HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-1995 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTSSARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. )(,o37- AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 1, 1995 ORIGINATING DEPT.: Community Development CITY f i . r7� SUBJECT: AZO -95 -006; amendment to the Zoning Ordinance defining "unenclosed storage" (Section 15- 12.160 - Storage of personal property and materials). Recommended Motion: Accept the Planning Commission recommendations by taking the following actions: 1. Approve the Negative Declaration; 2. Introduce the ordinance by title only, waiving further reading. Report Summary: In a recent attempt to enforce the storage of inoperable vehicles section of the City Code, Code Enforcement Officers were told by the presiding judge that the Saratoga Ordinance language was vague because it did not specifically define "enclosure ". The subject of the violation was "screening" an inoperable vehicle with a tarp. On September 13, 1995, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of an amendment to the ordinance by adding a definition of "unenclosed storage ". The ordinance will now state that any storage of personal property or materials must be enclosed within a structure or Completely screened from public view by a permanent solid fence or wall. Environmental Determination: An Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared for the Ordinance Amendment finding that no significant, adverse environmental impact will result from the project. Fiscal Impacts: None Advertising. Noticing and Public Contact: Notice of this hearing was published in the Saratoga News. Consequences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: Enforcement of the City Code relating to storage of personal property and materials will be difficult in that, per the judge's finding, just about any kind of "covering" will suffice as an enclosure. Follow Up Actions: The Ordinance will be place on the next City Council agenda for adoption. Attachments: 1. Ordinance. 2. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated September 13, 1995. 3. Minutes of the September 13, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. 4. Initial Study and Negative Declaration I 1_1 FBI EfISTIA. I T I I W1 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE • SARATOGA, CALIFORNIA 95070 • (408) 867 -3438 M E M O R A N D U M COUNCIL MEMBERS: ��/FROM: TO: Saratoga Planning Commission Paul L. Curtis, Community Development Director DATE: September 13, 1995 Ann Marie Burger Paul E. Jacobs Gillian Moran Karen Tucker Donald L. Wolfe SUBJECT: AZO -95 -006; Amendment to Section 15- 12.160 of the Saratoga Municipal Code Relating to Storage of Personal Property and Materials Project Description: The proposed amendment to Section 15- 12.160 of the Saratoga Zoning Ordinance provides a definition of the term "unenclosed storage." Currently, this section of the ordinance dealing with the storage of personal property and materials prohibits the use of any unoccupied residential site or the front yard or the exterior side yard of a residentially occupied site for "unenclosed storage." The current ordinance does not specifically describe what constitutes "enclosure." Background• During this past year, the Community Service Officers responded to a complaint that a resident had been "storing" 2 cars in his driveway. The vehicles allegedly had not been driven in several months and the complainant felt that they were an eyesore. The cars were covered with a tarp and a cloth car cover and were parked in the driveway directly adjacent to the curb. The CSO contacted the owner of the vehicles and requested that he move the cars into the garage to meet the storage requirements of the code. The property /vehicle owner stated that the cars could be "parked" in, the driveway since they were "enclosed "; that is, because they were covered, they should not be - considered as "unenclosed storage." Ultimately, after several months of abatement procedures and citations /fines, the matter was heard in court. Printed on recycled paper. AZO -95 -006 Planning Commission September 13, 1995 Page 2 The judge found that since the Saratoga Zoning Ordinance did not contain a clear definition of "unenclosed storage" (i.e. screening requirement), he could not support the City. Therefore, the judge found for the property owner, required the City to reimburse all fines and suggested that the City do whatever was necessary to better define what it wants to enforce. Therefore, this ordinance amendment is being proposed. Environmental Determination: A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project. Since there is no development activity involved with an ordinance amendment of this type (i.e. a definition), no significant adverse environmental impacts will be created. Recommendations Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the Negative Declaration and forward its recommendation to the City Council to adopt AZO -95 -006 amending the Saratoga Zoning Ordinance by adding a definition of "unenclosed storage." PLANNING COMMISSION NUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 PAGE - 8 - COMMISSIONER KAPLAN /SIEGFRIED MOVED TO FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT AZO -95 -005. THE MOTION CARRIED 6 -0 WITH COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. Commissioner Caldwell recommended that signs be required to meet the Village Sign Guidelines so that it can be demonstrated that the City has a commitment to the Village Guidelines. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN /SIEGFRIED MOVED TO REQUEST THAT STAFF FORWARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION THAT THEY ADOPT THE IMPROVEMENT MEASURES FOR THE VILLAGE PARKING DISTRICTS AND THAT SIGNS IN THE VILLAGE ARE TO CONFORM TO THE VILLAGE SIGN GUIDELINES. THE MOTION CARRIED 6 -0 WITH COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. 6. AZO -95 -006 - CITY OF SARATOGA; STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY AND MATERIALS Consideration of a draft ordinance amendment to Section 15 -12 -160 by adding Subsection (e) relating to storage of personal property and materials. An environmental Negative Declaration has been prepared for adoption. Community Development Director Curtis presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Caldwell noted that the City of Mt. View has an ordinance that requires that any vehicles, whether they are parked on the street or a driveway, have to be registered. She inquired if the City has a similar ordinance. Community Development Director Curtis informed the Commission that the City of Saratoga stipulates that a car can be stored in the front for 72 hours and does not have to be registered. After 72 hours, the vehicle has to be removed. Commissioner Caldwell felt that the City of Mt. View's ordinance was one way to control dilapidated, non - functioning vehicle problem. She felt that staff should investigate this issue further. She recommended that Section 15- 12.160, subsection '(3) be amended to read: "For purposes of this section, the term `unenclosed storage' means storage of items which are not completely enclosed within a structure or completely screened from public view by a permanent solid fence or wall which structure, fence or wall has been constructed or installed in accordance with the regulations contained in Chapter 15 of this Code." Chairman Murakami opened this item to public hearing at 8:27 p.m. No public input was provided on this item. Commissioners Patrick/Kaplan moved to close the public hearing at 8:25 p.m. COMMISSIONERS CALDWELL /SIEGFRIED MOVED TO ADOPT THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND FORWARD ITS RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT AZO -95 -006 WITH THE MODIFIED LANGUAGE TO INCLUDE "STRUCTURE, FENCE OR WALL ". THE MOTION CARRIED 6 -0 WITH COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. CITY OF SARATOGA CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (TO BE COMPLETED BY PUBLIC AGENCY) PROJECT: Amend Section 15- 12.160 of the Saratoga Zoning Ordinance adding a definition of "unenclosed storage" dealing with storage and screening of materials on private property. FILE NO. AZO -95 -006 LOCATION: City -wide applicability 1. Name of Proponent: City of Saratoga 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Saratoga, CA 95070 (408) 867 -3438 3. Date of Checklist submitted: August 21, 1995 4. Agency requiring Checklist: City of Saratoga Community Development Department 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable: Zoning Ordinance Amendment II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) YES MAYBE NO 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or over - crowding of the soil? X c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? g d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? X f. Changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of a lake? X g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mud- slides, ground failure or similar hazards? X 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? X b. The creation of objectionable odors? 0 c. Alteration of air movement, moisture or temp- erature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? X YES MAYBE NO 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements in fresh water? X b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? X c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X d. Change in the amount of surface water or any water in any water body? X e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any altera- tion ofsurface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or ground waters? X g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X YES MAYBE NO h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding? X j. Significant changes in the temperature, flow, or chemical content of surface thermal springs? X 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass crops, and aquatic plants)? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? X c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? X d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X YES. MAYBE 'NO 5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish, or insects)? X b. Reduction in the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? X C. Introduction of new species of animals into an area or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? X d. Deterioration to existing wildlife or fish habitat? X 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? X b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? X 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X 4: • 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X b. Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions. X b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? X 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? X 13. Transportation /Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? X c. Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? X d. Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and /or goods? X e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X f. Increase in traffic hazardous to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered govern- mental services in any of the following areas: r- i YES MAYBE NO a. Fire protection? X b. Police. protection? X c. Schools? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? X e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? X f. Other governmental services? X 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities? a. Power or natural gas? X b. Communications system? X c. Water? X d. Sewer or septic tanks? X e. Storm water drainage? X f. Solid waste and disposal? X YES MAYBE NO 17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? X 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruc- tion of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X 20. Cultural Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archeological site? X b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? X c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? X d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? X 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance: a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species, cause a fish wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? X b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short -term, to the disadvantage of long -term, environmental goals? (A short -term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time while long -term impacts will endure well into the future) . X c. Does the project have impacts which are individ- ually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate YES MAYBE NO resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant) . X d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? X III. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTTAL EVALUATION The proposed project consists of an amendment to the Saratoga Zoning Ordinance relating to the definition of personal property and materials that can be stored on private property. Specifically, the Ordinance defines the term "unenclosed storage." This amendment does not pertain to any development activity and the inclusion in and of itself will not create environmental impacts. On the basis of this initial evaluation: yX I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed environment, and an DATE: W ZZ4 �7 rJ rp \eirtosm project MAY have a.significant effect on the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Paul L. Curtis Community Development Director SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. 2( 3 C AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: November 1, 1995 CITY MGR. ORIGINATING DEPT. City Manager's Office SUBJECT: Selection of Economic Development Consultant Recommended Motion(s): Approve the recommendation of the selection committee and authorize the City Manager to enter into a standard agreement for services with Downtown Revitalization Consultants in an amount not to exceed $15,000 to prepare a commercial marketing and recruitment plan as set forth in the scope of work dated October 2, 1995, from the firm. Report Summary: The report on the selection of a consultant to develop a plan for the City's business promotion and enhancement efforts recommends the selection of Downtown Revitalization Consultants of Chico to perform the work for the City. The firm has an extensive background in this type of work having provided services to such local communities as Los Altos and Los Gatos in recent years. Fiscal Impacts: The work would cost $15,000 and represent a major part of the $20,000 budgeted this fiscal year for the economic development program. The remaining $5,000 is being spent on development of new directional signs throughout the City and for advertising of various events and activities promoting business in Saratoga. Advertising, Noticing and Public Contact: The selection process and recommendations have been presented to the City's Business Development Council structure and members of the business community were directly involved in the selection process. Consequences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: The City would not retain the services of a consultant and a commercial marketing and recruitment plan would not be developed. City Council would have to provide further direction to the SBDC and staff as to its desires relative to business promotion and enhancement and the development of a plan to accomplish same. Follow Up Actions: Prepare and execute an agreement with Downtown Revitalization Consultants for the work. Attachments: Staff Report dated November 1, 1995 p (2� 0 (L MEMORANDUM DATE: November 1, 1995 TO: City Council FROM: Harry Peacock, City Manager SUBJECT: Selection of Economic Development Consultant Recommended Actions: Retain Downtown Revitalization Consultants for a fee of $15,000 to develop a commercial marketing plan for the City of Saratoga as contained in the Scope of Work submitted on October 2, 1995. Background: As a part of its overall effort to promote and enhance business in Saratoga the City has engaged in a process of identifying and receiving proposals for consultant services through the Saratoga Business Development Council (SBDC). For several months the SBDC and its Steering Committee discussed the subject of the kind of consulting help which might be needed by the City in furthering its goal of promoting and enhancing business in Saratoga. Although no strong consensus emerged from these meetings as to the type of consultant which would best suit the City's needs, there was consensus that, over time, expertise in several areas would be needed to move the work of the City and the SBDC forward. To this end six candidate firms were identified as having the potential to assist in some way. These six were contacted and interviews with a six member panel consisting of two members of the City Council, two members of the City staff and two members of the business community were scheduled for October 2, 1995. The six firms interviewed were, Eco Development Associates of Berkeley, Carter Waxman of San Jose, Downtown Revitalization Consultants of Chico, Braun Ketchum Public Relations of Sacramento, Concept of Saratoga, and Applied Performance of San Jose. Discussion: Following the interviews the committee concluded that it had interviewed three distinct types of firms. Two are oriented toward helping the City develop an action plan for carrying out its goals and objectives, three are oriented toward providing public relations /marketing assistance, and one oriented toward providing staff assistance on a contract basis to support the work of the SBDC's and. the City's efforts to implement an action plan. It was the consensus of the committee that the immediate direction of the City's efforts should be toward the development of an action plan and that the proposal of Downtown Revitalization Consultants was the most representative of the type of effort needed by the City. The committee also concluded that once the action plan is developed then expertise in implementation should be sought from either one of the firms interviewed or from a firm or individual as yet unidentified. The recommended selection has been discussed with both the Arts Culture and Theater and Steering committees of the SBDC who have concurred with the conclusions of the selection committee. The recommendation will be discussed with the entire SBDC on October 31st. At your meeting of November 1st, the City Council will be briefed on the results of that discussion. Attached you will find a copy of the proposal submitted by Dave Kilbourne, the Director of Downtown Revitalization Consultants who, if chosen, would be working with the City and the SBDC over the next several months to develop the action plan. Copies of the other proposals are available for review in the City Manager's Office. Attachment Downtown • Revitalization • Consultants Paul L. Curtis Community Development Director City of Saratoga Director 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Dave Kilbourne, Chico Saratoga, Ca., 95070 Dear Paul and Selection Committee Members: Thank you for considering Downtown Revitalization Consultants when creating the mailing list for your Saratoga Economic Development Plan. DRC specializes in the-development and implementation of town and City Economic Development Programs with a traditional non -urban emphasis. We are very interested in working with yourselves and other business and professional leaders from throughout the Saratoga community. We feel confident that the excellent level of experience represented by DRC will provide the best possible combination of commercial area economic development skills available. We have attached to this proposal information regarding our professional qualifications as well as several appropriate references for your information. I believe DRC will be able to do a very effective job of marketing the commercial area thereby mitigating retail sales leakage to San Jose and other nearby communities as well as enhancing sales tax revenues for the City of Saratoga. Additionally, we understand there may be a need to carry out a commercial recruitment effort as a means of achieving a more broad -based business mix within the project area. By studying the attached Proposal For Consulting Services, you will see that DRC has recently completed a Commercial Marketing and Recruitment Plan and Workbook for nearby Los ALtos. This Plan resulted in the P.O. Box 3338 • Downtown' Chico, CA 95927 • 916 345 -0900 • FAX 916 345 -1300 creation of a new part -time temporary City position for the purpose of implementing the DRC recommendations. Recently this City staff position has been upgraded to full -time with permanent funding which provides an excellent yardstick for the purpose of measuring specific program success. We are proud of our part in the economic rejuvenation of the Los Altos city -wide commercial community. In addition to overall Commercial Area Marketing Strategy Development and implementation Programs and Commercial Recruitment Programs, Downtown Revitalization Consultants also specializes in the planning and implementation of annual retail marketing programs, commercial area image building campaigns and shop at home campaigns as well as the establishment of centralized retail management programs. As in Los Altos, we believe that we can bring to Saratoga innovative concepts and approaches as a result of our experience working with similar cities in the field of general commercial market analysis, commercial revitalization and the provision of easily implemented and cost - effective design guidelines. Our background is characterized by projects typically carried out in program areas very similar to that outlined in your memo describing the Saratoga Economic Development Plan. We are willing to carry out the Proposed Scope of Work attached to this cover letter for a total of $15,000. which would include all of our project costs . Further, we are interested in providing you with an expanded Scope of Services which would cover all additional programs and projects typically. included in a Comprehensive Citywide Commercial Economic Development Plan such as we have recently completed for the Town of Loomis and are currently involved in with the City of Jackson. (We are attaching an example of this additional level of services for your information.) We are ready to begin work on your project now and are available to complete contract negotiation details at your convenience. We at DRC would be very proud to add the prestigious name of Saratoga to our client list. Sincerely: D.,i3O,�, Dave Kilbourne, Director, Downtown Revitalization Consultants _ Benefits Of Usina The Downtown Revitalization Consultants Team: I believe there are several significant benefits to be achieved by choosing the Downtown Revitalization Consultants Team. A partial listing of specific benefits offered to the City of Saratoga by entering into a contract with DRC is as follows: .• I served as Director of the Downtown Chico Business Association (DCBA) for more than fifteen years during which time many of the issues that I understand concern the City of Saratoga were satisfactorily dealt with to the point of 100% resolution. In addition to being Director of the DCBA for many years, I have also been a downtown retailer for the past fifteen years and have a very good understanding, far beyond the level of understanding reached by most consultants in my field, of the specific problems faced by retailers as they attempt to compete with regional malls, national discounters and the proliferation of newly developing factory outlet centers. • DRC is recognized statewide as a leading specialist in the formation of Downtown Business Improvements Districts (BID) under California SB 1424. Within the scope of this proposal, DRC has offered to facilitate a community -wide BID concept information workshop at no additional cost. If DRC is chosen to carry out the Saratoga Project, and if the BID workshop indicates there is support regarding the establishment of a BID, DRC agrees to offer a 20% reduction of the standard BID establishment fee if the Project Committee decides to proceed with district formation. Dave Kilbourne, Director Downtown Revitalization Consultants 10 -1 -95 SARATOGA COMMERCIAL MARKETING AND RECRUITMENT PLAN SCOPE OF WORK • A brief description of specific economic development programs provided to the City of Saratoga by the Downtown Revitalization Consultants Team 10 -2 -95 1) COMMERCIAL MARKETING PROGRAM: For the purpose of strengthening existing businesses as well as attracting new business investment into the Saratoga business community. Consulting team to facilitate a series of workshops and slide discussions illustrating what cities and business community areas throughout the state. and country are doing in the specific area of strategic marketing through business community theme development A) Consulting Team To Assist With The Creation Of An Image, Concept And Theme To Be Utilized In The Development Of A Commercial Marketing Strategy. This approach is to be implemented through "institutional "(non - retail) advertising and will emphasize the positive aspects of the Saratoga commercial business district. A few examples to be considered are as follows: • The Historic Significance and Architectural Heritage offered by Saratoga's business community must be considered as a natural theme to be emphasized in a campaign to re- define the local image. The concept of Saratoga's business district, especially the traditional Village area, as "The Heart of the Community" offers a great deal of public relations value as well as direct incentive for all community members to view the central business district as a community gathering place. The consulting team sees a strong necessity to build a community-wide consensus around the theme of the business community being a destination and meeting place of choice. Many commercial and physical marketing strategies can be developed and implemented to further this goal. • The quality small town character and ambiance and the fact that the Saratoga business community is a friendly and courteous place has a great deal to offer in terms of both public relations and theme - concept development for the purpose of producing a "soft" marketing strategy with no implications of the aggressive marketing approach that is very often employed by malls, national discounters and factory outlet centers. The "romance" phrases attached to this proposal are offered as a beginning of the creative process necessary to ultimately develop the most appropriate short narrative description of the project area theme. • Local traditions such as Saratoga's architectural heritage and historic significance may serve as a theme comparable to Gilroy's garlic and Napa Valley's wine, which have become popular themes and attractors with a national following B) Consulting Team To Assist With The Establishment Of A Commercial Marketing Committee. Assistance to be provided for the creation of a permanent Promotion and Advertising Committee. Consultant to offer guidelines regarding the most effective utilization of limited advertising funds. Consultant to meet with Committee throughout term of project. C) Consulting Team To Assist With Development Of An Annual Program Of Retail- Oriented Events And Activities, i.e., Sidewalk Sales, restaurant - oriented marketing events, holiday themes and programs, Easter - oriented sales events, Father's Day - Mother's Day events, Back -To- School promotions, End -Of -Year sales campaigns, President's Day Sales, etc., D) Consulting Team To Assist With Development And Implementation Of An Annual Program Of Special Events, Fairs And Festivals that are not necessarily retail- oriented, and in fact, may serve as successful program fund - raisers. Examples are public concerts in the park, auto and boat shows, 10 K runs, triathlons, artisan's fairs, food and wine tasting events involving Saratoga's many fine restaurants, collectibles fairs, etc., E) Consulting Team To Assist With Development Of A Tourism Stimulation Program: Consultant to work closely with the City and Chamber in the process of developing an aggressive campaign exploring ways and means of bringing more tourism activity into the traditional business community area by developing and offering a theme that would work well when promoting the City of Saratoga on a regional basis. This effort additionally offers the possibility of attracting and retaining travelers as they pass through town on Highway 9, as well as nearby on Highway 17, by using a creative and colorful promotion program that might include the use of outdoor advertising. F) Consulting Team To Develop Programs Designed To Specifically Assist With The Mitigation Of Retail Sales Leakage: Consultant to provide assistance with the development of a program to mitigate retail sales leakage. This program offers a great deal of incentive to the City as a successfully implemented program results in greatly increased sales tax revenues. • Create marketing programs intended to slow or eliminate the community shopper's habit of traveling to nearby Los Gatos and larger metropolitan shopping alternatives in San Jose. • Develop merchandising_ programs designed to compete more effectively with national retail merchandising outlets offering warehouse provided goods and services. • Ca= out public relations programs intended to make the community shopper more sensitive to the need to support locally owned and operated businesses. Emphasize the community -wide benefits of sales tax revenues as a primary means of financial support for community services such as police and fire protection. • Cerny out a "Shop Saratoga First" marketing campaign. Promote the neighborhood - hometown character of the traditional business community area through the introduction of individual businesspersons and businesses as well as through such themes as " Saratoga's Village Is The Heart Of The Community" G) Provide Graphic Design Guidelines For The Purpose Of Producing A Thematic Illustration, As Was Used In Chico And Loomis, To Be Used As A Primary Marketing Strategy Tool. This design will serve the purpose of a long -term theme /image tool to be used to accentuate and promote Saratoga's architectural heritage and historic significance. The historic significance of Saratoga's village architecture could be colorfully illustrated through a series of wall murals depicting Saratoga's commercial heritage as well as through graphic design artwork that can be used for the development of public relations- oriented items such as posters, garments, postcards, place mats and newspaper advertising. This design will also serve well as the subject of an oversized wall mural to be located at the entrance of the traditional business community area, as is currently being done in many other towns striving to develop a marketing strategy theme (examples of graphic artwork utilized through DRC in other similar business community economic development and image building campaigns are attached to this proposal.) 