HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-G ORDI2~ANCE NO. 19-G A}I ORDINAi'IC~ FLT/HG ~.~ ~D~ OF P~'~I~ F~:[ ~DPER~ T~3~S ~R ~!E a~NT YEAR AND TO P~Y M~' ~OI~DED O~ ~EE I}ID~B~D~aEq OF ~ CI~s ~'ID HEEIC ~]E ~!D~tT OF ~E~I~ SU~ICIF~IT ~ PAY ~IE ESTI}~ATED COSTS FOR SAID HSC~ 1~ FOR S~ DIST~I~ 1 N.ID LIG!TIilG DIST~I~. ~e City Co~cil of the Ci=y of Saratoga does hereby ordain as follox~s= SE~ION 11 ~e '~ of $47.900.00 is hereby fixed as =he ~oun~ o~ revenue from proper~y ~es necessary ~o su~or~ the deDar=mentS of ~he City of Saratoga for ~he curren~ fisa~l year and =o pay any indebted- hess of said ci=y. SE~IOII 2= ~e ~U~ of ~3,180.00 is'hereby fixed as the a~unt of revenue necessa~ ~o be raised to pay =he cos~ of "SCL Dis=ric~ 1" liShting dis~ric~ ~.~ithin ~he Ci~ of Saratoga for the curren~ fiscal year ~d all of the lands exclusive of i~rovemen=s ~d~hin said distric~ are hereby ~ssessed in said total s~, each Dercel hereby beinF declared to be bentfired by ~he i~rove~n~ of =he furnishing of electric curren~ and ~he ~in~en~ce of ~he s~e= ligh=in~ sys~e~ presently located in said dis~ric~, in ~M propor~i~ thaC =he assessed valuation of i~s l~d exclusive of i~rovemen~s bears to the total assessed valuation of all the 1~, ex- clusive of lr~provemen~s~ of =he entire dis~ric=, ~d said assessmen~ shells.: be and is hereby prorated over all of said parcels in direct propor~ion to eachss assessed valuations exclusive of i~,Drovements. SE~ION 31 ~e s~ of $1,585.00 is hereby fixed as the s~une of revenue necessary ~o be raised eo pay the cost of 'Azule District" ~-~ithin ~he City of Saratoga for the cur~nt fiscal year, and of =he land exclusive of i~roveen=s ,~ithin said district are hereby ~sessed in said ~otal sum, each oarcel hereby bein~ declared to be bentfired by the i~rove~ne of ~he fumishihg of electric current and the maln~enance of ~he street lighting system presently located in said district, in the proportion ~hat ~he assessed valuation of its land exclusive of imro~nts bears eo ~he to=el assessed valuaei~ of all ~he land, exclusive of t~rove- ~ness of the en=t~ district, and said assessment shall be and is hereby prorated over all of said parcels in direct oroportion =o eathas assessed valuations exclusive of lm~rovemn~s. SEC~ON 4: ~is ordln~ce shall lJecoue effective i~ediately u,on its passage and adoption. The above ordinace ~as regularly introduced and x.ms thereafter passed and adopted aga regular mee=in~ of ~he City Council of ~he City of Sarago~a held on the 19~h day of AuEust, 1964, by the follo~.,in~ voee: AYES: Councilmen Glennon, Drake, Hartmans Tyler NOES: None "~ ,~I ABSE;~T: Councilman Burry The ab a~d foregoing is a true and correct copy of ance IF] ~-- ,;vhich has been ATTEST: ~,~-- published accordin9 Depd,' tTt'y di k ' Date ~ 2~: ~,: CITY. CLEqK -