HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-03-1969 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TIME: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3·, !1969 - 7:30 P.M. PLACE: SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE, SARATOGA, CALIF. : TYPE: REGULAR MEETING t. ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL P~esent: Councilmen Dwy~r, Robbins, Smith, Tyler ' Absent: Councilman Sanders B. MINUTES Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Dwyer that the minutes of the meeting held August 20, 1969 be approved with the following · amendments: Page 1, Item III B. line 1 should read: "Mr. Howard Campen appeared on behalf of the County of Santa Clara., ........ " Page 9, Item B.5 should ~ead: "Mrs. Lampke" rather than Mrs. Rampke and "Mrs. Owen's"~ame should be inserted. Motion carried. II. BIDS AND CONTRACTS A. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS - I~proving Via Escuela Drive from Gle~ Brae Drive to La Vista Drive. IMPROVING Copies of bid summaries were distributed to members of the Council. VIA ESCUELA Mr. Shook .stated that threesbids had been reheived, with a low bid of $7,318.84 from McCarthy & Spiesman, which was within the engineer's estimate. He recommended that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder~ "-=-/~W~'~C~&~Spi~man=at~a~c~E~'~fl$~3'f8~84.~'-Car~d and- so ordered. B. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS - Seal Coating certain city streets. SEAL COATING Mr. Shook stated that two,bids had been received on this project with quite a diversity between the two. Mccarthy & Spiesman submitted the low bid of $34,910.66 whidh was within the engineerIs estimate. Mr. Shook noted that this company did the street sealing this past spring and ~ecommended the contract be awarded to them. Moved by Mr. Robbi~s, seconded by Mr. Dwyer that the contract be awarded eo the low bidder, McCarthy & Spiesman at a cost of $34,910,66. Carried and so ordered. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS -OVerlayihg Fruitvale Avenue from Saratoga~ Los Gatos Road to Allendale Avenue. OVERLAYING Mr. Shook stated that two bids had been, received. The lowest - FRUITVALE $19,940.20 from Freeman-Sondgroth was within the engineer's AVENUE estimate, and he recommend&d that the contract be awarded to them. Moved by Mrs. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Dwyer that the contract be awarded to th~ low bidder Fr~eman-Sondgroth at a,cost of $19,940.20. Carried and so ordered. D. AGREEMENT with P.G. & E.,r4.change.of overhead service at .City Hall with an underground sys~emj AGREEMENT WITH ' ' P.G. & E. RE Mr. Shook I~t~ted that this~involved so~echange in the overhead CHANGE IN connection in the new City~Hall completed by P.G. & E·i at a cost of OVERHEAD $46.80. Mr. Shook recommended approval of th~ Agreement. CONNECTION SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 D. AGREEMENT with P.G, &-E. (Continued) Moved by Mr. Dwyer, seconded by Mr..Smith for approval of this contract with P.G. & E. at a cost of $46.80. Carried and ordered. III. PET.ITIONS, ORDINANCES AND FORMAL RESOLUTIONS A. ORDINANCE 38.32 7~ Ordinance Amendin~_~Saratoga City COde by iI ecre sing the speed~=l~mit onThree Oaks W y '~'~ 25amiles per hour~-jSeCond Reading. . a ORD. 38~132 Mr. Smith' stated tha~ there had been some comments from residents SPEED LIMIT brought to the attention of Councilman Robbins and a meeting of THREE OAKS WAY the Public Welfare Committee could not be a~ranged due to the Labor pay Holiday. He requested that the matter be continued, Mr. Robbins stated that there is a real problem in the Bestview Court area a wondered ~hether the Committee would consider the possibility. of making t~is a 35 m.p.h. zone from Saratoga-Los. Gatos Road to Bestvi&w Cour[ and 25 m.p.h. from Bestview to Fruitvale. Mr. Robb{nsstated his willingness to meet with the Public Welfare Committeelin this regard. Without objection, the 'matter was co~tinued~nd referredCto the Public Welfare Committee. B. RESOLUTION NO. 494 -7Resolution Setting ~orth Guidelines for Affirmative Action Program. RESo 494 Mr. Smith reported t~at there was no formal Committee report AFFIRMATIVE ~:!