HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-1969 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1969 - 7:30 P.M. PLACE: SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE, SARATOGA, CALIFORNIA TYPE: REGULAR MEETING I. ORGANIZATION Mayor Tyler called the meeting t6 order at 7:45 P.M. A. ROLL CALL Present:' C~uncilmen H~yer, Robbins, .Sanders,' Smith and Tyler. ~bsent: None. B. MINUTES Broadened Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded 'by Mr. Robbins that the minutes of the Youth meeting of August 6, 1969 be ,approved with the following amendment: Center Page 7, Section 3.~ Paragraph 2: Council~pproved.two requests - Membership' one was extension for the 1969-70 school year of widened geographical limits; and the other was that the p~ogram be offered to Junior High School students. Motion c~rried. II. BIDS AND CONTRACTS : C.O. #1 A. CHANGE ORDER #1 - CITY HALL ADMINISRATIVE WING City Hall ~ Addition Moved by Mr. Robbing, seconded by Mr. Tyler that Change Order #1 in the amount of $1,081.59 be approved as recommended by the Management Committee. Carried and so ordered. C.O. #2 B. CHANGE 'ORDER #2 - Item #1 - CHANGE TO 3/i6 TEMPERED GLASS Plate Glass Item #2 - CHANGE TO INCREASE THE CONDUIT SIZE Telephone ~ System Mr. Huff explained that Item ~1 covered replacement of plate glass Changes ih the doors ~nd panels ~ith 'tempered~ gl~Fs for safety purposes. Item #2 covers furnishing and installing of,a telephon~ conduit capable of handling a calt director phone ~ystem. Moved by Mr. Sanders, seconded by Mr. Smith that Change Order #2, Items 1 and 2 be approved subject to the !approval of th~ Management ~o.mmitt~e. -! Carried and ~o ~rdered. III. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES & FORMAL RE~OLUTIONS A. RESOLUTION 491 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS. RESL'N Mr. Huff explained that this item had been on the Agenda at the 491 last meeting and had been referred to the Management Committee, PURCHASE who had recommended the~purchase of fourl5 4-door sedans. OF 4 AUTOS Moved by Mr~ Robbins for approval of Resolution49i whigh approves the purchase of four cars to Feplace existing cars and provide~~ one additional car for the Department of Public Works and one additional pool car. Seconded by Mr. Sanders. Carried and so ordered. B. RESOLUTION NO. 493 - RESOLUTION ENDORSING SANTA CLARA COUNTY MEASURES A, B, & ~, AND URGING SUPPORT OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 ELECTION RESL'N Mr.~oward!'aPpeared on behalf of the County of Santa Clara and urged 493 endorsement of Measures A, B!& C. He explained that measure A will. E~DORSEMENT be ~inanced out of sales tax revenues rather than property tax S.C. MEASURES revenues' by.a levy of ~% commencing January, 1970. This will permit A,B. & C. the Surfervisors to put into ~otion various programs, one of whiqh is to undertake immediately theZstudy of the methods and engineering SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST20, 1969 for mass rapid transit and secondly the establishment of a bus system on a county wide basis. Financing would be from the new, authorized by the people, sales tax raise. In 19170, they expect to raise~l~ million dollars. The Federal Government measures, if they comeinto effect, may eliminat'e.the need fo~ a sales tax. Measure B is a forty-one million dollarSCounty bond issue requiring 2/3 vote approval by the people. TheSe bonds will be paid for out of the County's accruing existing sales tax funds. The County shares ~n sales tax returns of all of the cities and in 1956 entered into an agreement with the cities to the effect that, subject to the county's ability to share in t~e sales tax revenues, ~he county would use these funds,for capital improvements. The Supervisors, before approving measure B, appointed a special committee of 12 to do a review of the proposed method of .financing the bond measure, who concluded that the plan was sensible and conservative. Subsequently, in July, the County Taxpayers Association did their own independent review of this financing plan and concluded likewise that it was a proper approach and that.organization has endorsed Measure B as well as A and C. f Measure C is a~5,300,000.0~.