NANCS OF STREETS~ TRAVEL!?AYS ~ SHOULDRRS - 322 Street Dept. Council approved Councilman.~itchie~s recommendation that an air co~pres- Capital sot be purchased and authorized that the $6~000'. budgeted for a truck be Outlay increased to allow for a permanently mounted ~ower winch. Councilman Hartman recommended that the City budget for a oreventive .. Tree maintenance program of tree preservation. ~e suggested that the City ~aint. e~ploy a reputable tree service organization to tour the City and submit Program an estimate of the i~mediate tree ~aintenance needed. Council authorized an increase of $3~000, in the Services budget ~or the tree program outlined, F~ CORPORATION YARD - 3~0 COrp.Yard Council approved Councilman ~itchie~s recommendations that the capital Cap.Outlay outlay items requested for the Corporation Yard be allowed. ~o CITY ATTOR~¥ - 120 · ' ~',- ' ' City ~ayor ~lennon reported ~that the City Attorhey*s reeuest ~or an i~cre~se Atto~ey o~ h~sbasi~ r~ainer fro~ ~6,120~ ~' ~8~'5~0~I, ~ ~t~"~ith't~' Salary rates in adjacent areas°` ~ouncil approved the item at GOVE~TAL BUILDI~S - 150 Bldg. CounCil a~roved ~160,O00.-~o'be'bUd~eted For'U~it #2 o~ the CiVic~ Unit:#2 Center' Site ~ev~!Op~ent~ as p~rt' of a capital i~rOvem~nt ~roqram~ and Civic· directed that this:item be.~la~ed'on the ~enda £br' Council discussion Center i~ the'near future; r~ON-OEPAR~fE~TAL ~ !60' ' ~ "~ ~eport to CoUnCil. aop~oVed ~layor Glennonfs sU~es~ion that; in addition 'to·the Residents annual report~ several' infOrmatiVe' communicGtions'he mailed to Saratoga residents durin- the coBin~ year~ and authorized that $4#S00. be bud~ete~ for this purpose. J. POLICE - 172 Police ~,tayor Glennon re~orted that Chief of Police Barney ~osasco has recordmended Services additional police service durin~ peak hours of traffic and, after -eneral discussion of the item~ Council a~r~ed to bu~et for additional service with the understandin~ that·these additional services are subject to further investigation and negotiation. ENGI.~EERI~G S~RVICES - Subdiv. ~{ayor Glennon reported that, after meeti~ with County representatives End; re~ardino Subdivision en~ineerin~ services~ the P1annin~ Committee Services recommendsithat;the-City cont~nueto contract for .sef~Vices"at..cost'to ~ the County,~provided~ however,- that the City ~,~i11_be liable to the County for a maxi~am of ~6~000o if the County~s expenses exceed the amount collected'~in fees; ~Councilman ~lartm~u and City Administrator Hanley · ~ ' stated that they also understoo~ that the County a~reed to reimburse the C~ty for any ~ees col!acted,in excess of exnenses. The budget.item ~or ., ... ! County of:Santa Clara SubdiVision.~n~ineerin~ Services, wasreduce~ to .:, $6,000. 'in.accordance ~ith the recom~.endation of the Planning:Committee. ~laster Council a~oroved the budgeted expenditure of $11~660. For a ~faster Storm Storm'drainage plan;, Drain,Plan ,, L. Council a~proved the':City.administrator*s request to add~'.For council Capital' consideration ~heu..the final budget is presented~ capital.outlay items for.a Postage meter mailing machine.with-automatic .feeder~ a postage mail Outlay scale~ :and a,foldin~ machine. IV City Administrator re~orted~ for Council information, t~at the proposed amendments to the Bro~.m act failed to ~ain the a~proval of the State Le~iso Bre~n lature~ .He 'also reported~ as requested by Councilman ,Drake~ that :the ~ct ' ,, contract with the State Retirement'System requires a.quadrennial actuarial SERS survey which was due.on .June'SO,.-1962 and will'not.a~ain be necessary unti. 1 1966 .... .., .. ..-~.:- . .... V ADJOURNmeNT ...... ! '.' ..:;.-; Councilman Ritchie moved~ seconded by Councilman Brazil~ to adjourn the meeting. r.~otion carried unanimously 12:~S A. ~- -'.--~' ... .- . ..... f:, -. Respectfully submitted~ -- ,~ .: ,'~,~-:,/ ..' / . _ ~ ..,e ~'~ / ~,~'.~e. : .,- ,.: . '~4 ~ -.- : -.. -.. ,., - -. .... !~ILLI~.~ C.-f~A~LEY~ CITY, ~ ·