HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21-1967 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL SUMMARY OF MINUTES TIME: Wednesday, June 21, 1967 7:30 P. M. PLACE: Saratoga City Couucil Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave.s Saratnga~C~!if. TYPE: Regular Meeting I ORGANIZATION Maynr Pro Tempore Hartman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. A. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Hartman, Burry, Tyler, Robbins Absent: Councilman Glennon B. MINUTES It was moved by Counuilman Robbinss seconded by Councilman T~ler~ to Minutes dispense with the reading of the June 7, 1967 minutes and approve them as written; motion carried with Counctlman Burry abstaining because he was not present at the June 7 meeting, Ii BIDS AND CONTRACTS A. HAKONE GARDENS WATER SYSTEM Mr. Huff reported &hat the plans for theHakone Gardens Water System had Hakone been revisedr eliminating several automatic Controls and a tie-in with Gardens the existing well facilities, On the basis of the revised plans, Power W~ter Construction Company has offered to. install the water system lotS14,000. System Mac, Huff stated that another company is reviewing the plans and will quote a price for the work as soon as possible, He stated that the City Attorney advised that the Council ha~ the right to contract for the work without seeking new bids and Mr. Huff recommended that the Mayor be authorized to execute an agreement with Power Cormtrdction compapj] or the other interested company, if it quotes a better price. C~nstrudtions Mr. Huff estimated, will require approximately 30 days time. Councilman Robbins expressed concern that water might not be available by the time the Florence Crittenton C~.rcle has scheduled its tea room opening and suggested that the Council make every effort to furnish w~ter, by Some means, until the water system has been eomplete~. The Council agreed that this i~em~be deferred until ~he City Attorney arrives and advises regarding the legality of providing bottled water~ on an interim basis. B. AGREEMENT FOR SHERIFF~S PATROL The Clerk reported that the County of Sgnta Clara proposes that the Sheriff's cost, per patrol hour, for sheriff's patrol for 1967-68 be increased Patrol from $10.76 to $11.70. The increase , he s~ated, is primarily due to Services increases in the salary scale of the deputies. Contract 1967-68 The City Attorney asked whether or not this cost was proposed before the County Executive reduced the Coun~y~s budget and, after Mr. Huff reported ~hat it was~ advised that the existing agreement will remain in effect for 60 days after the beginning ef the fiscal year, allowing time to determine ~hether or not some of the salary increases were deleted by the County, With no objections Mayor Hartman deferred action until the staff has checked w~th the County regarding the status of the deputies salary increases and the effec~ on the proposed 1967-68 patrol services contract. A. HAKONE GARDENS WATER SYSTEM- continued from earlier on agenda Hakone The Ciey Attorney was briefed regarding the Councilws desire to furnish Gardens ~ster for the Florence Critten'ten Circle opening of a tea room and Water the County Health Departmonths disapproval of a restaurant license cn for tea- the basis that the existing well water is not suitable for consumption room and that bottled water would be inadequate from a quantity standpoint. At the request of the City Attorney, ~he Mayor deferred this matter until after the recess. SAPSTOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTF.~ - Jb~E 21, 1967 - Continued C. AGREEMENT FOR SARATOGA AVENUE RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION ~e Clerk reported that San Jose Water Works has agreed to ,eli, for $350° the last parcel remaining to be acquired for the Saratoga Avenue Agreement Reconstruction Project and that this purchase price is $90° more than with San the appraised value. Jose Water Works - The City Attorney reviewed the action taken on behalf of the City to saratoga settle ~his case wiShout completingthe process ef eminent domain proceed- Ave. r/w ings. Mro Johnston stated that it was necessary to research the history Acquisition of Saratoga Avemue and have a pro-trial conference before Judge Owens before the San Jose Water Works conceded that an 1889 act of the legis- lature established right of way which obligated the company to move its facilities. It was moved by Councilman Tyler, seconded by Councilman Burry~ and