~program for continued development'of CoUnty parks and acquisf[~O~ition~l lands and beginning development of additional lahds. These bonds will be paid for out of property tax. This has been reviewed by the Board's Financial A~visory Committee and the Taxpayers Association. T~ey have projected that in 1975/76, which will be the highest demand for redemption of bonds,the cost will be approximately 4¢ per $100.100 of assessed valuation. This would mean that the increase On a~$25,000.00 home would be approximately $2.50 to $3.00. Mr. Robbins noted .that hehad pe~s!ona~y r~viewed the various items in this program and found ~hem to be ,necessary and desirable. Mr. P~ili~ Lively, who is on the' Planning'Commission, appeared at this meeting as a resident and 'explained that he had met with a group of citizens who were strongly oppose~ to Proposition~A. He pointed out that there was a gre'at~deal behindY'~t~is issue and ~rg~d that it be looked into very closely. Mayor Tyler pointed out that the Council does ha~e a member on the ~rans-.~ portation P01~c~ 9omm~ttee which reviewed this proposal. Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr.~er ~hat the City adopt ~olution No. 493 endorsing Santa Clara C6Unlty~Measure~A, B, and C tO provf~ Public Transit, Public Protection !and Public Parks for CitizensTMof Santa Clara County and Urging Saratogans, to support these Measures at the Bailot Box on September 16, 1969. Carried and so ordered. C. ORDINANCE NO. 47-1 - ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 47 ~ND ADOPTING REVISED BUDGET FOR CITY OF SARATOGA FOR FISCAL YEAR 1969-70. ORD. 47-~ Mr. Huf~ explained tha~ this Ordinance adopts a budget revised to. reflect Revised 'the proposed tax increase so it 'actually changes the' amounts of the reserves Budget to support the coming year's budget and requires another $70,090.00 from the 1969-70 property tax. Mr. Smith moved adoption of Ordinance 47-1;/~s introduced AugUst 6,1969. ~Mr. Robbins sedpnded. Carried and so orderedj D.. ORDINANCE NO. 19-L - O~DINANCE F'~G~AMOUNT OF REVENUE FROM PROPERTY TAXES NECESS~Y FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF' SARATOGA FOR THE CURRENT YEAR & FIXING AMOUNT OF REVENUE SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ESTIMATED COSTS FOR SAD'YEAR FOR, SCL DISTRICT NO..!~2_, AZULE LIGHTING DISTRICT & QUITO LIGHTING DISTRICT -2-. t SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MIOES AUGUSTi, 20, 1969 D. ORDINANCE NO. 19-L - Continued ORD. 19-L ' ' AZULE & Mr. Smith moved adoption of Ordinance 19-L; Mr. Sanders seconded. QUITO Carried and so ordered. !~LIGHT. DIST. E. RESOLUTION NO. 32-L - RESOLUTION FIXING TAX RATES FOR GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES NECESSARY FOR GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES, KES'LN ~PEEIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS SCL DISTRICT N0. 1, 32-L AZULE LIGHTING DISTRICT & QUITO LIGHTING DISTHICT. AZULE & ~UITO LIGHT. Mr. Robbins moved adoption of Re~olution No. 32-L; Mr. Sanders seconded. DISTRICTS Carried and so ordered. F. RESOLUTION NO. 451~A - RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE PARKING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND FIXING TAX ~tTE RES'LN FOR THE Y~A~ 1969-70. 451-A VILLAGE Mr. RobbinS moved adoption of Re~olution 45t-A; Mr. Sanders s~conded: PARK. MAINT. Carried and so ordered. G. PETITION NEQ~ESTING CITY TO CONTACT PROPERTY OWNERS REGARDING [I~.FORMATION OF ADDITIONAL PANKING DISTRICTS.