2) COMMERCIAL RECRUITMENT PROGRAM a) Consulting team to work toward achieving the highest and best use of all available commercial properties within the project area. Careful consideration will be given to secondary uses that do not add to the dynamic image of the business community area. These secondary use business types, when combined with "functional vacancies" such as "hobby" businesses, are a negative element that must be improved in order to allow the business community area to become the dynamic and upbeat sector of the overall community that is desired by the City as well as by all merchants and property owners having an interest in the health and welfare of Saratoga's commercial district. A primary goal of the Commercial Recruitment Program will be the development of a better balanced business mix. It is the understanding of this consultant that there is a great deal of emphasis on food service - oriented businesses as well as on personal care services but not enough general retail commercial uses that might serve the local community as well as attract new shoppers and visitors. b) Commercial Recruitment Surveys - Consulting team to determine most desired new businesses to fill existing vacancies or vacancies as they occur. Surveys may be carried out through workshops as well as through shopper interception questionnaires. c) Consulting Team to provide guidelines for the creation of a Commercial Recruitment Information Package to be used and distributed by the City of Saratoga, members of the business community the Chamber of Commerce, the project area property owners and local real estate brokers for the purpose of stimulating appropriate new investment into the project area. A partial listing of items to be included • area -wide economic profile and demographics • a listing of all vacancies presented as "commercial opportunities" • a listing of incentives offered to new businesses • a report of results from recent shopper preference surveys • testimonials from successful local business owners • a directory of -business support services, such as the City of Saratoga. and the Chamber of Commerce. • a narrative extolling the benefits and virtues of doing business within the project area • a description of economic development programs and projects currently under way within the business community area PROVIDE GUIDELINES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMMERCIALLY - ORIENTED SARATOGA CIVIC BEAUTIFICATION AND VISUAL AMENITIES PROGRAM Consultant to facilitate a workshop for the purpose of developing Commercial Marketing- Oriented civic beautification "special effects" projects and programs including the following cost - effective visual improvements that would tastefully promote the Saratoga business community area's character, history and personality. • public arts programs, super graphics and wall murals • the use of flags and banners on a year -round basis • pedestrianization programs • programs of seasonal decorations • information kiosks • possible development and /or preservation of business community landmarks • consideration of business community entrances, welcome arches, monumentation and signage • visitor amenities such as sidewalk furniture, water fountains, trash receptacles and public restrooms • planting additional street trees, shrubs and flowers • clean up and visually improve any existing commercial vacancies as well as undeveloped or underdeveloped parcels • consideration of aesthetic, uniform, public and private signage • other visual "special effects" for the business community as suggested by the Committee Consulting Team to facilitate a slide discussion illustrating what cities and business districts throughout the state and country are doing in the area of civic beautification and physical image enhancement. A discussion of costs of specific projects will also be carried out with specific recommendations made for creating and implementing the most cost - effective physical image development approach. 4) FACILITATION OF A SARATOGA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) INFORMATION WORKSHOP Provide initial guidelines for the establishment of a Business Improvement District under California SB 1424 (Section 36500 et sea. California Streets and Highways Code) within the Saratoga business area. 1) Assist with the establishment of a BID Formation Committee 2) Carry out orientation sessions with Formation Committee regarding the BID concept as well as the overall formation process. 3) Meet with key personnel involved with formation procedures, i.e., City Staff, City Council, Chamber of Commerce, local business leaders, local media reps., etc. 4) Initial work with Formation Committee to establish District boundaries, and zones of benefit, that are logical, natural and that illustrate benefit potential. 5) Assist with development of suggested assessment formula using matrix format indicating zones of benefit and business -type benefit. Review with Committee the following remaining steps necessary to successfully establish a Saratoga BID. (Nearby BIDs include San Jose, Los Gatos and Santa Cruz.) 6) Work with Formation Committee and City to develop current listing of all businesses existing within recommended boundaries. (often the City business license listing is an excellent beginning point) 7) Develop draft annual operating budget projected from list of currently existing businesses combined with assessment matrix. 8) Develop annual District program(s) based on budget expectations and input from membership. 9) Develop benefit rational re: zones of benefit, location of businesses within District and types and sizes of businesses within District. 10) Create a public relations campaign through the use of a comprehensive information package explaining benefits and virtues of SB 1424 District formation. 11) Plan, promote and facilitate a public information workshop as a means of further developing public relations effort. 12) Organized distribution of Primary Information Package to all businesses located within suggested District boundaries. 13) Organize Formation Committee visits to each business as follow -up to information package distribution. Assist with development of peer -type business teams. 14) Work with City Attorney to develop specific calendar of District approval stages. 15) Provide guidelines for drafting of Resolution of Intention and BID Ordinance. 16) Work with City to accommodate legal requirements of Resolution of Intention publication and distribution. 17) Assist with development of petitions of support or non - opposition, if necessary. 18) Meet with district formation opposition, if necessary. 19) Further development of public relations campaign shaped to meet concerns of opposition, if necessary. 20) Hold additional public information workshop, if necessary. 21) Provide necessary approval documentation guidelines to City, as requested: a) Cover letter from Committee to be attached to Resolution b) Memo of Understanding c) Resolution of Intention d) City Ordinance forming District 22) Assist with development of support attendance at Protest Hearing 23) Meet with City Attorney, City Staff, Formation Committee, etc. for final review of Protest Hearing Format. 24) Attend Protest Hearing in advisory capacity. 25) Work with City Staff to set up billing collection procedures. PROGRAM SCHEDULE EXAMPLES COST PHASE ONE 4 MOS LOS ALTOS 15K* COMMERCIAL LOOMIS MARKETING JACKSON AND VENTURA RECRUITMENT STOCKTON PLAN CHICO PHASE TWO 6 MOS AS ABOVE 20K COMMERCIAL MARKETING AND RECRUITMENT PLAN 2 BUSINESS 6 MOS LOS ALTOS 19.8K ( -20%) IMPROVEMENT LOS GATOS DISTRICT BURLINGAME ESTABLISHMENT SANTA CRUZ I MAIN STREET 4 MOS JACKSON 12K PROGRAM SONORA ESTABLISHMENT ASSISTANCE FUNDING SOURCES: 1) CDBG PT /A PROGRAM $35,000. 2) CITY CDBG MATCH 3) OTHER ADD'L CITY FUNDING PRIVATE SOURCE FUNDING * this proposal and fee is seen as a slightly abbreviated version of the $27K I.os Altos Comm'l Marketing and Recruitment Plan COST ANALYSIS (AND COMPARISON) PLANS AND PROGRAMS OF RECENT DRC CLIENT PLAN TYPE PROTECT COST FUNDING SARATOGA COMMERCIAL $15,000. CITY RECRUITMENT & MARKETING PLAN LOS ALTOS COMMERCIAL 27,000 CITY -C of C SPLIT RECRUITMENT & MARKETING PLAN LOOMIS DOWNTOWN 47,500 CITY - GENERAL FUND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND HANDBOOK QXNARp DOWNTOWN 37,000 CITY RDA -D.T. ASSOC. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND HANDBOOK DIXON DOWNTOWN 58,000 CITY -RDA SPECIFIC PLAN TACKSON DOWNTOWN 70,000 CITY -CDBG ( twice) SPECIFIC PLAN MARYSVILLE DOWNTOWN 51,800 CITY -CDBG ECONOMIC, DEVELOPMENT PLAN STOCKTON PACIFIC AVE. 37,000 CITY D.T. ASSOC/ UOP AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND HANDBOOK SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. 2-p S AGENDA ITEM �I MEETING DATE: November 1, 1995 CITY MGR. ORIGINATING DEPT. City Manager's Office SUBJECT: Appointment of Representative to the County EPC (Emergency Preparedness Council) Operational Area Subcommittee Recommended Motion(s): Appoint the City Manager to represent the City of Saratoga on the EPC Operational Area Subcommittee Report Summary: By letter to the City Manager the Chair of the Santa Clara County Emergency Preparedness Council has requested the City appoint a representative to serve on the EPC Operational Area Subcommittee. The purpose of the subcommittee is to develop a proposal for the governance and structure of the Emergency Preparedness Operational Area for Santa Clara County. Creation of the Operational Area concept is a state mandate required by the enactment of S.B. 1841, now codified as Section 8607(a) of the Government Code, to be fulfilled by December 1, 1995. The mandate requires the formation of operational areas to serve as coordination and communications links between local governments and the state regional level of State OES (Office of Emergency Services). After discussing this matter with Vice Mayor Moran, who serves as the Vice Chair of the Emergency Preparedness Council, we concluded that the most appropriate representative for the City to appoint would be the City Manager. Fiscal Impacts: None directly at this time. This represents another mandate which requires the City to expend existing staff resources to comply with a new State law. In order to avoid having to provide local funding to the operational area in the future, one of the guidelines which we feel should be followed in establishing governance and its structure is that no additional local revenue be devoted to the work of the Operational Area program, as established. Advertising, Noticing and Public Contact: None necessary at this time. Consequences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: City Council would have to either choose another representative or choose not to participate in the work of the subcommittee. Follow Up Actions: Notify the Emergency Preparedness Council of the City's appointment. Attachments: Letter and background material from the EPC OCT 17 '95 07 :51AM SCC OES ADMIN P.2/9 SCCEPC Santa Clara County Emergency PreiDaredness Council CIi/XUUSON 6ANDONNOLL October 16, 1995 Sunnyvale 4°wrti7000 TO: Santa Clara County City Managers VICE CRAM GILLIAN MORAN FROM: Landon Noll, Chair 40 ;4.5W3 Santa Clara County Emergency Preparedness Council "E "� SUBJECT: FORMATION OF EPC OP AREA SUBCOMMITTEE JEAI:STTE WATSON Ca1npw1 a08-66(_112S The Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and its mandate to operate as an Operational Area will forever change the WAL.,YDSAN i.t1I1[tiillp way we do business during disasters in Santa Clara County. Under SEMS, the county must partner with the fifteen cities to share SVJ:LLISNC.ROWLISON personnel and resources during a declared emergency (see enclosed Gilroy staff report on SEMS). 401. 11'74776 PATRICIA WILLIAMS The Emergency Preparedness Council (EPC - elected officials from the Lof A'M$ fifteen cities and a member of the county board of sups) has met to 4tS.948.11892 discuss the formation of a Joint Powers Agreement. Among other DILL.SIEGEL things, this agreement could designate the EPC as the Operational 41S.a 1. 7222 "` Area / County Disaster Council. The county Board of Supervisors currently is the county Disaster Council. r eTRICK O'LAUGITUN La% Catos 4083544832 IMNRY MANAYAN M40itu 401- 942.SJ I5 SUZANNEJACKSON Monte sereno 4063: 43447 JOIN VARELA MorgaA Hill 408-' .1.$441 JIM r001RAN MAuntain Vier 415- 907.6904 DICK ROSENRAUM Palo All* 411- 379.1171 JOHN DIQUlSTO San Jose 408.2 14275 JUDY NADM Santa Clara 408 - 984 -3710 RON GONZALES SINN i.:ara County 408499.2311 COUNTY STAFF Richard Wittenberg. County Executive Rick Reed, MoANger, OPS 55 W. Younger Arenuo San Jose, CA 95110 401- 299.3711 408-2S"851 (FAX) ,.1 Please appoint a representative from your city to serve as a member of the EPC Operational Area Subcommittee (see attached selection form). Subcommittee members will meet on November 9th to brainstorm, prioritize and agree on relevant-issues that should be considered in forming an Operational Area governing body and agreement. It's important to note that because your appointed representative must be authorized to vote on subcommittee recommendations, it might be a good idea if your representative be the city's rep to the Emergency Manager's Association (EMA), the Emergency Preparedness Council (EPC), or a member of your organization's executive staff. We also encourage non - voting participation from any other party who may wish to provide input to the Operational Area formation process. We appreciate your acting as soon as possible to meet our short deadline. Thank you for your participation in this very important manner. V ickre , , County Emergency Services Manager for Landon Noll, EPC Chair enclosures OCT 17 '95 07:52RM SCC OES RDMIN SANTA CLARA EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COUNCIL OPERATIONAL AREA SUBCOMMITTEE SELECTION FORM (Note: 1st meeting is on 11/9/95 in the ground floor auditorium at 55 West Younger Avenue @ 1 st Street in San Jose) CITY NAME: SUBCOMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE: REPRESENTATIVE'S ADDRESS: REP'S PHONE NUMBER: REP'S FAX NUMBER: REP APPOINTED BY (NAME & TITLE): P. 3/9 Please fax this form to the Area Office of Emergency Services at (408) 294 -4851 no later than 10/23/95. Thank you. OCT 17 '95 07 :52AM SCC OES ADMIN P.4/9 SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Bob Fields, Manager (Acting) 299.3751 INTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: July 13, 1995 TO: Santa Clara County Emergency Preparedness Council cc: Santa Clara County Emergency Manager's Association FROM: Bob Fields SUBJECT: Staff Report: Operational Area Status Dackground• Santa Clara County and all sixteen cities recently signed an agreement to share emergency situation analysis and resource management information during disaster response operations. The consensus necessary to execute the agreement was cooperatively achieved by the parties unanimously agreeing to defer resolution of several highly controversial funding issues until such time the state produces basic guidelines affecting the financial issues. The agreement, essentially an emergency management process coordinated by county staff leadership, satisfies S.B. 1841 (Petris) operational area formation requirements. The County's Executive's Office, Office of Emergency Services; Emergency Management Association, ;Emergency Preparedness Council, and City Managers Association, all contributed in developing the interim agreement and recommended its adoption as a temporary measure to comply with state imposed deadlines and thereby gain time to present and resolve the more complex issues in a more equitable political forum. The County's Operational Area agreement is the first of its kind in the state, and has been distributed to other counties by state officials who cite it as an exemplary model of a cooperative disaster response agreement. The next step in this process is to initiate the political dialogue necessary to form a decision - malting body to empower participating jurisdictions to resolve potentially controversial emergency preparedness and response issues. Recommendations: 1. The EPC initiate the political dialogue necessary to form a decision - making body to empower participating jurisdictions to resolve potentially controversial emergency preparedness and response issues. 2. Upon the formation of the political body described in step 4 1, achieve political consensus on shared responsibilities in Operational Area Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staffing, resource -1- OCT 17 '95 07:52AM SCC OES RDMIN P. 5/9 management, and direction and control issues; the role of the Emergency Preparedness Council; and developing and implementing the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) training mandated by S.B. 1841. 3. Begin the process to revise County Code to amend the operational area definition and other relevant issues affecting disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Technical Discussion: Emergency Management Assistance nding:.: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides Emergency Management Assistance funding for eligible disaster preparedness activities. The State Office of Emergency Services administers Available federal funds as shown on Exhibit "A ". The current funding allocation process is a mess. It is an inequitable distribution of scarce funds based on unrealistic Civil Defense filled positions based on wartime target vulnerability. State OES has for years been unable to resolve the associated controversial issues. For example, the City of Los Angeles employs 18 positions (14% statewide) and Santa Clara County employs 15 positions (11 % statewide). The two counties account for 25% of the total funds available statewide. Because of shortfall funding and other maladies, the State has been unable to apply a reasonable, equitable solution and has realized that the solution(s) will have to be reached politically. Although S.B. 1841 is limited to operational area disaster response information and resource management activities and specifies penalties for non - compliance by withholding reimbursement for persorunel- related posts involved in response operations, State OES inappropriately advised local governments that the State intended to use operational areas as pass - through agencies for preparedness funding (Federal Emergency Management Assistance) as shown on Exhibit "B ". This action by the State muddled the two separate and incompatible funding issues into the operational area formation debate, seriously endangering response and recovery issues by holding the process hostage to resolution of both funding issues. If the State OES carries out its stated intent to channel Emergency Management Assistance funding `'uough operational areas, Santa Clara County will most likely lose thirteen of the current fifteen funded positions. The City of San Jose (and others as well) would most likely lose all of their positions. San Jose currently has four full time emergency services employees. yvera[ional Areas S.B. 1841 (Petris) and Government Code section-8607a require, by December 1, 1995, the formation of operational areas to serve as coordination and communications links between local governments and the state regional level. Exhibit "C" summarizes the County's strategy to implement this mandate. During the development and adoption phase of Petris regulations by State OES, they inappropriately f:ttempted to exceed the intent and scope of S.B. 1841 by linking disaster preparedness funding with operational area formation. This action on their part caused significant controversy and threatened to -2- OCT 17 '95 07 :53AM SCC OES ADMIN severely inhibit timely execution of operational area agreements. P. 6/9 The County's Emergency Manager's Association created a subcommittee to develop a draft agreement, and I was appointed its chair. The potential for a major disaster inspired the subcommittee to consider deferring the State's speculative preparedness funding issues and address only the specifically mandated disaster response issues in an "interim" agreement, designed to remain in effect until such time as the State found a more responsible and legitimate resolution to the controversial funding issues. After unanimous adoption by all cities, the Board of Supervisors executed the final agreement in April 1995. -3- STATE OES current distribution of FEMA disaster preparedness funding FEMA FUTIDS RECIPIENT PURPOSE REMARKS 4 2 State OES 1 33% State OES only administrative costs 3 Sunnyvale ( *) Any eligible city or county. 4 + 3 Direct funding with state. 1 Approximately 35 jurisdictions Disaster Preparedness Skewed to Civil Defense. 66% participating. Staff Inequitable distribution, TOTAL POSITIONS 15 16 Staff levels frozen last 5 yrs. REMARKS: 1. Funding shortfall typical. 2. Personnel (staff) oriented. 3. One hundred twenty -nine positions funded statewide (counties and /or cities) 4. Fifteen positions funded 11.6% in Santa Clara County alone- see table below: PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION STAFF AUTHORIZED STAFF EMPLOYED Santa Clara County 4 2 Milpitas 1 I San Jose 3 3 Sunnyvale ( *) 4 4 + 3 Mountain View 1 1 Morgan Hill 1.5 1.5 Santa Clara City .5 .5 TOTAL POSITIONS 15 16 (*) Sunnyvale employs three (3) additional full time employees (FETs) in Emergency Services Exhibit "A ".,... STATE OES proposed re- distribution of FEMA disaster preparedness funding FEMA RECIPIENT PURPOSE REMARKS FUNDS State OES 33% State OES only administrative Same as before costs Mandatory (1) Professional & Disaster (1) Clerical position per 66% Operational Areas Only Preparedness Operational Area (59); balance Staff distributed among OpArea Jurisdictions & special districts per locally negotiated formula REMARKS: 1. Same funds - mandatory for 59 operational areas instead of 35 jurisdictions (cities and/or counties). 2. Eliminates city funding; sets up Operational Area as pass - through for excess funds (if any) for cities. 3. Defaults to County general fund if county/cities fail to agree on distribution formula. 4. Dramatic reduction or elimination of city OES staff unless locally funded. 5. Presently not included in legislation or regulations - verbal speculation / ideas. Exhibit "B" (061, S.B. 1841 `1PETRIS) AND SE 48 IMtLEMENTAzION STRA,rEGY SUMMARY State mandated (Petris S131841) and Government Code section 8607a require, by December 1, 1995, the formation of Operational Areas (defined to include the cowity, its political subdivisions, and special districts) to standardize disaster response operations. It also requires, by December 1, 1996, the member jurisdictions of Operational Areas adopt and agree to use the state developed Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS). SEMS was originally based on the Incident Command System (ICS) and the Multi- Agency Coordination System (MACS) both developed by the Firefighting Resources of California Organized for Potential Emergencies (FIRESCOPE) program, the Operational Area Concept, and the Master Mutual Aid Agreement and related mutual aid systems. Since the Northridge Earthquake of January 1994, the MACS component requirement of SEMS was eliminated. Jurisdictions declining to use SEMS will be denied eligibility for state funding of Lesponse- related personnel costs. STEP STATUS REMARKS 1. Adopt SEMS (ICS) at all Completed by all Santa Clara All Santa Clara County / City emergency plans based on ICS since Operational Area levels (County County jurisdic4ions. late 1980's; County and Cities are signatory parties in the and City). California Master Mutual Aid Agreement. Work in- progress throughout county & cities to include ICS in all emergency response events. 2. Develop Operational Area disaster Draft Standard Operating Santa Clara County and Cities (15) participation in OASIS response procedures. Procedures (SOPS) Completed Prototype Project developed SOPS for Operational Area ROC May 1993. operations using Incident Command System (ICS). 3. Develop and execute interim Interim agreement (MOU) Interim agreement satisfies mandated Petris Bill requirements for Operational Area Disaster executed by all cities and County Operational Area disaster response and recovery operations. Response Agreement affecting in April 1995. Agreement validates EOC procedures developed during OASIS disaster intelligence and resource prototype project. management. 4. Develop and execute definitive In progress at the professional Issues: (1) Direction and Control. Operational Area structure and Emergency Manager's (a) Who's in charge of Op Area. agreement between County and Association and political (2) Operational Area Emergency Operations Center Staffing Cities. Emergency Preparedness Council (3) Challenges: levels. (a) EPC - Advisory board only. (b) Leadership Credibility Gap. (c) Lack of trust bethveen County & Cities. (d) Special District(s) involvement in process. (e) Revise County Emergency Services Ordinance (f) Use of Op Area as pass - through agency for future State OES funding of local programs. Exhibit r' " C() SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL (� EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. ?i 6 3q-- AGENDA ITEM �,d MEETING DATE: November 1, 1995 ORIGINATING DEPT.: City Clerk& -&- CITY MGR. APPROVAL SUBJECT: Resolution Declaring Weeds Growing on Certain Described Property to be a Public Nuisance and Setting Public Hearing Recommended Motion: Adopt resolution. Retort Summar The attached resolution represents the first step in Saratoga's annual weed abatement program administered by the County Fire Marshal. The County has determined that the parcels in Saratoga on the attached list have excessive weed growth which is a fire hazard or otherwise noxious or dangerous. The Council should pass the resolution setting the public hearing for weed abatement -- December 6 this year. Fiscal Impacts• None to City. County recovers its costs from administrative portion of fee charged to property owners. Follow Up Actions: The County sends the owners of the parcels notices informing them that the weeds must be abated, either by the owners or by the County; when County abatement will commence; and how they may present any objections at the public hearing. The public hearing is noticed in the newspapers as well. After the public hearing, the Council passes another resolution ordering abatement on properties whose owners did not object or whose objections the Council felt were invalid. The final steps take place next summer, when the County presents the Council with a list of properties whose abatement bills have not been paid, and the Council, after hearing any objections, passes a resolution declaring liens on those properties. Consequences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: Weed abatement could not be performed by the County. It would be necessary to depend upon property owners to take care of their own abatement. Attachments: 1. Resolution 10/27195 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 1 FOR THE 0-1 Y OF SARA.LOGA SITUS AM OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE 1995 BEAUCHAMI-S LN 36605 -023 VIJ MUUAND LE VAN TRUSTEE 11995 BEAUCHAMPS IN SARATOGA CA 95070.6515 1023 BBAUCHAMPS LN 36605 -O24 CTiANG YEN C AND UNA W 12023 BEAUCHAMPS LN SARATOGA CA 95070.6515 2051 BEAUCHAMPS LN 36605 -025 BAKER RANDALL AND KAREN J 12051 BEAUCHAMFS LT' SARATOGA CA 950704515 BURN13TT DR 366 -05 -026 DB LA CRUZ PXCHAEL 75 CONGRESS ST PORTSMOUTH NH 03801- 0963 BOYnML CT 36605.030 LEWIN ROBERT E AND JANICE D 2D963 BOWHILL CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -6522 0960 BOWHILL CT 36603031 COULD BONNIE AND ROBERT 20960 BOWHOLL CT SARATOGA CA 93070.6522 2279 CRAYSIDB LN 36603 -035 KAO TEN H AND CHIA Y 12279 CRAYSIDE LN SARATOGA CA 95070.6525 2307 CRAYSIDE LN 366-03-W6 UN TED T AND CYNTHIA S 12307 CRAYSTDE LN SARATOGA CA 95070.6525 2333 CRAYSIDE LN 36605 -037 CHEN, ABRAHAM D AND SHIRLEY S 12333 CRAYSIDE LN SARATOGA CA 95070-6525 2351 CRAYSIDE LN 366-05 -038 CHUANG CHAU- HSIUNG AND YUEH -JING L2351 CRAYSTD6 LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -6525 2505 CRAYSIDOLN 36606 -041 LIN FRANK C TRUSTBB & TIT AL 21640 RAINBOW Cr CUPERTINO CA 95014-4829 2393 BEAUCHAMPS LN 36606051 SZE KONNIE H AND SHELLY L 12393 BEAUCHAMPS LN SARATOGA CA 950704519 2423 BEAUCHAMPS LN 36&nO32 WONG ANTHONY Y AND LOUISA M 12423 BBAUCHAPviPS LN SARATCGA CA 95070.6519 2457 BEAUCHAMPS LN 36605 -053 WONG THOMAS H AND MEl H 12457 BEAUCHAMPS LN SARATOGA CA 93070 -6519 0876 BEAUC7-IAMPS LN 366.05 -055 TAN CHUA-N -CHIBH AND MAY -INN 20876BEAUCHAMPS LN SARATOGA CA 950711.6513 2362 BRAUCHAMPS LN 36605 -065 SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR INC 3655 N 1ST ST SAN JOSE CA 95134 SARATOGA- SUNNYVALE RD 36612 -004 SNUFFLE E B AND CYNTHIA )d 20311 NORADA CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -3018 2341 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE RD 36612 -065 ALAMEDA CAT14BRINE AND ALAN A 265 S 18TH ST SAN JOSB CA 95116 -2702 2297 SARATOGASUNNYVALORD 36612 -067 FONTANA /SMYTHE INVESTMENTS LLC 40S MARKET ST SAN JOSE CA 95113 0801 VERDE MOOR CT 36614-031 14RLMRPICH MART14A M AND GRAF W A 3 20801 VERDE MOOR CT SARATOGA CA 95070.3715 1169 MARIA LN 36621 -003 KHAN STTARA A AND IMDAD H 21169 MARIA LN SARATOGA CA 95070-6532 13% MARIA LN 36621 -003 CHE N HOOVER J AND AIELINDA N 21396 MARIA LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -6532 1166 MARIA LN 36621 -015 CARROLL SYLVIA J 21166 MARIA IN SARATOGA CA 95070.6532 2029 SARATOGA- SUN- NYVALL RD 36622 -022 CASHIN EMMET J JR TRUSTEE &TsTAL PO BOX 1295 MENLO PARK CA 94027 - 0570PROSPECT RD 36622 -030 YOSHIOKA TAKASNI 20570 PROSPECT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014 0811 NORADA CT 36627 -001 SHUFFLE CYNTfiIA M AND E B 20811 NORADA CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -MI8 PARKER RANCH RD 366-43.008 ARIM -A RONALD H AND MASAYE L 627 W HOMESTEAD RD SUNNYVALE CA 94087 -5601 2218 PARR RANCH RD 36&43-012 CHOY BENEDICT C AND LOUISA L 12218 PARR RANCH RD SARATOGA CA 95070.6528 2164 FARR RANCH RD 36643013 KO ROBERT J AND TRUDRCHEA 12164 PARR RA10'CH RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -6528 2018 PARKER RANCH RD 36643 -018 SINSLEY BETTY R AND GROVER C 12048 PARKER RANCH RD SARATOGA CA 95070.6533 2057 PARKER RANCH 36643 -019 DUNKELBERGER PHILUP M 12057 PARKER RANCH SARATOGA CA 950746534 PROSPECTRD 366 - 44.001 PARKER RANCH HOMEOWI -RS ASSOC PO BOX 3077 SARATOGA CA 95070 FARRRANCH RD 36644403 PARKER RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION I PO BOX 3077 SARATOGA CA 95070 2496 PARKER RANCH RD 36643 -001 SINSLEYKRISTINE M 1512 JARVIS CT SAN JOSE CA 95118 -1639 2468 PARKER RANCH CT 366 -0 -OD2 HEINDEL JOHN H AND NOLA C PO BOX 3452 SARATOGA CA 95070 2356 PARKER RANCH RD 366-48 -003 SARASIVATKRIS 4NA C AND SOMA 12336 PARKER RANCH RD SARATOGA CA 9507D -&r%37 2217 VISTA ARROYO CT 36648-004 BDIYARDS JORN D AND LYNN M TRUSTEE 12217 VISTA ARROYO CT SARATOGA CA 93070.6547 2206 VISTA ARROYO Cl' 36648 -011 SC14INEL.LA RICHARD D AND MARIE D 12206 VISTA ARROYO CT SARATOGA CA 95070.6347 10/27/95 1996 WEFT) AFATEAIENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARE, Page 2 FO-11 THE CITY OF SARA°TUGA SITUS AM OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE Z]F 2413 PARKER RANCH RD 36648 -022 MURANO ANN F AND KATSUYOSHI 12413 PARKER RANCH RD SARATOGA CA 95070.6538 2357 PARKER RANCH RD 366.48 -024 HAY RONALD SAND LESLIE J 12357 PARKER RANCH RD SARATOGA CA 95070.6538 2301 VISTA ARROYO Cr 366 - 48-025 NAGGIARMICHBL A AND DIANE G TRUSTEE 12301 