unanimously carried to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreemen~ with San Jose Water Works and direct that a warrant be drawn in the amount of $350° for the purchase of the property. D. AGREEMENTS FOR PROPERTY ACQUISITION - VILLAGE PARKING DISTRICT The Clerk presented agreements signed by the owners of five of the Village parcels within the Saratoga Village Parking District Noo 1 boundaries, Parking He stared ~aat all property to be acquired will be paid for by the District proceeds from the sale of bonds, if the district is formed, and that No. i the ~ost of each parcel would be the exact appraised amount° Acquisition Agreements ~]e City Attorney stated that the form of the agreements we, originally dra~.m by the Bonding Attorney and sen~ to him and that~ after modifying it, he had approved the fo..~n. [~o Huff reported that ~greements have been executed by the o~ners of five parcels within the proposed parking district as follows: Prances B. Anderson~ owner of parcels C and O~ evaluated at $2.38 per sq. fros total purchase price $61~062~00; George S. and Raise R. Kocher~ owners Of"Parcel F~ appraised at $2.18 per sq. ft.~ total price $6~647.00; Paul L. and Prances E. Flanagan an~ Galen S. and Shirley A~ Egbert, owners of Parcel B, appraised at $2.38 per sq. ft. for a total of $23s553o; and Virgil R. ahd Evelyn Go Herrlng~ owners of P~rcel A~ c~mpnted at $2°38 per sqo ft~ for a total of $7s256.00. The agreement ~ith the Kochers~ Mr~ Huff pointed ou~ varies from the standard form Of agreement ~y providing that tile Owner Will retain aerial rights over a portion of the parking area to provide ~edestrian access. It was moved by Councilman Burry, seconded by Councilman RObbins, and carried to authorize the Mayor to execute the four agreements described above, subject to final review by the City Attorney. The Mayor directed the record to indicate that Councilman Tyier abstained from voting on this item° E. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REPORT OF BIDS The Clerk reported that no bids were received prior to the scheduled Landscape 3:00 P. Mo bid opening for landscape maintenance. He then stated Maintenaxme the existing agreement was made without public bidding procedure and asked ~faether the Council wished to re-advertise fe~ bids, continue the existing contract~ or negotiate with interested fi~ms who submitted bids after the bid opening deadline. The C~ty Attorney advised that~ from a legal standpcint~ no bids had been received and tha~ the Council was entitled to negotiate a contract but that he recommended re-advertisement for bids. The existing contract~ Mr. Johnston stated, can be extended beyond the present expiration date of July 1, 1967 by change order cf the Council. SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JL~TE 21, 1967 - Continued II.-Eo Continued Landscape It was moved by Councilman Burry, seconded hy CoUncilman Robbins,.and Maintenance unanimously carried to authorize the extension of the existing contract with Green Valley Maintenance Company for two weeks beyond the July.1 expiration date and to direct the staff to re-advertise for bids for landscape maintenance of City owned property. Ill. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES AND FORMAL RESOLUTIONS A. ORDINANCE NS-3-ZC-38 Ord. NS-3-ZC-38 The Clerk reported that, with the cooperation of the developer and Junior Allendale College District engineers, plans for Allendale Avenue improvements have Ave. Chg. been revised to provide a 500' radiUS at either end of the curve and of Zone that this will be more amenabl~ to traffic safety. It was moved by Councilman Robbins, seconded by Councilman Tyler, and unanimously carried to adopt Ordinance NS-3-ZC-38, as introduced at the last meeting, retching property on Allendale Avenue from R-1-40~000 to R-1-2OsOO0. B. ORDINANCE NO. 38.17 Mr. Huff stated that this amendment to the City Code was drafted by the City Attorney,at the request of the Chief Building Inspector, to correct Ord. a problem involving non-completion of buildings. Mr. Huff read the 38.17 proposed ordinance in its entirety and the City Attorney explained that Bldg. tile wording of the Uniform Building Code relative to time limitsof Permit building permits allows undue delay in construction and that,. under Expire. existing Code~ it is difficult to prove that ~lork has been abandoned for 120 consequtivedays~ Ordinance 38.16 would provide that the Building O~ficial, based on the wl'itten estimate provided by the