~ ~ETITION Mr. H~ff explained that th~s was=a[petition from the Sarat~g.a Villag~ RE ADD'L Merchants Association containing 73 signatures, requesting council te PARKING take steps to form an additional lparking district in the village area. DISTRICTS Mayor Tyler suggested that we contact property owners by means of a postcard rather than going to the expense of a formal petition. The matter was referred without objection to the Public Welfare Committee~ to prepare the wording of the pos~t card survey. H. ORDINANCE NO. NS-~i2- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NS-3, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA BY AMENDING ARTICLE 3 PERTAINING TO SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES IN REA/~ YARDS OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS.' OR/). NO. NS This.is a permanent Ordinance designed to replace Ordinance !3-E-7 which ~1~2 · was adopted by the Council to prevent construction of accessory .s~zuctures SETBACK in rear yards. This has undergone hearings at Planning Commission level REQUIRE- and is being introduced tonight With the intentionSthat the Ordinance wil~l MENTS - be read at Public Hearing on September 3rd. ACCESS. STRUCTURES Mr. Dwyer felt t~is should go to a Committee to work out some of the ~roblems which the hom~ owners have commented on. Mr. Huff explained that the original idea had been presented in a letter . from Mr. Martin of the. Prides Cro,ssing Home Owners Association. Mr. Walker felt that the matter did'r~quire some further study as the Ordinance was more restrictive t~an the emergency Ordinance. Mr. Naugle appeared at the meeting on behalf of the Prides .crossing Homeowners Association. He resides at 10270 Inglewood Court and is Vice-President of the Association. He stated that the Association h~d held a board meeting on August 19, to clarify this issue and ~eview the proposed modified amendment fo the Ordinance. They concluded that the proposed amendment was totally unacceptable in that it is ambiguous and does notindicate which sections of the Ordinance are to be replaced, or where the amendments are to fit into the Ordinance. They very definitely recommend that this modification not be adopted and would like toZsuggest that in order to ahhieve a workable Ordinance that would benefit thOSe area where the Ordinance has the most affect - in the higher density portions of the.city - that something be set up so that the Ordinance amendment be sent to a Committee made up of Citizens at large and r~presenta~ives from the homeowners associations SARATOGA COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1969 so that ideas could be presented as to what the Ordinance.shoUld permit, what terms should be defined and a.more clear statement o~e desires of the Ordinance and then hand these 'over to the Cit~ Attorney and have him draft the Ordinance so that it doesn't conflict with the other sections. Mr. Johnston agreed that the wording gf the Ordinance was ambigu6us and Mayor Tyler suggested a meeting between the Planning Committee .and representatives from Prides CroSsing Homeowners Association. ~le proposed Public Hearing was cancelzled by the CoUncil. The matter was continued to the next regular meeting of the City Council.. and referred to the Planning Committee. City .Manager. to notify Prides. Crossing Homeowners Association when dhe meeting .is to take place. It is nofed that Mr. Sanders abstained from the discussion regarding Ordinance NS-3~2~_j. I. ORDINANCE 38.32 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA. AMENDING CHAPTER 9 OF THE SARATOGA CITY CODE, DECREASING THE SPEED LIMIT ON THREE OAKS WAY TO 25 M.P.H. ORD. This is an ordinance prepared b½. the Ciity Attorney to establish a 25~mm~TZo~s .38.32 per h6ur spee~ limit on Three Oaks Way. from Fruitvale to San Jose-Los~"G~ 25 mph Road. This1 is deemed neces§ary because of a vertical sight distance problem SPEED on Three Oaks Way. The speed limit is' now 65 m.p.h, Mr. Huff recommended LIMIT introduction of'this'.Ordinanceand referral to the Engineering Department~ THREE OAKS WAY Ordinance No. 38.32 introduced without!objection. IV. SUDIVISIONS, BUILDING S~TES & ZONING R~,QUESTS Ai SDR-767 - M.V.~. COMPANY ~ BUILDING SITE APPROVAL - ONE PARCEL ON SARATOGA AVENU~ = Continued from~8T6-69 SDR-767 Mr. Hu£f reported that'he had discussed the landscape mainte~anc~ Iagreement with M.V.S. Dr. Abr~ms, Who indicated'l he had s6me ch'anges to suggest~i~C_~_~e!