HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Maps TRACT 4646OWNERS CALIWriFI"re We hereby certify fhal we are the owners W, or have some ri9hf fi //o orinferes/ in and fo /he real properly included wilhir71he subdivision shown upon fhe final reap; /hat we are fhe oa /y Xrsons whose consent is necessary lo pass a clear lille to sold real properly; Thal we herehy maseal To fhe r7xk, 7g o/'said mop orrd subdivision as shown wilhlq fhe hke border line aaY Thal we hereby dedicale to public use all slreefs and portions ol'slreels nol herelofore erisling os shown on said map wilhia said subdivision. gle also hereby dedicale fo public use easements /or pu.6/ie ulililies a17d10r sar7ifary sewers under, oa or over /hose certain s /rips W load lying belw(f en f/e front rear dad %r side /ir7es of lols and Me dashed /fines each designv %d os 'Pill: lPu6 /ic (lfi /ilyasemer7l) ar7dar "S. S e "(sar7ildry 5'ewerEoseraer7t). Public Ufililie s basements and Sanitary Sewer Fasewenls to he keel open aad free 4-orn buildings and structures of'ar7y kind exeepl lawful Iences. Utility eomoaly sfruelures permilled in Public Rilily Easement on /y. 7 Pde. P'd r, li XMQ R. d,PQTA srdrf O'FallFoald s.s Comfy ersdlrVcz.Zn on 1171,IR3 day of 31196 9, be/'ore rne, fhe undersigned, o kt lary Public in ono' for said counly and late, residing Therein, duly sworn and corr7177is51017ed, per- - appeored David .5 -drala ar7d alma ' drala, known to me lo be fhe owners and They oeknow /edged lo me lhol they execuled Me some. /,V WIrNfSS W/Jf1PEoF, / have !ereualo se/ my hand ood al'Pixed my of/'lcial sea/ fhe day and year 11'rsl above written, . �% �,. r= rPr" . �' 4it, lk.- ia' 4: P" a►' 4r�tei. fleF :ue�riiAiat- il�'a+'ait'ai� ___..r - - - -- � _..__.._ - -- f� OFFICIAL a 1` r� &XIIP�'ubli�c� in ar7d /or e Counly _ of Saala Clara, 5'lale W Calilorniv k4 J Y . r -, s y ' • ,, r r i 1.° '�:ii,aYr�'•.i.:. f e. *y yr.., r: ._�, , .« *r:j.r,r;: t, V "App —ok . 21 CONSISTING OF TWO (2) SHEETS U0 Is L4 BEING THE LANDS SHOWN ON SURVEY MAP, MAP OF THE PROPERTY OF R.F.I. RAYMOND IN SEC.12, 18S., R.2W., M.D.M., OF RECORD IN VOLUME Z OF MAPS, PAGE 26, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS . LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF SARATOGA 5AN,rA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCALE : I" = 100' FEE)RUAPY, 1909 RUTH AND GOING CIVIL ENGINEERS SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA y it B.4 SiS of Ae45QRiN (7s The bearing Al d ) °3/'00 "f oi' The lVorfher /y 11ne of Ui /1 Avenue shown on The rnoo of Bonnie Brae L/niT e, recorded in Book L of "cps ~, page 46, Svi?la CIUrI2 County Recordf, yVor to ! en of lh e bo-fl f 9/' all beori r9y lhowr7 on lh('.1 mop. Ail) rfs /. .4 11 dislances ar7d dimensions shown hereon are in 4eel and decimals /hereof. Z. fhe blue border denotes /he boundary of This su6divisiorr. 3, The area wifhir7 The 6 /rre border is r'. 9d5 Qcres. EN61NfER'9 CfRT/F/CQTf L eo W. ifulh, certify Thal / am a Registered Civi n ineer of the Slale o • ha Phis ma consisti of two �� sheets eorreell re pre OP Ca /ifor -ni , Mal P �g Y f' senls a survey made under my direction in Jan., /969, thaT fhe survey i,s true and comp /ele as shown; that o// monuments of the , i# ds shown hereon aelua /lY exist or wi// be sel by March, 1971; fhol (heir positions ore correelly shown Qrd /hat such rnonurnenls ore suAOI'i ie171 to enable The survey to be relrc7ced. Dote _ zL-- -18 egislered Ciwl/ Fnyineer- Cerlif'ieale No. 7147 CITY eN61 iffR'S CeV'1F1(fA rf / hereby