developer~ would establish the expiredrich da~e for each building permit. After brief discussion~ ~uring which the City Attorhey reviewed the procedure for adoption Of ~arious types of ordinances, the Mayor directed that Ordinance 38.17 be introdUCed ahd. plaeed on the agenda for second reading and consideration at the next regula'r meeting. C. RESOLUTION NO. SDR~22-2 Res. The~Cle~'k;~ep0rted that s~reet improvements tO Shadow Mountain Drive SDR-22-2 by the Saratoga Union SchOol DiStrict have been satisfactorily completed Shadow Mtn. and maintained for one year and he recommended acceptance of the dedication Drive - of right-of-way. It was moved by Councilman hurry, seconded by Council- Street man Tyler, and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution No. SDR-22-2, accep- Acceptt ring the offer of dedication and declaring the portions of the street covered thereby to be a public street of the City of Saratoga. D. RESOLUTION NO. 85-6 Res. Mr. Huff reported that this resolution, establishing salary ranges for 85-6 employees of the City, had been prepared in accord with the Management Employee Committee's recommendations relative to salary ranges, City contributions Salary & to the medical and hospitalization plan, pay rate for emergency over- Policy time works and addition of several job classifications in the Public Works Department. · Councilman hurry and Robbins, Chairman and membur of the Management Committee respectively, commented regarding their studies and indicated that salary range increases of between 5% and 10% were recommended on the basis of infornmtion.obtsined from the League of California Cities regarding salary structures of adjacent cities for comparable job classifications. The Committee endeavored, it was reported, to establish salary ranges for Saratoga that would provide equitable compensation above the minimum, but below the maximum~ paid for comparable positions in neighboring cities. SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 21, 1967 - Conrimmed III.- D. RES. 85-6 - Conto Ras.85-6 Councilman Hartman expressed concern regarding the salary evaluation Salaries procedure used by Saratoga and other cities and suggested that prior to the next budget time, Saratoga 'develop a better method of establishing salaries, Councilman Burry stated that the }~nagement Committee plans to recoumend the employment. of an outside management consultant to scientifically evaluate each job prior to the preliminary budget studies for 1968-69. Mr. Huff noted that $3,000° has been preliminal'ily budgeted for this purpose. With Council approval, Mayor Harkman deferred action on Resolution No, 85-6 until the next regular meeting and requested the staff to provide copies of the current employee resolutions No, 85-5, to those members of the'Council who have not had an opportunity to study it and compare the present provisions With those proposed, IV. SUBDIVISIONS, BUILDING SITES AND ZONING REQUESTS A. SDR-657 - JAMES DAVI SDR-657 Councilman Tyler reported that the Public Welfare Committee and the Sub- Davi division Committee met with Mrs Davi and his architect and engineer to Conditions discuss the request for modification of conditions of tentative site approval for a convalescent hospital on Souse Lane, The Committee recommends that conditions II-A~ II-B, and II-C be satisfied by permitting the applicant to enter into time standard site approval agreement encompas- sing these conditions and to pdst performance and labor and material bonds sufficient to guarantee acquisition of the necessary right-of-way and construction of the improvements~ The Committee also recommends~ Councilman Tyler Continued~ that the applicant be relieved from ~ompliance with Condition II-D~ subject to his agreeing to permit no runoff of storm or irrigation water from his p~emises onto adjacent property and to parti- cipate in construction of future storm drain facilities to serve the area on the ~ame Basis aS other. prope~ties ~erved, The recouunendation relative to COndition ~I-D was based on th~ june 1, 1967 communication from the DiVision ~f Highways outlining the plan for draining the free- ~qay interchange, It was moved by Councilman Burry~ seconded by Councilman Robbins, and unanimously carried to grant final site approval for SDR-657, subject to tile conditions recommended above by the Public Welfare Committee and to the execution of an addenda to the site approval agreement providing for reimbursement to the City of any and all co~ts