VISTA ARROYO Cr SARATOGA CA 95070 -6547 2637 STAR RIDGE CT 36649 -Ml YAU CHAD C AND WEN LI Y 12637 STAR RIDGE CT SARATOGA CA 93070 -6510 2467 PARKER RANCH RD 36649 -006 GOEL APT AND RA 4JANA TRUSTEE 12467 PARKER RANCH RD SARATOGA CA 93D7D1&.S38 2525 PARKER RANCH Cr 36649-009 DITTMANN MANFRED K AND INGRID H 12,525 PARKER RANCH CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -602 2532 PARKER RANCH Cr 366-49 -010 LIN EDWARD S AND ROSE S 12332 PARKER RA_YCH Cr SARATOGA CA 95070 2302 PARKER RANCH CT 366-49 -011 SUN KAI C K AND LL.NDA S L 12502 PARKER RANCH Cr SARATOGA' CA 95070 -6„503 1415 CONTINENTAL CL 366 -49 -012 SYMONDS JOHN R AND ELIZABETH A TRUSTEE 21415 CONTINENTAL CIRCLE SARATOGA CA 95070.65M 1427 CONTINENTAL CL 366.49 -013 KAPURIA ANIL AND SUCHISTA 21427 CONTINENTAL CIRCLE SARATOGA CA 95070.6505 1439 CONTINENTAL CL 366.49 -014 Y_AMAUCHI ALAN AND LOUIE- YAMAUC! ] 21439 CON'TJNENTAL CL SARATOGA CA 95070.6505 1451 CMMNENTAL CL 36649 -015 NIGAR4ANIL K AND RESHMA 21451 CONTINENTAL CL SARATOGA CA 95070 -6505 1463 CONTINENTAL CL 36649 -016 TAM ANDREW C AND TAWM EUGBMA Y 21463 CONTINENTAL CL SARATOGA CA 95070 -6505 CONTINENTAL CL 36649 -D22 VALLEY TITLE CO 426 -7 GALLERIA DR SAN JOSE CA 95134 2375 PARR RANCH RD 36649.027 WELIS-LAiWSON MARCIA & LAWSON HENRY S 12375 FARR RANCH RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -6531 1471 CONTINENTAL CL 36649 -046 ROBI CHAUX PAUL R TRUSTER & ET AL 21471 CONTINENTAL CL SARATOGA CA 95070.6505 CONTINENTAL CL 366-49 -047 ROBICHAUX PAUL R TRUSTEE do ET AL 21471 CONTINENTAL CL SARATOGA CA 95070 -6505 1245 COMER DR 366 - 50-001 SMARTJOHN LAND C14ERYL L 21245 COMER DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -3709 1273 DIAMOND OAKS CT 366 -50 -002 LEE MYUNGHO AND JEONG 21273 DIAMOND OAKS Cr SARATOGA CA 95070.6509 1301 DIAMOND OAKS CT 366 - 50-003 LEE ENG AND TRACY 21301 DIAMOND OAKS Cr SARATOGA CA 95070.6549 1329 DIAMOND OAKS CT 366 - 50-004 LOWRY ROBERT C AND SALLY TRUSTEE 1231 SUMMBR4VWD WY MILPITAS CA 95035-2419 1337 DIAMOND OAKS CT 366-50 -005 BLACKWELL CHRISTOPHER D AND PAMELA C 21357 DIAMOND OAKS Cr SARATOGA CA 95070 1356 DIAMOND OAKS CT 36650 -006 COSTANZA DEBORAH A 21356 DIAMOND OAKS Cr SARATOGA CA 950746509 2720 STAR RIDGE Cr 36650 -011 KOENEN RICHARD A TRUSTEB & ET AL 12720 STAR RIDGE Cr SARATOGA CA 950746511 2665 STAR RIDGE CT 36650-012 SIMON KEITH A AND DEBORAH S 12665 STAR RIDGE Cr SARATOGA CA 95070-651D 2805 P10EA Cl` 366 -50-021 C14EN CHARLES T AND HEDY 128015 PICEA CT SARATOGA CA 950746548 2861 CHIQUITA CT 36650 -025 VU KHANH H AND LAN N ST AL 12861 CHIQUITA CT SARATOGA CA 950746508 2889 CHIQUITA CT 366 -60-016 YANG KO -ZBN AND LAN-1.1 C 12889 CHIQUITA CT SARATOGA CA 950746508 2832 STAR RIDGBCT 36654030 LACROUTE BERNARDI AND RCINW STRUSTEE 12832 SPAR RIDGE Cr SARATOGA CA 950746511 2693 STAR RIDGBCT 36654031 GUPTA l7PAN K AND SUMTA 12693 STAR RIDGE CT SARATOGA CA 950746510 STAR RIDGE CT 366 -54036 SAN JOSE WATER WORKS 374 W SANTA CLARA Sr SAN JOSE, CA 95196 2846 STAR RIDGE CT 36654037 MANGALICK DINESH C AND KUSUM 12846 STAR RIDGE CT SARATOGA CA 950746511 2860STAR RIDGECT 36650 -038 SYWAKINGRID AND ALEXANDBR P 0 BOX 3611 SARATOGA CA 95070 2906 CHIQUITA CT 36650 -039 LEWIS CRAIG A ANDLAURA T 12906 CHIQUITA CT SARATOGA CA 950746507 2888 CHIQUITA CT 36654040 STERNBERG KENNETH J AND ILRNTA 12888 CHIQUITA CT SARATOGA CA 950746507 1941 BROOKGLBNDR 378- 24-002 DIONNF-RBID TRUDI AND REID ROBERT M 11941 BROOKGLENDR SARATOGA CA 950743403 1995 WALBROOK DR 378 -25 -021 AYGAR BRIAN AND KATE 11995 WALBROOK DR SARATOGA CA 900703450 2523 SCULLY AV 38605 -019 WANG PAUL) AND CHI -MEI 12523 SCULLY AV SARATOGA CA 950743907 1012719 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 3 FOR TffE C11 Y OF SARAT(,GA SITUS ApN owNBR ADDRESS CITY STAT Z] 8506PROSPECT RD 386 -10-006 PATRICK EDWARD H SR AND VIRGINIA E 1400 N 4TH ST RENTON WA 98055- 2624 PASEO FLARES 386-12 -040 KLINE ROGER G AND PEGGY S 12629 PASEO FLORES SARATOGA CA 95070 -4117 2619 PASEO OLIVOS 386.12 -054 FALLONE THOMAS G AND FONDA L 12619 PASEO OLIVOS SARATOGA CA 95070.4150 2623 PASEO OLIVOS 386.12 -055 LOMAN MILDRED K 12625 PASEO OLIVOS SARATOGA CA 95070 -1150 2680 PASEO OLIVOS 39612 -063 CARRIGAN DOUGLAS 1 BT AL 12680 PASEO OLIVOS SARATOGA CA 9507D -1151 2618 PASEO 01JVOS 386 -12 -067 GRISWOLD DAVID C AND TEMA R 12618 PASFA OLIVOS SARATOGA CA 95070.4151 2623 QUITO RD 386 -12 -068 BRAUN WAYNE D 12613 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -3628 2639 QUITO RD 386-12 -069 TAN TTWAN B AND DHIAM G 814 HUMEWICH WY SUNNYVALE CA 94087 8533 PASEO TIERRA 386-13011 KU LUCK STEVEN E AND CARY L 18533 PASEO TERRA SARATOGA CA 95070.4128 8580 PASEOTIERRA 386.13-026 TOM PAUL K AND DORA L 18580 P-ASEO TIERRA SARATOGA CA 95070.4129 2785 QUITO RD 386 -13 -030 RAY JAY D AND LEE ANN F ET AL 12785 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 9S07U3631 2861 QUITO RD 386 -13 -033 BILL HBNSON CO INC 12661 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -3632 2885 QUITORD 386 -13 -054 SZUCS BLIZABBTH B 12701 SARATOGA AV SARATOGA CA 95070.4173 2657 SUN VALLEY CT 386 -17 -052 DR SILVA BIKO AND NIHAL 765 STENDHAL LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-4658 2445 SARATOGA AV 386 - 18-006 ANVARI RICHARD L 12445 SARATOGA AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -4142 9332 MELINDA CL 386 - 28-014 ARNOLD KENNETH F AND OLGA S 19332 AiELINDA CL SARATOGA CA 93070 9466 MILLER CT 386-29 -050 MURRAY LEROY E PO BOX 3212 SARATOGA CA 95070 9566 DROC<TON LN 386.31 -048 WONG YING L AND VIVIAN H 19566 BROCKTON LN SARATOGA CA 9507)398 9544 BROCKTON LN 386-31 -049 YANG CHIN F AND SHIRLEY P 19544 BROCKTON LN SARATOGA CA 95070-3928 9522 BROCKTON LN 386 -31 -050 GR065 i1VOANA MTRUSTEE 19522 BROCKTON LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -3928 9488 BROCKTON LN 386 - 31-002 CHAVEZ ANDREW L AND NORLI PO BOX 3143 SARATOGA CA 95070 9468 BROCKTON LN 386 - 00.028 TAI SHUNG-CHIANG AND CHANG L 13477 BRIAR CT SARATOGA CA 95070.5012 2799 MILLER AV 38640.031 STANICIS CONSTANTINE AND MICHELLE 12799 MILLER AV SARATOGA CA 95D70.4028 0015 COX AV 386-44-042 MCBRIDE ROBERT AND MARILYN TRUSTEE 20015 COX AV SARATOGA CA 93D70.3824 2451 QUITO RD 386.46 -018 DE BAR LESTER D AND ETHEL M ET AL 12451 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -3626 2475 QU170 RD 386 -46019 NC KENNETH Y AND MONICA 14605 HORSESHOE DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -3918 2799 BACH CT 38647 -COS GIOMI GENE TRUSTEE 12799 EACH CT SARATOGA CA 950710.4001 2796 BACH CT 386 -47 -006 MOGANTfAM EASA C AND EVELYN E 12796 BACH CT SARATOGA CA 95070.4!001 2795 RODONI CT 38647 -013 LBISTBR INGRLD L 12795 RODOM CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -4017 2792 RODONI CT 386 -47 -014 CONROY FRANCIS P AND PATRIC[A J 12792 RODONI CT SARATOGA CA 95070.4017 2790 HOMES DR 386.47 -024 F12DEL.I NICHOLAS C TR AND KATHLEEN H 12790 HOMES DR SARATOGA CA 95070.4051 2799 BROOKGLHN CT 30&V-034 PEARSON FREDERICK H JR. AND LOLS1 12799 BROOKGM CT SARATOGA CA 95070.4012 9161 COX AV 38647 -035 COX WILLLAM E ET AL 4412 VENICE WY SAN JOSE CA 95129-3334 TED AV 386 - 53-027 CALEB SLABODANd FT AL 12340 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE Rig SARATOGA CA 95070 2370 TED AV 386-04 -007 HU FU -KONG AND TERRY 107A GEDDY 1MY FRRMONT CA 94539 -5916 2501 DESANKA AV 386 -%D16 CHEW WINSTON F AND JOHANNA J 12501 DE SANKAAV SARATOGA CA 95070 -3132 DE SANKA AV 386 - 54-017 STRUDWICK PAUL A AND I ANITT S 20199 GUAVA CT SARATOGA CA 93ID70 -3138 0190 CHERRY IN 386 -54023 BLOOM STEVEN G AND MARIE H 2M90 CHERRY LN SARATOGA CA 950703136 10/27/95 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 4 FOR THIS CJ T ; OF SA i ATOGA SITUS APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY ,STAT$ ZIP 2428 DE SANKA AV 386- 54-046 CHEN HSIN -CHANG AND HSIN -LIN 21134 LAUR67TA DR CUPERTINO CA 95014 L657 SARATOGA CREEK DR 389- 06-002 STLTLA WARREN A POBOX 1234 SARATOGA CA 915071 VILLAGE DR 389- 06-006 ABRAMS ISAAC N TRUSTEE & ET AL TO BOX 2067 SARATOGA CA 95070 VILLAGE DR 389- 06.008 MEDICAL VILLAGE OF SARATOGA PO BOX 2067 SARATOGA CA 95070 SARATOGA AV 389 -D&Olb 1MEDICAL VILLAGE OF SARATOGA PO BOX 2067 SARATOGA CA 95070 3025SARATOGAAV 389 - 06.017 MYSCO PO BOX 2067 SARATOGA CA 95070 SARATOGA AV 389 -11 -013 GRBENBRIAR SARATOGA RD CO 4340 STEVRINS CREEK BL UNIT 275 SAN JOSE CA 95129 SARATOCAAV 389 -11 -014 CREENBRIAR SARATOGA RD CO 4340 STEVEN - S CREEK BL UNIT 2775 SAN JOSE CA 95129 SARATOGA AV 389 -11 -021 SANTA CLARA COUNTY TRAFFIC AUTHORITY SARATOGAAV SARATOGA CA 95010 SARATOGA AV 389 -11 -022 SANTA CLARA COUNTY TRAFFIC AUTHORITY SARATOGA AV SARATOGA CA 95070 3150SARATOCAAV 389-11-023 GRELNBRIAR SARATOGA RD CO 4340 STEVENS CREEK BL UNIT 275 SAN JOSS CA 95129 3001 PASTA PRBSADA 389 -12 -0O1 BEEME MARY W TRUSTEE & ET AL 1017 SALT SPRINGS SYRACUSE NY 13224 8761 DEVON AV 389 -12 -003 MOFFETT MICHAEL J AND PATRICIA LTRUSIEB 18837 ASPESI DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5209 8955 MC FARLAND AV 389 -12 -016 HONDA MARtANN Y ET AL 18955 MC FARLAND AV SARATOGA CA 9504627 2965 QUITO RD 389 -13 -014 SMITH BLIZA813fH L TRUSTEE 12965 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -3633 8533 TASEO LADO 389-13015 VAN WINGBRDEN ROBERTS TR1:61ME 18533 PASEOLADO SARATOGA CA 95070.4118 3005 QUITO RD 389 - 13-041 ROTHERHAM M7CHABL E AND ROSE P 13005 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 9507044734 8645 NIC FARLAND AV 389 - 14-015 ENGEL ADNA L 18645 MC FARLAND AV SARATOGA CA 93070.4623 8566 MARTHA AV 389- 14-058 MCCARTNY PHILIP J AND PAULA A L8566 MARTHA AV SARATOGA CA 950704615 3135 QUITO RD 389-14r-060 YFANTIS SHIRI.BY C AND JOIN A 13135 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -4727 8529 MC COY AV 389 - 14-063 ZRANG DALUN AND JEAN W 13177 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070- 8629 MC COY AV 389 - 14.069 RILEY HARVEY L TRUSTEE 1142 S WINCHESTER BL SAN JOSE CA 95128 8859 MC PARLAND AV 389 -15 -021 DONALDSON JUDITH A ET AL 18859 MC FARLAND AV SARATOGA CA 950704628 3166 HEATH ST 389 -15 -026 L.OI;GANECKER DAVID AND MARY 13166 HEATH ST SARATOGA CA 95070 -4611 8746 MC FARLAND AV 389 -15 -040 PARLNEH POOROUSHASB 505 W OLIVE AV UNIT 415 SUNNYVALE CA 94086 8960 MC FARLAND AV 389- 16-001 SEAGRAM JOSEPH B &SONS INC 800 T1-ITRD AV NM YORK NY 10022 3159 HEATH ST 389 -16-037 CAMERON BRUCE A 119 iN- EiNDOVER CIRCLE OAKRIDGE TN 37830 3366 MC CULLOCH AV 389 -18 -011 WH13BLER AARON JR AND MARIAN 13366 MC CUI.LOCH AV SARATOGA CA 95070,4655 LAND ONLY SOUSA LN 389 -19 -006 ARNDT BYRON C TRUSTEE & BT AL 2744 S BASCOM AV SAN JOSE CA 95124 3501 SOUSA LN 389 -19 -017 CUENCA HENRY R 10113 ORIOLE LN PALO CBDRO CA 96073 QUITO RD 389 -19-WA SLADBROLF AND TUNS M 13501 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070 8733 METLER CT 389 - 23.006 AMSTUCZ GAILAND ALLEN G 18733 MBTLER Cl SARATOGA CA 9507"227 8737 ASPRSI DR 389 - 23.007 CARDONA CARL C AND JACQUELINE M 18737 ASPESI DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5207 9010 PORTCS DR 389-30002 FALCONI OSCAR 19010 PORTOS DR SARATOGA CA 950705121 3761 DOLPHIN DR 389 -30.014 STEIN ANN K ETAL 13761 DOLPHIN DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5240 9387 ALLENDALE AV 389 - 33.017 CAVIGLIA ALBERT L JR AND MARIAN K 19387 ALLENDALE AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -5138 3480 SARATOGA AV 38934000 FTTZSIMMONS ANN V AND JOSEPH J TRUSITB 13480 SARATOGA AV SARATOGA CA 950704MS 35W IVARD WY 389 -37 -001 ALMC 4T141LBERT K AND ROSEMARY 20190 WINN RD SARATOGA CA 95070.6321 10/27/95 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY GF SANTA CLARA Page 5 FOR —1 UE C7'll OFSARATO A SITUS APIA OWNER ADDRESS STAT 3434 WARD WY 389 -37 -009 DU STERLING SDI] ET AL 1055 LOMA VERDE AV PALO ALTO CA 9439134032 3524 HOLIDAY DR 389 -37 -021 CORBETT CHARLES F AND GERALDINE F 13524 HOLIDAY DR SARATOGA CA 95070.5112 3464 HOLIDAY DR 389 -37 -027 HILDEBRAND EDITH 13464 HOLIDAY DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5112 3491 MYREN DR 38937 -D28 HUI SHERMAN K AND JOSEPHL-NE S 13491 MYREN DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5113 3561 MYREN DR 389 -37 -033 CONLEY ALICE L 13561 MYREN DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5113 3464 MYREN DR 389 -37 -044 VAN TRAN DZUNG AND MUON 1895 PALO SANTO DR CAMPBELL CA 9500 1542 3435 WARD WY 389.38 -D31 HUNT WILLIAM B ET AL 13435 WARD WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -3132 3451 WARD WY 38938-053 BACH RANDOLPH 3941 S BRISTOL BAST UNIT503 SANTA ANA CA 92704 3501 WARD "Y 389 - 38.059 DITTO JERRY R AND SARAH I TRUSTEE 15050 ORIOLE RD SARATOGA CA 95070.6273 9170 DAGMAR DR 3891 -018 MACLEL CHARLES AND MARY L 124 VALLEY VIEW AV SAN JOSE CA 95127 3330 FONTAINE DR 389-U -028 GREENE BRUCE I AND ANNE N 13330 FONTAINE DR SARATOGA CA 95070.51-16 91375 PORTOS CT 389 1 -043 JOHNSON ROBERT R AND BVELYN J 19375 PORTOS CT SARATOGA CA 95070.3119 9376 PORTOS CT 389-1 -044 SANTANA GEORGBR AND ADRIENNE C 19376 PORTOS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5119 3030 SARATOGASUNfNYVALE RD 393 -M -003 SANFILIPPO PHILIP S TRUSTEE 18200 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE CA 9512D 9900 COX AV 393-17 -001 LDC INC A CORPORATION 1072 S SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE RD SAN JOSE CA 95929 9705 BRAMIAAR DR 393 - 26034 GREEN GREGORY AND ANN 19705 BRe4HMARDR SARATOGA CA 95070 -3003 9886 BONNIE RIDGE WY 393 -27 -049 NELSON JOS6PH AND LISA 19686 BONNIE RIDGE WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -5010 0490 GLASGOW DR 39332 -001 CONSTANTINE PERRY AND PATRICIA 20490 GLASGOW DR SARATOGA CA 95070.4326 3385 ARGONNE DR 393 -32 -003 LEUNG KAI C AND ALICE TRUSTEE 13385 ARGONNE DR SARATOGA CA 950744910 0446 MILJEVICH DR 393-32 -026 GACANICH MARY TRUSTEE 20446 MILJEVICH DR SARATOGA CA 95070.4349 0472 GLASGOW DR 393 -32 -035 WACHTER JOSEPH P AND ELIZABETH 5 20472 GLASGOW DR SARATOGA CA 950744326 3361 ARGONNE DR 393-32 -036 BERRY STBPFEN A SR AND JOANN 13361 ARGONNE DR SARATOGA CA 950744910 3409 ARGONNE DR 393-33 -017 CHU WU -TSUNG AND LI -CHIAO 13409 ARGONNE DR SARATOGA CA 930744910 3421 ARGONNE DR 393 -33 -018 SONG YONG S AND HYE K 13421 ARGONNE DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -4910 3443 ARGONNE DR 393-33 -019 LAVSLLE MICHAEL G AND CAROL A 13443 ARGONNE DR SARATOGA CA 950744910 3465 ARGONNE DR 393 -33 -020 ROHRBOUGH EVAN 13465 ARGONNE DR SARATOGA CA 950744910 3487 ARGONNE DR 39333 -021 BARRY LEE R 13487 ARGONNE DR SARATOGA CA 950744910 ON CHESTER AV 397 -01 -007 BELUC1711 HARRY ET AL 14001 CHESTER LN SARATOGA CA 95070 6930 ALLENDALE AV 397-01 -012 MADSIC MILADIN AND DARINKA ET AL P.O. BOX 2455 SARATOGA CA 950705739 4171 CHESTER AV 397 -01 -050 O'ROURKE THOMAS J AND MARJORIE I TRUSTEE 14045 APRICOT HILL SARATOGA CA 95070-5614 4131 TEN ACRES CT 397-01 -053 WORTHINGTON J R AND BARBARA A 14131 TEN ACRES CT SARATOGA CA 950745637 4133 TEN' ACRES CT 397-01 -054 KOURETAS PANAGIOTIS N AND VASILTKI P 14153 TEN ACRES CT SARATOGA CA 950745637 4175 TEN ACRES CT 397-01.055 JOHANSEN KIM A AND PATRICIA L 14175 TEN ACRES CT SARATOGA CA 950745637 4195 CHESTER AV 397-01 -057 SALCEDO ALFREDO LAND MARILYN V 100 DAWN LN WAVERLY OH 456949664 4024 CAM1N0 BARCO 397-01 -069 KRPATA CHARLES HAND BRENDA STRUSTEE 14024 CA-MINO BARCO SARATOGA CA 950745661 4101 MARILYN LN 397 -02 -030 PELLICCIOTTI LEO AND VIRGINIA 14101 MARILYN LN SARATOGA CA 950745644 86LOMARSHALL LN 397 -02 -031 MURPHY THOMAS R BT AL 18610-iMARSHALL LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -56U 8570MARSRALL LN 397 -02 -032 PAC TR CObIP TTES BSLU EMMA TR P 0 BOX 75000 DETRIOT No 48275 -3228 10/27/95 1996 WEED AZAT EMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 6 FOR THE CITY OF SARATOGA STl'US AM OWNER ADDRESS CITY STA7 ZIP 8530 MARSHALL IN 397 -02-M BURKHARTHOWARD N )R AND MARCIA G 18530 MARSHALL LN SARATOGA CA 93070.5658 MARSHALL LN 397 -02 -035 BELLICITTI HARRY L 18500 MARSHALL LN SARATOGA CA 950745658 8525 MARSHALL IN 397 -02-036 BELLICIITI HARRY L 14001 CHESTER AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -5619 8561 MARSHALL LN 397 -02 -037 PETERSON EUNICE C 18561 MARSHALL LN SARATOGA CA 950M5647 8591 MARSHALL LN 397 -02-M FOUGHT ELMER C AND EUNA 18591 MARSHALL IN SARATOGA CA 95070 -5647 8505 MARSHALL LN 397 -02 -070 PUBLICOVER MARK W AND VALERIE A 18505 MARSHALL LN SARATOGA CA 930745647 ALLENDALEAV 397 -02 -109 BUEHMR OLNEsR W TRUSTEE 18650ALLRNDALEAV SARATOGA CA 95070.5237 8520MARSHALL LN 397 -02 -110 BELLICITTI HARRY L ET AL 18500 MARSHALL LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -5658 SOBEY RD 397 - 03.004 G1AMMONA J06HPH V TRUSTEE & ET AL 14251 SOBEY RD SARATOGA CA 90070.5605 4451 SOBEY RD 397 - 09.012 FARROW ?MICHAEL M AND VICKY M 14451 SOBEY RD SARATOGA CA 93070.5607 4471 SOBEY RD 397 - 09.014 BARNES NANCY) 14471 SOBEY RD SARATOGA CA 95070.5608 4475 SOBEY RD 397 -03 -015 HOOVER REX W AND JAMS L 14475 SOBEY RD SARATOGA CA 90070 -5608 4231 HILLTOP WY 397 - 03.024 RHE6 DAVID Y AND YOONHEE P O BOX 9895 SAN JOSH CA 95157 8843 TEN ACRES RD 397 -03 -029 ORGAN DONALD V AND KAREN M 18343 TEN ACRES RD SARATOGA CA 95070-5621 8908 TEN ACRES RD 397 - 03.032 LEWIS HAROLD L AND BEVERLY 18908 TEN ACRES RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -5601 4467 SOBEY RD 397 - 03-045 OSTBY RAYMONDK AND NATHA TRUSTEE PO BOX 2474 SARATOGA CA 95070 4469 OMEGA LN 397 - 03.046 CHMTHL ]OHN A 14469 OMEGA IN SARATOGA CA 95070 -5655 4437 LELAND CL 397 -03 -066 KINDER FREDERICK 14437 LELAND CL SARATOGA CA 95070 4528 CHESTER AV 397 -03.0 772 YAUGER VICE] M AND HARRY B 14528 CHESTER AV SARATOGA CA 950745660 4510 SOBEY RD 397 - 011.074 GAU-DREAU DANIEL A AND NASRIN 14.510 SOBEY RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -0056 4507 CHESTER AV 397 -03076 SCOTT WALl.ACBM 14307 CHESTER AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -5665 TEN ACRES /EMERALD HILL 397 - 03.081 SALAMAT JAVADBT AL PO BOX 1261 SAN MATEO CA 94401 4427 EMERALD RRL 397 - 03.082 LAMORT E ANTHONY AND RAY 14858 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -6100 9439 EMERALD HILL 397 - 03.084 JAYAKUMARNAGAB AND ASHA TRUSMFs 14439 EMERALD HILL SARATOGA CA 95 0 711 5 674 4482 EMERALD HILL 397 - 06.085 JAHANIAN PARIBORZ AND AZITA 157 ALTURA VISTA LOSGATOS CA 95W-A)-1159 LELAND CL 397 - (3.091 BORRIONE JOHN P AND LYNNE A ET AL 14430 LELAND CL SARATOGA CA 95070 4430 LELAND CL 397 - 03.092 BORRIONE JOHN P AND LYNNE A ETAL 14430 LELAND CL SARATOGA CA 95070 LELAND CL 397 - 03.093 LELAND VENTURE 1368 SHELBY CREEK LN SAN JOSE CA 95120- 4478 SOBEY RD 397- 04-022 CRAU ROSSANAB AND EUGENE Y P O BOX 9270 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 SPRINGBROOK LN 397 - 04-086 GERA MARKO AND KIARA 19136 SPRING BROOK LN SARATOGA CA 95070 4659 CHESTER AV 397 - 04-095 BRISODTs W C AND NANCY J 14659 CHESTER AV SARATOGA CA 95070.5670 4617 CHESTER AV 397 - 04496 h1AC DONHLL GREGORY S AND )EN-IIFER D 14617 CHESTER AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -5670 4594 SOBEY OAKS CT 397 - 04-098 EVA'.V THOMAS ) AND DANA L 14594 SOBEY OAKS Cr SARATOGA CA 95070.6143 4701 SOBEY OAKS Cr 397 - 04-100 SLOAN DANIEL AND ELLA E TRUSTEE 14701 SOBEY OAKS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 4671 SOBHY OAKS Cr 397 -C4101 MUHAWI GEORGE J 14707 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 4689 SOBEY OAKS CT 397-01 -102 TSANG SIU K AND SUSAN S 14689 SOBEY OAKS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 4520 CHESTER AV 397 -WI09 TSANG YIN K AND SOOK S 14689 SOBEY OAKS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 4564 CHESTER AV 397 - 01-103 TASHJIAN ZAVEN AND NINA 14564 CHESTER AV SARATOGA CA 95070-6143 10/27/95 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 7 FCi. THE CITY 07 SARATOGA SITUS APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE M 4751 GYPSY HILL RD 397 - 04-105 NYSTROM RAYMOND E AND DONNA M 14731 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070.6141 GYPSY HILL RD 397 - 04-109 COMPTON KEVIN R AKTD GAYLA J 14950 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 93070 4904 GYPSY HILL RD 397 - 01-110 TAOMICHAHL H AND DONNA T P O BOX 62226 SUNNYVALE CA 94086 4858 GYPSY HILL RD 397 - 09-111 LA MORTE ANTHONY J AND RAY R 14858 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 950705100 4812 GYPSY HILL RD 397 -04112 DION C N TRUSTEE & ET AL 3160 B DESERT INN UNIT 3.518 LAS VECAS NV 89121 4766 GYPSY HILL RD 397 -04113 Kb\'OK PATRICK S AND SUSAN C 14766 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 4720 GYPSY HILL RD 397 - 04-114 R1GG PHILIP R AND ANN 14720 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 4660 CHESTER AV 397- 04-117 VALBRO FRANCISCO P AND ANA M 14660 CHESTER AV SARATOGA CA 95070.5669 8530 SOBBY RD 397 - 05-006 'AlOODHULL ROBERT B AND HARRIET A 18530 SOBBY RD SARATOGA CA 95070.5600 SOB13Y RD 397 - 05-009 CHRISTENSEN WILLIAM P AND NONA H 19510SOBBYRD SARATOGA CA 950705610 4521 QUITO RD 397 -0&028 HINZ BTHBL) P O BOX 97 SA MIA CLARA CA 95652 8545 VESSING RD 397 - 0:-031 GURNEE THOMAS H ET AL 987 HIGHLANDS CL LOS ALTOS CA 940247012 8579 VESSING RD 397 - 06-039 GUTTENBERG KURT P AND LOUIE KAREN E 18579 VESSING RD SARATOGA CA 95070.5613 8357 VESSING RD 397-05 -041 PIRAMOON ABE AND MAUREEN A 18557 VESSING RD SARATOGA CA 95070-5613 4270OLD WOOD RD 397- 06-049 SHIOTA PHILIP AND EVBLYN 14270OLD WOOD RD SARATOGA CA 95070-5632 43070LD WOODRD 397-05 -053 SHAHABI SAID) AND' ROCHIEH 14307 OLD WOOD RD SARATOGA CA 95070-5631 4463 EVANS LN 397-05 -073 IKOLA ARTHUR LAND NANCY K 14463 EVANS LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -3601 4501 EVANS LN 397-05 -074 CACITTI ROSALM M TRUSTEE 14501 EVANS LN SARATOGA CA 950705601 8653 VESSINC RD 397 -05 -085 MCKENZIE STEPHEN R AND BARBARA A 18633 VESSING RD SARATOGA CA 950705613 8681 VBSSfN'G CT 397 -05 -086 MC KENZIE DONALD B AND BARBARA C 18680 VESSING CT SARATOGA CA 9070 8691 VESSING RD 397 -05 -087 MOORE STEPHEN A AND SANDRA S, TRUSTEE 18691 VESSJNG RD SARATOGA CA 95070.5613 SOBHY RD 397 -05 -091 BOLIN ANITA L TRUSTEE 11274 ROLLING }IIL1S DR BL CAJON CA 92020 SOBSY RD 397 -05 -099 ALKORAISHI ALI H P.O. BOX 77DN00 SAN JOSE CA 95170 4314 OLD WOOD CT 397 -05 -100 BOZZINI ANTHONY G AND SUSAN T 14314 OLD WOOD CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5632 8620 VESSING RD 397 - 06-048 LINDSETH CLINTON O AND LOLS)d TRUSTEE 18620 VESSING RD SARATOGA CA 950705616 8632 VESSING CT 397 - 06-106 TATE MARLENE L AND JAMES A 18632 VESSINC CT SARATOGA CA 950705666 5095 QUITO RD 397 -07405 COWARD JOHN H AND DENISE E 15095 QUITORD SARATOGA CA 9507016263 3131 BL QUITO WY 397 -07 -011 MILLBTT IAN A AND URSULA A 15131 EL QUITO WY SARATOGA CA 950706209 5161 ORIOLE IVY 397 -07 -013 LANE -SMITH MARTIN G AND RITA C 15161 ORIOLE IVY SARATOGA CA 950-/D-6264 5199 ORIOLE %N'Y 397 -07 -014 KANAZANVA RICHARD 1v1 AND )UNE 15199 ORIOLE IVY SARATOGA CA 950706264 5160 ORIOLE WY 397 -07 -016 ROFFMANN CAROL B TRUSTEE 15 L60 ORIOLE IVY SARATOGA CA 95070.6264 5160SOBBY RD 397 -07-025 CRELLASD J AND KAREN B B 15160 50119Y RD SARATOGA CA 95070.6237 5161 SOBBY RD 397 -07 -036 MILOGLAV MATO AND MARE 15161 SOBBY RD SARATOGA CA 930706238 4965 SOBBY RD 397 -07 -086 WE1NBR GREGORY L AND KATHRYN J 14963 SOBHY RD SARATOGA CA 93070.6238 5070 SPERRY LN 397 -07 -092 LEPOSAVIC WAYNE 255 W NUAN ST SIE 60 SAN JOSE CA 93110 51.334 SPERRY LN 397 -07 -094 LEPOSAVIC WAYNE 154661,OS GATOS BLVD STB UNIT 109 -114 LOS GATOS CA 95060 5146 SPERRY LN 397 -07 -095 FARR HASFM4 M AND NASRIN M 15146 SPERRY LN SARATOGA CA 93070 -6262 5250SOBHYRD 397 -07 -105 TATE LINDA AND RONALDMTRUST13E 851EHAA4ILT0NAVUN]T#120 CAMPBELL CA 95003 10/27/9 5 '996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 8 FOR 1'tiE CITY Ov SARA10GA SITU g AFN OWNER ADDRESS CITY STAT ZR 5227 QUITO RD 397 - 07-108 RiINSHAW JAN A AND JEAMEM 15227 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070 5185 QUITO RD 397 -07 -111 SIDDIQUE NASSER M AND SABUM Z 876 HFRMLSTOA' DR SAN JOSB CA 95136 -1512 5229 QUITO RD 397 -07 -114 GOUNER FARLEY AND SUSAN 15229 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070 5231 QUITO RD 397 -07 -115 BOYLE ROBERT D AND LAUREN RTRUSTEE 15231 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 93070-6228 5471 MONTE VISTA DR 397 -08-012 YOUNG STEPHEN C ANDROBERTA 15471 MONTH VISTA DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -6216 9075 SUNNYSI DB DR 397 -08-021 LEACH DONALD P 19075 SUNNYSIDE DR SARATOGA CA 95070.6242 5430 BL CAMINO GRANDE 397 -08 -023 DANSBR WIl,LIAM R AND GALLAGHER 15430 6L CAMINO GRANDE SARATOGA CA 95070.6258 5400 BL CAMINO GRANDE 397 -09-024 DAY PATRICLA M AND JAMES W 15400 6L CAMINO GRANDE SARATOGA CA 95070.6258 9020 MONTH VISTA DR 397 -06025 HOLM CAROLYN TRUSTEE 19020 MONTE VISTA DR SARATOGA CA 95070.6201 8974 MONTE VISTA DR 397 -08-026 EMERSON R C 18974 MOM'S VISTA DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -6201 8970 MONTE VISTA DR 397 -MO31 HOLMES ROBERT AND DONNA G 18975 MONTE VISTA DR SARATOGA CA 95070.6202 5350 6L CAMIh'O GRANDE 397 - 08-043 PBLIO W L 1733 DELL AV CAMPBELL CA 95008- 5300 BL CMENO GRANDE 397 -08 -034 CASE GORDON T AND JEANNE W 153W BL CAMINO GRANDE SARATOGA CA 95070 -6259 8755 MONTEWOOD DR 39748.045 LOHR CAROL W AND JEROME J 18755 MONTEWOODDR SARATOGA CA 95070 -6221 5475 MONTE VISTA DR 397 - 08.051 MANSUBI FRED AND MARY 2577 SAMARITAN DR UNIT 860 SAN JOSE CA 95124 5474 MONTE VISTA DR 397 -08 -066 MAG)ZL JOHN J AND MARGARET 15474 MONTE VISTA DR SARATOGA CA 950746278 MONTA VISTA DR 397 -08 -057 O DONNELL DANIEL B AND JOANNE 19135 MONTE VISTA DR SARATOGA CA 950701217 8634 MONTEWOOD DR 397 - 08.065 ODIIVEAL CHARLES N AND DOR15 D 18634 MONTEWOOD DR SARATOGA CA 95 07 0 -622 2 5187 BLUE GUM CT 397- 08 -WI GUPTA RAM P AN -D SAROJ K 12613 LIDO WY SARATOGA CA 950743139 5209 BLUE GUM CT 397 -08-082 HORVATH FRANK) AND DAGMAR M 15209 BLUE GUM CT SARATOGA CA 950746266 5225 BLUE CUM CT 397 -03-083 LUEDERS MARSHA L AND SCOTT S 15225 BLUE GUM CT SARATOGA CA 950746268 9110 SUNNY8IDE DR 397 -08 -084 GIES ROBERTA P TRUSTEE 19110SUNNYSIDE DR SARATOGA CA 950746242 MONTE VISTA DR 397 - 06-093 FOLEY MARY S JR AND JAMES W 18630 ASPBSI CT SARATOGA CA 95070.5202 6642 N40XITEWOOD DR 397408-098 CANTAYAT AKALA N AND BIJOYA L 852 LAS LOMAS DR MILPITAS CA 95035'4527 5425 MONTEWOOD CT 397 - 08-099 BEAM RICHARD B AND THERESA -M PO BOX 2415 SARATOGA CA 95074 8855 MONTEWOOD CT 397- 08-100 GOCHNAUBR DANIEL B AND VICKI L 18825 ALLENDALE AV SARATOGA CA 95070.5238 8B67 MONTEWOOD CT 397 -08 -101 GREGORIAN ROUBIK AND AGNES 18867 MONTEWOOD CT SARATOGA CA 950746216 MONTEWOOD CT 397 -08 -102 WOOLWORTH A R AND CAROL J BT AL 20155 EDINBURGH DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5039 9106 PANORAMA DR 397 -09 -021 BARKER FLORENCE S 19106 PANORAMA DR SARATOGA CA 950746225 9101 PANORAMA DR 397 -09 -022 LOUIVENAAR KEITH BAND MARILYN R 19101 PANORAMA DR SARATOGA CA 950746224 4500 FRUITVALE AV 397 -12 -012 GRAND LODGE OFTH6 IOOF STATE OF CALIF P O BOX 2669 SARATOGA CA 95070 4500 FRUITVALH AV 397 -12 -016 CALIFORNIA ODD FELLOWS FOUNDATION 14520 FRU TVALB AV SARATOGA CA 95070 4500 FRUITVALE AV 397 -12 -019 ODD FELLOWS HOME OF CALIF P O BOX 2669 SARATOGA CA 95070 4211 CHESTER" 397 -13 -031 CHU KE- CHIANG AND CHI C PO BOX 2893 SARATOGA CA 950740893 9100 ALLENDALE AV 397 -15 -014 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY 50 E NORTH TEMPLE ST SALT LAKE CITY UT 84150 ALLENDALE AV 397 - 15.016 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY 50 6 NORTH TEMPLE ST SALT LAKE CITY UT 64150 9516 DOUGLAS LN 397 -17 -0OS LAHAN\1 GERALD TRUSTEE 19516 DOUGLAS LN SARATOGA CA 950743518 4431 FRUITVALEAV 397 -17-W6 EDELSTEIN VIRGINIA ET AL 14431 FRUITVALB AV SARATOGA CA 950745642 10/27/96 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 9 FOR Ti :.,E CITY G: SARATOC A SITUS APN OWNER ADDRESS QTY STATE 4475 FRUITVALE AV 397 -17 -008 BARRINGER fAMES, A AND LYNN H 14473 FRUITVALE AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -5642 4581 FRUITVALE AV 397 -17 -010 PESTANA ERNEST E AND IRENE 1431 ATTEBERRY LN SAN JOSE CA 95131 -1409 4%5 FRUITVALE AV 397 -17 -070 PITTMAN KATHRYN W TRUSTEE 14545 FRUITVALE AV SARATOGA CA 95MO-6134 9550 FARWBLLAV 397 -18-M THORPB LOUIS M AND SANDRA R 19550FARWELL AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -5507 9520 FARWELL AV 397 -18 -023 BLACK REXFORDE AND D.DaRL 19520FARWBLLAV SARATOGA CA 95070 -5307 4711 FRULTVALB AV 397 - 18.024 DRINKER HENRY RJR TRUSTEE & ET AL 14711 FRUITVAIE AV SARATOGA CA 9507116136 4890 BARANGA LN 397- 18.034 COLLINS THOMAS W AND SUSAN I TRUSTEE 14890 BARANCA LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -5501 4870 BARANCA LN 397- 18-035 WON SU S ARID SUSAN 1487013ARANGA LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -5501 4835 BARANGA LN 397 -18 -037 GUEST ROBERT W AND SHIRLEY J TRUSTEE 14835 BARANGA LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -5501 4855 BARANCA LN 397-18 -038 ITN ROBERT K AND CAFNIE C 20895 JOLLYMAN LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-4315 9731 THREE OAKS WY 397 -18 -042 PAL GEORGE SAND NORMA B 197331 THREE OAKSVti'Y SARATOGA CA 95070.6141 4765FRUITVALEAV 397 -18 -075 MILLER HENRY W AND SONDRAM TRUSTEE 14765 FRUITVALE AV SARATOGA CA 95070.6136 4815 THREE OAKS CT 397 -I8 -101 BREGANTB RICHARD J AND JUDY P 14815 T-IREB OAKS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -3975 4861 THREE OAKS CT 397 -18 -102 BANCROFT PAUL M AND SUSAN B TRUSTEE 14561 THREE OAKS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -3500 9720THME OAKS IVY 397 -19 -001 GARFIELD FRANK M AND ADRIENNE LTRUSTEB 19720 THREE OAKS WY SARATOGA CA 93070 -6442 9670 THREE OAKS WY 397 -19 -002 ROBINSON KARL W AND THERESA L TRUSTEE 1 %70 THREE OAKS IVY SARATOGA CA 93070 -6442 9664 THREE OAKS IVY 397 -19 -003 MOCKER MILDRED E TRUSTEE PO BOX3 SARATOGA CA 95070 961OT14RHE OAKS WY 397 -19 -007 KAISER BRIAN AND ROPER KAISER PAMELA 19610 THREE OAKS WY SARATOGA CA 93UD -6440 5275 FRUITVALE AV 397 -19 -012 YBARRO EDWARD AND PATRICIA J 15275 FRUITVALE AV SARATOGA CA 9x070 -6263 9770 THREE OAKS WY 397 -19 -021 SZETO FRANC K AND PAUUNB L 19770 THREE OAKS WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -6M2 5013 FRUITVALE AV 397 -19 -025 ZADWICK KBMIM A AND DOLORES E 15013 PRUITVALB AV SARATOGA CA 95070.6270 HORSESHOE CT 397 - 20-094 FOSTER GERALDINE G 14552 HORSESHOEDR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5919 LUTHBRIA WY 397 - 24-022 MOORE BLLEN D TRUSTEE 1069 S DANIEL WY SAN JOSE CA 95128 -3124 0405 WILLIAMS AV 397 -28 -055 PARKER RUBEN C AND EVELYN C 20405 WILLIAMS AV SARATOGA CA 95070-5427 4100 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALB RD 397 -26 -044 VOISINBT JOHN BT AL 14100 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE RD SARATOGA CA 95070-5836 0485 WTLUAMS AV 397 -26 -050 LHUNG SAVLO T ETAL 43127TH AV SAN FRANCISCO CA 94121 3941 SHADOW OAKS WY 397 - 34-002 HAR WOMN Y AND SUE 13941 SHADOW OAKS WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -5541 3966 SARATOGA AV 397 - 34-013 CRAIG LINDA J AND ROBERT A 13966 SARATOGA AV SARATOGA CA 95070.5436 4802 VIA DR MARCOS 397 -40 -001 GRANT MICHAEL N AND DOROTHY E 666 REGAS DR CAMPBELL CA 95008 47776 VIA DE MARCOS 397 - 40-002 VANNIER DAVID S ANDTAIS M 14776 VIA DB MARCOS SARATOGA CA 95070 4742 VIA DE MARCOS 397 - 40-003 REYES GREGORY LANDPHNNYA 14742 VIA DB "COS SARATOGA CA 95070 4696 VIA DE MARCOS 397- 40-004 SAN MARCOS HEIGHTS 109 COLORADO CT LOS GATOS CA 95032 4642 VIA DE MARCOS 397 - 40-005 PARK CHUNG G AND SUSAN K 14642 VIA DB MARCOS SARATOCA CA 95070 VIA DE MARCOS 397- 4D-006 GRAND LODGE OF INDEPENDENT ORDER P.O. BOX 2669 SARATOGA CA 95070-0669 9231 CRISP AV 397 - 40-008 DURAN EDDON AND TRUDY L TRUSTEE 19231 CRISP AV SARATOGA CA 95070 9272 CRISP AV 39740 -009 GOLDFARB ADRIAN G AND RONNIE S 20445 VIA MONTE CUPERTINO CA 95014 9244 CRISP AV 397 - 40.012 SHANAHAN PEGGY A AND MICHAEL E 19244 CRISP AV SARATOGA CA 95070 9216 CRISP AV 397 -0.013 MIHOLOVICH MATTHEW S 910 JACKSON ST SAN JOSE CA 95112 -1605 10/27/95 1996 WEEP' ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COLIN"rY OF SANTA CLARA Page 10 FOR THE CITY OF SARATO GA S1TUS APN LO yNER ADDRESS CITY STAT E za 9188 CRISP AV 397 -40-034 SPADAFORA SAMUEL TAND CHERYL M 19188 CRISP AV SARATOGA CA 95070 9160 CRISP AV 397 -40-015 FINOCCHlO SUSAN 14 ANDROBERT f JR TRUSTEE 19160 CRISP AV SARATOGA CA 95070 4553 VIA DE MARCOS 397 - 40-036 CIFFONE DONALD L JR AND JOY A 65V TIMBBRVIEW DR SAN JOSE CA 95120 -4531 4577 VIA DE MARCOS 397.40-017 URRUTIA RICARDO I AND MARTIN- URRUTIA 14577 VIA DE MARCOS SARATOGA CA 95D70 4595 VIA DE MARCOS 397.40-038 MENDOZA FLORENCIO ET AL 14595 VIA DE MARCOS SARATOGA CA 95070 4643 VIA DE MARCOS 397- 40-019 POTTER LARRYD AND BARBARA L TRUSTEE 14643 VIA Dfi MARCOS SARATOGA CA 95070 4961 VIA DE MARCOS 397.0 -020 PACIFIC WESTERN BANK 1816 W[4ITB OAKS RD CA)"BELL CA 95008 4983 GYPSY HILL RD 397 - 40-021 BALUM VAROUZ14AN TRUSTEE & ET AL 611 BELLA VISTA FREMONT CA 94539 5015 GYPSY HILL RD 397 -40-022 I?OTRCIS NABIL R AND SAA11A F 15015 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 5043 GYPSY HILL RD 397 - 404)23 DOLUCA TUNC AND FATMA L 15043 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 5061 GYPSY HILL RD 397 -40-024 SIEGL.E WILLIAM T AND SIECELMARYLEB H 15061 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 4996 GYPSY HILL RD 397 - 40-025 DOWNING JAMES P AND JOANNE L 13228 PARAMOUNT DR SARATOGA CA 95070.422A 5052 GYPSY HILL RD 397 -40-026 PACIFIC WESTERN BANK 333 W SANTA CLARA ST SAN JOSE CA 95113 5020 GYPSY HILL RD 397 -40-027 CH UAING CHSAO -MEI AND CHEN CHZH -LANG 7585 RAINBOW DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-5235 4990 GYPSY HILL RD 397 -40-M CORREIA MANUEL AND ROSEM 14980 GYPSY HILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 3960 RAVBNWOOD DR 400 -23 -001 SORTINO ANTHONY TAND VIRGJNIA L 13960 RAVENWOOD DR SARATOGA CA 9 5 0 70. 