~ding pre- CO. pared by the City AttOrney. Dr. Aberams is preparing an alternate~roposal. BLDG. SITE Without objection Council dropped SDR 767 until the i-andscape maintenance APPROVAL 'p~oblems can be wSrked 6ut or until Dr. Abrams has met all the conditions. B. C-106 - M.v.S. COMPANY ~ CONTINUATION OF REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL ZONING C-106 M~'. Huff reported that the PlanRing Committee had reviewed the history M.V.S. of C-106 with ~he applicant and with the Subdivision Committee of the CO. Planning Commission. It was their recommendation that this matter be re- REQUEST ferred back to the Planning Commission for further study. 'FOR EXT. OF Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Smith that the Planning Committee COND'L recommendation with regard to C-106Z be adopteH. Carried' and so ordered. ZONING C.~ ~'43 -~MVS COMPANY}- REQUEST FOR ~XTENSION OF CONDITIONAL ZONING MVS CO. This is a reques~ for a one year extension to continue with the development EXT. OF o~._~h_~e~ ~edical Village of-Saratoga. Without objection referred to the COND.ZONING ~lanni~g Commission. D. SDR-732 - FRANKLIN HOMES - REQUEST FOR SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT IN WILDWOOD PARK SDR-732 This is a request for a Deed of Easement in connection with sanitary sewer FRANKLIN services for the apartments un~e~ construction by Franklin Homes of Jada HOMES Development Company which requir~'s an easement across a portion of Wildwood DEED OF Pa~k to conneet with the exisein~ sewer line. Mr. Huff recommended that this EASEMENT. be approved subject to':eview by the DireCtor of Public Works. This would be installed at the expense of County Sanitation District No. 4. SARATOGA COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1969 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 8:45 P.M. ~. UP-151 - JAMES DAVI ~ Continued from August 6, 1969. UP-151 - This matter was referred to the Planning Committee who. reviewed JAMES DAVI the file with M~. Walker~and recommended denial of the applicant's appeal fr6m the Commispi0n's denial of a modification of conditions. _%~_jurther rEcommended'that the Council grant Mr. Davi's appeal for time ~ extensip.'~for one year,in lieu of the 4 month renewal granted by the Planning CommissiOn. Mr. Ben White, ,an engineer, appeared at the Hearing on behalf of Mr. Davi. Mr. White Had one additional request'since this necessitates laud ac~uis£tion at a cos~ of approximately $20,000.00 and that is that they be allowed to work with the staff to formulate' a reimbursement progrmn.~ Moved by Mr.. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Dwyer that the public hearing be closed. Public Hearing closed at 8:55. Moved by Mr. Robbins tha~ the report be approved with the extension of~one year to !June 24 1970. Carried and so ordered. It is noted that Councilman Smith abstained from the discussion and from Voting, B. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ~ON GENERAL~LAN REVIEW 1969 - 8:58 P.M. G~NERAL PLAN Mr. Huff explained that zat the last meeting Review of the General REVIEW Plan was referred to the Public Welfare Committee for further review of the Pierce C~.Cg~{'__~connection across Highway 85. It is necessary for Public Works to make additional studies so the Committee was unable to conclude review of this matter. Mayor Tyler asked about the Saratoga-Los Gatos Road change of zoning. It is shown on the General Plan as P.A. but is now zoned CommerCial. : Mr. Walker r~plied that it would have little practical affect unless the City initiated re-zoning of these properties, at which time we would ha~e to undertake further studies. Any change would have, to be referred back to the Planning Commission. Mayor Tyler referred the P.A. proposal to the Planning Committee. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr~ Sanders that the matter be continued to September 3rd. Carried and so ordered. RECESSED AT 9:15 AND RECONVENED AT 9:30 VI. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS , A. MAYOR - No report. B. FINANCE 1. Payment of Claim~ Mr. Robbins moved and'Mr. Sanders seconded that War~antsNo. 11~86 through 1,1337 be paid, and the Mayor be authorized to sign them, for a total of $43,448.99. The motion carried. ~-i ,2 ....City~ClerksFinancial~Report ' The City Clerks FinanCial Report was distributed to the Council with no commept. 