HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-D ORDINANCE NO. 19-D. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE FROM PROPERTY TAXES NECESSARY~ FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTS OF T~E CiTY OF SARATOCA FOR THE CURRENT YEAR AND TO PAY ANY: BONDED OR STEER INDEBTHDNES~ OF THE CITY, AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE SUFFICIENT TO PAY T~E ESTIt4ATED COSTS FOR SAiD FISCAL FOR SeE DISi~ICT I AND AZULE LIGHTING DISTRICT. The City council of the City of Saratoga does hereby ordain as foIlows: SECTION h ~l~e sum of $35,122.00 is hereby fixed as &he enount of revenue from property taxes necessary to support the departments of the City of Saratoga far the current fiscal year end to pay any indebtedness of said city. SECTION 2: The sum of $3,157.00 is hereby £ixed as the amount of revenue necessazy to be raised to pay the Cost of "SCL District 1" iightin~ district within the City of Saratoga for the current fiscal year and all of the lands ax-~lusive of improvements within said district are hereby assessed in said total sum~ each parcel hereby. bein~ declared tO be banefired by the improvement of the furnishin~ of electric current and the maintenance of the street lighting system presently. located in said districts in the proportion that the aSseSsed Valuation Of its land exclusive of improvements bears to the total assessed valuation of all the land~ exclusive of improvements, of ~he entire ;districts and said assess- meat shall be and is hereby prorated over all of said parcels in direct proportion to each's assessed valuations exclusive of improvements. SECTION 3: The sum of $820.00 is hereby fixed as the ~-~unt of revenue necessary to be raised to pay the cost of "Azule Lightin~ District" within the City of Saratoga .for the current fiscal years and all of the land exclusive of improvements within said district are hereby assessed in said total sum, each parcel hereby bein~ declared to be bene- fitsd by the imprOv~ment of the furnl~hin~ Of 'electric current and the mainte~ance of the stree= lighttn~ system presently located in said districts in ~he proportion that .the assessed .~aluation of its land exclusive ~f improvements bears to the' total assessed valuation of "the land~ exclusive of l~provementes of the entire district, and said a. ssessment sh.all be and iS hereby prorated over all of Said parcels in direct proportion tO each~s assessed valuati0n; exclusive of improvements. SECTION ~: This Ordinance shall become effective !-~diately upon i~s passage and adoption. THe above ozdiannce was reSularly introduced and was there- after passed and adopted at a regular meetin~ of the City Council of the City of Saratoga held on the 16th day of At~ust 1961, by the followin~ AYES: 'Glennon, Drake, Langwill, Hartman NOES: None ABSENT: Brazil .... -~ ~ 1~ ~ ~. MAYOR '.O TEE -/-C,----------~ published according ~o law. "" ' ' ' rJePuly City Cl~rk · ~ CITY clank-.