HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-06-1956 City Council minutes SARATOGA C ITY COUNCIL TIME: December 6, 1956, 7:50 P.M. Y PLACE: Fireman's Hall, Oak Street, Saratoga, California TYPE: Regular Meeting I ROUTINE ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL Present: Brazil, Jepsen, Langwill, Williams Absent: Rosasco B. MINUTES Reading of the minutes was waived but minutes of previous meeting (November 15, 1956) were approved. II PETITIONS AND GRIEFVANCES A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None B. WRITTEN REQUESTS FOR ACTION 1. A letter from Richard W. Rhodes, President of the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce dated November 20, 19 56 was read by the clerk. It protested against the Chamber of Commerce vs. Gravel issuance of a use permit to Clarence Tressler for Trucks and Quarry a quarry on Big Basin Way and against the hazards to traffic by the use of county quarry trucks on Big Basin Way. Mayor Brazil referred the protest to the Public Sn fety Committee for study. 2. A letter from Frank Davis, President of the Saratoga Merchant's Association: dated Dec. 6, 1956, was read Merchant's Assn. by the clerk. I t asked for some means to alleviate re gravel trucks the nuisance caused by gravel trucking traffic. Mayor Brazil referred the letter to the Public Safety Committee for study. 3. A petition for the abatement of Quarry (Saratoga Sand and Gravel Co.) as public nuisance was read by the clerk. Marshall Hall, attorney for the peti- tioners reiterated the information contained in the -1- petition and involved on a map which accompanied the petition. In addition, he indicated that he did not feel that the hardship Petition (over 100 names) re angle in this case carried much weight and that the Saratoga Sand and Gravel Company Saratoga Sand and Gravel Co had been adecuately Gravel Pit Abatement. forwarned by protests in the past. Mayor Brazil stated that the oral submission would be taken under consideration the matter to the Committee on Public Works for study and to the City Attorney for an opinion on the legal aspects. 4. A from George A. Vadney, 12619 Paseo Olivas, George A. Vadney Saratoga regarding opinion against the formation re protest etplit formation f7:f lnrC of a local police department for the City of Saratoga, police. was read by the clerk. Mayor Brazil requested that it be filed in the City records. At this point, Mr. Goodere, 13235 Paseo Presada asked that the clerk read a lettr he wished to present. Mayor Brazil stated that because of the length of the letter it would be read at the end of the meeting if time allowed. 5. Letter from Vince Garrod, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Saratoga Union School District re- V. Garrod letter re water accumulation guesting that the matter of water accumulating on property adjoining Oak Street School on the Paul Muth property (recently purchased) ad- joining the Oak Street School grounds he referred to the City Engineer. Mayor Brazil referred this to the committee for Public Safety. 6. A letter from Postmaster Georg Whalen, Saratoga Post Office regarling the location of three courtesy collection boxes, i.e., (1) in front of Muth Bldpr. -2- on Big Basin Way; (2) front of Village Shopning Center; (3) Quito Shopping Center, was read by the clerk. Councilman Jepsen suggested the.t because of the traffic problem involved in frort of the Muth Building, it might be better to place one of the Postmaster George boxes in front of the Richfield st9ttor. Mr. Muth Whalen letter re Courtesy Boxes of big basin way stated from the floor that he had no objection to a box in front of his building; Mrs. Kraule of Springer Street Etated that two boxes in the same general area seemed excessive; Mr. Goodere, 13235 Paseo Presada, ste.ted from the floor also that there anpeered to be no need for such boxes in Cult°. Councilman Jepsen moved thAt the Council communicate with Mr. Whalen to ascertain whether there was any specific reason for the box in front of the Muth Bldg., and if not, that it be placed in front of the Richfield station. This motion was alopted unanimously. 7. A letter from Howard W. Camper, attorney, regarding formal petition from his client, The California Letter and oral Pacific Title Insurance Co. for the Council's annroval stltement of Howard Campen, attorney and the institutior by them of formelized Proceedings for Calif. Pacific Title Ins. Co. re for the creation of an assessment district involving creation of ass-ssment district in the an area on the northerly side of Allendale Avenue Allendale Avenue Quito Roar section and westerly of (.11.to Poal., for the ournose of for the installation of curbs, vutters, installing streets, curbs, gutters, sewage collection sewage collection, storm drainage, etc. system, storm drainage system and such additional off-site work as may be reouired by theCity of Saratoga, was rend by the clerk. Mr.Camnen, from the floor, stated that the Viola Lumber Co, was his client and that all engineering work, would be done by Mc Kay and StoTTo of Sunnyvale; legal work by Howard Camper); and that Stone and Youngberg of 3_ n r Frnc17 Unit two sublivistr)r orojt. exnnses sur, as t1,7)ns taken c'ire oc by r'f.r. --n for the City t all Ty or Yonzberw, 7131 to th', Council, Construct17 worli„ clerical and all other. experes wo b at)ollt $60,000 or In iv -rTip7 lot ''Is.s. of City Attorney Johnston sf t'r the nro position w;is rrithr of fin in Cityi name. Councilman W1111ms .3sked what 11s in c of 3eflu1t. Mr. Clmper repliel 3 ht t bond holier hJs the rig-ht o nror.eed r. Camner to thit tIne t far Vifla in 17 In Pair) Alto did the same tn. cat th=it bonds woul be ta-c free much souo after. Mrlyor 3rizil stated