4 741 8430 MONTPERE IVY 403- 23-026 WANC JAMES C AND ELISABETH S 1843D MQNTPBRB WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -4746 QUITO RD 403- 24 -Ml FRANKLIN CARL ANDJUDITH1979LIVING 23850STARCf AUBURN CA 95602- 5470 QUITO RD 410 -36-009 FOSTER HOWLAND I AND CAROL L 15470 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070-6230 2100 MT EDBN RD 503 - 09-005 FRATER LINDA 221ODMT ED13N RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -9730 MT EDEN RD 503 - 09-006 M E V CORP 22020 MT EDEN RD SARATOGA CA 95070 2060 MT EDEN RD 503-09-Ml MUILBNBURG MICHAEL S 22060 MT EDEN RD SARATOGA CA 95070 2010 MT EDEN RD 5013 -09-M SVOBODA WILLIAM A AND DARRYL L 35345 BOHIAIAN RD SARATOGA CA 95070 BDENCREST LN 503 -12-034 STELLA INVESTMENT CO L P 21060 RAINBOW DR CUPERTINO CA 95014 1777 MT EDEN RD 503 - 13-021 NOURZAD FRED 21777 MT EDEN RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -97723 EDENCREST LN 503 - 13403 HORVATH FRANKAND DAGMAR 35209 BLUE GUM CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -6268 MT EDBN RD 503 -13-W9 HORVATH FRANKAND DAGMAR 15209 BLUE GUM CT SARATOGA CA 95070-6268 MT EDEN RD 50313 -059 HORVATH FRANK .J AND DAGMAR M 15209 BLUE GUM CT SARATOGA CA 950746268 MT EDEN RD 503-13 -067 PECK RUTH D TRUSTEE PO BOX 626 SARATOGA CA 95071 2122 MT EDEN RD 503-13 -115 14ORVAT14 FRANK J AND DAGMAR M 15209 BLUE GUM CT SARATOGA C.A 95070 -6263 2551 MT EDEN RD 503 -13 -117 JAVIDAHAIED AND SAFOORA TRUSTEE 7179 WOODED LAKE DR SAN f0SE CA 95120.5601 MTEDBN RD 503- 13 -L27 IRANY FRED 2 AND CMS ET AL 13937 VISTA REGINA SARATOGA CA 93070.4865 1789 MT EDEN RD 5013 -13- L31 WE] YI -HEN ET AL 21789 MT EDEN RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -9723 MT EDEN RD 50343 -133 [RANY FRED 2 AND CHRIS ET AL 13937 VISTA REGINA SARATOGA CA 95070-4865 PIERCE RD 503- 14-022 BINKLEY G. ROBERTTRUSTEE & BT AL 7246SHARON DR STE J SAN TOSE CA 95129 3641 VAQUERO CT 503 - 14-036 WATKINS DANIEL R AND CYNTHIA F 617STARDUST LN LOS ALTOS CA 94022 COMER DR 503 -15-002 WONG LUN AND CHUN 2644 RL CAMINO REAL SANTA CLARA CA 95051 L210 CHADWICK CT 503 -15 -040 HONG HENRY Y AAA MARGARET] ET AL 21210 CHADWICK CT SARATOGA CA 95070 10/27/95 SITUS CHADWICK CT CHADWICK CT 1215 CHADWICK CT OLD OAK WY OLD OAK WY OLD OAK WY OLD OAK WY 1272 CHIQUTTA WY OLD OAK WY OLD OAK WY OLD OAK WY OLD OAK WY 3335 SURREY LIN 3405 SURREY LN 3010 PIERCE RD 3145 PIERCE RD 3251 PIERCE RD 0975 COMER DR 0940 COMER DR 0937 COMER DR 3091 PIERCE RD 3093 PIERCE RD 0880 WARDELL RD 1225 COM13R DR ARROYO DR ARGUELLO LAND ONLY 2925 ARROYO DE ARGUELLO 2947 ARROYO DE ARGUELLO 1116 COMER DR 1097 COMER DR 2943 PIERCE RD 2929 PIERCE RD 2795 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE RD PIERCE RD 0720 LEONARD RD PARAMONT DR PARAMONcr DR 2908 PIERCE RD 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 11 FOE, THE CITY .::F SARtiTOGA APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY ST AT ZIP 503- 15-041 CHADWICK ALLEN L AND BARBARA 305 LARKIN RIDGE DR WATSONVILLE CA 95076- 503 -15-M BRECANTE RICHARD AND JUDY 14815 THREE OAKS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5975 503 -IS -043 PANCHOLY RANJEET K AND VIJAY 216013 CASTLETON ST CUPERTINO CA 95014471)2 303 -15 -044 KHAN 1MDAD H AND SITARA A 21169 MARIA LN SARATOGA CA 95070.6532 303 - 15445 KHAN IMDAD HAND SMARA A 21169 MARIA LN SARATOGA CA 95070-6532 503 -15 -052 COCCLARDI CAROL 2151 PARK AV SANTA CLARA CA 95010.6025 503 -15 -059 HOUSE DAVID L AND NANCY O 13223 PADERO CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -4206 503 -15 -060 WILLIAMS PHILIP C AND DEBORAH L 21272 CHIQUITA WY SARATOGA CA 95070 503 -15 -062 COCCIARDI CAROL 2151 PARK AV SANTA CLARA CA 95050 -6025 503 -15 -063 TBERLINK HBBER N AND TH[ELMA J 16101 MATUA DR LOS GATOS CA 95030 -3030 503 -15 -064 HOUSE DAVID L AND NANCY O 13223 PADERO CT SARATOGA CA 95070-4206 503 -15 -065 TEERLINK HBBER N AND TI ELMA J 16101 MATRljA DR LOSGATOS CA 95030 -3030 503- 16-DJ1 FIREMAN KAY KANFDPAUL L 13335 SURREY LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -4243 503 - 16-002 TAN KEN -SUE AND HI -NIANG 13405 SURREY LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -4243 503 - 16-043 WORRELL FLORENCE ETAL 13010 PIERCE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -3744 503 - 16-052 SMITH SCOTT K TRUSTEE 13145 PIERCE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -4211 503 -16-053 JONES BARRY WAND BRENDA 13251 P16RCH RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -4235 503 - 16-072 GON'ZALRZ FERNANDO J AND EST 4ER O 20975 CO3AER DR SARATOGA CA 95070-3709 503- 16-076 MCSWERNEY WILLIAM AND PATRICIA 20940 COMER DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -3710 503 - 16-077 IVES ROBBRT L AND NDY P 20937 COMER DR SARATOGA CA 950703708 503 - 16-086 GUNNON 1987 LIVING TRUST UTD 6/15/87 137 WANISH PALM DESERT CA 92260- 503.16 -037 JACOBS PAUL E AND RENEE 13091 PIERCE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 503 -17 -002 PBCSAR STEVE J AND MLDEGARDE C 20890 WARDBLL RD SARATOGA CA 950703722 503 -17 -026 EVANS JAMES W AND JUDITH K 21225 COMER DR SARATOGA CA 95070 503 -17 -029 GUICHARD CHARLES P AND MARGARET 21130 WARDELL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -3722 503 -17 -049 HALL HELEN U TRUSTEE & E7 AL 20865 WARDELL RD SARATOGA CA 95070.3722 503 -17 -057 BAZLEN PATRICLA A 12925 ARROYO DE ARCU13LLO DR SARATOGA CA 95070 503 -17 -058 CARPENTER ARTHUR W AND DOROTHY L 12947 ARROYO DE ARGUELLO SARATOGA CA 950743707 303 -17 -066 RUEHLB WILLIAM J TRUSTEE & ET AL 20680 SEATON AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -5330 503 -17 -067 LBE YBO B AND HBBJA 12869 CORTE DE ARGUELLO SARATOGA CA 95070 -3711 503 -18-062 IMARKLEY DEAN 3350 SCOTT BL UNIT 45 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 503 -18-069 -MOURNING STEVEN L AND ELIZABETH A 12929 PIERCERD SARATOGA CA 95070-3713 303 -18-091 KOCIRMARC L 12855 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE RD SARATOGA CA 95070.4227 503 - 18-105 MARKLEY DEAN 3350 SCOTT BL BLDG #45 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 503 -19-036 MC6TAAN PARV(Z AND FARZANEH O 20720 LEONARD RD SARATOGA CA 95070.4205 503 -19-048 1v1ATfUS KATHRYN K 13180 PIERCE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -4212 503 - 19-067 TOUGAS DORIS G AND BBRNARD H 20604 WARDELL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -3719 503. 19-097 BARR1E- SODBRSTROM KATHLEEN C 12908 PIERCE RD SARATOGA CA 93070-3714 G/27/95 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 12 FOR THE CI i JF SARATOGA ,SITUS APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIR 4071 SARATOGA SUNNYVALE RD 50322 -065 TERRELL PAUL J ETAL 14071 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE RD SARATOGA CA 95070.5534 0731 MARION RD 503 - 22-102 CAMPBELL CARY L PO BOX 5046 BLGD. A SAN RAMON CA SPAIN 94583 50323 -M STAMPER DOROTHY M TRUSTEE do ET AL 20362 MARION RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -5816 4221 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE RD 50. 3-23-016 KAHLE JOHN R 20601 BROOKWOOD LN SARATOGA CA 95070-5831 4251 SARATOGA- SUNNYVALE RD 503 -a017 SEAGRAVES MARGARET TRUSTEE 13371 SARATOGA AV SARATOGA CA 95070.4535 BROOKWOOD LN 503- 23.028 HIGGINS WILLIAM L AND VIRGINIA B TRUSTEE 20550 BROOKWOOD LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -5831 ELVA AV 503 -27 -081 ISIDORO FRANK W AND MERNA L 150!1 PARK DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -6421 4291 ELVA AV 503 -27 -090 DENMS MICHAEL W 14291 ELVA AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -5811 0895 CANYON VIEW DR 503 - 28-004 WOROBEYANN M 20895 CANYON VIEW DR SARATOGA CA 95070.5763 0905 SULLIVAN WY 503 - 28-003 GIUSTI MARY 2350.7 CRISTO REY DR UNIT 20130 CUPERTINO CA 95014 0915 SULLIVAN WY 503 -28 -006 SWAIN SWAIN B TRUSTEE 20915 SULLIVAN WY SARATOGA CA 95070.5723 0931 CANYON VIEW DR 503 -28 -007 KIM TAB JA 20931 CANYON VIEW DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5809 CANYON VIEW DR 503-28 -008 MEHRANY M 13T AL 105 DOVER CT LOS GATOS CA 95032 -3816 1081 CANYON VIEW DR 503 -28 -01.7 KAUFMANN PAUL RAND HELEN P 21081 CANYON VIEW DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5717 1280 GLENMONT DR 303-28 -055 LAMBLE MICHAEL J AND GEM F 21280 GLENMON7 DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5722 0851 CANYON VIEW DR 503-28 -075 TANG WAN -1 G AND YAW -SHING 20851 CANYON VIEW DR SARATOGA CA 95070.5809 0867 CANYON VIEW DR 303 -28 -039 LAW EDWIN S AND VICKY P 20867 CANYON VIEW DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5809 4435 DEER CANYON LK 303 -28 -1 L2 C14OU CHUEN PU J AND )UI-YU C 14433 DEER CANYON LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -5731 DEER SPRING CT 303 -28 -1 L7 DICAR INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 4249 GRAPEVINE DR NAPA CA 94.558 -2556 DEER SPRING CT 503 -28 -118 DICAR INVESTNMTS INCORPORATED 4249 GRAPEVINE DR NAPA CA 94558 -2556 4598 DEER SPRINGS CT 503 -28 -120 LIU FUN -KAI AND LEE LI-CHIU 10882 WILICINSON AV CUPERTINO CA 950144700 1425 TOLL GATE RD 303 -28 -122 ACHKAR COUBRAN M AND TH13RESE TRUSTEE 525 THE PRUNEYARD CAMPBELL CA 95008 TOLL GATE RD 503 -28 -123 LAND -CALL LACTED PARTNERSHIP 10/15/93 1802 CHENEY DR SAN JOSE CA 951283605 1441 TOLL GATE RD 5(13 -28 -124 CHEN CHANG Y 21441 TOLLGATE RD SARATOGA CA 95070.0771 4447 DEER CANYON LN 503 -28 -128 POLITI SANDRA LAND JOE B 14447 DEER CANYON LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -5731 1320 SARATOGA HILLS RD S03 -29 -CM SALDANIA F V TRUSTEE 19020 COX AV SARATOGA CA 95070 -1156 1300 SARATOGA HILLS RD S03- 29-029 SCHROEDER BERTRAM N TRUSTEE 21300SAR.ATOGA HILLS RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -3306 1037 DORSEY WY 503- 79.055 SHEN ANN P AND LAWRENCE Y 210?7 DORSEY WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -5.X6 SARATOGA HILLS RD 503 -29-078 ALUSOA SNIDE B TRUSTEE 4250 STEVENS CREEK BL SAN JOSE CA 95129 -1216 1421 SARATOCA HILLS RD 303 -29 -124 MCGREGOR SCOTT A AND GIRAND LAURIE J 21421 SARATOGA HILLS RD SARATOGA CA 95070 1421 SARATOGA HILLS RD 303 -29 -125 ALLISON 6MDE 4250 STEVENS CREEK BL SAN JOSE CA 95129 -1336 PIERCE RD 303 -30 -002 WALKER THOMAS RAND SUSAN 1134 LITTLEOAK CL SAN JOSE CA 95129 PIKE RD 303 -30 -010 POLITI JOSI3PH Is AND SANDRA 14447 D£RR CANYON LN SARATOGA CA 95070 4220 POLE RD 3(13 -30 -021 LUST13NADP-R THOMAS G AND CAROL W 14220 PIKE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -5357 4550 PIKE RD 303 - 30-023 CEPPOS JEROMFiM AND KAREN 11550 PIKE RD SARATOGA CA 95070.5359 4124 PIKE RD SM- 30-030 BOHN ROBERT H AND GAY M 14124 PIKE RD SARATOGA CA 950705304 4100 PIKE RD 303 - 30-031 LEE DANA M 14100 PIKE RD SARATOGA CA 9507015304 PIKE RD 503 - 30-038 BERGNA LOUIS P AND PATRICIA A TRUSTEE 14420 PUKE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -5358 10/27/96 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY 7 H COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 13 FOR THE CITY OF SARAiOGA SIT-US APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY I ZI 500-30 -066 ATWOOD STANFORD H JR ET AL 14684 PIKE RD SARATOGA CA 95070.5345 4440 PIKE? RD 50:3.34075 MILLER JACK R TRUSTEE & BT AL 14440 PIKE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -5358 4150 DORENE CT 50:>31 -0.54 PAN SHERMAN S AND LILY L 14150 DORUNECT SARATOGA CA 95070 -9727 DORENE CT 50331 -055 BROWN JOHN P AND JACQUELINE 14372 OLD WOOD RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -5633 4152 DORENE CT 50331 -056 SMITH DAVID M AND LORI A TRUSTEE 14152 DORENE CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -9727 4142 DORENE CT 500 -31 -057 SEVILLA ALBERTO AND WSLGE LYNN 14142 DORENE CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -9727 4134 DORENE CT 503-31 -038 ROSENBERG GERALD R AND BARRIB R 14134DORBNE CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -9727 4124 DORENE, CT 503 -31 -059 MCNIUK JANIBS W AND EIIZABET14 A 14124DORTsNE CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -9727 4170 TE13RUNK WY 503-31 -060 MORRISON HUGH C AND RUTH A 14170 TBERLLNK WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -9734 TWRLINK WY 503 -31 -061 TEERLINK ERMA TRUSTEE 1821 HOLLY OAK DR MODEM CA 95344 HEBER WY 50331 -065 SHBNG NIN -CHUN AND ROUNDA PO BOX 20011 SANJOSE CA 95160 1791 HBBBR WY 503-31 -066 SHENG NW -CHUN AND ROUNDA P O BOX 20011 SAN JOSE CA 95160 HEBER WY 50331 -067 VINTNER INVESTMENTS P O 13OX20011 SANJOSE CA 95160 1800 HEBER WY 503 -31 -068 RBKHI MUNINDERP SINC AND SADARS1 IAN K 829 CAPE FLATTERY FL SAN JOSH CA 95133 -1526 1790 HERBER WY 503 -31 -069 KUNDTZ ROBERT A AND NANCY J TRUSIER 21790 HERBER WY SARATOGA CA 95070 4161 TEERLINK WY 503 -31 -074 AVENI DAVID J AND CINDY 14161 TEERLINK WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -9735 4171 TEBRLINK IVY 503 -31 -075 DE MCOLO MAU RILIO AND SUSAN E TRUSTEE 14171 TEERLINK WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -9735 4185 IEERLINK 503-31 -076 ALFF WILLIAM H AND DEN_NVY V 14185 TEERLINK SARATOGA CA 950709735 1800 MT EDEN RD 50331 -077 LEE TING P TRUSTEE & ET AL 21800 MT HDHN RD SARATOGA CA 950709722 MT EDEN RD 503 -31 -078 TEBRLINK HEBER J 21810 MT EDEN RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -9722 3946 DAMON IN 5CG -31 -079 MOON WILLIAM G ANDANNETT R C 13946 DAMON LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -9721 3970 ALBAR CT 503 -31 -080 KAABIPOUR EBRAHIM 139770 ALBAR CT SARATOGA CA 950709718 3977 ALBAR CT 503 -31 -085 MOLLARD ROY S TRUSTEE 6r ET AL PO BOX 1235 SARATOGA CA 95071 3967 ALBAR CT 503-31 -086 HARTS JOHN M AND LBSLSY A 13967 ALBAR CT SARATOCA CA 95070 -9718 3937ALBARCT 503 -31 -087 MALANCZUK WILLIAM T AND DORENE C 13957ALBARCT SARATOGA CA 95070 -9718 3947 ALBAR CT 503,31-088 HLVANG LILY L AND JOSEPH J 13966 ALBAR CT SARATOGA CA 950709718 3937 ALBAR CT 503 -31 -089 HALADUS ZSIGNBW 13937 ALBAR CT SARATOGA CA 950709718 ALBAR CT 503 -31 -090 BENEFICIAL CALIFORNIA INC 10265 S DE ANZA BL CUPERIIVO CA 95015 3935 DAMON IN 503 -31 -097 GREENSPAN STEPHEN B AND ANN TRUSTEE 13935 DAMON LN SARATOGA CA 950709726 3921 DAMON LN 503 -31-0.98 LEMPERT DAVID B AND BYA LESLIE, A 13921 DA'MON LN SARATOGA CA 950709720 1761 HEBER WY 503.31 -100 I'ALhiER WILLIAM AND CHARL13NE 21761 HEBER IVY SARATOGA CA 950749700 1771 HERBER IVY 503-31 -101 MCCAMMON JAMES D AND MARY E 21771 HERBER WY SARATOGA CA 95070 1770 HEBER WY 503 -31 -103 DENTON RICHARD AND SHERRIETRUST'EE 21770 HEBER WY SARATOGA CA 950709700 4151 TBULINK WY 503 -31 -105 LUCHRA VLRENDER K AND TRIPTA 14151 TBERLINK WY SARATOGA CA 95070 3966 ALBAR Cr 503 -31 -107 HWANG LILY L AND JOSEPH J 13966 ALBAR CT SARATOGA CA 950709718 3941 DAMON LN 503 -31 -108 GHAFGHAICHI MAJID AND NfINA TRUSTEE 13941 DAMON LN SARATOGA CA 950709726 3951 DAMON LN 503 -3L -109 BRAUCHLER ROLF BT AL 13951 DAMON LN SARATOGA CA 950709726 PIERCB RD 503-47-007 THE MOUNTAIN WJNTERY INC. P 0 BOX 1852 SARATOGA CA 95070 'o ry en 10/27195 SJTUS LAND ONLY 0851 SARATOGA HILLS RD LAND ONLY 3877 UPPER HILL CT CHALET CLOTILDE DR 3502 PIERCE RD 3436 PIERCE RD 3370 PIERCE RD 1296 SARAHIL15 DR 1266 SARAI -UUS DR 0956 SARAHILIS DR SARAHILLS DR SARAFULLS DR 1216 BANK MILL RD 1194 BANK MILL RD 1243 DEEPWELL CT 1328 LUMBBRTOWN LN 1101 LUMBERTOWN LN 1197 HAYMEADOW DR 1185 HAYMEADOW DR 1327 BANK NMI, RD 1182 HAYMEADOW DR TOLL GATE RD 1216 HAYMB -&DOW DR 1175 BANKMILLRD 1333 LUMBERTOWN LN 3439 OLD OAK IVY 1359 TOLL GATE-RD 4.728 BOUGAINVI.LBA CT 4696 BOUGAINVILLEA CI' 4664 BOUGAINVILLEA CT 4632 BOUCAINVILLEA CT 4600 BOUGAINVILLEA CT 4605 BOUGAINVILLEA CT TOLL GATE RD 1417 TOLL GATE RD 1432 TOLL GATE RD 1996 WEED ABATEN$NT LEST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 14 FUR THE CTY OF SARATOGA AP,N OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATfi ZIP 5034-9-041 COMMUNITYFOUNDATION OF SANTA CLARA 960 W HEDDING UNIT 220 SAN JOSE CA 95126 50349 -042 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF SANTA CLARA 960 W I-HEDDIING UNIT 220 SAN JOSE CA 95126 503- 50.019 JACOBS DENNIS AND CLAIRE 19234 CITRUS LN SARATOGA CA 950706410 50350-020 JOHNSON WAYNE C AND C A 13877 UPPER HILL CT SARATOGA CA 950705332 503 -51 -002 LEM EDWARD N AND LORETTA TRUSTEE 13481 PIERCE RD SARATOGA CA 950744214 503 -51 -003 PERASSO CLOT[LDE M TRUSTEE 1724 LYON SAN PRANCISCO CA 94115- 503 -5'1 -012 GODDARD PAUL AND JACQDELLNE TRUSTEE 13502 PIERCE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 503 -51 -013 OSBORNE JOHN B AND SUSAN D TRUSTEE 13436 PIERCE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 503-51 -014 SULLIVAN GODFREY R AND SUZANNE M 1337D PIERCE RD SARATOGA CA 95070 503-53.010 COFF BOB S AND DONNA LTRUSTEE 475 LAKESHORE BL UNIT 31 INCLINE VILLAGE NV 89450 503-53 -011 YANOVSKY BORIS AND MARIANNA 21266 SARAHILLS DR SARATOGA CA 950704838 503- 53.012 MOGANNAM AB1D N AND MUNA 20936SARAHILLS DR SARATOGA CA 950704838 503 -53-061 DHAKA V1R A AND MOHINI 590 ARASTRADEiRO RD UNIT 105 PALO ALTO CA 94306 50353 -064 PONTIBR LENA PO BOX 212 VILLAGE STA SARATOGA CA 95071 503 -55-005 PARK CHIA AND CHYON S P O BOX 3448 SARATOGA CA 93070 503 - 55-006 )OM J W K AND II-IN H 21194 BANX MILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070-5705 503-55 -039 LIKOSKY W ILLIAM H TRUSTEE do ET AL 21243 DEEPWBLL CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5709 503 -55 -044 AREELLANCIANGEL ET AL 21328 LUMBERTOWN LN SARATOGA CA 950705712 503-55 -045 VAJDIC BRANISLAV AND MIRJANA PO BOX 3423 SARATOGA CA 95070 -1423 5M-56 -046 RICHARDSELIZABETHM TRUSTEE 21197HAYMEADOW DR SARATOGA CA 95070-5710 5013 -56 -047 JACOBS BARBARA L 21185HAYMEADOW DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5710 503 55-049 JONES CECIL R AND GUDRUNT TRUSTEE 21127 BANK MILL RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -5706 503 - 55.052 MARIAN VAUGHN' R AND DOROTHY R TRUSTEE 211821-fAY.NBADOW DR SARATOGA CA 950705710 503 - 55-053 BLAIR JEROME C AND ARLENE 3549 MAURICIA AV SANTA CLARA CA 95051 -6617 503 -55 -034 WEISER RICHARD A AND ABBY N 21216HAYMEADOW DR SARATOGA CA 9507"710 503 -55 -064 KIM KI Y 21175 BANK MILL RD SARATOGA CA 950705706 503 -55 -075 WALL JOHN J TRUSTEE 21333 LUMBERTOWN LN SARATOGA CA 95070-5712 50357 -004 DENTG CE AND PATRICIA W 13439 OLD OAK WY SARATOGA CA 9507D-4206 503- 62 -ODI BRETTNER DONALD AND AMY 21359 TOLLGATE RD SARATOGA CA 950705715 503- 62 -OD2 MOMROW EDWARD G AND JUDITH C TRUSTEE 14728 BOUGAINVILLEA CT SARATOGA CA 9507457(18 50362 -003 HELLBR MEYER AND MARGO 14696 BOUGAINVILLEA CT SARATOGA CA 9507457018 503-62 -004 VAHABI MOH.' MMAD AND AMIRHOSSEIN 14664 BOUGAINVILLEA CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5708 5013 -62 -005 CHIN BEN-NY AND WINEMD W 14632 BOUGAINVILLEA CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5708 5013 -62 -006 STEINBACK DONALD L AND JOSEPHINE F 14600 BOUGAINVB.LEA CT SARATOGA CA 950705708 5013 -62 -007 SPRAGUE ROBERT A AND SUE E TRUSTEE 14605 BOUGAINVILLfiA CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5708 503 -62 -017 LIU VINCENT ST Al 14760 MASSON CT SARATOGA CA 95070.9715 503- 62 -D18 INGLE ROBERT D AND SANDRA R 21417 TOLLGATE RD SARATOGA CA 950705769 503-62 -023 ATKINS JAMES D AND BETSY S 6950 SUNRISE DR CORAL GABLES FL 33133 10127195 1996 WEED ABATEMENTf LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 15 FORTHECIT`r DFSARA-;OGA SITtiS APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY STAX E ZM 1449 TOLL CATE RD 5036.025 GENORICHARD E 1042 W HERDING UMT200 SAN JOSS CA 95126 TOLL GATE RD 503 -62 -026 KWEI LONG AND HUEY -LIN 20532 DBBRPARK CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5308 TOLL GATE RD 503-62 -027 GADDIS STEP14EN B 115 MT HAMMTON AV LOS ALTOS CA 94022 -2236 1247 CHIQUITA WY 500- 66.009 STARK ROBERT N AND DAISY TF 21247 CHIQUITA WY SARATOGA CA 950704203 1200 CHIQUITA WY 50366.010 CHANG Ml T AND LIN M 21200 CHIQUITA WY SARATOGA CA 950704203 1142 CHIQUITA WY 503 - 66-011 LFEIdUN K 21142 CHIQUTfA WY SARATOGA CA 950744203 4605 BIG BASIN WY 503 - 67-001 FrrZSIMMONS KATHLEEN A 14605BIG BASIN F WY SARATOGA CA 95070.6081 4611 A BIG BASIN WY 503-67 -002 WAGNER ANNE M 14611 A BIG BASIN WY SARATOGA CA 9507016081 4611 B BIG BASIN WY 503 - 67.003 VAN DERVEER BARBARA K 14611 BIG BASIN WY WIT B SARATOGA CA 95070- 4611 C BIG BASIN WY 503 - 67-004 FITZSPvtMONS KATHLEEN A 14605 BIG BASIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070.6081 4611 D BIC BASIN 'A'Y 503 -67 -005 BOSCOEE MARY B PO BOX 2423 SARATOGA CA 95070 -0323 4611 E BIG BASLV WY 50-67 -006 FITZSR"ONS KATHLEEN A 14605 BIG BASIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -6081 4190 PALAWNO WY 503.68 -002 STOHL CHRISTINA TRUSTEE & HT AL PO BOX 2802 AWNOLD CA 95223- 4780 MASSON C'f 303-72 -007 SZE ROBERT M ANDMABEL K 14780 MASSON CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -9715 4760 MASSON CT 503 -72 -008 LIU VINCENT L AND MM CHENY 14760 MASSON CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -9715 1650 VINTAGEE IN 503 -72 -011 VAN DE VEN EVHRHARDUS P AND VAN DE 21650 VINTAGE LN SARATOGA CA 95070 VINTAGE LK' 503 -72 -012 SAFFARNAN JAL1L 18620 CYNTI-11AAV CUPERTINO CA 95014-3810 5013 -72 -014 A41AU MATTHEW F AND AHCHBN H 6-F 75 MING, S' '46NG E RD SEC 3 TAEPEI, MASSON CT 4575 SARATOGA HEIGHTS CT 500 -72 -017 VERDI WILLIAM P AND ELLEN E 14575 SARATOCA HEIGHTS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5756 4581 SARATOGA HEIGHTS CT 503•'12 -018 KWONG JONATHAN C AND KATHY W 3254 KWCIi-TSWOOD WY SAN JOSS CA 95148.3137 4580 SARATOGA HEIGHTS CT 503-724)19 Yl NN H AWD TONG M - 14580 SARATOGA HEIGHTS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 -5756 1536 SARATOGA HEIGHTS RD 503 -77 -020 MATSUURA RONALD T AND SANDRA N 21536 SARATOGA HEIGHTS RD SARATOGA CA 93070 1530 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR 50372 -021 PACE JOHN 21530SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR SARATOGA CA 950705757 1518 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR 50342 -022 HASSETT CHRISTOPHER RAND JANET L 21318 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR SARATOGA CA 95070.5757 1502SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR 50372 -024 SUDLOW WILLIAM J AND BARBARA S 215M SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR SARATOGA CA 95070-5757 1503 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR 503-72 -025 TANIGUCHI BEN T AND SACRIKO TRUSTEE 21503 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR SARATOGA CA 950745758 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR 503 -72 -027 SAFFARIAN JALIL 18620 CYNTHIA AV CUPHRTINO CA 95014 -3810 1531 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR 503-72 -028 FHRRAN DAVID 6 AND DIANE M TRUSTEE 21531 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR SARAIWA CA 95070 -5758 503-72 -032 GASPAR MARIE R. POBOX898 SARATOGA CA 93071 4754 PIERCE RD 503 -72 -033 GASPARMARIER PO BOX 898 SARATOCA CA 95070 1775 CONGRESS HALL LK 50372 -034 HSU FU- CJ-IIBR AND CHENG-YIH 21775 CONGRESS HALL LN SARATOGA CA 950709714 1789 CONGRESS HALL LN 503-72 -035 CONlh1INS NANCY J AND ROBERT G 21789 CONGRESS HALL LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -9714 1537SARATOCA HEIGHTS DR 5007-72 -036 THAKUR SARVAJIT AND NEBLAM TRUSTEE 2IM7 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR SARATOGA CA 95070 1750 VINTAGE LN 500 -72 -037 BEDARD CHARLES J AND OTT KARLINA 21750 VINTAGE LN SARATOGA CA 95MO -9713 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR SM -72 -033 LEE BRIAN P AND TSO -HUEI 14057 LOMA RIO DR SARATOGA CA 95070 -5412 1779 CONGRESS SPRINGS IN 503- 75-001 MC VAY JOHN E AND EVA L TRUSTBB 21779 CONGRESS SPRINGS CAT SARATOGA CA 95070 -9725 1787 CONGRESS SPRINGS LN 503 -75 -002 FINDLBY EUGENE C AND STBLLA 21787 CONGRESS SPRINGS LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -9725 4900 VINTNER CT 50375 -007 SHENG STEVEN N AND ROUNDA 21801 CONGRESS SPRINGS LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -9715 0/27/95 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANrTA CLARA Page 16 FOR THE CITY OF SARATGGA SITUS APN OWNER ADDRESS crry ZM 1770 CONGRESS HALL LN 503 -75 -008 DAVIS ANTHONY AND LSHBHL TRUSTEE 21770 CONGRESS HALL LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -9714 1764 CONGRESS HALL LN 503.75 -009 LALLY JAMES AND LYNN Y 21764 CONGRESS HALL LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -9714 1756 CONGRESS HALL LN 503 -75 -010 DBL1ZONNNA HARRY 111 W Sr JOHN ST UNIT 898 SAID JOSE CA 95113 1751 CONGRESS HALL LN 503 -75 -011 PACE JAMES S 13T AL 21751 CONGRESS HALL LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -9714 1757 CONGRESS HALL LN 503 -75 -012 MMZAET ALI AND MINA 21757 CONGRESS HALL LN SARATOCA CA 95070 -9714 CONGRESS HALL LN 503 -75 -016 LUTHRA VIRENDER K AND TRIPTA 14151 TI ERUNK WY SIB B SARATOGA CA 95070- 1771 CONGRESS HALL LN 503-75 -017 HOWE FREDERICK AND MARY S 21771 CONGRESS HALL LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -9714 4930 V94TNE-R CT 503-75 -018 PARSIOSHAHNAZANDALI 14930 VINTNER CT SARATOGA CA 950709712 1793 CONGRESS SPRINGS LN 503 -75 -019 ASHER JARIBS HAND JANE 21793 CONGRESS SPRINGS LN SARATOGA CA 950709725 1801 CONGRESS SPRINGS LN 503 -75 -020 SHBNG STEVE N AND ROUNDA P O BOX 20011 SAN JOSE CA 95160 4585 BIG BASIN WY 5013- 76.001 CHEN CHBNG J AND LIN FTNGY CHEN 603 FOREST AV PALO ALTO CA 94301 -2623 4587 BIG BASIN WY 503 -76-002 CHI TELLY AND CHOW EUGENE 1125 HUMBOLDT RD BRISBANE CA 94005 4589 BIG BASIN WY 303- 76-0013 KWEI KONG AND HUEY -LIN BT AL 14589 BIG BASIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070.6069 4591 BIG BASIN WY 303 -76-004 WUES71FELD MICHAEL R AND JOAN C 14591 BIG BASIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070.60'69 4593 BIG BASIN WY 503 - 76-005 WILCOX JAMBS P AND TERRY S 14593 BIG BASIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -6069 4595 BIG BASIN WY 5013 -76-006 HUNT CLUB INC 6081 E 82ND ST UNIT 109 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46250 4597 BIG BASIN WY 503- 76-007 LAKE DON W AND PATRICIA A 15330 KIT'TRIDGE RD SARATOGA CA 950706311 4599 BIG BASIN iA Y 503 - 76-008 BARATTA- LORTON ROBERT 20665 4TH ST SARATOGA CA 95070 4691 BIG BASIN WY 50376 -009 CHHN JUNE F POBOX2963 SARATOGA CA 93070 -0%3 1720 VILLA OAKS LN 50378 -003 NG BENG K AND HELEN C Y 21720 VILLA OAKS LN SARATOGA. CA 95070 778 VILLA OAKS LN 50376 -002 (YBRIBN JAMES K AND LYNN A 115 GRWRTH PL MOTE SHRHNO CA 95030 1894 VILLA OAKS LN 503 -7B -004 LHUNG LILIAl' 10605 MEnDAAN RD CUPERTINO CA 95014 -3923 952 VILLA OAKS LN 50376 -005 NGUYEN NGUYEN H AND HANG L 21952 VILLA OAKS LN SARATOGA CA 95070 2010 VILLA OAKS LN SOX 76 -006 YA)A LAP M AND TO ROSA W 22010 VILLA OAKS LN SARATOGA CA 95070 2126 VILLA OAKS LN 50378 -008 BILKEY DANIEL J AND PAZ Q 22126 VILLA OAKS LN SARATOGA CA 95070 -9743 188 QUARRY RD 503-78 -009 HOMBCRAFT BUILDERS INC 4085 ORMB ST PALO ALTO CA 94306-3137 625 DEER TRAIL CT 503 - 78.012 MASON JOHN L AND NORA M 13625 DBER TRAM.. CT SARATOGA CA 95TM QUARRY RD 503-78.013 BURKE THOMAS B TRUSTBB 810 SOUTHAR'II''fON DR PALO ALTO CA 94301 573 DEER TRAM CT 503 -78 -014 YEH DANNY HT AL 413 BARCELONA CT MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94040 -3271 3475 DBHR TRAIL CT 503 -78 -013 PAPPANASTOS PETER AND VICTORIA G 13475 DEER TRAIL CT SARATOGA CA 95070 1909 VILLA OAKS LN 503 -78 -016 JUB JIMMY AND EILHEN B 21903 VILLA OAKS LN SARATOGA CA 95070 UARRY RD 393 -78 -018 BUM THOMAS E TRUSTEE 810 SOUTHAMPTON DR PALO ALTO CA 94,Ml 3506 DBBR TRAIL CT 303 --&019 ROSENDIN MICHAEL L AND STBLLA D 14693 QUITO RD SARATOGA CA 95070 -6226 DEER TRAIL Cr 503 -18021 YAN JOSEPH W AND ANNA M 782 LONDON DR MILPITAS CA 95035 -7517 DEERTL 503 -1&023 WANG PAI H AND SHUN J P O BOX 360363 MILMTAS CA 93W6 183 VILLA OAKS LN 5034/8 -026 UPPAL INDBRJIT S AND PARAMJIT K 22183 VILLA OAKS IN SARATOGA CA 93070 UARRYRD 503 -7/8-029 SC1iAA.FROGRR LAND YEE C 1346TULARC1TOS DR MILPITAS CA 95035 -7614 101 PEPPER LN 510.01 -024 YOUNG OTIS P AND TESSIE J TRUSTEE 15101 PEPPER LN SARATOGA CA 95070.6323 10/27/95 1906 WEED ABATEMENT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 17 FOR T h E CITY OF - AR ATG :A SITUS AM OWNER ADDRflSS CITY STAT B ZM 5285 BBLLECOURT AV 51003-D15 SORENSEN CARY L AND JEANNE S 15285 BELLECOURTAV SARATOGA CA 95070 -6406 5401 BBLLEICOURTAV 510-% -003 PUCCI EVELYN C 13401 BBLLECOURTAV SARATOGA CA 95070.6406 5214 BELLECOURT AV 310.05 -DOS JENC CHYI -RONG AND TZUU -CHYI 13214 BBLLE)COURT AV SARATOGA CA 95070.6407 GLEN UNA DR 510-05 -074 LORINCZ ALBERT B AND ANN M 18816 DEVON AV SARATOGA CA 950704606 9489 RUE DE GLEN UNA 510 -W -038 LAWRBNSON WILLIAM H AND JUDITH PO BOX 2295 SARATOGA CA 95070 - RUB DE GLEN UNA 510 -03-039 LIAOSHIH T AND YANC 5 13118 CUMBERLAND DR SARATOGA CA 95070.1416 GLBNUNA DR 51006-002 NOONAN MARCARET J BT AL 19651 GLENUA-A DR SARATOCA CA 95070-6411 9061 AUSTIN WY 51006-015 SKILLECORN BRIAN AND BDNA M 19061 AUSTIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070 -6404 9099 AUSTIN WY 51006 -017 LULLA SULOCHINA H AND HIRALAL R 19099 AUSTIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070.6404 GLEN UNA DR 51006-0M8 NOONAN MARGARET 11317 AL 19651 CLBN UNA DR SARATOGA CA 930706411 9288 BOUNTIFUL ACRES WY 51006 -0139 )UDD EIVAN V AND GAYLB W TRUSTEE 409 ALBERTO WY UNITS LOSCATOS CA 93032 9088 AUSTIN WY 51006.060 MALHOTRA VINOD AND NEEMA B 19088 AUSTIN IVY SARATOGA CA 95070.6405 918DAUSTIN WY 51006.062 LOSS CHARLES L AND YVONNB J TRUSTEE 19180 AUSTIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070.6460 9010AUSITN WY 51007.031 WONG ALLEN AND LILLIAN 107 CAMPANULA PL SAN30SE CA 95124 3839 HIDDEN HILL RD 51024019 VELINSKY IRA L AND