that might be incurred' in the process of eminent domain proceedings or negotiations to acquire the right of way required for street improvements, B. SDR-580 - QUITS LIBRARY SDR-580 Upon the report of the Department of Public Works that all deficiencies Qnito had been corrected for improvements constructed in connection with the Library development of SDR-580, County Library at Quits, it was mcved by Council- Bond man Tyler~ seconded by Councilman Robbins, and unanimously carried to Release release the $5,000. improvement bond posted for this work. C. SDR-530 - B. MIC}~EL ANDERSON SDR-530 Councilman Robbins moved~ seconded by Councilman Burrys to release the Anderson $800. remaining from the original bond posted by B. Michael Anderson Bond to guarantee completion of improvements for building site SDR-530s as Release recommended by the Department of Public Works; motion carried unanimously, V PUBLIC HEARINGS A. C-I06 - M.V.S. COMPANY C-106 Mayor pro tem opened the public hearing at 8:45 P. M, on the request M.V.G. for change of zoning from A to R-M-3sO00 for the 10 acres located across Co, SARATOGACITYCOUNCILMINUTES - JUNE 21, 1967 - Continued V. - A. C-106 - M.V.S. COMPANY - Continued Saratoga Avenue from Paul Masson Champagne Cellars~ and directed the file introduced as evidence. The Planning Director reviewed the history of the application and explained that the applicant proposes to construct 140 apartment units in a common ~reen type development for adults. The Planning Commission recommends C-106 that the rezoning be granted subject to the conditions listed in the Subdivision Committee Report dated 22 May 1967 with the addition of an M.V.S. additional condition limiting the time for construction commencement Company to within one year from the date of Council approval of the rezdning. Letters were introduced into the record from the Chamber of Commerce~ supporting the application; and from Prides Crossing Homeowners~ S. E. Burgasser~ and Re D° Heffelfingers opposing the application. Councilman Tyler questioned the Subdive!on Ceu~nittee's suggestion that a 50 Year age limit be imposed and the Planning Director stated that the Planning Commission did not impose this condition although it was f~lt by the Subdivision Connnittee to be desirable. Councilman Robbing asked what the General Plan indicated for this area and was advised that the area was designated R-M on the 1960 General Plans changed to single family residential in 1962 and changed back to multiple residential when the General Plan was reviewed in 1965. Mayor Hartman called for comments from the audience and the following persons spoke: Dr. ISAAC ABRAMS, 13025 Saratoga Avenue, listed a number of reasons why he felt the site was excellent for the proposed use. These reasons were, primarilys l) Multiple use was acceptable to the c0mmuhity by the 1960 adoption of the General Plan~ . 2) the site is isolated geographically 3) traffic feeds directly to a major arterial Sireere! 4) the topo- graphy is flat and adj~c~n~ ~0 shopping facilities. 5) A special com- mittee was appointed by ehe Mayor to Study retirement faCility. needs and 6) this site~ developed aS prdpoSeds will meet the needs of the community for retirement livih~. JOSEPH CONNOLLY, 13690 Beaumont Avenue, spoke in favor of the application. He described other areas zoned for multiple family residential use and stated that these areas are nndeveloped because of unsuitability of location and steephess of terrain~ or are economically not feasible for development° The Saratoga Avenue site under consideration was, however~ considered by Mr. Cormoily to be ideal for the adult cormnunity proposed and would provide suitable homes for Saratogans who would otherwise have to move to other areas when they reach an age when they can no longer maintain large homes. Mr. Connolly also stated that revenue to the City would be increased through high assessed value of land without need for the services required by families with children. ED DEMERE, 12371 Saratoga Greek Drive, Vice President of the Saratoga Park Woods Homao~ners Association, spoke in opposition to the application and listed the following reasons: l) density is too high for the site 2) there is no assurance that the development would be restricted to adults and 3) it would establish precedent for applications for similar uses along Saratoga Avenue. Mr. Demote presented a petition suggesting that density be reduced to 7 units per acre and stated that it had been signed by 318 