cerlily that / have examined the wilhln Ana/ (nap of rracl No. Mal fhe subdivision shown Thereon is subsfanliol /y The same as if appeored on the fen- alive map andany cpprovedalleralions /hereof as approved by the Sara logo Planglr7y Coln - M)'351on on lheza day o /'_1Uo v ._ I Nd ; Thal a// pro visions o0 lie Calilorniv Subdivisior7 Map del and of any loco/ ordinances qpolicahle al 1h lime of approval o� fhe lenlofive mop have beer, compiled wilh ant fhaf /am salisf led Thal said (nap is leehr7ically correct -M"f5' T. P07-,r, City Engineer Dale- r oEPUry C/ r Y CL5R�'S CER rIFICQ Tf / herehy cerlify Thal lire wilhia 1' na/ map of rracl 4fSdG' was approved by fhe Ci/y Council of Me Cify of �S'oro %ga, Safe d Cralr/orme, of o reyvlar and duly avlhorized meeting of said Council held on The - -7 boy off- Max -_ I9G 9; Ihol a// slreels o /l'ered /or dedic vlioo are hereby not Qccepled, and lhal o// easements and reserves shewo on sold map wilhia said subdivsion and offered /or dedicalion are hereby not oceepfed on beha//' o� the public. �iry cc Exx e.uv �� - o� Hera cc ELK cr fk'E Crrr couNc/t of Tti'�' CIrYdF SARd1 >f,J COUNTY RECOROEFS CfRriFIC-4 rf Qccepled for record and recorded in &ok25-Yol'Maps of Pyges eZ or7d24f in The ol'Y'ice oh' The iYecorder of Sanla Caro Count` lb std .. day of .N141 , /969 Fi /e No. 3j62,s' ;,s'1 Fee: 1ZOO paid 5%lEET Of L f eorge E Fowles - Counly Ifecorder 5'anto Coro Counly, Ca /i/ornio Y Depulr Job 116. l-flCZ LOG N0.1531 d tip r, 7th � V� Q� O� �a Ie l c� 50°O.D'5fv "E 1000:4 r /}� yJ Fa � "x�jpR�Ll /Fyr�)��V r �c) :� j ro 2 � o � 0.13 SEE 4E rA/L 4" o& 0 n DETA /L "B" - NO SCALE" OErA /L ''A" - No SCA! - 1?5CORUE0 CONSISTING OF TWO (2) SHEETS BEING THE LANDS SHOWN ON SURVEY MAP, MAP OF THE PROPERTY OF R. F I. RAYMOND IN SEC.12, T. B S., R. 2 W., M.D.M., OF RECORD IN VOLUME Z OF MAPS, PAGE 26, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF SARATOGA SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALI FOP, N I A SCALE - i" = 1 v0' • FE52UARY, 1969 RUTH AND GOING CIVIL ENGINEERS SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA DE rA& "CA-NO SCALE 0� r � f .e" LJy (BOOfI 77 OF IVAO.s, PAGE /4) CURVE 9A TA 1Y0. R d L / /50.00' % ° 38'57 "� 43.59' 2� 6./5.GY7' 9 °5'23" _ y 1a o L or 49 °55 /5" /6/. /9' IV /50.001 14 NO °49'/7 "W 5 /00.00' c% \ Y pr 3.16"p 6 90.00' 7rv,83' 7 DETA IL "D " - ND SCALE 8 120.00, T­ CURVE 9A TA 1Y0. R d L / /50.00' % ° 38'57 "� 43.59' 2� 6./5.GY7' 9 °5'23" _ ///.90' 3 /85.00' 49 °55 /5" /6/. /9' IV /50.001 3� ° /9' /7" 92.x/7' 5 /00.00' / ° //8'4V 3.16"p 6 90.00' 7rv,83' 7 8 120.00, 5G ° 25 X30" 118 . IB' l4V 20.00' 92 ° �9' // 2004' 87° /0'46N 30.y3' 12 /25.00' 35° /9'/7" 77.06' /3 300 00' 35 ° / /y /00 -OD' 43 °/3'20" 13 /30.60' � 2° �772' L EGEM ANO NOTES IS\ z �r �a i Q Indicates % Nlron ape set • Indicates %y "I�n ��e found �Oras olherrise 17w wed) ■ bndicdfes C'rdnite NoM117Ieal found. af,''emise /narked 0 Ilydieafes Standard City 1Ya/ru177e171 set D, R. 67dlCdles Official Records 0f 5qfd Cld,V County All distances shown helm# are in ecel and deciirrals fhereo'p r//e h1va harder indicates the h0a ,90(ary a P this Subdivision 77V dm,7 ;yjthiv the flue harder /s 6.95 &xws BA 313 01" BEARINGS 7ha bearing N89 031'40'',5 of the Norther /y /ine of fii // Ayenne shown on the arao 0? Bonnie Brame Unif 2, recorded in Book L /o C /orr Coun /y leecordf, wai fo,r' e yf the bofif of a// beor14g1 lhoiv1-7 on lhlr room. AX IT NO. G� % BoDK G�'.s� OF /Y1APS, PACES AND „ c SHEET NO- 2 OF 2 SHEETS 1-11102 1 nr• nin 2j 2