~on this Program. The Ordinance and its concept have been dis- ACTION GUIDELINES cussed at a number of meetings, Many of the thoughts were incorporated from Palo Alto guidelines, but were simplified and placed mor~ discretion with the City Manager or his representative. The Committee has asked the City Manager to report to the City CoUncil regarding p~ogress during the initial phase. These guidelines represent working guidelines into which the City Manager can fit. There was consid&rable discussion regarding the wording of Item V. POST - AWARD. Mr. Robbins suggested amending the first sentence to read: "Du~ing the contract construction period, the contractor shall make written reports bi-monthly or at the discretion of the~City Manager". Mr. Robbins was most concerned that the contractor have the right of appeal to th~ City Council at t~e time of bidding, if the City Manager has found his Affirmative Action Program unacceptable. Mr. Dwyer favored anexperimental period during which the Program would be 'closely scrutinized, and he felt there would be so few instances subject to these guidelines that it could be closely watched. Mayor Tyler suggested that the Public Welfare Con~aittee re-study the Guidelines with a view to re-wording, and, without objection, the matter was referred to the Public Welfare Committee, Co RESOLUTION NO. 495 - A~ ~esolution Opposing Change in Tax-Exempt Status of Municipal Bonds. RES. 495 Mr. Dwyer stated that this .item was not on the Agenda but that OPPOSING he would like to introduce it at this-time. He felt that. H.R. CHANGE IN 13220, 91st COngress, 1st Session would bU~de.~nlocal RroRerty ' TAX EXEMPT BONDS ~ -~ '~i" ~ ~_i,'~ ' - , ~-~-~i_.~,-- SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 C. RESOLUTION NO.~495 (Continued)' owners with increased interes.t costs on local bond issues. Mr. Robbins added that this wo~ld be breaking faith with people who' had bought bonds. Moved b~ Mr. RoBbins, se~6nd'ed bY Mr' Smith, to adopt Resolution 495. C~rried and so brdered!. D. ORDINANCE 3-E-7 - A Temporary Interim Zoning Ordinance Prohibiting the Construction of Any Accessory Structure in Required Rear Yards' of all Lots in Certain "R-l" (Single Family Residential) Zoning Districts.. ORD. 3-E-7 Mr. Higby pointed out that this item was not on the Agenda but that ACCESSORY ithad been an Emergency Ordinance for a period of..90 days, passed on STRUCTURES May 21, 1969 and had expired. Since a meeting has not-bee~' scheduled with the Planning Committee, the matter was continued. E. C-120 - CLARENCE NEALE C-120 Mr. Higby pointed out that ~his matter was not on the Agenda but NEALE refers to Neale's Hollow and dates back to January 20 when no Ordinance NS-3~ZC-48 was introduced.. Mr. Higby referred to the Planning Director's memo' dated Auguse 25, 1969 which recommended that based on Mr. Neale's compliance with the three conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the Council .that the City Council now adopt Ordinance NS-3-ZC~44 granting final approval of the subjec't rezoning. Mr. Smith pointed out that he was not in favor of Mr. Neale using City lands to meet parking requirements and wouid favor proper landscaping and a signed agreement. Moved by Mr. Smith, Seconded by Mr. Dwyer that Ordinance NS-3-ZZ-48 be introduced and that reading~of the Ordinance be waived. Motion carried unanimously and without objection was referred to the Public Welfare Committee. IV. SUBDIVISIONS, BUILDING SITES AND ZONING REQUESTS A. SDR-786 - JOHN GARDNER SDR-786 Mr. Shook reported that the improvements have been inspected and GARDNER found to be acceptable and recommended the release of the cash BOND bond in the amount of $100.00. Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Smith that John Gardner's cash bond of $100.00 be released. Carried and so ordered. B. C-106 - M.V.S. COMPANY C-106 Mr. Robbins reported that Dr. Abrams had originally asked for a M.V.S. CO. six months extension and the Planning Commission had granted three EXTENSION months. At the August 25 Planning Commission meeting the Commission voted to recommend to the City Council that C-106 be. granted a six month extension from the original expiration date of July 5, 1969 as originally requested by the applicant. Dr. Abrams addressed the Council and reported that he didn't know this had come up at the Planning Commission meeting. He felt that the financial situation at the moment was impossible and that six months was an unreasonable extension, he therefore requested the City Council to recommend a one year extension. He also questioned whether the Council could change conditions other than time. The City Attorney explained that after the expiration date_n9 one can change a request. The Mayor stated he would like to~i~efer-t~e to the Planning ~ommittee to review the matter of being unable to SARATOGA'CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 B. C-106 (Continued) appeal a time limit. Moved by Mr. Dwyer, seconded by Mr. Robbins thatCouncil approve the Planning Commission's recommendation. Carried and so ordered. For the record it should be noted that the consensus of the Council is that an extension sh6uld be granted to July, 1970 in view of the current financial situation. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Dwyer that the Mayor be authorized to communicate to the Planning Commission the Council's desire that Dr. Abrims be granted an extension to July i, 1970. Carried three to one, w{th Councilman Robbins voting nay. C. TRACT 4572 - MONUMENT BOND. RELEASE TR. 4572 Mr. Shook stated that'the monuments have been checked and fon~nd MONUMENT to be acceptable and recommended release of the $1,600.00 Monument BOND Bond for Tract 4572. Moved by Fir. Dwyer, seconded by Mr. Robbins. Carried and' so ordered. D. TRACT 4536 - PHEASANT RIDGE, UNIT II - Request for Modifications Final Map Approval Conditions. TR. 4536 Mr. Shook reported that Council have copies of a letter from the MODIFICATION developer, and that Mr..Muir was present to discuss the matter. OF CONDITIONS Mr. Muir addressed the Council and explained that they had reached a point where they required final map approval. At the time they originally recorded the map last January, there were some unknown factors which included ~he railroad crossing the Santa Clara County Flood Control District and the P.G. & E. right-of-way. In addition, no provisions were made for the connection of Arroyo de Arguello to the street to the north of the railroad crossing. The developer requested approval of the following: 1. They will assume responsi- bility for connectioD of A~royo de Arguello to the street to the north; 2. They wish to deduct the improvement cost from the park fee; 3. 'Elimination of the asphalt concrete pathway along the creek. All of the area ~outside of their lots has been dedicated to the Flood Eontrol DiStrict which will have a 15 foot service' road. This could be used by local'people for a walk-way, although the Flood Control District does want a walk-way constructed on their roadway. This wal~-way would have no connection to the south and .would connect to nothing on the north; 4. Elimination of landscaping the P.G- & E. right-of-way. In this particular area, the P.G. & E. Right-of-~ay will be owned in fee by the individual lot owners. This matter was referred without objection to the Planning Committee with a request from Mr. Muir t~at he be notified of any meeting in order that he may attend~. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 8:55 P.M. GENERAL A. GENERAL PLAN REVIEW - Continuation of Public Hearing PLAN REVIEW Mr. Smith pointed out that the traffic study done on the Cox- Pierce intersection was done in 1966 or 1967 prior to the General Plan and the Public Welfare C~mmittee felt that a current one-day traffic study should be performed by staff. Mr. Robbins s'tated that ~he Planning Committee had reviewed the Planning Commission reasons for recommending a "P-A" (Professional- Administrative) land use!designation for the area bounded by Saratoga- Los Gatos Ro~d on the north, Aloha Avenue on the east, Oak Street on the west and residential development on'the south. He stated that the planning Committee ~greed with the recommendation of the Planning Commission~recommends that the City Council approve the subject SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 proposal on the basis this change to '~P-A" would be consxstent with the City's proposed objective to expand the present library' facilities within this area and to limit commerical development in this area. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Robbins that the Public H~aring Be closed and continued to the next regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing clo~ed at 8:59 p.m. B. SARATOGA AVENUE' PLAN LINE - Public Hearing on Proposed Plan Line - Public Hearing opened at 9:00 p.m. SARATOGA Mr. Robbins stated that the Planning Committee had reviewed with the staff AVENUE the proposed ~lan Line as recommended by the Planning Commission. .The PLAN Committee recommended that the City Council adopt the Plan Line as proposed. LINE Mayor Tyler emphasized that th~s was a proposed plan line that would allow for retention of trees, pathways, etc. should future traffic make widening of Saratoga Avenue a necessity., Mr. Shook presented a proposed map of the Saratoga Plan Line and stated that it runs basically from Fnuitvale Avenue to interesect with State Route '9 or Saratoga-Los Gatos Road. From Herriman north to Fruitvalegit is proposed as a divided four-lane road with the righ~ of way mainly being taken'off the southeasterly side to accommodate .the trees. From Herriman south to the Highway it is undivided but still a four lane facility allowing for parking on each side of the road and' quite probably walk ways of some sort alongside the roadway. There is a tendency to curve the roadway in order to maintain major trees along Saratoga. Avenue. ~There were several problem areas which were carefully considered during this three year study. Mr. Witlys Peck, 14275 Saratoga Avenue, spoke from the audience. He stated that he had two concerns: first that he would prefer not to lose part of his property and second~ that rather than think in terms of ultimate widening, the Council adopt a policy declaring this one mile stretch a scenic ~oadway and do everything possible to preserve it in its present state. He felt we were not talking about a main thoroughfare and that this is an adequate two la~e street. Mrs. Mabel Willson, 14301 SaratOga Avenue, wondered about a.five year bond posted by neighbors presently constructing a home adjaceht to hers and stated that she was definitely 8pposed to the widening of Saratoga Avenue. Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Dwyer that the Public Hearing be- closed. The Public Hearing closed at 9:25 p.m. In the interest of future generations, Mr. Robbins moved ehat we adopt the Saratoga Plan Line, and that we further make a condition that future development along Saratoga Avenue should not automatically require develOp- ment along the Plan Line. Seconded by Mr. Dwyer. Motion carried. RECESSED AT 9:45 P.M. ,AND RECONyENED AT 9:55 P.M. Mayor Tyler instructed the staff to pursue the matter of a pathway iong Saratoga Avenue as a petition ~ad been submitted some time .ago in thi§ regard. ~ VI. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS A. MA~OR . ~' ' . "~ I.C.C. Mayor Tyler reminded the Coucilmen of the I.C.C. Meeting to be held' MEETING Thursday, September 4, 1969 B. FINANCE (1) Pa~nent of Claims Mr. Robbins moved and Mr. Smith Seconded that Warrants NO.' 11339 - 5 - SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 (1) Payment of Claims (~o~tinued) through 11374 totalling $31,283.07 be approved and' that the Mayor be authorized to sign them. Carried and so ordered. C. COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND COMMISSION REPORTS (1) Management Committee SOFTBALL a. 'Mr. Robbins reported on a meeting between Los Gatos- FIELD - Saratoga Recreation District; Saratoga Elementary School FOOTHILL District; Little League; City S6aff and Parks and Recreation & CONGRESS .Commission to discuss a joint venture i.nvolving development of SPRINGS two softball fields at Foothill and Congress Springs schools. SCHOOL This venture would require some '$12,500.00 from the City of Saratoga. In summary, Mr. Robbins stated,that although the Committee does fav6r the idea, they did not feel they could support it at the present time, because they felt acquiring park land should take p~iority. that 1 cept! the Moved by Mr. Smithl seconded by Mr. Robbins report of the Management Committee. Motion carried. (2) Public Welfare Committee ~SPRINGER~f~ a. Mr. Smith reported that the Committee had reviewed the problem ~ADV~i~ ~ of Mr. Willjams' eroded driveway off Spring Avenue. I~'was the finding of the Committee that the ravine in question is a natural AGEt ~ 'Ii -~ 17~ water course and the City should have no responsibility for ~,~_~.~.~ maintaining the driveway in question. Mr. Smith recommended that no action be taken with regard to Mr. Willjams but that a Committee be formed made up of the Public Works Director, the Planning Director,;jand the City Attorney, and that this Committee be charged with looking into this problem with regard to smallwater courses. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Dwyer, that the~rep~ort be approved. Carried and so ordered. R/W ABANDONMENT b. Mr. Smith reported .that the Public Welfare Committee have SEAGULL.& ~I~ reviewed a request by Mr. Galeb for the abandonment of a portion ~!HWAY'85 ~, of the'right-of-wa~ at Seagull and Highway 85.~The Committee _~_.~.~ ~ t . recommended approval of this abandonment subject to the owner. ~ re-locating the Azule sign that is within this right-of-way while retaining the same area as a Public Service Easement.' Mr. Smith noted that both the. Planning and Public Works Department have ch~cked this through. It involves some 1,500 to 2,000 square feet. Mr. Shook noted a preference for a public services easemen~ rather tha~ a public utilities easement. Moved by'M~j %Robbins, seconded by Fir. Smith that the Council accept the recommendations~ Of the Public Welfare Committee. Carried and soord~red. PODICY - c. Mr. Smith referred. to a pglicy re overhead utility facilities OVERHEAD in proximity~o~ew Subdivisions. He stated that this policy UTILITIES BY had also been agree~ to be representatives o~ both the Planning NEW SUB- Department and the Planning Commission. DIVISIONS Move~ by Mr. Smith, 7seconded by Mr. Robbins that the Policy re Overhead Utility Facilities in Proximity to New S6bdivisions be adopted. Carried and so ordered. C.A.T.V. d. Mr.'Smith reported that the City has been approached