persons, representing 80% of the homeo%mers contacted. MRS. HAROLD SCHARFF, 20199 Glasg~ Drives asked if access would be directly onto Saratoga Avenue and was advised that it would and that the existing median crossing would sense for left turns~ ORVILLE G!ASS, resident of Saratoga Woods~ spoke in favor of the appli- cation, stating that most of the persons signing the petition presented by Mr. Demote were young and that if the proposed facilities had been constructed five or ten years ago many of Saratoga's fine citizens would have remained among their friends and neighbors. SARATOGACITY COt~ClLPLINUTES - JUNE 21s 1967 - Continued V. - A. - C-106 - M.V.S. CO. - Continued DR. THOMAS G. SCItULTZ, 19348 Columbine Court, expressed opposition to the proposed development which he stated would result in a density of 50 to 60 people per acre° He said that he thought the location was ideal for mul[iple family residential use but that the density proposed is too high and would generate traffic problems and, furthermore~ that he did not agree that it should be specified for an adult conmunity. Dr. Schultz commented that he is a member of the Institute of Traffic Engineers. JOHN HOLMES, 20326 Pierce Roads urged approval of the application and indicated that although a density of 14 units per acre may be too low for an equitable return, he felt that 7 units per acre would be necessarily priced out of range of the persons for whom the development was designed. ALBERT KIRSCH, 13621 Old Tree Way, opposed the application and stated that exclusive adult ccunnunity apartments are difficult to keep tenanted C-106 and that, in his opinions displaced persons from other areas would M.V.S. eventually be attracted to the area and that subsidized housing for Co. families with children would probably then occupy the apartments, MRS. JOHN CORR, De Havilland Drive, stated.that she is not opposed to the retirement facility but that she is concerned that the density would be too high and that she is especially concerned as to how the additio hal vacant 10 acres will be developed. MRS. JAMES, 15251 E1 Camthe Grande~ expressed strong support for the proposed development. W. R. COOK, 20280 Saratoga Vista Court~ spoke in favor of the application and commented that he doubted that high cost apartmentw would ever be the object of subsidized housing. ~OROTHY PARKER asked the Mayor if he would ~quest a show of hands from those persons present who fa~0red the propdsal and roughly 25 persons indicated approvgl. DR. ISAAC ABRAMS stated that he aid nee think there was mly opposition to the location and that th~ question of density appears to be the primary point of objection. Dr. Abrams indicated that no structures are proposed except one and two story units and that the location of the units has been designed to distribute the two story structures so that adjacent neighbors would have only one story units and trees in their line of view. Dr. Abrams also reviewed the studies of the Planning Commission regarding density and concluded his remarks with the observation that his plans are based on an estimated 1~8 persons per dwelling unit. No one else from the floor wished to comment and Councilman Burry moveds seconded by Councilman Tyler, to close the public hearing; motion carried unanimously at 9:45 P. M. Mayor Hartman, with no ob]ection, directed Ordinance NS-3-ZC-38 introduced and advised those present that the matter will be considered by the Council at the next regular meeting but that the public hearing on the application has been closed. Joseph Connolly asked for an informal indication of the Council's opinion regarding this application and was advised that the Council wishes to study the evidence before submitting an opinion. RECESS AND RECONVENE VI ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS A. MAYOR No reports B. FINAHCE (1) Payment of Claims -6- SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 21, 1967 - Continued VI.