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TIME: Thursday, January 4, 1979 - 9:00 a.m.
PLACE: Crisp Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue
TYPE: Regular Meeting
A. Roll Call
Committee Members: R. Shook, R. S. Robinson, and Commissioner Laden
Staff: K. Kerdus, D. Trinidad, and D. Wimberly
B. Minutes
The minutes of December 21, 1978 will be reviewed at the next regular meeting.
A. SDR -1392 - Wright and Company, Big Basin Way, Tentative Building Site Approval -
2 lots
Mr. Beaman, the applicant's architect, and Don Peterson, broker, were present at
this meeting. Discussion followed on the parking, which now totals 58 spaces,
including 9 compact spaces and 1 handicapped space, for the 20,174 sq. ft. proposed
structure. The trellis for the rear facade, the site distance area and the
restaurant square footage were also discussed.
After deciding that any modification to the shopping center floor plan (including
the square footage of the restaurant) would require a modification to the site
plan, it was moved and seconded to approve SDR -1392, per the Staff Report dated
December 7, 1978 (as amended to reflect the revised site plan), with Condition
VIII -D to read: "Parking is to be provided at the ratio of one parking space per
380 square feet of gross floor area within Parking Assessment District No. 4.
Prior to issuance of building permits, Parking Assessment District No. 4 shall be
formed as approved by the City Council. No occupancy permit shall be issued until
the required number of parking spaces is complete. Parking is to be provided per
Article II, NS -3 at the time of issuance of occupancy permit. All new spaces and
access thereto shall be constructed only as approved by Director of Public Works."
The motion was carried unanimously.
B. SDR -1399 - Frank Matas, Saratoga -Los Gatos Road, Tentative Building Site Approval -
2 Lots
Frank Matas, the applicant, Al Schraeger, property owner, and Marius Nelsen,
engineer, were present for this discussion. Staff presented the revised map now
showing 3 lots, and the applicants stated they would now be removing the structure
to the rear.
It was moved and seconded to approve SDR -1399, per the Staff Report dated December
18, 1978, amended as follows: Conditions II -H, I and K were added to reflect the
standard minimum access road and turnaround conditions. Condition V -B should read:
"Driveway shall have a minimum inside curve radius of 42 feet or as approved by the
Fire Chief." The motion was carried unanimously.
A. Joseph Masek, Tentative Building Site Approval - 1 Lot (SDR -1388) - Modification to
Site Development Plan
Joseph Masek was present for this discussion. The Committee indicated that the
Council had continued the appeal on the SDR to January 30, 1979, and that they did
not feel they could act on the modification until that time. However, the merits
of the modification were discussed. It was directed that this item be continued
to the meeting of February 1, 1979.
Land Development Committee
Meeting Minutes 1/4/79
Page 2
B. Joseph Politi (SDR -1259, Robert Van Der Tooren), Pike Road, Request for
Second Extension - 1 Lot
Mr. Politi was present for the discussion on this item. It was determined
that Public Works had already done some checking of the driveway for the site, and
that not much work was remaining prior to Final Building Site Approval. It
was moved and seconded to deny the request for extension, and it was recommended
that Mr. Politi obtain Final Building Site Approval and later modify the access
route with the necessary geological and improvement information as required at
that time. The motion to deny the extension was carried unanimously.
C. Tract #5461 , Lots 3 and 5, Ch
Plan re: Swimming Pools (HC -RD
to Way, Modification to Site Development
ing District)
Mr. and Mrs. Parker were present for the discussion on Lot 5. It was deter-
mined that the grading plan was not accurate and that approval could not be
granted at this time. However, the Committee did indicate that they favored
allowing the swimming pool to the rear if the cut would not be excessive.
It was directed that this item be continued to the meeting on January 18, 1979.
The grading plan was discussed regarding Lot 3. It was determined that the
grading plan was insufficient. Mr. Cardia was not present for the discussion
on this item, and it was directed that it be continued to the meeting on
January 18, 1979.
The motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried
Kat erdtis, Secretary
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