MAYUMI 15839 I-IIDDBN HILL RD LOS CATDS CA 95030 0820 BIG BASIN WY 517 -07-007 DL` R0 MARION F SR AND MARY LTRUSTEE do 20620 BIG BASIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070 0825 PAMELA WY 517 -07 -014 DUTRO MARION P SRAND MARY L TRUSTEE 20820 BIG BASIN WY SARATOGA CA 95070 4396 BIC BASIN WY 517-08- 009 HILLBLOM WALTER AND CONNIE L 15131 ALONDRA LN SARATOGA CA 950704446 06TH ST 517 - 08.023 KINNIER LDWA A 453 HAWTHORNE AV UNIT D PALO ALTO CA 94201 4771 ALOHA AV 517- CS-035 W HALEN THADD13US ) III AND JULIA P 14771 ALOHA AV SARATOGA CA 950704006 4661 VICKERY AV 517 -11 -072 KROLL HARVEY V AND KATHY C 14661 VICKERY AV SARATOGA CA 93070.6084 4700 OAK Sr 517 -12 -006 QUICKERT GENIEVA M 14700 OAK ST SARATOGA CA 95070 -6058 0602 LOMI:A AV 517 -12 -0033 PURVISFOHN H AND TRACY B 20602 LOMI TAAV SARATOGA CA 95D7D 0600 L(XMITA AV 517 -12 -034 INGSTER MICHAEL C 20600 LOMITA AV SARATOGA CA 950746024 0400 HILL AV 317 -18 -048 ARATA ALMA R PO BOX 2206 SARATOGA CA 95070 MONTALVO HEIGHTS DR 517 -18 -051 SUCIU PAUL I AND AUDREY V 16995 BOHLMAN RD SARATOGA CA 950709601 LAND OMY 517- 18.064 SAW JOSE WATER WORKS 374 W SANTA CLARA ST SAN JOSE CA 951131502 MONTALVO HEIGHTS DR 517 -18 -055 SAN JOSE WATER WORKS 374 W SANTA CLARA ST SAN JOSE CA 931131502 5156 VICKHRY AV 517 -18 -061 OLAVARRI MIKE AND JOSEPHINE TRUSTEE PO BOX 591 SARATOGA CA 93070 4800 MONTALVO RD 517 -20003 DUTRA JANICE D PO BOX 516 SARATOGA CA 95071 0201 HILL AV 517 -20017 DENNIS MARCAREiT F TRUSTEE 20201 HILL AV SARATOGA CA 95070.6310 4B40MOMALVO RD 517 -20-029 MUELLER KEITH J AND SUSAN 11 14840MONTALVO RD SARATOGA CA 95070.6059 OD45 MEiNDBLSOHN LN 517 -21 -004 AIIRABITO BDMOND 392 22ND AV SAM PRANC39CO CA 94121 MENDELSOHN LN 517 -21 -012 KIMBALL SMALL RESIDENTIAL PROPS INC SOW SAN FERNANDOSTSTB 320 SAN JOSE CA 95113- 0077 MENDELSOHN LN 517 -21 -013 FLICK DAVID A 13D STACIA ST L06 GATOS CA 95032-6242 0087 MBNDELSOHN LN 517 -21 -014 BARON ERNEST J AND LINDA A 20650 4TH ST UNIT2 SARATOGA CA 95070 0151 RANCHO BBLLA VISTA 517 - 21-026 MIRANDA DANIEL AND EVA F 10114 PARIGVOODDR UNIT6 CUPERTINO CA 95014 0161 RANCHO BELLA VISTA 517 -21 -027 LEWIS RONALD D AMD MICE ME F 20161 RANCHO BELLA VISTA SARATOGA CA 950705958 10/27/95 1996 WEED ABATEM"r,,NT LIST BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 18 FGA THE CITY OF SARATOGA US PIEDMONT RD 5400 PEACH HILL RD 5164 MONTALVO RD BOHLMAN RD BOHLMAN RD 0972 HIDDEN VDRN' LN 0932 HIDDEN VIEW LN 0915 HIDDEN VIEW LN 0959 HIDDEN VIEW LN AM OWNER ADDRESS 517 -22 -037 KOCHER GEORGE S TRUSTEE &STAL 15139 PARK DR 517 -22 -072 MCCANDLESS BIRK S TRUSTEE & ET AL 3945 FREEDOM CIRC LE UNIT 1000 517 -22 -103 FULDEWALTER J AND CATHERINE D TRUSTEE 15164 MONTALVO RD 517 - 36.001 PBARCB DAVID B AND SHARON A 20932 HIDDEN VIEW LN 517- 36-002 SILBBRS717M PET13R S AND ANNA C 5940 A)wLkPOLA DR 517.36-003 SILBERSTEW PETIR S AND ANNA C 5940 AAWOLA DR 577 -36-004 PEARCE SHARON A AND DAVID B 20932 HIDDEN VIEW LN 517- 36.005 HIDDEN VIEW PTNRS 20915 HIDDEN VIEW LN 517- 36-007 CRAIK JAMES K AND JUDI 20959 HIDDEN VIEW LN CITY STATE ZU SARATOGA CA 95070.6421 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 SARATOGA CA 950746327 SARATOGA CA 95070.6344 SAN JOSE CA 95L29 -3057 SAN JOSE CA 95129 -30.57 SARATOGA CA 95070.6344 SARATOGA CA 950746344 SARATOGA CA 95070.6344 10127,'95 1996 WEED ABATEMENT LIS f BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Page 1 FOR THE CIT"! OF SARAT� GA SBE r.! RCELS SITUS APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZJTF 366 -12 -069 SOUTHERN PACIRC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET PLAZA SANFRANCISCO CA 94105 366 -12 -071 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET PLAZA SANFRANCISCO CA 94105 SARATOGASUNNYVALE RD 366 -20 -033 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 COX AV 386 - 44.038 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET PLAZA SANFRANCISCO CA 94105 COX AV 386 - 44.040 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 386 - 53.017 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET FLAZA SANFRANCISCO CA 94105 386 -53 -018 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 386 -53 -019 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 389 -01 -021 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET PLAZA SANFRAN3 0SCO CA 94105 389 -01 -022 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET PLAZA SANFRA,IICISCO CA 94105 389 -01 -023 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 389- 03 -OD1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET PLAZA SANFRANCISCO CA 94105 SARATOGA AV 389 -10 -009 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET PLAZA SANFRANCISCO CA 94105 SARATOGA AV 389 -11 -016 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET PLAZA SANFRANCISCO CA 94105 BONNET WY 389 -20 -001 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 ASPESI DR 389 -25 -001 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 COX AV 393 -17 -003 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION ONE MARKET PLAZA SANFRANCISCO CA 94105 COX AV 393 -17 -004 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO III ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 COX AV 393 -17 -005 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 COX AV 393 -17 -006 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 393 -21 -003 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO ill ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 SARATOGA AV 393- 21 -OD6 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO 111 ALMADEN BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95125 SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. 2.`0,33 MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 1995 ORIGINATING DEPT.: PUBLIC WORKS AGENDA ITEM 6- �) CITY MGR.: DEPT. HEAD: , SUBJECT: Authorization to purchase replacement vehicle Recommended Motion(s): Move to authorize the replacement of Vehicle #41 through purchase of a replacement vehicle from the State bid list Report Summary: The current budget contains $27,000 for replacement of Vehicle #41, the Public Works chipper truck. The vehicle is used to primarily haul landscape materials, green waste and debris from chipping operations, hence the name "Chipper truck ". Originally, staff had intended to wait until February for the State to issue its bid for 1996 trucks, however our recent experience purchasing through the State suggests that delivery of the vehicle will not occur until sometime next September or October in FY 96 -97. The State Dept. of General Services has advised the City that there are still 27 suitable trucks available from the 1995 bid at the Oakland Truck Center. They have also advised us to expect an increase of up to $2,000 for 1996 models. Given this information, staff is suggesting that authorization to purchase the replacement for Vehicle #41 be granted now using the 1995 State bid price. Fiscal Impacts• The replacement cost for Vehicle #41 using the State's 1995 bid price will be $16,904.05 + tax + a 1% administration fee paid to the State. An $8,728 removable canopy hood for the truck will be purchased upon delivery of the vehicle. The $27,000 budgeted .in Activity 82 (Equipment Operation) , Account 6785 (Rolling Stock Replacement), is sufficient to fund the recommended purchases. Advertising, Noticing and Public Contact: Nothing additional. Conseguences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: The replacement purchase will not be authorized. Follow Up Actions: Purchase orders will be issued for the truck and the canopy hood. Attachments: None. SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. Z.6 32-- AGENDA ITE MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 1995 CITY MGR.: ORIGINATING DEPT.: PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. HEAE SUBJECT: Sunland Park Landscaping Improvements - Award of Construction Contract Recommended Motionls 1. Move to declare Lone Star Landscape, Inc. of Alviso to be the lowest responsible bidder on the project. 2. Move to award a construction contract to Lone Star Landscape, Inc. in the amount of $64,569. 3. Move to authorize staff to execute change orders to the contract up to $5,000. Report Summary: Sealed bids for the Sunland Park Landscaping Improvements, were opened on October 11. This is the project being undertaken by the Sunland Park Homeowners through the Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District to install landscaping along Quito Road between Baylor and McCoy Aves. in conjunction with the street improvements to be completed by the City under the Pavement Management Program. A total of six contractors submitted bids for the work and a summary of the bids received is attached (Attachment 1). Lone Star Landscape, Inc. of Alviso submitted the lowest bid of $71,269 which is 5.0% below the Engineer's Estimate of $75,000. Staff has carefully checked the bid along with the listed references and has determined that the bid is responsive to the City's solicitation for bids. It is therefore recommended that the Council declare Lone Star Landscape, Inc. to be the lowest responsible bidder on the project, and award the attached construction contract (Attachment 2) to this firm in the amount of $64,569 for reasons specified below. Further, it is recommended that the Council authorize staff to execute change orders to the contract up to an amount of $5,000 to cover any unforeseen circumstances or quantity increases which may arise during the course of the work. Fiscal Impacts: Funding for this work is programmed in the adopted budget in Activity 39 (Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District), Account 4510 (General Contracts). The adopted budget contains $80,000 for the Sunland Park Landscaping Improvements which includes the design and construction work, incidental costs associated with the project, and a small contingency. In order to keep the entire project within the budget set by the Homeowners, it is necessary to reduce the construction contract amount by roughly 10% below the low bid. An acceptable way to accomplish this was worked out at a meeting held on October 17 between the Homeowners, the low bidder, the designer and the City wherein it was agreed to reduce the size of the trees to be planted from 24" box to 15 gallon, and to cut the thickness of mulch material to be spread over the landscaped areas from 2" to 111. These actions will reduce the low bid amount by $6,700, resulting in a contract amount of $64,569, as confirmed by the low bidder in a letter dated October 19 (Attachment 3), and are enough to bring the project back within budget. Advertising, Noticing and Public Contact: Nothing additional. Consequences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: Lone Star Landscape, Inc. will not be declared the lowest responsible bidder and a construction contract will not be awarded to that firm. The Council may make specific findings to declare another bidder to be the lowest responsible bidder, or reject all of the bids and direct staff to re -bid the entire project. However, staff does not believe that a lower bid will be obtained by re- bidding the project due to the relatively small spread between the first four low bidders. Follow Up Actions: The contract will be executed and the contractor will be issued a Notice to Proceed. Work will most likely begin towards the end of November and last through the end of the year. Attachments: 1. Bid Summary. 2. Construction Contract. 3. Letter from Lone Star Landscape, Inc. confirming changes and adjusted contract amount. CITY OF SARATOGA SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION SUNLAND PARK LANDSCAPE IMPROVMENTS THIS CONTRACT, made this 1st day of November, 1995, by and between the City of Saratoga, a Municipal Corporation, in Santa Clara County, California, hereinafter called the City, and Lone Star Landscaping, Inc. hereinafter called the Contractor. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has caused to be prepared in the manner prescribed by law, plans, specifications and other contract documents, for the work herein described and shown and has approved and adopted these contract documents, specifications and plans, and WHEREAS, the Contractor has submitted to the City a sealed bid proposal for the construction of all of the proposed work in accordance with the terms of this Contract, and WHEREAS, the City, in the manner prescribed by law, has publicly opened, examined and canvassed the bids submitted and as a result has determined and declared the Contractor to be the lowest responsible bidder and has duly awarded to the Contractor a contract for all of the work and for the sum or sums named in the bid proposal and in this Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I. WORK TO BE DONE: That the Contractor shall provide all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus and other means of construction; shall furnish all materials, superintendence and overhead expenses of whatever nature necessary to construct all of the improvements for the City of Saratoga in conformity with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and according to such instructions as may be given by the Saratoga Director of Public Works or his authorized agent. pi ARTICLE II. CONTRACT PRICES Except as provided in Section IV B of the Specifications ( "Changes and Extra Work "), the City shall pay the Contractor according to the prices stated in the bid proposal submitted by the Contractor, which shall include all applicable taxes, for complete performance of the work. The Contractor hereby agrees to accept such payment as full compensation for all materials and appliances necessary to complete the work; for all loss or damage arising from the work or from action of the elements, or from any unforeseen obstruction or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work; incurred in and in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of the work; as hereby specified; for all liabili- ties and other insurance; for all fees or royalties or other ex- penses on account of any patent or patents; for all overhead and other expenses incident to the work and expected profits; and for well and faithfully performing and completing the work within the time frame specified, all according to the contract plans and specifications, the details and instructions, and the requirements of the City. ARTICLE III. PARTS OF THE CONTRACT: That the complete contract document consists of the following: 1. Bid Proposal 5. Labor and Material Bond 2. Contract for Public Works 6. Plans Construction 7. Specifications 3. Hold Harmless Clause 8. Insurance Certificates 4. Performance Bond 9. Prevailing Wage Rates In case of any conflict between this Contract and any other part of the contract, this Contract shall be binding. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its City Manager and its City Clerk thereunto duly authorized and the Contractor has executed these presents the day and year hereinabove written. 10 AWARDED BY CITY COUNCIL: DATE: 11/01/95 ATTEST: City Clerk The foregoing Contract is approved as to form this day of , 19 City Attorney 11 CITY OF SARATOGA: CONTRACTOR: By Title License No. Tax ID or SSN SUNLAND PARK LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS BID SUMMARY I I I ENGINEERS ESTIMATE LONE STAR LANDSCAPING INC. I B&B LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS I I DEL CONIES LANDSCAPING I I ITEM # I ITEM DESCRIPTION I I I QUANTITY I I UNITS I I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL i UNIT PRICE i I TOTAL i UNIT PRICE i I TOTAL 11. SITE PREPARATION, PRUNING, TREE I I 1 I LS I I I I I N/A I I $9.000.00 I I N/A I $8,821.001 N/A I $6,500.001 N/A I $3,469.001 REMOVAL, AND CLEANUP I I II I I I I I I I I I I 12. SOIL PREPARATION I I I I I 1 I I I LS II I I I N/A I II I I $3,500.001 I I I N/A 1 I $2,000.001 I i N/A I $3,000.001 N/A I $4,057.001 13. (FINISH GRADING I I I t I LS I I N/A I I I I $3,000.001 I N/A 1 I $2,800.001 I N/A I I $1,000.00 I I N/A 1 I $1,869.001 14. IELECTRICALWORK I I 1 j I I LS I I I N/A I II I $2,500.00 I I N/A I I $2,000.001 I N/A I I $10,340.00 I I N/A I I $4,269.00 I 15. I IRRIGATION SYSTEM I I I t I I I LS I I I N/A I II I $25,000.00 I I N/A 1 I $25,608.00 I I N/A 1 I $24,523.00 I I N/A 1 I $21,469.00 I 16. 1 PLANTING I I I 1 I I I LS I I I N/A I II I $20,000.00 I I N/A 1 I $18,440.00 I I N/A 1 I $20,710.00 I I N/A 1 I $32,283.00 I 17. 1 MULCH I 1 1 LS I I I N/A I I I I $10,000.00 I I N/A I I $9,00100 I I N/A 1 I $5,780.001 I N/A 1 I $4,769.001 18. I60 DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD 1 1 L$ I I I N/A I I $2,000.00 I I N/A I I $1,600.001 I N/A I I $1,200.00 I I N/A I I $1,469.001 TOTAL I I I $75,000.00 I 1 $71,269.00 I I I I 1 i i $72,033.00 i i $73,654.00 SUNLAND PARK LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS BID SUMMARY I I I ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE I PACHECO BROTHERS GARDENING I JOHN CLAY ENGINEERING I SHIMADA LANDSCAPE, INC. 1 I ITEM # I ITEM DESCRIPTION I I I QUANTITY I UNITS I I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL UNIT PRICE I TOTAL 1 SITE PREPARATION, PRUNING, TREE I I 1 1 1 LS II I I I N/A 1 I $9,000.001 I N/A I I S4,265.001 I N/A 1 I $6,000.001 I I N/A 1 $14,245.00 1 I I REMOVAL, AND CLEANUP I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12. (SOIL PREPARATION I I 1 j I I LS II I I I I I I $5,00100 1 I N/A 1 1 $10,690.00 I 11 N/A I II $3,500.001 N/A 1 $1.800.001 N/A 1 13. 1FINISH GRADING I I 1 1 1 I I LS I 11 N/A 1 II I I $3,000.001 I N/A 1 I $1,500.001 I N/A 1 I $15,000.00 1 I N/A 1 I $1,345.001 14. 1ELECTRICALWORK I I I 1 1 I I LS 11 N/A 1 II i I $2,500.001 I N/A 1 I $1,400.001 I N/A 1 I $2,499.001 I N/A 1 I $1,465.001 15. 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM I 1 I 1 1 LS 11 N/A 1 I I I I $25,000.00 1 I N/A 1 I $23,747.00 1 I N/A 1 I $30,000.00 1 I N/A 1 I $32,020.00 1 16. 1 PLANTING I I 1 j I I LS 11 N/A 1 II I $20,000.00 1 I N/A I I $29.085.001 I N/A 1 I $20,000.00 I I N/A ( 1 $28,685.00 1 17. 1 MULCH I I 1 1 1 I I LS I I I N/A 1 II I $10,000.00 1 I N/A I I $10,994.00 I I N/A 1 I $5,000.001 I N/A 1 I $7,000.001 18. 160 DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD I 1 1 LS I 11 N/A 1 I $2,000.001 I N/A 1 I $2,080.00 1 I N/A 1 I $2,200.001 I N/A 1 I $1,500.001 TOTAL I I I $75,000.00 1 1 $74,871.00 I I I I I I I $85.699.00 i i $96,950.00 Lone Star Landscape, Inc. Lic. #463280 P.O. Box 1028, Alviso, California 95002, (408) 945 -1302, FAX (408) 945 -0755 October 19, 1995 City of Saratoga 13777 Fruitvale Ave Saratoga, CA 95070 RE: Sunland Park Landscape Improvements Dear Larry Perlin: As per our meeting on October 17th regarding the above referenced project we agree to the following changes: To change 24" box trees to 15 gallon trees - $2,200.00 To change 2" of mulch to 1" of mulch -$4,500.00 Total Credit - $6,700.00 With this credit, the revised contract price will be $64,569.00. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Robert Samaniego RS:aln 960 Taylor Street, Alviso, California SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. 2-63 1 AGENDA ITI MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 1995 CITY MGR.: ORIGINATING DEPT.: PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. HEAL SUBJECT: Authorization to participate in ABAG Power Purchasing Pool Recommended Motion(s): Move to adopt the Resolution authorizing City participation in the ABAG Power Purchasing Pool. Report Summary: Earlier this year, ABAG formed a Power Purchasing Pool to allow Bay Area local governments to take advantage of lower energy rates through aggregation of the Pool's participants' energy usage into larger purchasing blocks. The initial phase of the program will attempt to negotiate the bulk purchase of natural gas through suppliers other than PG &E under the new deregulated natural gas environment. ABAG's initial estimates, which they believe are conservative, predict initial savings of between 3 and 6 percent below PG &E rates. At this time, over 60 local governments and special districts are expected to participate in the first bulk purchase of natural gas which should occur sometime during the first half of 1996. Actual rates will be known in early December at which time participants can elect to opt out of the purchase if rates are not attractive. The attached Resolution authorizes City participation in the Power Purchasing Program and is needed by ABAG to include the City's gas usage in the aggregate purchase amount for which proposals from gas suppliers will be solicited by ABAG. The Resolution also authorizes the City Manager to execute the attached Subscription Agreement which specifies the terms of the City's participation in the program. The agreement will expire if the City rejects the rates ABAG negotiates with a supplier. Also attached is a Sample Report to Council which explains in greater detail the information summarized above. Based on usage data for the past 12 months, the City could realize a savings in the neighborhood of $500 per year through participation in the program. This amount will most likely grow over time as future purchase contracts are negotiated and a larger pool is formed, and as the City's gas usage increases when the CNG fueling facility becomes operational. Fiscal Impacts• There are no fiscal impacts associated with adopting the Resolution or executing the Subscription Agreement. Advertising, Noticing and Public Contact: Nothing additional. Consequences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: The Resolution will not be adopted will not be approved. The City wi 11 in the initial purchase through the Follow Up Actions: and the Subscription Agreement not be eligible to participate ABAG Pool. The Resolution and Subscription Agreement will be transmitted to ABAG. City staff will participate in upcoming meetings of the Pool to formalize bid documents, review bids, etc. Attachments: 1. Resolution authorizing City participation in the ABAG Power Purchasing Pool. 2. Subscription Agreement. 3. Sample Report to Council. 4. ABAG fact sheet - ABAG's Power Purchasing Pool. 5. PG &E fact sheet - Natural Gas Options. Resolution No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE ABAG POWER PURCHASING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Saratoga is currently purchasing natural gas and related transportation and distribution services from Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG &E); and WHEREAS, energy rates in the Bay area are among the highest in the nation, particularly for natural gas and electricity; and WHEREAS, deregulation of the natural gas industry in 1986 and deregulation of the electric services industry currently under consideration by the California Public Utilities Commission and the State legislature is creating new opportunities for local governments to lower their energy costs through collective action; and WHEREAS, there are no existing power purchasing pools for Bay Area local governments interested in lower energy costs; and WHEREAS, bulk purchasing of natural gas has proven itself to be a legal and cost - effective means to achieve reduction in energy costs through the use of a competitive bid program; and WHEREAS, it would greatly benefit the City of Saratoga to be prepared to take advantage of any coming changes in the regulation of the electric market; and WHEREAS, the City of Saratoga is a member /associate member of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG); and WHEREAS, ABAG, in conjunction with New Energy Ventures, Inc. (NEV), proposes to form a Power Purchasing Pool Program to aggregate natural gas needs of interested ABAG members and associate members, to collectively negotiate a purchase of natural gas and transportation services through a competitive request for proposals, and to negotiate an agreement with PG &E for distribution of natural gas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby authorizes the participation of the City of Saratoga in the ABAG Power Purchasing Pool to undertake a bulk purchasing program for natural gas and electricity on behalf of the City of Saratoga and other ABAG members or cooperating members. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to enter into a Subscription Agreement with ABAG, in substantially the form set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" appointing ABAG as the agent for the City of Saratoga in negotiating a distribution agreement with PG &E, issuing a Request for Proposal for the purchase and transportation of natural gas and negotiation of a contract with the responsive, responsible proposer proposing the lowest costs. . FINALLY, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the City Manager is authorized to execute and deliver the contracts negotiated by ABAG on behalf of the City of Saratoga and is appointed the City of Saratoga's representative on ABAG's Power Purchasing Committee to oversee the operation of Power Purchasing Pool program. PASSED AND ADOPTED this of , 1995 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Deputy City Clerk Mayor 1A. POWER PURCHASING PROGRAM SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT No. 96.01 This Agreement made effective the day of , 1995, between the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), a joint powers entity created pursuant to California Government Code Sections 6500 et. sea., and (Public Agency), a California RECITALS A. The Public Agency currently purchases natural gas, and natural gas transportation and distribution from [Pacific Gas & Electric (PG &E) /(or fill in name of current natural gas supplier)]. B. ABAG, with the assistance of New Energy Ventures, Inc. (NEV), has organized a program for the bulk purchase of natural gas and for natural gas transportation and distribution services on behalf of interested members of ABAG (Power Purchasing Program). C. ABAG's Power Purchasing Program has the potential to generate cost savings in the Public Agency's use of natural gas. Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement, the parties agree to perform as follows: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Scope of Services. (a) The Public Agency hereby appoints ABAG its exclusive agent from the effective date of this Agreement until the Expiration Date as defined in Section 2 or until this Agreement is -1- suaAahrr.P3 terminated in accordance with its terms, with all powers reasonably necessary to accomplish the following: (1) Negotiate an agreement with PG &E for the distribution of natural gas to some or all of the locations at which PG &E currently distributes natural gas to the Public Agency (PG &E Agreement) . (2) Issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purchase and delivery of natural gas to the PG &E distribution system. (3) Negotiate a contract with the responsive, responsible entity proposing the lowest cost for furnishing and transporting natural gas (Natural Gas Purchase Contract). (b) Public Agency acknowledges that ABAG will be aggregating some or all of the natural gas requirements of the Public Agency and other members and associate members of ABAG and that the RFP process, negotiations and contracts contemplated under subsection 1(a) will be performed on behalf of the Public Agency and other ABAG members. Public Agency will use its best reasonable effort to transmit, or cause to be transmitted to ABAG such information as may be necessary for ABAG to determine the Public Agency's natural gas needs based on past usage patterns and to efficiently aggregate the Public Agency's natural gas needs with those of other ABAG members participating in the Power Purchasing Program, including utility bills and locations of utility meters. (c) ABAG will act on behalf of the Public Agency and other members of ABAG participating in the Power Purchasing Program as described in subsection 1(a) of this Agreement. 2. Term. This Agreement is effective as the date first set forth above and shall expire on the earlier of [fill in the projected date of the expiration of the first Natural Gas Purchase Contract ] or the date the Public Agency fails to execute and deliver the Natural Gas -2- sus -waWY3 Purchase Contract or the PG &E Agreement pursuant to Section 4(b) (Expiration Date). This Agreement may terminate prior to the expiration date in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of Exhibit A. 3. Compensation. (a) Upon execution and delivery of the Natural Gas Purchase Contract and PG &E Agreement, the Public Agency shall be obligated to pay transaction fees to ABAG to cover . ABAG's costs in implementing the Power Purchasing Program. ABAG's transaction fees will not exceed six cents ($.06) per decatherm of natural gas delivered to the Public Agency during the term of the Natural Gas Purchase Contract. (b) The amount or method of determining of ABAG's fees will be identified in the Rate Proposal described in Section 4(a). (c) Subject to Section 3(a), on the first day of each [month /quarter /or exact dates], ABAG will send an invoice for its fees to Public Agency for review. Public Agency will pay the invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt or submit a written statement within that time stating the basis for the Public Agency's disapproval of all or a portion of the invoice. Fee disputes will be resolved by mutual agreement [or submitted to arbitration under Section 13 of Exhibit A]. 4. Participation. (a) Upon completion of ABAG's negotiation of a PG &E Agreement and- a Natural Gas Purchase Contract, such agreements and a Rate Schedule containing (1) the proposed total. unit cost of natural gas as transported .to identified Public Agency meter locations; (2) the total unit cost of natural gas transferred to identified Public Agency locations last year; and (3) ABAG's fees shall be submitted to the individual identified in Section (b) The Public Agency shall within ( ) working days of the date of the Rate Schedule deliver to ABAG: -3- sus- AGMT.e3 (1) Duly authorized and validly executed originals of the Natural Gas Purchase Contract and PG &E Agreement; or (2) The Public Agency's rejection of the agreements and /or fees; or (3) The Public Agency Council resolution withdrawing from the Power Purchasing Program. 5. Power Purchasing Pool Committee. Upon execution and delivery of the PG &E Agreement and the Natural Gas Purchase Contract, (Public Agency Representative), shall be the Public Agency's representative to the Power Purchasing Pool Committee. The Power Purchasing Pool Committee shall provide policy direction for the Power Purchasing Program. The Committee's powers shall include admission of new Participants and the extension of the PG &E Agreement and the Natural Gas Purchase Contract, under rules and procedures adopted by the Committee., 6. Approvals. The Public Agency Representative may grant any approval, or give any direction required by this Agreement, in writing or orally. Written approvals or directions may be transmitted physically, by facsimile or electronically. Oral approvals will be confirmed in writing by either party. 