3. C~ty Treasurer's Report The City Treasurer's Report was distribu[ed to the Council with no comment. -5-' CITY OF SARATOGA CITY COUNC L . ~U. QUST 20, 1969 C. COUNCIL COMMITTEES & COMMITTEES & COMMISSION REPORTS 1. Policy C6mmittee USE OF a. Stewardess Emeritus Assbciation HAKONE GARDENS The group engages in fund raising for the Kidney Foundation and requests permission. for the use of Hakone' Gardens from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., October 4, for a wine tasting benefit. USE OF b. Frojects Mexico, Inc. has requested the use of the Council COUNCIL Chambers onf September'12, 1969 for a benefit champagne CHAMBERS p~rformahce o{_"BrigadoOR". The Policy Committee recormnended approval of both of these req~s~t~. Moved by Mr. Dwyer, seconded by Mr. Smith to adopt the Policy Committee report. Carried and so ordered. Public WelfarelCgr~nittee- FARWELL Mr. Smith reported on a meeting with regard to required undergrounding AVENUE of utilities 'along Farwell Avenueswhich was held on August. 18, with UNDERGROUND residents of Farwell Avenue, the developer, a representative from WIRING P.G- & E., the City Attorney and the City Administrator. The cost of undergrounding on the~no~., or tract side, will be approximately $15,000.00; cost On the residents side would be between $3,000.00 and $5,000.00. It was the decision of this committee that.the subdivide~e required to upderground overhead utilities along the subdivision frontage and that the underground lines be extended to the first pole on the south side of the street. There is one point of difficulty in establishing this rule to the Doke residence. The City Attorney pointed odt that the subdivider had never appealed and the time for appeal had expired. He had applied for a variance to the Planning Commission When the Underground Utilities Ordinance required him to go underground. The Planning Commission denied the variance. The developer, the homeowners and interested groups wanted further clarification of the conditions. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sanders that the report of the Public Welfare Committee on Tract ~548 be adopted. Carried an~ so ordered. Mr. Smith recommended that the Council enunciate an overall policy affecting subdivisions in the future and that at the time a sub- division mapis filed, that'staff consi~r__th~ proximity of exis~Dg overhead utilities and ensure that ~ap'be~amended to show underground utilities and that the developer be re~'='=Li~ed'[o adhere to this policy. Mr. Walker agreed and stated that the P.G. & E. and Telephone Company have proposed recently that'we embark upon a review with the Public Works and Planning Department of different areas to see what is involved in undergrounding in particular areas.~ Mayor Tyler referred the ma~ter to the Public Welfare Committee with the recommendation that the meet with the fS~'d'i~i~ion Commi~e on t~i~ prop'~d~ resolution. D. Department Heads and Officers Mr. Higby reminded the COuncil that the Public Hearing on Parks will be held Monday night, August 25, 1969 before the planning Conmission and Mr. Beck will be in attendance. He also commented that arrangements for the Citizens Clean-up Day at Wildwood Park on August 23 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.~ progressing well. -6- SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES rA~, 1969 VI. Department Heads & Officers - Continued FAMILY c. Mr. Walker reported on a survey done by R.E. Bieber on !the SHOPPING Family Shopping Center ~efrigerant compressor owned by Manuel CENTER Costa. Mr. Bieber is an Acoustic Consultant who recommended COMPRESSOR tha% based on the 16 decibels overall noise reduction and the NOISE current state~iT-of-the-art of ventilated acoustic enclosure ABATEMENT design, the subject enclosure system be accepted. The staff finds it a tremendous improvement and the neighboring property owners seem to be satisfied. Mr. Walker noted that we did file a complaint which comes up for jury trial on September 2 and if we accept this enclosure we should have the charges dismissed. Mr. Robbins felt that Mr. Costa should be asked to reimburse the City for at least part of the cost of the/abatement ~since he has repeatedly