t'F en wn,11: be akr unr submtsst-r until it can Ill C A. 3r. T1 AXE 7,LE=T C Y.. IT. iCCOST N 73. N F P E. F nch se for Fal-ctrto ty TO 72 C):, L.; :Ti'L.T r 7 :Y7' 7 7 N T7, F. 1 C (2' N T AND APPURTENANCES, INCLUDING COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS, NECESSARY OR PFO FOR TR,INSMITTING AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY TO THE PUBLIC FOP ANY AND ALL PURPOSES IN, ALONG ACROSS UPON, UNDER AND OVFR THE PUBLIC STREET: AND PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF SARATOGA" was introduced. Reading of the body was waived and Councilman Jepsen moved for its adontion. Unani- mously passed. City Attorney Johnston stated that the income from this Ordinance was retroactive to October 22, 1956. B. Ordinance #14 "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELFCMIC COMPANY ITS iUCCESSORS ANC :.SSIGNS THE FRANCHISE TO INSTALL, MAINTAIN AND USE PIPES AND APPUPTNANCES FOR TRLA,NSMITTING THE DISTRIBUTING GAS FOE ANY AND P. G. E. Franchise ALL PURPOSES UNDER, ALONG, ACROSS OF UPON THE PUBLIC for Gas STREETS AND PLACES AS THE SAME NOW OE MAY HEREAFTER EXIST IN THE CITY OF 3AR,iTOGA" was introduced. Reading of the be)dy was waived, and Councilman Williams moved for its adoption. Unanimously passed. City Attorney Johns'on stated that the income from this franchise begins the ef date of the Or(:1irance. C. Orinance #15 "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE COYP7NS,TION OF THE CITY CLK, ESTABLISHING THE OFICF, OF CITY ADMINI3 AND FSTABLIHING THE DUTIt. TPEROF" was irtroducel. City Clerk and City Administmitor Councilman jensen moved for its alontior. Motion was carried unanimously. At this point, Mr. Ralnh Pichm of 3ohlman Road Saratoga R. Richmond damage to stated from the floor that th was road damage at Bohlman 3ohlman Rd. and Kittredwe Roads, which renuired repairirg. Mayor Brazil asked MrRichmond to put this information in the form of a letter addressed to the Coucil. Mayor Brazil Rdlourned the meeting at Q:00 P.M. so that the Councilmen could sit as the City Planning Commission Council re-met at 9:05 P.M. D. Ordinance #3A "AN 07LINANCE OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA ADOPTING ZONING REGULATIONS AND A 7,:.NING PLAN FOR THE 3AID CITY GENERALLY IN CONFORMITY WITH PM] -EXISTING City Zoning regulations and COUNTY R7GULATIONS" was introducd and read by the roced ures City Clerk and Councilman Langwill. Councilman Williams moved for its adootion. UnaniTcusly nassed In response to a luestion from the floor by Mrs. Kraule of Springer Avenue, the hours of the city offices were set at 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. At the same time, it was announced that all anolications for zonin chanes, variances, use nermits and site control permits would oe issued at the City Offices with the City Clerk as Acting Clerk of the Saratova Planning Commission. Iv RF3OLUTIONS A. FORMAL RF3OLUTION 6 relating to the 3rd1ey-3urns Act wf3s real by Councilman Williams. The City Attorney Resolution V6 lrlAcatel that w honP1 to have the contracts Sales Tax executed by December 31, 1056. Councilman Jensen moved for adontion of the resolution. It was passed unanimously. B. MINUT7 1. Yayor 3rFazil pronosed that, in order to expedite and syst..matize the work of the counctl, all re rillests for action on the nart of the Council be in -6- •-4 Clerk on the Requests for council sixth (6th) da), preceding the next council meeting action must be In writing. Schedule or, if the matter relates to Planning, in the hands relating thereto. of the Acting Clerk of the Planning Commission on the tenth (10th) d9y before the next hering. No action would be taken by the Council on any item 77assed• C. Bachman be made temporary tynist AppoIntment of temnorary tynist per hour for a period not to exceed sixty (C) he will set up a complete f.-r successor. Passed unanimously V ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS A. REPORTS OF COYIMITTEE3 None B. PFRONNEL 1. Councilman L'angwill nominated Cantair Appointment of E. R. Mc Kenzie to the TiositIn of Tr-gsurer City Treasurr of the City of Saratoga. Unanimously carried. 2. Councilman WilliaTs nominated Franlin C. Appointment of City Clerk and Bachmrin to the positions of City Clerk and City Administrator City Administrator. Unanimously pissei3. C. FIN,=,NCES I. City Attorney Johnston stated th9t the money Monies of defunct and bond3 from t'!'.-e Sanitary Dis+irict (now defunct) Saratop:a 33nitary District could he nicked ur from the County Treasurer by the City Treasurer. 2. City Attorney Johnston rer)orted that the rtes in %Sanitation District #4 were beinz raised. However this will not effect those residents living in the Raise in rates of Sanitation old Sanitary District since his discussicns with District ¥4 City ="ttorney Willis indiated tht the contract presently in effect in the district reel not be negotiated at this time. If the new rates were allowed it would cost the Sanitary District from 5,-6000 per annum. Under the nresent contract, !'22-3000 per annum a net savings of 13-4000 rer annum to th neople of this district. Mayor Brzil called to the attnticn of the Co that the astuteness of our City ,ttorney h=:1 resulted in a s9ving of t3-4000 to the r)ecnie of the 211it District. CouncilmFin Wi11i called to the attention of the CcJncil a recent news- 'r article which stated tht Mrs. Harold Jeser h Frivn the City of Saratoga a new gravel instead of 9 "new 03vel". Mayor 3ra:i1 s 'ted that in view of the length of Mr.Goodere's letter, viously referred to, and due to the lateness of the hu-, s;lil letter would not be rani but would b taken unier costier3tton by the Council. Jepsr motIan to alourn at ?:51 P.Y. Motion nasse un,inimously.