7. Written Notices. Written notices shall be transmitted to the following: ABAG: Association of Bay Area Governments P.O. Box 2050 Oakland, CA 94604 -2050 Facsimile: Electronic. Mail: Public Agency : 8. Attorneys' Fees. In the event either of the parties brings an action or legal proceeding due to an alleged breach of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. -4- sus- xaMr.3 9. Subcontractors. ABAG may not subcontract any portion of the work under this Agreement without.the Public Agency's prior written consent. The Public Agency hereby consents to ABAG's contracting with NEV. 10. Ownership of Files, Reports, Photographs, and Related Documents. Upon completion of the work or termination of the Agreement, any and all files, reports, photographs, plans, specifications, drawings, data, maps, models and related documents respecting in any way the subject matter of this Agreement, whether prepared by ABAG, the Public Agency or third parties and in whatever media they are stored shall remain or shall become the property of the Public Agency and the Public Agency shall acquire title to, and copyright ownership of, all such documents. The Public Agency hereby grants to ABAG an irrevocable license to retain a copy of all records covered by this section for ABAG's files. -5- SUB- AOMr.P3 11. Other Contract Provisions. This Agreement shall be subject to the other standard provisions which are set forth in the attached Exhibit _, which is incorporated by this reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands effective the date and year first above written. ASSOCIATION OF'BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS by: Eugene Y. Leong, Executive Director Approved as to legal form and content: by: Kenneth K. Moy, Legal Counsel PUBLIC AGENCY by: Approved as to legal form and content: by: -6- sus- AGMT.w3 M EXHIBIT STANDARD CONTRACT PROVISIONS 1. Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned, transferred, hypothecated, or pledged by either party without prior written consent of the other. 2. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time, but only by a writing signed by both parties. 3. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 4. Waiver. The waiver by either party of a breach by the other of any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach either of the same or a different provision of this Agreement. 5. Headings. The descriptive headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of any of its provisions. 6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement is entire as to all of the performances to be rendered under it. This Agreement supersedes any and all other contracts either oral or in writing between ABAG and Public Agency with respect to the subject matter hereof and contains all of the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to such matter. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises, or contracts, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other contract, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding. 7. Controlling Law. This Agreement and all matters relating to it shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. -1- SUB- AOMT.P3 0 ti 8. Binding on Successors. Etc. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors, assigns, or transferees of ABAG or Public Agency as the case may be. This provision shall not be construed as an authorization to assign, transfer, hypothecate, or pledge this Agreement other than as provided above. 9. Severability. Should any part of this Agreement be declared unconstitutional, invalid, or beyond the authority of either party to enter into or carry out, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect; provided that, the remainder of this Agreement can, absent the excised portion, be reasonably interpreted to give effect to the intentions of the parties. 10. Termination. If; through any cause, either party fails to fulfill in timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if such party violates any of the covenants, conditions, contracts, or stipulations of this Agreement, the other party has the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the breaching party specifying the effective date of termination. Notice of termination shall be given at least five (5) days before its effective date. This section does not relieve the other party of liability to the other for damages arising out of a breach of this Agreement. 11. Records /Audit. ABAG shall keep complete and accurate books and records of all financial aspects of its relationship with Public Agency in accordance with generally- accepted accounting principles. ABAG shall permit authorized representatives of Public Agency and /or any of Public Agency's governmental grantors to inspect, copy, and audit all data and records of ABAG relating to its performance of services under this Agreement. ABAG shall maintain all such data and records intact for a period of three (3) years after the date that services are completed hereunder or this Agreement is otherwise terminated. -2- SU&AOMT.P3 12. Prohibited Interest. ABAG's officers, employees or agents shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to subcontracts. 13. Insurance Requirements. (a) ABAG shall, at its own expense, obtain and maintain in effect at all times during the life of this Agreement the following insurance: (1) Workers' compensation insurance as required by law. (2) Comprehensive general liability insurance coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) in the aggregate for products and /or completed operations and One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for automobiles. (3) Professional liability insurance with minimum liability limits of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate. (b) All ABAG's insurance policies shall contain an endorsement providing that written notice shall be given to Public Agency at least thirty (30) days prior to termination, cancellation, or reduction of coverage in the policy or policies, and all policies shall be carried by an insurance company or companies acceptable to Public Agency. (c) In addition, each policy or policies of insurance described in subparagraph (2) above shall contain an endorsement providing for inclusion of Public Agency and its directors, officers, agents, and employees 'as additional insureds with respect to the work or operations in connection with this Agreement and providing that such insurance is primary insurance and that no insurance of Public Agency will be called upon to contribute to a loss. (d) Promptly upon execution of this Agreement, ABAG shall deliver to Public Agency certificates of insurance evidencing the above insurance coverages. Such certificates shall make reference to all provisions or endorsements required herein and shall be signed on behalf of the insurer by an authorized representative thereof. ABAG agrees that at any time upon written request by Public Agency to make available copies of such policies certified by an authorized representative of the insured. -3- SUB- AOMr.P3 w (e) The foregoing requirements as to types and limits of insurance coverage to be maintained by ABAG and approval of policies by Public Agency are not intended to, and shall not, in any manner limit or qualify the liabilities and obligations otherwise assumed by ABAG pursuant to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, liability assumed pursuant to ABAG's insurance policies under Subsections (a)(2) of this section. (f) ABAG shall require all subcontractors to comply with the insurance requirements described in Section 13(a) -(d), inclusive. [14. Arbitration. Any dispute between ABAG and the Public Agency regarding the interpretation, effects, alleged breach or powers and duties arising out of this Agreement shall Pe submitted to binding arbitration. The arbitrator shall be selected by agreement between the parties by lot from a list of up to six (6) arbitrators with each party submitting up to three (3) arbitrators.] -4- SUB- AOMr.P3 SAMPLE REPORT TO COUNCIL TRANSMITTING THE ABAG POWER POOL RESOLUTION AND SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 1995 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Association of Bay Area Governments' (ABAG's) Power Purchasing Pool SUMMARY As the first phase of a comprehensive power purchasing program, the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) has created a natural gas purchasing program for Bay Area local governments and special districts. The program offers potential savings of three to six percent below the rates now charged by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG &E). Actual savings will be determined by a competitive bid process for the purchase and transportation of natural gas to be conducted by ABAG this fall. To participate in the bid process and be eligible to purchase natural gas at the reduced rates, the Council must adopt the Resolution — and authorize the City Manager to sign the ABAG Subscription Agreement (attached) and sign the natural gas purchase contract and PG &E distribution agreement negotiated by ABAG on behalf of the City. BACKGROUND In May 1996, ABAG staff began exploring the possibility of generating savings on the electric and gas purchases made by local governments. In July 1995, after a preliminary analysis, the ABAG Executive Board authorized the formation of the ABAG Power Purchasing Pool and authorized the aggregation of participants' energy usage in larger blocks to yield lower costs for participating members. ABAG has an established track record of successful affiliate services that have yielded significant savings for participants in workers' compensation, pooled risk management, and pooled financial services. The intent of the ABAG Power Purchasing Pool is to build on this experience and offer a new program extending this same history of service and cost savings to gas and electric purchases by local governments. The first phase of the Power Purchasing Pool will be a pooled purchase of natural gas. In the late 1980's, state and federal laws were modified to introduce competition into the natural gas market, so the legal and regulatory framework for these purchases is much clearer than for electric purchases. Competition has, however, reduced the cost of natural gas significantly since deregulation took effect. ABAG estimates that savings from this purchase may be low (from three to six percent) due to falling prices, but that additional savings will be achievable in natural gas when interstate transportation charges are unbundled from PG &E rates in 1998. In addition to the cost savings, interested local governments have agreed that there is considerable organizational benefit to a natural gas purchase at this time, with the principal benefit being the familiarization of local government staff and officials with the concepts and practices of buying energy in a deregulated energy market. Approximately 60 local governments and special districts have indicated they intend to participate in the first bulk purchase of natural gas. DISCUSSION AND PROPOSED ACTION Under existing state PUC regulations and PG &E tariffs, it is permissible for natural gas customers with accounts using*less than 20,800 therms per month (Core Accounts) to aggregate those accounts with others, to purchase gas from a supplier other than PG &E. Such gas purchases are then delivered to the PG &E transportation and distribution system for delivery to the end -user. It is also permissible for natural gas customers with accounts using over 20,800 therms per month (Non -Core Accounts) to purchase gas, individually or in aggregation with others, from a supplier other than PG &E and have such gas transported to PG &E for delivery to the end -user. Several larger cities.and counties have already taken advantage of this option on their own. Under ABAG's natural gas purchasing program, the City's natural gas requirements for all its Core Accounts and any eligible Non -Core Accounts for a one year period would be aggregated with the natural gas requirements of other jurisdictions and put out to competitive bid. A contract would be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive gas supplier. PG &E would transport, distribute, perform routine maintenance and emergency response, and read meters as they currently do for the City under a standardized agreement. Resolution The proposed Resolution would authorize the City's participation in the program and authorizes the City Manager: 1) to enter into a Subscription Agreement with ABAG (described below), 2) to execute the natural gas purchase contract and the PG &E agreement or reject participation in the program upon receipt of ABAG's rates in December 1995, and 3) to participate as the City's representative on an ABAG committee overseeing the operation of the program. N Subscription Agreement The ABAG Subscription Agreement articulates the terms of the City's participation in the program. Under the agreement, the City appoints ABAG as its agent to: 1) issue a request for proposals, evaluate bids, and negotiate a contract for natural gas supply and 2) negotiate an agreement with PG &E for transportation and/or distribution of natural gas. The Subscription Agreement will expire: 1) when and if the City rejects the natural gas rates negotiated by ABAG or 2) at the expiration of the natural gas purchase contract and the PG &E agreement. (approximately one year). In addition to agreeing to pay for the natural gas service provided under both the contract and the agreement, the City agrees to pay ABAG a fixed fee not to exceed six cents per decatherm of natural gas purchased by the City as compensation for costs incurred in administering the natural gas purchase. This fee is equivalent to approximately one percent of the City's current cost of gas per decatherm. The total amount of the fee will be included with the rates provided by ABAG in December. Fifty percent (50 %) of this fixed .fee will go to New Energy Ventures (NEV) is a Pasadena -based energy consulting firm contracted by ABAG to assist them in the analysis of energy data, the preparation of the request for proposals, review and selection of bids, and negotiation of agreements. NEV was selected by ABAG as the most qualified of those firms interviewed by ABAG in May 1995. NEV will receive 50 percent of the fixed fee collected by ABAG or approximately three cents per decatherm. The President of NEV is Michael Peevey, formerly the President and Director of the Southern California Edison Company and SCECorp. Other NEV principals include Michael C. Burke, formerly Director of Utility Services, Dames & Moore, Regulatory and Environmental Coordinator of the California Public Utilities Commission, and Assistant Executive Director of the California Energy Comission; and Stan Hulett, formerly President of the California Public Utilities Commission. Termination As discussed above, it is possible to terminate the Subscription Agreement upon receipt of the ABAG rates. However, if the City accepts the rates, it is committed by the terms of the agreement to participate in the program for one year. The consequences of terminating the natural gas purchase contract and the PG &E distribution agreement prior to the expiration of their terms will be described in those agreements. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council adopt the attached resolution and authorize the City Manager to: 1) sign the ABAG Subscription Agreement 2) execute or reject the natural gas purchase agreement contract and the PG &E distribution agreement negotiated through the ABAG competitive bid process and 3) participate on the ABAG Power Purchasing Pool Steering Committee. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact resulting from the adoption of the resolution or the signing of the Subscription Agreement. Cost savings in the range of three to six percent over current expenditures may be achieved if reduced rates are presented by ABAG and accepted by the City. 4 ABAG's Power Purchasing Pool If your City, County, or agency is like most in the Bay Area, you are spending hundreds of thousand, if not millions, of dollars on natural gas and electricity. . . at rates that are among the highest in the nation. ABAG's Power Purchasing Pool is a new ABAG Service Program offering member agencies an opportunity to reduce energy costs by pooling their demand with other local governments. The Power Purchasing Pool is directed by a committee of Pool Participants and provides a range of energy consulting services to local governments at a cost - only basis, including: 'Energy Load Analysis and Aggregation `RFP Preparation and Bid Solicitation 'Bid Analysis and Shortlisting 'Negotiations with Energy Wholesalers 'Member- specific acquisition activities. All services arc provided by a team of energy and legal professionals assembled by ABAG to support the Power Purchasing Pool. The Power Purchasing Pool will provides members with easy and low -cost access to the long -term and spot market natural gas purchasing market starting the Fall of 1995 and will provide access to the wholesale and spot electricity purchasing market as soon as possible. Future ABAG Power Activities The ABAG Power Purchasing Pool is authorized by the ABAG Executive Board to assist local governments in evaluating their strategic and economic options in both the natural gas and electrical power markets. Phase 1 of the Pool's activities will focus on natural gas purchasing. Phase 2 will be an expansion of activities into the electric services market. Deregulation of the electric services industry will create new opportunities and roles for local governments. The ABAG Power Purchasing Pool will be actively participating in regulatory and legislative discussions related to the role of local governments in the deregulated electric market. In addition, opportunities to obtain lower rates for electricity may be possible before deregulation occurs. The ABAG Power Purchasing Pool will be evaluating those options as well. DccL6f ABAG's Power Purchasing Pool For further information, contact: Patty Spangler Assistant to the Executive Director Association of Bay Area Governments P.O. Box 2050 A Local Government Service Program Oakland, CA 94607 of the (510) 464 -7933 Association of Bay Area Governments Questions ... and Answers about ABAG's Power Purchasing Pool How does the Power Purchasing Will my jurisdiction need to sever Pool work? its relationship with PG &E to join ABAG's Power Purchasing Pool is a bulk purchasing program for natural gas and electricity. Phase 1 will focus on the purchase of natural gas. With the assistance of a team of professional energy consultants, the natural gas requirements of pool members will be aggregated (totaled) and packaged into discrete buying blocks likely to interest a broad range of natural gas wholesalers. Loads will be aggregated to create economies of scale, as well as combined with others of dissimilar load shapes to decrease the cost of serving combined loads. The aggregated demand is then put out for competitive bid. When bids are analyzed, a short list of bidders is completed and negotiations begin. When a purchase agreement is reached, natural gas is delivered to PG &E for distribution to the member agencies. Is this legal? Completely. The market for natural gas was deregulated in the late 1980's, making direct gas purchases possible for governments, businesses, and residents. the Pool? No. In fact, PG &E will still transport natural gas to your facilities, conduct meter readings, and bill your jurisdiction as it does now. All that really changes is the company that supplies your natural gas to PG &E. How much will my jurisdiction save over current natural gas rates? Savings will vary depending on bid price received through the pool's competitive bidding process. Savings estimates range from 8 to 12 percent below current utility natural gas rates. Will participation in the Power Purchasing Pool require any extra work for Pool members? Some initial staff work will be required to obtain your energy data from PG &E and review subscription agreements and other organizational activities. Operation of the power pool, however, should involve only minimal staff time to process billings from ABAG covering the additional financial transactions involved in the competitive bid process. Will there be additional paper work or bills for my jurisdiction to pay? In addition to your PG &E bill, you will receive a bill from ABAG for the transaction costs associated with operating the Pool. Can my jurisdiction leave the Pool? Yes. Your subscription agreement with ABAG will specify your rights and responsibilities and will provide specific provisions on how you may withdraw from the Pool. Will the Pool also look at pooled purchases of electricity? Yes, the Pool will be looking at group purchases of electricity as soon as possible under state and federal law. In the interim, ABAG's energy consultants will evaluate existing opportunities for local governments to reduce their electric costs. I .. NATURAL GAS OPTIONS HOW TO MAKE INFORMED PURCHASING DECISIONS What is the difference between core and noncore natural gas service? What natural gas aggregation options are available today for core customers? How can I evaluate these options? PG &E created this fact sheet to answer these key questions and help customers make informed energy decisions. CORE VS. NONCORE SERVICE PG &E's natural gas customers are divided into two groups —core customers and noncore customers. Each group pays for its gas service in two primary areas: commodity charges - the gas itself; and transportation charges - the cost of delivering the gas to the customer. Noncore customers use over 250,000 therms per year (average use exceeds 20,800 therms per month) and are willing to curtail natural gas use to protect core customer needs. They pay a lower transportation rate because they are more economical for PG &E to serve, due to their large steady loads and willingness to curtail. There are currently about 1,200 noncore customers. Most of these customers buy their natural gas commodity from a third party; some buy natural gas from PG &E. PG &E serves 3.7 million core gas customers. Core customers include all residential customers and commercial customers served on rate schedules G -NR1 and G -NR2. Core customers receive the highest level of service reliability on PG &E's system. PG &E makes sure their gas needs are met, even in the winter, by contracting for firm interstate capacity on interstate pipelines, securing gas supplies and managing its gas storage facilities. The combination of PG &E gas commodity costs and transportation costs make up the rate that core customers pay. These customers pay higher transportation rates because they are more expensive to serve due to their smaller loads, winter peaking load patterns and dispersal throughout the service territory. They also pay for greater service reliability. Core customers may buy their gas from a third party. These customers continue to pay the same transportation rate. On average, about 30% of a PG &E core customer's total gas bill is for commodity. The other 70% is for transportation charges. PG &E's natural gas commodity is a pass - through cost to customers, which means that no margin, or mark -up, is added. All customers pay transportation charges, regardless of whether they buy their natural gas commodity from PG &E or a third party. WHAT AGGREGATION OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE TODAY? A core customer may buy gas from a third party supplier by electing PG &E's Gas Core Transportation service for a minimum of one year. The customer designates a Core Transport Agent (CTA), or aggregator, who provides the customer gas aggregation service. The CTA manages gas deliveries to a group of customers whose loads they aggregate. The combined gas use for all of the customer accounts in the group must be at least 250,000 therms per year. The CTA is responsible for making sure that enough natural gas is delivered to the California border to meet the customers' monthly gas needs, and for managing an allocation of storage to meet their winter reliability needs. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of the details of PG &E's Gas Core Transportation Service described in this material are subject to CPUC approval and may change at a later date. September 1995 All costs associated with gas aggregation service are the financial responsibility of the CTA. A CTA must meet PG &E's credit requirements in order to qualify to provide gas aggregation service to customers. The CTA bills its customers directly for commodity charges. PG &E ensures that the gas is delivered from the California border, through its intrastate pipeline system, to the customers' meters. Delivery, or transportation, charges are paid for by the customer, regardless of billing arrangements a customer may have with the CTA or PG &E. HOW CAN I EVALUATE OPTIONS? To make an informed decision, a customer should understand PG &E's procurement and core transportation service and costs in order to assess any advantage gained or lost if they choose transportation -only service. PG &E can help customers make the right choice by providing specific cost and service information. If a customer is interested in PG &E's Core Gas Transportation Service, they should contact a CTA for cost and service figures and compare that information with PG &E's service costs. That way, the customer can choose the provider whose services best matches their needs. Customers should be aware that the magnitude of savings achieved through aggregation may be small compared to their overall energy costs. Savings may vary, depending on the service provided by the CTA and how much overhead cost is incurred by the customer to evaluate the results of the service. PG &E cannot recommend a particular CTA but it can provide a list of those CTAs currently providing aggregation service to customers. PG &E suggests that customers interviewing prospective CTAs make certain to include questions pertaining to: • Reliability of gas supply • Price • Contract Terms • Billing Arrangements HOW CAN I ELECT CORE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE? To elect Core Gas Transportation Service, the customer must execute a "Customer Authorization for Core Transportation Service" including a current list of PG &E gas accounts. The CTA will submit it to PG &E. Core Transportation Service will begin no later than 90 days from the date PG &E receives the Authorization. Each PG &E account will begin service on the normal meter reading date for each account. The initial term of the Authorization is twelve (12) months and will continue month to month unless the customer closes its business, the CTA is no longer providing gas aggregation service or either the CTA or customer executes and submits to PG &E a "Termination of Customer Authorization for Core Gas Transportation Service'. Refer to PG &E's Schedule G -CT -- Core Gas Transportation Service for the actual rules and regulations governing service. Please note that CTAs are not regulated by the CPUC. Any disputes with CTA will be the customer's sole responsibility. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of the details of PG &E's Gas Core Transportation Service described in this material are subject to CPUC approval and may change at a later date. September 1995 SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. Z4,3 'D AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 1995 CITY MGR.: ORIGINATING DEPT.: PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. HEAD: SUBJECT: SD 90 -003.2 (12297 Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road) - Final Map Approval for 28 lots Recommended Motion(s): 1. Move to adopt Resolution No. 91 -19.1 granting Final Map Approval of Tentative Map Application No. SD 90 -003.2 for twenty -eight lots at 12297 Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road. 2. Move to authorize the Mayor to execute the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. Report Summary: Attached is Resolution No. 91 -19.1 which, if adopted, will grant Final Map Approval for twenty -eight lots located at 12297 Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road. I have examined the final map and related documents submitted to me in accordance with the provisions of Section 14.40.020 of the Municipal Code and have determined that: 1. The final map substantially complies with the approved tentative map. 2. All conditions of the approved tentative map, as contained in City Council Resolution No. 91 -19 and Planning Commission Resolution No. SD 90- 003.2, have been completed or will be completed concurrent with development of the project. 3. The Subdivision Map Act, the City's Subdivision Ordinance and all other applicable provisions of law have been complied with. 4. The final map is technically correct. Consequently, I have executed the City Engineer's certificate on the f inal map and have f iled the f inal map with the City Clerk pursuant to Section 14.40.040 of the Municipal Code for action by the City Council. Fiscal Impacts: The subdivider has paid the following fees in connection with the processing of the final map: • Engineering Fees - $32,116.12 • Park Development Fees - $212,160 • Contribution towards Gateway Corridor improvements - $27,500 Follow Up Actions: The signed map will be released to the subdivider's Title Company for recordation along with recording instructions. Consequences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: The final map must either be approved or rejected by the City Council. If the map is rejected, it would be returned to the subdivider with findings as to why the map was rejected. Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 91 -19.1 granting Final Map Approval. 2. Subdivision Improvement Agreement. 3. City Council Resolution No. 91 -19 approving the tentative map with conditions. 