HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIG BASIN WAY 14413-14415U
July 13, 1988
(408) 867 -34:38
c 4.
Aimee Chabre et al
24550 Santa Cruz Hwy.
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Dear Mrs. Chabre et al:
Karen Anderson
Martha Clevenger
Joyce Hlava
David Moyles
Donald Peterson
The Saratoga Heritage Preservation Commission has recently
completed a comprehensive Inventory of historic resources in our
community. We are pleased to notify you that your commercial
building at 14413 -14415 Big Basin Way meets the criteria for being
included on this list.
The purpose of the Heritage Resource Inventory is to establish a
list of documented historic properties in Saratoga. The Heritage
Preservation Commission was assigned the responsibility for
preparing the Inventory by the City Council in 1982. Each
property on the list has; been identified as reflecting and being a
part of the unique history of Saratoga. The Inventory has been an
prepared in accordce with guidelines established by the State
Office of Historic Preservation, with data gathered from a
variety of sources, including historic documents and books,
interviews with local citizens, and existing county and state
inventories that contain information on Saratoga properties.
Being listed on the inventory does not carry any form of special
requirements or restrictions affecting the use, improvement,
alteration or even the demolition of your property. As an
Inventory property, however, you will be able to make use of the
State Historic Building Code, an alternative set of building
regulations that are intended to facilitate the rehabilitation and
preservation of historic buildings. In addition, your property
may qualify for designation as a Saratoga Heritage Landmark, a
special category of outstanding and exemplary historic properties
that are identified in the community by a handsome bronze plaque.
We have enclosed the entire Inventory list and the individual
Inventory form for your property, which gives information about
the building, the property and its history. We would appreciate
your review of this form to let us know if there are any changes
or additions to the form you wish to include. We also anticipate
that there are additional historic resources in the community that
we may have overlooked or have not fully documented yet; if you
know of any that are not on the list,, please let us know.
If you have any questions, please direct them to the Commission
through Valerie Young, our staff person at City Hall (867- 3438).
One of the Commissioners will be happy to meet with you to discuss
the Inventory and answer any questions you may have.
Members of the Heritage Preservation Commission
Elizabeth Ansnes
Roy Cameron
Norm Koepernik
Sharo La,ndsness
Barbaa; oester
Warren Heid, Chairman
1. Common name: None
2. Historic name: Kerr Building (1910 -14), Hogg Building (1914 -46)
3. Street or rural address: 14413 -14415 Big Basin Way
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070 County: Santa Clara
4. Parcel number: 503 -24 -004
5. Present Owner: A. Chabre Life Estate Address: 24550 Santa Cruz Hwy.
City: Los Gatos
Ownership is: Public:
6. Present Use: Commercial
7a. Architectural style: False -front
Zip: 95030
Private: X
Original Use: Commercial
7b. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or
structure and describe any major alterations from its original
This one and a half story false -front stucco building is a typical
store front of the period. It has a large flat- surfaced front facade
with large display windows below. The original facade featured a red
tile mansard eave and twin stucco box towers extending above the
roofline at each end of the building, also featuring red tile roofs.
The interior of the building has its original tin ceiling with three
different design patterns and a cove. The front and rear elevations
were completely remodeled in the early 1950's.
8. Construction date:
Factual: 1910
9. Architect: Unknown
10. Builder: Johnson A.
11. Approx. prop. size
approx. acreage: 1.51
12. Date(s) of enclosed
photograph(s): 1988
13. Condition: Excellent: X Good: Fair: Deteriorated:
No longer in existence:
14. Alterations: Remodeled significantly with false -front and stucco.
15. Surroundings: (Check more than one if necessary)
Open land: Scattered buildings: Densely built -up: X
Residential: Industrial: Commercial: X Other:
16. Threats to site: None known: X Private development: Zoning:
Vandalism: Public Works project: Other:
17. Is the structure: On its original site? X Moved? Unknown?
18. Related features:
19. Briefly state historical and /or architectural importance (include dates,
events, and persons associated with the site).
This commercial building block was constructed in 1910 by Johnson Kerr,
and purchased in 1913 -14 by Dr. Robert L. Hogg. Originally the
handsome building housed five tenants: a drug store, grocery store,
meat market, watch and jewelry store, and the Saratoga Post Office
(from 1910 to 1964). The Saratoga Drug Store is the only one of the
original five tenants remaining and is the oldest business at the same
location in the Village (78 years).
20. Main theme of the historic resource:
(If more than one is checked, number
in order of importance.)
Architecture: Arts /Leisure:
Economic /Industrial: 1
Exploration /Settlement:
Government: Military:
Religion: Social /Ed.:
21. Sources (List books, documents,
surveys, personal interviews and
their dates).
Santa Clara County Heritage Resource
Inventory, 1975 & 1979; F. Cunningham,
Saratoga's First Hundred Years, 1967.
22. Date form prepared: 4/88
By (name): SHPC
Organization: City of Saratoga
Address: 13777 Fruitvale Ave.
