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HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY ( #42) IDENTIFICATION 1. Common name: None 2. Historic name: Congregational Church Parsonage 3. Street or rural address: 14666 Oak Street City: Saratoga Zip: 95070 County: Santa Clara 4. Parcel number: 517 -08 -047 5. Present Owner: Michael & Debra Cummins Address: 14666 Oak Street City: Saratoga Zip: 95070 Ownership is: Public: Private: X 6. Present Use: Residence Original Use: Church Parsonage DESCRIPTION 7a. Architectural style: Pioneer (Greek Revival) 7b. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or structure and describe any major alterations from its original condition: The original shape and size is very evident with this Pioneer style two story residence. The gabled roof line is typical of the period with a centered gable in the front elevation. A single double hung window is centered in this front gable. The horizontal lapped siding appears to be the original with shuttered double hung sash at the front and sides. The front porch may be original, with heavy wood posts and trim giving a Greek Revival appearance. The front elevation is symmetrical and this symmetry is accented by a country garden featuring two old Italian cypress trees on each side of the front walk. 8. Construction date: Estimated: 1886 Factual: 9. Architect: Unknown 10. Builder: Unknown 11. Approx. prop. size Frontage: 50' Depth: 150.6' approx. acreage: 12. Date(s) of enclosed photograph(s): 1988 13. Condition: Excellent: Good: X Fair: Deteriorated: No longer in existence: 14. Alterations: 15. Surroundings: (Check more than one if necessary) Open land: Scattered buildings: Densely built -up: X Residential: X Industrial: Commercial: Other: 16. Threats to site: None known: X Private development: Zoning: Vandalism: Public Works project: Other: 17. Is the structure: On its original site? X Moved? Unknown? 18. Related features: Garage SIGNIFICANCE 19. Briefly state historical and /or architectural importance (include dates, events, and persons associated with the site). This residence was built on Oak Street about 1886 for the use of the pastor of the Congregational Church. The church was the first permanent religious organization in Saratoga, with a charter membership of nine women and one man. The first service was on June 2, 1872. Since there was no Congregational Church in San Jose at that time, Reverend E. M. Betts, pastor of the new school at First Presbyterian Church in San Jose, held the inspiring inaugural services. The resident pastor, Reverend William Merritt, was appointed in 1875 and it was for his need that this parsonage was constructed near the church. It has been used continuously as a residence and maintains the basic appearance with some remodeling through the years. 20. Main theme of the historic resource: (If more than one is checked, number in order of importance.) Architecture: Arts /Leisure: Economic /Industrial: Exploration /Settlement: 1 Government: Military: Religion: 2 Social /Ed.: 21. Sources (List books, documents, surveys, personal interviews and their dates). Santa Clara County Heritage Resource Inventory, 1975 & 1979; F. Cunningham,) Saratoga's First Hundred Years, 1967. 22. Date form prepared: 4/88 By (name): SHPC Organization: City of Saratoga Address: 13777 Fruitvale Ave. City: Saratoga Zip: 95070 Phone: 867 -3438 Locational sketch map (draw and label site and surrounding streets, roads, and prominent landmarks): NORTH P -gi K UJa�1 to 1_P_ r S 0 � '4 \0 \Q CITY OF SARATOGA CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY PLANNING DEPARTMENT INVENTORY # 15 PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN 3 81(date) IDENTIFICATION Street Address I H (p o Oo ary APN Historic Name Present Owner F/e "X .15,E Address Present Use ;, e,nc.e.. Original Use j e5 CC1ence Other Past Uses DESCRIPTION Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or structure and describe any major alterations from its original condition:, -m.