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. SD 90 -003.2 modifying conditions of the Tentative Map approval. REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION 12297 Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road Application No. /Location: SD -90 -003, UP -90 -003, DR -90 -034 applicant /Owner: Peninsula Townhomes Associates Staff Planner: James Walgren Date: July 25, 1990 APN: 366 -12 -067 Director Approval: 1 ZZ9'/ Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SD 90 -003.1- AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19954, by and between the CITY OF SARATOGA, a Municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter called "City ", and Saratoga Courtyards L.L.C., A California Limited Liability Company, subdivider and Owner, hereinafter collectively called Subdivider: W I T N E S S E T H• WHEREAS, Subdivider is engaged in subdividing that certain tract of land known and designated as 12297 Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road situated in the City of Saratoga, County of Santa Clara, State of California; and WHEREAS, a final map of SD 90 -003,2 has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Saratoga for presentation to the Council for its approval, which map is hereby referred to and by said reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, Owner and Subdivider has requested approval of said final map prior to the completion of improvements of all streets, highways or public ways and sewer facilities which are a part of or appurtenant to the abovementioned subdivision, including, but without limiting the foregoing, the necessary paving, catch basins, pipes, culverts, storm drains, sanitary sewers where required, street trees and street signs where required, and including a water system and fire hydrants acceptable to the San Jose Water Works and the City of Saratoga, all in accordance with and as required by the plans and specifications for all of said improvements in or appurtenant to said subdivision, which plans and specifications were prepared by MacKay & Somps , Civil Engineer, approved by the City Engineer and now on file in the offices of the Clerk of said City and /or the City Engineer's Office of said City, and WHEREAS, the City Council of said City did on the day of , 1995, adopt a Resolution approving said Final Map, rejecting certain dedications therein offered which rejection did not and does not, however, revoke the offers of dedication therein contained and requiring as a condition precedent r,� to the future acceptance of said offers of dedication that the Subdivider improve the streets and easements thereon shown in accord with the standards of the City's Subdivision Ordinance, as amended, of the City of Saratoga and in accord with the improvement plans and specifications on file as hereinabove referred to, and requiring as a condition precedent to the release of said final map for recordation that the subdivider agree in writing to so improve said streets and easements in accord with this agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above and in consideration of the City accepting all of said dedications after the hereinafter agreed to covenants on the part of the Owner and Subdivider have been complied with and in accord with Government Code Section 66462(a) of the State of California, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Subdivider at this cost and expense shall construct all of the improvements and do all of the work hereinafter mentioned, all in accordance with and to the extent and as provided in the above mentioned plans and specifications on file in the office of said City, for the construction of said improvements, in, for, or appurtenant to said subdivision, and all in compliance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance as amended and the laws of the State of California, and shall complete the same within one year from date hereof and shall maintain the same for a period of at least one year after the satisfactory completion of the same. 2. Subdivider shall, before the release of said final map by City and as condition precedent to recordation thereof, furnish to the City and file with the City Clerk a good and sufficient surety bond or bonds, money or negotiable bonds, in form to be approved by the City Attorney, securing the faithful performance by Subdivider of all work and the construction of all improvements herein in this Agreement mentioned within time specified, and securing the faithful performance by Subdivider of the maintenance of said improvements for a period of at least one year after completion of the same, and for such additional period of time as may be necessary in order that Subdivider may cure and correct all 3 deficiencies of construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Saratoga (in all events at least $26,000.00 of said bond to be in cash, with the right of City to use the same in its discretion for emergency maintenance and repairs in addition to any other rights of use) the total amount of said bond to be in the sum of $ 260,000.00 ; and also a good and sufficient surety bond in form to be approved by the City Attorney securing the payment by subdivider of all bills for labor and materials incurred in the construction of any and all of said improvements, and the doing of all other work herein agreed to be done by the said Subdivider, the amount of said bond to be Two - Hundred- Sixty- Thousand Dollars ($ 260,000.00 ). 3. Subdivider does hereby expressly agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City and in their capacity as such, its councilmen, officers, boards, commissions and its employees, from any and all loss or damage, and from any and all liability for any and all loss or damage, and from any and all suits, actions, damages, or claims filed or brought by any and all person or persons because of or resulting from the doing by Subdivider or any and all things required of Subdivider by this contract, or because of or arising or resulting from the failure or omission by Subdivider to do any and all things necessary to and required by this contract or by law, or arising or resulting from the negligent doing by Subdivider, his agents, employees or subcontractors of any and all things required to be done by this contract, or arising or resulting from any dangerous or defective condition arising or resulting from any of the above said acts or omissions of subdivider, his agents, subcontractors, or employees. Subdivider having heretofore certified, by the certificate upon the abovementioned subdivision map, that he can convey clear title to the land within said subdivision, and City having relied upon said certificate and the representation contained therein, the foregoing provisions of this paragraph are specifically made to apply to any destruction or damage to or removal of utilities, water lines or pipe lines of any kinds, and any other improvement, whether said 4 destruction, damage or removal is required or caused by the plans or specifications or by direction of an officer, agent or employee of the City. 4. Subdivider shall, before the release of said final map by the City, and as a condition precedent to the recordation thereof, furnish to the City and file with the City Clerk certificates or policies of public liability and property damage insurance in form satisfactory to the City Attorney, and Subdivider shall at all times during the entire term of this agreement maintain the same in full force and effect, which policies shall insure the City of Saratoga, its Councilmen, officers, boards, commissions and employees against loss or liability for bodily injury and property damages arising or resulting from subdivider's operations and activities in the construction of any and all improvements mentioned in this agreement and the doing of any and all work mentioned in this agreement, within or outside the abovementioned subdivision, and /or arising or resulting from the doing or failure of subdivider to do all things required to be done pursuant to this agreement. Said policies of insurance shall cover bodily injury and property damage on both an accident and occurrence basis, with completed operations coverage for one (1) year after completion and acceptance of improvements, and shall be in amounts of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) for each person, ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) for each accident or occurrence and property damage coverage of ONE- HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000.00) for each accident or occurrence and property damage coverage of ONE - HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000.00) for each accident or occurrence. Said policies of insurance shall in addition contain the following endorsement: "Other insurance - the coverage afforded by this insurance shall be primary coverage to the full limits of liability stated in the declarations. If the assured has other insurance against the loss covered by this policy, that other insurance shall be excess insurance only, after the entire face value of this policy shall have been exhausted by payment." 5 5. In consideration of City allowing Subdivider to connect said subdivision to certain existing or proposed out -of -tract storm sewer lines, and in consideration of City relieving Subdivider of any obligation which City might legally impose on Subdivider to acquire any right -of -way for, and /or to construct, any out -of -tract storm sewer drainage pipe lines and appurtenances which might reasonably be necessary to drain said subdivision and carry storm waters from said subdivision to natural drains, Subdivider shall, before the release of said final map by City and as a condition precedent to the recordation thereof, pay the City the sum of Zero dollars ($ 0 ). 6. In consideration of City agreeing to accept, in accord with this agreement, the in -tract storm drain lines and facilities constructed or to be constructed by Subdivider within or outside of said subdivision in accord with the plans and specifications now on file with the City offices, including the streets and other easements in or beneath which said facilities lie, Subdivider shall, before the release of said final map by City and as a condition precedent to the recordation thereof, pay the City the sum of Zero Dollars ($ 0 ). 7. Subdivider shall, before the release of said final map by the City and as a condition precedent to the recordation thereof, pay to the City the sum of Eighteen- Thousand - Six - Hundred Dollars ($ 18,600.00) to be applied by City to the payment of expenses to be incurred by City for engineering and i4nspection services to be performed by the City in connection with said subdivision. 8. Upon Subdivider completing in accord with this agreement all of the improvements to be made and done by said Subdivider as hereinabove set forth and as shown on the plans and specifications on file as hereinabove referred to, and upon Subdivider having properly maintained the same for a period of at least one year after the completion of said improvements as hereinabove specified, and upon the Subdivider complying with all covenants and conditions on his or its part to be done and performed in accord with the within agreement, then and in that event, City agrees to rescind its rejection of the offers of dedication of streets and storm drain easements contained on the aforesaid final map, and at that time accept said offers of dedication. 9. Should the Subdivider and Owner hereinabove referred to not be the same person, firm or corporation, then this agreement shall only be effective upon both the subdivider and the Owner separately executing the same, and wherever the term Subdivider is used, the same shall include Owner and wherever the term Owner is used, the same shall include Subdivider. 10. This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, personal representatives and assigns of Subdivider and Owner, and time is of the essence hereof, save and except that the City Council of the City of Saratoga may, but need not, extend any time or times for the doing or performing of any acts as required under the terms of this agreement by resolution, if in the opinion of the City Council any such delay is without fault on the part of the Subdivider and Owner. Execution of the within agreement by the Owner or Subdivider shall constitute an irrevocable authorization to City to insert the date of passage of the Council resolution approving the final map, and to insert the date of this agreement as of the date of such resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hand the day and year first above written. CITY OF SARATOGA, a Municipal Corporation By: ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mayor City Attorney Sara g Co rds, LLC B - divider By: (Owner, if different from Subdivider) r- RESOLUTION NO. 91 -19 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA GRANTING APPEAL FROM A DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DR -90- 034 - PENINSULA TOWNHOMES WHEREAS, Peninsula Townhomes, the applicant has applied to the City of Saratoga for design review approval to construct a 26- townhome /2 commercial structure mixed use development on a 2.67 acre parcel located at 12297 Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road, such application being identified as DR-90 -034; and ASEREAS, on December 12, 1990, the Planning Commission of the City of Saratoga conducted a public hearing on said application and following a conclusion thereof, the Planning Commission denied the application by reason of an evenly split vote of the Commission and subsequent appeal of that vote by the applicant, thereby deeming the split vote a final denial; and WHEREAS, on February 6, 1991, the City Council conducted a de novo public hearing on the appeal, at which time any person interested in the matter was given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed and considered the staff report, minutes of proceedings conducted by the Planning Commission relating to said application, and the written and oral evidence presented to the City Council in support of and in opposition to the appeal; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and considered the Negative Declaration prepared for this project in accordance with the currently applicable provisions of CEQA; and WHEREAS, the applicant has not the burden of proof required to support said application, and the City Council makes the following findings: Acknowledged. The height, elevation and placement of the project on the site does not unreasonably interfere with views of the surrounding residences in that the adjacent residences are located along the north property line and their views are oriented towards the northwestern hillsides, away from this development The project does not unreasonably interfere with the privacy of the surrounding residences in that there is relatively heavy vegetation along the north boundary line on the adjacent development. This is the only point where the project will be in close proximity to residential development. In addition, the applicant has provided an extensive landscape plan for further screening. The natural landscape is being preserved by minimizing tree removal, soil removal, and grade changes in that no tree removal is proposed and grade changes will be limited to excavation for the building foundations. The project will minimize the perception of excessive bulk in relation to the immediate neighborhood in that from a street perspective, the development will project a one- story element in the foreground of the two -story townhome structures to break up the visual massing of these structures. Further, the imsediate neighborhood is currently developed with multi- family developments and public storage facilities. The project is compatible in terms of bulk and height with those haws within the immediate area and in the same zoning district in that Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road is developed with a variety of commercial, office and multi - family developments of varying heights, scales and configurations. The project will not interfere with the light, air, and solar access of adjacent properties in that applicant's shadow study indicates that the residential development directly north of this site will not be adversely impacted by this project. The plan does incorporate current Saratoga grading and erosion control standards in that minimal grading is necessary and the project will greatly increase the amount of pervious surface. NOW, TBEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Saratoga as follows: I. The appeal from the Planning Commission is hereby granted and the decision of the Planning Commission is reversed and the application of Peninsula Townhomes for design review approval is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: Acknowledged. (1) The development shall be located and constructed as shown on Exhibit •A", incorporated herein by reference. Acknowledged. (2) The development shall be limited in size and intensity to the following: A. Retail: 2 buildings @ 3,750 sq.ft. each Parking: 32 spaces @ 1 space /234.4 sq.ft. TOTAL RETAIL: 7.500 SO.PT, B. Residential: Townhouse 10 units -IT: 3 bed /2 1/2 bath @ 2,020 sq.ft.each 10 units -2T: 3 bed /2 1/2 bath @ 1,892 sq.ft.each 3 Parking: 40 enclosed and 10 open guest spaces TOTAL RESTDENTTAL TOMMERE ES: 39.120 SO.Ff, C. Residential: Cottages 2 units 1c: 3 bed /2 1/2 bath @ 1,520 sq.ft.each 2 units 2c: 2 bed /2 1/2 bath @ 1,360 sq.ft.each 2 units 3c: 3 bed /2 1/2 bath @ 1,868 sq.ft.each Parking: 12 enclosed and 3 open quest spaces TOTAL R�!SIDENTZA? COTTAGES: 9.496 SO.Ff. Acknowledged. (3) Prior to issuance of any permits, a zone clearance shall be obtained from the Planning Department. Acknowledged. (4) No structure shall be permitted in any easement. Acknowledged. (5) Exterior colors shall be medium to dark earthtone as submitted. Any revisions to this scheme shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission. Acknowledged. (6) Irrigated landscaping for screening and re- vegetation as represented on the applicant's landscape plan (Exhibit "A•), shall be installed prior to final occupancy. A revised plan shall be submitted for Planning Director review prior to the issuance of a zone clearance indicating an 8 ft. sound mitigation wall (or fence) along the south and west property lines. Plans Approved. (7) Detailed on -site and off -site improvement plans shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to final map approval. No permit required. (8) All requirements of the Santa Clara Valley water District (SCVWD) for flood control shall be incorporated into the improvement plans. A SCVWD permit shall be obtained prior to final map approval. Acknowledged. (9) All tovnhomes shall be provided with approved NFPA 13 -D residential fire sprinkler systems. Acknowledged. (10) Buildings on Parcels 02 and #3 shall be provided with approved NFPA 13 automatic.fire.sprinkler systems throughout. Acknowledged. (11) An approved fire hydrant as required by the Central Fire Protection District shall be provided. Acknowledged. (12) An approved early warning fire alarm system shall be provided throughout all residential units. Acknowledged. - (13) Exterior walls of Parcels 02 and 03 within 20 feet. 4 of property lines shall be of one (I)-hour, fire - resistive construction/ Shown" on Improvement Mans . (14) Saratoga- sunnyvale Road shall be widened as required to provide a 42' wide paved half street. Shown on Improvement Plans. (15) Existing curb and gutter along Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road shall be replaced. Plans submitted to Caltrans . (16) An Encroachment permit from CALTRMS for work within the Saratoga- sunnyvale Road right- cf -vay shall be obtained prior to Final Map approval. Acknowledged. (17) Sidewalk and landscaping improvements shall be constructed per the tentative master plan for Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road. Easement shown on Final Map. (18) Reciprocal vehicular access shall be provided between adjacent commercial properties along Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road. A Reciprocal Access Easement or similar easement shall be designated on the Final Map. The design of the reciprocal access shall be approved by the City Engineer. Provided on Final Map. (19) An offer of dedication to the City shall be provided on the final map for additional right - of -way required for the sidewalk and landscape strip as shown on tentative master plan for I Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road. �J Fees Paid. (20) Plan check and inspection fees shall be paid, as determined by the city Engineer prior to Final Map approval.. Bonds Posted. (21) Faithful Performance and Labor and Material Bonds shall be provided for all improvements as required by the City Engineer prior to final map approval. Complete. (22) All existing structures on -site shall be removed Prior to issuance of a building permit and prior to the transfer of ownership by applicant of any individual lots created by the final map approval if such lots contain buildings which encroach across lot lines. All easements offered on (23) Offers of dedications for other easements shall be Final Map. provided as required on the final map. Agreement Signed. (24) A subdivision Improvement Agreement shall be entered into prior to final map approval. Not Applicable. (23) Applicant shall deposit a 565,000 cash bond with the City prior to final map approval for funding -�) of 1/2 the cost of the design and installation of a needed traffic signal at Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road and Seagull flay. If the cost of 1/2 the design ( i and installation is less than $65,000, the difference will be refunded. If the cost of 1/2 the design and installation is greater than $65,000, applicant will not be required to make any additional contribution. Acknowledged. Acknowledged. Acknowledged. 61 Acknowledged. Acknowledged. Acknowledged. Acknowledged. (26) hnnical Plan Review: The applicant's geotechnical consultant shall review and approve all geotechnical aspects of the final foundation and development plans to ensure that geotechnical recommendations have been properly incorporated. The results of the plan review shall be summarized by the geotechnical consultant in a letter and submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to issuance of any building permits. (27) Geotachnieal Field napac on: The geotechnical consultant shall inspect, test, (as needed), and approve all geotechnical aspects of the project construction. The results of these inspections and the as -built conditions of the project shall be described by the geotechnical consultant in a letter and submitted to the City Engineer for review prior to final project approval. (28) The applicant shall pay any outstanding fees associated with the City Geotschnical consultant's review of the project prior to final map approval. (29) The applicant shall submit both a site lighting plan for the residential and commercial portions of the development and a sign program for the commercial buildings for Planning Commission approval prior to the issuance of final occupancy approval. (30) lion - compliance with any of the conditions of this Permit shall constitute a violation of the permit. Because it is impossible to estimate damages the City could incur due to the violation, liquidated damages of $250.00 shall be payable to this City for each day of the violation. 2. Applicant shall sign the agreement to these conditions within 30 days Of the passage of this resolution or said resolution shall be void. 3. Construction must be commenced within 21 months or approval will expire. 6 4. All applicable requirements of the State, County, City Acknowledged. and other governmental entities must be met. s. The applicant shall affix a copy of this resolution to Acknowledged. each set of construction plans vhich vill be submitted to the Buildinq Division when applying for a building, permit. see Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Saratoga held on the 6th day of March , 1991, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Clevenger, Kohler, Monia, and Mayor Stutzman HOES: None - ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: 8013e " 1' J- ATT i Mayor U Deputy City Cles>t ` �w\iIS \w \ew�Ar.�r �l RESOLUTION SD- 90- 003.2, UP -90- 003.2, DR -90 -034.2 & V -90 -039.2 CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA Mission Park Homes; 12297 Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. WHEREAS, the City of Saratoga Planning Commission has received an application for modification consideration of a Tentative Map approval granted in 1991 to subdivide a 2.67 acre lot into 26 multiple - family townhome parcels and two 10,000 sq. ft. commercial parcels fronting Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. Use Permit approval was granted to allow the 26 townhomes within a Commercial Visitor (C -V) zoning district. Design Review approval was granted for the entire project. Variance approval was granted to allow 32 parking spaces in lieu of the 37 parking spaces required for the commercial buildings; and WHEREAS, the applicant's proposed modifications requiring Planning Commission approval include the following: • 26 detached homes on lots ranging from 2,206 to 3,249 sq. ft. versus the approved 26 attached units. • 26 two -story homes ranging in size from 1,860 to 2,131 sq. ft. versus the 1,720 to 2,380 sq. ft. approved units (including garages in both cases). • Two one -story 3,645 sq. ft. commercial buildings versus the two 3,750 sq. ft. buildings approved. • Residential structures ranging from 26.5 to 27.5 ft. in height versus the 26 ft. tall approved townhomes. • Three repeating home designs and floor plans versus the more comprehensive or "eclectic* design plans approved. • Reconfiguration of the site plan to allow the "independent" units versus the more "cooperative" type approved units which included a small community pool and common space elements. • Architectural revisions to both the residential and commercial structures. • Minor building setback variations. As a conditionally permitted mixed -use development, the Planning Commission needs to consider the development as a whole rather than referring to specific setback requirements; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing at which time all interested parties were given a full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence; and File No. SD- 90- 003.2, UP -90- 003.2, DR -90 -034.2 & V -90 -039.2 12297 Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application modification and the following findings have been determined: - The modified application complies with all applicable General and Specific Plans and Zoning Ordinance requirements that apply to the property. - The modified planned development application remains substantive- ly the same as the planned development approved for the site in 1991 and the planning Commission has reiterated its support for this type of development on this narrow site; the limited amount of site frontage on Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. limits the viability of an entirely commercial project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Saratoga does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. After careful consideration of the site plan, architectural drawings, plans and other exhibits submitted in connection with this matter, the application of Mission Park Homes for modification approval be and the same is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The development shall be located and constructed as shown on Acknowledged. the modified Exhibit "A ", incorporated by reference. Acknowledged. 2. The modified plans marked Exhibit "A" supersede the originally approved plans. Acknowledged. 3 • Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance, a revised landscape plan shall be submitted for Community Development Director approval and approval indicating additional street trees to be planted along the Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. frontage of the commercial parcels. Acknowledged. 4. All conditions of approval pursuant to Resolutions 91 -22 (SD- 90 -003) , 91 -21 (UP -90 -003), 91 -19 (DR -90 -034) and 91 -20 (V -90- 039) shall remain in full force and effect, unless otherwise modified by this Resolution. Acknowledged. 5. This modification Resolution shall expire with the original Resolutions and Environmental Negative Declaration on March 6, 1996, unless a one -year extension application is made and approved by the Planning Commission. A maximum of two one- year extensions are available, potentially keeping the applications and Negative Declaration valid until March 6, 1988. File No. SD- 90- 00j.2, UP -90- 003.2, DR -90 -034.1 & V -90 -039.2 12297 Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. Acknowledged. 6 • Conditions no. 1, 2 and 5 of Resolution 91 -19 (DR -90 -034) are herein modified by reference to reflect the amended plans and building materials. Acknowledged. 7. Conditions no. 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of Resolution 91 -19 (DR- 90 -034) are herein modified by reference to reflect the amended plans subject to Central Fire District and Saratoga Plans Examiner review and approval. Acknowledged. 8. Based on updated traffic analyses of Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. traffic flows, the Public Works Director is recommending that condition no. 25 of Resolution 91 -19 (DR -90 -034) be eliminat- ed. Fee deposited. 9. Prior to Final Map Approval, the applicant shall deposit with the City a proportional contribution to the total cost of improvements contemplated for the north Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. (Gateway) area by Capital Project No. 9304. The applicant's contribution shall be based on the proportional amount of street frontage of the applicant's project site to the total street frontage of all the properties within the Gateway area which staff has computed to be 5 %. The estimated total cost of the improvements planned for the Gateway area is $550,000, so the applicant's contribution shall be $27,500. This amount shall be accounted for separately by the City and shall be used solely for the purpose of completing the anticipated improvements. If, within seven years from the date of Final Map Approval, the funds for the project have not been obligat- ed by the City, the applicant shall be entitled to a refund of the entire contribution amount plus interest computed from the date the funds are deposited with the City. Acknowledged. 10. The applicant /property owner shall remove, or have removed, all parked vehicles on the subject property within 45 days from the adoption of this Resolution, or said Resolution approval shall be void. The property shall then be secured to prohibit parked vehicles in the future, until construction commences. Acknowledged. 11. All building and construction related activities shall adhere to New Development and Construction - Best Management Practic- es as adopted by the City for the purpose of preventing storm water pollution. Acknowledged. 12. Applicant agrees to hold City harmless from all costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by the City or held to be the liability of City in connection with City's defense of its actions in any proceeding brought in any State or Federal Court, challenging the City's action with respect to the applicant's project. Acknowledged. 