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070
Phone: 867 -3438
Locational sketch map (draw and label site and
surrounding streets, roads, and prominent landmarks):
1. Common name: None
(it - JL-4 (�
2. Historic name: Kerr -Hogg Building it
3. Street or rural address: 14413 -14415 Big Basin Wa
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070 County: Santa ",Clar`a h
4. Parcel number: 503 -24 -004
5. Present Owner: A. Chabre Life Estate Address: 24550 Santa Cruz Hwy.
City: Los Gatos
Ownership is: Public:
6. Present Use: Commercial
Zip: 95030
Private: X
Original Use: Commercial
7a. Architectural style: False -front pioneer
7b. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or
structure and describe any major alterations from its original
This one and a half story false -front stucco building is a typical
store front of the period. It has a large flat- surfaced front with
large display windows. The interior of the building has its original
tin ceiling with three different design patterns and a cove. The
,condition is excellent because the front and rear elevations have been
completely 'remodeled to disguise the original pseudo- Mission style.
8. Construction date:
Factual: 1910
9. Architect: Unknown
�c�d���� 10. Builder: 'Johnson
(�- rKerr
�►��� v�- '�-°`A 11. Approx. prep. size
\c`'A <n )S - fi '` °� Depth:
approx. acreage: 1.51
12. Date (s) of enclosed
photograph(s): 4/88
13. Condition: Excellent: X Good: Fair: Deteriorated:
No longer in existence:
14. Alterations: Remodeled significantly with false -front and stucco.
15. Surroundings: (Check more than one if necessary)
Open land: Scattered buildings: Densely built -up: X
Residential: Industrial: Commercial: X Other:
16. Threats to site: None known: X Private development: Zoning:
Vandalism: Public Works project: Other:
17. Is the structure: On its original site? X Moved? Unknown?
18. Related features:
19. Briefly state historical and /or architectural importance (include dates,
events, and persons associated with the site).
61 This commercial building block was constructed in 1910 by Johnson Kerr,
��\� and purchased in 91 by Dr. Robert L. Hogg, ,originally t ,,_'handsome
building housed five tenants: �a grocery st e&eat market,`�4atch and
jewelry store,�lrug store and the Saratog ost Office (from 1910 to
1964). The Saratoga Drug Store is the only one of the original five
tenants remaining and is the oldest business at the same location in
the Village (78 years).
20, Main theme of the historic resource:
(If more than one is checked, number
in order of importance.)
Architecture: Arts /Leisure:
Economic /Industrial: 1
Exploration /Settlement:
Government: Military:
Religion: Social /Ed.:
21. Sources (List books, documents,
surveys, personal interviews and
their dates).
Santa Clara County Heritage Resource
Inventory, 1975 & 1979; F. Cunningham,.
Saratoga's.First Hundred Years, 1967.
22. Date form prepared: 4/88
By (name): SHPC
Organization: City of Saratoga
Address: 13777 Fruitvale Ave.
City: Saratoga Zip: 95070
Phone: 867 -3438
Locational sketch map (draw and label site and
surrounding streets, roads, and prominent landmarks):
Street Address
Historic Name 0Ui1�lYl�1
Present Owner
Address Aimee Chcabre Lk�'e e-5kc k_
24,55n nn n4ei_ Ol ruz I� 4:A Nu_V"
r.-) .d
g 'J
Present Use 4 �p�j ids Original .Use 'ommere'(CO
D 2C' Or'
bra } S
Other Past Uses
4 AM/m�*'5
Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or structure and describe any major
alterations from its original condition: ` re.e s S�u C C 0 XQ
aw er ark �` b� CX , both aY� ?C'r k t�hL-t�, °Che�e,
i� c' bye
Approximate property size:
Lot size (in feet) Frontage
or approximate acreage +4&1 l�
Sl 7�
Condition (check one):
Excellent (,.) Good ( ) Fair ( )
- eriorated ( ) No longer in existence ( )
Is the feature:
Altered? (�,) Unaltered? ( )
Location sketch map (draw and label site
and surrounding streets, roads, and pro-
minent landmarks) R
o p_
Threats to site:
None known ( )
Vandalism ( )
Private Development ( )
Other ( )
Zoning ( ) Public Works Project ( )
Primary exterior building material:
Stone ( ) Brick V) Stucco (�-) Adobe ( ) Wood ( ) Other ( )
Is the structure:
On its original site? ( ) Moved? ( ) Unknown ( )
Year of initial construction Jit1 Q This date is: Factual (X) Estimated ( )
Architect (if known)
Builder ( if known) 3nhns n ,err
Related features:
Barn ( ) Carriage House ( ) Outhouse ( )
Watertower /Tankhouse ( ) Other ( )
Shed(s) ( ) Formal garden(s) ( ) Windmill ( `
None (r
Briefly state historical and /or architectural importance (include dates, events, and persons
associated with the site when known):
hc r� Cc�� 'Y��}1�`�c,\C��������������, �r4 O� one
\Cu6l6i ng alwnqs bee
Source (books, documents, surveys, personal interviews, and their dates): ff
Clam C�vu��� ;a�r��c�c ��5ovr e -n�l��
Form prepared by: n &A .I a
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