refused to cooperate in this matter. The City Attorney pointed out that we do have provisions in our Code to collect the expense of Attorney's fees for the cost involved in abating a nuisance. The:matter was referred to the staff for ;report and recommendation. d. Release of Cash Bond - A.F. Adcock & Son RELEASE OF Mr. Shook recommended release of cash bond for Driveway CASH BOND Encroachment Permit No. 69-11. Moved by Mr. R~bbins, seconded by Mr. Smith that cash bond for Driveway Encroachment Permit No. 69-11 be released. Carried and so ordered. PIERCE RD. ~. Mr. Shook reported that the Public Works Department is currently & SOBEY RD. preparing plans and specifications for two projects - Pierce Road PUBLIC WORK slide and replacement of a culvert on Sobey Road. He requested that PROJECTS the Council authorize going to bid as soon as they are ready as both these projects will be affected by the weather, Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Robbins that Public Works Depart- ment go to bid as soon as the Pierce Road and Sobey Road projects are ready. Carried and so ordered. COURT f. The City Attorney reported that he had appeared in Federal Court on CASE August 19 in connection With an action brought the the Jehovah JEHOVAH Witnesses regarding a refundable deposit required by the City. WITNESSES Mr. Johnston had asked Mr. Huff to freprod~ce ~copies of the Affadavits and the Brief for the information of the Council. He reported that the hearing was before Judge Levin and that the proceedings were held somewhat improperly with regard to serving of papers without the required 20 days notice. The net result of the hearing was that a temporary~r~e~training order has expired and the Court did not grant a preliminary injunction. The Hearing has been continued to September 5th, 1969 to give Mr. Hardy, ~ttorney for the plaintiff, the opportunity to read the cases cited and to give the County Council time to prepare the answer. Mr. Johnston suggested that since each of the Council members, Mr. Huff and Mr. Johnston have been named individually in their representative capacity, that his offic~ be authorized to defend the Council at City expense. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Dwyer. Carried and so ordered. That the city attorney be authorized to represent each counc'ilman, Mr. Huff and Mr.' Johnston of city expense. .E. City Administrator Mr. Huff reported that the Chief Building Inspector and the Director. SOILS of Public Works bad intervieWed, five candidates for the position of INSPECTOR Soils Inspector'!and'had ~eCb. mmended Gehe Paulson, who is currently POSITION serving in that capacity. In view of the fact that.he has one years' experience withlthe City itself, approximately nine years experience SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1969 in soils, addition to an engiDeering degree, plus the fact that \ r he is currently earningsapproXimately, $860.00 actingI~s SS{ls Inspector Consultant for the City. Employment is recommended in time, he will be trained to fill in for other building inspectoJ~ in the event that they are on vacation or off 'sick. Ultimately he will be a f~__ro_unded Building Inspector. However, concentration on soils is~anticipaee'~at this time. Moved by Mr. Sanders that we follow the recommendation of Mr. Harris and hire Mr. Paulson !at Range 29 Step C. ~ Seconded by Mr. Dwyer. Carried and so ordered. FOUR-W'AY 2. Mr. Huff reported on a letter from the County~fic..Engin~ering Dept. STOP SIGN addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ~Paulett =indicating Ithat th& County HUME DRIVE, had made a traffic study and will install a four-way stop sigp at GLEN UNA & the intersection of Hume Drive, Glen Una and Sunset coming out on to SUNSET Saratoga Avenue. Without objection,referred to. the Director of Public Works for review and recommendation. LIGHTING - 3. Mr. Huff reported on a letter from Mrs. Loman with regard to lighting POST OFFICE at the Post Office. She recommended that a street light be installed there to provide better lighting for people using the post office after dark. This light was o.riginally required of the developer of the post office and we collected on his bond. This would be added to the Saratoga Lighting District. Without objection referred to staff. 