13. Noncompliance with any of the conditions of this permit shall constitute a violation of the permit. Because it is impossi- ble to estimate damages the City could incur due to the File No. SD- 90- OOo.2, IIP -90- 003.2, DR -90 -034.1 & V -90 -039.2 12297 Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. violation, liquidated damages of $250 shall be payable to this City per each day of the violation. Section 2: Applicant shall sign the agreement to these conditions within 30 days of the passage of this Resolution or said Resolution shall be void. Section 3. All applicable requirements of the State, County, City and other Governmental entities must be met Section 4. Unless appealed pursuant to the requirements of Article 15 -90 of the Saratoga City Code, this Resolution shall become effective fifteen (15) days from the date of adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Saratoga Planning Commis- sion, State of California, this 26th day of July, 1995 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Asfour, Kaplan, Murakami & Siegfried NOES: None ABSENT: Patrick K -1 WA OuM 1 14 lanning Comm' n kV- ABSTAIN: Caldwell, Abshire ATTEST: �W, S Secretary, Planni g C mmission The foregoing conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Applicant Date 1 SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. L ZJ MEETING DATE: November 1, 1995 ORIGINATING DEPT. FINANCE SUBJECT: 1995/96 BUDGET AMENDMENTS AGENDA ITEM U v CITY MGR. Recommended Motion(s): Approve resolution amending the Fiscal Year 1995/96 Budget. Report Summary: Attached is a resolution amending the 1995/96 Budget for the following five specific items: 1) Pierce Road Bridge Replacement, 2) Congress Springs Park Play Structure Replacement, 3) Tract 6701 Repairs, 4) Quarry Road /Creek Storm Damage Restoration and 5) Warner Hutton House Improvements. Also included with the resolution are a Budget Resolution Supporting Worksheet and Resolutions Approved schedule for your consideration. The Public Works Director has provided explanations for the budget amendments in the attached memorandum. There is no overall impact to the General Fund balance as a result of these amendments and there are sufficient balances available in the other funds to finance the appropriation. Fiscal Impacts: Overall revenues increase by $146,000.00. Overall expenditures increase by $205,192.00. Specific changes Fund 01- General Fund 14 -Gas Tax 16- Hillside Dev. 31 -Park Developm by Fund are as follows: Revenues Expenditures $40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $89,000.00 $111,250.00 Repair $ 22,742.00 ant $17,000.00 $ 31,200.00 Follow Ub Actions: None. Consequences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: Outstanding vendor invoices will not be paid and work on specific projects can not be completed. Attachments c: \execsumm \exsml026.95 1 MEMO TO: Finance Director FROM: Public Works Director SUBJECT: Budget Amendments for November 1 Council Meeting DATE: October 26, 1995 The following briefly explains the five budget amendments we discussed yesterday morning and which I need to have approved by the City Council on November 1. Hopefully, this will be sufficient for you to prepare the implementing resolution and any supporting documentation that is necessary. If you need additional information, please let me know. 1. Pierce Road Bridge Replacement - Capital Project No. 953: The project budget needs to be increased by $111,250 from $338,750 to $450,000 to cover the awarded construction contract amount and corresponding construction administration and engineering services that will be necessary for the project. The supplemental expenditure appropriation breaks down as follows: - Increase Account 4510-(General Contracts) by $95,000 - Increase Account 4520 (Engineering Services) by $16,250 In addition, the City will receive an increase in federal HBRR funds for the project. This will amount to 80% of the $111,250, or $89,000, and should be reflected as an increase in the revenue side of the budget in Fund 14 (Gas Tax), Account 8075 (FHWA Reimbursements) . The remaining $22,250 (20 %) local match will have to come from the Gas Tax fund balance. A copy of the staff report to the City Council dated October 4 and explaining the above is attached to this memo. 2. Congress springs Park play structure replacement: Supplemental funding must be appropriated to cover the replacement of the play structure at Congress Springs Park which was vandalized in August. The purchase and installation of the new structure will cost $22,000 and this additional amount should be programmed in Activity 36 (Parks /Open Space), Account 6715 (Land Improvements) from the Fund 31 (Park Development) fund balance. At the same time, the City will receive a $17,000 insurance payment from ABAG as settlement of the City's damage claim ($22,000 less the City's $5,000 deductible). This should be booked as additional revenue to Fund 31, Account 9890 (Refunds & Reimbursements) . A copy of the staff report to the City Council dated October 18 explaining the above is attached to this memo. 3. Tract 6701 Repairs - Capital Project No. 8506: As of June 30, 1995, staff was under the assumption that all payments in connection with the subject project had been made and the project was closed out. Nothing is programmed for the project in the current year in either the revenue or expense side of the budget. In mid - September, the contractor, Sunstone Construction, submitted a $36,000 (approximate) invoice to the City for final payment under the contract, nearly 11 months after the project was complete. After negotiating with the contractor over the amount of the bill and the lateness in submitting it, an agreement was reached that the final amount to be paid under the contract would be $21,442. An invoice for this revised amount was received on October 18. Since the work was performed in one of the four subdivisions participating in the Hillside Street Repair Fund (Fund 16), I suggest that a supplemental appropriation of $22,742 be made from the Fund 16 fund balance to cover the final payment under the contract plus a second outstanding amount of $1,320 owed to the City Surveyor for preparation of some easement descriptions in connection with the project. The supplemental appropriation should be programmed for expenditure in Account 4510 (General Contracts) in Project 8506, i.e. 9160 - 4510 -8506. 4. Quarry Road /Creek Storm Damage Restoration - Capital Project No. 9602: This project was established this year to track all costs associated with the repair of the Quarry Creek drainage system which sustained severe damage during this past winter's floods. All eligible expenses incurred on the project will be reimbursed through FEMA with federal disaster assistance funds. When the project was set up, staff's estimate of the repair costs was $75,000 and this amount is what is programmed in the budget. The project is nearing completion and we now know that the final repair costs will be in the neighborhood of $115,000. Therefor, an additional appropriation of $40,000 is needed for the project from the General Fund fund balance. This breaks down as follows: - Increase Account 4510 (General Contracts) by $36,000 - Increase Account 4520 (Engineering Services) by $4,000 Additionally, General Fund revenues should be increased by $40,000 from $75,000 to $115,000 to reflect the full reimbursement from FEMA. This is contained in Account 9890 (Refunds & Reimbursements). 5. Warner Hutton House Improvements - Capital Project No. 9301: This is another situation, (I believe the last one) , where when the budget was being put together, we thought that all expenditures for the project would be made in FY 94 -95, so nothing was programmed for the project in FY 95 -96. Unfortunately this is not the case. There are remaining expenditures to be paid on the project of approximately $9,200. It is suggested that a supplemental appropriation from the Park Development Fund (Fund 31) be made to the project to cover these final costs, $8,200 of which relates to final payment under the contract for the landscaping work, and $1,000 of which relates to completion of the exterior lighting system. All of the remaining payments will be charged to the project, Account 4510 (General Contracts) so the supplemental funds should be transferred there. Please let me know if there is any additional information you need to process these budget changes. Otherwise, I shall expect that they will appear on next week's City Council agenda. Larry I. Per in cc: City Manager w/o attachments SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 4, 1995 ORIGINATING DEPT.: PUBLIC WORKS AGENDA ITEM CITY MGR.: DEPT. HEAD: SUBJECT: Pierce Road Bridge Replacement (Capital Project No. 953) - Award of Construction Contract Recommended Motion(s 1. Move to declare Jones Bros., Inc. of San Jose to be the lowest responsible bidder on the project. 2. Move to award a construction contract to Jones Bros., Inc. in the amount of $411,694. 3. Move to authorize staff to execute change orders to the contract up to $25,000. Report Summary: Sealed bids for the Pierce Road Bridge Replacement (Capital Project No. 953), were opened on September 28. A total of three contractors submitted bids for the work and a summary of the bids received is attached. Jones Bros., Inc. of San Jose submitted the lowest bid of $411,694 which, although is 30.4% above the Engineer's Estimate of $315,760, appears to be a fair price for the work to be completed. Staff believes that the Engineer's Estimates for structural concrete work (Bid items 8, 9 and 15) are too low and do not reflect accurate costs for this type of work. Consequently, the Engineer's Estimate is not a good measure of the reasonableness of the bid in this case and should be discounted. Staff has carefully checked the low bid along with the listed references and has determined that the bid is responsive to the Notice Inviting Sealed Bids dated September 6 and that it meets all of the requirements for federal -aid contracting. Therefor, it is recommended that the Council declare Jones Bros., Inc. to be the lowest responsible bidder on the project, and award the attached construction contract to this firm in the amount of $411,694. Further, it is recommended that the Council authorize staff to execute change orders to the contract up to an amount of $25,000 to cover any unforeseen circumstances or quantity increases which may arise during the course of the work. Fiscal Impacts• The adopted budget for Capital Project No. 953 is $338,750, of which $326,750 is programmed for construction. Funding for the project is through the federal HBRR Program which will reimburse the City 80% of eligible construction and construction management costs. The remaining 20% of project costs is funded through a local match. Staff estimates that the total cost to complete the project will be $450,000, or $111,250 more than what exists in the adopted budget. On Monday of this week, staff submitted a request to the FHwA for a supplemental appropriation of HBRR funds to cover the additional amount and received confirmation yesterday from Caltrans that the request was approved. This means that while the City will receive an additional $89,000 in HBRR revenues for the project, an additional $22,250 in local matching funds must be provided. According to the Finance Director, the Gas Tax Fund (Fund 14) has sufficient funds within it to support the additional local match requirement. If the Council approves the award of the construction contract, a resolution will be prepared for your next meeting to amend the budget by reflecting the additional revenues and authorizing the additional expenditures for the project. Advertising, Noticing and Public Contact: Nothing additional. Consequences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: Jones Bros., Inc. will not be declared the lowest responsible bidder and a construction contract will not be awarded to that firm. The Council may make specific findings to declare another bidder to be the lowest responsible bidder, or reject all of the bids and direct staff to re -bid the entire project. However, staff does not believe that a significantly lower bid will be obtained by re- bidding the project to warrant doing so. If the project were re -bid, it would eliminate any possibility of completing the project this year. Follow Up Actions: The contract will be executed Notice to Proceed. Work will and be complete by the end of Attachments: 1. Bid Summary. 2. Construction Contract. and the contractor will be issued a most likely begin within two weeks the year. CITY OF SARATOGA PIERCE ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT. C.I.P. NO. 953 BID SUMMARY I I I I ENOIPEER'S E6TIMATE I JONE8 BROS., INC II PROGRESSIVE PACIFIC I FRANCIS CONSTRUCTION, INC - -- -- ---- - - -- -- ----- I ITEM * 1 - REM DESCRIPTION I - - - O WNTfTY I - -- UNITS -UNIT P-RICE - - I I - - -TOTAL UNIT PRICE P-RICE - -1 TOTAL - UNIT PRICE -- UNIT - TOTAL -1- U-N-"IT - -RI-C'E - --I - ---TO-T-AL ii. 1- - - ---------- - - - - -- (CREEK PROTECTION -1- -- - -f 1 1 I I - - --I I LS - -- - - -- -- I I N/A 1 I - - -- - - -- I --- $10,000.00 I 1----- - - - - -- I N/A 1 -- - -- - -1- $10,000.00 I -- - - - - -- I - N/A 1 - - -- 1 529,000.00 I - " -- -- I' N/A 1 -- - - - - -- $10,00000 12 - - -- -- --- -- ( BRIDGE REMOVAL - - - - -- 1 1 1 - L9 -11 -- - - - - -/A - I I N/A 1 - - -- ----- (255 .000.00 I -1 - N/A 1 - -- --- 1-- 525,00000 I - - -N/A - -1 1 - - - - -- I --- 542,000.00 I - - - - -- I - N/A 1 - - - - -- 525,00000 13. ---- 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 1--- ----- 1 t I 1- I_-_I LS I I N/A I 1-- I $4,000001 I N/A I I 54,000.00 I N/A 1 $40,345.00 I N/A I $5,00000 1 14 1 _ ------ 1 RELOCATE SIGNAGE/MAILBOXES 1 -- 1--------------- - -- - --- 1 1 LS - - -- ---- I I N/A 1 I------ -- - -- $500.00 1 -- - - N/A I - - - - -- I --- 51,50000 1 ----- I N/A 1 - -- I --- 53,000.00 I ---- -1---- N/A I - - -- -1 52,77- 1 15 I_ - 1ROADWAYEXCAVATION - I---------- - - - -- �� - �y -- I I $15.001 II- - -1 - 58,750001 -- - I - 520.001 - - - -1 - 59,000001 - - - - -- I $20001 - -- -1 $9,00ow I -- 1 520.251 - - - - -- I 59,112501 18. - - - - -- �- 15TRlX TURF EXCAVATION -- 1--- - - - - -- - - -- -- 1 - - - -isj I- cv - - - - -1 -- 11 $50.001 I---------- - - - - -1 $3,75000 1 1-------- -- I-------- $50.001 1---- I--- 53,750001 - - - - -I - $10000 1 - -- I---- $7,50000 1 - - - - -1 557.48 I --- - - -' -1 54,30950 I 17. I - --'- - (EROSION CONTROL (TYPE C) I I ------ - - - -- I ------ 1 1 I - - - -11 LS -----'--- 11 N/A ( 11 I $2,000.00 I 1 N/A I - - - - -1 $1,000001 --- - - - -1- N/A 1 ----- 1--- 53,000.00 I - - - - -I N/A 1 ---- - - -_.I $2,13846 1 16 1- ___ -- - -- 1 C.LO.H. CONRETE PILING 1 -1 1I - - - - -- 250 1 LF - - - - -- - I I $150.00 1 I_- I______ - - -- $37,500.00 1 -1 - -- $241.00 1 1- - 580,250.00 1 - - - -- I - $70.00 1 -- I 517,500.00 1 - -1- $41298 1 -- - - - - -1 5703,245.00 I 1 B 1---- 1 REINFORCED CONCRETE STRLICT. 1 I- -- --- --- ------ I- 110 1 1 -_ -_I CY __- _- 11 $40000 1 - -i_ 544,000.00 1 -I_- $866.00 1 I I_- 195,260 00 1 ____- I---- 575000 1 I_- 582,500.00 1 ___- I___ 5543.09 1 -__I 559,738.90 1 110. 1- ISUBORAIN 1 1- -- I----- --FILL --- ---- 741 1 - -11- LF - -I -- 11 $35.001 1 I-- - - - -1- $2,590.001 -- 529.001 1, 52,148001 -I - - 550.001 -- 1----- 53,700.001 I--- 519.551 - -- - -I 51,448.701 111 --- 1STR --- BAC-- 1 - _____________.- - - - - -_ 951 - - -I CY - - - - -- 11 545.001 11_---- - - - -1- 54,275001 - 1----- 552.001 1--- 51,840001 - - - - -- I - -- $75.001 - 1-- $7,125.001 - - - - -- I---- $64.471 - - - - -1 58,124.65 1 112 1._..__. __- �____- 1OOADWAY EMBANKMENT iIIII_----__--_ -32oi_ cvII_------- 11 $35.001 I-_ 511,200.001 1_---___- 132.001 1__---__-- $10,240001 560001 $19,200.001 $36.971 $11,630.401 113. 1 _ -- 1 MISCELLANEOUS METAL 1 - i -- -- -- ---' -- 1 1 1----- 11- 11 N/A i I 55,500.00 1 1-- N/A 1 I__.___._..____ f500.0C 1 I ____- N/A 1 ._---- _I___1.... 510,000.00 1 N/A 1 __.__.._I $5,41269 I 114. --- - - - -1- 1 PRECAST CONC. BRIDGE MEMBER 1 -- --- ------ - --- - -- I ------ 7 1 i EA 11 -- ---- -- -- 58,000.00 1 I --- --- 558,000.00 1 I - - -- -- I - $8,884.00 1 -- - - -1 -- $82,746 001 -- - - - -- I --- $8,00000 I -- ---- I --- 558,000.00 1 - - - -- I S10,137.30 1 -' - ----- $'70,88- I 115 1-6 (REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCT. 1 --- -- -- - -�- -- - --- - 65 1 --- -- - -1 CY I I --- - - - - - -1 I 5425.00 1 I - --- ---- -- $23,375.00 i I ----- 1 - - 3813.00 i - --- - I --- $33.715.001 -- --- -1- $500.00 1 ---- -1---- 527,500.00 1 - - - - -1 -- 5478.49 1 - -- -- -1 $28,206.95 1 118 --- BRI----- (BRIDGE RAILING 1-------------- - - 125 1 LF 11 -- - - - -1- -- $130.001 I--- --- - -- - $16,250001 I------ - - -I ---- $100001 --1--- 512,500001 -- - -1 - -- 540.001 I -- $5,000.001 -- -- -- I ---- $136131 - -- - -1 $17,016. - 117 1 - -- - - -� (CATCH BASINS I------------ - - - I-- -- - - - -21 I EA --I I - - - - -I -------- I $1,50000 1 I--------- 1--------- $3,000.00 1 1- i-- 12,600.00 1 - -- - -I -------- 55,2000G 1 1 - - 53,000.00 i - -- I--------- $6,000.00 1 1---- $3,87- 1 - -- - -1 57, --- 1 118 1 - -- - -- 1 REMOVE 8 REPLACE CATCH BASIN 1 1----------- - - - - -- 1 - - - - -- 1 I - - -1 EA 11 11 $750.00 1 I - $75000 1 1------- - - - -- I- - 53,100,00 1 1-- - - - -- - i--- $3,100001 - - - - -- I -- $3,80000 1 I--- $3,80000 1 ' - - - - -- I- $2,68621 1 --' - - - - -1 52,68621 1 119 112•CORRUGATED METAL PIPE 1 - - - - - -I 731 - - -- LF 11 - - - - - -- - -------- $40001 52,920001 $51.001 - - - - -- -I - $3,723001 -- - - -I ------ 135.001 I---- (2,555001 - - - - -I --- $41181 - - - - -I 53,006141 120 1 SEWER LINE CASING - --ING 11 11---- $75.001 $5,100.001 $84.001 $5,712001 525001 $1,700.001 $47.601 $3,236801 121 1-- WATERL- - - ---I- I WATER LINE CASING 1 - I ------------- I - - - - -1 30 1 I ----- LF I 11--- - - - - -I --- I $75001 I - - - - -I ------ $2,250.00 1 I I---- $65.00 1 - - - - -I - - $1,950001 -- --- 1----- S30.00 1 --- 1----- $900.00 I ---- I_.__.... $150.80 1 - -- - -I 54,524.00 1 122 1-- --- - -- - -- - I SACKED CONC. SLOPE PROTECT 1 I -------- I - - - - -- - 401 - -- CY 11 11---- - - - - -- -- $300001 - - - - -- --- $12,000.001 - - - - -- I ---- $362001 - - - - -1 - - 114,480.001 -- - - -1 - $10.001 -- -1 -- 5400.001 -- -- -- - I $335001 - - -- - -- I $13,400,001 123 1- -' - - - - - -- - I SUBGRADE PREPARATION 1 -1 -- ----- - -- - -1 4,090 1 - -- SF I I 11 - - - - -1 -------- $0.50 1 1-------- $2,045.00 1 1--------- $1.00 1 1 - - - $4,090001 -- - -- I ------ $3.00 1 - - -1 -- - $12,270.00 I - -- -- - I - St 76 ( - - - -- -1 $7,28020 1 124 1__.I_-------------_--__ ----`-'- -� 1GRINDA.C.PAVEMENT I__-_---_ - -- �s I -BV I_-___ - 11 II-__------ --- - - - - -1 ------- $1SOOI I___I_---- j--- 5225.001 _� ^L-- 5100.001 - - - - -i ---'- 51,500.001 - -- - I-------- 640001 1-- 5800.001 - - - - -- Suaoai 52,180.801 125 1---- 1CONCRETE V -DITCH 1 -'1- - - -- -E - ---- 1- 281 LF 1I 11---- $25.001 $700.001 I-- _-- I_-------- $55.001 I_____._-- $1,540.001 _1__ -- 120001 - _I_____._.--- $580.001 I_- $41801 .______ -1 $1,170401 128 1-- - BASE( IAGGREGAtE BASE (CUSS II) 1 - I -- ---- -'- -- - I - - - -I 200 1 ---- TON 11 11 - - - - -1 -------- $25.001 - 55,00000 1 I - - - -1 ------- $27.001 1---- $5,400001 - - - - -1 - ------ 545.001 I - - - $9,000.00 1 -- -- - -1 - - $27.73 1 --- - -1 $5,54600 I 127 1 - MEN - - LAC. PAVEMENT (TYPE B) 1 - I- - -- - -- - - -- - 1 - - - - -1 ----- 771 TON 11 11---- - - - -- - - -1 -- 575001 - - -- -- -------- 55,775.001 i-------- 1--- $145.001 - - - - -1 - - $11,165.001 - -- - - -1 -- $125001 - - - - -- I -- - $9,625.001 - - - -- I . - $203451 - -' - -- -1 $15.665i.65I 128 1-- - -- 1 A C. OVERLAY(TYPE B) 1 1 - -- I - - - - -I - 561 I - -- LF II - - - - -1 -------- $75001 I $4,200.001 1--- 1---- $85.001 - - - - -I -- $4,760001 - - - - - -1 ----- 5100.001 - - -1 -- -- $5,600001 -- - -I - $119261 - - -- -1 $6,678561 129 - -- - 1 AC CONC A C CONC RETE DIKE (T YPE A) I - - - -- - 321 - - - -11 LF 11 -- - - - - -- -------- $15.001 $480.001 ---- 1- - $10.001 - -- -- I - - $320001 - - - - -- I - - --- $30001 1 -- -- $960.001 - --- -1 - $14.031 - - --- - I $448961 130 1 METAL BEAM GUARD RAILING 1 801 LF II S50.001 $4,000.001 $43.001 $3,440001 $20001 $1,600001 $36171 $2.893601 131 132 - 1 PAINT TRAFFIC STRIPES 1 1----- - - - - I--- 4551 LF 11 I1 $5.001 $2,275001 I--------- $3.001 $1,365.001 52001 $910.001 $2811 $1,278551 132 1-•_.._I -- -- -- 1PAVEMEM MARKERS 1 -- - - - - -- I - - - - -I - 201 - -- EA 11 II.---- ---- - - - -I- ------- 55.001 $100001 I--------- I------- $20.001 -- I--------- 5400001 1----- $10001 - - - - -1 - - $200.00 1 - -- - -1 -- $14.031 -- -- -1 $28060 1 133 -- -- 1TRAFFIC CONTROL I - ------I- - - 1 1 - -- lS I I - - - - -I ---- N/A 1 '---- 55,00000 1 I----- N/A I ---- I - - - -- 58,000001 - 1 --- N/A 1 - - - - -I - 513,000.00 1 -- - - -.I.. .__..-_.• N/A 1 -__ -1 S+e,73682 1 134 I I FINISH ROADWAY 1 I I 1 I I LS 11 II N/A 1 I $7,250.00 1 N/A I $1.000001 N/A 1 $4,00000 1 N/A 1 $13.422.63 1 TOTAL $315,760.00 5411,694.00 I I I 5438,050.00 1 1 5470,082.82 1 CITY OF SARATOGA SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PIERCE ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT CAPITAL PROJECT NO. 953 FEDERAL PROJECT NO. BRLS- 5332(MT) THIS CONTRACT, made this 4th day of October, 1995, by and between the City of Saratoga, a Municipal Corporation, in Santa Clara County, California, hereinafter called the City, and Jones Bros., Inc. hereinafter called the Contractor. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the City has caused to be prepared in the manner prescribed by law, plans, specifications and other contract documents, for the work herein described and shown and has approved and adopted these contract documents, specifications and plans and has caused to be published in the manner and for the time required by law, a Notice Inviting Sealed Bids for doing the work in accordance with the terms of this Contract, and WHEREAS, the Contractor in response to said Notice has submitted to the City a sealed bid proposal accompanied by a bid guaranty in an amount not less than ten percent (10 %) of the amount bid for the construction of all of the proposed work in accordance with the terms of this Contract, and WHEREAS, the City, in the manner prescribed by law, has publicly opened, examined and canvassed the bids submitted and as a result has determined and declared the Contractor to be the lowest responsible bidder and has duly awarded to the Contractor a contract for all of the work and for the sum or sums named in the bid proposal and in this Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I. WORK TO BE DONE: That the Contractor shall provide all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus and other means of construction; shall furnish all materials, superintendence and overhead expenses of whatever nature necessary to construct all of the improvements for the City of Saratoga in conformity with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and according to such instructions as may be given by the Saratoga Director of Public Works or his authorized agent. 17 ARTICLE II. CONTRACT PRICES Except as provided in Section IV B of the Specifications ( "Changes and Extra Work ") , the City shall pay the Contractor according to the prices stated in the bid proposal submitted by the Contractor, which shall include all applicable taxes, for complete performance of the work. The Contractor hereby agrees to accept such payment as full compensation for all materials and appliances necessary to complete the work; for all loss or damage arising from the work or from action of the elements, or from any unforeseen obstruction or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work; incurred in and in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of the work; as hereby specified; for all liabili- ties and other insurance; for all fees or royalties or other ex- penses on account of any patent or patents; for all overhead and other expenses incident to the work and expected profits; and for well and faithfully performing and completing the work within the time frame specified in the Notice to Proceed, all according to the contract plans and specifications, the details and instructions, and the requirements of the City. ARTICLE III. PARTS OF THE CONTRACT: That the complete contract document consists of the following: 1. Notice Inviting Sealed Bids 7. Labor and Material Bond 2. Bid Proposal 8. Plans 3. Bidder's Bond or Bid Guaranty 9. Specifications 4. Contract for Public Works 10. Insurance Certificates Construction 11. Prevailing Wage Rates 5. Hold Harmless Clause 12. City of Saratoga DBE 6. Performance Bond Requirements In case of any conflict between this Contract and any other part of the contract, this Contract shall be binding. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its City Manager and its City Clerk thereunto duly authorized and the Contractor has executed these presents the day and year hereinabove written. 18 AWARDED BY CITY COUNCIL: Date: 10/4/95 ATTEST: City Clerk The foregoing Contract is approved as to form this day of , 19 City Attorney 19 CITY OF SARATOGA: CONTRACTOR: By Title License No. Tax ID or SSN SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1995 ORIGINATING DEPT.: PUBLIC WORKS AGENDA ITEM CITY MGR.: DEPT. HEAD: SUBJECT: Approval to purchase replacement play structure at Congress Springs Park Recommended Motion(s): Move to authorize issuance of a $13,006.93 purchase order to Landscape Structures, Inc. for purchase of a replacement play structure for Congress Springs Park. Report Summary: The Parks & Buildings Maintenance Superintendent has secured a proposal to replace the play structures at Congress Springs Park which were vandalized in early August. The recommended replacement structures would meet new applicable safety standards and are designed for children between the ages of 5 and 12 years. The Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed the design of the replacement structures on September. 5 and recommends Council approval of them. The new structures would cost $13,006.93 and would be obtained through a vendor which has recently supplied several of the play structures at other City parks. Approval of the purchase at this time is requested as it will take between 6 and 8 weeks for the new structures to be delivered. In the meantime, staff will solicit bids for installation of the structures including disabled access modifications to the play area now required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. This work is estimated to cost an additional $9,000, bringing the total cost of the replacement to around $22,000. Fiscal Impacts• A claim has been filed with the City's insurance carrier, ABAG Plan Corp., for replacement of the play structures and all related work. ABAG staff has indicated that the City's claim will be honored less the City's $5,000 deductible amount. The claim will be processed once cost estimates for purchase and installation of the new structures are submitted. Thus, the City should receive an insurance settlement for around $17,000, while the deductible amount of $5,000 can be funded from the balance in the Park Development Fund (Fund 31). Once bids for the installation are approved, a resolution to amend the budget as follows will be presented for Council approval: Increase Park Development (Fund 31) revenues by $17,000 to reflect receipt of the insurance settlement. Transfer $22,000 from Fund 31 balance to Activity 36 (Park Maintenance), Account 6715 (Land Improvements) to fund the purchase and installation of the new play structures. Advertising, Noticing and Public Contact: Nothing additional. Conseguences of Not Acting on the Recommended Motions: Authorization to purchase the replacement play structures will not be provided. Staff would follow whatever other course of action the Council would choose to pursue. Follow Up Actions: 1. A purchase order for $13,006.93 will be issued to Landscape Play Structures, Inc. 2. Bids will be solicited for installation of the play structures and access modifications to the play area. Attachments: 1. Report from Parks & Buildings Maintenance Superintendent. 2. Quotation from Landscape Play Structures, Inc. 3. Plans for proposed replacement play structures. SUBJECT: REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED PLAY- STRUCTURE AT CONGRESS SPRSNGS PARK Recommended Motion(s): Approve purchase of replacement play - structure for Congress Springs Park Report Summary: On August 8, 1995 the old wooden play - structure at Congress Springs Park was destroyed by an arson fire. This structure which was over fifteen (15) years old, consisted of a platform, slide, swings and a tire swing. These play - structures were scheduled to be replaced within the next five to six years to meet SB2733 State Legislation which mandates compliance with Federal Playground Safety Standards by the year 2000. The property loss is covered by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) group policy with the City. ABAG will pay for the purchase of the replacement and its installation, less the $5,000 deductible. The total estimated cost of $22,000 for the purchase of a new structure and installation. The new play - structure must meet current standards which are determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), "Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use ", and the Federal Consumer Products Safety Commission's (CPSC) "Public Handbood for Safety ". This new structure must meet the Americans with Disabilities Act which requires all public facilities (including playgrounds) be free of architectural barriers to access if constructed or installed after January 1, 1995. The recommended new play - structure will conform to all mandated standards. The play- structure components consists of a platform deck, peak roof, spiral slide, snake climber, curved slide and an independent swing set. The cost of this play - structure is $13,007 to purchase, approximately $9,000 to install the structure and modify the play area to comply to ADA access standards. ABAG has stated that they will cover the purchase cost and installation, less the $5,000 deductible, once they receive the formal estimates for purchase of the.new structure and its installation. On September 5, 1995 the Parks and Recreation Commission approved the play - structure replacement as designed. Fiscal Impact: This is an un- anticipated expenditure of $5,000 for the deductible. Follow Up Action: None Consecruences of Not Acting on the Recommendation Motion The play - structure would not be purchased at this time and possibly be rescheduled for a later date. This structure is important because it provides play environment for many children between the ages of 5 to 12 years old who are involved in /or with the many activities scheduled throughout the year at Congress Springs Park. BSv OS: '28 FROM 1 LAND SCAPE STRUCTURES 70:6129726891 � IGN knlrA swimCh QUOTE SHEET Quote No: 1061719 Date: 09 -06 -95 Rep Organization: ROSS RECREATION By: RP Contact Person: SWING PEILBIN Project Title: CONGRESS SPRINGS PARK Location: SARATOGA, CA Style: Playbooster Posts: Aluminum Phone No: PAGE 1/3 Bury Type: Direct Bury QTY N0. DESCR:PT.ION UNIT UNIT WEIGHT PRICE WT. PRICE PLAYSTRUCTURE COMPONENTS POSTS 2 111404 124" ALUM. POST 4 111403 182" ALL';1. POST FOR ROOF ROOFS 1 111408 PEAK ROOF DECKS 2 111228 SQU;0E TENDERDF,CY 1 111248 TRANSFER MODULE, RIGHT 48" DECK ENCLOSURES 960.00 1 111267 POLY WALL 1 111267 POLY WALL W /WTHEEL 1 116247 v-ERTI CAL LADDEP. - PANEL 2 4" SLIDES 470 . 1 111414 SLIDEWINDER 48* DECK 1 115353 SPYROSLIDE FOR 72" DECK ATTACHMENTS /CONNECTORS 1 111359 SNAKE CLIMBER 72" DECK Weight & Cost of Playstructure ItemZ Concrete: 27.20 cu -ft, Footings: 15 Labor: 34.00 Man -hours INDEPENDENT COMPONENTS INDEPENDENT SWINGS 1 20005C 5" ARCH RELT $iviMZG, 2 PLACE 30 118.00 60 236.00 41 161.00 164 644.00 200 1143.00 127 480.00 254 960.00 400 1821.00 105 368.00 ill 463.00 40 335.00 208 1015.00 470 2330.00 102 675.00 2.14 $ 9990.00 245 1480.00 weight & Cost of Independent Items 2.15 $ 1480.00 Concrete: 7.00 Cu -ft, Footings: 4 Labor: 3.00 Mar. -Hours -95 09:2S FROM: LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES 10=6129726001 Page: 2 Date: 09 -06 -95 QQOn SHEET Quote No: 1061719 Project Title: CONGRESS SPRINGS PARK PAGE 2/3 Style: Playbooster Posts: Aluacnum Bury Type: Direct Bury QTY N0. DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT WEIG PRICE WT. PRICE Weight & Cost of Equipment Estimated requirements for Equipirent . Concrete: 34.20 eu -ft, Footings: 19 Labor: 37.00 Man -Hours Estimated tan -Hours do not include Site preparation Quote is valid for 30 days. Signed 1144rkLL -1 i n4 Tdel Date 2359 $ 11470.00 2g9D• _ep 161Rq& :.•.T'.,�,.���'�E�'9l Ufa. 4l 7. iit70t: fOb "DEIAt�c�Ftle�le9t�7YTi %:�•a��t :4121.3SVi• :• 6�0�320�003 `i;•�I�cXtii- 6T:9�;Z'3id'5�:.; �,:ii.