by a STREET CUTS representative of CATV, who would like to.briefly address the FOR LINES Council. There is ~ question as to how the line is actually to be installed in the 'pavement as it goes through town. The suggestion is being made by the franchisee that, as they move -6~ ,SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 through the streets, cuts be.made in checkerboard fashion. Mr. Smith has observed this technique and felt that it would be very damaging to do this in many areas of Saratoga. Mr. Kelly, Manager for California Cable T.V. addressed the Council. He stated that he has been werking with Mr. Huff, Mr. Shook and Mr. Smith, At this time they are winding up their installation in San Carlos pending their start in Saratoga. He stated that they were deeply concerned with the amount of work and public relations involved in-an undertaking of this size. He stated that his firm had prepared a report of some depth that takes into account'what they believe is an honest survey to show their earnest desire to provide service to the City.~ He, stated that they are interested in Starting as soon as ~0ssible and Would 'like to have the Ordinanqe amended to allow'their company to 9pen cut streets in areas where problems do arise. Withou['objectiOn, the'matte~ Was referred to the' Public Welfare Committee. ! D. DEPARTMENT HEADS' AND OFFICERS' 1. Assistant to City Mana~e~ PROJECTOR Mr. Higby reported that an opaque projector eportable screen ,~AND SCREEN had been purchased for use in the Council Chamber. 'PROJECTOR 2. Public Works Director a. quito Road Storm Drain QUITO ROAD ~-~-~,~ Mr. Shook reported t~at the Quito Road Storm Drain has been STORM DRAIN q ~ &g~pleted and recommended] acceptance of that project.and authorization ~"'~:r6~file a.noticeof compl'etion. . Moved by'Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Robbins t~at project be accepted and notice of completion authorized. Carried and so ordered. b. Employment Applications JR. CIVIL ENG. Mr. Shook reported that the Public Works Department had advertised & PUBLIC WORKS for the authdrized Junior~ Civil Engineer and Public Works'Inspector. INSP. HIRED . They received in the vicinity of 50 applications for theInspector ~e and 30 for the Junior Civil Engineer and interviewed 12 for ~ach position. There were som~ excellent applications. Mr. Shook's recommendation for the position of Junior Civil Engineer was Mr. Frank Horvath, at the second step in the range $782. to $950. which would be $821, perzmonth.. Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Smith that Mr. Frank Horvath be employed in the sedond step at;a salary of $82.00 per month. Carried and so ordered. For the position of Public Works Inspector, Mr. Shook recommended Jack~{l~ in the $%64. - $927. range at the second step - $802.00~d~e~to his past experience and exceilent r~comm~hdations. Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Dwyer that Mrj ~ji'~be. hired-in the Second step at a salary o~ $802.00 per ~. Carried and so ordered. 3. City Attorney JEHOVAH'S Mr. Johnston reported wit~ regard to the court case inv61Ving the WITNESSES JehOvah's Witnesses~ whic~ was scheduled fo~tomo[row, we have received VS. CITY an unsolicited dismissal of the/case .insofara~ the Jehovah's Witnesses were involved. - 7 - SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 E- CITY MANAGER LEAGUE ~ir. Shook, Acting in the absence of Mr. Ruff, referred to a letter OF CALIFOtNtA dated August 13, 1969 from the League of California Cities and CITIES. lasked that the Council refe~ to Mr. Huff's note at the top~of'Page 1. VII. COMMUNICATIONS ! A. WRITTEN i(1) John Haufe - re earth slippage - Canyon View Drive CANYON Mr. Shook reported that Mr. Haufe had contacted .us initially VIEW DRIVE on March 24 concerning the same area. He stated that the sketch EARTH SLIPPAGE attached to Mr. Haufe's letter of August 21, 1969 pretty well defines the ~ituation that exists. The Public Works Department noted the~tt~r in March, ~nd it was scheduled with the projects to be completed this summer. It has now been repaired by the Maintenance Department and they will maintain surveillance on the lateral displacement between po. ints X' and Y. If it continues, they may have to reinforce the r~taining wall. (2) Holmes F. Crouch -re Opposition to Measure A - 9/16/69 County . . EleCtion COUNTY Mr. Cr~Uc~ gf Glen-Bra~' Drive, addressed!the Council as one of 5 ELECTION - Co-Chairman Opposing Measure A. He stated he was an engineer, a tax.