-B. - PaTent of Claims - Continued The City Attorney advised that a claim in the amount of $4277,88 payable to the Clerk of the Superior Court represents the ~mount to be deposited with the Courts on an Interpleader suit filed to settle a disputed claim for re-staking costs on Saratoga Avenue. Bills Mr. Johnston explained that negotiations with the Engineers, Creegan & Claims and D'Angelos and with the Developer~ Leo F, Piazza Company, failed to resolve the dispute as to which fil~n is entitled to the payment which the city has held for that purpose. Therefore the City Attorney filed an Interpleager suit. The money deposited will be paid by the Court to whichever party it determines to be the ... rightful recipient. It was moved by Councilman Burry~ seconded by Councilman Robbing, and unanimously carried to approve the list of clalms dated June 1967~ totaling $55,155.73 and authorize the Mayor to execute warrants for payment thereof. Finance (2) 1~e City Clerk's Financial Report and Treasurer's report for the Reports month of May~ 1967 were submitted for Council review. e C. COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND REPORTS (1) Councilman Tyler reported that the Public Welfare Committee recommends revision of the pedestrian easement in Tract 4042 to provide a 10' Tr.4042 wide easement in lieu of the 40' easement sheen on the final map, easement in accord with the request of May 31 from Claude T. Lindsay~ reduction Incorporated. It was moved by Councilman Tyler~ seconded by Council- man Robbins~ and unanimously carried to adopt the recommendation of the Couunittee and authorize the relinquishment of 30' of the wide easement. (2) Councilman Tyler reported~that the Subdivision Committee submitted a reports dated 21 June 1967 relative to the County right-of-way in County the vicinity of Brookside Glen Apartments on Saratoga-Sunnyvale right-of-way Road and that the Subdivision Committee~ planning Committee and Hwy. 85 & staff strongly.recommend that the county be requested to prohibit Brookside parking or other use~of the area that w6uld result in an inadequate Glen AptsA access to the Brookside Glen Apartments or detract from en other- Wise attraht~ve area of Saratoga. It was further recoupended that SeleCtion of fencing~ curbin~ or other means for prohibiting such parking should be determined after action by the coun[y. it was moved by Councilman Tyler, seconded by Councilman Burry~ and unan- imously carried to accept the recommendation of the Planning Com- mittee, as set forth in the abovementioned Subdivision Committee report dated June 21, 1967, and direct the staff to request the County to prohibit parking in this area. Tbe Council then discussed the status of this right-of-way and the County ownership which origin~ted. when the County purchased right- of-way for use in widening Highway 85 with Trafflcways funds allocated for use in Saratoga, Councilman Robbins moved that prior to action being taken on the pre- viously approved motion to accept the reco-~endation of the Planning Committee and Subdivision Committee relative to this right-of-way the City Administrator be authorized to negotiate with the County relative to acquisition of the property by the City. Councilman Burry seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (3) Mr. Huff reported that the Public Welfare Committee reviewed the Bohlman Road project and recommends that the City contract with Bohlman Sverdrup and Parcel for preparation of construction plans based Road - on the soil report submitted by Gribaldo, Jacobs & Jones. The Sverdrup & engineering services are. to be furnished at a cost of $13,000. plus Parcel up to 10% override if JuStified. It was moved by Councilman Burrys seconded by Councilman Tyler, and unanimously carried to authorize execution of a contract with Sverdrup and Parcel subject to the terms outlined by the Public Welfare Cu~ittee. -7- SARATOGA CITY COUNCIlMINUTES - JUNE 21, 1967 - Continued (4) The City Attorney advised that, after reviewing the Hakone Gardens Water system problem discussed under Item II-As he had discussed Hakone the matter with a representative of the Florence Crittenton Home Gardens and had suggested that when the application for a restenfant license Water is made the applicant state that water will be provided by the Contract City of Saratoga, It was moved by Councilman Tylers seconded by Councilman Burrys and unanimously carried to author.~.ze the City Administrator to negotiate a contract for installation of a water system for Hakone Gardens iu an amount not to exceed $14,000, E. CITY ADMINISTRATOR (1) Mr. Huff reviewed previous Council consideration of a report from Hakone the Policy Coummittee outlining several improvements needed in the Gardens kitchen at Hakone Gardens for the operation of the tea-room. Kitchen Huff reported that subsequeat efforts to reduce the cost of the Improvements improvements has reduced the total cost of the ~.