�-s Kbr AZ %s PaLY+Z csQ h� ah cl -� m m �d L r, r n Cool ®�� ihIere C� �r s 4rtls� ee 7h -P_ r-e- �3 �t,uo p Lne.s on eozvn si 6e 6� Approximate property size: Lot size (in feet) Frontage t5_0 Depth I or approximate acreage Condition (check one): Excellent ( Good ( ) Fair ( ) eriorated ( ) No longer in existence ( ) Is the feature: Altered? ( ) Unaltered? (/) Location sketch map (draw and label site and surrounding streets, roads, and pro - mi - --+ l -ri -b' N Threats to site: None known ( ) Private Development ( ) Vandalism ( ) Other ( ) Primary exterior building material: Zoning ( ) Public Works Project ( ) Stone ( ) Brick ( ) Stucco ( ) Adobe ( ) Wood ( ) Other ( ) Is the structure: On its original site? (4) Moved? ( ) Unknown ( ) Year of initial construction This date is: Factual) Architect (if known) Estimated (. ) Builder ( if known) Related features: Barn ( ) Carriage'House ( ) Outhouse ( ) Sheds) ( ) Formal garden(s).( ) Windmill ( 1 Watertower /Tankhouse ( ) Other ( ) None SIGNIFICANCE Briefly state historical and /or architectural importance .(include dates, events, and persons associated with the..site when known):. residence was bLL-LU ih a o n3 Lt-n cbtion, l,wi -fly: {-Vie pioneer C�►�, r� o��.�-i,ona.l �s ,u rch , +-%e e, r c�e � crt e � 1-.�h-�� �o��� S t o r�� C� � r C�� .i � � r ce. . . SCLrC,i% cam, 1+ %i LlL u: & cvs cL re-5 V \.0 1 on�er S- E.C��nclS, Source (books, documents, surveys, personal interviews, and their dates): C� Circa l- ���ritc��2, R\eSo�L�Ce. vC►�Ve►�tQrv� rst 1h�n cr'� � O—Lcn nL' nt, t ( Form prepared by: Q5o -nJcA aJ L Date: /-23%a� In the heart of $W*%p '"000. Easy walk to 0ak8L 1 Elementary ry 1 tl Saratoga Highw v Home completely remodeled 3 years ago and is fully _., 1 air conditioned., This home is certainly one of the most charming homes in the area. Three bdrms., dining & family rooms, 10 ft. ceilings, wood firs, plus detatched children's rec room. The rear yard is covered by wood decks & spalswimming pool Tx14'. The centerpiece is a huge 200 year old oak tree. $695,000 FOR .FAST AMON, CALL MIRES RANKIN, REALTOR, INC. 14506 Big Basin Way 867 -0707 28 YEARS Oi= SERVICE TO SARATOGA & LOS GA TtkS July 13, 1988 Qq 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE • SARATOGA, CALIFORNIA 95070 (408) 867 -34:38 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cummins 14666 Oak Street Saratoga, CA 95070 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cummins: 47v 04 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Karen Anderson Martha Clevenger Joyce Hlava David Moyles Donald Peterson The Saratoga Heritage Preservation Commission has recently completed a comprehensive Inventory of historic resources in our community. We are pleased to notify you that your residence at 14666 Oak Street meets the criteria for being included on this list. The purpose of the Heritage Resource Inventory is to establish a list of documented historic properties in Saratoga. The Heritage Preservation Commission was assigned the responsibility for preparing the Inventory by the City Council in 1982. Each property on the list has been identified as reflecting and being a part of the unique history of Saratoga. The Inventory has been prepared in accordance with guidelines established by the State Office of Historic Preservation, with data gathered from a variety of sources, including historic documents and books, interviews with local citizens, and existing county and state inventories that contain information on Saratoga properties. Being listed on the Inventory does not carry any form of special requirements or restrictions affecting the use, improvement, alteration or even the demolition of your property. As an Inventory property, however, you will be able to make use of the State Historic Building Code, an alternative set of building regulations that are intended to facilitate the rehabilitation and preservation of historic buildings. In addition, your property may qualify for designation as a Saratoga Heritage Landmark, a special category of outstanding and exemplary historic properties that are identified in the community by a handsome bronze plaque. We have enclosed the entire Inventory list and the individual Inventory form for your property, which gives information about the building, the property and its history. We would appreciate your review of this form to let us know if there are any changes or additions to the form you wish to include. We also anticipate that there are additional historic resources in the community that we may have overlooked or have not fully documented yet; if you know of any that are not on the list, please let us know. If you have any questions, please direct them to the Commission through Valerie Young, our staff person,at City Hall (867- 3438). One of the Commissioners will be happy to meet with you to discuss the Inventory and answer any questions you may have. Sincerely, Members of the Heritage Preservation Commission Elizabeth Ansnes Roy Cameron Norm Koepernik Shary�n Landsness Bar ;ar'a Voester n Heid, Chairman HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY ( #42) IDENTIFICATION 1. Common name: None 2. Historic name: Congregational Church Parsonage 3. Street or rural address: 14666 Oak Street City: Saratoga 4. Parcel number: 517 -08 -047 Zip: 95070 County: Santa Clara 5. Present Owner: Michael & Debra Cummins Address: 14666 Oak Street City: Saratoga Zip: 95070 Ownership is: Public: Private: X 6. Present Use: Residence Original.Us Church Parsonage DESCRIPTION 7a. Architectural style: Pioneer (Greek Revival) 7b. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or structure and describe any major alterations from its original condition: The original shape and size is very evident with this Pioneer style two story residence. The gabled roof line is typical of the period with a centered gable in the front elevation. A single double hung window is centered in this front gable. The horizontal lapped siding appears to be the original with shuttered double hung sash at the front and sides. The front porch may be original, with heavy wood posts and trim giving a Greek Revival appearance. The front elevation is symmetrical and this symmetry is accented by a country garden featuring two old Italian cypress trees on each side of the front walk. (photograph here) 8. Construction date: Estimated: 1886 Factual: 9. Architect: Unknown 10. Builder: Unknown 11. Approx. prop. size Frontage: 50' Depth: 150.6' approx. acreage: 12. Date(s) of enclosed photograph(s): 1988 13. Condition: Excellent: Good: X Fair: Deteriorated: No longer in existence: 14. Alterations: 15. Surroundings: (Check more than one if necessary) Open land: Scattered buildings: Densely built -up: X Residential: X Industrial: Commercial: Other: 16. Threats to site: None known: X Private development: Zoning: Vandalism: Public Works project: Other: 17. Is the structure: On its original site? X Moved? Unknown? 18. Related features: Garage SIGNIFICANCE 19. Briefly state historical and /or architectural importance (include dates, events, and persons associated with the site). This residence was built on Oak Street about 1886 for the use of the pastor of the Congregational Church. The church was the first permanent religious organization in Saratoga, with a charter membership of nine women and one man. The first service was on June 2, 1872. Since there was no Congregational Church in San Jose at that time, Reverend E. M. Betts, pastor of the new school at First Presbyterian Church in San Jose, held the inspiring inaugural services. The resident pastor, Reverend William Merritt, was appointed in 1875 and it was for his need that this parsonage was constructed near the church. It has been used continuously as a residence and maintains the basic appearance with some remodeling through the years. 20. Main theme of the historic resource: (If. more than one is checked, number in order of importance.) Architecture: Arts /Leisure: Economic /Industrial: Exploration /Settlement: 1 Government: Military: Religion: 2 Social /Ed.: 21. Sources (List books, documents, surveys, personal interviews and their dates). Santa Clara County Heritage Resource Inventory, 1975 & 1979; F. Cunningham,', Saratoga's First Hundred Years, 1967. 22. Date form prepared: 4/88 By (name): SHPC Organization: City of Saratoga Address: 13777 Fruitvale Ave. City: Saratoga Zip: 95070 Phone: 867 -3438 Locational sketch map (draw and label site and surrounding streets, roads, and prominent landmarks): NORTH . :� �� «d� < j y / }© � � � �� <: � §� }\ � }� S\� 2 > \�� a , V », » :� �� y.y�. -� � §��a W�: ^� �t.� f� �� � �J «�� 2/ �:.� @ : » � /� : � � ^ \� \ \ beautiful wooded acre. It's brand new, quality built, and offers beautiful views of the kitchen, family hills. Century old oaks add privacy and atmosphere. Walk to town! home. Located $795,000 996 -1100 $625,000 FOR THE CHOOSY FAMILY - A unique home with 4400 sq. ft., quality construction throughout and views! Custom built on over 2 acres with privacy and yet close to town. Light open floor plan with a perfect kitchen, 5 bdrms and only five years old! $749,000 996 -1100 SARATOGA 12980 Saratoga Avenue (at Cox Ave.) FABULOUS V acre hideaway this 3 bdrm, 3 ba $449,000 SARATOGA 12029 Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road (at Prospect Rd.) AA!' 7 1 AA I Ic I� laic �4 P) C? I be,bca A C a l 4 (ob� Oak S� '' t,' CUlvu v h,