~ MEASURE A payer and a citizen, who has ~ead 6he Sengte Bill quite extensively. OPPOSITION Re read a p~epared statement which represented the combined views of his Committee and'left a. icopy of th~ statement and accompanying documents with the Council, 'and asked that the Council urge the people of Saratoga to read this report before endorsing Measure A. (3) L.J. Fronczak - re Argonaut P1 ace Street Improvement. ARGONAUT Mr. Shook. stated that, lin effect, Mr. Fronczak is requesting STREET that the City poll the area With regard .to the installation of curbs IMPROVEMENT and gutters and pavement cap and also to look into the possibility of the installation of sanitary sewers at the same time. He suggested that th~ matter be referred to st~ff for study and report back to Council. and/or Committee. The matter was referred to staff without objection. (4) Village MerchaBts Association - Formation of ~ditional Parking Districts ADDITIONAL ~ Mr. Higby explained that this was a m~dification of a former VILLAGE request and'~hat the Merchants Associ'ation now felt that*a meeting PARKING should be held Ire discuss ramifications before postcards are sent out. DISTRICTS Without objection, postcards will be held and the matter referred to the Public Welfare Committee~ (5) Chamber of Commerce - Bicycle Program C OF C · Mr. Bill~Baine, Chairman of the Saratoga Festival,~../?~dr~ssed-the BICYCLE ~hn~l~t~,regard '~o his c6mmunication~'of August!~, PROGRAM tRa~'th~aratoga Chamber of'Commerce would like the approval of the Council to sponsor a bicycle program in connection with the Saratoga Festival on Saturday, September 20. He indicated that the purpose was two fold: 1) To galvanize the attention Of the community with respect to bicycles as it'would relate to trails and pathway activity which is currently underway with regard to Parks and Recreation; and 2) To provide public recreation with~regard to the Festival. Moved by Mr. Smith, Secondedby Mr. Robbins that the Council endorse ~!~ the bicycle program in connection with the Saratoga Festival. Carried unanimously. - 8 - SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 (6) Chamber of Cormnerce - FoUrth Street Grading FOURTH STREET Mr. Higby referred to a letter from the Saratoga Chamber. of GRADING - Commerce~requesting that 'the Public Works Department grade the C OF C WildwoSd Park 4th Street entrance to put it in safe condition FESTIVAL for the large crowds of people who will be using it during the Saratoga Festival on SatUrday, September 20, 1969. Without objection referred to City staff. (7) Saratoga Village Merchants Association - Wildwood Park WILDWOOD Mr. Higby referred to a letter from the Village Merchants PARK Association asking the C~uncil to authorize Mr. Beck 'to dO STUDY a study of Wildwood Park with the partici pation of the merchants and residents so that an attractive plan will be developed that will enhance the downtown area. Without objection referred to the Management Conunittee. (8) Saratoga Chamber Of Commerce - Wildwood Park WILDWOOD Mr. Hfgby referred to a ~etter from the Chamber of Commerce organizations. Without objection referred to th~ Management Committee. (9) Undergronn~ Wiring.on Farwell .Avenue - Doke residence. FARWELL AVE. M~. Shook reported that {~ line ~With the policy outlined by the UNDERGROUND PublicSWelfare Committee,' P.G. & E. has'come up with figures and 'UTILITIES proposed.financing. The!total Cost is $388.00 - $245.00 would be the responsibility of the'developer and the balance of $143.00 .would be the amount necessary to get from the property to the home. P.G. & E. ..' has suggested that they bill the Dokes and the Dokes collect from the developer. The Dokes would rather PaY the $143.00 and have the P.G. & E. bill the devel6per. Mr, Shook has reviewed this with P.G. & · E. and also with the representative of the developer and suggested to the developer that rather than go through Doke billing that the developer will transmit'the $245.00 to P.G. & E., this willbe credited to the Doke account and they will be billed the rest. Mr. S~ith requested that Mr. Shook ensure that the DokesI were aware of the cost of internal conversion in connection with underground wiring and this he ~'~greed to do. B. ORAL 1. Clarence Neale G-120 Mr. Neale asked to be heard by the Council in connection with Item NEALE III. E. and Mayor Tyler e~plained what had! transpired and that the ~ matter would come up again at the next City Council meeting. 2. Mayor Tyler acknowledged the presence of Planning Commissioner ~Russell Bacon; Nick Rodin from the Telephone Company; Bob Lewis, and Mrs. McGuire of the G6od Government Group, w~o provided the much appreciated coffee. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discdss, the meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. Next regular meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 17, 1969 in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P~M. Respectfullye' J~t~.Huff, City~E~terk. ';r