~ork and equipment now needed to approximately $1432, Councilmen Burry moved that the City AdminiStrator be authorized to negotiate with Clarke Plu~.bing Company Or other local .plumblug firm to do the necessary s~ork for a total cost not to exceed $1432,' Councilman Robbins seconded the motion which carried with Councilman Tyler voting in opposition to the motion. Councilman Tyler explaihed that he felt that the entire cost' of ~mproveme~ts needed to operate the tea room was the responsibility of the west Valley Circle of the Florence CrittentoU Home. rickety (2) With no obje~tton~ May~r Hartnmn referred to the Public Welfare Lane Committee a ~epor.t of ~omplaints from residents in the Vickery b0mplaint Lane a~ea relative ~o the condition of that street~ W,V,J,C, (3) The City Administrator reminded the Council ~ha~ the Jdnior College Ground- ground-breaking ceremonies will be held tomorrow morning at 10e00 A;M, breaking (4) The Council was advised of an invitation from Mrs, Situey to attend Youth the ground breaking ceremonies for the Youth Center Building on Center Saturdays July 8~ at 10:30 A, M. VII COMMUNICATIONS A. WRITTEN (1) The Council discussed a communication from Mrs. Toys requesting 'a Champagne- decision on her request for permission for the Los Gates-Saratoga Council Symphony Guild to serve champagne after its benefit performance of Chambers "The Sound of Music" on July 8th at the City Council Chambers. Councilman Burry moved that permission be granted as requested; Councilman Robbins seconded the motion which carried unaniulously. "Young (2) A letter from the City of San Leandro relative to financial support America" for "Young America" representation at Expo 67 on June 27 and 28 was directed' to file. B. ORAL percolation(1) Dr. Thomas G. Schultz, 19348 Columbine Court, requested the C~uncil Ponds to direct the City Attorney to investigate the provision of protective devices around pertelation basins in the vicinity of Saratoga cxeeks. The Administrative Aide reported that at a recent Water CenserverSion District meeting he had artended this question was considered and that the District had concluded that it was not feasible to try to install protective devices for these ponds which will be in use by the Water Conservation District until November. .g_ SARATOGA CITY COUIqCIL MINb'TES - JUNE ll, 1967 - Continued VII.-B. - Continued After discussion, during whichlthe City Attorney advised that this PerCo!ation matter Is entirely within the jurisdiction of the Flood Control Ponds and Water Conservation Districts, the Mayor, with council approval, directed the staff to investigate the water districts' plans° (2) Harry Lawior, Engineer representing LeRoy Hiatt, requested Council clarification of previous action relative to a six lot subdivision Tr.3591 on Saratoga-Los Catos Road. Final map re-confirmed The Staff explained that the final map which was approved by the Council at its May 17 meeting corresponded with the original tentative map approved by the Planning Comm~ssion and that it provided for installation of a cul-de-sac with a triangular portion deleted because of the owners inability to obtain title to that.portion from the adjacent property o~ner~ Mr. btllso Subsequently~ it was reForted~ Mro Mills verbally agreed to sell the proporty and the Developer changed the improvement plans to include full cu!-de-sac development~ These later plans coincided with the action Of the Council on the final map and since that time Mr~ Mills again decided not to sell the property and the plans had to be revised accordingly, At this points it was explained~ some question exists regarding approval of the improvement plans and the City Attorney advised that the Council should clarify that the improvement plans showing the deletion of a portion of full cul-de-sac improvements, can be approved as submitted. It was moved by Councilmen Burry, seconded by Councilman Robbins, and carried unanimously to re-confirm the action of the Council in approv- ing the final map for Tract 3591, with the Mills property excluded from the cul-de-sac improvements. 1967-68 (3) The City Administrator presented the 1967-68 preliminary budget for council study prior to the nexe regular meeting. Budget (4) The Mayor acknowledged, Wi~h pleasure, the presence of Planning Comissioner Crisp and Good Government Group representative Dorothy Parker, who served coffee on behalf of the GGG. VIII ADJOURNMENT it was moved by CounCilman Burry~ Seconded by Councilman Tyler and unanimously carri&d ~o adjourn the ~eeting ~t 11:15 P. M. Respectfully submitted, J. R. HUFF, CITY CLERK mdr