4. Mr. Huff reported that the current budget authorizes any additional ARTHUR position of Street Maintenance Man. As of August 18, 1969 we have MADRONA hired Arthur Madrona, who came to us under the E.O.C. program. He is 22 years of age and married. He worked under E.O.C. for five weeks. Mr. Huff noted that Mr. Madrona is the second E.O.C. person we have hired as a full time .employee. VI. COMMUNICATIONS A. WRITTEN TAX 1. Mr. Huff referred to a letter from Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch EXEMPT with regard. to Legislation affecting tax-e~mD~Stat~s'gf Municipal STATUS OF Securities. Mr. Dwyer felt that this legislation had far-reaching MUNICIPAL i~mplications and urged each Councilman to write indiv,idually to SECURITIES Ithe State's Senators and also that the Council send a letter tokthe Senate expressing~ ~ts ~ opposition. Without objection the matter was tcontinued to the next meeting. MAINT. 2. Letter from George Barati, Executive Director, Montalvo Association, OF PIEDMONT requesting the City to take Piedmont Road into its existing system ROAD of roads ~fq~ maintenance. Referred to Public WelfareCommittee. WATER DAMAGE 3. Letter from John J. Willjams, 15000 Springer Road requesting a SPRINGER RD. review of road water damage. Referred to Public Welfare= Committee. CATCH BASIN 4. Letter from Thomas W. Snouse, 13781 Pierce Road indicating that the PIERCE RD. & catch basis has been removed in the.Pike and Pierce Road area. PIKE ROAD. Referred to the Public Works Department. TRACT 4477 5. Letter from John RodrigueS, Jr. requesting credit toward the Park & Recreation fee for Tract 4477 Saratoga Oaks. Referred ~ to Planning Committee. -8-' SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1969 PAGE 9. B. Oral LITTLE 1. Mr. ~t Gr!afe,12121~en~Drive in the Blue Hills area spoke RODEO at the meeting regarding the p~tential loss of natural landscaping C~EK of Little Rodeo Creek. Mr. Grafe felt strongly that the iarge trees should not be removed inTpreparing the lands of DumaS forthe ,proposed West Valley Freeway. Mr. Bill Dixon, 12151 Sara Glen Drive also expressed his consternation regardingthe~removal of trees~ ~is was referred to staff to Contact the Flood Control District as soon as possible. It is the Council's firm belief that trees should be saved as much as possible. Mr. Robbins suggested tagging trees'so they are definitely identified and not destroyed in error. ~GE IN 2. Mr. Naugle~i~red ~r~arding the status of a letter submitted to BLDG. ~RMIT the Plan~in~'Comm~s~ion~on behalf of Pr~es~jCrossi~g'~eowners PROCEDU~S. ~sociation suggesting a change in the building p~it procedure. Mr. Walker repiied that this h~ been before the ~lanning Commissio~IM~yor Tyler ~referred itI to the City Attorney for review '~an~ report irto i the City Council at the next regulaF meeting. VISUAL 3. Mr. Smith inquired regarding v~sual aids and Mr. Higby replied that A~B he had an appointment to look over ~o opaque projectors the following day. P%EDMONT 4. jMr. Shook Reported that the restraining progr~ on Quito Road will have & QUITO ROADS ~o be reinstigated. The County has to put in some cross laterals to the ~ystem we just put in. F~rlowin~h~s we anticipate going ahead~ with \ the program. 5. Mayor Tyler acknowledged the pFesence of Mr. Philip Lively, Mrs. Ramkel~ of the Good Government Group, who was kind enough to provide coffee during the recess, and the representatives from the P.G. & E. and Pacific Telephone Company. TID~ 6. Mr. Sanders led a short discussion on the position the League of LANDS tSS~ Cities had taken with regard tO the Tide Lands Issue, which did not reflect the policy of Saratoga. as well as other Bay area cities. He suggested a letter of protest. Mr. Huff replied that the City. would ~_iY~'~f~a letter ~sking fo~ an explanation. Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Smith that the meeting adjourn to~Executive Session. Th~ meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. 'Respectfully submitted ~ministrator